HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-12-6, Page 8S ITE4DQUARTER 8 —I+OlI---- SANTA CLAUS MS CARDS, GIFT BOOKS, Holiday Goods, We menet 'e11 you all we have, find We can only show a ' Small Inaction for want of space, so kindly ask IIS for what you !nay require lilt do not see. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &o. BRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 0ODTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & 11. Trains Oeste Brussels Station, North sad South, as follows: ()o1N0 BoOTn. Goma 00008. Mail. 0:53 a.m. Mixed 0.50 a.m. EXpress 11:45 a.m. Mail 8.00 p,m. Mixed 8:55 p.m. Express 9:45 p.m. ,ral Neivs Jteans. A ckiol's among ye takin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. As we desire to ado at least two hundred New SnbseriberS to our list before the 165 o! December,we have decided to give Tan POST from now until the 1st of January, 1851, for the price of one year, viz., 31.50. New subscribers will thus get nearly three vaenWq for nothing. This fa a splendid chance which should be taken advantage of at once. For the encouragement ofour present sub. scribers to use their influence with their frieads and neighbors, wo make the follow- ing oiler: We will allow any oubsoriber a commission of 25 Cents cash for each new name sent us at thereto of 31.50 from now 5111 thediret of 1891. There is gem'oely a sub. scriber on our list who could not send us two 00 three names if they were to try and by so doing they would be benefitting tibam- rclves as well as us. .Hake an effort. See who will send iu the largest list of new names. We intend. in the course Of a few weeks to tenetnen re another new continued story and we world like to get as many new eobscribers as possible before we commence this story so that all may get the full bene- 05ofit. To every person seeding us Fran now sub- scribers we will present thele with "Tho Canadian Farmer's Manual of Agriculture;" an excellent volume of nearly 800 pages, well bound and contaiaiug the most valuable information. Thorotiil prfe., of 0111' book w08 92.00. Dozens of farmers sons should take advantage of this offer and enure this 'Valuable Work. The book may bo seen at enrotboe. 11 they parer the commission, as offered above, it will be alright. w. so, =aR.M,. DEOE1rnms. . BEADTrrnL nights. SEVERAL oases of measles in town. Busmoss was tip-top last Saturday. SEAT/NG on the river is fashionable. MRs. W. B. Diemen is away at Glen- coe. SEEM: sells pure sugar syrup, just like honey. BEENE sells the cheapest and best goods in town. Seamon Board on Friday evening of this. week. 51.50 gets Ton Peer from now to the end of 1890. BEENE keeps pure groceries and sells them abeap. CHRISTMAS will be two weeks from next 'Wednesday. SEENE's sealette at 56 is the Best and Cheapest in town. WHOSE going to run the rink this Sea- son is the question. ? Worn, hard or soft, taken for over- coats. Adam Good. CALL and see Skene's meltons, the best and cheapest you, can get. Lem Sunday evening Rev. S. Jones preached in Melville ahuroh. Poona Division Court will be held in Brussels on Saturday, Deo. 28th. Foot Jubilee Singers next Tuesday evening in the Brussels Town 31a11. Hain the Jubilee singers next Tuosd ay evening in the Town Hall Brussels. MAITLAND Presbytery will meet in Wingham on Tuesday of next week. A'wmrnes class has been formed in town, The instructor comes from Lon- don. A FIRE engine was shipped to Mild. may on Monday from the Ronald Works of Brussels. NoricE.—All partieeindebted to ander. signed by book account kindly pay at once and much oblige W. H. McCracken. DRESSED hogs are coming in at a fairly lively rate and if the cold weather con - tines there will likely be the old time rush. Burris & MoLooios a planing mill had a close call from fire one evening last week. We dont want to lose any of our indus- tries. POSTMASTER FADnow is making several improvements in the office that will add to the convenience of both the postmaster and the public. Miss Jonas, of Wingham, comes to` Brussels on Thursday of each week to in-( street a class in painting. She is a very successful teaoher. Bev. S. SELLER; B.A., B.I)., will take "Spiritual Growth" for his topic next Sab- bath morning, and "Pilate'sPerplexity" at .the evening service. THE Enterprise Salt Works have closed down for a few weeks as the salt market is dull and they have a largo stock of salt on hand. PAY Foun Trans.—Noticeis hereby given that all taxes should be paid forth. with. Call on the Collector and get your receipt, Its. T. Ross. As exchange of pulpits will be made next Sabbath between Rev. W. T. fluff, of St. John's Church, Brnseels, and Rev. Mr, Hughes, 0f Listowel. LAST Saturday the bass viol for the proposed Band oroheetra arrived. Wo will soon he favored with mnsioal Woe. tions of a high order, wo suppose. W. A. CALDIon arrived home from his visit to Toronto and vicinity last week, somewhat IOIPreved in health. He Was accompanied by G. Leaf, a relative. Wu don't want the earth, but we do' want a big trade every Saturday. On next and ovary Saturday we will sell eertein lidos of eh0es cheaper than for the pasta .20 years. Adam Good. P50090:BooEs.—Tho complete edition, of tl1e. Rutledge eerieg, of the wall -known and highly appreoiatod Pansy books, at Too Post Ilookstore. They come at the low figare of 35 cents each. Call in and see them. Roos Wegrou,—Fariners should read the important annonnoemeut of J. L, Grant & Co„ of Ingersoll, in another column, iu reference to fattening hogs early. This firm will buy no dressed hogs this winter. 19-5 NEST Monday evening the Young Peoples' Christian Endeavor Association in oonpeotion with the Methodist ahuroh, Brussels, will elect their ofioere for the incoming six months. The Association is in good heart, THE next entrance examinations will be bold on the 1855, 1055 and 20th of this month. As the examination will be held in Brussels the Same ne last summer, no doubt a largo number of oandidates from 1 this locality will write, Rr,v, I. OAtuPRELL, Listowel, will leoture in Melville church next Monday evening on the "Sins of the Pews." Mr. Camp- bell is an excellent speaker, and an in- teresting leoture may bo anticipated. Music will be furnished. Mosuclran nomination on Monday, 3055 inst., election on following Monday. The polling places for Brussels will be at Geo. Love's office and the Council Chamber, with R. McNaughton and Wm. Aldridge as Deputy Returning Officers. THE Salvation Army here is counting on a big time next Wednesday and Thurs- day in connection with the contemplated visit of the Household Troops Band. The meetings will be held in the Town Hall. The Band is a good one. DIED.—We regret to learn that on Sat- urday last Leonard Herr, infant son of Robert W. Tuck, of Shelburne, formerly of Brussels, died. The funeral was held on Monday afternoon of this week. The child was 3 months and 13 days old. Mits. Burns and family left Brueeele' last week for Leamington, where they join Mr. Buyers, who hos taken a situa- tion in that place. His removal leaves a vacancy on the School Board that will have to be filled at the coming election. SpEcxALe.—Ten pieces of robe dress goods at 25o., worth 400. ; 15 pieces of robe dress goods at 17c., worth 30o. Ladies call and see our sealette at 58.50, it bas no equal in town. We have also a piece at 59, worth 512. Scarff & Fergu- son. THE disagreeable weather on Thursday no doubt deterred a large number from attending the monthly horse fair, There were four or five buyers hero, however, and a Humber of sales made. Tho next fair will be on Thursday, January 2nd, 1890. Al the annual meeting of the Brussels Orange Lodge, held last Monday evening, it was decided to hold a celebration in Brussels on the next 12111 of July, if the townspeople will assist in arranging arebes, &e. We have no doubt but this will be readily aooeoded to. Mows Alsrit xsox, ,formerly of this village, and who left some time ago for Toledo, Ohio, is now manager of the Manhattan Electric Light Co., ata salary of 550 per month. He has, with the as - detain() of two men, ten miles of wires and sixty lamps to look after. MRs. Faux will from now till Christmas offer special bargains in wool goods, all hand made, comprising Hoods, Caps, Jackets, Fascinators, Scarfs, &o. A lot of slipper patterns very cheap. Under- clothing, Hosiery, &o. General assort- ment of Fancy goods, Toys, &c. Call and examine her stock, opposite Queen's Hotel, Brussels. ON Thursday evening of last week Rev. R. Paul tied the matrimonial bow between Wm. Hewitt, of Ethel, and Miss Betsy Karmen, of Bay City, Mich. The ceremony was performed at the home of Neil Milloy, Mill street, Brussels. Mr. Hewitt will become a resident of our town, taking the business stand lately vacated by Jas. Buyers. WELL-DmGnNG AND DRILLING.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper share. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Tnrnberry at., Brussels. 43.10 TnEnE has been a change in the busi-j nese of Geo. Love & Co. A short time ago the partnership existing between Messrs. Love and Wilson was dissolved end this week J. J. Gilpin takes charge of the horsiness and will run it on his own hook. As he has been engaged in this line for a number of years and is well acquainted through the oopntry he will, no doubt, do a good business. WE dont think anybody will be dis- posed to question the correctness of our statement made last week in reference to Editor Holmes, of the Clinton Hew Era, He preached two excellent dis0onrses in the Methodist church, here, last Sabbath. In the morning his subject was "The power of God" and in the evening "Prat. tical Faith." Taking the newspaper men. of Haran County as a whole they will compare very favorably with thoseof any other County either in church work or jogrnalism, • , RAILROAD TALE.—On Thursday after- noon of last week Reeve Kelly, of Blyth, J. C. Hay, of Listowel, and a Brussels delegation consisting of Reeve Graham, 0ouneillore Stewart and McIntosh, F. C. Rogers, B. Gerry, W. F. Vanetone, E. E. Wade, Geo. Beaker and W. H. Herr, met in the parlor of the Queen's hotel and discussed railway matters and the pro: posed lines from the East. It was de. oided to unite with Goderioh in asking the Ontario Government for a charter for a line proposed to be built from Ham. ilton to Goderioh, via Listowel, Brussels, Blyth and Manchester, and to be operat. ed by the New York Central. Friday evening a meeting was held in the Man- dl chamber, the Reeve in the ohair., After an explanation of what had been done and the proposed plan to be follow- ed, F. C. Rogers was appointed as pro- visional Direotor for the municipality of Brussels. A meeting of the new Board of Directors was held at the .Rattenbury Hotel, Clinton, on Thursday evening of this week. P. 0. Rogers wag in attend- anee. The application for the ebarter appeared in last Saturday's Gazette. 'Kige's DAuon'rnse.'—'Tho Order of Ring's Daughters was organized in the pity of New York in 1880, beginning with a membership of Only ten ladies ; it now numbers 120,000. The Order f0 simply a Ghrietian 5isterhoori of service. In His name and for His flake to eery° the world without' any sacterianism ; with• out any °reed lino; touobjng no One's theological views, knowing'simpiq the Leta Amts. Tho badge of the Order 10 1'I -1t. 1=$SS•±,LS k'US'l' a small 8ilver Maltose arose, bearing the initale of the motto of the Order, 'In Hie Nemo.' The members of the Order were originally divided into 'Tees,' but this method was found to bo inconvenient, and they are now divided into 'Circles,' consisting of any number, The Order is doing a great and good work and has members in Europe, Asia, nearly all the States and Territories in the Union, and our Canadian pities. The 'King's Sons' is another band with the same organiza. tion. London, Ont„ .has over ono hun- dred members. London South hes a band of earnest workers, numbering over seventy members ; London West has re- cently organized a Carola, whose Presi• dent, Mrs. T. Heritage, was a former resident in the neighborhood of Brus- sele.—Oom, FARMERS' INeTrTOTE.-0n Friday and Saturday of next week, the 13th and 146h insts., the fifth annual meeting of the East Huron Farmers' Institute will be held in the Town Hall, Brussels. The following topics will be dieouseod by the gentlemen named and the audience gen- erally : President MoFadden, "The re. lation of the money -lender to the Farm- er" ; Prof. Robertson, of the Ontario Agricultural College. "Fodder Dorn and the silo" ; Thomas Gibson, M.PP., "Her. on's plaoe in the Agricultural Produc- tions of Ontario" ; Tholnas Baylis, of Trowbridge, "Hogs and how to make them profitable" ; W. H. McCracken, of Brussels, "The farmer's garden" ; Robt, Elliott, of Wingbam, "Poultry" ; W. 31, Bishop, of Grey township, (subject not named). David Plewes, of Brantford, Secretary of the Dominion Millers' Asso- ciation, is also expected to be present and address the gathering on "The relation of the Miller to the Farmer." A publics meeting will be Held on Friday evening at which, in addition to a musical pro- gram, Prof. Robertson will deliver an ad- dress on "Skill in Farming.' The farm- ers of this locality are cordially invited to be present and take part in all the dis- cussions. The meetings will open at 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. On Saturday after. noon the annual election of office bear - ere for the ensuing year will take place. SATURDAY NIooT's CHnlsTorAs NE1mos.— Toronto Saturday Night's Ohrietmas Number just issued is the most artistic Christmas number ever printed in Cana- da. It consists of forty pages of pictures, song and story, all original and illustra- tive of Canadian life, and one which when mailed to friends In the old land will not compare unfavorably with the best productions of London and Paris. A dozeo full-page illustrations, all by Canadian artists and engraved and litho- graphed without regard to expense, will lend a great attractiveness to the edition, and in every page some charming picture relieves the text. A host of poets, fiction writers and essayists have contributed, while sketches, fairy tales and many charming things for children are provid. ed by other contributors. This holiday number so far surpasses the one issued last year by Saturday Night that no comparison can be made. If you wish to send a Christmas souvenir to a friend abroad, nothing will be more appreciated than Saturday Night's holiday number. The art pictures are not copies of Old Country engravings, nor a job lot of litho- graphs, but exquisite photogravures of Sanadian subjeots. Not a lino of re- print nor a copied picture appears in the whole forty pages. The paper through. out is heavily glazed ; the printing can- not be excelled, and the clover, with its heavy, gold margin, contains a realistic Rooky Mountain sketoh. Price, thirty oents at all book stores or address : The Sheppard Publishing Co., 9 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. MARRIAGE CUSTOMS IN THE EAST.—Last Tuesday evening Rev. G. B. Howie de. livered an interesting and •instructive lecture on "Marriage Customs in the East." He pointed out the fact that now as in the time of our Lord the popu- lation of Syria and neighboring countries is greatly _mixed. That the religious oroeds are many but in general can be divided into two main divisions, Chris- tian, and non-Christian. In the non. Ohristian communities women are prac- tically isolated. If they are married their fathers !Hake the arrangements for them and the women have little or noth. ing to say about it. An appalling pic- ture of the two greatest domestic evils— poligamy and divorce—was drawn. The reverend lecturer then contrasted the non-Cnristian with'the Christian com- munities. Christian education is now doing ranch to reduce the misery of females. Next the festiveties, the mesio and the dance practioed at weddings were desoribed. Reference was made to the cuetoms of going forth to meet the bridegroom as he returns bringing home his bride, and oonoluded by enforcing the fact that the five foolish virgins were not altogether strangers or unfriendly to the bridegroom, they might have been even as busy as anybody else and yet failed at the last moment. Is it impos. sible to conceive that some of us who seem to be regular in attendance at the church and in many other forms of Christian work may after all be found to be building on other than Christ 1 If so it becomesus to take heed and as the Apostle tells us, "make our election and calling sure." G. As Deadman presided as chairman and gave a brief Wines on the advantages Of living in a Christian land. WHAT ONE Woosot COULD 3)0.— The "British Syrian Schools" is the name of It widely ramified system of evangelise tic, educational, missionary agencies which include Bible women, blind Bible readers and catechists as well as blind and ordinary schools. The centre of this mission js Berytus or Beyrout ou the Mediterranean and reaches eouth to Tyre and last to Damascus and i0 oar. ried on at the annual cost of 525,000. This work is under the presidency of Mrs. Mott, (whose letter is given below) the sister and sueoeseor to the founder, Mrs. Bowen Thompson. The year 1880 wag a year in the history of Syria mark- ed with the horrors of civil' war and mis. government, which greatly agitated oven Europe. In that year it was that Mrs, Thompson laid the foundation of this mission amidst the opposition of friends and foes. Good people opposed hot be- cane° they thought she was exposing her. Self to trouble and danger end they were etre she could not seemed. Bad people opposed her because they feared that she would 5000051 Mre. Thompson depart. ed life ahoub 1880, but she is still remem- bergd by "what alio haat Bono" and neither thunderbolt nor sartltquakee, nor floods, nor any other force can obliterate the memory of her labor of love. Bornour, Sv1,14, Nov,1, 1880. Atv dear Mr, and Mrs, Tiowio, I have just received the uowspuper which convoys 1110 glad intelligence that the Lord has soot you a little daughter. May she indeed prove a very blessed gift to both the dear parents, and may they both realize the fullness of the command, coupled as it is with His own asenred ilromi90, "Take this child and nurse it for Me and I will give thee illy wages." I find you are both quite well, keptin paths of safety and peace, your minds stayed upon God. 'Tbie has been a vary trying year in Syria, I believe soarooly ton people in the length and breadth of the land have esoaped what hero in Syria is called abourtelteL. Mr, Howie will know what that fever is with pains in all the limbs. I believe in Canada it is called ague. It lasts about ten days and is very wearisome and leaves ono good for nothing, but it is never fatal Mr.Mott is i11 just now from a large abscess on his leg wlliob bee been lanced but no word of complaint has ever escaped his lips, on the contrary his sial( chamber is filled with the voice of prayer and praise and singing hymns. I send you the ac- count of the death of one of our dear bliud women in the school in Damaaous; but for that sobool elle would never have known the Saviour's love—she would nob have died with his preoivas name on his lips. And now dear friends I eomtnend you to God and to the power of His grace. Ever yours sincerely, AUGUSTA MENTOR MoTT. The Grand Division Sons of Temper• anee is in session at Kiogstou. A coal train and a gravel train Dame into collision near Merritton on Tuesday, killing ono man and injuring three othere. SVLARTseassm=. VANeocias—Bousnnntr ,-At the resi- dence of Mr. Alfred Vansickle, on Nov. 1955, by Rev. Mr. Bridgeman, Mr. Jos. Vansickle, of Anoaster, to Miss Etta Beharriell, of Gray. HEwITT—BANNELL•—On Nov. 2811, at the residence of Mr. Milloy, Brueeele, uncle of the groom, by Rev. R. Paul, Mr. William Thomas Hewitt to Mies Betsy Hannah both of Ethel, Grey township. =Ii7i7. Tuctr.—In Shelburne, on November 30th, Leonard Kerr, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Tuck, aged 8 months and 13 days. ER'CSSEI.^a Fall Wheat . 70 Spring Wheat 75 Barley 30 Oats 24 • Peas. 53 Butter, tubs and rolls..., 11 Eggs per dozen 17 Flour per barrel 5 50 Potatoes ..... 85 Hay per ton ............. 0 50 Pork 5 00 Hides per lb 2 Salt per bbl., retail1 25 00 Sheep skins, each 60 .1 00 Wool, per 1b. • 18' 20 80 85 35 25 55 15 00 00 00 8 00 5 50 8 SEA1-"OR,TEE MARKETS- ' Fall Wheat ?0 Spring Wheat 75 Oath ................., 24 Pose 58 Barley 80 Potatoes 88 Butter, per lb 14 Eggs, per dozen 17 Apples, per bushel 80 Hoge, dressed 5 00 Beef 4 50 Hay 8 50 Wood, per cord ' 2 50 Sheepskins, each 40 80 83 25 55 35 40 15 00 85 5 50 6 50 8 00 4 50 57 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN, �! OOD HAY FOR SALE.— Will deliver inquantities to suit mu, chaser, T. PEPPER, Lot 5,Con. 9, Grey. "ANTED, SERVANT GIRL to come for a few hours each day. Good wages. Apply to A.B., 2000 Publish- ing House. STAGE TO GORRIE Leaves Rrussole every morning instead of evening, as formerly, and .returns from Gerrie in the evening. Tam rule will be ad- hered to until further nottoe. S. WALSH, Proprietor. STRAYED ON THS' PREMISES of the undersigned in the village of Henfryn on or about undersigned, 29 two Spring Oalvee. Tho owner is requested to prove provortY pay expp�eaoes and take thous away. WILLIAM JAOR%ON. 21 -sae NOTIOE. — THE STUD B00g belonging tomo for the year 1881 is in David Fergueon'e hands for oolleotion. Par- ties having mares in foal ;will please pay the same to him,as beds the only person who hag any claim to collect. GEORGE TAIT. Dated Grey, Dos. 4,1880. 21.30 NOTIf1E TO DEBTORS. All parties indebted to the estate of the. late Andrew Carrie aro requested to settle the eameby the 29th inst. After that date all unpaid claims will be eoileeted by ppro- cess of law. BY OBDBB OF OX00UT0.0SS. Brussels, oot.li,18g0, 14.1f ' OTICE TO DEBTORS.—NOT- Lro0 is hereby given that all persona in- debted to me are requested to Bali and set - tie accounts before Dseember- let, as after that they will becollected through the Court. 3. A. MONAIIGHTON, M, D.16 Brua- NOTICE Notice ie hereby' given that the outetand fug aoaounts due the tete Arm of 00ayoroft & Turnbu1l,Brugee1s,roust be settled by eith- er cash ornote forthwith. The books aro at Dickson & Haye Office and they are an- tuorieed to giyo receipts tor monies paid, 14.. EW BARBER SHOP.—THE undereigned 0oeires to M01010,50 to the people of Bruotole and :surrounding anon ,f that ho hoe opened a shavingand hair out - ting natter in Broanee131ook, where he nifty be found ready to attendto thewants of the Militia. "Good work guaranteed, 20-tf 300E511 LAT115, TRAYED ON THE PREMISES of the undersigned lot 11,con, qlea toy oil f r . rod t mitt whiteei loth, tThe ev 151' heifer, rod and white in Dolor, The ownol• is requested to prove property,, pay exggenees and take her away. HUGH 1sfc10bt0 O04, . 1 0 t TRAYED ON THE PREMISES 0 the underoigned, Iota 50 and. 00, eon, 1, Mon o1:about the middle of 001ober cur yearling oat 0, Throe ,of them are steore and the Other a holler, The owner 10 requested to prove property,pay ex1l1Onpb5 and tante them sway, EDIVA18D MULLI- GAN, Jam00tewn I',O. 1119 -ix QTRAYED ON THE PREMISES i.. oflhe undersigned, lot 08. eon, 0, Croy, about the Month of Sep towbar, two year- liugsinei'm 1150 hired ht' color rod 5150 01 The owner is requested to proveerope't , uav 0xeeuser end tie them away, D. W. D(MBAR, Ethel 1740 TRAYED. — THREE SHEEP A strayed iron the promises of theunder. signed on Nov, 00,1, They aro all awes,. Oue year end, and have a mil all out on the right ear, Any information leading to their re- 10voryw111 bo rewarded JNO. VSNOEN'p, Lot 12, Cou. 10, Grey, Brusaola 9, 0. 18.3 QTRAYED ON THE PREMISES Of the under91glled, I05 1, son. 8 Groy, four en'inq calves (ono steer and throe heifers), The ether and one'. heifer aro near- ly all red, and aro the largest of the lot, The others aro spotted red and white. The owner is requested to prove property, nay roomier' and take them away, 10.4 WM. WORN. QTRAYED ON THE PREMISES 11 of the undoreigned, lot 28, oon.8, Morris, on or about Oot, 10th, four calves (two heifers and two stems) and two, yearlings (a heifer and a steer,) There le no particular mark- ing on any of thole. The owner is requested t0 prove property. pay ex )8n08, and tante thorn away. ANDREW J. CARTER, 15.4" Walton P. O. PATE Bl Til Cavoate,00.iesueeand Trot C If D muses Marko eeouroa and all oth- er patent causes in the Patent Office and before the Courts promptly andcarefully at- tended. to. U1>on reodpt of moo del or 5500011 of invention,I make carafe' examination, and advise as to pateutabiiityfroo of (Margo. Foos modorato,and.I make no ohorge unl065 patent is scoured. Information advice and 'weirdref0000cee sent on aophoation. J. 16.1.155ELL, Waehiugton, D,C., II,%. Patent Odin. ue Jersey Bitil for Service. I will pay as high as $18 for Heifer Calves, 1 mouth old, from this Bull, pros varyieg according to milking qualities of their dims. For further particulars apply at my Drug and Book Store, Bre moils. 20-4 G. A,DEADMAN, D re. ggint,&a. REAL ESTATE. ARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN. DEner0NE» has several good Farms for eelo and to rant, easy terms, In Townships of Morrie and Grey. F. S. SCOTT. Brussels. 97-tf. THE FINEST BUILDING SITE .A for aresidouoo In Brussels, eentnining ono acre of land nearly opposite Mr. F. 0. Ragas' residence is for eale at a bargain, Appply to W. M. OnNOLAm, Brusosols, or t0 31,10. HARGRIEAVES, Cor. Queen and %im- 000Onsets , Toronto, 011IIE RESIDENOE OF J. R. A Grant, Mill Street, is offered for sale, as the family will remove to Winnipeg next Spring. Also the stable used at preeent by Lott Bros., cud a well located building lot on Turnberry street just south of the poetoglao bl GRANT? orpartioulars apply to M100S.fJ. R. A. AL 112, FOR u.10,SALE. w BEING of �GOrnv, Huron Co. There aro 100 acres, 80 agree of which are cleared shah in good state of cults. yati011. O1, the farm 40 a stone house and frame barn and frame stables, a good 15,50. Ing oroho'd and good well of water. For further partleulars apply to the proprietor on the premises. 17-tf JOAN VINCENT, Brussels P. O. r1'1 ANNERY FOR SALE.— THE z. Brussels Tannery is offered for sa,o at a bargain, In 1t is a 15 h. p. engine and 9011. p, boiler ,15 vats, 2 ourrytablos, 2 stoves, good bask mill and afull get of tools, with heating pipes to leaches. &o. There aro about 2 50000 of land in connection with the building. No tannery nearer than Wingham or Listowel. Terms they. For further par- ticulars, 00 to price, tolms, &0„ apply at 97- Tn0 POST Publishing House, Bruoee's. 1ARA'I FOR SALE,—THE SUB- soit io offers his valuable 100 acre farm ,being lot 9, eon. 18, Grey Township, Huron Co., for sale. There are about 50 aures cleared and In good heart, There is a. log house, good bank barn, bearing orchard, and alithe necessary conveniences on the premises. For further particulars, as to prioe,terme, eta„ apply to the Proprietor, THO0.HISLOP, Olare P. 0., N.W. T„ or to 2.5f DOIIGALD STRAOHAN, Rrusaele. !'I OOD 100 ACRE FARM FOR ��ff Harm,—Being composed of Lot 19, Con. 0, Grey. There are 70 agree cleared. There is a frame house and barn and a' good driving house, also bearing orchard, well, &e. on 6110 premises, The Maitland river rune afew yards from the house. There is some good rail tltubor on the lot. The farm lies between Oraubrook and Ethel aid Is convenient to both plead, while Brunie ie not far away. For full particulars apply on the premises to ABEL TINDALL, Proprie- tor, Ethel P.O. 10 - VARY]. FOR SALE, BEING LOT 23, eon, 5, Grey, oontaining 100 acres, 15 acres cleared under grass, and the balance timbered. About 70 acres of dry land and the balances oodar and blank ash swamp There's a log house on the premises. will bo sold on vary reasonable terms as ropvprle- ticuare not require tROmT. Tor M0LAfurther Oranbrook, 5.0 , or ALEX. HUNTER, Both - eels, 12 V ARM FOR SALE.—THE UN. L_' dereigned offers hie farm, adjoining BIt containbeing ores, about 9,Grey, which are under oultivation and the balanee in bush cture. There is a comfortable brink cot- tage, and large bank barn on the premise;, together with an orchard, 2 wens,and neeee. Bary outbuildings, The farm is under good oultiyation and is well fended, with plenty of cedar growing on the lot. For further parlionlar• as to pries, termb, &s., apply to WALTER RICHARDSON,, Proprietor,l3 o. ode P.O. 5.50 t1ARM FOR SALE,L-THE ITN. DEns/GEED afore for. Halo the north east quarterot lot 28, eonoeasion 0, Morris, County of Huron, Containing 50 north, The land is of first quality and. 10 a high state of (*ltivation. Woll!snood and nuder.drained, 00 acres cleared. New frame house,.0 rooms, milk , house with coneretb wake, 2 wens good borne and shod, orchard, ate, Eighit sores of fall wheat. This desirable property adjoins the corporation dt Brueeele. Suit- able terms will be given. Title perfect. JAMIE GRIEVE Owner, 80- _ Seaforth P. 0. ' G00]) FARM FOR SALE IN Mortis, on reasonable terms. Inorder to cloth theaffairs of the agate of the lata W. G. Singoton, the exeoutorg offer the fol- lowing. valuable lands for sale North half. of Lot 90, Ooncosslon 0Township of Morris, eentaining 90 acres. On Nile let Is emoted a good frame barn with Stone four• dation, good orehard,well 'andpnmp. 1y all cleared, and is on the grave road closely- edjoining the village of Brunie, frm 10 a valuable ono, ie wall folioed and in a good state of cultivation, I'or hDrleoo and t0rma apply to MOS. KELLY, Brussels P. 0,,. HEoOY animas, Victoria Square P.O., Or d'Alene %MITn, ;Maple Lodge P. 0„ Middlesex County, ACRE FARM FOR SALE. 1.0 O 1-1 `J —A Stet•016as farm for sale lu the Township h !half, o in the Comity t Se & 28 being south half of north half 101925&20 and south half of 20 inSth oon„oontaineng' 200 acres Moro or lose, 185 setae mostly clear of stumps and in a good state et 41111i. vation: Thorois a young bearing orcharda good hottso and bank barn 55 x 50 feet with 'tone stable underneath. The form le situ. Med within a mile Of biro, Village of Brussolg Stolle agood form for grain or stook Oslo. ing Matt Watered with the river Maitland and never felling spring emelt., P00000oion Fill lee given at any time. Per torthor par. will noon on the premiss 00 to A.I.L. ROBEItTBO Bruflarls, P: 0 DROEnflillif I G, 1889, Facts 'Worth . Know YY ingt epper sells Pure Drugs ! epper has competent help epper's Prices are Bight! epper'' stock; is complete epper is your wide- awake DRUGGIST ! PEPPER'S DRUG STORE, Graham's 7Rook, • 5150109055. BANKING, oINTOSIT & MoTAGGART, BAN1iERS, • BRUSSELS, Transact a C-1•omor0,1 Aas1,1_7.rs0• NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian and united States B,•aits bought and sold. Interest aliowed on Deposits, Collections made on favorable terms. Canadian Agouts—MERnsalire 10,53503. es CANADA. New York Agents—IznnonTons AND Tam). DWI NAT10N,5n BANE. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. L. TAYLOR, BARRISTER, Bolioitor and Convoyanoor. Collec- tions made. Chloe—Vaustone'e Block, lIru9• eels. 21-8m” "( 7' 101. SINOLAIR, • Bolioitor,Convoyansor,NOtaryPub- ((0 &o, 001ee—Graham's Bloo5, 2 door noo.h Lo'Popper'oDrug 9torc. Private Puede to Loan, E. WADE, • Barrister, Solicitor and -Notary Sub - lie, Conveyancing. Collections and Loaning. Mr. Wade will attend In Oorrie every Wed- nesday at two o'clock, DICKSON & HAYS (Late with Galxow & Pronitoot, Gode- rioh,) 'Barristers, 8olioitors, Conveyancers. &o. Offices—h1'nseele and Soaforth, Brus sale Of ice,Rogore' Bleak, 111aiu St. Money, t0 Loan. R. 0, DATA. w. n. DICKSON, A Itt TAYLOR, 13. C. L. 170. • Barrister, Solicitor, &a., or the firm of Taylor, MoCuhough &- Burns, Barristers Nolioitors, &c., Manning Arcade, 4'oronto. Money to loan, LEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co, Huron. Convoyeoocr, 0 d.u•y Public. T,and, Loan and Inanreuee A;:,.lit. Funds Invested and to loan. Collections made. elute in Graham's Sleek, Brussubl. BUSINESS CARDS. �RESS101AKING OVER :IRS. Blur,'' store. S08950 L. & 10. Me- NAUGHTON. 11'[.cORAOKEN, 1 V + Iesurer of Marriage Licensee. Oftice at hie Grocery, Onrnbcrry street, Biaseols. 'D N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door south of A. M, Malay & 00'0 hardware store. Ladies' andohflaron's hair cutting a 1 pooialty 1-A choice stook of oigare keit. 14loNAIR, • Iesurer of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis- sioner, &a., Q.B. Conveyancer and .agent Fire Insurance Co. Oahe" at the Oranbroolt Poet °Mee. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM nunn9NOE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH. DRESSMAKING.= Tho undersigned desireo to Intimate W the ladies of Brussels and eurroundlug country that She is preparod to attend to all orders intrusted to her. Satisfaction guaranteed. %hop—Bp-stairs, out door north of Walter Jaoknon'shardware store, 80- D1IB,B SAMPLE. IS M'OOLL S; MRS. CARSON have started a first-class Grose and Mantle Making Shop over Straollai Bros,' store, As Mrs. Carson nuts by the best American Tailor System and has worked in Toronto for a number of years a perfect fit and good satisfaotiou leguarantood. Parties who are good servers taught to out and fit in a few days, r8'Apprentiaes wanted. AUCTIONEERS. EORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auotionoer. Sales aendue6- ed on reasonable terms. Firma and 'farm stook a specialty. Orders left at THE-PoeT Pnbli thing House ,Bruthole, or sentio. Walton P. 0., 5111 receive prompt attention. ARAYMANN, • Auot(oneer, is always ready to at- tond- sales of farms, farm stook, &a. Terme cheerfully given. Oranbrook P. 0. Sales maybe arranged at THE Poem Publishing House, Bruesole DENTAL. • 0:7,0SINTSSWIR.-1J 1 G. L. Ball, L. D. S. Nitros Oxide Gas ad- ministered for the Pcinloee Extraction 61 Teeth: 74 Gerrard Street East, TootaNTo. W. J. Foar, L. D. 11„ Graduate of Toronto. School of Dentistry. A.11 operations guaranteed. (A -Artificial teet5, 0r0t quality, and a gguarantood fit, for '212,00 per Set. 011100—Cant's Bnoox,8EAEORTa, 3)E1'4TIs`JT1 7...A, Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Nitros Oxide Gas administered for the Painless Extraction of. tenth. Office-•• IR'ONIt Doan NORM or BANE, Bunsen'. MEDICAL CARDS. M. F. CAIOE, M. D., C. M. Member of the College efPhysieiau and gurgeone of Ontario by examination. Oinee and 1000iden00—Alain Street But, Ethel, Ontario. 1A. MaNAUG1ITON, 112. D. . 0. M., L. R, o. P, Edinburgh, M. Cl, P. B, Ont, At Pepper's Drug 8toro from 0 to 11:8e a. m. and from 1;90 to 4 p. m,. At Other hours may bo found Et his 100(donee fern - Orly eeoupiod by Dr, Hutchinson, Mill et. VETERINARY. T350. D. WARWICK, 'V. S,, 01 (sue°Essen TO F. W.O'JSBIEN V Greditato 01d Honor ' •,')' a i, Fellow pie of Ontario VeterinaryCollege, 5111 ho pleased to ex. 010530.1 the greatest caro and ,roes• slonal shill any . oaa60 entreated tS 4 to - fife nhnr o, ()Moo end inffm raiy*O'Bria11's 61d sbancb,2 00000 ner5h of bridge, Turpborry a ,. Dtusaola