HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-12-27, Page 2TH
DECEM111411 27; 1889.
basiust received a stock
boi Bola,
in- TOR
in Albums, Magic Ianter»s.
Drawing Slates, Baskets
and a host of Articles.
I .01:111ftre., eill..,,,1111.21111119,10r11.111.10101
Two Lead Pencils, a Pen-
holder and Ruler, put up
in a neat box, for
it Won.'t Cost You Any-
thing to Call and Sm.
Girls' Own M ago zinc,
Leisure Dour,- Boys' Own
Magazine, Chatterbox, Baby -
land and other Popular and
btandard Works Received
and ready ler Salo.
1iiJ .131-<. St..,1_,S fs'OST
Tow at ihroctory.
MELVILLIt ClInliC0.—Sabbala Service
at 11 a. In, and 0;110 p. 01. Sunday
Sehool at 230 p. m. Ray. John Ross
33. A. pastor.
Etiox nen.—Sabbath Services a
11 a. m. and OM p. rn. Sunday School
at 2130 p. in. I toy. G. 11, Howie, motor
ST. ;101IN's Clionen.—Sabbath Service
11 a, tn. and 7 p. in. Sunday School
at 0:30 a, m. Rev. W. T. Cluff, Mem-
METIMMST CIIMIC11.—Sabbuth Servioes
at 10;80 a. m. and 0;80 p. m. Sunday
School at 2;80 p. ni. Rev. S. Sellery, 13.
A., B. D. pastor.
BOSUN CATIMme Onmic11.—Sabbath
Service third Sunday in every month, at
111.01. Rev. P. J. Shea, priest.
SAINATioN Antiv.—Servires at 7 and 11
a. tn., and 8 p. m. on Sunday and every
evening es the week at 8 o'elocilt. at the
Orin Fkrzows' LOME every Thursday
evening, in Graham's blook.
hfAsotne Lonan Tuesday at or before
full moon, in Galneld block,
Longo on first and third
Monday evenings of each mouth.
POnESTEns' Lona s second molest Mon-
day evenings of each month, in Smale's
L.O.L. lst Monday in every month, in
Orange Hall.
Posy Orelcx,--Office hours from 8 a.
m, to 7 p. m.
MEcnAmo's IsisTITIITn.—Beftding Room
and Library, in Holrnes' hint:, will be
open from 0 to 8 o'clock p. m., Wednes-
days and Saturdays. Miss Minnie Shaw,
..ibt avian.
Damns W.C.T.U, hold monthly
meetings on the 3011 Saturday in each
month, at 8 °Iola,* p. m.
Town Couxem.-Robt. Graham, Reeve;
D. Strachan, J. M. McIntosh, William
Stewart and Witt. Ainley, Counoillors;
F. S. SoOtt, Claris; 'nos. Kelly, Treas.
liver; D. Stewart, Asaessor, and Jas. T.
Ross, Collector. Board meets the let
Monday in each month.
Scrim BOAIIM—T. Fletcher, (chair-
man) H. Dennis, A. Annter, W. 33. Dick-
son, J. J. Denman and Jas. Buyers ;
Seo.-Treas., W, E. Mose. Meetings 1st
Friday evening in each month.
P0131,00 SCItooL TEACITEBS.—Jno. Shaw,
Principal, Miss Richardson, Miss Hamb.
ly, Miss Abraham and Miss Taylor.
Boum or E11AT,T11.—Reeve Graham,
Clerk Scott, Jno. Wynn, A. Stewart and
J. G. Skene. Dr. Holmes, Medical
Health Officer.
live in ore hones at a time, and, as
ler the meney I receive for rente,
„ why 1 0801 eat nor wear it ; I can
only use it to hut' other houses for
other people to live in. They aro
t the beneficioriee, not L"
"But you eau buy splendid ferni•
ture, pieturee, and fine
s carriages aud horses ;io fact, any.
thing you deeire."
"And after I have bought them,"
replied Mr.Ridgeway, "what then ?"
can only look at the furniture and
piotures—and the poorest man, who
is not blind, can do the same. I can
ride no easier in a fine carriage than
eau in an omnibus for a trifle, with.
out the trouble of attending to
drivers, footmen and hostlers, end as
to 'auything I desire ?' 1 can tell
you, young man, that the less we
desire in tide world the better we
shall be. All of nty wealth can't
bring me a single day more of life ;
cannot buy back my youth; cannot
purchase exemption from eiekness
and pain ; cannot procure for mo
the power to keep afar off the hour
of death, and then what will all avail
when, in a few short years at most,
I lie down in the grave, aud leave
it all for ever. Young man, you have
uo rause to env me."
Bevin with your own possesainne.
girle. Reform yonr upper bureau
drawer'. ; relieve your closet puce of
their eccumulasion of garments • nt
of use a tnontli nr two ego Testi
We a clear and carefril order, in the
Midst of which yen din daily mew,
and learn to keep it Si that it will
be pert of ynnr own linnet to closes
your room aird its errangements
while you drese yetirself, leaving the
draperies yen take off as Ratably and
Better -teeny loin, re. net delicately
folded and placed, ea the Skirts you
loop direfully In weer. nr the ribbon
and lace ynn pot with soft ;wetness
about your throat. Cheri -II your
instincts of taste and fitness 111 every
little thing yon have altnnt yon,
This will not melte you 'fns- e .' it is
the other thing that dries thet, the
not hos ing, except by figet xperi
latent, what is harmony and the in
tangible grace of relasion. Take
mum yourself, for the sake of getting
them In 1(00 in like manner, if for
no other need, all the ceree that be.
lone to your own small territory of
home. Hews your little wash clothe
and your spongee for bite of clean.
ing ; your furniture brush and your
feather dmIter ; yonr light little
broom, and your whisk and pan ;
your bottle of sweet oil and spirits of
turpentine and piece of fiannel to
preserve the polieh, nr restore the
glees where dark wood grows dim or
gels Polled. Find out, by following
your 'rarely growing ;tense of thor-
oughuele end niceness., the beet and
readiest ways of keeping all »ice and
fresh about you. Invent your own
prooespes ; they will come to . yen.
When you have cr ride yourself wholly
nustres4 of what you 01113 learn and
do in your own apartments, 80 Mit
ib is easier and more natural for you
to do it, than to let it alone, then you
have leerned to keep a whole borne,
so far as its cleanly ordering is eon
Jacob Ridgeway, a wealthy citizen
of Philadelphia, died some years
•ago, leaving a fortune of five or six
millions of dollars.
"Mr. Ridgeway," sai11 a young
man with whom the millionaire was
conversing, "you are more to be
envied then any gentleman I know,"
"Why so ?" responded Mr. Ridge.
west. "I am not aware of any cause
fpr which I ehould be particularly
't What, sir 1" exclaimed the young
matt in net t on ish m on ; why, are
you not a millionaire ? Think of the
thoirsitncle of dollars your income
brings every month."
"Well, ithet of thole?" replied Mr.
Bldgeway ; I got cat of it Is my
viettiels and my clothes, and I 0011
oat more than ono inen'e ellowence
or wear more than one suit at a
time ; prey, can't yon do as mueh."
'Ali 1 but,",seid the youth, "think
of' the hundrode of fine trouser.) yott
own and the rental they bring you."
"'Whet better nen .1 off (or' (11831 3"'
replied the Ebllh man. "r 01111 ('el)
G eons ()VT:house-1s re
A bold onset is half the battle.—
Forgot mistakee ; organize victory
out of mistakes.— [Robertson.
Men do lase than they ought, un
less they do all that they can.- [Car
Tears are often the tele -cope by
which men see far into heaven.—
W. Beeeber.
Faith in to morrow instead of
Christ is Satan's nurse fur men's
perditiou.— [Cheever.
God always has an angel of help
for those who are willing to do their
duty.— [Dr. Ouyler.
Nothing is so indicative of (Moped
culture aa a tender consideration of
the ignorant.— [Emerson.
Life is frnitfnl in the ratio in
which it is laid ont mrt noble actim
or patient perseverauce — [Lidclo».
Doing is the great thing. For if,
resolutely, people clo what re right,
in time they come to like doing it.—
No two things differ more than
hurry diepetch. Hurry is the
1121(01) 01 ,1 weak mind ; dispatch of
a etrong one.— [Ooltou.
The religions life which springs
from the Gospel is the best praeti
eat disproof of infidelity, and takes
11 in disul, — [Rev. 3. Iier.
Thu most kunwiug man iu the
conrse of the longest life will al,
weye hive tnuch to learn ; and the
wiee-t and beat much to improve.—
To maintain an opinion becense
it is thine, and not because it is
true, is to maintain thyself, not the
truth, and so to prefer thyself above
the truth.---I.Venning.
The beauty of all worldly things
te but as a fair picture drawn upon
the iee, that melts away with it.
The fashion of this world passeth
away.— [J. Burraughe.
Who that has languished eveo in
advanced life, in sickness and der-
pondency ; who that has pined iu a
weary bed, in the neglect and lone.
Ender of a foreign land, but has
thought on the mother 'that looked
on his childhood,' that smoothed his
pillow and administered to his ltalp•
testiness.— [Washington Irving.
VartIG. N titers,
Save and cook the small potatoes
for the pigs.
A. straw shed is a cheaper stock
shelter than is a board fence.
The hog doesn't object to a ilea.
sorting of cumuli° in his fruit.
A weed has uo better right to fife
in the fall than it has in the spring.
On the farm, as elsewhere, mis
fortuue it the shadow of careless -
It is not what we produce, but
what we utilize, that makes the
A. good picture of folly would be e
man burning the straw his land has
The hog is omnivorous and is
much benefitted by the right sort of
vegetable food.
It ie noticeable that the large ma.
jority of violent; hordes are handled
by had tempered num.
Ranching has become gambling on
the chime that thousauds of ani•
male will starve or freeze.
Don'tetllow the thresher's engine
in yonr yard unless there is it good
mean over the smokestack,
When the hog gate more variety
in his food and le a variety in hut.
drink, he Nal not have the 'eltolera'
80 often,
Many mon wear out ton cents'
write)) 3(shoe lambert to obteiti from
It neighbor the gift of five wrote'
aorth of grincletend
The neonotony of work tires about t
1411013 ea the exceeded lrott 11 •
feel restful divereion 00111111011a 1111 to •
1 Ile Writing II 11 of a buniblebee'e nest t
Many a bey has been driven from
the farm by being OftlItliulled to dm
chores while the men were nooniug
under the trees,
Some way the few days the boys
went fiehing ora found at the end of
the 7080 1)1)1 to have !monad the
amount work done.
Make your terra such that poor
animals would disgrace it ; make
year animals such that a poor farm
would be trafit for them.
Rather ditte drive your cattle a
half mile throngh the het and dusk
to drink at pools or the creek. sell
enough to sink a strong well.
The water that goes to the ocean
will float busk in the clouds and fall
in dope; but the substance carried
from the manure heap will not cone
Tho first. point in making cheap
pork is to gat the hog to market in
the shortest possible time. The
same food makes more pork in early
fall than m midwinter, for less of
the food is used to produce animal
tittle Rehm.
Plants will not thrive in a draft.
Sponge a shiny coat with ammonia
and water.
Soak machine oil stains in cold
writer before washing.
Butter is tainted by any strong
smelling odor, therefore it ehould be
kept by Reale
Eats coffee pulverized. third
lees will be required, and the quelity
much improved.
There hi no ecorromy in cheap
soap. Get the best, when .half the
quantity will bo ueeded.
Clothes dry out much stiffer when
powdered borax is put into the hot
starch just before IlKinft.
Lee surrendered on Friday.
Moscow was burned on Friday.
Washington W9.9 born on Friday.
Shakespeare was born on Friday.
America was discovered on Fri
Richmond was emu teed on Fri
The baatile was destroyed on
The Mayflower was Weld! on
Queeu Victoria was rnerried on
Kiug Charles I. was beheadsd on
Fort Sumter was bombarded on
Napoleon Bonaparte wee born on
Julius Cmittr was assessinated on
The battle of Marengo was fought
on Friday.
The battle of Bunker nin Wad
fought on Friday.
The battle of %eerie) was fought
013 Friday.
Joan of Aro was burned at the
titmice on Friday.
The battle of New Orleans was
fought on Friday.
The Declaration of Independence
was signed on Friday.
From Spurrceou's Gobi Mine.
If some of the members at our
meeting were a little more spry
with their arms and legs when they
aro at lahOr. and a little quieter
tvith their tongues, they would say
more for our religion than they do
The most (dna are but feather.
bed soldiers. itt ways are strewn
with roses tiapitred with those
who endured hardness in the olden
Difficulties imagined are apt to
Let ue watch that we never undo
with our hands what we eay with
our tongue&
The best doctors are Dr. Diet,
Dr. Quiet and Dr. Merryman.
, Ws make fearful failures with
God's promiees through not appro
priating them.
Those who are evermore making
light of hell are probably doing 11 10
the hope of making it easy for them.
Men throw away their souls in
order to keep their coppers.
Death can hide in a drop and
ride in rt breath of air. Our great.
est dangers lie hidden in little
We care little for those who are
orthodox Christiana in creed 1( 11 is
clear that they are heterodox in life.
He who believes the truth should
himself be trite,
Verily, the race of fools has not
yet died out. Thousandstill think
11 profitable to gain the world and
losn their VifI( SOWS.
We tweet Leitch nore by our ex•
ample than by our advice, or else
we titian bo ;eve pleaders for the l
Grumbling it a 1) 8d wale, and
Yields (1) profit.
is tlie gall of bit toeless ; ;
ir(11) of it wrield (11011 110 oeean of !
1181180re int') 11*01111 WOO.
imus to1.1114.1 by 1.nrig experieuce
lirti 1 1 HI hie) ,01.10hili 1110 1111021
Silenceseldom makes mischief.
All heacle are lint 1101180 boos.
Idle men tempt the devil to tempt
The diffieulties of unbelief are WI)
tittles greeter than the difficulties of
Terri religion which needs no wire
and tetras no trouble is in groat de
0100 11 in the world.
Live in such a way that any day
Would metre a euibable topstone for
No flies will go down your throat
if you keep your mouth shut, and
no evil speeltiug will cornet up.
You leave gone, perheps, to the
extreme of eiu ; He has gem to the
extreme of atonement.
Many see more with one eye then
others with two, and many have
fine eyes and cannot see a jot.
When the devil's work seems
good it 18 at its worat.
klany persons ere born crying,
live complaining, and die dirappoint,
A. scare is not a conversion. A.
sinner may be frightened into
hypocrisy, but 110 must be wooed to
repentrtuce and faith.
It is a wretched businase for a
ti to trail himself a Christutu, and
have a soul which never peeps out
from between his nwn. ribs. It is
horrible to be living to be saved,
living to get in heaven, living to on,
joy religion, and yet never to live to
Mese otherand eatte the mlsery of
a moaning world.
An ounce of health is worth a
sack of diamonds.
The blessed Book is a love letter
from God, the groat Father.
Grin and bear 18 15 the crld• fash-
ioned advice, but Ring find be.1r it is
great deal better.
The Brantford market fees have
been sold by auction to Robert Hall
for $1,730, or $110 more than last
Elizabeth Whitlow, who has been
in Belleville for 35 yeare and has
been committed to jail more than
150 times, was Friday sent up for
four months for vagrancy.
Three cars loaded with silk, val-
ued at $600,000 passed through
Ottawa Friday via the Canadian
Pacific railway. It arrived at Van•
miser last week from japan.
It is eatirnated that in the separ•
ate schools of Ontario, 200 in num•
her, the etaif nf teachers has been
inereased by 25, and the al tendauce
800 since the Equal Rights move
ment commenced.
Applicetion will be made to the
Dominion Government for a charter
for a railway from .Port Burwell,
Lake Erie, passing through Tilson•
burg to some point on the Canadian
Pacefio railway at Woodstock or In•
G. H. Fowler, of Burford, has pur-
chased about 27,000 barrels of apples
this year and will make an average
profit of $1 per barrel. Most of
his apples were secured for $1.26,
es he lost no time after the frost
last spring to go to the bearing 'mo-
tions and eon tract for all the fruit
that was available.
4- • For • 050. Ceuta.
All Work from the Smallest to Life size
done Inn first-class manner.
of Residences, Etc, at Reasonable
W. X. Fairfield.
Fresh and t
Sahli eats of "
the best quad
Itand and dm
livered to
any hart of
the Village
k'ree or
Fat eat Use Wanted
For which the highest market price
will be paid. I also Make a specialty of
buying Hides and Skins. Don't forget
the 131noe, next door to Pletcher's Jewel.
ry Store.
Any Amount ,of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6, Per Cent Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilefte of
repaying when regniree
Apply to
A. Hunter,
Ilitiehin Court rlerk 13. 1
g1 4
r tta' t.4
Private Funds to Loan.
Have been placed in my hands
for Investment on real estate.'
No Commission.
Renewers can have loans com-
pleted in Three Days if title
Solicitor, Brussels.
General Blacksmith,
wishes to intimate to the public generally
that ho does all kinds of Blacksinithing
in a Workmanlike Manner.
Warrens, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters
made to Order. t
Repairing promptly Executed,
I make a Specialty of Horse.shoeing.
A Call Solicited. '"Remember the
Stand.—NEAn Trin
S. Plum.
Of Private Funds have just been
placed in my hands for
At 7 Her Cent.
Borrowers can have their Loans
completed in three days if title
is satisfactory.
E. . WADE.
The Best Family Newspaper in Canada I
Established nearly Half a Century.
OF Nv1ort7.nr.,x1ere:
London, - On tario.
THE Flteriflozrzar PrtitITEn PArnit vs TIM
All the News in full, by telegraph, tele-
phone, mail and correspondence up to
hour of publication, Illustrations, Proc.
tical and Useful, are given every week;
Special Market Department; Agrioulbur-
al Department; Capital Story always
running ; Ingenious Puzzle Column ;
Humorous Reading. Just the thing for
the family 1 Every member of the house-
hold eagerly looks for it eaoh week. The
Agricultural Department is a noted fea-
ture of the "Free Press," being always
tip to the tines, and conducted by persons
practically skilled in farm work. Large
$1.00 Paper, in clubs of four and upwards
76o. each, balance of 1889 Free.
A Handsome Christmas Number and
Four Chromos given away tree of charge
to every subscriber for 1890, Artists who
have seen the advanoe sheets of the
Christmas Number pronounce it a 'gem,'
and alone worth the price of the sub-
scription. Address—
20 London, Ontario,
and the KIDNEYS
This combined action gives it won-
- derful power (0one all &Senses.
Why Are We Sick?
Because we anon, the nerves to
remain weakened and irritated, and
these great organs to become clogged
nr torpid, andpoiSonous huntorS are
therefore forced into the blood that
should lie espelled naturally.
ritnyous D/SORDERS,
Ily (ptietibg and strengthening the
nerves, and craning frac action of the
liver, bowels, and h nays, add rester.
ing their power to thi ow off disease.
Why safer Pains and Athos/
Why town sated with Plloo,Oenetipationt
Whs frights:lea oveentsowlersdIChinnynt
Why melon; nervous or Mak hundaeheal
Why have alooplose ighla
17,e Pswe's CtIf.ltrIV COMPOUND And
(110)141 ill 1101110. 1,0 ehtfiely vegeta,
ble retted,banniess all casts.
mild I'all Pried $Lee.
0e. 43.06.
WILLS, filCIIA a in o co.,Ptoptlatoro,
VION'I'ltRA 1, P. 4,