The Brussels Post, 1889-11-29, Page 44 1N Fit U SI^.L;� POS I Nov. 29, 166u New Advertisements. 1000-- B. Gerry, Looal-•J, G. Skene. Local --Adam Good. For Service• --A. Shaw. Bargains -T. C, llogere. o Jas Smith For Servlo Hoge wanted R Graham I'etinpo. sur . Go Munro. For Service -G. A'Jlleadman, Servant wanted -This otiioo, Holiday Goode -G. A. Madmen New Barber Shop --Joseph Laird. Farmers' Instituto -Wei. Bishop. Free Press -Free Press Company. Christmas Goods -Pose Bookstore. Great sueaese-Western Advertiser. Property for sale -Mfrs. J. R. Grant. Stomach Troubles --Totem of Health. Ai1�lsscls est. FRIDi1I", .r'V0V. 29, 1839. Beam:roe Parliament will assemble for n on Thursday, patch of business th deet sY, January 10th 1890. Itis stated that Sir John A. Macdonald will perform the dntiss of Minister of Railways rendered variant by the decease of Hon. Mr. Pope. Mr. Colby will relieve Sir John of one of the uf&c,'s held by him at present. An session is expected. interestingS O P Tun Polson Iron works and shipbuild- ing Company, of Toronto and Owen Sound, are in financial straits and their. creditors are looking up their affairs. It is reported that the duties paid by the and iron for the ne Company ensteel o o w P Y boats built by then: amouuted to an en- ormous sum and thereby tut down the profits on their work. Both of the strops are still in operation and it is to be hoped that some arrangement may be arrived to that will permit thein to continue. Times are close, however, and business men as well as others will have to out their garments according to their cloth. t e � „ HERE is a question worthy of consider- ation by the farming community. It is said that during the first nine months of the present year there were imported in. to the Belted States 5,290,894 bushels of barley, valued at $3,177,709 ; compared with 8,278,099 bushels worth $2,379,972 in the same months of 1888. Yet some of our Canadian trade restrictionists are foolish enough to pretend that there is no demand fox Canadian products in the United States. The Amerioan duty upon barley is ten cents per bushel. Nearly the whole of the barley imported into the United States is grown in Canada. It has been proved over and over again that the American duty ou barley is paid by the Canadian producer. The aggre- gate amount of duty upon the 5,290, 394 bushels was 0529,030. Perth Count. . A night school is talked of in St. Marys. W. B. Krahling, merchant tailor, of ' Stratford has made an assignment. T. S. Ford and Walter Thompson are named as aspirants for the Mayoralty of Mitchell. The staff of hands employed in the Maxwell Works, St. Marys, now number nearly 100. The Rev. Win. Carey has resigned the pastorate of the Wyoming Baptist eburob to take charge of the Fnllarton Baptist church. Miss Minnie Stanley, formerly of Stratford, is with Harry Lindley taking a prominent part in his sensational drama "The Castaways." Dr. Philip, of Listowel, is spoken of, says the Palmerston Telegraph, as a candidate for the, suffrages of the eles. torate of North Wellington for the Do- minion House. J. B. Watson, the temperance agitator, of St. Marys, now edits and publishes a small sheet called' Pen and Platform." It is printed in one of the St. Marys offices. newspaper WcBride, principal of the Strat- ford Collegiate Institute, was last week appointed English master of the Winni- peg Collegiate Institute, his duties to commence at once. Pete Little, of No. 1 Company, 28th Battalion at St. Mary's, has taken his discharge from the company and joined "D" School of Infantry in London for three years, He will play a olarionet in the band. At the polioe court, St. Marys, several boys from Blanshard were arraigned on a charge of entering a sohool-honee and. damaging certain property. They were dieobarged, the mayor allowing the case to be settled out of court. The Mitchell Literary Society has been re -organized for the winter with the following officers :-President, W. Elliott, B. A. ; vice president, T. H. Race ;.secretary, W. S. Ormiston, and managing committee, Dr. Harlbnrt, Wm. Thomson and Dr. Smith. John Thompson, of Nissouri, who has been losing a quantity of poultry of late, went ont in search Saturday morning for the thief with his gun. Ho had got, around the barn and disoovered it to be a snowy owl. He fired at it and dropped the bird. He brought it to Thos. Gor- don to have it taxidermitized. It meas. urea about seven feet from tip to tip of wings. The annual meeting of the patrons of Kirkton creamery took place recently. It was deoidod to carry oat the same ar. rangemente for the coming eeaeon as have been in vogue during the past, viz.: the manager paying the patrons market price, lees 4 cents for manufacturing, With, the understanding that if the season's bettor amounts to over 40,000 lbe. the patrons will receive market price lees 0i conte. Mrs, Wiokie, proprietor of the hotel at Rostock, township of Ellice, was gervod with a notice under the Crook's Act, some time ago, notifying her not to sell liquor to a party resident in that section, Information was laid against her for dis- obeying the ardor, and on Monday she was arranged before Police Magistrate O'Loano, of Stratford. After hearing ovidenoe she Was adjudged gsilty, and a fine of 000 and Bests inflfotecl: __ w facer wt xnm caw ova oslnc , • clocikerE TO GOa3Ft'IE A Loaves Brussels ovary morning instead a of 0001109, as formerly, end Mune trout Garda in the evening, 'Pins rule will bo 'ta- ttered to until further notice, 8, W41.8f1, Proprietor. g STRAY.BD ON THE PREDIISE 8 The' other evening a tiller of the soil from ,Downie earn to St. llary'eand rather than return empty-handed, he "borrowed" a hive of bees from ono of the citizens. Jogging homewards, every ' thing went on merry Os a wadding -bell until the busy boo discovered a change of t leantior and then everything in that par. ar- Ocular hive commenced to hum, The horse wee attacked. The animal became rostloes then unmltuageaLiu nut] finally bolted, demolishing both the hive and wagon. The "honest yeoman" was "marked" by hie booty and next day ap. peered at the polioe•eourt where an in- vestigetion was hold, The verdict re- oorded, Tns Petr is unable to learn, but it ie reported that the farmer will bring suit against the owner of the bees to re. cover damages for "grievous bodily harm" to self and borne. A pemiliarlY ccsad accident occurred on the Dover, north of Brunner, the other day. An old and reepoo'ed farmer num. ed G. Daly owns a farm, part of which is on each lido of the track. He had been driving soma cattle morose the rails and had just got them safely transferred when a light engine carte along, His dog ran oat on the track and commenc- ed barking at the approaching Immo. tive. Evidently fearing that it would be killed the old man ran down to chase it off and as he readied the track he stumbled. Before be could reoover him- self the engine struck and killed him. The dog escaped. Detective Bradley, of the G.T.R., Ivhn was in the vicinity look. ing for informationrat attempt to ate anp wreck a train a short time ago, was with- in a short distance of the unfortunate man when the aecidont happened. No blame can possibly be attached to any. one, and the holding of an inquest was deemed unnecessary. The sad death of Richard Daly, occur- red d ou Thursday, 0 ..1St 1191 about ab ut 8:30 minsin P ., while the act of crossing the railway which passes throegll his farm, near Milverton. Ile was struok by a special going north and was carried about 60 yards and when taken up life was extinct. A slight abrasure on the head and a broken leg were the only marks discernible. Mir. Daly had attain- ed the ripe age of fourscore, surviving bis partner in life about 10 years. He VMS bale and hearty at the time of bis removal and could walk as fast as most men at 20. He wits a native of Ireland and name to this country 26 years ago and settled an the farm where he met his sad death. His family consisted of five sons and two daughters. His son Thos. who lives on the homestead and Mrs. T. Westman are his only children resident in Canada. He was a kind and obliging neighbor, an indulgent father and an ex- emplary husband. His remains were in- terred in the Methodist burying ground at 2 p. m. Saturday and were followed by a large concourse of grief-stricken relatives and sorrowing friends. The last conflict is over, the last sad tribute paid, the last sad sad requietn,euug and Richard Daly has gone home. Canadian Newt, - There is sleighing in Winnipeg. An effort is being made to establish a free library in Ingersoll. The ease of manslaughter growing out of the Walkerton Fair accident ended in the acquittal of the jockey, Vottet, at the Assizes. Edward Bane and wife, of Toronto, spent Setu, day in a carousal and during the night he hacked her to death with an axe and was arrested. Burton Mann, aged 18, of St. Cath- arines, employed on the prop eller Roches. ter, fell from the Erie .freight house deok at Buffalo, and was drowned. The London Township Council, at its last meeting, voted 0157,66 to persons whose sheep and lambs have been killed by doge, besides 08 to the valuator. It is rumored that a company are con- templating baflding extensiye pulp mills at South River, Algoma, as there is a large quantity of pulp wood in that neighborhood and within easy reach of the river. Major Dalrymple, brother of the Earl of Stair, and heir to the title and estates, is in jail at Montreal, because of inability to pay a fine of 08. He is said to have been living at the best hotels and clubs on 1»s reputation. The Guelph parties who reaped some of the harvest at the Erin Fear with e sweat -board and the pea racket, and who will now have to stand the trial, state that 250 fakirs were licensed, and the village authorities cleared $400 for the licensee. 011 Sunday last, Joseph, second eon of Chas. Bract, a farmer in Malden town- ship, took his father's shot gun, went in- to a small outhouse and there deliberate. ly blew the top of his head off, scatter. ing his brains fn every direction. The suicide was 18 years of age, and it is said committed the rash act because of some difficulty with his sweetheart. The Militia Department ere making arrangements for an issue of great coats for sergeants of the permanent corps, whereby a similar style of out and back slash,' with proper piping, will be worn instead of the present style, which upon investigation hag been found to have no uniformity about it, eaoh school having a different baok slash and arrangement of flaps. Mr. Ferran was the purchaser of the real property of the Raney estate, Clin- ton, the figures being 04,310. The prop- erty oomprleea some 88 ogres of land ad- joining the corporation, and eight town lots, with buildings on both properties. They were pet up en bloc. and would likely have realized a greater sum had they been offered separateiy. As it is the sum realized in some five or six len. dred dollars less than a first mortgage, besides which there was a second mort- gage on the same property in favor of George Hanley for five thousand dollars which, of coarse, will not realize any- thing. nything. A few years ago, Angua, eon of Thos. Norman, Kincardine township, although only seventeen yeare of age, was anxious to see the world. After leaving there be resided fora time in Montana, then left for San Francisco and shipped on a whaling voyage to the polar nee While in the frozen omen, his vessel was wreck- ed, and although fortunately reamed by a ship which happened to be in the vicin- ity at the time, Angus lost what pereonal property and money he had. After reaolling Frisco again he shipped for the Sandwich Islande, and since then be has been fu Great Britain, has sailed the At. lantio, and duringthe present immune has been on Canaian fresh waters, Ifo arrived home a hew days ago, a11c1 Was warmly weicomed by his family and. 15. 1* Walton 7P, (l, John Mantle, a eon of Joseph Mantle of Tileonburg, who has not been heard of for 15 years, has 00100 home on visit. He had been in Alaska all that time, and hie relatives supposed him dead, A largo and roprosentetive aloetin woe a held C i ht r to n to sansid or the. ad visabilitl of forming an amateur ntblotia aesooietion club to encourage athletic epode of 0 the t:mime nature, enol provide for the mental and physical development of its members. It was decided to or. ganizwere appointed : Presidenfollowing u1V17aid:soes at once and the b Vice -Pres., H. T. Ranee ; Secretary, F. R. Eodgens ; Exeoutive eommittse, T. Jackson, Ir„ T. F. Roane, J. Mclfnrohie; Constitution and try -laws, J, P. Tiedall, T. G. Veto ; Committee, T. Jackson, Jr„ II, T. Ranee, and T, F. Noelle. When the newsrriv0 n d at Guelph r brat P the Government had refused to grant it reprieve to Harvey Sheriff McKim bloke the news to the doomed man by giving him a nowepaper to read. After looking over the paragraph he expreseed no sur. prise, and presented the same etoieut de - (00000r ho did during the trial, Since his soutanes he has agent his time in reading,, writingand listening to the admonitions of late spiritual advisers. Iu a number of the city pulpits on Sunday prayers were offered for him. Sheriff MoKim left for Toronto on Tuesday to procure a eoaffold and melte other ar- rangements for Friday morning. In the meantime Harvey will spend the re mainder of his short life arranging hie worldly affairs and taking counsel from his spiritnal attend' alts. E.a towel - Walkerton wants Austin's foundry and talk of bouncing the proprietors. Miss Jessie Olimie will teach the 7th ON department of the town school inert year. Business hos been very dell for this season but it may take a turn now for the better. A purse of about thirty-five dollars was made up by about as manly citizens and given Geo. Ford, who has been so unfortunately laid off work with his in- jured hand. The flesh was so badly torn that the healing is very slow and painful and it is feared that ha oner o more fingers will have to be removed. The Standard sage : On Friday after- noon of lust week a race took place in this office between John Purcell, of the Banner, and Wm. Forster, of the Stand. mrd, the former being the ohallengor. Tho number of ems to be set, according to agreement, being 2,912. At 1 o'clock the setting began in good earnest, and at 4 W. Forster had finished the amount required, John Purcell lacking 288 ems. 124esi lnrth. The following is the Auditors' report of the Seaforth creamery -Twenty-ono thousand three hundred and eighteen lbs. of butter had been made during the season. This realized the total amount of $4,622, of which the enm of $8,718 went to the patrons. The average prioe realized for the butter during the season was 24 cents per pound, netting to the patrons nearly 17, Dents. At the last regular meeting of the Sea - forth Caledoxian /Society the following officers were elected : Chief, J. Camp. bell, M. D. ; let Chieftain, Geo. Patter- son ' ; 2nd Chieftain, Wm. y, MoKn erd Chieftain, T. F. Colman ;Chaplain, Rev. A. D. McDonald ; Treasurer, J. S. Roberts ; Secretary, A. K. Dewar ; As- sistant -Secretary, W. J. Fear ; Marshell, Jno. Gillespie; Bard, W. G. Duff ; Pipers, F.Beaton and Geo. Angns, Lon. don. The Society has also decided to bold a grand concert on the evening of January 24th, 1890. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. - GOOD HAY FOR SALE.— Will deliver in quantities to suit pur- chaser. T. PEPPER, Lot 6,0on, 9,Grey. WANTED, SERVANT GIRL to come for a few hours each day. Good wages, Apply to A. B., Posy Publish- ing House. NOTICE 1' TO DEBTORS. A11 parties indebted to the estate of the late Andrew Currie are requested to settle the same by the 28th inst. After that date all unpaid olaime will be collected by pro- cess of laW. BY ORDER OF EXECUTORS. Brussels, Oot.18,1880. 14.11 MOTIOE TO DEBTORS.—NOT. doe is hereby given that all 5008005 in- debted to me are requested to call and set- tle accounts before December 101, as after that they will be ooileoted through the Court. J. A, MoNAUGHTON, M, D„ Sm- ote.16- NOTICE i Notice is hereby given that the outstand- ing amounts due the late firm of Hayeroft & Turnbu1,Brus ale, must be settled by eith- ercaeh or note forthwith. The books are at Ross Bros; store, and they are authorized to give receipts for monies paid. 14- NEW BARBER SHOP.—THE undersigned desires to intimate to the people of Brussels and surrounding country that he has opened a obeying and hair out - ting parlor In Bmale's Block, where be may be found ready is attend to the wanta of the public. Good work guaranteed, 20.11 308EPH LAIRD, STRAYED ON THE PREMISES 1,, Mania, en or about the middle of October four yearling cattle, Three of them aro eteere and the other a heifer. The owner Is requested to probe property, pay capon cog end take them away. EDWARD MULLS - GAN, J.meetown Y.O. n19.433 STRAYED ON THE PREMISES of the nnderelgned, lot 28. eon. 5, Grey, about the month of September, two year- ling steers. Owls rod iii) color and the oth- er gray. The owner is requested to prove Property, nay expenses and take them away. D. W. DUNBAR, Ethel. 17.49 STRAYED. — THREE SHEEP strayed from the promisee of tbo under- signed on Nov, 2rd. They aro all ewes, one year old, and have a small out On the right ear. Any Information leading to their re- covery will be rewarded. JNO,VINOBNT. Lot 12, Con. 10, Grey, 131 mole P. 0, 18.2 STRAYED ON THE PREMISES of rho undersigned, lot 1, 000. 8, Grey, four spring calves (one steer and three heifers). The steer and ono holier aro near- ly all red, and aro the largest of the lot, The others aro spotted rodand white,. The owner 19 0941105065 10 prove property, Day enemies and take them away, 10.1 WM. WoltIC, C TRAYED ON THE PREMISES' 1, of the underal rad, lot 28, oon.8, Morris, (10111 aro stearin and trvo Millings (a helIoo and a steer.) 47rexe is 110 particular mark- ing on any of them. The owner le requoged to mr0vo eroeoriy, ipay, 0a 0n5os and take tUANI1tIvW. O,iRJp`rIOR nulnel!oltefrlends, om away, Of the u a i'u d ] 1 t u dray, o rat l eau 7Or 0 a ono about rboutSeptember 2 tl 0 1 a toe ro 0118 i holler, red and white In color, Thal awn is 1'oqunnted to prove property. Pay ea11"mene end mite her areal. 1110111 MvN1NNON. PATENTS 01,100ats,Bo-iesuoeaud7rado Markae0o ate al131 all rot putout men in the Patent 00150 and before the Courts promptly and oarsfully.Int. of Invention, to, 'Upon r000ipt of model or ekutob of d advl toe, f make careful examination and advleo as to patentkUelityfrae of (Merge, Poon nti secured. I make no , argo unless 'atom is references .ent on advice and epeaial rolereeeoo cont on rappou, 7, 1t, LiTTF,LL, Waehmgton, D,C., 11,5, Patent Olfea, u6 Jersey 131111 for Service. X will pay ae high as 518 for Heifer Calves, 1 month old, from this Bull, prim varying aocordiug to milking gnalltina of their Dams, For further particulars apply at my Drug and Book Store, Brussnie, 20.1 G. A.DEADMAN,Druggfet,&e ROAR FOR SERVIOE. THE .4J undersigned s er' will keep 1 a tharr'.Mor- TBerkshire Terms, $1,00 sorties. o' lot at eon, 0 Mor- ris, Torma,$1.00 to be paid at time 01 eor- vice,with privilege of returning if emiss- ary. JAMES 5.11ITH, Proprietor. 50.2 'MAR FOR SERVICE. — THC undermined willkeep for service a.it0 cor.1, Grey, a thnro'-bred Yorkshire registered pedigree, Terme $1,00 to be paid at time of service, with privilege of returnrog, if necessary. WM. 13E1AERIELL, Prop. 10.1 T 0R SERVICE—THE UNDER - maxim will keep for service on 001 Lot 211, Oon. 7, Morrie, two well bred boars. Ono is a Berkshire and the other a abestor S White. Terms .1.00 to be paid time of 60TVia0 'with thprivilege of rein r11lug,ifnoeos- sury. SA9fL, WALIt7•IR, Se., Proprietor. 14.2mh OAR FOR SERVIOE,-- THE undersigned will keep the tloro'-brad Berkshire Boar' "President," from imported stook ou both sides, for Service on Lot 11, Con. 0, Grey, "Preeidont" Was purchased Int Summer from Jno, Snell Sons, otPldmon- ta u, and is an excellent pie. Terme 51,00 at time of service with privilege of returning it necessary. 20.2m A. SHAW, Proprietor. REAL ESTATE. ARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN. aEnsrotrEn has several good Farms f or sale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Morrie and Grey. P. S. 50 OTT. Brussels. 87-91. rilHB FINEST BUILDING SITE A_ for aresideuoe in Brussels, (metal nine 0110 0000 of land nearly opposite Mr. F, O. Rogers' residence is for Bale at a bargain. 'Apply to W. 00. *0000Am, Bruessola, of to 3110. HARGREAVES, (nor. Queen and Sim• one streets , Toronto. THE RESIDENCE OF J. R. _L Grant Mill Street, is offered for sale, as the family will remove to Winnipeg next Spring. Also the stable used at present by Lott Bros., and a well leaatod building lot on Turnberry street just south of the postoflloe bleak. Forpartioulars apply to MRS. GRANT. 20-tf G00D 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE, -Being composed of Lot 19, Con. 0, Grey. There aro 70 acres cleared. There is a frame house and barn and a- good driving house, also bearing orchard, well, &o. on the premises. The Maitland river remise few yards from the noun. There is some goodrail timber on the tat Tho farm toe between both place ,wd Ethel and is cot far awato both planes, while IIruply 0 not far away. For full particulars , o on the r, reel P. to ABEL TINDALL, 11'rapxte- tor, �thel P. O. SG - `WARM FOR SALE.--111t1NG let i9, eon 10, township of lacy, liurcn Comity, There are leo nom, Eaineua Moored ,old in good state of 0111110011011 On the harm le a utono hoose and frame barn and frame 0001,100,0good bearing orchard and good wall of water. For bother 500ti001000 apple to theproprietor on the 1100111 15991 17•t1 ]JOHN VINI'I1NT, Brussels P 0. 1 FOR OR SALE, BEING LOT Don 9. Orae, (6/01065114 Inn aeaa 15 tilos rda under a 1s and Wu noised timbered. About 70 earn of dry laud and the belauee mew and Week ash swamp. Thom 18 a log bongo o11 the promises. 1yi11 he sold onvcry reasonable terms as :p101010e torolene not require the lot. Per further par - Winters apply to 110133', 0I0LAUCHLIN, Cranbrook, P.O. or ALEX, HUNTER, Bruo. eels, 12 mANNEBY FOR SALE.—THE llrosselo Tanney is offered ler said at 0 bargain, In it is a 15 h, p, engine and 80 h.boil 1'2 p,boiler .15 vats, full sot of tome, with Read bark pipes 15111 and a foil sot of tools, with beating pipes to lanland ect There ith tire about 2 sores o1 laud En nearer than with the sus oor Unmet, No turnery noarar than Weer ar Vence s. est, forma any. For further par- tianlnp's, as to prion, tonna &o„ apple at 87- Tim Pore Publishing Roue, Brussels, T11ARM FOR SALE.—THE SUB. 18. 50008E1 odors hie valuable 100 acre form ,being lot 8, eon. 18, Grey Township Huron Co., for sale, Wore aro about 5d mores aloared and in good heart. There is a log house, good bank barn, healing orchard, and ell the neoesoary oonyoulenaae on the promisee. For further partlaulars, 05 to price, terms, ata„ apply to the Proprietor, THOS,HISLOP, Clare P 0„ N.N.T., or to 2.tt DOUGALD STI1AOHAN.Brusoele, - ARFOR SALE.—THELI. r 3I UN. aersibeetl offers Lot 0, hen farm adjoining Ib containbeing On 50080, about 85 oil which are under cultivation and the balance in bush pasture. There is a oowfortable brisk pot- tage, and largo bank barn on rho promise;, together with au orchard, 5 walls ,anti necws- eary outbuildings. The furor 15 under good cultivation and to 0811 folioed, with plenty of cep Inrro to g N g on tb0 to t. For further t1part'culare , eato ee, ap r WALTER RXOIARDSON, Proprietor, Brea - 0510 r.o. art TJIARM FOR SALE,—THE UN- DEnafeNt:D offers for stile the north east quarter of lot 28, conaeseion 0, Morris, land feet of quality and in 50 high 6tato of cultivation, well fenced end uuder-drained, :5 mores cleared. New frame house, 8 rooms, milk house with °overate wa11a, 2 wells, Ua na gsad r and shod, orchard, etc. Eight t soros cif I1 whet. Thisdesirable propertyabei corporation o1 BeeofSuit- able terms will begiven. Title perfect. JAMES GBD]VE, Owner, 21- Seaforth P. 0. GOOD FARM FOR SALE IN Morrie, on reasonable terms. In order to close the affairs of the oe:ate of the late W. G. Hingeton, the executors offer the fol- lowing valuable lends for sale North half of Lot 80, Concession 5, Township of Morrie, containfug 00 acres. On this lot is emoted a good frame barn with stone foun- dation, good orchard, well and pump. Nerr- lyallaleared, and is on the grave road lovely adjoining the village of Brussels, This farm is a valuable cue, is well fenced and in a good state of oultivation. For pprices and terms apply to THOS. BELLY, Brueeels P. 0., Hamm/ Jnkn:INes, Victoria P. Square rMiddlesex County. t'lrtt„Maple Lodge 200 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. qr t -el tho s aethofarin usolo {nxo0 beingsou h Morris o0. rho County1 1 Huron acing south half o0 •north halt lots ai & 20g and crush 01 of20 ins, h a0 es mostly 200 Acres more or lase, 122 soros mostly clear of stumps and in a good state of cult'. vation, Therese a young bearing orchard,a good house and hank barn 55 x 50 feet wih stone stable underneath, The farm is situ- ated within a mile of the Villagee o t Brussels nulla a good larm for grain or stook raie- ingas 'tie watered with river Maitland and rover failing spring creek. Poesoseion will be given at any time. For further par- ticulars apply on the premises or toA.St. ROBERTSON Brussels, P. 0 5-11 This Space -BELONGS TO - F, C. ROGERS, Who will tell you of the 'Bargains he has to offer in the next issue of THE POST. Look out for his Announcement, E: %A "1... �p{g . BUOI(STORE has just received a stock of New Buoys, New Toys, Nww' Pala, SpECl81 BargaillS in Albums, Magic Lanterns, Drawing Slates, Baskets and a host of Articles. 111111.6......550111111951651611591 �ONTAIiliaLT Two Lead Pencils, a Pen- holder and Ruler, put up in a neat box, for 5 CENTS. The fluuer Monica TO HAND. It Won't Cost You Any- thing to Call and See. Girls'' Own Magazine, Leisure Hour, Boy's' Own Magazine, Chatterbox, Baby- land and other Popular and Standard. Works Received and ready for Sale.