HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-12-27, Page 5Mr' DEEMBSR 27, 1889, ailaiiasesonaustestiasseametesesamaietzenatescemmearixte listritt l!Teb.)5, FRIDAY, DEORMEDIZ 27, 1880, Ethel. Our Reboot teachers aro away for their holidays, tho rooins closing last Monday. TIM PONT in waited for anxiously every week. It le a gotteral favorite in this locality. Several of our citizens attended the Mothodiet tea meeting nt Brussels On Ohriathme. They roped favorably. Rev, A.. Y. Hartley, of l3luovalo, preached in the Presbyterian church here last Sabbath afternoon. He's a 1 good preacher, rl I T. 13. McDonald, who has been toaoh- iug nom hate for the past yomr, has taken IA, School near Ripley for 1800. Mr, Mao, is a good teacher and will no doubt give a good account of himself. J ' I On Thursday morning there was a olooe shave from rt railroad ambient. The strong west wind had caused a freight ear on the switch to MOW) so far east that the front truths got off the traok, block- ing the main line. The engineer of the morning train saw the trouble in time to atop his train and thus averted the as, eident. After about fifteen minutes work the oar was got back on the rails and the rood once more opened for traffic. 4. ,n-gi Jut 11.)*.c.tAr. SALIS.--Autliony Baker hold an auction salo of farm stook and implements on Monday last. There was o good adend- ance and fair ',victr: were realized. A. Bay111111111, the poplar auctioneer, Wif ed the hammer. BRIEFS.—Rov, A. Y. Hartley, of Blue• vale, preached an excellent sermon in Knox church last Sabbath.—Schoolelnses for the Xmas holidays this weelc.—Next Monday is nomination.—Rebt. Leckie, of Toronto, is visiting friends here. Mr. Leckie is as hale and hearty as in the days of yore.—An exciting foot race took place between W. Brown and T. Nichol- son on Monday evening hut. The dis- tance Wan from Teek's hotel to Baker's gate. Nicholson had a start of about twenty yards but was beaten by Brown in more ways than one,—A merry Christ- mas and happy New Year. Y. P. C. A.—A. large and appreciative audience greeted the Young Peoples' As- eociation on Monday evening last. Rev. D. B. Melloe, easter, occupied the chair and, after a brief, practical address, pre- sented the following interesting program : Reacting, A. Perris ; music, Misses Jane and Catherine and Amity McNeil ; reci- tation, 3. Perrier reading, Miss Mary Currie; "Life of Elbe Burritt," A. Mc- Neil ; recitation, Mien Jennie McNair reeitation,111 iss Annie Slenimon ; oSkotelt of Pais," 3. Robertson ; reacting, W. Perris; mule, A. MoNeil ; Benediction, This wits a very successful tneeting and cannot foil to benefit those attending. The selections given by Missee Mary Currie, Jennie McNair and Annie Slem• mon were well rend.ered and worthy of Soeste,I mention. t-wo od. The Albert College Times says :—Our editor-in-chief, 3. H. MeBoin has been eleettd treasurer of the convention com- mittee ot the Inter -Collegiate Missionary Alliance to meet in Montreal next year. He was also elected Secretary ef the Y. M.C.A. On Friday last,Deo., 20th a Christtnas tree was held in the Methodist church oE the abet e pl000. Notwithstanding the . unfavorable weather the church was comfortably filled. Addresses were de. livered 1,y Revds. Henderson, Davis and Henry 3.1.013eitt, jr. The choir furnished some appropriate musie. Excellent red - Lotions 'were given by the sobolars. Among -the senior miters were Mr. Hamilton, Mr. Holmes and Mr. Davis. Vocal and instrumental duetts and solos were rendered by Messre. Davis and Cober, of Ethel. After the entertain- ment the Ohrisanas tree presents were distributed to the scholars, who with eager eyes 001110 off each with a prize, by Mr. MoBain, to the amusement of the audience. The amount realized was 826. Itrottimmentsi.—Early on Sunday morn- ing the tannery belonging to jamas Wil - F0111 was destroyed by fire, and tie be had no insurance his loss will be about $6,000 or 57,000. Mr, Wilson had nearly 51,000 worth of leather nearly finished and over .3,000 "green" skins, oat of which Inc only oaved about 400 The fire was no doubt au incendiary, asit was started in an . . . . empty blinding ad'oming. Mr. Wilson is a magistrate and in discharge of his duties drew on himself the ilk -will of ear- tain parties. Last fall ' he received a threatening letter and his stable' was fired on the same night that the stable of the Presbyterian manse was burned, Mr. Wilson diseovered the stable on fire and put it out. It is too bad that our village Familia suffer from fire bugs. There have been no Mee than four •fires here within the past throe or lour monthe, 70 10 to be hoped the tannery. will be rebnilt. Mr: Wilson and family Lave the sympathy of the oommunity in this heavy load they have been called upon to sustain. W n.1 top. Mips Annie Sage is home from To- ronto, Boyd Morrison is spending his holidays at home. Johnny and Fiore MoDointld are home for their holidaye. Verne, the little daughter of Lewis Mc- Donald, is on the Sick list. School opens on Monday January 6011 with T. MoLouchlin end Miss Beattie Kelly as teaehers. TnA Mearme.—The 16th !Innen] tea-. meeting of the Welton 'Methodist church will bo held on the evening of New Year'a day. Tea to be served from 6 to 7130 p. uo4 after which the ;lair will be taken and addresses delivered by the fole lowing clergymen 0111M3011, of Seaforth ; &Rory, of Brimsols ; Forrest, of Walton, and others. Brussels Moth°. dist choir will be itt attendance. Come one comp all l LUR1480 AND Pincsam.Przox.—One even- ing lest week the pupils of the nubile school, accompanied by some of the ',Drente, assembled at, the residence of W. Neal Por the purpose of expressing their good wishes to the toil:oboes, Miss mid Miss MoDoneall, who aro leaving. A kindly worded address Wee read by Miss rata Torronee and Misses Annie Forgueon and Minnie McDonald presented the young ladies.with a hand. A01110 silver tett service., piekle (midan , d napkin ring. The rempientsanknowledg- ed the gifts in an amropriato manner. ta,,trensarteitimeguang= Miss Hilton lakes the Winthrop school after holidays and Blies MeDongtil will attend the Godemeh Iligh Holm) to pre. pare for a higher certificate, They have I a host of friends in this looality, The following is the address ; To Matto 111110n and McDougall Demi Temancee,—Ae the time has oomo for yon to leave us we pladly embrace this opportunity of expreseing one heart. felt gratitude to you for your untiring efforts to help us in our etudies ; for your onifortn kindness and patience toward no, If wo have at any time riming your stay tvith us caused you pain wo slime°. ly regret it and would ask your forgive. nese. Wo sincerely hope that you will give us one little corner in your affections. We (vein.° yon of a large place in our heorts. Will you please &wept this silver tea set ae an expression of our g003 will towards you. It le not of groat volue—we wonld it were more —but; it is the gift of pupils who love you and sin - (*rely regret the separation. We tenet wherever your lot may bo east in the future that God's richest blessing may attend you, and in the great day of Eternity may teachers and pupils meet in that bright world, where no parting tears will be shod. ETU TOIIIIANano JANNIBIEnotreeiy, ANNIK :INIUMSON, On behalf MINNIE MCDONALD, of school. Liam; 1110Doethma, FLORA Caimermi,, Pak -stator elta.1 VOWS, Duncan & Duncan received 5102.30 for fifteen suits of Mediae for the I Hood and Ladder Compony. Harry Beattie has aocepted a situation I in the Brantford Collegiate Institute, where ho receives a Wary of $700. Dr. MoKid, of this town, will soon leave here to fill a position as medical aupenntendent of the Anthracite mil mines in Lethbridge, Alb. 111r. and Mrs. Ross and daughter, of South Africa, aro at present visiting at Chas. Papst'it. Mr. Ross is one of the bonanza kings of the South ond owns a ; large Diamond mine. D. D. Wilson entertained the teachers of the Collegiate institute and the Board of Trustees ab a social supper at his residence the other evening in his usual hospitable and open-hearted style. At the last regular meeting of branch 28, C. M. 11. A., the following offleers were elected by amilarnation for 1800 :— Spiritual Ad., Rev. P. J. Shoo, P. P. ; Chancellor, W. Weber; President, R. Coleman ; lat ViccePresident, W. Hano- ver, M. D. ; 2nd Vice -President, P. Root- ing ; Rec.-See., P. Klinkharorner ; Asst.. See., 1. Weber ; Fin. Son,, ;T. Killoran ; Trensurer, 3. Dorsey ; Marshall, 3. Kole ; Guard, P. J. Dopp. Representative to grand council meeting to be hold in Montreal; W. Conover, M. D. ; Alter. note J. B. Weber ; Board of Trtutteee, 3. Kale, E. Devereax, P. Keating, R. Colemon anal T. Purcell. v • tees.,e,terti.-ares. Mrs. Lovell, has gone to Guelph to spend Christmas with her mother. Ur. Stewart, who teaches nt the stone school on the 2ed of Morris, was the re- cipient of a very handsome choir, the present of his pupils. Mr. Nichol, of the 5th of Minie, also oaine in for his share of Xmas presents, receiving a handsome gold chain from his scholars. Fred. Pearce, of the Mitchell High &hoot, is home for a few days, also James Johnson, 2nd year medico of To. ronto University, Medical College, and last but not least. An.tin Budge, of the Clinton Collegiate Institute 0., at home storing away vital energy for the spring examination. At a meeting of lodge No. 321, A. 0. U. W., hall on Friday evening last, the following officers were °boson for the coming year :—P. M., Lawretme Pearen ; M. W., Jno. Unties ; foreman, J. Stew- art ; Overseer, Wm. Wray ; Recorder, le. E. Godfrey, M. D. ; Receiver, Jno. 0. Campbell ; Financier, F. Wheeler ; Chas Birney ; L Watch, It Sean- drett ; 0. Watch, G. David. The Xmas tree in connection with the Fpiecopal churoh of this plane was a complete success in every partioular. Old Santa Claus WAS there with his usual quota of presents but complained very much of the heat and muddy roads. However, the kind old gentleman made many o young heart glad. The children did their port of the entertainment web and reflected great credit upon thoee who trained them. The prooeeds atuounted to the handsome sum of 527.00. '61s tit. The large new driving shed in the rear of the Methodist ehurch here is almost ompleted. On Saturday afternoon Nelson McGee, whilst chopping in the both, out his foot with an axe. Messrs. Tanner, and Shane took part at the English church concert at Bay. 6012 on Thersday evening of last week. Two beautiful carved oak chairs have been placed in the chancel of the Eng- lish ohurob, the gift of Mrs. Whitt, of Clinton, who was for many years organ- iSion Monday evening the members of the Bible class of the Methodist church waited upon their teaoher, Miles Young, and preeented him with a handsome easy chair as a token of their esteem for him. On Thursday afternoon of lest week our bailiff, with several assistants, got into quite a melee while endeavoring to remove a meolaine from T. Bawden's shop to the station. At ons time it was thought that the Riot Aet would have to be read. Tbelfollowing was received by .111, fl. Hammond, station master here and was dated Dem 7, 1889 ; Dear Sir, enclosed please find the sum of fifty cente. 1 took a ride from Blyth to Clinton, without pitying for it. It was thine years ttgo, and lately it was brought up to ivy mind, and I thought it didn't belong to me, so I secretly send you the amount and inter, eet, Yours, te., for IltenTsoussass. On Monday of lest woolc 0 came of lar- ceny wee tried before 111a,gisteates .1.!ming and Xelly. It appears that on the even. Ing of Blyth show, two robe e were stolen, one from W. II. Bronclo,n, and ono from John Medd. On inferthation stipolied, Constable Davis arrested William Ruddy of Wo,wanosh, as the party %vine deto- nated the theft. Considerable evidence for the prosecution was given but it Was not strong enough to justify the Innis. tratos in committing and the prison was discharged A large bed Of genuine Irish peat Into Oen aiSCOVCreC1 hear 0611)Orne, Ont.. • • • THE BRUSSELS PM:i1" =varmitmEFF-71rmemgrsgmar--7, ...m.vazgavora:FAxmacom",zizr.z.zGorqximozam.rlicoagesoptitsm42zuz.Loazpzumme 0 . I eVITV., 'e • k 2. ars ,09010,1j OF NEW AND DESIRABLE FOR OL AND YOUNG-. Ati• 4.4104%;:0 cAl:AW Muq, .44 19.'t.kr:47 GREAT VARIETY, GRE.A.T oPPoRTuNrry, Great Bargains for All in te es,c1oek, jlnwpJry„ SILVERWARE, Violins, Spectacles, Pipes, aigar Oases, Mame Pouches, 8611 &c. The New, the Novel and the Beautiful WILL BE FOUND IX OUR lisidVDSOME STOOK.. 1.4 We can Supply a Beautiful Gift for any Sum you may desire to Expend. Our Elegant Holiday :'•:1,;ck is a Popular Sok in all Respects, Our Stock consists of Watches, Clocks (Walnut and Nickel Alarms), Solid Gold Wedding; Rings, Keeper Rings, Engagement Rings, Gem Ring; Solid Gold Brooches, Cuff Buttons, Bracelets, Chains, Locket; Src., &c. Everybody should see this Elegant Array of Christmas Gifts. Remember we have the Right Article at the Right Price for everyone you wish to select a Present for. We cam bupply you with a Marriage License awl Ling. Galt in and Inspect Stook. .rt wet8 Bought to be, ,;Old, T. FLETOFIER, - Jeweler, Brussels. are ! Ely a a 7 *„ 0 5y Remind the Public that their Stock is Lai.ge and Well Assorted, Our Specialties at thi.• Seawn i. trt.41' , In which We are the EiKaa &Dams in Brussels for the Celebrated 0 0 11) WM ALSO 1-IANDIM TB E1 'MAPLE LEAF,' 'DISTANT,' 'RACER,' '01-1AINIPION' AND 'PRESIDENT.' Call In And See Them. gia Tip-top Chopping Axes in Stock that cant Fail to Give Satisfaction. 44 <Sala* ak.'n A Handsome Range of Hanging Lamps, Hall Lamps, Stand Lamps, &c,, in stook, and sold at close prices, Get our prices before you place your order elsewhere. %tall VT 41, MU !it VI MAW e. Sleigh Bells, and a host of °tiler necessary articles that are seasonable at this time of year,. . Z. AV 701 ARA "i•A% We take no second place in this department and wish to call the attention of the e of' Brussels and snrrounding country to nor .beauti Cul stock or Silverware, This is the present -making season'. Get good. value for your money by purclut8ing your v r- wnre Cram its A. cull will convince you of tbo correctness of this statement, Our goods are bought to moll and our motto is "Small profits and quick returns,” Our Stock of (law& Efardware is up to the standard and we arc always pl ensed wait on the Pohl te Wishing you 01 the oomplimenis of the season, we reinttin 0 A. Mo It ICAT o.9 " BlItTSSELS. N R. Ilon't Forget that we arc t,lu .01r•• .1. perils fey the "Forest lik;!f