HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-12-6, Page 51
DEr TIMBER, fi, 1889,
J".UlDr1Y, DPCJ1IIIBIt'1d 0, 1859,
ll amoSto'wf.
Mrs.Thos. Smith has boon very poorly
lately. Iter trouble is parttime
Um. Putbrringliam and wife, oF'l'uok-
eremitb, wore visiting friends in this
locality lest week,
Thee Hall, of Howiek, hag been en
gaged as tonebor in S. S. No, 4, Orey, for
1884 at a salary of 8840.
Rev.. G. B. Howie, of Brusgols, gave a
very interesting address at the residence
of Jas. Cutb last Friday even-
Ritchie, of Wingham, has
been running the linea lately between
somo of 'he farm lots on the let, Ind and
8rd cons. of Grey.
Some luminous appearance, probably
a Will-o'-the-wisp, has been then 00.
oasionalty in the last two weeks on the
let eon, of Morrie by a number of
E. el.
Tho senior department of our school
was ro-opened this week.
Mies Dunbar has been confined to her
room for the past few days.
Mrs. W. Milne is suffering with a
severe a' tack of bronohitie.
J. llemswerth has resumed work, hav-
ing reoovored from his lett illness.
Our citizens have been taking advan-
tage of the sleighing for the past few
We think it would be a good move on
the part of the proper persons to repair
the village scales.
Mrs. C. Ainley, of Iiarriston, daughter
of J. Grant, has been visiting friends in
Ethel and vicinity.
The Sens of Temperance intend giving
an entertainment shortly. of which
further notice will be given.
J. Bishop and Arob. Lamont passed
throueh our village last week with five;
deer, being theresult of their tour through
A number of our villagers intend hear.
ing the Jubilee Singers et Brussels next
Tuesday evening if weather and roads
are favorable.
The delegates in the interest of the
Women's Foreign Missionary Society met
In time Presbyterian church here on Wed-
nesday afternoon.
W. Hewitt was united in marriage last
Wednesday afternoon to Mies Kannell, of
Bay City, Mich. The ceremony was per.
formed in Brussels by the Rev. Mr. Paul,'
We extend our best wishes for their
future welfare.
Airs. John Farrow and Mrs. Daniel
Lewis continue very i11.
The boys are already enjoying all
their spare time skating on the pond.
Another wedding is the leading topic
of the day around here. Again we say
Buggies and cutters are both seen on
the road now but the report is in favor
of the cutters.
It is reported that Thomas Stewart,
who has been head sawyer in Jos. Leech's
mill here, is talkingof buying it.
There is a great deal of talk of the
farmers around here erecting a "roller
mill." Wo are bound to go ahead.
The Sunday eolmool officers and mem.
bers of the Methodist 01200011 intend to
have a Xmas eve entertainment and
Xmas tree.
The families of Messrs. Gray, Burgess,
Patterson, Duff and Jaekeon have been
afflicted by the measles and others are
expected to follow.
The Presbyterian tea -meeting which
;alto be held on the 19th of December in
to surpass anything of former years.
The Preebyterians do not have many en-
tertainmentr}, but when they do it is well
worth while to attend.
Next Sunday will be Missionary Sun-
day in the Methodist church : preachxng
at 10:30 a. in., and 7 p. m. by Rev. Dr.
Henderson, of Listowel. The pastor is
to be congratulated and thanked for se-
curing so many notables from time to
time for anniversaries, oto. A rare treat
is in store.
Wood bees follow each other thick and
fast just now.
The tax collector is on hie rounds. Get
your toed skins ready.
Water is still scarce in some sections.
The water is yet low in the wells.
Hear the Jubilee singers next Tuesday
evening in the Town Hall Brussels.
The weather keeps fine for the time of
year. Old Probe. say we Will have lots
of rain and mild weather this month.
Threshing is about all finished up.
Threshere have had a good long season,
there being Milian abundance of straw.
There is a gang of men at work matting
wood on the Walker 'tondo, 16th mon.
It is said they Have the job of several
hundred cords.,
D. Robertson, who hap beenon the
sink list for some time, mit now on the
mend, but will not be able to go out of
doors for some, time yet.
The Literary and Debating Sooietiec
are well attended so far. The young folks
know that it is the most profitable way
of spending the evening's.
Mr. and Mre. Angus Carmichael have
moved into the dwelling•house on Wm.
Streth's plane (16th eon.,) lately occupied
by Alex. Learmont, wife and family,
Miss Mary McNair, who is at present!
teaching in Albion townehfp,Peel comity;
is engaged for 1890 in, a school in th
township of Stanley, near Bayfield. S
will bo nearer home and will have an
creased salary.
Mrs. Peter 0. Duncan and, her sister,
Jane, daughters of Lachlan McNeil, ofly
the 17th mon., are back from Brandon,
Manitoba, oil a visit. Their many friend
and nognaintanees aro pleased to fin
them looking so well after their tbre
years' sojournP province
They left Brandon on Monday forenoon
26th alt., and arrived at Ethel station a
3 p. m. on the following Friday,havin
stayed over a day longerin Toronto that
they expected: By trusting to a porta r
they missed the 6 o'olook train on Thur .
morning.probablyram 1n
in Ontario till Spring.
TEA Mmnoixa,—Last Wednesday
ing Bunion tea mooting was held
Whitfield ahemroh, 12th con, A
Splendid sapper had been partakes
the hall throes rho road from the
the literary part of he pregranl tv
coded with. 13. Gerry, of Bross
oupied the chair tvbtlt hie usual
ones, Short apathies were given
o the
her a
of, at
b16,, oo-
by Rev.
David Begets, of Atwood, on 1,Tl e ehareli
pews" , W. 14. Kerr, of Tule Posvr, ori
"Finals," and Rev. B. Battery, B.A., B,1).,
of I3ruesole, an 'Uoneuty," Revs. 1t.
Paul uud W. Davis were not present.
1iIuele was supplied by the ellen of the
Alethodiet obnroh, Brussels, Mrs. J. 1.
Gilpin enabling at the organ. Tho bal.
01100 duo on the part:mago debt ;vie stub.
naribed by mom )0111 of the audieuao ba•
fors the meeting was brought lo n oloso,
The nsual votes of thanks woo paused to
the 'meeker% choir, almairman and ladies.
A. imolai wee hold on Thursday evening.
TUX lima guiw'nn%—I beg wee for a
word or two 1n anower to my friend C.
Stiehl°, and would say to the ever widen-
ing circle of readers of your valuable
paper that 1 have boon very kindly in-
vited to attend the Farmers' Institute of
East Iluron, to bo held in Brussels on
the lath and 14th lusts,, to read a paper.
I wilt now state to all concerned that I
will, all being well, be there on the 140h,
and will answer my critic, Mr. Miohio,
on the broad platform of justice as to the
hog claiming the greater points of ex.
Whiney. I might also say, let every
farmer and all others, ladies and gentle-
men, Dome prepared to learn some feats
aonoerning this most useful of man's
helpers of the brute creation.--Tnoe.
Wins:el'ue on,.
Ten shoe travellers were at the Bruns.
wick one day recently.
Uaetiugs do ltituhio aro putting a chop-
ping stone in their cider mill.
Jas. Malice, of Teeswator, is now the
telegraph operator and baggage cleric at
the C.P.R. station here.
Wm. Button, of the chair factory, has
formed a partnership with Wm. Peasant,
of Teeswater, who will move to WIng-
ham in a short time.
M. Cassels wishes to intimate to the
people of Wingham that he intends Hut-
ting on a milk wagon, and will deliver
mirk to all parts of the town.
McLean Sc Sun purchased J. J. Ander-
son's saw mill, stave factory, shingle
mill and 000per shop, together with
about four acres of land and one house,
at a good figure.
The officers elected in connection with
the W. 0. T. U. here were : Prosident,
Mies A. Agnew ; 1st Vioe•President,
Miss Lloyd ; Secretary, Miss Dawson ;
Treasurer, Mies Holmes.
A number of the friends of John Clog -
born gave him a complimentary oyster
supper at Jae. McKelvie's Star Restau-
rant, and presented him with a fine trier -
abeam pipe and an address. Mr. Oleg -
horn has removed to Brandon.
d.ir3loye, eI.
Diamond Medioine Co. concerts were
on the tapis all last week.
The Fisk Jubilee singers are to give a
eonoort here next Monday evening. They
will, no doubt, have a fall house.
Jno. Large, builder, has removed his
family to West Toronto Junution. Mr.
Large has for many years been a resi-
dent of our town, being most of the time
a member of the firm J. & J. Large,
builders and contractors.
The congregation of Christ Church aro
fitting up the old church building in the
rear of their lot for a Guild Hall. It is
being re -papered and painted, and will
be need for lectures, eco. The guild in-
tend giving a course of lectures during
the winter.
John Austin and J. M. Climie, jr. have
been down to West Toronto Junction
considering the advantages that plane
offers for the locating of the proposed
machine shop. They were very favor-
ably impressed with the advantages offer-
ed, but have not yet decided definitely
on accepting,
The Banner says : A break has at last
been made in the cheese market here, a
number of the largest factories having
sold during the week the balanoe of their
make. The price obtained was 91 conte,
and among the factorial to sail were
Elms, Newry, Wallace, Monkton and
Molesworth. These were all white cheese
and prime in quality.
1t'1orrio .
Hear the Jubilee lingers next Tuesday
evening in the Town Hall Brussels.
For the vacancy in S.S. No. 4, there'
were 30 applicants. Wm. Sloan was the
enooeesful oandidate,salary 8275.
Samos Speir killed a Berkshire pig,„
seven months old, that dressed 220
pounds. That is not bad for a porker.
Alton Anderson's eobool examination
in S. 8. No. 9, Morris, is to be held on
Friday, 18th inst., wheha full attendance
of parents, visiting teachers and friends
of eduoation generally, is expected. There
will be an entertainment in the evening
and a good time may be looked for.
A hired man recently, engaged by Jno;
Speir, 4th line, walked off with a snit of
clothes last Sunday while the family was
absent at church. The etonetablee are on
the lookout for the thief. People should
be very careful in harboring individuals
unless they are acquainted with them.
The Concordia, Kan,, Empire of ,the
21st inst., eontaind a lengthy resort of
the marriage festivities of Dr, 3. : Mo.
Casey. The banquet in the opera hones
is described an the largest ever given in
the town, over 260 guests being present.'
Elaborate preparations were made for
the occasion and with mirth, music and
congratulations, the Dr. and his newly-
wed() bride began their married career,
under the most auspicious oireumetances,
The Empire says the doctor is exceed -
:way popular and this is amply testified
to by the formidable list of handsome
presents enumerated as having been giv-
en. Hie friends in this locality will be
pleased to hear of the doctor's prosperity.
Clanadilnln 1N'e ear .
The Montreal Herald building was.
badly damaged by fire on Saturday even-
Lieut. -Gov. Royal is on his way to
Ottawa to consult Sir John on North-
west affairs,
Six Hastings Co. fermate have been
fined 815 and costs eaoll for adulterating
Milk gold to cheese factories.
A mobhee in Quebeo a few days ago
gave her child a syrup to induce sleep,
With the e
re alb that the child never
Smuggled whiskey, representing frauds
on the ouetoms amounting to 8400,000,
has been seized at .Lower St. Lawrence
points within the last few days.
The Ontario Government has given tip
all hoixe of soot fathoming the. Galt
poisommng case. Detective Murray ie
that he mould tut his
morally certain a l .
hand on the fiend who murdered poor
little Meta (Morey, but there is. no ovt.
donee whiab oottl4 be relied upon to eon.
Viet him before a judge.
Avwcen ratr .nssmicssacco s8.xscrrna
In Brocne, Quebec), Rufus England, the
Conservative candidate, was elected by
197 majority.
F"rederioton, N. B., hae decided, by a
majority of 08 votes, that tbo Scott Aol
shall not be repealed.
The ease of the Toronto Street Rail.
way Company against Aid, E. A. Mao-
donald has been dropped by consent.
711e Ii irktoii postu0loe boa been ,mica
el from the rear end of D. W. Dulmage's
atore to a position just inside the door.
Attorney General Longley, of Nova
Scotia, in en address at Quebec) Tuesday
evening, spoke strongly for Canadian
The new palatial residence erected this
summer by Gee, Kemp iv just completed
and 18 one of the !meet houses on the 411
line of IElanebard,
John Morgan, of Adelaide, was chosen
by the Coneervative convention o! West
Middlesex to oppose pion. G. W. Ross in
the coming election.
The members of the Perth Co. Council
met at the court house, Stratford, on
Tuesday afternoon of this week, at 2
c'aloolr, for general business, and the
winding up of their word for the year.
A gang of burglars broke into the
woolen mill at Mitchell early on Friday
morning and carried away goods valued
at over 6100. A rig bad been driven to
the back door, the door broken in and
the goods taken out that way.
On Wednesday Mrs. Eli Bonny, of
Malden, presented her husband with
three fine children, two boys and a girl.
The mother end children aro all doing
well. The children average over five
Pounds each, and Dr. Bell reports them
all likely to live and flourish. Mrs.
Bonny to a daughter of Paul Houle, of
The Kincardine Reporter says :—On
Friday last time wife of John Gentles, of
this town, after a severe sickness of near-
ly two weeks, died at her home in Kin-
oardine. During her illness she was at
all times surrounded by kind and min.
istering relatives and friends, and all that
wealth, skill or kindness suggested was
done to alleviate pain and bring her back
to health. For several days before her
death, all hope had been given up by the
family physician, and the sympathy ex-
tended to Mr. Gentles and family of
seven children was universal. We join
with the community in sympathizing
with the bereaved ones. Before the
death of Mrs. Gentles, her mother from
Dakota, and other members of her family
and relatives reached here and had the
sad satisfaction of being with her till the
last. The funeral on Sunday afternoon
was very largely attended, Rev. Dr.
Hannon being the officiating clergyman
at the obsequies. (Dominator Quirk, of
this town, and H. W. C. Myers, barrietor,
of Wingham, arranged for a special train
to run from Wingham, and nearly two
hundred came up to attend the funeral.
In the procession there were over one
hundred vehicles, and in this there was a
striking expression of tender regard and
spmpathy for those who are Left behind.
Port Huron is said to have a popula-
tion of 13,411.
A Texas Democrat of 85 years has
just bad a twenty-first son born to him.
The tug Fearless, with a orew of 10 or
15, is reported loot off the coast of Ore-
During the last six months over 800,-
000 emigrants have left Spain for Buenos
The nine in thaFangtse-Kiang Valley,
China, last month destroyed 15,000,000
acres of rice.
The Chinese Government has refused
a concession for a telegraph line from Si-
beria to Pekin.
It took over 25 tons of paper to print
the official ballots need at the last Mas-
saohusette eleotione.
Two man were fatally burned and six
seriously injured by an explosion of
natural gas at Braddoclr, Pa., Friday.
An offioial denial is given of the report
that Russia and Turkey were negotiating
the cession of Armenia to the former.
Mr. Redmond, editor of the Waterford
(Ireland) News, has been sentenced to
three months' imprisonment for intimi-
Napoleon Bonaparte was one of 13
children, Benjamin Franklin one of 17,
Gen. Sherman one of 11, Chas. Dickens
one of 8, Gladstone one of 7, Wm. Make -
peace Thaekeray, grandeire of the nove-
list, one of 16.
at St. Andrews, Fla., watermelon
growers are growing the fourth orop of
the season. This is a000mpliehed by
cutting back the vine, as soon as it ceas-
es to be produotive, to about one foot of
the root, and the second and thirst props
are better than the first. The vines are
carefully watered, if necessary, and fer-
tilisers are used.
Brussels Council.
The regular meeting of the village
Connoil was held on Monday evening in
the Commit chamber, all the members
present, Reeve Graham in the chair.
Minutes of last meeting read and passed.
The following aecoante were present-
ed :—
Henderson Bros., street imps. and
fire dept 85 00
Walter Smith, Street imps 1 87
H. James, " 2 25
P. Scott, " " 1 96
Alf. Lowery, constable 1 00
F. S. Scott, Trustee election, eon
stable and miscellaneous53 58
Afro. Wallace, obarity 6 50
Mrs. 7, Blsshill, charity 6 00
Moved by J. M. Molntosh,seconded by
W. F. Stewart that the above accounts
be paid. Carried.
By-law No. 14 for 1889 was read three
times and passed concerning the polling
places and Deputy Returning officers for
the forthcoming municipal election, ea
follows : Nomination on Monday, Deo,.
80th at 12, o'clock noon. Eleotion, if
neoeseary,on Monday January 6th, 1890.
Polling Div. No. 1, Geo. Love's o8boe,
Ronald MaNangliton, Deputy ; Div. No.
2, Council chamber, Wm. Aldridge, De.
Moved by D. Strachan, seconded by W.
Ainley that the clothing, inetrnmente,
mueto stands, ani. belonging to the Bras -
eels Braes Band be placed in the hands
of the President, Financial Secretary alid
Troasnror, and that a statement of game
bo furnished this Board each year on
Doc.l6th Carried.
Goo, Love addressed the Connell coin.
Live to a rebate' on their contract for
market Scales laot year owingto the fab
the Livingston Brae. put in somas at
After some 6100115 i i
the flax mill. fro got it
was moved by I). Straellau, seconded by
J, M, McIntosh ihab81Oboallowed, with.
Mit prejudice. Carried,
Connell then adjourned.
This pace
F. O.
Who will tell you of the Bargains
he has to offer in the next
issue of THE POST.
Look out for his Announcement.
The Brussels Woolen Mill
wants to get
500,000 LBS. OF WOOL
either for CASH or in. exchange
-:- for Goods. -.-
The Highest Market Price Paid in Oasli
and a Few Cents More in Trader
We have a Fine Assort -
runt of Tweeds, Cottons,
Flannels, Blankets, Sheet-
ing, Emitted Goods,
Yarn, &e.
All Wool left with us for manufacturing, whether rolls or other-
wise, will have our prompt attention.
We wish to remind Farmers the Farers that the Brussels
Woolen Mill is the place to Save Money in the purchase of
all Goods in 01.10 Line, 11, trial will convince the most
doubtful, '
GP & Co.,
otnnuaa ma, Sona o teas ysm
undersigned will keep a 1100 -brudl
Berkshire for service: on let 13, 000, 5, Make
rig. ibrms,51,00 to be paid at time of tier-
viae, with privilege of returning if noses.
ary. ,TAM15S. Nsi11';i,Proprietor. 100
undersigned will keep for service on
let 0, 00u.1, Grey, a there..bred Ycrkeblyd
White 11oar,wlth registered pedigree, Toren
51.00 to be paid at time of service; wigs
privilege of returning, if nsoaeesry, WM-
unmticIt11OLf,, Prop. 10.4
81GNED will keep for service on NI Lot
00, Oen, 7, Weals, two well bred boars. One
iea Berketire and the other a Cheater
White. Terme, 01.00, to be paid at time of
service, with privilege of returning, if neces-
sary, 88.tXf,. WArann, S1t., Proprietor.
undersigned will keep the thore,.bred
Berkehlre Boar' “President," from imported
stook on both sides, for Service on Lot 11,
Con. 5, Grey. 'President" was purchased
last ileum er :miliaria. Snell Sone, of 17dmoo-
ton, and is an excellent rim Tonne 51.00 at
time of service with privilege of returning
if names eery. 20.2m A, SHAW, Proprietor.
Zags Wanted!
Farmers, harry 021 your store hogs and fatten
then for the market from Jaunary- to June.
We have determined to abandon tb a peaking'
of(dressed logs in order to matte the packing
of hogs a business throughout clan year. We
shallendeavor to buy, at whatever Ito price
is, enough live horse during these months to
run our naokiu house. As this business is
being neglsotatt during the Into winter and
spring months, we think those who have
hogs suitable for our requirements will ,roar.
a big benefit. We want hogs not ]ose than140 lbs., and not over 020lbs., and will give a
handsome primo for the same. Sacolleet wa
Shall not buy a dressed hog this winter.
'whereas we packed 15.000 dressed hogs after
January 1st haat winter.
The Western Advertiser
Published in twelve•page form, and bears-
tifully printed on one of beat web-
feeding presses in America.
VALUABLE Pitmans roil Sn0Senm0na
Largest 81 Paper ; In clubs of four and
upwards 760. each.
Popular Departments of interest to
every family, including a First -Clara
Agricultural Department; Special market
Department; Secular and Sacred ltusia;
Interesting Stories; Ladies' and Youths'
Departments ; Curious and Ueefal De-
partments; Legal Department; Talmage'a
Sermons, and all the News, by telegraph,
mail and correspondence.
-Salonee of 1SSil' place. f
!Agent's Package and sample copy
on application. The most liberal induce-
ments ever offered in Canada to club.
getters. Ad5ress—
London, Canada -
Wanted ! any quantity of
Dressed Hogs the coming
season, for which the very
highest market Price will be
paid. Farmers will best eon-
suit their own interests by
killing and marketing their
Hogs in season, as in pat
years. Don't be carried away
by interested parties adver-
tising and making out a bet-
ter price live weight. With.
good fat hogs past experience
proves to the contrary.
Bring Along Your
prtasSEB ogee
R. Graham,
Grain Dealer, Brussels.
---oo' TUE—
Pansy Series
Post Booksstore,
Four Girls at Chautauqua ; Litt%
Fishers and their Nets ; Three People
Echoing and Re-echoing ; Chrietio'e
Christmas ; Divots ' Women ; Spun Mutt
Fant ; Tho Chautauqua Girls at Home;
The Pocket Measure ; Julia Reid ; With
and Otherwise ; The Ring's Daughter;
g ,
Links in Robeooa's.Life; faterupted; Tina
Master Hand ; An Eudlese Chain ; Ester
Reith ; Ester Ried yet Speaking ; Tltq,
Man of the Ilouse ; Ruth llrekino's
Orogen household Puzzles ; Thaw
Boyo; Modern Prophots ; The Randolp1s;
Ins Solomon Snaith looking on ; Front
BRUSSELS , )100101;1 Standpoints ; A Now Graft en,
the Family Tioc.