HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-12-20, Page 5DECEMBER 20, 18899. '''E5 SLc.uaa'''42 Ru•:n:Y sine .,9't rt2 •.• Di„tritt !:4161)5 • FRIDAY, DJg1OBilt sal 20, 1889. Al Weed. Christmas tree this (Friday) evening. Was. Irwin, merchant, is selling out at cost. W. liewkshaw hue opened a perk peek - ng house, It, ]dell has Hold hie residue() to sirs, Johnston who to having built thereto a store to bo need for rho sale of fenny goods. Tho entertainment given in connection with the day aobool was well attended, notwithstanding the unfavorable state of the weather. Of aux Little Calvin Simpson was on the sick list last week. His trouble Was inflamma- tion of the bowels. Join. Strnohan inflicted an ugly gash in hie fora ono day last week, by n mis- directed blow of an axe. Miss Jennie Beharriell is coming home in a fow days from Melanoton, where she has been sojourning for nearly two years. Tho young people of Strachan's Sun- day school are preparing for to social to be held in the near future. This will certainly be 0, stmeesa as those is plenty of energy in the people of that neighbor- hood. IIs elg-ret.v(�1, NEW S•rORta—Tho ne'.r store is rapidly appy ;whine completion and will soon be ready for its occupants. The Wingham Eloontionary Com- bination has ()erne and gone. "Tile wind b'owoth where it listoth and the woodbine twiueth 'treund the recollection thereof." Pl nsox.%rs: Miss Stewart, who wits very severely burned about bhe nook and face a few days ago, is rapidly recover. ing.—J. M. Godfrey, of Toronto Univer- sity, returned home last week to spend his Xmas vacation. ENTERTAmMENTs, 'rhe people of Bel- graee and surrounding country will have this year it groat many ways offered them of spending their Xmas in a right royal style. The first event will be a Christina% Tree, held in the Episoopal church of the village on Monday evening, the 28rd inet. It is hardly neoeseary to say that everything is being done to make it an unqualified success. Tho Methodists follow with a grand tea - meeting, to be held on Christmas night. The tea willbe served in the Foresters' Hall, Belgrave, from 5 to 7, atter which they will adjourn to the choroh, where speeches from several noted divines, will form an interesting part of the enter- tainment. The Blyth Methodist choir will furnish music for the evening. In short it is intended, we believe, to make this as neer as possible It genuine old- fashioned toa.moeling. FIt.},t 1 School closes on Friday. Reeve Milne has the planer in kis now mill in running order. August Ifekmier moved into the village on Thursday of last week. J. Hemewarth wears a broad smile at present, 0nnsed, no doubt, by the advent of an heir. Rev. W. Davis and E. Cobor attended the Jubilee singers' concert in Brussels last week. They were well pleased. Tho junior department of out school Was closed 0n Friday as the teacher was attending an examination near Walton. Mrs. Doig is still in a critical condi- tion and on account of the proximity of their Hall to Mr. MoAllister'e residence, where Mrs. Doig is at present, the Sons of Temperance have postponed, inde- finitely, the entertainment that was an- noaneed last week to take plane on Fri- day evening. F. Ferguson, who had been sink for a long time of consumption, died at his residence on Thursday evening of last week. The funeral took plane on Satur- day, at whish there Was re large attend- ance of friends and relatives. The in- terment took place at Brussels cemetery under the charge of the Orangemen of this district. Levi Lake, having decided to lead a single life no longer, started for Platte- ville, where ho was married on Wednes. day of this week. There was a reception given him, by a large number of friends, at his father's residence on Thursday evening. We believe there are a few more in this district who will follow in hie footsteps during the holiday season. The follbwing letter was received last week by T. P. Simpson. It speaks for itself and should be a hint to "slow coaches" :—"I will now take in hand to pay for two 50. plugs of tobacco that I got from you the year I worked for John Slemmon at Ethel. I got it one day and told you not to mark it, as I would pay it in a day or so, but I forgot all about it until I wan out of the neighborhood. I will now send yon 15e. in stamps so as to "'dive you Go. for interest. Sine that Lime I have intended sending it time and again, but always pat.itoff. I am honest and went to pay everyone al1I owe them. Yon will please find enclosed 150. in stsmpe. Yours truly, A. Id." (1 rsurlbroolc. Rev. A. Y. Hartley, of Blnevale, will preach in Knox church next Sabbath. Council meeting was held here on Fri. day to wind up the business of the year. The annual Ball and supper will be held at Tuok's hotel on New Year's even. 105. Alarge number of invitations are issued, Pensoxets.—Mr. Coutts smiles upon our village again. May his :shadow never grow less.—Stephen Kressler has returned home from the Pacifier coast. Stephen is a hustler.—R. F. Cameron has returned from Clinton Collegiate In- stitute. J. 0. Tuck has leased his hotel to a Mr. Zimmer, uncle of tho Zimmer boys hero, who will take pos1005100 in a few months, Mr, ruck has not decided what line he will follow. We hopo ho will continue to reside in Cranbrook as the neck family havebeen thinly associated With it for 0, great many yenta. NEwsNoTss.—Datnes' hotel will `'soon be oomploted.—Businees be finishing up' Again and our merohante dere are doing a good business,•—Miteheil We William; are gutting things its shape for three inter trade, --`.Cho Young Peeples' meeting are ; L Monday evening, all aro welcoino.--.Mr, Davis, who preaches i11 the Methodist ohnroh, is an earnest and willing worker for the memo of truth. \Vo;, wish him abundant Wane.— .A imbiber from hct'o . us w J.3TXlf Isrm resoles w 3 eezere v w...e took in the Fannon' institute ineoting at liruseele last Friday and Saturday.-- Jas. 11itelile, merchant, bac beet' oo edu- finto his home by Mures for the last fow wooke, Wo hope lie moy he fully re. stored in near future.--Tondors aro out for the oarl;ying of the mail from Brus• sols to Cranbrook. There le an unepoken feeling in the air 10111811 says there will he noeleotfon con. lest in 01 e trst „_Lip thio year. The present Council appear to be doing the work in a very satisfactory manner, Y. P. C. A,—Tho following program was preeenled el. tho last meeting of the Yonng Peoples' Assoelation re—Reading, Miss Meggio Perrie ; music, Misses Jane and Christina and Archy MoNoil ; ad- dress on "Luther," by Rev. D. B. Mo - Rae. This was the event of the evening and was interceding and instructive. Tho great Reformer, Preacher and ad. amine will ever remain as an example of Christian heroism well worthy of imita- tion by all. THE ]3F-USSELS POST '^i`F ..TO:L,^..: =74. 1213% : W _ ... c4,rOn ZOIN 3ZW74.c.„,.,,E.LWO17n"e'L9^ ^.',•`„7+Ot WA^.:r. i7reeefA s1 IC.. Dnlmaga's bus driver appeared before Mayor Moindoo, charged with furious driving, but was acquitted. Rev. lefr. Murray, of Kincardine, de. livered a very interesting leoture in the Presbyterian olmreh, entitled, "A trip to Europe." Lebanon Chapter No. 84, R. A. M., held its regular convocation, and sleeted the following officers for the ensuing year : B. Wilson, Z. ; I r. L. Dickinson, lI. ; 0. E. Williams, J. ; J. Neelande, Treas. ; W. B. Groves, S. B. ; H, W. C. Meyer, S. N. ; T. Bell, P. 8. ; J. Plenty, Jan. Bell's Factory Band has now been pro- perly organized and number twelve mem- bers. They are getting along exoeed'iugly well. The following is the list of affirms: Pros. & Treas., Thos. Bell ; Vice•Pres., Wm. Willis; Secy., W. K. Lontit; Lead - or, S. Merrifield ; Com. of Management, W. Cooper, R. Marlow and P. John. stun. Al the last regular meeting of L. 0. L. No. 794, the following officers were duly oleoted and eustened for the ensuing year : W. M,. John Davidson ; D. M., Wm. Cleg{,g; Chap., D. B. Calbiok; Rec.- Seo., John Kerr ; )'in. -Seo., Jas. Mo- Oroight ; Treace F. H. Roderus ; Leat., Johnston Miles ; D. of C., Geo. Petty - piece ; Committee, T. Agnew, Jos. Bul- lard, A. Galbraith, T. Abraham and 3. Jackson ; 0. T., Geo. Stewart ; L T., Marshall Boll. Lieetow el. The Sunday school of the Congregat- ional church will have a Christmas ship this year. Hay Bros. commenced last weak to run their mill night and day on Ameri- can wheat for export. J. W. Scott and 7. A. Halstead are opening ups branch banking house in Wingham, which they expect to have running by New Years. Messrs. Olimie ,L• Hay have rented No. 1 exchange stable at Pt. St. Charles, Montreal, which will be under the charge at R. IL Hay, who will reside in Mon- treal. Gen. Climie will be at Listowel and vicinity prepared to bighorns at all times for this market. The negotiations for the purchase of the foundry, by the new machine shop firm, have been completed and the new firm are in possession. The $5,000 teen guaranteed by the citizens has been put through and extension of the shop and purohase of new machinery will be push- ed rapidly forward. At a meeting of Listowel L.O.L., No. 870, the following officers were oleoted T. E. Hay, W.M. ; H. Willoughby, D.W. M. ; Jas. Evans, Chap. ; John Montgom- ery, R.S. ; F. Tank, F.S. ; T. T. Kemp, Treas. ; John Torrance, Leo. ; 0. Wilson)' S. Strain, Geo. Scott, John Stuart, and Thos. Miley. Committee ; S. Culbert, D. of C. Drs. S. T. Rutherford and J. L. Tarn - bull after having oomploted a four -year's aonreo in the. Canadian medical colleges, in which they took their degrees, oto,, with first-olass honors and high standing, have returned from a six -months' course spent in the hospitals of London and Edinburgh and are now fully equipped for entering successfully into their pro- fession. Tuesday morning of last week the streets of the town were taken possession of by a procession of teams loaded with boxes of oheeso, which followed one an- other to the extent of 128. The cheese was bought by A. F. MoLeren from sur- rounding factories and is being stored in town preparatory to shipment. The boxes totalled up in the neighborhood of forty-five thousand, and 080,000 was paid over to the salesmen io the one day. (41' Advertise your strayed oattle in Tnn POST. The all absorbing question on the 7th and 8th cons. at present is. who ie. the lucky .man ? Rev. Mr, Howie will oonduot the pray- er meeting at the house of Wm. Reed on Friday, Deo, 27th, at 7.80. Wm, Pierce and wife are home from Manitoba for the winter. They give a very favorable report of last season's crop. The East Huron Farmers' Institute meeting was a grand sunrise. President McFadden and Secretary Bishop are to be congratulated on their untiring ef- forts. 'Win. Waters, teacher in the brick sobool house, held a public) examination last Friday. The ratepayers of the sec. Hon turned out fairly well, and were mnoh gratified with the management of the school. A number of teachers were rile present. Thursday evening of last week wo saw R. Cott a emend time presiding over a public meeting and were struck with the splendid figure ho outs as chairman. He reads the Scripture and leads the singing equally well, and ib is imposeible to say what an industrious, ambitious and honest young puede may not do in this or in any culler age, So writes a corres- pondent. Drun.—On Wednesday of this week tire. Torrance, daughter of Wm. Cook, 1011) owl., died of consumption at the residence of iter permits. Along with her husband she went to Manitoba over a yarn ago but the olimato did not agree with her and nor physician ordered hot to re111r10 to Ontario. The disease had too strong ti hold on hoe, however, and death was the reonit. Mrs. '.l'orietneo was a poreon of fine character. and died 10 denth of the righteous. 'Her lnsband out)' ,mo child ate left to 1110ar11 her de. miss'^ The fnueral ;aline Mean sits Friday revere n1.1, ir.lrenien• t Ilene:UM, eeulctery, Chits. Bishop is home from Toronto University for the (Airframes holidaye, Rev, D. B. Melon held a prayer melt. in„ in Shiue'a school on Monday evening last, Den..itobsrbsnn is 105005ring from a doge of intermittent fever, The young folks are glad to hear this neve, A. McNichol, 11th 000.has, we believe, rented his farm for a term of five years. Mr. McNiceol will prospect in Manitoba, When was Mr. Miokle on the day of the Ease Huron Farmers' Inetitnte ? We sxpeatsd to see him there chock-full of pork. Was. Cardiff la busy at present chop. ping and undorbrushing his lot on the 0th concession. It will make %pie id pasture land when cleaned up. James Alai:Mesh is going to ha a stone foundation put under his dwelling house. He line the house raised and will begin building tho foundation this week. The 'sewing circle' which was organiz- ed on the 12111 con. last winter sent their first box of clothes to Toronto in ()atelier. Those clothes consist of old coats, pants, ,40. whichthe members of the oirole melee over, and so are made to do good services, when they aro commonly thrown aside as useless. Many of the poor of `.1loronto would bo glad to get these old clothes and wo hope the circle will eon. Untie their good work, and others follow their example and form sowing societies in different parte of the country. 13y meeting one or twice a week during the winter a few ladies could pleasantly and profitably spend their time in thus re- lieving the suffering of the many poor in Toronto nt other planes. The box was accompanied by a letter from Miss K. Calder and received the following men- tion in the "Gazette" published by the "Young Women's Christian Guilt]," of which Mrs. Hltrvie is editor. "Tho box mentioned 113 the above letter Cams duly 10 hand, ours, truly, it was a wonderful box, full to overflowing with useful and eervicoablo articles, many of them now, for the poor. The men's clothing was given to needy men discharged from the general hospital. The boy's clothing was distributed among the children of several poor families. The women's and girl's clothing will be kept for the in. mates of the Haven. The little coat with the note pinned on it was given to the boy of one of the volunteers who has been i11 ever siaoe he returned from the North-West." 131exevnie A great many around here are expect- ing Christmas soon. On account of the bad state of the roads, business is very dell here. The measles are jest about gone from dere, but the mumps are beginning to spread. Joseph Leech's mill has of late passed into the hands of R. N. Duff, and Thos. Stewart. Next Sunday morning Rev. I. B. Wel- win will preach a Christmas sermon and in the evening he will preach to the young men.. There will be no services is the Pres. byterian church next Sunday, as Rev. A. Y. Hartley will bo is Cranbrook supply- ing for Mr. McRae. Last Monday the Township Council met in the village to wind no the affairs of the year. Report says Haat Council- lor Diament will be a candidate for the Deputy Reeveship. Rev. J. S. Cook, of Hensn1l, formerly of Blnevale will preach a sermon to the Foresters' herein the Presbyterian church on Sabbath, Jan. 5th, 1890. The people of Bluevalo will be glad to hear Mr. Cook again. Dmn,—On Tuesday of this week Wal- lace, second son of Irwin Jackson, west of this village, died. The cause of his decease was a combination of diseases. The funeral was on Thursday afternoon. Rev. I. B. Wallwin conducted the ser. vice. Tho communion services in the Pres- byterian ohnroh, a week ago last Sabbath, were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Simp- son, of Bruaefleld, who preached three very interesting andprofitable sermons, two on Sunday, (morning and evening,) and one the previous Saturday. On Wednesday afternoon W. 0. Dowd- ing, of Logan township, Perth Co., and Miss Agnes Yoe, daughter of Wm. Yoe, a well.known resident of this locality, were united in marriage. The bridesmaid wits Miss Lon. Earle, of Logan, and the groomsman Jno. Rogers, of the same plana. Rev. Mr. Wallwin, Methodist minister, tied the nuptial knot in good style. "Still there's more to follow." Tuesday evening last was a very dark and wet one.. The roads were deep with mud and the skies werebidden by clouds, yet to have seen the masses congregated in the,. Presbyterian church would cer- tainly have led anyone to believe it was a beautiful moonlight night with the best of sleighing. The church was crowded to its utmost capacity and many were to be seen, both in the audience and on the platform, from both Wroxeter and Wing. ham. Indeed they lost nothing by brav- ing the storm, as the tem. given in the Foresters' hall excelled anything of the kind given on former occasions and re- flects much credit on the ladies of the congregation. The program given in the church, although curtailed in every par- ticular poseiblo, lasted from eight to eleven o'clock, and from the vigor with which the National Anthem was sung at the close, the audience did not appear to be wearied of those taking a promin- ent part. On the platform might be mention d Dr. Macdonald, M.P., of Wingham, Rev. Mr. Simpson, Bruce - field, Mr.ilrarey, Wingham, Thos. Gib. son) Wroxeter, Miss Smith, Wingbam, besides the tumid great display of local talent, Rev. A. Y. Hartley anted en chairman and well deserved the vote of thanks tendered on motion of Dr. Mac- donald, M.P. The receipts at the door amounted to about $50, Much otedit is due to the young people for the vim with which they took hold of the work and carried it to snail a grand mouse under the inauspicious circumstances. The Grand Trunk ;hope at Stratford have closed down for two weelts. The Mitchell burglary naso was eon - eluded on Tlutrsclay of last week, The address of the waned wore finished at about half past 50ven. The judge's charge was share. Tho jury found the prisoner Stdioltort guilty bub recommend. oti hit 11 to titmore of tllo court. Itis 111011or-s01)1eneed him 10 throe y0010 iu the penitentiary. The plan has a family of companativoly yottug children and the evidence want to show that , he was al. ready rh'eggii,g (hoot down in'c a I11' of 111'11710 nod 0110111e. "'^.•'^ads zt rtzt ci.,. ..rr... Lem a .:acre ...'n.6e�'."• etearseemz yne=c"fyae`rreie 'I' reMrr OF NEW AND DESIRABLE FOR 'OLD AND YOUNG. +'a:"JiClit. kYll'!.e5r;14MtMf',r h.+r't5'�t. wE31gr11}{'F5,'r. b.x. i,;lir," 41.: ,ttid!si:1bi,w 7.+'P.!�;.t�VL71'�nxt1:wr!n`n`ti, 71 hP ".f,J4,4101s .8#11,.:3.•1X GREAT VARIETY, CREAT OPPonITT;NITy, Great Bargains for All in SILVER WAR Violins, Spectacles, Pipes, Cigar Cases, Tobacco Pouches, 86c., &c, The New, the Novel and the Beautiful WILL BE FOUND IN OUIi .H..:L'YD,NO,)WE )5'TO<;Ii'. We can Supply a Beautiful Gift for any Sum you may desire to Expend. Our Elegant Holiday Stock is a Popular Stock hi all :Respects. Our Stock consists of Watches, Clocks (Walnut and Nickel Alarms), Solid Gold Wedding Rings, Keeper Rings, Engagement Rings, Gem Rings, Solid Gold Brooches, Cuff Buttons, Bracelets, Chains, Lockets, 8•c., &c. Everybody should see this Elegant Array of Christmas Gifts. Remember we have the Right Article at the Right Price for everyone you wish to select a Present for. IsVe can, Bupply you with a Marriage License and ':a.n, . Gall in and Inspect Stoc,ld. It avers Bort /ct to be ,Sold. T. FLE TOHER, - Jeweler, Brussels. ....ems a� A�..o. 53 ev A. Remind the Public that their Stock is Large and Well Assorted. Our Specialties at thi:-s Season C p.'.14. J AWa En which We are theawat a'a in Brussels for the Celebrated G •+"� tOtt a 741 T� ALSO 1A]S DI.) THS "MAPLE LEAF,' `DISTANT,' `.RACER,, 'CHAMPION' AND 'PRESIDENT Call In And See Them. WI Eh Tip-top Chopping Axes in Stock that cant Fail to Give Satisfaction, A Handsome Range of Hanging Lamps, Hall Lamps, Stand Lamps, &o., in stock and sold at close prices, Get our prices before you place your order elsewhere. &AM Vg 4.161N 64 ka4 Sleigh Bells, and a. host of other necessary articles that are seasonable at this t' g y line of year. WISAVIIIRV-44M3* W'ci take no second place in this departailent and wish to call the attention of the peo- ple of Brussels .and surrounding Country to o171' beautiful stook of Silverware, T.lus is the present -making season. Get good value for y'olu' money by purchasing your silver— ware from us A call will convince you of tale correctness ot`t.11i1 statement, Our *goods' are bought to sell and our motto 111 "51111511 profits and Hoick return;;,}' Our Stock of Genera) Hardware i, up to the standard 1001 we are always pleased to Wait 011 the Pliiili9. "Wishing you all the compliments 01'the season, we remain, .Ra%@rn 1/10 vhtJ..tc oz. /dta aQnikif '.'.33'M'tv4 as 3 114 . itlftr i l N 11 1)on't Forget that art' arty thy ,Si;l' A;gen1w tit:':1hi' °'1 n;est Beauty