HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-12-27, Page 4New Advertisements.
Locals --1V. 1T. Willis,
Locale- i. L. Jackson.
Auction Sale -A. hunter.
Cheese meeting -D. Stewart.
Estray steer -Mrs, B. Brown.
Tenders wanted --Jas. I)unaan.
Ilig re:Liu:time--l'ost Iloolt•store,
sem•,c, alas ,
No service In the Presbyterian uhuruh I
last Sabbath as the pastor was away at
Messrs Dull it Stewart are making a
numbor of improvements at the saw mill
and they ovldontit' intend to keep the
sawdust flying at both mills.
1'nxszNrANION.-••Last Friday afternoon
Miss Lowery, who han just completed
' her terns as *ember i" the junior depart-
ment of our eehuol, wee presented with a
' 3rtsc.ls ` a.ost.
F laThi 3', DEC. 27, 1889.
'Pum clergy of Godericb are urging the
establishment of a poor -house or house
of refuge for Huron. Lambton and Ox-
ford are also advised to build with a view
to maintaining the victims of poverty.
There is nothing more beartlese than ne-
glect of the poor, yet too many of our
municipalities are guilty of this neglect
and cruelty. It cannot be said in ex-
tenuation that the poor aro not deserving
of consideration, for there are ninny
of theta suffer titrettgh no fault of their
own ;and itis as muult the duty of the
public to look after theca n fortnmttes se
it in the duty of the family to iuole after
its evtalter lne,nbere. The ilea of dott-
ing the eonntry eve, with peer -houses is
certainly not a. pleasant one ; but the in -
*Wets of humanity, not to speak of the
claims of religion, demand that the poor
be sheltrreed aha fed. -Moil.
'I handsome piece of silverware. Rev. A.
$, Hartley spoke a few well °boson
worde and .Miss Stowe made the proeen-
tatiou. cern gZEt woe appr'opriattly eo-
knowledged. Mr, MoEwtul made a few
remarks, Mise Lowery has rendered ex-
cellent service here and eke will be long
remembered. She will be succeeded by
Mies Jennie Black.
Senamszo we give the examination
paper an Temperance and Hygiene pre-
sented to the pupils at the high tiehuot
entrance examination he'd list week. It
is our °pillion that the gneetions would
snit a cease of medieul students better
than a lot of juveniles, who may have a.
slight acquaintance with Richardson's
manual. Of coarse the 72 marke allowed
the questions are given as a bonus. The
gentlemen who prepared the paper,
Messrs. Fotberingham and Pearce, most
have a high opinion of the ability of the
Canadian yonth. Try your baud at
answering the brain puzzlers. Here
they aye :
1. Give three °hie1 reasons why you
should seek to have et perfectly healthy
2. What is the proportion of water to
solid parts iu the human body? and 2111105
four important Imes of watts in the
]talo' n frame.
9. `'hat seine. s ca., y00 give for call-
ing water a natural drink and milk a I
natural food? Name the principal sub-'
stances in milk mai the proportrms
which they are fennel.
4. Make shoat rotes on : membranous I
screens, tibrine,blood a rpus.les or glob-
ules, seorbntic, normal temperature of
the human hotly.
5. Give fire sayings of wise men on
wine two from scripture and three from
,mtber sources.
6. Describe the effects of aloohel nn the
corpmseles and fibrine of the bloat and
do the minute blood vessels.
7. Describe briefly the roar stages of
animal life under alcoholism.
TOE Ottawa Free Pres- says of the
action of the East ilurol Fanners' In-
stitute in refusing to endorse the Millers'
association resolution
"The Montreal Gazette scolds the
farmers of Enst Huron for declaring in
favor of unrestricted commerce with the
United States instead of asking for an
increase in the duty on importe.l flour,
and charges the representative and in-
telligent agriculturists who compose the
East Huron Institute with "stupidity."
The Montreal organ of the Dominion
Government is a;nod deal more open to
the charge of studidity than the Huron
farmers. The ministry which the Gaz-
ette supports treats its arguments in sup-
port of en increase in the flour duty as
exceedingly stupid, by ignoring thein al.
tog«Ther. By placing upon the statute
book ire "standing offer" of reciprocity
in faun products the Conservative lead-
ers have minced a belief that oar farmers
can compete with their American rivals
in a free market, and the Huron county
farmers ask that the standing offer be
enlarged so as to embrace all kinds of
produce. Reciprocity in natural pro•
duets alone cannot be obtained, and if it
could it would simply menti that the
farther would have to sell his grain,
meats, etc., at free trade prices and pay
Canadian oontbinester prime for what he
had to buy. :The Huron farmer is too
ebrewd to agree to an arrangement by
which he would have to take bis products
to the American market and bring home
mousy to pay two, or three prices for
sugar, cottons; iron -ware, etc., to Canad-
ian monopolists. Hence he demands the
privilege of buying in the cheapest rear.
het, The Gazette insists that the farm -
ere ought to unite with the millers. That
would be a genuine "coalition of the
shark and its prey." Why the millers
have just organized a combine for the
purpose of keeping down the prise of the
farmer's wheat I It will never do to
place wolves in charge of the sheep -fold.
IInrestriotetl reciprocity would furnish
both millers and farmers with an unlim-
ited and profitable market for their pro-
ducts. The Gazette maintains that,
"every consideration of principle and
regard for the interest of the wheat grow-
ers of the Dominion mates in favor of
an increase in the duty on flour. A tax
of 15 cents on wheat and 50 on flour is
neither free trade nor proteotiol. It is
an anomaly, indefeneible by env rule of
reason, which in prelatical working dis•
ariminates heavily against the interests
alike of millers and farmere." 11 so,
how is 10 that the Dominion Government
which the Gazette supports, refuse to
remove the alleged "anomaly," and stub-
bornly Insist
tubbornly.Insist that neither the millers or
the farmers have any just gronul for
complaint ?"
D..1. Ilartley is away to Halton Comity
011 a holiday visit.
Nomination of tuuuicipal o0laers for
'rurnborry Township will teko place here
next Monday.
Adam 'Reid, who lives south of Mum
vale, has p lroh,ised it bongo and Int hi
winyh ant and Will glue uip far,nl,,g, \'l',:•
nowt 1110 In are him ,re,
Will, )i,t ti1.
The Advance is tatting a h.liday this
A public convenienoe wo,ld be a letter
box planed at the G.T.R. station.
Arrangements are being made by the
Caledonian Society of the town for tho
celebration of Burns' anniversary by a
grand supper.
At a meeting of the 000110il a motion
was ewried requesting the property com-
mittue to gather Si all the band instru•
meets belonging to the town.
The .nominations f.'r Meyer, Reeve,
Dep..Reeve, Councillors mud School
Tru,tees for the ensuing year will bo held
in the town hall, ou Dec. 30th, at 7:30
p. m.
forty-two candidates wrote at the
Eui.r:..me Examination at the public
seheol last week. All the candidates
were from the rural schools. Mr. Turn.
bull, of Clinton, conducted the examin-
Misses M. Catley and Bell Smith, of
the teaching staff of the public schuol,
having declitletl rs.engagement for an-
other year, intend leaving town. The
formai goes take charge of the school at
Doan, waterloo county. Miss Smith
has secured a school near Stratford.
The Adtanne says :-A. H. Musgrove
bus a very bad attack of catarrh. We
hope, however, being the Conservative
candidate for the Local House, be will
recover before long and be able to speak
at political meetings in opposition to T.
Gibson, M. P. for East Riding of Huron.
1iorrx .
The roads are bad.
Wood -bees are all the urge ou the 6th
line just now. From thirty to forty men
attending is not uncommon.
James Johnston, who'ie ttttantling the
Medical College, Toronto, is on the sick
list but is expected home this week.
Samuel Irvin will veneer his new re-
sidence next season with brink. It is
:aid ',am, las his housekeeper spoken
James Smith intends removing to Mo-
le I lop next Spring. He had an auction
sale of stock encs implements on Tuesday
of est week.
Next Monday will settle whether our
township council will be returned by ac-
clamation oe not. They have paid close
attention to municipal business.
Walter Walker and wife of Illinois, are
here on a visit with relatives and friends.
Mrs. Welker is a sister to Charles Bozell.
They may become residents of Ontario.
James Duncan, 4th line, purposes rais-
ing his barn and stable and putting a
stoue stable under it next season. lie
well move one of the buildings and likely
matte some iuternel alterations.
11r. Downey has purchased a dwelling,
formerly occupied by Joe. De Forrest,
and intends moving it to the lime works
on toe 4th line. George Proctor has the
job. It will be hauled over on skids.
Alton Anderson, who has been teaching
at Button's school house, intends remov-
ing to Manitoba where he has secured a
school at Pilot Mound. Mr. Anderson
has met with a large measure of success
inteachiug and we wish him prosperity.
Next bummer Frank Baines intends
raising his barn and putting stone
stabling underneath. Ile will also add
15 feet to the length of the building mak.
it measure 90x60 feet. Stonemason Fer-
guson and Geo. Proctor have the con-
The closing examination and enter-
tainment in S. S. No. 5, Morris, was held
on Friday of last week, Mr. Nichol's
term has expired as teacher and his place
will be filled by Mr. Blackwell, of Turn -
berry, who bears the name of being a tip-
top teacher.
A correspondent eays the second daugh-
ter of Chas. Ritchie, aged 10 years,
weighs the respectable figure of 108.
pounds. All Bummer she milked three
cows, washed the dishes and walked 1}
miles to school. Yon ought to see her
pull turnips.
Some people blow abouttheir Chester
White, and Berkshire breed of hogs but
your correspondent has a word to say in
reference to the Snffolks. Frank Baines,
lot 7, con. b, hoe a sow of that breed that
littered 26 pigs in five months. One of
them was purchased by Chas. Proctor jr.
and at 7 months old dressed 240 pounds.
Mr. Baines killed three of the same age
which weighed 210, 205 and 209 pounds
respectively. So: much for the Suf-
Xmas TREs.-On Thursday peening of
last week the Methodist church, at Sun-
shine, was well filled with youngstere and
"oldsters" for the purpose of holding the
annual Sabbath school entertainment,
B. Gerry occupied the chair. In addl..
tion to the part taken by the children,
contribution were given by Mise Godfrey,
of ilelgrave, A. Hood, of Brussels, Revile.
Godfrey and Tonga. The Christmas
trees were unloaded before the meeting
broke up and the little folks sent home
happy. 'She Sunday 'school is in good
heart and bide fair to grow in interest,
The Council met gnrsnant to adjourn-
ment its the Council Room on Dec. lGbb,'
Members all present, the Reeve in the
chair. Minutes of last mooting read and
passed. A number of aeoounts ware
ordered to be paid. The following per -
sena were appointed to take the votes at
the planes hereinafter mentioned, should
a poll he required, at the coming Munieh
pal elections-Sub.divisioa No, 1, at
et -Madhouse en 5, S. No. 1, Jae. Newcombe
Deputy Ibotatning•Officer; Snb.division
No. 2, at Schoolhouse in S. S. No. 0, Alex.
B1oCal1 D. R. O ; Sob -division No, 8, at
Sohoolhoeso fh H. S. No. 5, Goo. llood
D. 11 tit vs n No.J Town
U Su Il 1 tot at tan
Hall Phos. Miller D. II. O , Subdivision
Nn ,e, at Sclrolhotge S, W No. 7, T. g.
Brandon D. It. (1. ; Sub drvi inn No, (1,
int Belloolhoneo S. 14. No10, Arthur
$tln.w D. R. O. lig-law„ No. 7 awl N;
1:1811. were duly read and p11ss,d. :rho
Von no l then s',''''""e:L W'i. f'yu,i,
nal; 217, ave;+:' 'a sa
IG roilSI:RVl(1'..- .Tlil•; UN-
rlersfoned winkeel, ma..Iorvlos ou lot
Mono S. Morris, it tbm'o'.hred Berkshire
liner. 'Germs 0100 rt. rho taco of solvioe,
with privilege of 1 eliernina, if ne ieseerv.
1,1,3i1(1.11",.e., r„rat.
1) OAR PO 111l.
833RYru-- T[U
1J undersigned will heap the tinea' -broil
Berkshire Boar' "Prrs,deut;” from ifeberto,l
rtorl, on bath"Mrs. for r ruin' or 1.00 14.
(:0n. 5, Grey lheshiunt" was purahnsorl
last serener fronabn. Shull sons, of iedmou
tun, and Is an excellentpl Terms 01.00 at
time of service with privilege of returning
if necessary. 10.2ni A. SEAN, Proprietor.
Jersey Bull fm' l' (ATI co.
I will pa y ne high its 018 for Heifer Oalvos,
1 month old, from this Bull, ,.rhe., varying
according to rnilkliiR qualithrr et their dams.
For farther partioulare apple' at my Drug
and Book Store, Brussels,
20.0 G. A. DIIAPTPAN, Druggist, do.
Valuable Property
—It: Tun --
Village of Oranbrook.
ruder and by yirtne of the power of sale
eartained Si a certain registered mortgage,
widen will be produced at the bale of sale,
and 1113111wbuCl i -fault 10 pavloent tins
been made, there will bo ollsrod fur Salo by
Public Auction at the
tMall IGAN 114P111,, rmus34lr.1.S,
—nvafN congaY,
Tuesday, Jan I4th, '90,
At Two o'clock in the Mt(ruoon,
Tho following valuable lands and promises,
vie.,: -Park Lots Sift v -six, Sixty-one, Sixty-
two, Sixty-eight, Sixty Moe, S(n'e ity-ouo
and Seventy.two, to the said Village of
Oranbrooli, ca.tandug Nineteen nexus and
Throe-giartsrs, euro o: 1 Teens lauds
aro goal, well etew,tod and h ago therein a
gond frame house nal frame barn Duly a
Pew years otd and all in good order.
TEnxs.-Ton per cent. of 1,urohase money
to be paid at the ti.no of sale ; for bal.4000
terms will be mode known ateale.
For further partloulars apply to
A., HIIhTI)0, nnussins,
Doe. 26th , 1800. Agent for Vendors.
Reno ?
flaVeljou, Arita
ate T�enap.
t.ts expastte.
VIII &GD of B1,118SDLS
The Nomination of a Reeve, Four Coun-
cillors and Three Trustees, and One
Trustee to fill the vacancy paused by the
resignation of James Buyers, for the
Village of Brussels, will be held at the
Monday, Deo. 30th,1889
At the Hour of 12 O'Clook (Noon).
The Election, should a Poll be demanded,
will be held on
Iondayaafn.. 6t11, 1800
For Polling Sub -division No. 1, et the
()moe of Geo. Love ; for Polling Subdiv-
ision No. 2, at the Council Chamber, be-
tween the hours of 9 o'clock a.m. and 6
o'clock, p.m. •
Returning -Officer.
0 G5
Wanted ! any quantity of
Dressed Hogs the coming
season, for which the very
highest market Price will be
paid. Farmers will best con-
sult their own interests by
killing and marketing their
Hogs in season, as in post
years. Don't be carried away
by interested parties adver-
tising and making out a bet-
ter price live weight. With
good fat hogs past experience
proves to the contrary.
Bring Along Your
OA ow
t d ago.
R,, ()valiant,
Gratin Dealer, 1.3u'llasels.
Eotc d !
Palmyra, hurry me your r. tore hops mid fatten
them for the market from January to June.
Welwyn determined to ant oden thepaakbng
of dressed hope in order to mete the molting
pf hogs a bttsluoss throughout tun year, We
shall endeavor to buy.,et whatever the prion
is, enough lire tines during those menthe to
run aur veering henna, As thus hnshiuns 1s
4e112g noglsate(i denleg thelatewinter and
spring mot,ths, we thick: lane •vim Levo
hogs suitable for our requirements will reap,
a big benefit. Ws want liege not loss than
190 lbs., and not over 1140 me, and will give a
handsome price for the sumo, Revellect ws
shall not buy a dressed hog this winter,
w Perces we packed 16.900 dressed hogs after
January tat last winter,
d. L. GRANT k CU., 11‘4311§11801.11.,
-Or T110 -
Pansy Series
Post Bookstore,
Four Girls ab Chautauqua ; Little
Fishers and their Nets ; Throe People ;
Echoing and Re-echoing ; Chr'ietio's
Christmas ; Divers Women ; Spun from
Fant ; The Chautauqua Girls at Homo ;
The Pocket Measure ; Julia Reid ; Wise
and Otherwise ; The Ring's Daughter ;
Licks in Rebecca's Life ; Iateruptecl; The
Master Hand ; An Endless Chain ; Ester
Reid ; Ester Ricci yet Speaking ; The
Llan of the House ; 1tuth Erskine's
Crosses ; Household Puzzles ; Those
Boys ; Modern Prophets ; The Randolphs ;
Mrs. Solomon Smith looking on ; From
Different Standpoints ; A New Graft on
the Family Tree.
Money to Loan,
Honey to Loan on ]! arlu Pro-
perty at
1;01%T' T i ilTES.
Private and Cofnpally Funds.
Solicitors, c*e„
Branis1;LH, ONT,
The Western Advertiser
Published in twelve-pago forte, and bean.
Wally printed on one of best web -
feeding presses in America.
VALCA,,I,n PsLsENTs V001 SonoCRilsons
AND Ae1b0Te.
Largest IR Paper ; In clubs of four and
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Popular Departments of interest to
every family, including re first -Class
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Department; Secular and Sacred Music;
Interesting Stories; Ladies' and Youths'
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partments; Legal Department; Talmage's
Sermons, and all the Nowa, by telegraph,
mail and correspondeuoe.
laalutaee raft" 11:14542]' It a -mo
x Agnates Package and sample copy
on application. The most liberal induce-
ments ever offered in Canada to olub.
getters. Address-
AnvEnriseu PEINTL\e Co.,
London, Oanada.
The Queen of the Holiday Numbers for 18B0,
Forty Pages of Beautiful Illustrations and Literary Matter. Coated Paper, Colored
Lithographs, Magnificent Prete Work, Handsome Colored Cover.
Two Large Superb Lrruoon.rnic PDxrss, in 15 Colors, accompany this Number,
entitled "Friend::--'i'lae 'Canaclia•t lo9CiliCiu."
Gen. Sir. Fred. Middleton, inwriting about the latter plate, says: -"I mush coni
gratulate The Globe upon having produced so creditable n picture. It is very wel
Th different
• n home. o
met b acre equal to anyfrom o
executed, and appears to o e q qu
uniforms are correctly given, and the grouping not too stiff."
The whole number is, without doubt, the Best Holiday paper ever issued in this
country, and much superior to the groat majority of English productions. No
Canadian family should miss securing a Copy of this Magnificent Number.
Price 50e. To be had from all Newsdealers and at the office of
Is Orders from the Old Country must be aecoenpanied by additional rive Cents
to cover extra postage.
A Beautiful Assortment of
Christmas Goo{ s
LTTJ S'I ']?O 1-71.A.1\1-13, IN
Plain and Fancy Glassware, Decorated and Plain China,
also a large Assortment'of Dinner and Tea Sets.
Our New Seasons' Raisins, Currants,
Prunes Oranges, Lemons, Pigs, Dates,
Evaporated Apricots and Peaches
are of the finest Quality and
EZ n. > , 1M A..
A large assortment' of Nuts, Candied Peels and Pure
Spices just to hand.
Every lover of a strong, rich, mellow cup of Black Tea
should try our famed blend of
India, China and Ceylon Tea,
at 50c. per Lb., worth 75c,
The finest Japan Tea grown at 40c a Pound. A very fine
Japan Tea at 30c. a lb., worth 35c ; a Good japan Tea.
at 25c, worth 30c. Our own blend of
1f' Cf• 1r
is the Finest Ground.
We will Sell for 0.A.S1-1 E ONLY'.
IcADS. of
the Best Granulated Sugar, 6,61
All our Goals are bought at the
Lowest Price for Spot Cash,
which 1ve offer as cheap, if not chclipel•, than the cheapest.
D7iCinutuiio 27, XbtStu
The D afo d.Bs trop
A Willing Dace vo
From the Diary of a Lawyer and the
Note -Boole of a Reporter.
to announce
Oafs Splendid
Story as
in the Serial
OLDPi,00I( is the
name of the Lawyer who
figuros prominently in
the plot of
The die llmid Suttee,
to appear in these Columns.
If you want to be INTERESTED—
absorbed-engulfed in interest -read the
first chapters of this Story. No Danger
that You Will Not Follow It to the End.
in the De-
The Diamond
is a Reporter named BRYAN. The
young gentleman shown in the above
initial design is not .ir. Bryan -but
ANOTHER prominent character in this.
as well as in most other stories.
Diamond Button."
are to be found in great variety in the
NORTH, which we are bringing out in
this paper.
"The Diamond Button"
is the name of this Serial.
Mr. North never wrote a Poor Story
ai rylo '
Stories aro
worth reading
in which the in-
terest is kept up
and not allowed
to lag. Vaaboty.
Romance, and
Energy aro requisites in a Serial. Ail
those denirabio qualities are found in
prominent degree in THE DETECTIVE
Now Manning In this raper. Ryan=
to read one of
the best Detec-
tive Stories of
recent years.
is a Story of the