HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-11-29, Page 8JLSSLS .t -'UST Nov. 29, 18b9.
„mire, legiGFP,'EF WSID7Ai35'L4fPREV4:.AFMRLS4atel. •erTearg.2ii:delengetnYr e8rallSTeleat etereeMeewerweere rwevy4`y'¢*".e ,.!�y�ry,eerr..,n
1/E. (D(}(T II 'ERS
Holiday Goods,
RFs' canoLt ;;e11 you all we have,
and we can only show a small
portion for want of . space, so
kindly ask uu for what .you may
require but (10 not see.
Drug gist, Bookseller, &o.
S00113Eitx EXTENSION W. 0. & B.
Trains 1..a..e Brussels Station, North
and South, as follows :
(hew Sorra, Genre elonv n.
_... 0:2&am. Nixed
i;xm•r.s ......1n45 a.m. Mall Sag p.m.
Mixed ....,. 83331.01. Express 0:40
?;.chic galas Vte]lis,
•--- ---
A duel's among ye taken notes,
- ^ An' faith he'll prent it.
As we desire to odd at loath two hundred
New t13)ecem ber,we]lave drs to ebcidedtilst before e
give Tan
Posr from new until the 1st of January,
1$93. for the price of ono year, viz„ $1.20.
Now subscribers will thus net uearly three
mouths for nothing. This is a splendid
chance which should be taken advantage 01
at once.
For the encouragement of our present sub -
earthen to use their influence with their
friends and neighbors, Wo make the folloly-
int; oiler ; Wo will allow any subscriber 0
commission. of 20 cents cash for each now
name sent us at the rate of 8140 from now
till the first of 1991. There is 00010013' a sub-
scriberou our list who couldvnot send us
two or three names if they were to try, and
by so doing they would be Uoneltting them-
selyes as well nous.
Mahe an effort. See who will send in the
largest list of now names.
Wo intend in the course of a few weeks to
ronaasen cc tulether new 000 Milted
story dud we would like to get as many new
snbscribeta as possible before wo commence
this atm'!, o tin,: MI may get the full bone.
fit of it
TO o1 try rer.on sending us Fivn um sub-
scribers w„ will present then with ...the
Canadian Fuiuer's11000al of Agriculture,"
an excellent volume of nearly 600 pages, well
bound and containing the most valuable
information. TL•eret til pric, of this book
was 9'!.(,D. Dozens of farm000 sons should
take at'•antage of this offer and secure this
Valuable Work. The book may bo seen at
oar ofce, if they yeller the commission, as
offered above, it will be allrigbt.
z, >w=92^. 1
SEND along the news items.
Fnosn oysters. Adam Good.
NEXT Sunday will usher in Decem-
AIITEL'a WHITLEY is in town visiting his
Sum sells pure sugar syrup, just like
BEENE sells the cheapest and best goods
in town.
LEw. JArxsox is home from Seaforth
'On a visit.
111ree Max SAurl r. is on the sick list
this week.
5L50 gets Tns Pon from now to the
end of 1800.
SEENn keeps pure groceries and sells
them cheap.
Sionno's Sealette at 50 is the Best and
Cheapest in town.
13. GEany spent last Sabbath with
relatives in Exeter.
Bonet Fair in Brussels on Thursday
of neat week, Deo. 5,
Now is the time to get your advertise.
loam before the public.
CALL and see Skene's meltons, the best
and cheapest yon can get.
Son our 5ealette at 56.50, best value in
town, Scarff & Ferguson.
Mae. BALLAx331 11 & SON shipped a car
load of eggs to New York this week.
Covnem meeting next Monday evening.
Look out for some more street lamps.
IIIONITMT meeting of Public School
Board on Friday evening of next week.
J. D. RONALD IS away at Moncton, N.
S., with the new fire engine for that city.
Sum & FEEovsooi are selling ladies'
dusters at 53, 54 and 56, worth 65, $7 and
Conon kindling, cut into stove lengths,
65 cents per half oord, delivered. B.
Son oar beautiful Robe Drees Goods at
25 cents, really worth 40 oto. Sonrff &
Gann line dress 50060 to hand to -day
which we are selling at 17o, worth 80.
Scuff & Ferguson.
Mne. Sons TAIT arrived home from
Kansas last week after an absence of
nearly three months.
3, B. T. IlleCo ni, of Lietowel, a fon-
mer resident of Brussele, was in town on
Monday of this week.
DAVID WILSON is home from Dakota.
He expecte to spend the Winter here and
then return to the Went.
Ram KELLY, of Blyth, was in Brus-
sels on Thursday. Mr. Kelly is what
yon would call a bustler.
Lonus HvnTsn has secured a position
'in the office of The Globe newspaper, To.
ronto. We wish him sacoese.
Fenn new chandeliers, four lamps in
each, have been put into the Methodist
church this week to improve the light,
NoT1cs.—All parties indebted to under-
signed by book account kindly pay at
once and mach oblige W. 11. McCracken.
Mos. TIARdnonvae has returned from
Paisley, Miss Pearl Wilson accompan-
ied her and will spend a few weeks in
week, The "boys" are leyel•headed art
look Softer their Iia •inert well.
ltrv. lt.1t.5Ioi'rLAND, pastor of th
Bias Street Irlothotlltt 011110017, legorsui
and formerly of Brussels, lute received
call to Vancouver, 33. O., at a salary of
52,000 with free house.
Oan item ()oncoming IsO Humble
going to New York to engage in mission
work should have read "Christopher
Ilurnbl0.' The former gentleman is in
business in 'Wichita, Sanene,
Tun Cranbrook 11013 mill and other
property was sold at the American Hotel,
in this place, on Wednesday, W. Cam.
eron, of Cranbrook, was the highest bid-
der, at 51650, A. Hunter was the ane.
PANSY Books.—The complete edition,
of the Rutledge series, of the well-known
and highly appreciated Panay books, at
Ton POST Bookstore. They some at the
low figure of 35 cents each. Call in and
see them,
Hoes WANTkn,—Farmers should rend
the important announcement of J. L.
Grant & Co., of Ingersoll, in another
column, in reference to fattening hogs
early. This firm will buy WO dressed
loge this winter, 10•.41
Tlnteo Brussels young Ladies had a
competition one evening recently in err-
ing pancakes. The victor demolished 13
tied is yet alive and in good health. The
two others weakened at 10 and 11, re.
speotively, so it is said,
DIED.—Last Monday Dr. Francis died
tit his 110010 in Chapman, Kan., after a
brief illness. 130 was an old resident of
Middlesex county but went Wsat about
two years ago, Miss Francis, of Brus-
sels, is a daughter of the deceased.
NETT Sunday Rev. S. Sellery, B. A.,
B. D., will preach educational sermons
on the Londesboro' circuit. His pulpit
will be supplied by Robe, Holmes, editor
of the Clinton New Era, who, by the way,
Is a goal preech.r, although belangi.eg to
the fourth estate.
WALenr 10., only son of George H.
Lott, aged 9 yeoxo, 1 month and 4 days,
died at the home of his grandparents on
Monday of this week. The cause of his
death was scarlet fever. The funeral
took place on Tuesday afternoon, Rev. S.
Sellery conducting the service.
TliE fall of snow on Wednesday and
the blustering weather was rather e.
forcible reminder that this is the Winter
season. A few cutters were out and
sleigh bells jingled but rain soon spoiled
the sleighing, but at the time of going to
press the "beautiful" is coming 50011.THE case against Chris, Zilliax for
selling liquor after hours on Saturday
night was heard on Thursday afternoon
of last week before A. Hunter, J. P.
Afterheario:g the evidence the case was
dismissed. L. 10. Wavle conducted the
case for Inspector Miller and R.L,Taylor
appeared in behalf of Mr. Zilliax.
Tor market for (freaked Hogs is open.
ing up at Dress6 as favorable as ever,
and the buyers are ready to handle all
the pork brought to them at the highest
market price. The large amount shipped
every year from this point is an indica-
tion that Brussels takes the lead in this
as well as in grain. A trial will satisfy
you that the above is correct.
Mits. Roux will from now till Christmas
offer special bargains in wool goods, all
]laud made, comprising Hoods, Caps,
Jackets, Fascinators, Scarfs, &c. A. lot
of slipper patterns very cheap. Under-
clothing, Hosiery. &l'•c. General assort-
ment of Fancy goods, Toys, &o. Cali
and examine her stook, opposite Queen's
Hotel, Brussels.m
WELL-DIeNG A13n DnmLL\o,—George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terms reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnberry st., Brussels, 48-tf
As an indication of how many changes
occur in the business men of a town we
noticed the following this week. When
the new post -office was opened in Brus-
sels in I880 there were 23 small squares
blocked off on the wall and filled with the
advertisements of our business men. Of
this number only those of S. Smote, F.
C. Rogers, G. A. Deadman and T. Flat -
cher are represented in Brussels under
the name and style of business in 1880.
regular meeting of the Band of Hope was
held on Monday evening with an at-
tendance of seventy-five. After devotion-
al exercises and responsive readings, con-
ducted by the leader, the following pro-
gram was carried out :—Singing, tdThe
Coming Army ; ' recitation by Lizzie
McLennan ; kindergarten song by Miss
Taylor's pupils ; readings by Fanny
MlleRogers, fe MoLauoblan, Thurso Gerry,
Ida Frain, and Nellie Ward ; singing,
"There is a Happy Time," by the Band,
Miss Jennie McLauchlan acting eaorgan-
d ! dist ohureh in Ode place in a most an
' eeplibl0 maime0. Ile teak as lois tax
e I Gale thine, Oth chapter and ldrll verse
1, < "But, (.Gott forbid that 1 should gluey
save in the erase of our Lord Jean
Christ" The reverend gentleman f1
hie drat division ehowod (1) the object£
the glory 3 (2) the blessings which ill
cross 000111.05 ; (3) the crew s the cen00
all created iutclligcno55 ; (4) the cross i
• It ie reported that Charles G, Fox,
1 Conservative oandidate for lho Logisit•
tine. for Smith Essex, is ]nJ.e,y 10 with
, I draw from 010 0onlest,
Looxi13e Fou IT IN ENOLAIm,--The de-
mand in England for the Christmas
number of the Montreal Star is some-
thing unheard of—a great compliment to
Canadian enterprise. It is quite encour-
aging to hear English and Scotch people,
Wherever you go on the other side, say.
ing ; "The Christmas Star was the best
of them all." The great American news
oompenies are urging the publishers to
sell the Christmas Star in the States, but
there will not be more than enough to
511 the Canadian demand. There are
four supplements with the Christmas
Star this year.
WE have had remarkable Zee weather
up to date. Rain has set in, but that
will not stop the venal shake hands and
"This is very wet weather," &e. More
cbangge�e are going on and still more ex.
petted, but what a happy change must
be the result when yon buy a marriage
license, a beautiful 18 kt. plain gold ring
and ticket via Grand Trunk Railway, not
mentioning the beautiful gold watoh and
chain to time the express, Mad upon your
return the house is not complete until
you buy one of our 66 eight.day e1ook5.
T. PLnrosno31 jeweler, Brussels.
DEnnte. At the regular meeting of
the Y,P.C,A., in Melville church base.
meat, on Monday evening, a debate oe.
Joaeril Lorne has his new barber shop
5n running order now, in Smale's bleak. 1
His family arrived here from • Hamilton
upied the most of the time. The stab.
sot was "Strikes are justifiable." Por
the afidt'mativo S. Y. Taylor and R. Diok.
son jr. addressed the mooting, followed by
A. M, 171oI{ay and j. B. hfoLauohlin for
the negative. The speeches were good,
Rev. John Roes, 33. A., presided and gave
decision in favor of the negative, Sever-
al seleotion0 of music were given by the
their of the A0seeiation. It is expeoted
that $ev. Mr, Murrey, of Kinoardise,
will deliver a lecture at the next meeting
en hie recent visit to the 01d Meld.
LOT Sunday evening . tire. teemed
Jones oocnpied rho pulpit of the Mettle.
on Friday of last week.
S:o. Jortn's chdreh choir assisted by the
leading vocalists of the other 01100elre5 in
town will give a sacred song 5erv10e some
evening near Qhrittmas.
Ix is 1°sported that 3110. Strotton and
Ohao, Fisher will manage the Leadbnry
hotel next year. Mr. McNamara will do -
vote hie tittle ter farming.
D. FEn41so}7, of Ferguson Bros., Teee.
beater, was in town on 'i'lrarl(ley of this
the ground of hope to the Christian min-
istry, The second division was the apes•
tle'e resolve. The large congregation
enjoyed the very interesting discourse.
Rev. Mr. Jones, although 83 years 01
age, still retains a wonderful amount of
vigor and gets about aa lively as a cricket.
CHEEKY Iv NOTHING WonsE. As a cer-
tain young man was going home from
the Methodist olhumb lust Sunday even-
ing two men stopped him at the entrance
to the stairway loading upstairs in Dr.
Graham's block, Bing street, and palled
him into the entrance, They unbutton-
ed his coat and took a gold watch oat of
his vest pocket. ID the meantime the
youth bad pun0118d one of the thieves on
the nose drawing the claret. After the
fellows had decamped a few matches
were struck by persons who heard of the
rumpus and to their surprise the watch
was discovered lying en the grass near
the sidewalk, as if it had been dropped
in their haste getting away and as the
night was so very dark it could not be
found. Thele is a faint idea as to who
the highwaymen are and a similiar oo-
cnrl•en0e may not turn out so pleasantly
for then. A',treatlamp is needed very
badly on the corner of Turnberry and
Icing streets as there is 50 11111011 travel to
the Methodist 01100011, Salvation Army
barracks, etc. At present ladies do not
care to run the gauntlet at that particu-
lar place mentioned. Once more we say
"Let there be light."
RAILWAY TALE.—In dealing with the
question of proposed 1a118'03s the Godo -
rich Signal of last week says : "We also
learn that arrangements are on foot for
notice of application for a charter from
Lake Huron to Lake Ontario, the ter.
minal points being Hamilton and Godo -
rich, which if proceeded with will prove
to be one of the best railway services in
Ontario. This road would in all pro-
bability run by Blyth, Brussels, Listow-
el, and through Wellesley township to
Berlin, Preston, Galt and Dundas to the
great business centre of Hamiltou, there
to connect with the Vanderbilt system.
Should this echetne bo carried out—and
with the influentiiit and ambitious points
on the ratite there is no reason to doubt
its ultinlato development—it would serve
a central portion of the Western part of
the Province, and run through a number
of wealthy 1»ani0ipniities, some of which
are now I1eking in railway service. With
regard to the Guelph Junction road, we
have the statement of Mr. Van Horne
that it is his 'unalterable determination'
to proseeu'o the work at his earliest ean-
venience, and a later expression of opin-
ion fixes the time at next Spring, if the
work which the C. P. R. been= in hand
Will admit of such a course."
"Marriage Customs 3n the hast."
A lecture as above is announced to be
given fn Knox charch, Brussels, next
Tnesday, at 7:30 p.m., by Rev. Ghosn
B. Howie. This dis0onrs0 is an account
of the position of 300701371 in some East-
ern communities. The manner of be-
trothal, weddings, etc. To some extent
some scriptural allusions are explained
by the rehearsal of what must appear
strange customs of the East. It is well
known that Mr. Howie Lectured on these
enbjeots connected with the last in most
counties of this and the lower provinces
and hag received much commendation
from the press and other sources.
EDrxsunoo, Mar. 2611i, 1884.
Mr. Ghasn Al Howie has been a stu-
dent of Divinity under my charge during
throe 008530ns, and I am pleased to have
an opportunity of recognizing; the re-
markable allergy, 'perseverance and in-
dustry ho has displayed as well as his
great clearness and vigor of mind. I un-
derstood he ie desirous to giveleetures on
the "Greek Ohuroh, ' the "Drases of Leh.
anon," and on various interesting topics
with which he is espeoialy conversant,
and would strongly recommend him to
ministers and others as one who is sure
to interest and instruct. Mr. Howie has
strongly impressed me as a man of real
merit, force and decided Christian char-
acter. E. FLn,' , Prof. of Divinity.
April 7th, 1884.
Mr. Gboen Al Howie has been in 'my
class for three years and I am glad to
testify to his ability se a student, he has
remarkable ability and employe his nat-
ural talents with ooneoientioas industry.
He was specially remarkable for his
knowledge of the Bible and in exposition
and essays he showed •a power of thought
and expreaesion which it is simple justice
to characterize as admirable. I hope to,
see him ore long employed as a mission•
ary where his knowledge of his. native
Arabic will make him a power for good,
Meanwhile I can promise that hie leo-
tures will be full of thought, observation
and high purpose. He has impressed
me as a strong and devout man.
A. C0ARoEms, Prof. of Antiquities.
Geo. Robinson, a veteran conductor on
the Grand Trunk, was accidentally killed
at Vaudreuil'on Saturday.
The prospectus of the Canadian Meat
Company was issued in London on Sat.
urday,the capital being 51,500,000. Its
object ie to develop the trade in Canadian
dead meat.
Towsi,--In Winnipeg, Man., On Sept.
28th, the wife of Mr. Charlet; Town
of a son. •
HOLM08.-In Brussels, on Nov. 22nd, the
wife of Dr. Holmes of a daughter.
WILso9.—In Brussels, on Nov. 24311, the
wife of Mr. Alex. Wilson of a son,
(still born.)
Lorx --In Brussels, on Monday, Nevem-
bar 25th, Walter Edward, only eon
of Goo. H. Lott, aged 2 years, 1
month and 4 days.
Balmnow.—In Morris, on the 22nd inst.,
Sarah, beloved wife of John Boldrow,
aged 55 yoare slid 4 months.
13isseor,—In Grey, on the 27th inst.,
Berrie, I'7., 2nd daughter of Win. and
Blizabeth Bishop, aged 10 Vara and
14 days.
PnANara.At 011apmant .Kansas, oltNo3,
26th, Dr. A. Fromm, aged 75 year,'
and.0 months,
. e
Wanted ! any quantity of
Dressed Hogs the coming
season, for which the very
highest market Price will be
paid, Farmers will best con-
sult their own interests by
killing and marketing their
Hogs in season, as in past
years. Don't be carried away
by interested parties adver-
tising and making out a bet
ter price live weight, With
good fat hags past experience
proves to the contrary.
Bring Along Your
Grain Dealer, Brussels.
TOMMY, DEc. 3rd.—Lot 28, con. 8,
Morris, farm stook. Sale commences at
1 o'clock p. m. A. J. Carter, prop. Goo.
Birkby, atm.
Fnwao, Nov. 25x31.—Farm stock, im-
plsments. &o, on Lot 25, 0032. 11, Grey,
commencing at 1 o'clock sharp. Thos.
bandere, prop. A. Rayrnaun, and.
0 1'T'AS0S.,S
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Butter, tube and rolls
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Hay per ton.
Pork .. ..
Hides per lb
Salt per bbl., retail,,,,,
Sheep skins, eaoh
Wool, per lb.
70 82
75 82
34 33
24 25
52 53
15 16
5 50
7 00
5 25 5 60
2 3
1 25 00
60 1 00
18 20
dog's 'Wanted
Farmers, hurry ell your 00010 hogs owl kitten
them for the market'. from January to Juno,
Witham detortnined to nbuedoo theplctiioll
04 dressed hops in order to make the peeking
01 hogs is business throughout the year. Wu
shall endeavor to bay, at whatever the price
1a, enough Svc hogs during time months to
run our looking holm, Aa this loudness la
being uoglentod during the lobe winter and
spring months, the think those who have
hogs suitable for our requirements' will reap
big banont. Warrant hogs net loss than
140 Ilia, and not over220 lbo,, and w111 giro a
handsome price for the same. Recollect we
shall not buy a dressed bog this winter,
wherein; we packed 12,000 dressed bogs after
January 1st lost winter,
Ja L. (1115101' & CO., IYG5RSOLL,
A-,Mastt store. 003608033,010.000. L.
W W • Isenlor of MarrlageL.ioonses. OlAoo
at his amatory, Purnborry street, Brussels.
southTonsorial Artist' Shop—Next epee
of A. 101, McKay a; Co's hardware store.
Ladies' and children's hair en sting a 1 peoialty
tt5.'A oboios stook of cigars kept.
• Iesurm• of afarriage Licenses, by
appointment of Lieut,.Governor, Conlmto.
01000•, Co, 0,13, Conveyancer rind Agent
Fire Iumu'ance(7o. (31000 at the Cranbrook
Yost 011ice.
Thc und,rsngnod assiroc to intimato
to the ladies of Brussels and surrounding
001111try 61109 5110 is prepared to attend to
ail orders intrusted to her. Satisfaction
guaranteed, Shop—Up-stairs, one door north
of Walter Jackson's hardware store,
have started a 0ret.class Drees and
Afautle Making Shop over Straoban Bros,'
store, As Mrs. Carson nuts by the boat
.snlerioan Tailor System and has worked in
Toronto for a number of years a period At
anti good satisfaction isgnarantemt Parties
who are good Rowels taught to out and lit in
n few days;- r 'Appreutioes wanted.
G. L. Ball, L. D. S. Nitros Oxide Gas ad-
ministered f01 the Painless Extraction of
Tooth. 71 G orrard Street East, Tono1'10,
0011,9-T2S T!
00 W. J. Foal', L. D. S., Graduate of
00 Toronto School of Dentistry. Ail
00 operations guaranteed. f..:crArtifleinl.
tooth, dost quality, and a sue auteed
R 00 - fit, for 012,00 per sot. Oftice—Cmir's
30.00x, 811.11'08031.
1+2 a vTS.17. 33, 01, 5„
SE.A aeORTT-1-
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Butter, per lb
Eggs, per dozen
Apples, per bushel
Hogs, dressed
Wood, per cord
Sheepskins, each
11 25
4 50
7 00
6 50
5 60
8 00
4 60
Honor Graduate of the Royal College of
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Nitres Oxide Gas
administered for rho Painless Extraction of
teeth. Office--
t9fONE DOOR NORTH OF BANE, nnussote,
Licensed Auctioneer. Sales conduct-
ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm
stook a specialty. Orders left at Tan Poen
Publishing Honso, Bruseals, or sent to 'Walton
P. 0,, will receive prompt attention.
a stock,
ready to at.
tend tales of farms, farm etoc]r, ,ito. Terms
cheerfully given. * 13010 colt P. 0. Publishing may be arranged at Tari POST Publishing
House, Dru stole.
Facts WW1Know' w,
epper sells Pure Drugs !
epper has coulpe tent 11e11'1
epper's Prises are Right!
epper's stock is complete
epper is your wide-
awake DRUGGIST !
(irnhanl's 1110011, . ltrnssels.
Txaxsacact as 73'0000010'.. 01ara07.n.3•
S3 taaisn.oao.
Canadian and United States Drafts bought
and soul.
Interest allowed on Deposits,
/Jai/mifoile made on favorable tests.
Canadian Agents--M1:It0ISANr'e BANE or
Now York A,outs—I11 plus so AND i'RA1.
• Solicitor, Conveyancer, No bury Pub-
lic, ,40. OOlce—Graham's 13100ir,1 door north
of i'epper's Drug Store. Private Funds to
1 E. 'WADE,
A.1 s llarrietel•, Solicitor autt Notary Pub-
lic. Conveyancing, Collections and Loaning.
Mr. wade will attend in Gerrie every Wed-
nesday at two o'clock,
(Cato with Gnvow & Proud(oot, Goda
rpioh,) Beals tars, Sollottors. Conveyancers,
00. Otnoe9--Brusoele and Soa1orth, Brits
sell Of leo; Bogere' Block, Main St. money
to Loan.
R, 0.1800. w'. B. nuncsoN,
M. TAYLOR D. 0. L.
Barrister, Solicitor', &c., of the fern,
of Taylor, McCullough C burns, Barristers
8olicltors, Co„ Manning Arcade, Toronto,
Money to loan,
Clerk of the Fourth Dlvls;ml Court
Co. Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Pablic,
Laud, Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds
invested and to load, Collnotioes made.
01110o in Graham's Block, Brussels.
Dlemsoo of Lha College el amine- au
and Surgeons Of OntnrIo by street examine -Hoe
Unice and 'llemdmloo —Rloin 011001 1:,153,
10tbol, Ontario, -
T A. MuNAUGFITO,V, 113. D.
C. M., L . xe, U, P., Edinburgh, Al. C. 1'.
S. Ont. At Pepper's Drug Store from 0 to
11:9O a. n1. and from LSO to 4 D, m, At Other
hours maybe found at his residence, form.
erly occuptod by Dr. B utohtnson, Milt 01.
ei ueaSoaFlBftsGradaatand Honorary ellowoOntario
VeterinaryCollege, will bo pleased to ex -
amide with the r
Sionai shill anyg 000000 entrusted iu;1110
charge. Offloe and infirmary—O'Brien's old
stand,2 doors north of brldgo, Tambov*, Brussels,
Now is the Time to Buy.
Here is 'OUP Ohallce,
must-- avE] rDQUs CROWDS
Our year Mark Down, Salle a Marvellous Success. •
All intelligent people do. You read the Advertisements. If you don't you slosh around
and pay out dollars where shilling would answer, If its pays to advertise (who doubts it)
it must pay to read the° advertisements.
Why is it that when other stores are quiet we are busy ? Seeing is , believing.
Join the throng and inspect our
Bargains for Two Months Longer.
Well Played
Is what the Public say about our Clothing Business, It's a good play that runs a year,
but we have been appearing before you daily for over tan years and to constantly in-
creasing audiences. Truly we have proved is great attraction to public patronage, and
drawn well the confidence of the people.
Till we Give up Business and Leave the Town,
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