HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-12-27, Page 88 TIN a w.lili nwt in convention last weak in thanks waif palmed to the persens aseist. 1 of buckshot at "smirmserMeeteemmareniteconinectinzerfoomassavesmorseasensiamsommo=wriscranentirsttuntualensn's Toronto, witoev session lie titteuded. .1seesel. tsseresou Mittman informs tot that lie receivea several notices from people alp:silting of infractions of the Crook's Aot but as PO eignaLuree were given to these letters. they were entirely u001000, No notioe will bo taken of oom. plaints -unitise the name is attached, its tt it sonat handeome cups and saucers, • •ing in the proorain, on minion of ! uniting away. It Paul and 11. Gerry, The finfunoial back "1 slo. returns, $76.00. were not lia.1, taking iti• the devisee:is, DIWBUBEIR 27, 1889, 0‘ie of them nhouted Will fieliver in .otantIthie to suit par- is „ m r and. all diellppOaDed iu abater. T. Poisl• ti t, Lot. r,,Con. ft, firer. Jol a)==sessetsivelssenStesoeavisrsetterszaaurr7s o•ersioxrasszerfsiny'srasirionitausiessavioiatattutessematesussiouto filo PortY att they wore 1 Goon I jAy SALM.-- 1 A IViuserat Is Y000 EAR, ! Pliali fir Igathee Goods, viz., Dressing to account the had weather oo Sunday i Brodie, the loft fielder end long distance OaBOS, Writing Desks, Shaving Sets, and the muddy roads although it is 1 thrower of last so .fnefi Ilams, has been jesel Casee, Perfume 13oxes, Album), short 01 3130 ouetemary 'figure arrived at I sold 30 3130 Itostou League Club for $1,000. W 1 limos or Hand Wallah) ? Or isin connection with these anniversaries'. i Manager Fessendeo, of London, engineer - Rev. S. 5,1tery, 13.A., 13.1)„ occupied the ed tho deal, chair at the tea meeting. A social was A. preatioal lumberman tells the Win. held on 11'hursday evening. The or- nipeg Free Press that the Government ellestra Wee composed of Misses Gussie has log $3,000,000 in timber dues Mone and Bella 8mitli, %donne ; Jae, Blitehill, 0i11033 1882 through (Inc set out by in' flute • Jas. Thompsoe.and Wm. Hewitt, diens. He says that $100,000,000 would cornetts ; Eli Smith, violinendlo ; Mrs. not oovor the moment of timber that IRIS Gilpin orga Met. They played well and boon destroyed by fire between Lake Toilet Sete, Valley 'Vases, Figures, Shell Gooas, Flowers under Gless, Fruit Bas- kets, dm. ? Or would you like a Nice 13ible w' Hymn Book, or some other Beautiful Book or Booklet, or a nice Puree, or Toys for the children, or Xmas or New Years' Cards ? Is it any or all of these, or enything else, then come and examine our stock, as it Would take too inuoll spare to tell you all wo have. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller , Fancy -goods Dealer. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOET11ERN EXTENSION W. 0. & 31. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows : Como &KITH. 0011(13 110841)1. Moil. ... 0:31 ami, Mixed 13020 a.m. cxoress _11:45 Atm. Man 8:00D,In. Mixed Papreils 8:414 Dan. ?Coral ReWs NitMS. is,11 1 f„, • MRS. HMS. will from now Christanof offer speoial bargains in wool goods, all baud made, comprising Hoods, Caps, jackets, Fascinators, Searle, &a. A lot of slipper patterns very cheap. Under- clothing, Hosiery, &o. General assort. ment of Panay goods, Toys, &o. Call and examine her stook, opposite Queen's Hotel, Brussels, Wisrz-Dmoniti Ann DRIGLINCI.-George Birt has all the necessary maohinery for digging and drillin wells and is prepar. ed to attend to work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of T.urnberry at., Brussels. 4.3.13 Wear were they doing there at that time of night ? This is the gnestIon asked of the persons who visited the Brussels cemetery one night last week with a lantern. If they're caught there again they may carry home some buck- shot in their bodies, as tlae above MON. Honed call is not the first one made. Wo have no use for grave robbers in this sec. Con. S3111.0. desires to inform the ladies generally that she bias commenced the manufacture of the "Improved Con- stitutional Corset," recommended for health, eomfort, style, fit, eleganee and durability. Large size corsets a speeialty. "Good work, combined with. a practical knowledge of the busiuess," my motto. Faotory-Smale's block. Entrance -Hall door. A call solieited. Mon D. -bi,r,o,1 BEYORE you purchase either a gold or silver watch or a. piece of silver plate sve would Mire pleasure in showing you our stook, whioh is now complete in quantity, finality and variety, and at very low prices. In eight and one day olooks, walnut, nickel, &co we have in stock the very latest patterns, which We warrant honest time keepers, by the beet makers, and at lowest prices. • A call is respect- fully solicited. T. Ensrcuen, Jeweler. MACC.113RES.- The following are the new officers in o nueetion with the Brus- sels Maccabee Tent K.P.C., J. J. Gilpin; ILO., A. Veld ; " R.L.C., S. Wilton ; " MILK , J. Earner ; "1.P.11., G. Becker ; •• li.P., R. Wilson ; " H,P., J. A. McNaughton ; " RS., Wm Boddick ; " at A.., A. McGuire ; " K. let M. of 0., S. Jackson; " K. '2nr1 " Spalding ; '• H.S., Mitten ; " W. F. Vanstone. BENVICE 01' Paarse.-Aociording to /M. notincement the Service of Praise Wag held in St. John's church last Friday evening. The night Wile dark mid dis- agreeable yet a goodly number were present. The program consisted of hymns, anthems and chorus by the union choir ; a solo by Miss Minnie Gerry ; duett by J. Jones and A. Straohan • and a quartette by Misses Gerry and jacksoe, and A. Strachan and H. L. Jackson. MISI3 Hargreaves, who directed the musi- cal exeroisee, presided 03 11170 organ. The incumbent, Rev. W. T. Oluff, occupied the chair and in behalf of the choir and congregation returned thanks for the as• sistance rendered by persons from Knox, Melville, and the . Metbodist churohes. .A. collection of over $3.8 WM taken in be- half of the Choir Fund. amang ye takin' notes, - Au' faith he'll prent it. Uppo Now Year, Dreams Court on Satutday. Ann you reading owe new story. Rem= hunting is the favorite sport et this season. 139.suaxerr. jewellery at low prices. H. L. Jackson. BEADTIDGI, sound oranges 180. a dozen at Thomson's. GREAT bargains for two weeks. H. L. Jackson, jeweller. Ammt, was held in the Town Hall here on Christmas night. HOLIDAY Bargains in 'Watches, Cloaks and Jewelry at Jones'. Fuca gold and silver watches, 31100.30, cheap. H. L. Jackson. Smvenwsse, 311430 goods, and elegant designs. H. L. jacksfm. 'Vases= Bites. are shipping several tetrs 03 101311101 this week. Tux,. Posr and Western Advertiser for $2.101fOr 1800, in advance. EIORTEEN pounds coffee sugar for $1, Fox cash only at Themson's. Succuss extraordinary at our Christmas and Holiday Sale. W. H. Wm:as. SEND along the newsy items. Tits Peer will always Lind place for therm THIRTEEN lbs, hest Granulated Sugar for $1.00 for cash only at Thomson's, SEE Jones' stock of clocks, watches and jewelry before you make your per - chases. Sr. jous's church Sunday wheel scholars have an entertainment on Fri• day evening. Mules red lined overshoes, all sizes, 81,15. Women's cloth slippers 25 ots. W. Willis. Tem Salvation Army held a service in their barracks on the afternoon of Christmas day. BEY a nice present at Jones' in the jewelry or silverware line. Special re- duotions during the holidays. Bummer. silverware and handsome lamps 03 13. Gerry's. It will pay you to spend your money with him. TIME will be service in the Roman Catholic church, Brussels, on New Year's day. Father Shea will conduct it. Norrom-All partiesindebted to under- signed by book account kindly pay at once and much oblige W H. MoCracken. F. 0. Beaune has moved the street lamp that was opposite his store to the front of his residence. It WO,S a good idea. SERVICE was held in St. John's church on Christmas morning by the incumbent. The church was tastefully decorated with evergreens. Lamm' cloth slippers, 25c.; carpet slip- pers, 36c. ; loather slippers, 75c., till Jan. 11311, '90, at W. H. Willis' Christ- mas and Holiday Sale. PAY YO1I10 TASES.-Notioe is hereby given that all taxes should be paid forth- with.' Call on the Collector and got your receipt.. jig. T. Ross. Ron S. SELLER; B. A., B. D., was at Rinaraine last Sabbath filling Rev. Dr. Haianwils pulpit. Miss Winnie and Master Ernie accompanied him. A punracecontest for a Demorest Pro- hibition silver medal will be held in con. notion with Melville church Y.P.0.A. on the evening of January 6th, 1890. Oun butchers did not me.ke a Christmas &split', of meats outside this year owing to the bad weather. They had eome prime beef; &c. in their shop.s, however. Ominous day was spent ita the bush by a largo number of our residents who went on a hunting expedition. Others enjoyed a game of foot -ball on Victoria Square. Buy. 13. BRIM= will take as the sub- jeot of next Sabbath morning's sermon "Christ:nes day Lessons." In the even- ing he will preach from the worth, "This year also." Smtoinsvans and Lampe aro very imit- able presents and no racier or cheaper stook can be found in Brussels than at 13. Gerry's. New goods just opened out. flail in and. see for yourself. 3. D. Regain very generously donated ten bags of flour to poor families in the town, as a Christmas present. The ladies of the W.C.T.U. wish to express their thanks to him for his kindness. A. M. Maar WWI elected President of the Y. 1). 0. A. in connection with Melville church, Bressels, owing to the removal of S. Y. Taylor to Wroxeter. The Society will PASS MP. Taylor a great deal. Arrna the installation of the officers le St. john's Lodge, A. F. .3 3.. Mo this Friday) evening, the brethren aocom. panted by their ladies will have supper m their Mil, Garfield block. This ie 018 it should be. TM: Brossels Mechanics' Instittite Library will be open every Saturday afternoon from 3.80 to 5 &clack. This is a goad nom* made largely to accom, mediae peso& outside Of town, The membership 1'4 should receive a large increase, "Bazitacittr, its memories and signifi- dance" Is annotinced for Bev. 0. B. Itowie's silbSeot next Sabbath evening. Lad Sabbath lia 113 L001100013 on tho On- " ranch, of tbe Dominion Alliance added greatly to the intereat of tho ser- Dauphin and Lake Winnipeg. The In- , 'Vine. diens make the Ores to drive gamo, and do not try to prevent the spread of the People We Know. flames - - Miss Jessie Roes is holidaying at Ayr. mosses:sr. David Shiel, of Galt, was in town this Excitors -LI Morrie, on the 21st inst., week. the wife of Mr. I). Niohol of et son. A. M. Hay, of Stratford, was home foe WIIERIM-I11 Atwood, on DOW 4111, the Christmas. wife of Mr. Wm. Wherry of a son. D. Roberts and wife spent Xmas in Lam -At Holmesville, ou Deo. 18111, Londesboro'. the wife of Mr. E. Lavis of a Thos. Gibson, jr., of Wroxetor was in daughter. Brussels on Xmas. SLA1E11.-A3 Burkla Falls, Muskoka, on Miss Maggie ItIoNaughtou is away at Deo. 12th, the wile of Mr. II. A. London for D., visit. Slater of a eon, D. Konny mid wife aro in Lown. Their D0113014. -Ab Souls Plains, Manitoba, on home is in Detroit. Deo. 6th, the wife, of Mr. James itob- Prank MaLanahlin, of Wingham, spent son of a daugliter. Christmas in Brussels. Orme:n-4n Groy, on Deo. 3.0113, the Elisha Armstrong was 110010 from wife of Mr. Elia- Dickson of a SOO. London on Wednesday. 0011003. -In 0- 3' on Deo. 23rd, the Walter Smith has been on the siolv wife of Mr. Robert Gordon, of a list for ton past few weeks. aangliter. Mrs. Johu .;Strettott and Katie have • ------ aer.aziena= :M. gOno on a visit to Kansas city. Bev. W. E. Herr, of Owen SOund, wats Magni; - MoLsociame.- In Grey, on home for a few days this week. Christmas day, at the residence of Mansard Welton, of %fount Forest, is the bride'e lathe"-, by Rev. Ino. Ross, holidaying at W. Nightingale`e. B. A., 'Mr. Alexander kieLean, of D. A. StnMe, wife and children are North Dakota, to klieg Lizzie J., visiting in the vicinity of Exeter. daughter ui Mx. Donald McLauch• T. G. MoCracken, wife and children, of liu, son. Harriston, Christmassel in town. =::::0=, • C. Re Vanstone and wife of Sontli- amptou spent Christmas in Btussels. Wiiffioat.-In Atwood, on Dec. 23ra , Mary, Miss Clara Creighton and Miss Ida eldest daughter of John Wilson, Thompson are home for their holidays. aged 25 years. Albert Fitzpatrick, of Mount Forest, "-- --- --- --- ---- spent Xmos with his parents (1(111 1141011310. ...a.-C7CTIC304. 80.A.:=1:15. Miss Hate Dutton, of Stratford, is visiting her sister, Mrs. G. A. Madman. TIMMY, Dao. MEM -NUM stook, dm., . , Lot 12, con. 5, Morris. Sale oommenoes Albert Denny, of Suspension Bridge, is spending a week with relatives in Bens- at 1 o'clock. Jim. Smith, prop. Geo. sets. Kirkby, auot. R. Noll, who )(asides neat: Cleveland, FRIDAY, Dec. 27:cu.-Farm stook, on Ohio, ate his Christmas turkey in Brus. North half lot 18, con. 7, Morris, Sale sels. eommenoes at 1 &Weak p. m. D. Mo. Willie McCracken is away et Peter- Qatprie, prop. Goo. Kirkby, A.uct. bore' making a holiday visit with vela- TERSDAY, DEC. Slot. --Postponed sale of tives. farm stook, implements, &c., on lot 10, Miss Moore and lositLmr, of Alma art con. 11, McHillop. Hale•reoMmenoes at 1 Vr.141-Git 9r4..? CCiet.nt It' Xel L0ILN*00 Brussels OYOTY mantles teetotal of 01101iing. its formerly, awl returns from Gerrie in the OVOUBN1, 'refs rule will bo ad - bored to until fertile, notia. h. W.11,841, Proprietor. oxxorc.. THE Manitoba Free Press of Deo, 11111 says :-"An interesting event took place yesterday morning at the residence of Mrs. Stinson, 69 King street. It was the marriage of W. A. Ducker, (3.13., of the 0. P. R. land department, to Miss Mary 0. Lamont, an estimable young lady, of Brussels Ont. The ceremony was per- formed Rev. Hugh Pedley, and was vvitnesse by a few intimate friends of the contracting parties. The bride wore a handsome travelling costume and look- ed °harming. After partaking of the conventional wedding breakfaet, Mr. and Mrs. Ducker left on the Pacific express for Vancouver, where they will spend the honeymoen. Mn Ducker bas been a resident of this oountry for eight years and has e.n extensive acquaintance in Manitoba and the Northwest. He is very popular with all who know him, and a host of friends will join in wishing him- self and Mrs. Duoker a long life of con. jugal happiness and prosperity. Mrs. Duoker was presented with many beauti- ful gifts in honor of the happy occasion." ANNTVERSARY.-Last Sabbath the anni- vereary sermons were preached in the Methodist church by Rev. Jas. Hannon, D. D., of Rinoardine. In the morning his text was "Now is Christ risen from the dead." The lessons taught from the resurrection were :-(1)God punotually and certainly fulfil His promume. (2) It is the evidence tour that God has accept. ed Ohriet's death as an atonement for all who trust in Him. (3) That God is able to overrule the opposition of wicked men for the furtherance of Truth. (4) It is Goa's.pleami to us that our bodies ohall be raised to eternal life and glory. Canadian ro7eNt.14-. An open session of the Sabbath school was held at 2;30 p. m. when slaort mares. A. tea lottery fake has been dieeoSered ses were made by B. Gerry, Adam Good in Montreal. and Rev. Dr. Hannon. In the evening Halifax smugglers were heavily sem the reverend gentleman discoursed on tensed on Tuesday. Faith, from St. Luke, 171h ohapter and Mr. Iloss, X. P. for Lisgar, Man., has 5th verse. After speaking of what etrong just returned from a visit to'Iffigland. faith does for an individual in Windsor has made building improve - the way of trusting in God manta to tho value of 5300,000 during the to fulfil His promises, ese., he showed current year. the advantages of strong faith se follows: A high license scheme is to bo sub - (1) It gives to its possessor a emu real. mitted to the approaching session 02 11130 ization of divine favor. (2) It gives a Quebec Logielature. sense of security in bime of trouble. (3) Isaac Walker, a respeolable farmer, It gives a kind of present realisation of was thrown out of his buggy rod drown. heaven. (8) It gives tho greatest cons. ed in a ditolt while returning home from ago. The ;riles for blaming faith Ansa, Craig on 'Tuesday night. "were exercise, study of the Holy Sorip. A young bushman named Godfrey turets.putity and close and constant fel. Marson, who lilted 80 miles 11P am Gobi- lowslup with 18000 Christ, D. Hannon neat road, was arownod on Saturday is a very practical expounder of the while trying to drive over the Coulogne Truth and makes his pinta very clear l3iVer by tho ice giving way. by timely and appropriate illustrations. A. Guelph business firm has pasted On Chrietmes night the annual ton. meet- over the Queen'e head on it large number ing took place. After partaking of e geed of 26c. coins with a printed label, and the eupper an adjournment was made to the authorities have now the matter under audience room where a service of song, ooneidenution whether or not am Ration occupying nearly an hoer was rendered will be taken against thorn for defacing by the choir and Sabbath' Scheel. The eoins. singing wag accompanied by AD ordhestra Gtavo.robbers wete discovered in the composed of two violins and a flute cemetery at Ssyslanham, Ont., on Thurs. two omits and organ. People hi the day of lest week in the mit of opening a audience stay it wits a success. Boo. W. grovo, in which tho remains of an old Davis of 'Ethel, arta Rev. W. 3.1 Korr, of gentlemen were &meted tho day before, Owen Sound. vs; Si' oreoring Olt/41,010 U'Vro 71101 01 0 OMplf,Ved. W0.1011 131,4 the fernier up oaring twice, A. vote of senuitery, and elm of thorn fired a charge visiting their uncle, Thos. Moore, oi this place. Mrs. David Armstrong's sisters of Walkerton were in town for a 'few 1.41... 11110 W00k. Miss Alice MuCullough, of Goderioh, 35 visiting at Mrs. Wm. McCullough's in Bruaseis. A. J. McArthur, WNS in town thie week. He has taken a situation at Strathroy. Steven Drewe and wile, of London, were viviting R. Armstrong's, Mrs. Drewe's father, on Christmas. Hrs. Jno. Ilitycroft is away at Toes - water spending the Christmas week with her daughter Ar170. D. Ferguson. Ed. and Fred. Lowery are home from Port Huron. The latter has been in Michigan for a number of months. Mrs. Nightingale is home from Toron- to where she has been nursing her 'sister who has been siok for some weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Brown, of Kinearcline, spent Xmas with J. Cook and family. Mrs. Brown is Mrs. Cuolt's sister. (3. 3.. Newton, wife and children and Wm. and Bieber& Rivers were the guests of Samuel Rivers this week. Jas. Hargreaves, wife and son, of Pais- ley, and J. Hargreaves, of 'Toronto, are visiting relatives and friends in town. Miss O'Connor was presented with a silver cruet, on Friday evening of last week, by a few of her friends in the vicinity of Walton. Thos. McGillicuddy, formerly of the Goderich Signal, has been elected second Vice-Presidont of the Toronto Baptist Sunday School Aseociation. Mrs. War. Blashill hall the misfortune to displace her jaw while yawning the other day. A medical man had to be called in to set matters right. James NEoLauchlin and wife, of Wing - ham, were in this locality on ihristmas seeing that the nuptial knot WOO properly tied between their 131500 and Mr. Me - Lean. The Mitchell Advertiser says :-Gns Goebel has purchased. Jno. Farrow's livery business. Mr. Grebel is a popular fellow and will no doubt oapture a fair share of trade. The lady teachers of the Brussels Pub- lic School are holidaying as follows Miss Eichardson, at Elora and Roohes• ter; Mies Hambly, at Goshen ; Miss Abraham, at Stratford; and Mies Tay- lor, at Blyth. Mimeo Lily and Eva Kay,. of Derides, are making a visit with relatives Bras - sale. They are daughters of Prof. A. H. Kay, formerly of Brussels. Miss Kay Woe a position in the Dundas public aehool after New Years. o'cloak sharp. Jas. Campbell, prop. SAM:11MA', 4T11.-FOI'M OtOOB ituplements, (under chattel mortgage.) Lot 3, con. 0, Grey. Sale at 1 e'clook. HEAL ESTATE. Dtmemn mcKenzie, prop. Capt. Stret , met. 11-11,11.11S FOB SALE .---THE UN. nnrunexpn lura several good Farms f or sole mud to re (1, easY terms, /0 TOW11012100 '(75080I.'01 22:11T of NI orris and '111', 5'. SC OTT. Brussels. 87.30. OIIMOD1OUS AND COMFORT. Nalco is hereby given that the outstand. 3115 0.0001111101 due the lato arm of 1511501011 34 Turubull,Brussiolo, roust be settled by eith- er cash 01 5010 forthwith, The hocks aro at Mattson & Hays' 011loo, and 1110010,0 au- therlood to Wye 3 00eipto for Mentes petit. 14 - MEW BARBER SHOP. -THE I, undersigned desiroe to intimate to the people of Bra/Joie and stirroundiug. eountly that he has omitted slittv:na end -hair ea- ting 41014301 113 Eimale's Block, whom he tray bo found reatly 30 attend to the wants of the public,. Good work guaroutood. 330-31 JOSEPH LAIRD. OTIOE, - THE STUD 1300K belonging to ine for tho year 1880 is 10 David Foramina's hands for mineable a. Par. ties mares in foal will please pal, me same to him, as Ito is tho only person who lion any Witim to 0541001. mi:ate-3 Tam. Dated Grey, Doe. 1,1080. 3111)1 TRA.YED ON '1'HE PREMISES kJ of the uudersigned, in the village of Henfryn on or about Oeh. 20, two Spring Calven. Tho owner le requested to prove property, nay expenses auct take Mom away. WILLIAM ,raoLsoN. 01-1ns PEPPER' DRUG STORL. 3. Beautiful and Choice Assortment of filfROPHAN and dlIfifill'AN Fancy Goods, Gams, StatIonor,y, Eto,, Eto. -Something No in - 0 '3E' 0 A, L. 31 L7 BZ 0011113 AND SEE I y. T. PEPPER, Druggist. Graham'smook, Brussels. Q'I1RAYED ON THE PREMISES 1. „7 of tho undersigned., lots 11 and 12, con. 10, Grey, 011 or about my. 27111, a yearling steer, red in color. rho 5,115r is requested to prove property, pay expenses 11111.1 ta se 111(0DwaY, 335112)10314 1311.1010111. (32-.1 .,„ . A.ME ON THE PREMISES of the undersigned, let 30, eon. 17, Croy, on or about Juno 14,11 yearling heifer 000110 yearling s tear, Du te rod in eolor. The heifer bite some gray Num. Tin, steer 30,40 some white on Man quitters. The owner is requested to prove property . pay expenses and take thetn.aw ay. 28-3 830 117.11, BERBY. TENDERS WANTED !-BE nd tenders for Cao position of Caretak- er in Bou esols Publics Selma, will be received up to 1110 110th December, lowest tender not necessarily aaeopted, Duties, &0,, may be ascertained on 'vindication to the Seuretary of Sohool Board, who will also receive tend. ere. Dales 50 001111001(00 January 181, 1500, W. H. MOSS, Sec.-Treas. B.P.S.B. Dated at Brussels,Deo. 10, 1880. 22-811 PATEill-SS,K.Vdg;!guriN111.711ong or patent causes 10 the Patent Odic° and bolero the (Mutts promptly and carefully at- tended to. Upon reempt of model ar ekotab of invention, 10 maim careful examination, 0,n,1 advise as to patentability froo of °Mime. Ions moderate, and 11,30110 1,0 0110.11130 unless patent 18 000080,1. Information advice and 1j1130101i'0101010211'4 sent ou applicetion. J. It. LUTELL, Washington, D.0 „ 17,S, Patent 011100. 110 BANKING. M dINTOSH & MoTAGOART, BANNERS, . BRUSSELS, mr.usrsuo.ot 0, oso=orai. aufar.s.aeass.o• 3ussmsea0c0. NOTES DISCO U N T flanaelon and United States Drafts bought and sold. Literati allowed on Deposits. Collections made on favorable tOrms. Canadian Agents -MarionANT's Battu 01' CANADA. Now York Agents-Dusonraill any 13111430- 01011 NATIONAL BANN. Pall Wheat Barley 30 82 85 Spring ViTheat... ...... 75 Oats 21 26 Peas - 53 55 Butter, tubs and rolle- „ 14 15 Eggs per dozen.. - ...... 17 00 Flour per barrel.... ...... 5 50 00 Potatoes ... ...... .,...... 36 00 Hay per ton. ...... . • .... 7 00 8 00 Pork . . 5 00 540 Hides per lb ... . .. ...... 2 8 Salt per bbl., retail.-- 1 25 00 Sheep skins, each 60 1 00 Wool, per tla 18 20 33E1....9.F0=3/1 WCA.M704=7231i1'S.. 75 82) Fall Wheat 75 Spring Wheat 75 Oats 24 Peas 53 Barley 80 Potatoes ', 35 Butter, per lb 14 Eggs, par dozen 17 Apples, per bushel 30 Hogs, dressed 5 00 Beef 4 50 Hay 7 00 W ood, per cord 2 50 40 Sheepskins, eaoh 82 82 20 55 85 40 16 00 35 5 40 5 60 8 00 4 50 67 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ANTED, SERVANT GIRL to come for a few hours each day. Good wages. Apply to A.B., BORT Publish- ing House. 1[4-101i. SALE. -A SPAN OF ▪ 11I11147 draught horses, warranted eound. Will be Sold at a bargain. Enquire ot F. 0.210010300, Brussels. "fil STRAY STEER.-0AME ON the premises of the undereigned, las 10 midi?, eon. so, Grey, about Nov, 17, a grizzly gra y steer, The 0301(01 8001 have the Immo by proving property and paying ex- penses. MRS. B. BBOWM, Oranbrook, 9.0 244+ NOTICE TO DEBTORS. --NOT. resin hereby given that all persons in- debted to me Me requested 10 0011 and set- tle aecouuts before December let, as after that they will be collected through the 00aoluizt, J. MoNAUGHTON, M, Do 131010.10- NOTICE, TO DEBTORS. All nutlet; indebted to the eatato of the late Andrew Onrrie are requested to Bottle tho same by the 28110 11103, After that date all unpaid 8101800 30111 bo eolleeted by pro - ease of 1a30. BY ORDER OF EXECTIT011 S. Brussels, Oot, 15, 1881 14.31 }MESE MEETING. - THE Annual Meeting of the Morris & Grey 011eese Manufacituring Co. will be had in the Council Ohataba, Brustiols, en tionday, Jan. 18th, 1800, all o'olock p. ra., to receive the A.uditors' Report and to elect Directors for the coming year. D. Kamm', floey, UNDL1R- signed is prepared to attend to the killing sna dreaming of cattle, sheep or pigs tor farmers or toeraspeeple workman. like manner and at reasonable rates. Cord- ate loft at A. Currie's butehor shot, will bo premptIy attended to. DAN, moDONALD. S2.4 LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, Solicitor and Convoyaneet. Collou- , Mons made. 011100-Yitionone'S Monk, 130110 • eels. able residence to rout. Also a reaping machine for side, clmp. Apply to 11110. W. SHIEL, la 3, o on. 0, Gray, Brussels P.O. 22-8111 FINEST BUILDING SITE for a, residence in Brussels, containing one are of laud nearly opposite Mr. F. 0. Rogers' residence , is for sale at a bargain, Apply to 30,041 Smotarn, 13rusesels, or to JNO. HARGREAVES, Bor. Queen and Slui- ce° streets, To route. THE RESIDENCE OF J. R. -a- Grant, 0101 811001, is offered for solo, as the family -will remove to Winnipeg next Spring. 000 318 stable used at 41115505(1 >17 Lott Bros., and a wall located building 100 on Tel:ahem street just paBodof the nostohoe block. For aply tMRS. J. li, GRANT. . 28-tf QTRAYED FROM THE PREM. ises of tho tindersignea,lot 27, 4th line, Morris, about Max 24th, ayear Old steer. and 0,70533 old holler, ball 105 10 offior, 'narked with ft cannintin pig ring in lower eldo of right oar. Any information leading to their rO��voiylYill bo thattkfully received, 234 1,38, 1M. (3,133314130,81050021013,0, EBB WANTED, - Tenders will he rocsoived by the under. signed for raising hie barn and 'stable and putting Steno f °Initiation tuiderees,th, Ten - aril will he reeelved for the whole Job or tot 1130 01132001 3011oturpontor work soparets My. rat particulars by applyiug on the p rein ham, lot Si,. 0011, 4, Morrie,' To furore will 1,0 renoived up to January 10111, 1800, 141,1, lowest or atly tender not occonearily ao. cep tea. 20-2 JAB, DIINCAN, ellina"" tlt' . S-ollsiNecita;OntinveViin'oer, Notary Pub. lie, &c. 3 lormirth of Rapport Drug Store. Private linage 30 L0011. E. 'WADE, 1.4 • Barrister, Solieiter mid 'Notary Pub- lic, Conveyancing, Collations and Loaning. Mr. Wada will attend in Cottle every Wod- outlay itt two o'clook, VARA( FOR SALE. - BEING Lot 12, Con. 10, township of Groy, lemon Co. There aro 100 acres. 85 mans of Which are aloaredanct in good state of culti- vation. Ou the 101410 40 a stone house and frame barn and frame stables, a good bear- ing orohard and good well Of water, For further partioulars apply to the proprietor on the prornioes. 17-tt JOHN VINCENT, Brussels P. 0. TANNERY FOR SALE.- THE 1 Brussels Tannery is offered for saki at a bargain. In it is a, 10 h. p. engine and 8011, 31, boiler ,11 vats, 2 ourrytablee, 0 stoves, good bark m111 and a full sot of tools, with heating pipes to leaches &a There are about 2 notes of laud in oonneotion with the building. No tannery nearer than Wingham or Listowel. 14811800 088,1. For further par- ticulars, me to price, terms, &oapply at V. TAN Posm Publishing House, Br20ee1e, IOKSON & HAYS, Matti with Garrow & Proullfoot, Gode- rieh,) Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, dat. 0111aes-1srumels end Settforth, Ileus eels Ogice,Rogers' Bloat, fit. Money to Loau. s, WYO., VIARM FOR SALE. -THE STIR seaman offers his valuable 100 acre farm , being lot 9, eon. 18, Grey Townehip, Huron Co., for sale. There are about 00 soros cleared and in good heart. There is a log house, good 401010 001110, beating orchard, and all the miasma aonyenieneee on the premises, For tootIlel particulars, as to V/3Wei 3. PI CI, '6 aPelf tn; 311 ..5WPT j3.14t7o. 2-tf DoriGALD 6•4•BABAB., rsruseels. cLOOD 100 ACRE FARM FOR V_Jil Sams,- Being composed of Lot 19, Oou, 0, Groy. There are 70 aoree cleared. There is a frame house and barn and a good driving house, also bearing orchard, well, 30. on the premises. 'no Maitland river runs a few 7011110 1110(11 tho house. There is some good rail timber ou the lot. Tho farm lies between Oranbrook and Ethel and is convenient to both plaaa, while Bruooets is not far away. For full liartionlare apply on the promises to ABM TINDALL, ('110311110. 10r, Ethel P. 0. 18. A 11, TAYLOR, B. 0. L. Barrister, Solicitor, &c., of the firm of Taylor, Malulloup,li & Burns. 1111 ''--1010 Solicitor% &c., Manning Arcade, Toronto. Money to loan. A LEX. HUNTER, .43- Mork of the Fourth Division Court, Co Huron. Couve.ca.nuer, Notary Public. Land, Loan and insurance Agcnt. Funds invested and to 1,1330. C.,111 alone made. Office in Graham's Block, 111'1 1"AR11 FOR SALE, BEING LOT 28, con, 0, Grey, oontaining 100 gimes, 15 acres elearecl. wider grass, and tho Dame° timbered, About "Macros of dry land and the balance eetter and black ash 00114101P. T1100010 a log house on the promine. 30011 be sold env ory reasonable tetras as proprie- tor 5000 1103 require the lot. For further par- ticulate apply to BOST. MoDATICHIAN, Otanbrook, P,0 AL/13. BGNTIllt, Thus- set12a '1113.1313 13013 SALE. -THE 1113- J... Drammen offers for sale the north oast quarte r of lot 28, oonoession 0, Starts, Connty of Huron, containing 80 acres. The land is of Drat quality end i a 0, high state of Cultivation, Well Mimed and uuder-dratned, es acres cleared Nav frame house, 8 rooms, 101114 house with concrete walls, 2 300110, goodlitums and shod, orehard , eto, Eight woe of fall wheat, This desirable property adlolue the oornoration of Brussels, Suit- able terns will be given, Title ported, JAMES ORDTVE8,00anrethr, 2. 0. 811. - . 000 FARM FOR SALE IN Blatt% on reasonable 001•518. 10 order to Mose the affairs 01 3120 tante of the late W. G. flingston, the mcoeutors offer tho fin lowing valuable lands for solei North half ot L011 30, fitnicatigien _l6TOlush ip af Morrie,containing 00 MiresOn tI\illaie mama 1, good frame barn with sto ‘0 Mul. catiOr,good orchard, well auiptitcp Near. lyalleeaedy and to Mt OM gray rood closeiy 'twining the village of Bruatude. Tbis 111151 (0 a valuable ono, is well fenced was in a goad stew of oultivation, Foe Tindall and tonna apply to 141500. ItlilifSfY, 1410150818 13, 0,, Mons, J.:Ammo, Vietotta Some 83,0,, 0,11011(100010110, 1 r o 1,, o tiiicietax countv, BUSINESS etV.a& — rtlIESSMAIUNG'• OVER, MRS. , A.../ Emu's store, tlitiSliS b.31 11,13(30? NAUGHTON. NV H. MoORA.CKEN, at 11031 4rgeg.,°Vtitilliiegg:g:(t,1).Bliss?)T° R. Tonstmial Artist. Shop -Next door eouth of A. Id. MaBay & 0018 1 aril ware store. Ladies' andenlictron'S hair onAiim pocialty 5.003 aboiee-ntook of cigars kept. N. BARRETT, MoNAIR, . of Marriage Licenses, by appointmeut of Lient,-(iovernor, Commie- . sioner, &a, Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Disuranoo Co. 033010 at the Ormibrook Post 00.100. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM IN01211011030, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. DRESSMAKING.- The undersigne,'l desires to intimate to the ladies of Brussels and surrounding oolintry that she is fropared to attend to all orders intrusted to her. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop-Upetairs, ono door north of Walter jaoksou's hardware store 30- MSS SAIPLII, ATISS M'COLL & MRS. CARSON 1.1.5. have started a first-class Dress and Mantle Making Shop over intim:Ilan Bros.' store. As Mrs. Carson nuts by tho boat Amorioan Tailor System and has worked in 140110010 101' 0.11>11005011 of years a porf eat fit and good satisfaction iegunsanteed. Parties who aro good sewers taught to out and fit in a few days. ta-Apprentioes wanted, AUCTIONEERS. • (.....1EORGE KIRKBY, .1/4.J1 Licensed Auctioneer. Sales uonduot- od on reasonable tame. Farms and farm stook s. speoialty. Orders loft at Tun P OsT PublishingHouse,Bru seals, or sent to Walton P, 0., will r000B/13 prompt attention. ARAYMANN, • Auctioneer, 10 always ,roady to at- tend sales of farms, farm stook, &o. Terme cheerfully given. Oranbrook 9, 0, Sala may bo arranged at Tare Poe m Publishing Rase, Brussels DENTAL. =I =NT= =4,-M• 1 G. L. Ball, 21.13.0, Name Oxide Gas ail. ministered for the Painless Extraotion of Teeth. 74 080110111 818083 Eat, Tonotrro. 30=113'.2, TOT 1 W. J. Fear, 0. D. S., Graduate of Toronto Sohool CV Dentist(3y. All operations guaranteed. larArtitioial teeth, drat quality,,and a guaranteed 0t,40r S12.00 per sot. Oilloo-Caur's Btoba, Snaseivril, 1)1M NT I SUL` sx.4.72313x), 80, Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Burgeons, Toronto. Nitroo Oxide GAR adminietated for the Paiuless 91xtraotion of tooth. Office - Dam NORTP 00 BAER, PRIDISELs; MEDICAL CARDS., vErkt. F. GALE, M.D., (3.13., v v Member of the College of Phystolan and Surgeons Of Ontario by examination • Oilloo and rioaidenoo -Mein etroot East, 7 Ethel,Clatatio. TA. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. . 01(11., 11. DCBOBt111411, 11.I. 0, S. Ont. At Popper'e mug store from 030 11:90 35,111, and from 1:8310 4 p. 011, .At othor home may be found 03 1,15 residence 007 00011131.00. by Tir, Ilittehineon, Mill at. VETERINARY. J130, 13, NVARNVI01<, V. 8,, sstT0010S8012 3130 11 ' W. 0111111114_,V.11;), Gramiato and HonoraryFellOW of tintano Votertuftrf COlIegc, will ho pleased to ex. unfree wit 1 the greatest earo Out 3(00150' 0)041148 0101 13 tiny 00000 entrasted to hie charge, °sine and infirmary..-0,11v,on1s 013 eland, doors berth (11 1)1343(3 bridge, 0.tirilberrY ea, Brussels.