HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-11-29, Page 6'1 HE 13h1.CSSEL`•a PC .-1 NOV; 2rl', LOD, wfa,o0trYr-srct:r0r+r•-„axm:.,,;,^:!..nsartwxa :tarznrzarev rv.. itssti*rr,,klitlir,ai-tdl.30x armFrr.=e „„rc>-..._ Ohente6 m 17,hite 1115905oCrtI27tiiac1V e. e'+.eearseeleracceeceew« .et).„.. a:• rl et) sake :ser ere aseirecer :warier .'serene rsereenr-er,sre:s'?Cermere erre —� LL We w u•t l ror at to atop unlit we from. It wee traced to Mr.. Brown 11%. 'a „0116 Ci' 1C11ZCl'(111C1' toil's, W. XJ 101 eel• ep, whim the nlrls slid and the other all, raw tical ver a - - - 'owe -” 10 11 1 la ee I� '' cheque of 3310, tho onto int of the' - he' ��,14u.E.T.t,.&.^e3�. - All ltoru a of nno evil tsar hill. r))))111 (t 11,., Mead of the stairs, ,1 ono with the intoret;t in full, The Me ie more devilish wh 1 Whish led :rut of the kitchen, and ;ni t( iii ; is roepeetab!(' So is lbs li urn• i=nure. their father trot np lain, we r,'u.r 4011E 1Pcerfta, ltkE c r ; :The lir uie of the drtinke a for the g'' home before the old folks \vt•rt< rr+ t F ' ;(-lir. tis after b1ldiug the girls n Want. to ran The -betel. hotel. 1 r rto hotel. 1 ;, •,�.a,rtt 1d3± r. foam of ! ha taui(ar t•—a bra it tt ,nee( gond night, Hurl pruniisl,tq In "Va1)t ih(i earth for $3 per 'ley gain. Not, what will entry the urea 0,11110 again next Sunday eight, we matin Ri'c'e. tenter room facing on elooliot, ? but whet is right :' is the s4utod. question. We didn't have far to go (n the Went to borrow an umbrella Hud The people, engbt to love it geed bedroom Blood near tate head of the keep it. porter Le proportion to the euuluias ,,Mire.ll John hn wee a IO inwabed, but thn,rn11100 ;rater et four' ,,'croute 10 g ire 11111)i)",,tl \Vnut to lcoep a filthy dog in their Political i 0901gers the '•f'"n around At Sill1hoa rt 1 would bit down "'Hain with them. nota right a °enRei(•ee9 to ambition, 111 a cheat covered with a num white `'ant to monopolize a waiter on II`'lle Hud o eeouse014 1 cloth, while I drew off my boots, a ten•0eut bribe. Every rnnn consents to •n moron= 11 whir does not eve his utmost' v0 went down plumpinto a Uig mustard t(spie. uoxtrtolthe (tiro escape. ground floor strength in effort to prevent it.\Vaud to meter cut e. nominate- ., is nota good thought iii ; I thought John would die laugh, ., hogshead of beer ; there is not a , tug, for ho said Iliad amuehed that ter ringing fur whiskey cocktails. pure idea in all the breweries. custard all to thunder and the pl•atr. • Want breakfast at eleven and X11 1 tl 1 of rfgl t ' two scfuothing to eat at 12:01 a. m. Want to know three timet iu fif- teen mumble if Wu train time yet. Want everybody to get out of their way, but won't badge them- ..,a!eN i t ml undersigned will keep, for the TUCK'S r/`, I Stock, at / 7 y/ l / y TV tJK'S 11O L'EL. C,LL./1X131LQ Old., e Pure -Bred Berkshire Hog, and One Pure -Bred Chester TERMS STRICTLY CASE, •i re Improvelueut• o1' Those who recommend to iqu ) mile to mercy do so because they ! Ion sec we had to be awful quiet, do not know what mercy means. so the old man wouldn't Lear. No human actions were 0091 in T was now ready to get iuto Led, tended by the Maker of men to be j 80 I put the light out and picked tip guided by expedieney,but by lu,'ieo. ! my boots, thinking to put thein iu 89190e. We should help not only to keep' n 10019 convenient place, when down Want special attention became men out of the pit and to pull men j went one of my legs through a pipe they patronized the house before. out If the 111, bttt to close the pit.! hole, which hart been covered by Want the clerk to negleet hie ( d,t• u) tem hip, dttti.ts and talk ba48ba1l with them. Temperance potties men who still chug p' i' , l o 1' Want )ie lit breakfast, pattonices to liquor parties aro a sinml,ling New, one part dine mons npstturs, for (honer and eau at sir er time. bloat in the path of prohibition the longer plot oill p ppf mo Was Want to play the piano all night and to the middle of the day. Want everybody about the betel to realize that they aro 'some pia. 1(308.' \Vaud to know wby they cent sit where they want to in the dining. room. Want a room where they can blow on; the gas without climbing onto tt chair. Want to bo called at six in the morning without being disturbed in their sleep. Want to know where John Smith lives—need to be in the hardware business. Want a deduction made beeense they om itted taking a meal while at the louse Want to Mock ticking in their rooter to nee» it 88830 homelike, and want to get beamed ou tietc.— Rotel World. I should suenect,' sats it writer, ; the Icitchon. 'that tsy preaching, had no salt in itI Asmy leg was very long, it reach• if no galled jade did wince.' ad a. shell which wits occupied by Ttte laud is not large enough---er dishes, pales, coffee pots, etc , and it turned over with a tremendous crash. The girls had not yet retired, so rid I could hero• them langhiug at a great rate. I felt ass fully 'refrain- ed and scared; and my heart was in my mouth, for I expected the old uiuu every moment. I extracted my log from the hole just in time, for the old lady looked Mtn the kitchen from her bedroom do -.r loud as.red what all the noise have to be frequently to be replaced. was about. They wither iu the atmosphere of The girl„ put her off as hest they alcohol. could. ant I wort to bed, while John was strangling bimeelf under ought not to be—to hold erre eptrtt nal Cl,urett and one drinlc'ehop in peace. The 'abuse' of liquor has its origin 'rat the nature of liquor, and any policy that ignores that fact mast fail. Think of legislators down on their faces before the liquor power. and political parties crawling on their bellies at its behest. 'Plants in liquor saloon windows LII(, env«•r lo keep from laughing out. Scared Out Of 4 Wife. We soon a0ut (lint() the lend of dreams, with the hope of waking The narrative which 1 am about early. I Wish I could tell yon my to relate was told mo One bisalt, (lreau,s, but it would time me too cold tight iu a country parlor. It loin. Otto It,omeut I would fancy ttue±nuri euiertaath,n. was one sf those nights in mid' tnvse11 by ilia :Lie of Bailie, next Chicago has 30 miles of a bonlo winter when tho wind swept over r would see the oid man flourishing yard 100 feet wide. the land. making everything bugle hie cane above my head. The indications point at present with its frosty breath, that 1 was This all eame to au cud by John to a total vote of 225,000 in New seated before a blazing fico, sur giving 1880, kick. 1 York this year. rounded by a jolly hall dozen !soya. (en w,tl.iu;; up end looking around and and an old bachelor—Peter I r.aw jeeites eyes as big as 015 fist, American's first carriage came Green—fort •ei ht ears old.front Ir9.land at the end of the 17; y g y while the gnu way beaming in the century, It vas just the night without to window. make thoee within enjoy a story, so What to do the couldn't tell, for Mass., h.A. few years ago 1•fattapoisett, had 270 children or 80hool 1 each of us had to tell hia favorite, we heard the old man having family Mass., now it has only 108. save Mr. Green, and as he was 0 prayar8 to the kitchen. Germany makes the slowest rail• jolly story.tellet•, wo wore surprised John, looped out of the window time, 12 miles nit "tour on ac. to hear trim say : 'I have no story and said we could get down over roado' aide, 12 trains. that will interest you,' so we h•pd to the porch roof. 'Hurrah t' This exclamation, ser find other entertainment for awhile, Gat up mud fires, u8 quick rte familiar to I';nglisli oars, ie Said to when one of the boys told me to ask possible,' he said. be of Slavonic origin. him how it was he never got mar- So in my harry my foot got A. circular saw hat slits gold pons tied. So 1 did. fastened iu the bedclothes, and out in the size. of a quarter, and, re• 'Well gentlemen,' he began, 'it 1 iuulbled, hea(lforemost, and rolled, don't seem right to tell you how and 8,000 times per minute. that happened, but as it le about `tad rolled down the stairs • until I The administration has paid off' PP struck the door, which one fastened about $00,000,000 of the national myself, I don't care much. Von by to wooden button, auci it giving debt daring the poet Six mouth'. see, when I was young, we had to away, out 1 rolled in frout of the One of the remarkable things in walk as far as five miles to cbatcb old! man, Utah is a mountain near Salt Lake singing school. But this don't Ha tbtew up' his hands and cried, City completely covered by oyster have anything to do with my not 'Lord save ne rfox he thought I straits. getting a wife, but I just wanted was the devil. Orris root pillows tare the latest you to know that wo had trouble iu Tito ow10(ly 801903000 till you cure for sleeplessness, they lest $80, those days in getting our sport. could have heard her a mile. and some people would rather lie Jotter Smith and I were like I was so scared and bewildered awake. brothers, or like 'Mary Hart her that I could not get up at once. It It coats $1,500 to load Sort fire little lamb.' Where one want the was warm weather and 1 did not ono of Krupp's latest contrivances other was sure to ger. We Dent to have anything on but a shirt. for the destruction of human life and goo two sisters, Sort ns We were not \\•lien I heard the girls snicker• p ro art *. the best boys imaginable, the old ing it made mo mad, and I jumped It has been discovered that a very gentleman would not allow ere to up Sort roared out of the door, leav excellent quality of paper, dither of come tient the house, so we would mg the greater part of my shirt on fine or coarse texture, may be made tae the gide to the end of the lane, 1 the old iron door latch. !rota rico straw. and then we wotild have to take the] Off I started for the barn, and Over 100 first-class ,iron•olnd war final kine, when half through the yard the doe e'eamers aro now said to be ii pro. set lip 0howl and went for me. cies of construction in various parts When I got into the barnyard I of the world. had to run through a flock of sheep ; It is calculated that 50,000 gal - among them was an old ram, who lone of wine are drunk at the com• backed up a little and then started .'''mlmiou tables of the various relig. for mo. With one bound I escaped ions bodies in America ,every year. hie blow, springing into the barn, At the rate of increase in the past and began to climb the loge in the few years the wool Drop of Colorado mow, when au old mother hen will soon exceed in value the output pounced upon my feet, picking them of her silver mines. till they bled. The largest collection of coin in I threw myself upon the hay, and the world is in Vienna. They are alter John had olid dotyu the porch pieced in the Public Cabinet of into a hogshead of rain water, be ntignites, autl number over 125.- came to me with one of my boote, 000, my coat, nod one of the legs of my lee skating rinks aro to tike the pante. place in large cities of the roller He found me completely prostrate. skating rink. The floor is flooded Part of my shirt, my hitt, one left and the ice frozen by artificial pro. of tuy pante, my vest, socks, neck' tie and one boot were left behind. I vowed then and there that 1 18.91,, LT. C. `irJCiS-�. 02svremmermeFe/sver,trrecrArYseacauseatCematemmetunscremsuevrammeepts-07/.1.1.....senzatamm ETI3EL GRIST AND E8 URf "."ILL 8 The undersig'verl Iltaviug completed the change from the stone to the celebraeed Hungarian System of Grinding, has new the Mill in First -Class Running Order and will be glad to see all lints• old customers and as many now ones as possible. Fla 12, a:1 d . iroeed. wlys on Zama. Highest Price Maid for any quantity of Good, Gritin. V7 . MILNE. Wo soon got tired of that sort of thing, and 1 told John, on our way to singing sehoot one. night, that I was going into the house, He said the old man would run me out. if I did. • I told him I would risk it any- how, nyhow, let come what would. So home we went with tide girls. ` when wo got to the end of the lane I tolti the gide we proposed going ell the way. They looped at each other iu a way f didn't line too well, but sold the old folks would be in bed, so they didn't °ere if we did. They were ,t tittle more surprised yet, Mien we told them We thought of going; re a little while, but as all was gtuot moo Med no trouble in gettiug iuto lite Ititolteu. Then and theca we heal 0111 liret court. awl I made up toy mind to would ascot a to sen another girl, este Sallie to be my wife the next and I'll die before I wwith' g time I came. 31 was now past the torn of the night, end as we had four miles to Twentylive years ago tlre, ruallt I told John we had better be Brown, of Brockville, lent $10 to a Monday morning of last week a Mack,t. Joao ih S nnamed it to emery o uu tea goiitm So we stopped oat on the gentleman, who needed Y J G1 porch but just as .v0 did so the outs prtliect of his own, Ilio left Thorium, employed in J:leard's hub slit' was lit by lightning, ,tart rineehottly Atarfvards v.ithotit t•e•pay. trod evoke factory, was allowing a ibremanctoug thiendee peal rolled ing the loan, A few days age llev. oornpanion how °lose ho eould p1008 along the 11101131 ala Rides. Its eche Dean Gauthier received n letter' hie bend to the knives of. a bathe d no:t tiled out tri the far elf valeel Onto the boors of tho parry who lied Without injury when leis liana wa lis cattalo in th01(ittve,1 Isn(11,t111 fittgrst chopped off. Seen, Over 80001) million dollars ate .at, nuttily spent in New York for cbam• peguo the four Delmonico rettattr' ante Wronging over one million dollen; alone. before the rain bog,o to nom from le. rowed the money, reeking cm, Me garnered fulinoso of the clouds.. (Vides as to whom it had been trot are now showing Great Bargains in all Lines of Dry Goods, and especially Dress Goods, which are the Newest, Cheapest and Nobbi- est, in Brussels. In this Department we are giving Special Inducements this week, hav- ing bought several Hues at just half the regular wholesale price. Now is the time, Ladies, if you want to get Cheap Dry Goods, as the goods must go at some price. /§/ /F/ _FLANNEL.— Aro now one of our Leading Lines, which we are giving Great Bargains in. We keep everything, from the coarsest to the finest, and in this Line we feel confident that we can save you money. ,UNDERCLOTHING. We keep a Large and Well Assorted Stock, Also Men's Top Shirts, Boys' Underwear and Cardigan Jackets. We have also a Large Stock of Ladies' and Children's Underwear. Before buS'ing elsewhere you should examine • onr goods and get our prices. Gent's Furnishing Goods. Gent's Scarfs in all the Leading Shapes, Cotton }Iandkerchiefs, large assortment in :fancy Borders, Wool and Kid Gloves. Braces, Umbrellas, Gent's Linen Collars and Cuffs, Celluloid Collars and Cuffs, Lackey' Water- proof Circulars, Misses' Waterproof Olrculara. 1' J 10E801T TI1\LLTBA , Imagers, tir1rt7,y'N F +°ager ('ANADA'S 1,18',101*i1 IiFW'.1'tl 1111. P. rtti l73P 1a TON):, '"Tani 'rn 0.01:1,.4. TACE TO THE l'IMPntt'.. Ma 'Empire' is now the Cheat Weekly Paper of the Dominion, and special a), tangements tiro being made to acid new and attractive features, 19113011 will {neatly increase its interest and value. As an induce:neut to place it in the hands of all Patriotic (Jnnadians rho bal. allot) of present year will be ;,riven .free to Now Subsaribore, making it only On, Doi/or/Mt Rote Gilt e11(1 of 1800. t:- .rite 'Mn 13109' will be Slabbed With The 'nem l' ror iii'. et), u1 ud]•naee. Subscriptions taken at 7'II1? POST Pub. from?t', Druce 10 TADS, PLLTUL..l''t Practical T'VatehFTLU,/, 3/' and Jewe,Ze'f. Thanking the public for past fuNera amt support and wishing still to b"t:ttl•e your patronage, we aro opening out Full Lines in GOLD AND SILVER We,TC:}4I,;3„ Silver Platen Ware from L'etablitibed and lteliahlo ""Makers, fully warranted by ere, Cloelos•, of the Latest D.sr,Qll8- JEWELRY ! \Vanntsn Braes, LADIES GEAi liths, BRoo°Ittte, EARIuxus, Ca -Also a Peril Linn of Vt,mt::a and i"Violin Strings, SO., in t.tntk. N.B.-Assurer ere. u•rtngt• Mecum's, T. Fletcher, - Brussels. Baby Cavrians Baby Carriage$ TRAZ Y CA ti11.14 E t Handsome Display of Baby Carriages in all the •LATEST STY LES, and sold at !J11,' 'Ea'W5,5'. Call in and See our Stock before you order elsewhere. Buggy .14ugs, Dusters, Fly Nets, ir'laips, lie., always on hand. Splendid Assortment c1 Trunks, Valises and Satchels in Stook. H. Dennis. Brilliant ! Durable ! Economical! Diamond Dyes excel alt others in Strength, Purity and Fastness. None other are just as good. Be- ware of imitations, because they are made of cheap and inferior materials, and give poor, Weak, crocky colors, To be sure lit" success, use only the 13rAnosiir Dors for coloring Dresses, Stock. Ings, Yarns, Carpet, ,1 catbers, Ribbons, &c., c&.c. \Ve warrant them to color more goods, pack age for package, than any other' dyes ever :1)0(10, and to calve morn brilliant and durable colorsAsk. for tltc Diamond cal take 110 other: A Dress Dyed von A Coat Colored garments Renewed ed ct:olt.,r.. A Child can use them! At Drogglnta and klmdh•wea, l)yn noot(ree. WELLS I�er lafD'SON &. CO„, moutroe,l, v'. Q.