HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-12-27, Page 3Dr;arlMr3>s 27, X589, 1HE BRUSSELS POST 3
menawnammosezzstheis nsumusa rmerm'lann”ew�a.a:aCm& '+' •z'-?�c: "^••,.v.. , +w wL,::,, .-,�,;.b.:,il..a 4,,,raga
Oi gamin herre of the brain It ie its eulotione that Don't do and say Binge for jinn 1 'Plea an, tl report of the Elgin ' ris- 1
, bel, 1, is r1 Peewees .►rad }tiny, it leu w ear away the brain. t1> cl not in- entre of e•tlteing him to show anger House of ludeetry ahowe it to have �j I J �
it 1 tellectual work Very few people and then sold heeause he done so. i ffeliume,e4. 'l'11e'minae causes of
ll I lc It is Don't aaY Olt du hush up I or pnuperla.n were ,—Stoku>'e�r 15
tiuil'ur free, intellectual work. , �
The men any :— I not intellectual work that eansee 'Won't bother h e with so many deetitutiote, 13; intstnporauco, 8; d
When It wife thitilts more of her 1 neh''oun dyspepsia, but the euro- petitions," whene child questions oripple, 14 ; old age, 8; blind, 0 ; •
relntivee than of her hnsband• tions, such as anxiety, sorrow, fear idiot, ius,tue, ata., 21 ; all other
When it wife believes that her' 1111 love.
hunbaud tenet levo her wIl whether oho I e. you are ever lo,t in a blizzard
dem:eves it or not. or heavy fog in the day time, you
When a wife ether to Iter beta- call discover the position of the sun,
band's level and tries to equlll UiP and so goG your bearings by a very
in being mean, simple contrivance. Put the point
When a wife fella to realize that of a sharp lead -pencil or knife blade
patience and gentleneee are more on the thumb nail, and its Window
,natural with her than with ft man. will bo thrown en the oppneite side
When a woman marries for OOn• to the sun, it matters not how dense
venienco end pretends that she may bo the fag or scow.
:to for love. An invention tont is being used
When a wife pays too much at. for sending coin through the mails
tent= to her hnoband's old vows, consists of it piece of palate board
and not enough to the nature of the about the size of an envelope. In
mail she has aotually married. it are holes the size of a silver quart.
When a wife insists that her er, a half dollar and a dollar, with
hhusband shall be as good as hie red paper eagle ready 10 paste tt0r088
mother, instead of as good as his each slot, A coin can be put iu and
father. sealed, inclosed in an envelope and
When a wife says that if her sent through the mails in safety,
husband cannotcannot$3 a day he ought Paper doors are said to be great
to put ,$,1,50 of it is her lap every improvemente over wooden ones.
night au 'her abate.' They are formed of two thick piper
. When a wife who is not expected boards, stamped and molded into
3o do any such work, eaya iu the panels and glazed together with glue
presence of her neighbors that elle and potash and then rolled through
was not "rinsed" in that way, and heavy toilers. After being covered
will not saw the wood. with a water proof coating and one
When the wife blames all the that is fireproof, they are painted.
trouble on her husband, instead of varnished end hung in their usual
accepting her share. way,
When A woman imagines that all It is a matter of history that once,
tho worsen iu the world are in love here in Boston, says The Post, a
with her ping of a husband. venerable man turned some etrang
When a wife expects the fact that ars out of a pew which he Supposed
she is a mother to compensate for to be his own, and then, after they
all her failures. had taken refuge in the one immed-
Tho women say :— lately behind it, got up and turned
When a man says he cannot con- then, out of that, having diecovered
trol his temper when with This wife in the meantime that he had made
and ohildren, although they know a mistake, his own pew being that
he controls it when provoked by a lest mentioned.
large, muscular roan enemy.
When tl man is a liar mid his CBT ItE.+h»Y son' WORK.
wife knows it. By a now consecration.
WI en n man is liberal, and fair, By leaving Grumbler alley.
and elleerful with everyone exeopt ]3y looking on the blight side.
his wife. By rebuilding the family altar'.
When a ratan ie fool enough tc By forgiving all your enemies.
expect that an angel would marry 13y speaking well of the parson.
him. By loyalty to the prayermeet-
Whena man le patient and mg•
cringing with man who de not care ]3y planning large revival re -
if they displease him, and impatient sults.
with his sick children. By parting company with the
.When a man expecte that his devil.
wife ought to buy as much with one By moving on to ''Chaokegivinq
dollar ala ho himself can buy with
When a man frets because bis
wife did not love him before she
knew him.
When a Ivan expects the fountain
to he higher than the head ; when
lie expects a butter home than be
When a men smacks his lips in
recollecliou of hie mother's cooking,
and forgets that he had a better
appetite as a boy than he has as a
When a man b'elievee that a wife
should give all her timo to their
home, and then wonders that she
never, has any money of her own.
An English lady has left $50,000.
to he devoted to photographing the
stars, planets and nebulto.
Underground lighting has proved
so successful in Chicago that the
plan is to be largely increased.
A Maine scientist reports that a
man can. live for an indefinite per•
iod on parched peas and spring
Power obtained from a fall of
water a mile distant is to be used,
for lighting the tower at Segorbe, in
Various cosmetics and washes for
the skin usually contain zing, bis-
muth, lead or mercury. They are
really nothing but pointe, and are
most 1pj1101008.
From the summit of Mt. Hamil-
ton, in California, more of the
earth's surface can be seen than
from any other spot on the globe
though it 1s only 4,500 feet high.
A New York physician is report-
ed as saying that during an epide-
mic of diphtheria in that city,: there
were five time as many cues on the
shady side of the street ao on the
sunny side.
Out of 160 persons, treated within
a period of eleven months at the
Pasteur institute at Rio do Janeiro,
only one died, and that one had
neglected to follow' the treatment as
From experiments made with
oleotrie heaters, it seems probable
that a passenger coach can be kept
warm at an expense of two Dents an
hour, the currant being supplied
by a dynamo on � the locomotive or
The making of veneered diamonds
la a new Pennine industry. The
body of the gem is cut from quartz,
and then by galvanic aotion coated
with a solution made from dfamend
stones and chips too email for out -
1t is well for 00 to know that the
'etnotion8 (Mum more unhappiness
.and crime than any other function
Don't feel it beneath your dignity oanses, 10 The average neinller of
to give a child the reason to' a re inmates rinrin the yo t1' .ea., 713, nod
fusel, if praoticlble eo to do ; if it the number of weeks board (with
le not your fernier c'0udllct &Ionitl hoopoe's family and hired help add
have in.pirerl snub confidential tro vd), 4,000. The total ,•xpeoeee
ward von that he will cheerfully during the year were $4,803-49, and
submit, though he dome not under- the receipt., from inmatee, etc.,
annual your motive , $298,48, leaving the amotttlt actual-
ly expended for inmates, $4,025.01.
The average expenses for each per -
"A poodle is a women's net, and son per week was $1.10, per year,
1 have seen some 1 would like bo $57.20, or $00.10. It with interest
swap livings with. on total !mount expended by the
'Falling fu levo is like felling
onnuty on the house added. During
down stairs ; its hard work to $nil the year $070 50 worth of rodeo()
out just bow the thing was done," was tai+mil nn the term, end 400
"The worst tyrant 111 this world artiole,ofbeddiriqund chmadeatline, ade
is a woman who as superior to her by matron, and in nikee
husband and late everybody !thew titre Jae. Grills, the mother of a
11. family of three bright-eyed, flaxen
"Tho man yea can have to work lntired little u'rildren in Sydney,
on a farm for nothing and board Ont., las ideped with Joe. T3nlliday,
histself, just about earns his a coal black eie0r0 owpioyed by Mr.
Nugss." Grille, a wealthy fattener. elms."Groat thinkers are not apt to be Grills lied the negro have been on
great whistlers. When a maul can't intent -Ltd terms for menthe peel,
think of anything, he begins bo , anal reit-mice were paeso,i by we
neighbors of lite. Grill,' apparent
attachaiei1 to her 1111 -bend', larm
heed 0.1 severe' 100301 tae of 1-tto
the ample have been foaled to•
Beth r ander suspicion:, eircunt-
etau0ae. \Veen these majora reaoh-
ec7 the earn of the husband a week
a o Friday hist he accn.eed Halliday
of undue iuttuiaey with his wife.
Thu negro indignantly repudiated
the uhatr:;e, awl when hie employer
ordered him elf the farm the wife
betaine oil lgnat) 1 nud said if -the
hired men left she would go the
next wonting. She went to Belle-
ville end secured led •:itete with
a family named Phillip. She said
she had ,just conte from the States
and ;rive a iiatitiolls 1 i rte. Ou
"A mai who has been waiting for
the last fifteen years for something
to turn up, is still in the same beef
"The reputation a man frets from
his ancestore wante about as mucli.
altering to fit him as their clothes
"Love is like the measles ; you
can't have it but once, and, the later
iu lira we have it, the tougher it
gees with 040."
"Don't despise your poor relit,
tivos. They might get rich some
time, and then it, would be so hard
to explain the thing."
"When I (rear a 104031 bragging
about what he slid last year and
What he's going lo do,uext year, I \Vrineedey ni••1tu rho ue in pu1--
can tell pretty neer what he's doing eb eat a t„ceet toe her to lbeuy,
now.” N.Y, and fie faltered et noun next
"This life is like a game of earde• day. 'Che hnsin"u1 i< die,raotad with
We must play the Lauds dealt CO ale, g,lerr at the folly of his ',tire, who
and the credit i8 not so tench in ham always been reward. at n. ft most
winning as in playiug a poor lotnd oxat01':.i;V wire anal f1 r.har. flat
well." lidnv i; a hend..ou". Man for a
"There is uo woman stationed on negro. 17' Inn, 1 dark, curly 111o04-
tho face of the earth who tries so tache: and Fleshing black eye,. He
bard to do right, and feels oftener to of medium size, single, and not
than the average mother iodate." more than 25 years otd.
"An enthusiast is an individual
By harmonizing churchly differ- who believes about four times ate
By taking an allopathic dose of
By getting cured of irreligious
By warmly greeting the stranger very slowly in a church. This
at olurch. { proves that they can't live on re.
By being charitable toward the liglon any more than a minister
crooked sticks. I can."
By taking a short-cut to every
field of usefulness.
By keeping your bump of self.
esteem well poulticed.
By going to church Sunday even
ings as well as mornings.
By planning liberal things for the
church benevolences.
By- hearty oo-operation in all
legitimate churchly doings.
By paying in advance a liberal
instalment of the pastoral stipend.
By showing a warn side to the
fine Sunday school of your church.
By refusing to criticise the pastor
in the presence of your family.
By making large allowance for
the idiosynoraaies of your brethren.
By galling to see the new minis-
ter, and not waiting for him to find
By praying and paying in proper
proportion and with dee regular-
By tempering your denomination-
al loyalty with broad Christian lib -
By seeing that the parsonage
flour barrel contains a few measures
of meal. •
By being willing to do service in
tho ranks, if the ohurob does not
see fit to make you a major -gener-
much as he can prove, and can
prone four times as moll as any-
body else will believe."
"Mine can live aeywhere 00131
fortably but in a church ; they fat
The Care Of Children.
Don't tell tlie faults or cute say-
iuge of your child in his presence.
Don't deceive or frighten a child
(by bugbears) or children into obe-
Don't manifest a spirit of partial-
ity. Children are sure to detect
Don't encourage in a Mall child
that for which you will .punish him
wben older.
When you promise a child some -
'thing, don't forget to fill the promise
to the letter.
Don't be constautly menacing a
child with "I'll whip you," or "111
put a stick over you."
Don't tramp mercilessly under
foot the wishes of a child, but re-
spect them as far as possible.
Don't let him ever see 1n you a
brace of the "I'm bigger than you
and you've got to mind" spirit.
Don't punish a child in anger,
but let him know that you dislike
the task, but perform it for his good,
"Neatness, in my opinion, Is one
of the virtues. I have always con-
sidered it twin sister to chastity, but
none work so hard as the victim of
ecstatic neatness. I have seen' e
neat person who would not lot a
weary fly rest long enough on their
best wall -paper to take breath, and
who would chase a single cockroach
up and down stairs until his logs
were worn off,"
Canadian New sc.
There are at present 15 men and Trice 50 Cents.
17 women in the Brans County
Poor House.
Lumbermen have employed aver
1,000 men in Winnipeg for work in
camps this winter.
The Platteville Boho has proved
a financial failure. A meeting of
the creditors is called.
The Ontario Legislature has been
called to meet for the deepatoh of
businose on Thursday, January 80
next. .
A special train of sixteen oars
laden with poultry left Ottawa Fri-
day for Boston via the Canadiau
Atlantic railway. It was valued at
Fifty oases of measles have de-
veloped amongst the pupils of the
institution for the deaf and dumb
at Belleville.
Peterboro' will vote on a bonus
of $8,000 to an electric light carbon
factory. At present there is not
one 1n Canada.
An informer has, by feigning ill•
noes entrapped all the Belleville
druggists into violating the law
with regard to prescribing.
Ed. Suffel, of Vienna, is the
proud possessor of a rooster with
three lege and four feet, the sur-
plus feet, which are perfectly form-
ed, being on the lege.
Tho re.maine of the ,antediluvian
moneter found on the farm of J.
Jolly, Amaranth Township, Duffer -
in. 3o., are on exhibition in Owen
Sound. hundreds of people have
visited the place to see these vale-
able relies and come away thorough-. Thirty
ly satisfied. The immense horn ' Forty
12 ft. 8 inches in length, and the funs
gigantie tooth weighing 104 pounds, " 101fo1largerumubBraitt,>ropoi'ti0n.
creates a fooling of awe, and cause sand tamittnneeeb ro nal tlan°y ttreor,
people to wonder what kind of cattle nefestowod Lettor or bheootr, and
roamed over these lands in pre. Address tst;oltGin Mtlrrl o,
MON/te'° PitnlJ and Ilailafk,
ltietori0 ages. 1 ,10. nu. '711, 17 to S7 Vandowatrr
GnAND Cralro'.lMAs Do0DLn NUMBED 011
The New York Fashion Bazar,
DY at7nsell12 tON 00 00 Nun YDAn•
The Christmas Number contains a Magni-
scent Chrome Supplement of Moleeonier'e
groat Painting 'Fnt}iDLAND : 1807," repre-
senting Napoleon at the zenith of his glory
at the Battle of Friedland. F4bm the ortgi-
nalpieture now in the ltfetr po stmt Museum
of Arts, New York, for wh1.w68,000 were
paid at the lemons Stewart ea.Ji
"Itis tho leading fashion publication ou
this continent, and to no doubt the oheap-
est."--Truett Sun.
Most of talo Fashion Plates' in rho Bazar
are issued simultaneously to New York and
It is the most complete periodical for
Drees•makers in tiro: world, land the moot
popular Fashion Magazine for mother° and
heads o1 families. '
The Christmas Heather is S1perbly Illus.
,rated, A Beautiful Colored Winter Fashion
Plate. A Brilliant Cover Plate of Children's
Winter Suits, The Plates and Engravings
'contained in this Number embrace,. Evening
and Ball Costumes, Winter Ovorgartnents,
Visiting and Reception Gowen, Winter Bon-
nets and
Ooatta Cloaks, Wraps, Jackets Muffs,
and 00300 000 for nit eaoasions, Embroidery
Patterns,. etc. -
Now. Stories by Mrs. Alexander, John
Strange Winter. W. A, Norris, Erakmann•
Ohatrhan, a new Continued Story by the
mother of"His Wedded Wife," and a splen-
didly illustrated Christmas Story, entitled
Who Bazar Editorial Department 18 full of
Might articles by various ooutributoro.
Mrs, Stowell bee an interesting artiolo. on
Novelties. for Christmas. Atm, Bryan has an
artiolo on Elizabeth Barrett Browning,. All
tbo regular departments aro replete with
choice and seasonable reading matter,
Mrs, Alice Walker writes: "I am a dress-
maker, and I
ress-maker,andI havo bought The New York
Fashion Bazar. every month for the flash
tour years; I oonld not do without it, The
fashions aro the very latest,'
Now r° TIM P1301) To Snns07tI 31 1
r. ''Any person sanding 91 for year's sub-
scription wilt reeetye the beautiful Christmas
Chrome Supplement of Moissanior'a great
painting, "Friedland 11807."
The following Premiums in Wen will be giyon
00 parties sending us snbsaripttons:
i or wipe subscrihore,onc roar, at 880.00
a3804',wawill0130 $ n 7f
For TonSubsarib0l's,01)0 serer 17 00
1' ante 108750
s 10
770 00
Is detertnined to give his Customers 003330 °heap Goods
during the Holiday Season.
Is now very Complete. We are giving 10 lbs, of Nice
Light Sugar for $1; 5 lbs, Prunes for 25c. Our 25o, Japan
Tea we guarantee is better than any can be bought in town
for 35e., and our 40c. Young I3yson is really delicious All
those wishing a cup of Good. Tea should try it. Everything
in the Grocery Line we have Reduced down
Very Lowest Living Profit,
to the
O.2,2, Dress Goods Department
Being very large, we have decided to sell them tor the
Next 30 Days, previous to taking Stock,. at COST PRICE.
We have a lot of Melton Cloths at 18 Cents, which we have
Reduced to 121 Cents We want the Cash, and must
have it, and no Reasonable Offer will be refused for
any -thing in the Dry Goods line.
• Now is the Time to get Bargains.
We have a Lot of fancy Goods, suitable for Xmas Presents, which
we will be pleased to show, no (natter :'f you din't Buy,
Give us a Call and we will give you the Best Value for
the Money ever shown in Brussels.
F, C. R0011R81
The Noted Cheap More,
The Brussels - Woolen Mill
wants t to get
500 ,000 LBS. OF WOOL
either for CASH or in exohange
for Goods..
The Highest Dirket Price Paid in Cash
and a Few Cents fore in , Trade,
We have a Pine ,Assort-
ment of Tweeds, Cottons,
'flannels, Blankets, Sheet-
ing Knitted Goods,
Tarns, $SC.
All Wool left with us for manufacturing, whether rolls or other-
wiee, will have our prompt attention.
We wish to remind the Farmers that the Brussels
Woolen Mill is the place to Save Money in the purchase of
all Goods in oua Line, rs. trial will convince the most