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The Brussels Post, 1890-1-3, Page 2
Town Dx'xootov3T. Mittman Cinmen —Sabbath Serviosa you care for may he the atm to give yogi measurefor mance e, thinking you aro only flirting with him. Men, or Most men, will flirt with 011 who allow it, hat do noG think hey wdcld marry the one with flume they could flirt. No, never. --•"Yct, you tete have lots of fan with her ; she is grind company," they will say, "but when I'' want a wife, deliver me from the flirt." at 11 a, m and 13:80 p. m. Sunday y School at 2;80 p. pl. 1i:ev, Jolla „Rose, 1; A pastor. •Ii.VOE (•i1ItIEe11; –Sabbath. Services at 11 a. m. and 0:30 p. m. Sunday Saudi at 2:30 p. m. Rev. G. B. Howie, pastor. ST, Joux's Cumuli -La -Sabbath Services 11 a. m, and 7 p. not. Sunday Sobool at 9;80 a. m. Rev. W. T. Chrfl, 30000• bent. METHODIST Carnot,--•Sabbamtll Sunday rvieee et 10:30 a• m. and 0:80 p. School at 2:30 p m. Rev. S. Sellery, 13. A„ B. D., pastor. BOMAN CATHOLIC Couucn —Sabbath Service third Sunday in every month, at 11 a. m. Bev, P. J. Shea, priest. SALVATION Arian. --services at 7 and 11 a. rn., and 8 p. m, on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'olook. at the barracks. ODD FELLOWS' LODGE every Thursday evening; in Graham's blook. MAsotao Lemon Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield block. third Dox on first and A.O.U.w La Monday evenings of each month. FOREFTE1lt DODOS second and last Mon• day evenings of each month, in Sinale's hall. L.O.L. 1st Monday in every month, in Orange 1•tali. POST OFFICE—Ofliee hours from. 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. AiocnaNlc's INrs'ITros.—Beading Room and Library, in Holmes' block, will be open from 0 to 8 o'clock p. m., Wednes- days and Saturdays. 813ss Minnie Shaw, Librarian. Bnuss=zs W.C.T.U. hold monthly meetings on the 3rd Saturday in each month, at 3 o'olook p. m. Town Oornem.-Robt. Graham, Reeve ; D. Straohan, J. M. McIntosh, William Stewart and Wet. Ainley, Councillors; P. S. Scott, Clerk ; Thos. Rally, Treas- urer ; D. Stewart, Assessor, and Jas. T. Ross, Collector. Board meets the 1st Monday in eaoh month. Som00L BOARD,—T. Fletcher, (chair. man) H. Dennis, A. Hunter, W.B. Dick- son, J. J. Denman and Jas. Buyers ; Seo.-Treae., W. H. Moss. Meetings let Friday evening in each month. PunLm Son00L TEACitEtte.—Jno. Shaw, Principal, Miss Richardson, Mise Ham!). ly, Mise Abraham and Miss Taylor. BOARD OF HEALTH.—Reeve Graham, Clerk Scott, Jno. Wynn, A. Stewart and J. G. Skene. Dr. Holmes, Medical Health Officer. dbitb ,chis aver. THE NURSERY PSALM. In. Scotland the metrical version of the twenty third Psalm is a fay. crit, with the children. Their small Vttrieteete. • 'Cameo,' said Fangio, 'what is Jay Smith doing for a living now ?' 'A contractor,' 'Alt tIn what line ?' 'Debts.' He (after a tiff)—'So you persist in breaking the engagement?' She— 'Certainly ; what do you take me for ?' Bo—'About 10. Better think it over; it may bo your last chance.' An Ohio farmer engaged a Oin• ointa tlar artist to paint him something g emblemittical of induekry. The artist planted a farmer going to town and the hired man sitting on the fence. Pretty good Jones -='It is all a mistake about fish being a good brain food.' Smith —'How do you know ?' Jones—'love tried it on myself,' Sm1th—'That's no fair test. Try it on somebody that has brains.' Mies Walnut—'Dani you think that Miss Chestnut a very forward girl ?' Quevedo—'Well, really now Miss Walnut—'Why, she actual- ]ycarries a lot of mistletoe about with her in her pocket,' A lady called at a certain bank and presented a check, which she washed cashed. As she waw a perfect stranger to the paying teller, he said, very pulitely : 'Madam, you will have to bring someone to introduce you be- fore we can cash this check.' Draw- ing herself op quite haughtily she said, freezingly : 'But I do not wish to know yon, sir 1' It is said that Professor Newman was one day holding forth on the o and 1 -�11✓ L31- t✓ SSI LS Oharmingoveniu' gowns for young ladies are made of asparagus green veiling trimmed with white, Week or green, and gold lace. Fancy jewel pieces are worn more than ever this wince. Pins and brooches of all stt•L•,+—birds, beetles, Woodstock badnineweddings on Clhrisanlas day. Bight inches of snow is reported from Batoohe, N.W. T. The uumbor of immigrants who have settled in Manitoba and the Nnrtltwest this ynar i.+ 22,000, ,y_ , For . wort. • L;c lair . ON PHOTOS. , TINT YPES, flowers, dragonflies, ..words, deg. 117,180 hist year, tonic other emblems—are stuck here, Ilton supplied 383 families, repro- All there and everywhere ; iu the hair, I seating 1,682 persons, with Chalet. in the draperioi of the bodice, in folds and bowe of lace and ribbons, awl even in the hat and bonnet, Witt) tartan dresses little girls wear a beretta or turban or a Tam o' Shanter of velvet matching the darkest shade in the froolt. Then the wing or blade leather is tipped with the lighter, brighter colors of the plaid. These plaid frock are more frequoutly cut on the arose or the hie- than lengthwise the geode. A. pleated or blouse waist, a velvet the s only of bolt and sleeves or cuff velvet, and a turned over collar of eve to enure a Christmas dinner. the same completes the popular tar- I He brought down a goose belonging tan finch. to a neighbor, and for so doing is e non lying in jail awaiting trial Cnnaacairtli Ncw,e. A. Dufresne obtained a verdict for $500 dal -Degas from the Mon The Brantford; carriage w'trltt treat Street Railway CDmpttuy for now employ 400 hands. the 11Latit of hit three,ye 11 t ers, heraldic, military, symbolic , The St. Geer o's Society of Ham - advantages of a vegetable di t, urged the argument that if a man eats pork lie will grow to look like a pig ; the beef•eator like a ball, and so on. Whereupon somebody rather confounded him by drily adding : 'Yes, Mr. Newman, and he who con fines himself to vegetable diet will mouths become so accustomed to its be in great danger of finally resem- quaint versification, that they rel• bling a very small potato." !shit better than they would the I A person in a passion very fre• smoothest jingles. So it is called I quentlyjumps at conclusions so Rud• denlc as to jump his head off, es they say ; as the following well il• lustrates :—'I say, neighbor Snobs, if you don't keep your hens out of my garden I will shoot them.' 'Very well, Doolittle, shoot away ; only, if you kill any of my hens, throw them into my yard.' Crack went the fowling•piece, morning after morn• ing, and fat hens were pitched into neighbor Snobs' yard. They cooked well. After a fortnight or so Doolittle discovered that Snobs never had any hens, and that he had been shooting his own, which broke out of Ms own coop. :be Nnrssry Psalm. One of the English ladies who went to the Cti.nea 'vitit Florence Nightingale to aures the Rick and wounded soldiers, found in It Scut- ari hospital a Highlander near death and yet bard again4r. C•r id She spoke to him, bat he would make no answer, He drew the sheet up over his head to keep her from speaking to him again. The next time he went through that witrd he saw her cnmiug to ward his cot and be covered his face nom. Seating herself beside the bed, she began to repeat, in a low, kind voice the Nursery Psalm : "Tho Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want, He mattes me down 3o lie In pastures green. He teacloth me The quiet waters by." Sho noticed that before the psalm was finished his hand went up to hie eyes under the sheet. The next time. she came he was quite ready to listen to what she had to Bay of Jeeue and His Iove. He gave his heart to the Lord and five days later be died in great peace. '"HAVING A LITTLE FUN." So many . of our girls seem to think nothing of flirting ; "just hav- ing a little fun I do not mean any- thing by it," they will say. My dear girls, men do not think that wiry ; your innocent amuse ment may be dearly purchased ; give you many au heart ache. What is flirting ? I hear some ask. It is attracting, or trying to attract, the masculine gender in any v,ay ; either with smiles, bows, parasol or any aoquettiab movement of the head ; I have hoard gtrle out driving say, ."isn't he good look- ing ?" In quite an audible whisper, es they were passing a•man. They were nice girls too, just too full of fun ; how shocking I Ten to one he will smile, and perhaps speak. Oh 1 if yon only knew what he thought of you, yon would 'feel far from flattered ; or whom he might be it would bring the blush to your cheek. You would he very indignant if a stranger smiled and addressed you on the street,' J very, very repro Then think how ver - benstble in a girl attracting their correct term—are more in favor than turn it with the complaint they had in 1a11 waywhatever. ever. The fancy of trimming tartan fount) pieces of glass sprinkled all attention l , 1- collars, cuffs waietooats through it. On investigation yir. Again, smiling so ,Sweetly on t,owne with co i , , , your gentlemen friends ; tieing your revers and `whole sleeves of velvet \]Might foiled this to bo true, and. blows fast and furious on the man's as well as our voice in attract- grows upon the world of fitelnonable at once di -continued selling tliie back until the spectators interfered. eyes Y ire rtotltiu I wameu, tlrangerntis article. All the cheese The mals, knowing that discretion ing thein, when you care g 1 onlyinasmuch as they will The feather. hoc is the fad of the wltla the exception of a foto pounds 18 better than. valor, made tracks for74.4Nthen y 'tiara to Your a11711R0111eut I seamen I'01' evening wear. It comes 'lilts been burned. 111'. Wright land was soon CY lit Ot Slgllt. The ntrr y Fsrr t7tiou Notet. The small bonnet will survive as a chapeau de theatre and reception cap alter it is dead for street wear. Even Garrick capes are made of tartan, lined with a matching or centreating silk, and trimmed with a deep turned down collar .of Astra khan or other fur. Apricot, a lovely yellowish shade of piuk, is in high favor for evening sulfa, tulles, mousselines de chiffon mouseelines de sole, fish nets, an other evening fabrics. The tartans or plaids most in vogue are of dark dudes of green, brown and gray, combined with rare skill, and fine streaks of vivid yellow, red, white and black. The fashion writers have striven mas dinner this year, Abig tree fell the other day near Vagoouvor, B. C,, striking a sled and killing four young mon who were on their way home from a Christmas party, While tire. S. Garnbem of Guys - bora teas standing on a table sweep - lug the ceiling ou Monday last she had the misfortune to fall off the table and break her left leg below the knee in two places. Sidney Harvey, of Woodatoolt, a went out with hie gun on Obl•ietma- ar,o Building operations in Brandon' child, who was run neer by 10 Der, Ude year aggregated $250,000. rho driver of which rias afflicted Jos. Aussum, at Pricaville, had 1 with poor eyes about 40 hone killed by a mink one It is. rumored that Frank Ross, of night lately.' Quebec, brother of the late Senator Absalom Itlutnn, of Blenheim, J. 0. Ross, has Required the Marine killed a 10 menthe old pig wttieh Hospital at Quebec, and thee he has dressed 510 pounds. donated $1,000,000 to found an in - William Atmore, of Parkhill, sac• stitutioe for the sick of all creeds 'seeded in capturing a large wiltiloat and uatinnalitlee. near there the other day. An Ottawa despatch says that in The Embro Oourier has changed lolethodiet circles there the name of owners. Mr. Olnhb has retired and Rev. Dr. Ryokmen (formerly of Iron• Wm. Stewart is his successor. don) is freely spoken of in connec• About 1,000 people ii ,ve gone tion with the appointment of a aim east from Manitoba and the North gasser to the late Rev. Dr. Williams, west on the Christmas excursions. general superintendent of the The Haggart Manfg. Co., ]tramp• Methodist oburoh• ton, Bold $140,000 worth of mach• There is a farmer named Allison leery during the year, and paid .in Beet Flambero who ie in leek. $80,000 wages, Thieves broke into his granary the Merrill Miller, of Prescott County, other evening, bringing with them has died from lockjaw, caused by a sixty new sacks, which they • filled. rusty nail running into his foot, with oats. Just as their trek was which die neglected• completed the farmer discovered The young people of St. George's their presence and they lit outleav- °hurch, Guelph, have collected $2,• Ing the Sixty sacks and their con - 000,000 towards getting a set of tents chimes for the tower. A horse was abandoned by a It is claimed by leading totuper- Wolfe Island farmer recently, It sage people that within Iwo years was impounded and sold by the car will be total prohibition in [vinnito peration of the island. The price ba. Already there is no license in paid for the animal was $40 more 70 out of 87 municipalities. than the expenses. The amount Thirty year's ago, Andrew Bell, was proffered to the owner, but ho 0. E., of Almonte, prophesied the refused it, saying he did not want construction of a Canadian railway to have anything to do with the from the.Atlantic to the Pacific and horse, because it was possessed of has lived to see his prophecy fat- an evil spirit. filled. When t'he organist at St. John's The storms of thelast two weeks Church, St. Thomas, wes playing have been hard on thefishermen at the voluntary at the service Sunday Burlington Beach and Bronte. The morning, all at once the organ former had over $500 worth of nets omitted a few queer sounds, and carried away and the latter,' it is re then refused to further not. An ex- ported, about $1,000 worth. amination led to the discovery of a Recreation Park in Brantford was cat in the inside of the instrument. sold ander a mortgage iast week The feline was -in an emaciated con. and brought. $2,450,., Walter A. edition, and appeared to have been Weeks being the purchaser. The penned up in the organ for some park will be turned: to•other uses, as time. it could never be made to pay as a A good story is told at the ex- popular resort. Tire estimated population of Mon - treat of a Woodstock boy who is areal city algae is 285,000, or in- in Chicago. He had secured a nice eluding the suburbs, 274,000. In box of the best,oream candy with a 1886 the city and suburbs were sup- view of presenting it to his girl. posed to contain 230,000 inhabitants While preparing for the visit eox' so that there has been a gain of of the boarders in the house ex• about 44,000. changed the sweeties for fine coal, which was presented. At first s Last spring D. Sutherland of the she half conoeseion, West Zorra, bought becamevery indignant, but not 1 bushel of 'the Banner oats from more so tbaii her lover, but on the D. R. Ross and sowed it. On Thurs joke being eeen through the affair day ho threshed' the product of that .passed over with a good laugh. bushel and realized the enormous yield of 60 bushels. Goldie tto McCulloch, of Galt, have secured the contract from the Post 'Office Department .to construct Work from the. Smallest to Lila Clea done 111 m arst•aln$s n""111er,... VIEWS of Residences, Etc., at treasonable Rales. W. J. Fairfield. in vain to keep green the fashionable for the Saving Department Branch color of this winter, but it has faded an immense vault, 18 feet wide, 20 away before the new rust reds, sap- feet deep and 13i feat high, which phire blues, bishop's violets; and will weigh when completed it is gray and beige tints. Pelisses lined with silk are fre quently made of two kinds of tartan, and then combined with velvet or plush for the collar and cape, the sleeves or cuffs and pockets. Astra- khau is also seen on such long wraps. The most original holiday novelly is a sunflower hand mirror. Tho frame of the mirror is a driedcalyx, of the real sunflower, the stem gilded and decorated with a bow of ribbon, forming the handle. The petals 'aro' of yellow Tissue paper. Tartans or plaids—you may all them one or the other, either Isthe said, 140 tone. A valuable discovery of iron ore has been made 85 males east of Sault Ste Marie. An analysis. proves the ore tobe of excellent quality. Tho mine . is about 600 yards from the C. P. R., and two miles from a deep water shipping point on the lakes. Lewis. W. Wright, of Dixville, Que., a short time' ago' bought a large cheese from to wholesale dealer in another town. This cheese was disposed of in the usual manner hi quantities ranging from a pound upwards, but when neatly all had been sold the customers began tore. A number of "smart alecks" are making it lively for thepeaceful citizens of the village of Bergen - villa just now. At a recent meeting of the Royal Templar lodge in that was shut and securely fastened, necessitating a lengthy session of the society.. Carriages have. been placed. bn hay stacks, and one citizen, re- turning home late at night, found a man hanging by a rope to a rafter in his barn. 'It took the citizen some minutes to find out that the "man" was a sham, being merely a suit of clothes stuffed with straw. Friday afternoon a somewhat ex. citing scene was witnesaed on Elgin street, Ottawa. As a than well- known in the city, enveloped in a far -trimmed coat, - .was walking down the oast side ofthe street near the Russell house, a woman, tall, and dressed in black with 4 thick black veil on, glided swiftly up to the pedestrian, and era 110 Was quite aware of the fact a heavy riding whip descended on hie shoulders. The mysterious woman rained the 'plaoe'tbe door of the lodge room o' ea,lt cures Ake '. 4. ritatisi9 HONEY TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan op Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6' Per Ceiot., Yearly. y g I m i1'l, you will soon be up well over the ears, and is simply comp] tined to Oho wholesale in origin of the affair andandthe persoi)• . ,, found oltt; men are quick to notice. a necklet. of ostrich feathers in sired• chant, alto stud : Sell it to a alrty of tho woman ate unitnt.+vn. hll l r00t1 spread ; Miss-- "Yes, ed tints of old rose, rose, City blue, E reneutn te, lie Wou't know the (lit After delivering the castigation elrp enice; l8but such a flirt; Iran no pato gold or cautery, and cream white, ferenca,' lint when Mr. Wright re• i ascia:pea. The whole affair only roehea heart.'" � Then thorn is is tiny Lilr of black on lased t:; do this he promised to ro. ! uupied n mirlato, J.he police +worn Tit ant11b again : Somo day you will '..each feather', which matins these bo,td fund• tb11 money. The cheese Was ! not in night, and there wlav r lly ttv 1 1 n � vet ;'ellen Ivo null Incoming, originally boagr,tfn i4loiitteal• or three spectators of the scene. Straight Loans with'privilege of relaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter. Division Court Clerk. l3russel8. DRESSED tamomessausup Timinaga WANTED I liasamaimaigainsi Wanted 1" any quantity of Dressed Hogs the coming season, for which the very highest market Price will be paid. Farmers will best con- sult their own interests by killing and marketing theii Hogs in season, as in past years. Don't be carried away by interested parties adver- tising and Snaking out a bet- ter price live weight. With good fat hogs past experience proves to the contrary. Bring Along Your DRELsED dogs. R. Graham, Grain Dealer, Brussels. NO W Ii,EADY Om1Nn Cn1Ie03 08 DOODLE NOMBRE OF The New York Fashion Bazar. rrlee CO Cents. Bo enn5O0IPT10N 03.00PEE TEAR. The Christmas Number contatae a Magni. aoeut Chrome Supplement of Moissonier's great Pniating 'P ifo'i ND : 1807" repro- seating Napoleon alttho zenith Iona glory at the nattlo of in the rde. Frool the origi- of Artnalpieture now to the r'whicolitan Museum of Arte, ,Now York, tewart cal 800,000 worn 'midst the famous ets.warteaia '•It is the loading fashion publication on this contiuont, and Ls no doubt the. cheap: est.' --Truro Sun. -. •Idestb0 the 'Fashion Votes In 'rhe Sona ar0iiesued'eininitansbuOWE'u Now -York ,w .Parts. It is the most bomplete,.,periodioal .for Drees -makers' in 'the world, land the most ' pBBeadsopularof Ffamiliaebfoes.u Magazine for mothers and ' - The 011riet,nao Number 10 Superbly' Illus- trated. A Beautiful Colored Winter Fashion Plate. ABrilliant Cover Plate of Children's Winter Suits. The Plates. and Engqravings contained in this g(utrlbbt.embrace l7voniug. and Ball OostntteA, Winter Overgarmentt; Vinitipgr and iteoeption:;Gowntr, Winter. Bbu+ nets and Hate ;ducts for Boys and Girls, Capes, Coats,'Oicake, Wrapts, Jsoketo,. Malts, anti Oo8bnmes for all bo0al ions, Embrot00ry 'Pattern etc. - New Stoics by atm. `Alexandert ' Jonn i Strange Winter. 'W, 10. Norris, Ereltt3annl. Ohatrian, .a naw (continued Story by the. 'author of •'Ads Wedded Wife,"' and a aplen:. didly illustrated Christmas Story, entitled "Jim-of.ths.Whim." The Bazar Editorial Department is full of bright articles by various obutrrbntors. Mrs. Stowell has an intoreatrng article on. Novelties for Christmas, Atis. Bryan has an' article on Elizabeth Barrett Browning. M1 the regular departments aro replete with choice and seasonable reading Matter. ' Mrs. Alice Walker writes l—"T am- a dress- maker, acid I novo. bought Tho New York Fashion Bazar every month for the past four years. 'Icbuld not do without it. The fashions are the veil latest." Now Is Tit❑ Tina TO 5131350Bine 1 1'Any nersnn sending a3 for,,: ygay's sub - actin tion will mosf yo the beauti fol 011t letmas Obrom0 RupplOmant of Ateisaoniers great painting, nlfrrodland :1801," Trio following ]'remiumsin0AatrwIllbettlt'an to parties Bonding its pubsorlptlonst For FlVe tnbsoribcro, One year, et pm a VCnr,\ye wtli'gir0 8 1 c7 Hour 08,, Snbscribor'z,ntie you. 7 t0 rwonty i 0133 42 00000 Imt• • 10IO 0 3 1'tttY .J 00 '. 70J ..•...� 7a0 00. 1,000 t " 713000 Audor,larger numpars ltd propertiou. Mond ruralttanoos by Postal itloney 01,101',. Negistotod bettor, or wt.*IY, rout it . <1t701o014 731114310, hasa aa.- 110' NEON ?MA enlNa lXauAb", 1',-0:1300 MI, 17 to 17 Vaseedotar, J AN 1710, AS.la T, HE:CE)OK.S BEST Private Funds to $20,000. Have been placed in my h for Investment • on real este: LOWEST RATE. OF ENTIRE No Commission. Borrowers can baso loans c plated in Three Days, i ' `tl satisfactory. W. M. SINCLAIR, Solicitor, Brussels. y'i S. PLUM,. General Blacksmith, wisbea to intimate to the public generally that he does all hinds of Bbwkemithiug in a Workmanlike Manner. Wagons, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters made to Order. Repairing promptly Executed. I make a Spooialty of Horse -shooing. A Call Solioited. t3'Romember the stand.—NEAn rue Mimes. SI S. Plum. ONLTY TO LOAN. P FUNDS. _20.000 Of Private Funds have just been placed iu my hands for investment At 7 Fel Cent. Borrowers can have their Loans completed in throe days if title is satisfactory. E. E. WADE. The Best Family Newspaper in Canada Established nearly Hall a Century. IiINO OF Wxi: it: I'CLTE3.: 3.969-90 jr PRESS• London, - Ontario. THE HVIDSomosr PRINTED. PAPE11 1N T11E DOMIINION. All the News in full, by telegraph, tele- phone, mail and correspondence up to hour of publication. Illustrations, Proo- tieal and Useful, are given every week; Special Market Department ; Agricultur- al Department; Capital Story tilways running ; Ingenious Puzzle Column ; Humorous Reading. Just the thing for the family 1 Every member of the house- hold eagerly looks for it each week. The Agricultural Department is a noted lea - burs of the "Free Press," being always up to the times, and conducted by persons practically skilled in farm work. Large 31.00 Paper, in clubs of four and upwards 73o. eaoh, balance of 1889 Free. A Handsome Christmas Number and Four Chronos given away flee of charge to every subscriber for 1890. Artiste who have seen the advance sheets of the Christmas Number pronounce it a 'gem,' and alone worth the prion of the sub- aoription. Address— "FREE PRESS," 20 London, Ontario. a owe w PAIN ED'S CELERY COMPOUND AT T`HE 0101H TIMIk,O111 TH:E NEHV.{EESr THE L1v,ER, THE BOWE.3,, andth©KI NEYS This combined •nction.givos `it -won- derful power to eine all diseases. ' Why Are' We Sick? 13ecariso its allow the nerves to remain weakened and irritated, and these great orgonstobbcdmd clogged or torpid, end poisonous humors ere therefore forced into the -blood that should he expelled .neturnily, piuyt,s j CELERY l .M COMPOUND" W ILL:CURE BILIOUSNESS, PILES, CONSTIPATION, KIDNEY 000'.. PLAINTS, l7RINAILY DISEASES, FEMALE WEAENESS,Tt1IEMEA- TISM, NEURALGIA, AND ALL , 2111809008 33I60rDER8, liy quieting end strengthening the nerves, and canting frac notion of the liver, bowels, and kidneys, and restor- ing their power tothrow orf disease. Why MIR,. Milos Pains ani Athol Why tm•man tad with Piles, Oonikipntionr Why frightaaod over•Diaordorod I<idneysl Why endure nervent or tick hontiochoo1 Why hove alaepiess nights; Mc PAYNE'S Ottl.unr COMPOUND and re101ee In lend 111. 11 11an 0+11, r.1J oegoth• bio remedy, harmlesst la all ,•nxag, Sold 1y all /303,4 7 /a. 1'Pio. 31.00, WELL 8..1110'18W 0114 C O„ l'rbprib'.cra, 0101r 1 101 (h, 1'. 0 ' n, �+ �u„N?Ali .,$ 1 rM li n