HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-12-27, Page 1Volume 17.
MODEL inftanNAmilaliti.
The 'minty Board of Examiners. non.
eistIng of Indootors Tout and Mallooh,
end Meson. Halls, of Hui Coact:lob High
Sohool, and Turnbull of the Clinton Col.
legiate Institute, with 1', &demon see-
retayy, met in Clinton Monday and re-
ported the following as peesed studente
who will bo entitled to third plass pro-
fessional eortificates ns teachers ;
001130I0I0. CLINTON.
Addison, Emily 719 Black, Jane.... 651
Corey, May .. 560 Cargill, Jennie 001
Cook, 7tlinine 619 Dickson, Bella 691
Creigie, Mary.. 672 Fraser, Jennie 098
Dalton, Bridget 621 Fulton, Nellie— 633
Finley, Lizzie.. 785 Findlater, M.. 692
Govenlock, Jean 067 Grey, Nellie 708
Hawkins, F. .. 682 Kelly, Nelly .. 544
Hamilton, Mag. 660 Martin, O. .... 628
Jones, E. M. .. 681 Muroh, Ido,... 698
Mo12ntl Ellen 060 MoKenzie, J. .. 637
MeLmo, Lily.. 635 McLean, Meg. 091
O'Leary, Louise 670 Paulin, Nellie 062
O'Brien, Mag... 671 Pollock, A. .... 671
Pollen, Sarah 618 Simpson, A. 001
Stafford, Sarah 645 Tunoth, M.... 648
Watson, E.... 060 Beatty, ;lobed 603
Watson, Marion 694 Bell, Daniel (312
131oninfleld, G.. 653 Dodds, Jas. .. 660
Oneer, (Merles 550 Hogg, .John 699
Downing, john 668 Ingram, James 720
Dm aim Chas. 579 Jones, Cicero ,. 504
Elliott, Hector 662 Kellam, Eld. .. 554
Fraser, Charles 609 Mathew, Inn 014
Hays, Robert.. 061 McLeod, Alex. 609
aiathaskeY, W. 048 McDonald, J.. 556
McLattehlin, T. 637 Sloan, Wm. .. 629
McKay, Mex.. 668 Walker, David 687
McDonald, Jas. 606
Nobb, Chris .. 553
Paterson, Thos. 616
Smith, Wm. .. 094
Smith, Albert.. 617
alre. Jr J. Bill and non, of Toronto,
are !tilting at John Hilib Oth con.
Thos. Newt:onto in getting out timber
at liisth. Molatosh's for a new barn.
V Smith shrived home from the
Normal School, Toronto, last v,301t. He
now holds a professional 2nd class certi-
Henry Mermen, a former resident of
thu tewnship, hes been elected County
Condeiesinner for the First District of
Cavelier Co., Dakota.
MoLatichlim eon nf Donald alc-
Leuehlin, arrived home from Cypress
River, aftetit obit, on Monday of this week.
Tom its • withstood the dada of Cupid
very suecessf ally so far, but we think
it w,11 not ho long until he surrenders.
Mrs. Thos. Forsythe, of Dakota, sir -
rived at her old home on Friday of last
week. She is the only daughter of Robt.
Ingle, of this township. Hu husband
is nosed in stook ranching in the West
of 14. rth Dakota. She has been a reei-
dent of the North-West for about ten
Sor,o.—The helium of this
season's make of aeon was sold by
salesmen Forbes to Mr. Aitchison, at
10 5.16 cents per pound. There were
370 boxes. Mute been shipped. The
Morris and Gray faotory oompares very
favorably with its neighbors anal the only
want is more patrons.
There is to be a social entertainment
given in the Jubilee Methodist church
on the 12t3i con. Elmo., on Tuesday even-
ing next, Deo. 81d. A. good program is
promii-ed ooneisting of rectitations, minim
addresses, iko. Revs. Smith and Davis
are to be present. Candy, cake and
fruit will be served during the evening.
Miss Cecelia, daughter of Thos. Caldor,
of this township, has returned from
Manitoba. She had finished a six
months' term teaching in a echool in the
vicinity of Deloraine, where she was
very successful and liked the people and
the prairie province well, but she prefers
Huron and has enured a ethool in the
neighborhood of Blyth for 1890.
Nosimmots.—Next Monday, at noon,
the ratepayers will meet at Tusk's Hall,
Cranbrook, to nominate municipal offi.
eon for the coming year. The financial
statement gives a very -respected/le sheet-,
ing for the township. Therm will not
likely be an eleotion coldest this year, al-
though there is nothing .definite known
until after 1 o'clook next Monday.
"Om or Twits."—Geo. Crooke, of
lot 4, eon, 8, desires to thank hie numer-
ous so-called !donde for their assietenoe
in spreading a report to the effect that he
hos become bankeimt, and has'teen corn.
palled to dieponof his farm. ; Such re-
ports armentirely'groundleas, and it is to
be hoped that the originators will in the
future attend to their own business and
not endeavor, by their slanderone reports,
to make the community believe that
others are in a sirnilias position to them.
S000rt.—The social in ctonneotion with
Shine's Sabbath Sohool came off on Fri.
day evening of last Week. Notwithstand-
ing the very unfavorable state of the
weather and the bad roads the attend -
ante was large, the school room being
comfortably filled. After siogiug ,an
openinghy, inn and a blessing having been
asked by Jas. Mitohell the more eubstan-
Nal part of the program was gone into,
viz., tea and an unmentionable variety of
edibles, Which wore done ample justice
to, Alter thie the lighter part of the en.
tertainment was gone through. One
special feature of this very enjoyable
somal WAS Mr.11ifcradden's address, which
was thickly studded with racy and
humorous stories. From the report read
it appears the School beide its own and
.fille a felt want in the neighborhood.
Following in the program :—Ohatrittan'e
addrese; chorus, Over the Jasper $s0;"
reeitation, Mise Maggie Cardiff ; solo,
Mies Idella Ritchie; tecitation, five little
girls; 0311010, "Sdelting the loat ;" read.
ing, Min Lizzie Caldor; reading, .1),
Ritchie ; mouth organ selection, E. Hill ;
reading, Min Allis Switzer ; solo, Min
Jennie Ritchie ; address, Mr. McFadden;
reeitation, Jae, Porde; innsic, "Don't
leave the farm ;" reeitatien,11, Cardio.
Ent tadtedies.— .A. very instructive
and pleading entertainment was held in
S. S. No. 3 on the afternoon of Friday,
Deo. 20th. Although the day was wet
a the With Very bad it considerable
proceed It as their opinion that it was the
best entertainment that hall over been
held in that edition and well worth an
admission fee of twenty.fivo outs. The
program consisted of music, einging, tom.
porn= recitations and dialognes. Ten
of the pupils had previously twanged
through their teacher for a reciting con-
test. The reoitations were taken from
book impelled by the Demorest Medal
Contest Bureau rand the modal presented
was given by 'air, Dernorost, of New
York, free, in order to encourage temper -
neo among the young. Mies Tonle Slo-
Lemoblin won the medal, which waa a
handsome silver one enolosed in a satin -
lined morocco oese. Simians wore made
et the close of the program by a number
mewl% expressIng their sincere re-
gret at the loss of their teacher, Mr.
Taylor, who had labored, with entire set-
isfaction ani00g them for the pest three
yenta. 'He hecl, during this time, an
aggregate attendance of 143 pupils, which
weed, if equeliy divided, supply an
average school with a new set of pupils
every year. He has mars 193 promotions
up till lost July, thus leaving the Glenn
in good standing for his successor. The
well wishes of the section will go with
him 10 1(18 now home in Wroxeter.
Merenromars-0n Christmas morning
a large number of guests assembled at
the residence of Donald MoLanolilin, 7t11
cons to witness the marriage ceremony
between Miss Lizzie J. MoLauctitlin and
Alexander McLean, of Dakota. Rev. Jno.
Boss, B. A.., was the officiating minister.
The bridesmaid was Miss Bella MeLaucth-
lin, sister to the bride, and the grooms-
man P. McLean, of Dakota. In the
afternoon the bridal party drove to Sea -
forth. Mr. and Mrs. McLean will leave
for their Were home, in Tyner, Dakota,
it n month or so. They commence mar-
ried life with the best wishes of a host of
friends. Following is a list of the wedding
gifts :—Silver cruet stand, Peter McLean,
Dak.; silver butter cooler, Jas. MoLauch-
lin and wife, Wingliam ; silver batter
cooler end toilet set, Dou. 111cLauchlin
(jr.) and wife ; silver pickle Genet, Jae.
Henderson; silver pickle oruot, Frank
MoLauchlin, Wingliam ; silver pickle
cruet, T. MeLasehlin (sr.) and wife
silver stilt dish, Rev. J. Ross and wife;
half doz. silver knivee and forks. Meg&
A. McLauehlin, Detroit ; silver brooch,
Jas. MeLauchlin ; half doz. silver tea.
spoon and pair crystal pickle dishes, A.
Stewart and wife, Morris; water pitcher
and pair scissors, D. Stewed end wife,
glass pitcher, Miss illeggie Burgess ;
handkerohief box, Alin Lizzie Campbell ;
glove box, Blies Kato Campbell ; plush
pie cushion, Min jennio Hunter ; colte
dish, Duncan MoLauchlin and wife;
lemonade set, Jam W. Cardiff and wife;
cheese dish, Peter McNabb; fruit dish,
Rieh'cl and Nelson Cardiff; soent Fatobel,
Lizzie and Alice Cardiff; mirror, Jas.
Bowmen and wife; half doz. birder nap-
pies, Alex. McNabb; bible, Mrs. Mark
Cardiff (sr.); handkerchief and ease, Miss
M. Montgomery ; half doz. silver tea.
spoons and crystal cheese dieh, A. Stew.
art and wife, Grey; whisk end holder,
Jno. Cardiff and wife; family group, Gus
MoLauohliu, Wingliam; table cloth, Mrs.
McLean ; one doz. table napkins, Mrs. R.
Work, Dakota; table cloth, W. Work and
wife; pair towels, N. Molatuahlin and
wife ; half doz. table napkins, Miss Jen.
nie MoLesioldin ; set glassware, Allan
Bali; pair soiseore, A. Campbell; set
glassware, Miss Buldith Bell.
somowliet grotesque costumes ere not
columbines, as rernor has eirotilated, but
wives in the fullest aoceptanee of the
duality of nuptial blessedness bestowed
upon the male gender by ancient memos
end ediots of Malan. The Colman dip-
lomatic ropresentetivee weepy a fine
reaiaenoe in the fashionable portion of
the oity, and the principal offientle have
asigumed a ready supply of European
verbal combinations which renders their
colloquial efforts in the vernaoular ot the
American capital quite intelligible.
Congrese is about bo enter into its ao-
oustotned state of holiday hibernation,
and to remain in the torpor of suspended
animation until it awakes to the activit-
ies of a now year. Tho appointment of
Benda important oommittees nv the
Speaker of the House before the holidays
violated the precedents and Oinked the
conservative ; but the usual holiday lath.
argy now sweeps serenely over this bit of
bueiness.like activity and obliterates it.
Torpor is king
Mr. McKinley has introduced in the
Flouse a composite customs bill, com-
prising features of the Mille bill, the
Senate bill, and the Hewitt administra-
tive bill and the bale relating to the en-
forcement of the customs lase submitted
to Congress by Secretary Fairchild. Mr.
MoKinley's bill contains some important
changes, which are principallytochnied,
but it relates more to the administration
of the onetoins laws than to duties on
Sommer Quay is still "Boss Quay." He
has secured the appointment of his man
for postmaster et Pittsburgh over the
ralliod foroes of the hostile Chris. Magee
It looks as though the Blair bill might
got through. the Senate again. It has
travelled the!: road several times, but no
Huron County.
The cost of the McKillop township in-
vestigatiott 00at 5273.
.A.turkey,teaverl by Mrs. MoTavish,near
Wroxeter, weighed 30 pounds.
Wm. Wellwood, East Wawanosh, lute
a colt 17 months old weighing 1,110
Horne Foster, of Clinton, is the pee-
sesser of no less than 199 different var.
lams of plants and flowers.
W. Best, of Harlock, delivered at Myth
about 0,500 pounds of pork, for tvhich he
took the nice little sum of $840.
The adjourned sale of lands for taxes
will take place 81 (110 Court 1.10085, in
Goderioh, on Tuesday, December 31st,
1889 at one o'clock p. 111.
Thos. Gibson, jr., has assumed control
of the furniture warehouse, at Wroxeter,
formerly managed for Smith Bros., tes
Malcolm by T. Ramshaw.
The pupils and teachers of the Clinton
Collegiate Institute and a few others com-
bined and presented S. W. Perry with a
handsome set of furs and also lifelthow
Henry's Commentary.
Thomas Bleak, bus driver, has been
awarded the conned of carrying the
mails between the IVingham Post -aloe
and Canadian Pacific Railway station,
for a term of four years.
The West Huron Farmers' Institute
will hold their annual meeting at Gode-
rich on the 17111 and 18th of January.
Prof. C. C. James, C. C. flagon, Wm.
Cowan, V. S., and others will deliver
The Trustee Board of tho Ontario St.'
Methodist Church, Clinton, have given
regular notice that they will move to have
their pnreonage property placed on the
assessment roll end taxed the same as
other property:
Rev. Mr. Shaw, of Shelburne, formerly
minister of the Episcopal &main at Luck -
now, has accepted an invitation from the
congregation of the Holy Trinity church,
Lunn, and will shortly enter' upon his
labors in the nevi, field.
Thomas Blunket, who lives about two
miles from Wingham, bac made an as-
signment for the good of his creditors.
The liabilities of Mr. Blunket ere said
to be pretty heavy, a(33,000 mortgage on
the form and some seventeen or eighteen
hundred dollars to creditors:
Thos. Miller, of Howick, who went to
Louisiana last spring, is batik on e, visit.
Ile is greatly pleased with the country,
says the climate is delightful, and that
the rurnbeery and Howick syndicate
have done splendidly during the past
year, and that their investment is sure to
prove all that they expected.
The city (mutton of London has passed
a resolution festering a bonus of 525,000
to W. Doherty, of Clinton, to immune.
thee organs and pianos in that oity and
employ 100 men. The by.law will be
submitted to the people on January 6111,
and if paned the emotion of the Legis-
lature will &leo have to be obtained.
The other day a Mullett farmer droVe
to Clinton with a wagon, the front wheels
of which were off a pair of low trucks,
while the hind wheels were the ordinary
large wheels of a wagon. The grotesque
appearance of the dune gave rise to eon.
sidetable discussion, some banteringly re.
Marking that the wagon would turl easy
because it Was going down hill all the
The December Sessions of the Peaoo
Was opened et Goderioh on Tuesday of
last week by His Honor Judge Toms, but
there 300.5 1111 entire absonee of criminal
business and only two or three unimport-
ant civil 00505. 'Phe other bueineee
trariseetea was confined to the confirm-
ation of a few constables appointed, and
the court adjourned after the ellortest
session in its history.
The Of:aerial). Signal says : The Dis-
eiplee of Chriet, who preach tho Goepel
in the hell over Smith's bakery, East 51,,
exe penile): people. Last Saturday
Morning e number of loaded vehicles
drove down to the lake, where 11 large
crowd gathered, and, notwithstanding
the cola, two peesone Went down into the
Watee—Mise 13utthart and Mr, Garland
amid he baptised her for the remission
of eine in the name of the Father, aoa,
of the sou Lula of tho Holy Spirit,
The teeknoW Sentinel nye ;—"A.
'Meal feeling of eatiefactien exprese.
eel Oa Tueetlay lad when tho cue agolnet
D. Fettneen, a highly, edeonleti chino
Washington Letter.
(Proln our Regular Oorrowondontd
WAsEuNOT511, Deo. 20, '80.
Some entertaining fads are likely to
be developed if Senator Chandler pursues
policy which he ie credited of having
adopted of getting before the public eye
some hitherto unpublished history in re.
rand to matters relating to the navel es-
tabliehment. Senator Chandler is said
to be primed with a variety of resolutions
which will be sebmitted during the com-
ing winter, all tending to disolose fasts
in connection with the Navy Department
and the influences which prevail therein.
The first of the Bodes was an inquiry re-
garding the length of sea service of cer-
tain officers. Following this resolution
of inquiry, Senator Chandler yesterday
introduced in the Senate another Of a
more pointed olteracteo. It calls upon
the Secretary of the Navy foe inform-
ation as to whether organization not ex-
pressly authoriZed by the Secretary of
the Navy exist among naval officere foe
purposes not merely literary or soientille.
It is not dallied 'Stet Senator Chandlelaa
resoluti,onis for the purpose of showing
whether any 01 1118 associations conned.
ed with,the Navy have undertaken to
conduct an organized lobby. One of the
hints thrown out is that an ex-reember
of the House of Representatives 10 now
on eatery for the purpose of looking after
certain naval intermits in dongren,
The resolution of yesterday is believed
to be only a starter.; and it is likely to be'
followed by inquiries relating to the
Dolphin, which was condemned for struc-
tural weakness, and yet later made an
extraordinary record, unsurpassed in
naval hietory, on a noise around the'
world. Navy Department officials have
been in a state of expectancy since Con-
geries ageembled, and the resolution ol
yesterday WAS hardly in the nature of e,
Society is just now entertaining her-
self with the feminine half of the Conan
legation. 'Ile two ladiee of the Conan
legation mode their debet in official and
diplomatic circles during tho closing
season of the Cleveland administration.
When they arrivea-in Washington they
were subjected to Gm restraints of fent,
(01110 aisoipline in Chilean, the lend of
midnight sum but very 8000 asserted
themselves suffloiently to attend with
their lords at the feshiertable drawing
thorn and receptions, The Mice have
been placed in the hands; of instructress-
es in the various Unman of the house-
hold arts and anomplishments. The
piano and redoing nutehine 800 their
ebief delight. They have shown great
aptitude in the itequisitiort of the Eng.
losigUege, Tho Conan Min who
have attracted 50 much attalltin by
notobor oogotobloet, Ana those present Os.- 111010 ouniung ways and picturesque and
oE the ,illege, Wa. thrown mit by magie
dotes Thee. Lawreme, Bold. Graham
and Jos. Bryan, Ile wee charged with
practising dentistry without a Beene°, but
when the muse was tried there was not a
title of evidence to show that by mane.
feet uring false teeth he had in any way
violated any of the provisions of dental
act, and he was therefore honorably dis-
Although railway matters in Goderieh
are apparently quiet, the leaven is work.
ing, and bigh been aie entertained for
the coming year, Mr. Vantlorrues latest
utterance it) highly favorable to the early
prosecution 015 1(01 work on the Guelph
Junotiou Road ; the Hamilton & Ontario
directorate is pushing 110)15 1115 prelimin-
ary work in connection with that route,
cad the 110Waptiouni Lind public men along
the proposed route have taken kindly to
the scheme; and had, 1101 1101 least, the
con eeetiou with Witutham from Goderich
is in a fair way of being practically taken
hold of and pnehed to ultimate B1100089.—
MoKtrmee. —W. F. Findlay, of Hamil-
ton, the Cornmissioner who has been in-
vestigeting McKillop township finances
concluded his report as follow* :--From
the foregoing report it will be seen that
1110110 the total eieurepeucies do not
amount to any considerable stun, yet the
irregnle risks have been no frequent end
of so serieue (1 110(1110 tut to give jest
cause for the dissatiefectian which ester -
ed among the ratepayers who petitioned
for n commission of enqniry. The pub-
lished statemente hen been incomplete,
incorrect and misleading. l'he Treasur-
er has been allowed to do pretty much
05 110 pleased with 11)0 funds of the Cor-
poration. The Auditors have confined
their attention chiefly to seeing vouchers
for the expenditure, while they should
have gone further and examined the
securities held by the Treasurer and veri-
fied his cash banana once a. year, They
have neepted the word of the Treasurer
that the Munioipal Loan Fund was all
invested while he had hundreds nf thous-
ands oS dollars in his halide. They have
certified thine Wore no liabilities whoa
suoh was nut the ease. The Treasurer
nem anomie:1 up hie cash -hook nor
balanced his cash till the close of tho
year's accounts when preparing for the
Aaulitors. Ile did not keep Corporation
moneys separate from bis own, and an-
knowledges that he may sometimes have
usod the Township's funds for his own
purposes, of uourse replacing them after-
wards. 1 have no reason to believe there
has been any intention of wrong -doing,
but them has been loom -11.93s 111 the
eyetem of book.keepins. I have also ex -
endued the By.lawe of the township and
find a great many irregularities. Quite
a number of them have no seal attached,
some have no dates, others have blanks
left unfilled, some have blanks filled up
in pita, otnere have alterations made
in pencilonid soma am not signed. A
few oE the miiitit.,s :Geo have not been
signed by the reeve or chairrnan.
Perth Oounty.
Evangelists Crossley and Hunter are
holding forth at St, Marys for ten days.
The South Perth Farmers' Institute
will be held at St. Marys on the 12th
and 18th of drollery.
Rev. R. H. Waddell, B. D., Ph. D.,
formerly of Galt, died of Main fever 011
Friday morning of last week et his resid-
enoe in Mount Forest. He had been in
the ministry about 27 years and bad oc-
cupied a atireber of important stations.
Mr. Greensides, sr., met with a serious
accident at Monkbon recently. While
working in the mill yeast a log, some-
how, rolled on to him and broke one of
his legs. Being advanced in years the
wound will lay him up most of the win-
On Saturday night when T. Brown
was engaged arranging sortie of the elec-
tric light wires in the jewelry store of R.
S. Wilsons et St. Marys, he acoidentally
laid hold of one of the wires, end was
thrown instantly to the floor, where he
lay for some time in an anicitiseious eon.
dition. Medical Kid wails_aommonecl,
when it was found that hitiftand was
terribly burned, but apart from that no
other very serious effects will follow, as
Mr. Brown will soon be able to resume
his work.
DEAD.—On Saturday lest, while
John Norden, of the 4th con, of West
Nissouri, was doing up his chores for the
evening, he noticed two little girls trying
toget into a house on his placie,in which
bad been living a young married man,
named Jas. Dawson, who had come to
this oountry with his wife last Fall from
the Isle of Man. As the gide • eould not
obtain adrofttence, Mr. Morden put One
child through the window, who then
opened the door, when they found Mrs.
Daemon deed ill bed, lying upon her loft
side, with a cloth in her hand with
which the had apparently been wiping
her mouth. She had split the kindling
for the morning fire, 'and on the table,
covered by a wen napkin, were the
things left after finishing her supper;
her slippers were by the side of the stove,
doors all looked and everything in order ;
upon a °heir by the side Of the bed was
O saucer containing some coal oil, with a
teaspoon in it as though she had been
trilling it, there t've,s also sotto syrup in a
cup. Her husband bad. been 'working for
Mo. Shiley, of St. Mary's, and left hor
131 good • health ou Monday morning,
W111011 10a5 the last time she had boon
soon alive. On that day Mr. Haley, who
lion across the road, had 50010 her °Miry-
ing a pail of water and notioell that elm
hacl to rest a good mealy times and pnt
hoe band te her tilde as though nnwell.
The Conner for the county, Dr, Murray,
of Thorndelo, W55 notified and upen
considering the Circumstances deoided
ihat it wail tot necessary to hold ati in.
quest. The doctor thinke she had been
deed foe about four days.— St. Mary's
J °Ilene].
Iron. 5. al. Gibson, Provincial Seen -
testy, has dolt a (deader to every 111011(0.
ipal corporation in the Province, pro.
pounding 06 questions in regard to tax
eitemptiOns, (severing all cinema Lit two.
petty not exempted.
Grenade:la Newo,.
The Fanprevs of Brazil ie iudieposed.
IIonri lloolutfort Is suffering from
San Franoieeo bas had a shower of
live crabs.
There Imo 100 nen of influenza at
Kansas City,
A Freneb syndicate is building a rail.
way in the Congo,
Mutiny has broken omit among the
soldiers at Rio Janeiro.
France and Spain side with Portugal
as iegarde its olaint111
It railway is to be built from Omaha
to Forest City in South Dakota,
A. little town wiled Petrolea in Poen-
rtylvenirt wad nearly wiped out by lire.
The prohibition bill has passed both
Houses in North Dakota, and will take
effect July 1, 1800.
Mediates has been proolamed kingin
Samba, and has been formally ree.ognized
its mush by the consults.
Five more policemen were diselmiged
from the Chicago force, owing, it is be•
Hayed, to their connection with the Clan-
Several girls were ooverely burned in a
Detroit school by their fanoy costumts
catching fire while they were rehearsing
u, cantata,
Congreesinan Betterworth Wednesday
itilrodiessi in the U. FL Home of Repro -
sounding a bill for 0 all reciprocity be-
tween Canada and the U. S.
An express train was held up on the
San Angelo branch of the Sante Pe road
the other night. The robbers only got
512. Brakemen Penn Was fatally diet.
Journalism is looking up in China.
There are now three newspapers pub-
lished in that country, end there to a
prospect that another one will soon be
The nomination of Charles 11. Pope'of
Missouri, as consul at Toronto has been
oonfirmed by the United States Senate;
also that of W. 0, Frye, of Maine, as
consul -general at Halifax.
The Sydney Herald of Nev. 5, says :—
A letter from Capt. Woodhouse, of the
trading schooner Elmo, Fisher, states
that float Shower Nelson, of the schooner
.Enterprise, of Spline', and three of the
!man crew of the Enterprise were
killed, end their bodies roasted and eaten
by comnibels of the Solomon Islands.
The Enterprise wait trading among the
Islands, and thy natives from Hammond
Island, orm of the Solomon group, in-
duced Nelson and the others to go ashore
to make purchans. Once on shore they
were knocked on their heeds. The letter
states that H.M.S. Royalist shelled the
village on the island. No particulars
were learned.
A. freight dein on the Denver and Rio
Grande road Wednesday night left La -
vete. It was made up of two engines in
/rout and twenty-two oars of cattle, tel
freight cars and caboose and an engine
in the rear. The train soon broke in
three parts and then began a reoe for
life, as the middle section had no brake.
men on it. Tho engines ran three miles
at the rate of over a mile a minute over
-a grade ninety feet to the mile, and the
middle section with 24 oars loaded with
cattle and lumber overtook them. The
first engine escaped but the second was
overwhelmed in a great mass of flying
wreckage which buried engineer Wm.
Gloner and firemen Thomas Baker, kill-
ing them instantly. Portions of timber
on the flying cars were thrown over 200
feet. Seven cars of cattle and eight oars
of lumber wore piled up in the wreck
and nearly all the cattle killed or horribly
mangled. Two brakemen were severely
A. free fighti took place at a Christ-
mas celebration in Eagle Creek,
precinct Wednesday night. Chairs,
olubs, knives and pistols wore used.
Thos. Burroughs, the church door.keeper,
and one of the meet respectable' and
prominent farmers in the county, was
dangerously stabbed in two plans,
Stout Colbert was hit in the ohin with it
bullet, and several other persons received
minor injuries. The fight arose from a
mistake in distributing the presents.
Parents in the neighborhood had taken
their children's gifts to the ohuroh,
where they were properly labelled and
hung on the tree. Some tags wore in-
securely fastened and dropped off, but
were replaced as accurately as possible.
Wednesday night a large crowd assembl.
ed to witnees the distribution. When
about a dozen presents had been handed
to the ohildren'a farmer named Johnson
grabbed a sled from a child's hands and
declared. it was one he had brought there
for his boy. The sexton attempted to
explain 1110 mistake, bat Johneon pushed
him rudely aside and started for the
door, denying the sled in his bend.
Some young men who had been drink.
ing tried to snatoh the Wed from John-
son, and he edit& one of thorn, and was
himself hit with a °hair and felled to
the floor. The fight then became general
and for a time it looked as though a
number of the combatants would be kill-
Canadian NOWN.,
A disastrous fire tidied Georgetown,
Ont., Tuesday.
It is reported that Mr. Biggar. M.P.P.
foe North Bruce, will not noir re-eleo.
kirs. DONIS, WHO of a laborer living. in
Aylmer, Ont., drowned herself in it eisa,
Warden Filson will be the Conserva-
tive candidate forsthe Looal Legislattme
in Lennox,
The Liberals of North „Norfolk made a
gala of 04 on the revision of the Derain.
ion voter& list,
Convention of the Liberals of North
Grey will be held Oven Selma on Fri-
day, January 10.
The city of Breath:all is in a imend
flutinoial condition, .and lies 11 baltutee of
511,125.37 in in favor.
Bases County Commit hes discharged
its treasurer, 1111 15 still a long way front
being out of financial trouble,
Albert Ray, ei ferrets) living hear Stony
Take, broke through the 1003011110 Cron-
lo.g the lake and MS drowned.
Number 24.
Two thousand of the poor children of
I'oronto were given 0 Christmas greeting
Sis Sintftesbery Hall Tuusdey night.
Fifteen milkmen of Brantford have de-
cided not to deliver any milk there on
titinditye during the winter months.
The Brantford City Council will be
asked to take the first trip over the new
railway between Waterford and Brant-
The Dairymeree Association of the
Dominion of Canada will hold their first
annual convention et Ottawa in Febru.
Five convicts at the Portsmentb, Ont.,
paten on Tuesday clubbed and bound
three of the guards, sealed the walls and
A collision occurred 00 the Canadian
Pastille at Galt, by which a caboose and a
oar loaded with merchandise were de-
'the now C. P. R. oar ferry to ply be-
tween Windsor and Detroit wag launched
at Owen Sound and was christened "The
Esses County Connell Webneeday
missed Treasurer Wright, and appointed
.1-1wardee:Morend, of SandWE
icli aSt to
0(30 ilalti
Frank Ouittxrd, while out huniing
near Mildmay on Monday', lost his right
hand through the seoldental (Unhinge
of his gun.
,las. Laweon, a youeg man of Trenton,
was shot and seriously wounded by a
girl named Ilountny, in the Township
of ',Murray.
Five convicts in the Kingston Peniten-
tiary Wednesday night dubbed and
bound three guards and suoceeded in
=skies their escape.
Lows Bros., of Brampton, dealers in
fancy horses, have eold six handsome ani'
mals for the private stables of W.
Vanderbilt, New York.
Mrs. Annie Scott, mother of James
Scott, the victim of the Glen Cron
tragedy in May last, is man. Henry At-
kinson for 510,000 damages 'for the death
of her eon.
In one night Ales. Mateo had eight,
Laurent Bobodiere, fourteen, Itioh'd Do -
lisle, eight, and .David Boufford live sheep
killed by unknown dogs in Malden teen -
ship, South Essex,
The Canadian Pacific Railway Clem-
pany's earnings for the week ending
Dec. 14th were 5202,000 ; 5.11110 week last
year, $271,000. The above does not ie.
clucle the earnings ou the. Southeedern.
Mrs, Truman Davie, of Aylmer, was
found drowned In 33 cistern on Saturday
morning. Is is supposed she wielded,
totlrlotulbg1101:ome hint at truirde-, which is not
probable. The came Wits„Lierliapi,
While a betcher named Louth Valliere
was engaged in shinning an animal '11141.
Henri de Levis, Que., the cross beans to
which the animal was attaohed gave way
and the whole thing came down on top of
the man, crushing him to death.
The McClavy Manufacturing Company
presented all their married employ-
ees with a Christmas turkey. At the
same time the young men were notified
that if they were expeditious iu hitching
up they would receive a similar reward.
W. douse, Secretary et the Ontario
Bee -keepers' Association, has issued
notice that the next annual meetingof
the Association will be bald in. the City
Hall, Belleville, on the 8th and Oth Jan-
uary next. The Aseociation is s. large
and progessive society, and its work has
done much to promote the industry of
bee -keeping in this Province.
During an affray which °warred on
Saturday night in Toronto, John. Milli-
gan was arrested by the police. Ho was
badly hurt, and, after giving bib, stag-
gered horns, but was so prostrated from a
kiok in a vital part and out on his head,
that he had to be taken to the hospital,
where he died Monday morning. While
lying 15 0011950 he was, in default of ap-
pearance fined 55 and ooste, and now his
brother declares that he has four wituess.
es to prove that he was kicked to death
by a constable. The constable denies
having kioked him, and the doctors say
he died from some other nese.
The flve.year-old daughter of T. H.
Jones, of the Quebec Bank in that city,
and her aunt, while out for an outing,
had a most perilous fall, and nothing
short of a miracle saved their lives. The
aunt was pulling a sleigh in which Sat
the little girl. Thoughtlessly .approach.
ing the olid, which crowns the city to its
very edge, the sleigh steered on the in-
cline, and dragged both aunt and niece
down the prolific)°, a height of 200 feet,
and almost perpendioular. They landed
safe and sound in a yard in Sault au
Matelot street, in Lower Town, to the
great wonder of all who witnessed the
precipitous descent.
On Saturday night last there was a
row at the Salvation Armybarracks,
Harriston, by which the oaptain had one
of the smell bones of his leg broken.
The young man who was the eauee of
the injury called round next morning
and expressed. his regret at the occur-
rence, and the whole matter was agree.
ably settled, the young man paying all
costs. The nuniber of rows that take
plan in the barracke would lead one to
suppose that all ythe filen is not on ono
side. We trust„ that the above lesson
will be a warning to all who go there to
°empty with the rules. /f they 00,313101
they should not go at all:
The Harriston Tribline relates the fol
lowing hunting inoident ; One day lash
week, Walter Dryden, with gun and dogs
made a wad upon the swamps of Mink,
After travelling Milos his panel= was
remolded by what lio took to bo a bear
making up a large tree, Walter's dogs
were on the gent and had his bearshtp
treed. Then it became Walter's time to
work and taking deliberate aim he let go
end dowu came the monstrous aninlat
with a t11011111 upon the ground tient
shook the swamp for rode around. The
doge made a rush but 000 tuS010 was suf.
ficnent, for they instantly turned tail and
merle off howling as if mad, When
Walter reef:lied the slimmedd bear he
found it to bo an billions° poroupine
covered With going Of itureense gin 0
close of whioh it heti given eafill slOg.
Tho anitred weighed fifty.siX pomade and
0 ssiteiittito?1.be the largest ever caught in