HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-12-20, Page 81 HAI .tiJ0.. SS.I LS
„. 'r: ' - n'•, -.,v -^c is ,,.....3•ws. -
1 lit": ntt ,yo111• H11bFOriptimw to Tni: CLtaisrsias I,aam. -Last Triilwy tha when the attenipG waft ]node an the board j ,y i i'-; T" 7 ;, 100T fuf 11{90', Sub'soribera In wrraars are votorttn drover, ilobn ltod i Glc, shipped boo been off all t all.
tl l r '.r 1 . , asked to kh1.11v .,, earn a i. V'r hav • a„ two r.:u' ennttiiuing about 300 lambs, to The naughty editor cif the Cloderieh
l t
Plush m' Leather Goode, vie., Dressing 1 counts to settle that d. can't moat with Buffalo for the omits
poudmarket. He pnid rWokil says ;--"Shall deo, 1 hang up my
proulises ar cordwood, horn 5 to G} Dante per pound vivo weight. ptoukinl papa door," asked p, Clinton
Cissoo, Writing Desks, Shaviop Sots, BintinawA1U3 and Denys are very suit. Mr. ltoddiak acoompanlod the lot to the belle the other day when the coming
Jewel Oases, Perfau:e Boxes, Albums, able presents and no nicer or oheupnr bison city and soon got rid of his stook. Christmas was discussed at the tea table.
'Work Boxes, er Band Satobels 7 Or lel stools Galt bo found in Brussels than at This plan of keeping Iambs over and 3 apo looked dubioue, ancl, glanoing at
33. Gerry's, New geode just opened out. , feeding them for the Chrietnlas market the pretty pouting lips of his swept darl-
Call in and see for yourself. should commend itself to the forluer at ing, said : "Well, pet, times are so hard
A. ram haired youth is acousod of par- the above mentianed figures rather than we cannot fill your, etooking, but I will
compromise if yon will use a grain bag."
Santa Claus has not ignore been mention-
ed in that happy hamlet home.
it some handsome oups and simmers,
Toilet Stitt, Fancy Vases, Figures,' Shell
Goods, Rowers under Glass, Fruit Bas-
kets, &o, '' Or would you like te Nice
Bible or Hymn Book, or some other
Beautiful Book or Booklet, or a nice
Parse, or Toys for the children, or Xmas
or New Years' Curds ? Is it any or all
of these, or anything else, then tomo and
examine our stock, as it would take too
muob space to tell you all we have.
Druggist, Bookeeller,Faney-goods Dealer.
sOnrn&nN BxT0NBION w', 0. & B.
Tyr.ins leave Brussels Station, North
rend South, as follows :
GOING Sorra. GOING 501031.
Mets 1330 a.m. Hosed 0:100ui.
Gxnrees 13:45 a.m. Mail 0:00.p.51.
Mixed steepen. Barnes 0:40 u.m-
Y* — t'll Raps ( i -1A+E t1S Vcy in time.
b : ;CiI1S. THH Brussels iiecllauics' Institute or yo1Lr best girt, who being
_— _. ._ Library will be open every Saturday agCttre that Xmas is 071111 one
ye talon' noted, afternoon from 3.80 to 5 o'clock. This
A chief's among ; ' is a goad move, made largely to a000m- weeks hence , are thus its a very
An' faith he'll prent it.
— ----- modate persona outeide of town. lIngothinnocent manner making you
Bt. J:olul's` church Service 'of Pratsc-
loiuing boilers from houses on Mill street
and vicinity. It appero he is after the
copper bottoms. It will not rest with
cop ere if he is caught at his thieving.
I1 sLxLLA O'Covson, A. Strachan,. J.
Jones, W. H. Willis and H. L. Jackson,
of this town, assisted at a musical enter-
tainment at Button's school house,
Morris, on Friday evening of last week.
HOGS WA4TE0.—Farmers should read
the important announcement of J. L.
Grant ,i Co., of Ingersoll, 10 another
column, in reference to fattening; hogs
early. This firm will buy no dressed
hogs this winter. 10.5
Sxox church people are in leak ?lepers.
Turnbull ee Ballantyne having presented
them with a new street lama for the
church. This is a good move and will
no doubt be fully appreciated by theoon-
gregation on dark nights.
THE street lamps at the bridge are
evidently being tampered with by eom0
misobiovous person or persons. Should
they be caught at this kind of work the
council will promptly make an example
of them. They had better take warning
dolling ooelior in the season. A largo
number of farmers were in town on Fri.
day delivering lambs. We understand
that Joseph Clegg and Wm. Bryan have
a number purchased also,
LET HER WAL1c.—An exchange Saye :
"If any of our readers are interviewed
by a reepeotable looking gray-haired
woman of about 50 years of age, who has
Mee pot off the oars because she could
not pay her fare, and has a telegram
urging her to Dome home on the next
train because lior husband is dying : and
if she says she lives a hundred miles
away, mud she must got home if she has
to walk, tell her the walking is good and
she had better start. She and her con-
federate, who sends the telegram, have
worked this dying hosbancl racket in St.
Thomas and other towns at net profit, it
is figured et 515 a day."
Just about this time of year
the air is full of HINTS.
They conte jerliaps front your
wife, your son, your daughter,
membership roll shouldreceive aacquainted with their wants--
Friday Evening, December 2001, 1889, Tun Win. A. nipeg
g Suetho Deo.
.11th saysand : sort of paving the way for
commencing at 8 o'clock. The fol• pertinent, was married yesterday to Miss their Christmas boxes. Now
lowing will be the Program:
x Mary C. Lamont, of Bruisers, Ont. The don't ass these gentle hints
ceremony was performed by Bev. Hugh g
Organ Solo, Pedley, and after it waa over the newly unnoticed, but call at Pepper'
Hymn 440"Safe in the arms of Jesus" wedded couple left for Vancouver, where
the honey -moon will be spent. Drug Store and see the beaitti- be rowed in three months or less as may
Mies. Kos will from now till Christmas ful X7ncis presents suitable for bo agreed upon from the date of accept -
offer special bargains in wool goods, all old and young.
hand made, comprising Hoods, Caps,
Jackets, Fascinators, Soarfs, dice A lot
of slipper patterns very cheap. Under.
clothing, Hosiery. &o. General assort.
meat of Fancy goods, Toys, &r. Cali
and examine her stock, opposite Queen's
Hotel, Brussels.
Tun next meeting of the East 'Huron
renT IX. Farmers' Instituto will bo;held at Wrox-
Anthem, "The Lord is my Shephard;'eter, on January 13th and 14th. Prof.
Hymn 237, "Forever with the Lord,'311,m0s, of the Ontario Agricultural Cel -
Solo, -Where is Heaven 7" lege ; G. C. Castor, and R. Gibson, of
Anthem, "God is the refuge of his Peo- Delaware, are expected to be in attend.
pie,' .. - ante in addition to the local supply. A
Solo and Chorus, "Jesus lover of my i pnblio meeting will he held on the even -
Soul," ing of the first day.
Anthem, "0 Lard be merciful;'... We: have received from Rev. D.
Dnett, (sacred) Rogers, oe Atwood, a most beautifully
Anthem, "Hallelujah to God in the ececuted church "Christmas Card" de -
Highest," signed by the pastor, nrished in colors
Hymn, "Nearer my God to Theo," on tinted card containing greetings,
The Choir of the church will be as- scripture motto, compliments, poetry and
sided by some of the members of the engraving. Its design and general get
other church choirs in the town. up is A No. 1, and reflects credit on Bro.
The offertory is fn aid of the Choir Moore, of the Acton Free Press.
fund, and as there are certain necessary WELL -Deo -um ,ext Dnmerete,—George
expenses in connection with this service, Birt has all the necessary machinery for
it is hoped that everyone will contribute digging and drillin wells and is prepar.
something. Members of the oongregation ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
and the public are earnestly invited to in a way that will insure satisfaction.
attend this service. Wells °leaned ant and put in proper
shape. Terns reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnborry at„ Brussels. 48.01
ALTHOUGH the salt business is about at
a standstill there has been quite a move-
ment in freight in other lines from Brus.
sele elation this week. Reeve Graham
shipped 10 cars of barley and 2 cars of
oats to Portland, and Messrs. Stewart &
Lowick sant 4 cars of pees and a oar of
floor to Portland and 1113111ax respective-
ly. Brussele grain market still holds the
Mns. 8at1LE desires to inform the
ladies generally that she has oommenced
the manufacture of the "Improved Con.
stitutional Corset," reoommonded for
health, comfort, style, fit, elegance and
durability. Large size corsets a specialty.
"Good work, combined with a praotical
knowledge of the business," my motto.
Factory—Smale's bleak. Entrance—Hall
door. A. call solioited. Mies. D. Sttamm.
David Hull, of Appin, has a pair of
speetaolee in his possession over 200
years old.
No fewer than thirtyflve steamships
e'E5e regularly employed in the work of
submarine telegraphy.
The traok on the 0.P.B. extension from
London to 'Windsor is now complete and
will shortly be in running order.
The Preebytery of .Halifax have Dmn-
inated Bev. Dr, Laing, of Dundas, Ont.,
for moderator of the next General As-
Robert Giffen, the famous statistician,
estimates the accumulated wealth of
Great Britain at ten billion pounds. A
comparison of the throe richest nations
of the world shows the wealth per head
to be : Great Britain, (5270 ; France,
(51.80; the United States, £160.
Rev. Dr. Williams, one of the highest
dignitories in the Methodist oberate in
Canada, died early {Monday morning in
Toronto. He was born in Wales in 1817,
Dame to Canada when 10 yours of age. In
1812 ha went into business. In 1860 was
ordained. He wasaforcible and eloquent
speaker. About 1879 he was stationed
at Goderich. Dr. Williams, of Clinton,
is one of his sons,
William O'Connor, champion eouller of
America, has deposited $500 with the
Toronto Empire Newspaper Printing
Company to make good a challenge to
row any man in the world a race for the
championship of the world and 62,500 or
more a side. The challenge is to remain
open for three months, and the raps to
Anthem, - "Hark I what moan those
Holy Voices?"
Salo and Chorus, "Under the Shadow of
Thy Wing,"
Anthem, "Come unto Me,"
Dnett "No Hope Beyond,"
Quartette, "Do I wake or am I Dream-
Anthem, "I was glad when they said
unto me,"
S10sor Christmas.
AmEler Broe. are shipping staves.
San= sells pure sugar syrup, just like
SAL'tla sells the cheapest and best goods
in town.
BEAD our new story, "The Diamond
Seem keeps pure groceries and sells
them cheap.
Tun wet weather knocks business out
in bad shape.
BEAUTIFUL Bound oranges 18c. a dozen
at Tllomson's.
SOses's Sealette at 56 is the Beet and
Cheapest in town.
GARHTAKEn wanted for the public
school for next year.
PUBLIC school examinations are in
progress this week.
Honrae Bargains in Watches, Clocks
and Jewelry at Jones'.
Mules fanny slippers for 75c. Christ-
mas sale. W. H. Willis.
Clan and see Skene's meltons, the best
and cheapest you can get.
Ouarsrtris sale of ell classes of felt and
fine goods. W. H. Willis.
EIO0THEN pomade coffee sugar for 51.
For cash only at Thomson's.
Monthly horse fair in Brussels on
Thursday, January 2nd, 1890.
Tun cheapest of all cheap stores for
fine and felt shoes.' W. H. Willie.
Tnnrrsroe lbs, best Granulated Sugar
for 51.00for oath only at Thomeon's,
NE=T Sunday Rev. B. Paul will go to
Alma to supply Bev. Mr, Leeobe's work,
Deo you notice the new street lamps 7
They are what bas been requited for
8H11 Jones' stock of °looks, watches
and jewelry before you make your pan
?1EN'e red lined Overshoes, all sizes,
51.15. r'Women'e cloth slippers 25 oto.
W. H. Willis. !.
A tow stable and shed has been put
up'byWin. Martin in the rear of his
brick residence.
Beanzreui, silverware and bandeome
lamps at B. Gerry's. It will pay you to
spend your money with him,
THE funeral of Wallace Jackson, Blue -
vale, passed through town to the ceme-
tery on Thureday afternoon. •
Due a nice present at Jones' in the
jewelry or silverware line. Spatial re-
ductions during the holidays.
Woso wag received this week by Wal-
ter Jackson, of Brussels, of the death of
deter, Mrs, Barron, of London.
1Torr011.—All parties indebted to under.
Aped by book amount kindly pay at
once and renah oblige W H. McCracken.
PAY Yooa TAxse.—Notice is hereby
given that all taxes should be pail forth-
with. Gallon the Colleetot and get your
receipt. jms. T. Ross,
W. J. Fententem has put a now cam.
ret into his gallery with all the latest
improvements, He 181OW in position to
life size work 112 tip-top style.
A swam from the stove got into the
parlor furniture of Mrs. W. P. Stewart
tho other day and made bad work before
it was noticed. The house had a Diose
0T pupils aro writingat the
Entrance Exareinael00 int 3Tuess this
There Shore wore 16 girl and l 12 hg,
3, Diokeon, JI, A., of Sc for , e
lgkooiiling Wollner.
DON'T forget the Methodist ohuroh an.
niversary services. On Sunday Rev. Dr.
Hannon will preach at 10:80 a. en. and
6;80 p. m. Open session of the School at
2:80 o'clook. On the evening of Christ-
mas day the annual tea meeting will be
held. In addition to the song service to
be given by the choir and Sabbath school
their will be recitations by Rev. W.
Davis, of Ethel, and Rev. W E. Kerr, of
Owen Sound.
BEroon yon purchase either a gold or
silver watch or a piece of silver plate we
would take pleasure in showing you our
stook, whioh is now complete in quantity,
quality and variety, and at vary low
prime. In eight and one day clocks,
walnut, nickel, &o., we have in stook the
very latest patterns, which we warrant
honest time keepers, by the best makers,
and at lowest prides. A call is reaped.
fully solioited. T. FLEromoo, Jeweler.
THo00HT0UL.—The - employees along
the line of the W.G. & R. under Mr. Tif-
fln's charge hearing of his contemplated
visit to Germany to receive treatment
for his eyesight determinedto give him a
substantial proof of the regard they fait
towards biro, Contributions were cone Municipal matters are quiet tet Clin;
fined to employees and on Monday of ton
last week Andrew Little, of Listowel, and
conductor Quirk went down to Stratford
and with a few worde of explanation
handed him 5020 in gold.
People We Know.
Miss Bato Cormaok is on the sick list.
T. G. McCracken, of Ilarristoo, Sun•
duped in Brussels.
Mrs. Samuel Pearson is away at Port
Huron, Mich., on a visit.
Mrs. Howell, of Plattsville, is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Samuel Plum.
Miss Lizzie Thompson has gone to
Lucan on a visit to her old home.
Jno. Friendship, of /it. John's, Ont., is
visiting his sisters, Mrs. J. Ross and
Mrs. A. Currie.
J. W. Shaw, R. Kneehtel and A. J.
Shiel are home from Toronto for their
Christmas vacation.
The smiling countenance of Gus. Gcobel
of 4iitobell, formerly of Brussele, may bo
seen in town this week.
Mrs. Chas. Ainley and daughters, of
Harriston, wor0 visiting relatives and
friends in town last week.
Mrs. W. H. Leech, of Goderich, re-
turned to her home last Friday after 0
visit of several weeks here.
M. Y. McLean, of Seaforth, was in
town last Friday and Saturday attending
the Fast Huron Farmers' Institute.
May Skene has been dangerously ill
during the past week with whooping
cough but is considerably better now, we
are pleased to state.
Fred Burgess has taken a situation
with Photographer Park, of Brantford.
He is well up in his work and will give a
good account of himself in his new
Wo understand that Rev. W. T. Cluff
has received a call to the pastorate of
the Episcopalian church, Seaforth. Mr.
Cluff is a practical preacher, an earnest
worker and a good citizen and we would
be sorry to see him leave Brussels.
While rowing on a British Columbia
river, recently, Walter Scott and Gideon
Perris, both well known here, had a
close call. Their boat was upset by a
wave and they had to swim a long die -
tame before they got to the shore. They,
fortunately, bad their coats off.
On Wednesday of this week G. A. Fear
left Brussele for Ayr, whore he takes
ohurge of a drug business for the London
Drug Oo. Mr. Fear will fill the position
with credit to himself and pleasure and
profit to yli i employers, we have no
doubt, as,' +'a is reliable and as steady
going as olook work. While in town he
made himself . useful on Sabbath by
teaching in the Sabbath school and sing.
ing in the choir of the Methodist church.
We wish him success.
W. R. Tiffin, the local assistant super-
intendent of the Grand Trunk Railway,
hag for Dome time been Buffering from
an affection of the oyes, which has de.
veloped in such a manner as to injure
the sight seriously. He lad been recom-
mended by the leading oonlists of Canada
and the United States, to proceed to
Germany and place himself ander the
charge of the celebrated oculists of that
oonntry. A leave of absenoe has been
granted, and accompanied by Mrs. Tif-
fin, he will leave for Germany early in
Huron County.
g.]( Hill 111A71:
,Uvor iu !pinutities 0c unit 1301.
1:31.0,01:. I, P41PYr'IR, Lot 3,Oml, 1,(1rdv.
y' 'r5.0 IEC '] O rSOEt•YlfC
kJ Loaves lirusools every morning instead
of 0Y0niug no formerly, and retnrne from
Corrie in tho evening. This rale will be ad-
horod to uutll Lertlior uctioo.
B, WALSH, Plepri0101.
T OTIC Y17 1
Notice le hereby given that the outstand-
ing accounts duo the tato firm of 0ayeroft &
Turnbull, Brussels, must be settled by eith-
er cash ornoto forthwith. Tile bootie aro
at Dickson & Hays' Office, and thoV are au-
thorised to giyo loeelpts for monies paid. 14 -
undersigned desires to intimate to the
people of Brussels and surrounding eouutry
Clothe 100 opened a shaving and hair put-
ting parlor in Smale's13look, whore lis may
ha found ready to attend to the wants of the
public. Good work guaranteed.
£ l beiougiug tomo for tho year 1889 ie in
David Ferguson's hands for °enaction. Per -
tion bevies mares in foal will please I5oy 0110
same to him, as he is the only .pperao0 who
has any claim to aolieot, GEORGE TAIT,
Dated Grey, Doo, 4,1880. 21.35
of the undersigned in the village of
Denfrytl oil or about Oct. 20 two Spring
Calves, The owner 1s requested to prove
property, pay expenses and take them away.
WILLIA31 JAOO.80N. 21.806
Bnowart.—In Grey, on Dec. 1401, the
wife of Mr. Wm. Brewer, of a son.
BANaolr—HOromsso3.—In Brussels, on
the 18t11 inst., by Rev. S. Jones,
John Ransom to Mies Isabella
Hutchinson, both of Grey.
DucxEn—LAIIONT.—In Winnipeg on the
10th inst., by the Rev. Hugh Pedley,
W. A. Duoker, of Winnipeg, to Miss
Mary C. Lamont, of Brussels.
Our —Meems —At the residence of the
bride's father, on the lith inst.. by
the Rev. Wm. Torrance, Mr. Wm.
Oke, to Bliss Carrie L. Mills, both of
HARD To Boa.—Thomas Maxwell keeps
an ordinary brad ow, and just to see
what she was worth to him he kept an
e.courate account of the milk and butter,
from March 8t11 to Nov. 5th of Mile year.
He found the result to be as follows ;
802 pounds of butter, 546.89 ; milk sold,
$10. Total, $66.69, in seven months.
In addition to this there was the milk
used by the family during thie time,
Werth at least 55. Mr. Maxwell is pleased
with the test and thinks it will keep the
well breds moving to beat it.
Too Connell, very wisely, decided at
their meeting last Monday ovoning to
purchase six 111030 street lanipe, They
tv1l1 be located as follows:—At or near
the entrance to station yard, and at the
corners of Queen, Xing, Market, Church `Amort diabolical astempt at incen;
and Bawk streets where they join' Tarn. diarism was discovered by 14101101as Cum -
berry. WS also proposed to move the wings, of Blyth, one day re0ontly. It
lamp at the bridgo to the corner 6f Mi11 appears that he wont to nail up a board
street, Mud change the ono at Albert on his barn, which had boon off far some
streetto the south side of the street, • timo, and there traces were discovered of
These night lamps will fill; a long felt, n on attempt to fire, the straw being ail
want and will no a groat comfort and I blackened and a half burnt match lying
oonVenienoe ori dark nights. •'t en the ground. It 10 imposeibie to say
:t), . , •.. ,
Chicken thieves are at work in Luck.
Wroxeter eurlere have bad a game
this season.
F. Metcalf, of Blyth, has moved into
hie new residence.
In two days W. Doherty & Co,, of,
Clinton, received 68 orders for organs,
S. W. Perry, of the Clinton Collegiate
Institute, will go to Xinearaine next year.
R, Porter, Id. P., for West Huron,
spoke at a meeting in Guelph last week.
Jno. Bone and Thos. Book have
leased the Wroxeter skating rink for this
The cattle shipped to Blyth a short
time ago from Manitoba by T. R. Mitch•
ell and A. Carlton, were sold by auction.
They were purohased in bulk by a Mr.
Baker, Of gentian. Pont yoke of work.
ing oxen Menage& 585 per yoko. A
number were also sold privately,.
.AV'CTTOTS F3A1r7 3_
DECEMBER 29, 1889,
A nrorne Ix Yon 1,Alt, PLEASE 1
Buy Your Xlnao Present. at
A Beautiful and Choice Assortmout of
linno1'TIAN end. ABEIS14'lN
Fancy Goods, Games,
Stationery, Eta„ Etc.
-Something New in -
11 O 7C O 1D,..L. 1 s 'L7 Dr &ti.
00112E AND SEE 1
y. T. PEPPER, Drrfggict,
Graham's Blook, Brussels.
Tro.11o.ot a C'enoral ezan1, tnC
7 ursis7.ocpn.
Canadian and United StatesDrafts bought
and sold.
Interest allowed on Deposits,
Collections made on favorable tendo.
Canadian Agents—MHn0H.0N0'5 BANK or'
Naw York Agents—I.00r:Tons AND TnAn-
• of the uodersiguod,lots 31 and 12, eon.
10, Grey, On or about Nov. 27011, a yearling
atter, red in color. The Miler is roquestoa.
*prove property, pay 0r0118e0 and taco
1im away. NELSON 13RICKER. 22.4
J of the undersigned, lot 00, Don. 17,
Grey, on or about Julio let, a, yearling heifer
and e, yearling steer , both rod in color. The
holier has some gray hairs, The steer has
some white o11 hind quwrters. The owner io
✓ equested to prove property, play espouses
and take them away. 20.0 110113. BERRY,
ca tenders for the position of Caretak-
er' in Brn seals Pnbllo School, will be reoeivod
up to the 00th Deoombor, lowest tender not.
1)0ee69arf13 accepted. Duties, &o., may be
ascertained onapplication -to the Secretary
of Salmi Board, who 1v61 also receive tend.
Ors. Ditties to 00mn101100 January let,1800.
W.1I. MOSS,Sou—Treas. 10.P.S.10. Dated at
Brussels, Doe, 10, 1880. 22.On
gT Jit ' Caveate,lto-issuesaud Trade
O 130 5 0.52 5 I) Murka eoourod and all otll-
or ipatout 801180s in tho Patent Mee and
before the courts promptly and oarofnily at-
tended to. 'Upon receipt of model or sketch
of invention, L make careful examination,
and advise as to patentablityfrso of euarg0.
Fees moderato, and I make no o1urge unless
patent is oocured, Information, advice and
spaniel references sent on application. J.
R. LITTELL, Washington, D.O., ILS, Patent
Offioo. nn
TuE0nee, DED. 31sT.—Farm stook, &0.,
Lot 12, con. 5, Morris. Salo commences
at 1 o'clock. Jas. Smith, prop. Goo.
Kirkby, auot.
MONDAY, DED. 28.—Farm stook, imple-
ments, &c., on lob 16, con. 18, Grey. Sale
commences at 1 p.m. A. Reymann,
snot., Anthony Baker, prop.
DRO. 27TH.—Farm stook, on
North half lot 18, Don. 7, Morris, Sale
commences at 1 o'clock p. m. D. Mo.
Quarrie, prop. Geo, Kirkby, auot.
E1.2.V'SS3DS... S
Fall Wheat 75
Spring Wheat 75
Barley 2480
Peas. •58
Butter, tubs and rolls14
Eggs per dozen 17
Flour per barrel 6 60
Potatoes 36
Hay per ton. 7 00
Pork .... 6 00
Hides per Ib 2
Salt per bbl., retail 1 26
Sheep skins, each... .. 60
Wool, per lb 18
8 .00
5 40
1 00
61=1A7'O2-1 7a6AR=21TS-
Fall Wheat 75
Spring Wheat 75
Oats 24
Peas 68
Barley 80
Potatoes 86
Butter, per Ib 14
Eggs, per dozen 17
Apples, per bushel 30
Hogs, dressed 6 00
Beef 4 0
Wood, per cord 2 60
Sheepskins, each 40
5 40
5 60
8 00
4 50
to come for a few hours each day.
Good wagon. Apply to A.B., Pon. Publish-
ing House.
..L 11u Solicitor and Conveyance.% Rolloe-
tious made, OOlee—Vanatone's Bloelt, Drug.
eels. 21.3m*
a Solicitor, Conveyancer, No tare Pub -
Iia &a. Moe—Graham's Block, 1 door um*
of c'opper's Drug Store, Private Funds t0
":nn10r310D has several good 1117ms for
sale mut* rent, easy terms, in. Townships
of Morris and .toy. F. S. SCOTT. Brussels.
able residence to rent, Also a reaping
machine for sale, dation. Apply to MRS. J.
W. SHIED, lot 0, Don. D. Grey, Broseele P.O..
HEAVY draught horses, warranted
sound. Will be.sold at a bargain. Enquire
of E. C. Roaisna, Bi asselo.
▪ and Walton, early Wednesday morn -
in a rubber lap rug, fined. The '.Ander
wlbl greatly oblige by moving tho same at
28.1* DR. MORELVEY'B, Brussels.
ton 10 hereby given that all persons in-
debted to m c arerequested to call and set-
tle aeoounts before December 1st, as after
that they will be collootod through the
Court. J. A, MONATJGHTON, M, D. Brus-
a Barrister, SOlioltlr and Notary Pub-
lic. Dade will Conveyancing. Colleoflons anti every
Mr. Wade will attend in Gorrio ovary 01ad-
uesday at two o'clock,
.9. for a residence i" B 1'ussel0, coot mining
one acro of land nearly opposite Mr. F. C.
Rogers' nekton o, is for sale at a bargain.
Apply bo W. M. 81N0LA183, Br11050818, or to
J110, HARGREAVES, tor, Queen and Sim -
coo streets, Toronto.
J. Grant, Mill Street, is offered or sale,
as the family will remove to Winnipeg next
Spring. Also the stable used at present by
Lott Bros„ and a well located building lot on
Turnborry street just south of the p17ostoffioo
black. Fox particulars apply to MRS. J. R,
GRANT, 20-tf
l T®TIO]B 1
Ali parties indebted t6 tbo ostato of the
late Andrew 0urrio aro requested 06 settle
the saall unumeby tho 2811 hist, After that ddbygate
doss of laW, 03! 0101)1012 OPlnut WM belooted EXi1013T0110.
Brueeele, 006.15,1885, 14.11
signed ie prepared to attend to tbo
Icilling and droeeing 02 cattle, *cop 00 pigs
for farmers oe 06wespeeple in a workuiau.
ICro manner =Sat reasonable rates. Ord.
ere loft at A, Ourrio'e hotelier shop will bo
promptly attended to, DAN. 1foD0NA1O,
iso0 of the undetelgned,lot 27, 4011 Ileo
Morris, about May Nth, a your old steer and
a. year 0111 heifer, both rod ill color, marked
With a 0o1nm00 pig Sing in lower side of
right oar, Au information leading to their
reoemetywell rile thankfully meet/ed.
23'4 JAB, M, MAIYTIN, Btheee10 2,0,
(Late with Carrow & Proudfse t, Code -
rich,) Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers,
100. Of1ces—Brussels and Seniortb, Brea
001e 01100, Rogers' Block, Main St. Money
to Loan.
E, 6, HAYS. 1Y, n,1113'110010,
A M. TAYLOR, B. C. L.,
..G L • Banister, Solicitor, &c., of tl:o grin
of Taylor, McCullough & Burne. Barri:dors
Solicitors, 00„ Manning Aresao, :Co"onto.
Mosey to Joan,
Olorlc 01 tbo Fourth .Uivish,n Court.
CO, Huron. OOnyoyan00l', Notary Public.
Laud, Doan and Iusoranee Admit. Entitle
invested and to Loan, Ooileetlone made.
Ogles in Graham's Blook Brussele,
1_' Lot 13, Oon. 10, township of Grey
Huron Co, There are 100 acres, 86 norm. of
which are cleared anti in goon state' -of culti-
vation, On the ham 45 a stone house and
frame barn and frame stables, a good bear-
ing orchard and good. well of water, For
further pdrtio0lars apply to the proprietor
on the promises.
17-tf JOHN VINOENT, Brenta P.O.'
' Brussels Tannery is offered for sale at
a bargain. en it is a 15 h. p. engine and
801i. p, boiler, 15 vats, 2 cnrrytablee, 0 etovoa,
good bark mill anti a full set of tools, with
heating pipes to leaches. 00, There are
about 2 acres of land* connection with the
building. No tannery nearer than Wingbam
tolreuLatrwaeelto Tperremo8, toarmt'.., &Foo„r m11%11°070
87- THE Poen Publishing Honso,Brussels.
1 sonata offers 1110 valuable 100 acre
farm,being lot 8, con. 15, .Grey Township,
Huron Co., for sale; There are about .60
acres cleared and in good boort. There is o
log house, good bank barn, bearing orchard
and all the necessary conveniences- on the
promisee. For further particulars, as to
pprise terms, oto, apply to - the Proprietor,
THOS.H18L0P, oto„
P. 0., N.W.T.. or to
l- Bann,—Being composed of Lot' 10,
Con, 9, Grey, There aro 70 mores cleared.
There hi a frame house and barn and a' good
driving house, also bearing orchard, well,
&0. on the premises. The Maitland river
rang a few yards from the. house, There is
some good rail timber on the lot. The farm
lies between Oranbrook and Etheland is
convenient to both places, while Smash' is
nolo away, For full particulars apply on
the ppromisee to ABEL TINDALL, Proprie-
tor, Ethel P. 0. 10•
28, eon. S, Groh containing 100 wee, 15
acres cleared, under grass, and the balance
timbered. About 70 sores of dry land and
the halaaoe cedar and blaok ash swamp.
There isa log house on the promisee. Will
be add oily cry reasonable ,terms as proprte'
for does not regain) the lot. For further ar-
tioulers apply to -1001T. MODAIIOHIPIN,
Oraubrook, P.0.. or ALEX. HUNTER, Brus-
sels. 12
011)003NE0 sforefor -solo ilio north
cast quarter of lot 28, oohooeeion 0, Morris,
County of Huron, 0entafniug 50 novae. The
lanais of -?ret quality and in a high state of
cultivation, well fenced and uudoridrained,
45 aorta elwared. Now frame honed, 8 r0ome,
boo* with concrete Ovalis,. 2 wells,
good borne and shod, or0hard, etc. Eight
001:30 ef fall wheat. This doairable property
elljofus:the oorporotlon of Brussele. Suit.
able forma will he giVVon. Titleporfeot.
00- Sonforth P. 0,
ems. i.001). FARM FOR SALE IN
Vi Dforris, on reasonable terms. In,ord0r
to aloeo the affairs of the estate of the late
W. G.!Thurston ,the oxe0utorl'offer the fol.
lowing valuable lands for 0010 North
half ,of Lot 80, 00neosslon 6,1'0wnehlp 02
Morris containing 90 mien. on this lot le
Orooted a good frame barn with 0t0uo fOuh-
dation,good o('ohatd,0o0li.and pmnp. Near -
Ty all oloared, and to mi. the grave road
olOeol nd`oinlnd the village' Of Bruo4als.
Th10(armiisevesable ono, i55 well folioed
and in a good, ate* of cultivation. Per
nio00 and terms apply to Trios. 0111115,3!,
Wooly F. O,,.131t00Y JENN11000,Viot0ria
Square P. O., or &tem theiMe Maple Ledge
1', O., Middlesex gaunt*.
Itul's store, MISSES L. & E. Mc-
. Iseuror of Marriage Lieeusos. Offie0
at his Grocery, Turnborry street, Brussels.
Tonsorial Artist Shop—Next door
south (di. 31. McKay d1 Do's hardware store.
Ladies' and chllaren's hair cutting a 1 peciaity
18'A ehoi0o stook of cigars kept.
.C1-Ismere Ismer of Marriage Mouses, by
appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commie -
stoner,. Sic, Q.B. Conveyancer and Agent
Fire Insuraueo Co. Offico at the Oraubrook
Post Oinoo,
.!J The undersigned desires to intimate
to tge ladies. of Bruseols and surrounding
coontry that alio is prepared to attend to
all orders tntrueted to her. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Shop—Up-stairs, ono door north
of Walter Jackson's hardware store,
have started a..flret•alass Dress and
Mantle Malting Shop over Strachan Bros.'
store. As Mrs. Oarson nuts by the best
Amorioan Tailor System and has worked in
Toronto for a number of years a period fit
and good satisfaction isguaranteed, Parties
who aro good *wen taught to out and 11t in
o, few days. 1a'Apprentloes wanted.
VV- Licensed Anotloneer. Salon conduat-
edon reasonable terms. Farms and farm
etpaka opeoialty, Orders left at Tun Pose
:Publiehiag Houe0,Bru0eele, or sent* Walton
O„ will receive prompt attention.
Auctioneer, Is always ready to at-
ttend sales of farms, farm stook, &c. Terms
ebeertelly given.: Oranbrook P.O. Bale.
may bo arrangged' at TGE PoeT Pablisping
9=1'S,7' 'P1S TRY 1
G. L. Ball, L. D.9, Nitros Oxide Gee sit -
ministered for: the Painless Extraobion of
Teeth. 74 Gerrard Street East. Tonollre.
92-7NTZSm 1 -
W. J. Fear, 3., D. 8., Graduate of
Toronto Sehoel of Deuti00ry. AB
operations guaranteed. t'Arti1oial
teeth, first quality, and a gnarautood
fit, for $12,00 per set. . Office—Can's
IDENZ`Itar f
F._ A. 13- A10,' IS37. Z, 9, S,.
Honor Graduate of the Royal- College ,of
administered for the Ptdnleoo Eict 4otiotros Oxiden of
teeth. 061004
t "O10n DoonBonze or'Beane, BLII00Eo, .
WM. E. GALE, M. D,, 0.1.1., mambos 01 the College of P.byyoioiau
and, Surgeons' of Outarlo by examination.
Omen and I1eeidoneo—Main fitted Dan,
e 0 H3., L, R.O,P., Ntlinbnrgh, M. 0. P.
S. Ont. At Poppor's Drug Store from 0 to.
13:88 a. m. and ''ram 1:80 to 4 p. m, At other
houeo maybe found at his resido7300, RUM.
Orly cede1ied by Dr. IIutobineon, Mill et.
Grtulu to anndSMonTO
dry V¢1010* of 6 tari0
'Votetitary College, will be pleased to ex.
mine the greatest oar0 and peofee,
Metal 01(111 any tune enteu00011 to hie
Charge. 0111ooand tni100110 by•- O'i3rion's old
etalld,8 doors north of bridge, Turnborry
ate B:eisfieli,