HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-11-22, Page 2ivectory. tosrnoyintaolfe ot)fliovihooaar.-,d, river--',Listeu The little girl who 'wrote on her B.—Sabbath SerVicce examination paper, "The interior 0;30 p. in. Sunday of Afr ea is principally used for pur- in, Bev. John 1 me, poses niece at wiser y School 0 pastor, Sz Jotra's atlaca. Services at 11 a. in, and p. School at 9830 a. in. Rev. W. T. Clu , ineuro. bent, PeUTUOIAST CIVIIC11.—Scubb0111 Services at 10:80 a. In. and 0:30 p. m. Sunday School at 2:80 p. m. Rev. S. Sellery, B. A., B. D., pastor. BM= ClanoLzo Ciresm—Sabbatb. Servioe third Sunday in every month, at 11 a. Rev. P. e. Shea, priest. SeevermeAlint.—Services at 7 and 11 a. m., and 8 p. s. on Sunday and every evening in the week at 8 o'clook. at the barracks. 001)1'm -tows' Levan every Thursday evening, in Graham's block. MASONIC Lams Tuesday at or before full moon, in Garfield blook. Lonon on first and third Monday evenings of each month. FORESTERS' LOWE second and last Mon- day evenings of each month, in Sinale's hall. L.O.L. 1st Monday in every month, in Orange Hall. POET OFFICE.--OfFee hours front 8 a. SS.E1.4$ 1 -)UST Whon a men disagrees with you There are now 65,000 Italians itt it is often beet to Vet Min alone. The seine is true of doh food. The art of putting the right men M the right phase is fleet in the exploration purposes," was salami° of government ; but that of I diens will be eutitled to vote at the han she thought, finding places for the discoutentea Inext Presiaeetel eleetion in the far '1 ) .18 tehmust diffieult.—Tittleyrena. Western Statue. 1 The English langnage is upread- ing. Moist of the !ergo cities of EuroPo 0.U1 Miley smell ones now heve their English iieweps,pers. A woman'e hair may grow to the lengtb of 6 feet. Maio, Hess, of Paris, refused 5,000 francs for her "crown of glory," whioh was about that length. When petroleum was first discov- ered in the 'United States it was bottled and sold for medicinal par- Our aim posen uuder the namo of rock oil. patronage. It was good for rheumatism. There are altogether about sea- 1 ITS A CALM! onteen thousend Arabs this I country, and not 10 per ent• anc1 ascertain our Prices. f 1 them have a settled home or any other means of support than pead. ling. There is 0 spot in Siberia about 80 miens square where the ground NOW York eity, uoarly all of them have male within the past ten years. Ib 19 estimated that 20,000 In. la y (tr. a g "What do you sell oafish for, No gentleman will ever use the young man ?" Young man (wlio is ; power which the knowledge of an not altogether satisfied with the ' offense, a false etep, or unfortunate busioess): "'Geese oan't get netlo tel of W03102083 glYell him ing better to de, ma'am." merely to eujoy the power of The young man who has tried 11 relhating his neighbor. is almost ready to assert that there It is very pleasant to follow ones inclinations, but, Unfortunately, we cannot follow them all ; they are like the teeth sown by Cadmu— they spring up, get in each other's way, and fight,—Landor. Good nature disarms enmity, id - lays irritation, stops even the germ lity of fault-finding. It more than half overcomes envy. A. real good. natured men is the most trouble- aome morsel that the malign p088 - ions ever attempted •to feed upon. Be superior of irritable pereons. Crowds are honest. If you comp- liment au individual man to hie face he'll pretend Glint he does nob liko it ; but tell au audience that it is with unspeakable pleasure that you appear before such a line -look. ing, intelligent body of men, and you will be applauded to the echo. The temperance %%bleb the New Testament comesauds is far-reaoh- ing. 11 10 more than the avoidance of intoxicants. It disuountenances noose, whether in eating, »working study or examinant, The apostle Peter urged the Christians to whom he wrote to add to their faith "tem- perance," which is very properly rendered in the margin "self-con- trol."—Christian Inquirer. is only one thing in this worId harder than to write shorthand, and that is to read it after you boyo, Household Mute, Clothespins boiled a few minutes and quickly dried. once or twice a month become more durable. Apples will not freeze if covered with linen. nor a pie or custard burn if in the oven with a dish of water. Never put potatoes on the table in a covered dish. They will re- absorb their own meleture and be- come soggy. A. ring or two of onion added to tomatoes when they are put on to stew improves the flavor to some tastes. To arrest hiccough close both ears 'With the fingers with pressure while a few swallows of liquid are taken. Caught; may be much alleviated and dry throats -mired by glycerine and lemon juice taken at night. The glycerine should bo diluted. A remedy for burns is a paste of baking soda and water. Take a wet cloth cover with the paste and bind over the burn. Should the paste become dry, wet it from the outside. Shrunken, half -worn bed -blankets or comforts, past using on a bed, make good pads to put under a stair carpet. They will answer the pur- pose just se well as the boughten pads, and be a great saving in the wear of the stair carnet. Painting the kitoben walla en ablee one to wash them off, and in general tends to a neat appearanoe. The paint should be good oil paint, applied ae for out -door work, first sizing the surface to be caated with a solution of ono half pound of glue to a gallon of water. Never wash cups, plates, spoons and.knives used in the eick room with those of the family. Scarlet fever and other infectious diseases have been spread in this way. Do not eat in the sick person's roam or partake of anything that has stood there. To take iron rust out of white goods. Pour a teaetpful of boiling water ; stretch the goods tightly morose the top of it ; then pour on a little of the solution of mile add dissolved in water, and. sub it with the edge of a teaspoon or anything, If it does not come out at once, dip it down into the hot water and rub it again. White merino underelothing, when past wearing, makes excellent wash rags and cleaning -cloths, and nothing makes better holders for either ironing or use about the stoves than cast-off woollen hosiery covered with thick drilling. It is a good plan to make the covers for iron -holders of white drilling in the terra of a bag, then they can be slipped off and washed »when soiled. m. to 7 p. 281. M001288110'8 I0E0I0000.—Reading Boom and Library, in Holmes' bloat, will be open from 8 to 8 o'cloek p. m., Wednes- days and. Saturdays. Miss Minnie Shaw, Librarian. Barssms hold monthly meetings on the 3rd Saturday in each month, at 8 o'clock p. M. TOWS 00t$011.-Bobt. Clrabam, Reeve ; D. Strachan, J. M. McIntosh, 'William Stewart and Wat. Ainley, Councillors; F. S. Scott, Clerk ; iLhos. Kelly, Treas- urer ; D. Stewart, Assessor, and Jas. T. Ross, Collector, Board meets the 1st Monday in each mouth. Samos, Bomtn.—T. Fletcher, (chair- man) H. Dennis, A. Hunter, W. B. Dink. son, S. J. Denman and Jas. Buyers; Seo. -T0880., W. H. Moss. Meetings lot Friday evening in each month. Poetic Salmon Tsicrints.—Jno. Shaw, Principal, Miss Richardson, Miss Hamb. ly, Miss Abraham and Miss Taylor. Boutn or ELEATNII.—Reeve Gahara, Clerk Scott, Jno. Wynn, A. Stewart and T. G. Skene. Dr. Kohnes, Medical Health Officer. — . many 311155. The Irieli mile is 2,250 yards. The riwise nide is 9,158 perdu. Tho Italian mile is 1,766 yards. The Scotch mile is 1,981 yards. The Tuscan mile is 1,808 yards. The a 1 man mile is 8,106 Yards. The Arabian mile is 2,158 yards. Tile Turkisb mile is 1,826 yards. The Flemish mile is 6,869 yards. The 'Vienna post mile is 8,296 yorils- The 11 oma) mile is 1,628 or 2,025 yards. The Werst mile is 1,167 or 1,887 yards. The Dutch and Prussian mile is 6,480 yards. The Swedish and Danish mile is 7,841.5 yards. The Englielt and American mile is 1,760 yarde. Varieti Man is the only animal that draws a salary. There has been another -wedding in Texas, The wounded are doing well. A definition—"Rapa, what is business ?" ',Other people's money, my boy I" Pigs and editors find a living in their pens, but the pigs havo the easier time. The widow of King Luie of Porto gal gets $64,000 a year, and is riL most heartbroken. "How is George getting on ?" "Not eery well. He is a detec- tive you know, and they never get on." "What struck you most in the equatorial regions ?" flaked a gentle- man of a traveller. "The stm," was the reply. "And now," said the colored preacher, "let us pray for the people on the uninhabited proportions of the earth." ",What is your salary, Dr. Stig- gins ?" "My salary," mud the clergyman slowly, "is $8.000. But my pay is about $1.200." Old Lady (ha drug store)—"I'd like to look at some tooth brushes, young feller." Clerli—"Yee, ma'am. Real or false ?" Punotilioue traveller—Now, what ought little boys to say when a gen- tleman gives them it penny for carrying a bag ?" Small boy— "Taint 'nough." At the theatre — "Have you brought your opera glass ?" "Yes, but 1 oantiot use it." "Why not ?" "I have left my bracelets at home." Don't be cast down by misfor- tune. Go to the dog, thou grumb- ler, and observe how, when his tail it cut off, bo cheerfully waggeth the stump thereof. Teaeher : Anonymous means with- out a name ; write a sentence show- ing you unaerstana how to use the word. Sixiall Girl (writes): "Our new baby 18 emonymous." A daily is getting suggestions as to the hest way to keep a husband Nov. 22, 1869. _Arn-exesem-ne.n.rx NOTICE 10 TI-IEU PBLIC. The Undersigned desire to intimate to the Public that they have formed a co -partnership, under the Firm name of Turnbull Sc Ballantyne, and are now conducting the Stove and Tinware Business 'formerly owned by HAYCROFT & TURNBULL. will be to please those favoring us with their has not thawed out for the last 100 years and where it is frozeu to a depth 8260 foot, There are in this country 400 emelt fire insurance companies, about 70 of which havo funds ex- ceeding the million dollar point anal do au extended agency businese. The first railway sleeping oar of which there is any authentic Morin, ation was used on the Cumberland Valley Railroad between Harris. burg and Chambersburg in 1886. Funny eds. Below will be found some ot the oddities in advertising : "Two youug women want wash- ing." "Teeth extracted with great pains "Babies taken and. finished in ton minutes by it country photograph• er." "Wood and coal split." The next appeared. in a London newspaper, wider the head of "For Sale" : "Pianoforte—cottage— seven oo- taves—the property of a lady leav- ing England in a remarkably ole gent case on beautifully carved sup- porters." What does this mean ?— "Bueinees chance.—To be dispos- ed. of—A genuine fried fish businese at the West End." Does the genuineness apply to the fish, to the businese, oe to the way in which they are fried ? And one's mind gets hopelessly dazed over the advertisements offering a large reward for "A large Spanish blue gentleman's cloak lost in the neighborhood of the market." There are others deliciously in- consequent, like the advertisement of a runaway, which furnished this valuable hint for identification :— "Age not precisely known, but looks older than he is." Or the notice a shoemaker put on his door "Shall be back in ten days from the time you see this shingle." Some, however, leave no loop- hole for doubt :-- "Babies after taking one bottle of my soothing syrup will never ory any more." And an editor pufftng air -tight ' coffins said :—"No person having once tried one of these air -tight coffins will ever use any other." • 0808 00 ElareitiLLTIoN. Seattle, Wash., has 200 lawyers. The States contain 3,200,000 square miles. The postal card was twenty years old on the 1st of this month. Chicagoans olaim that Chicago covers an area of 174 square miles. A. new slot machine returns your nickel if you blow 800 oubio feet. The new suspension bridge at Niagara Fella is 1,260 feet long and 17 feet wide. The head of the Mormon church is a Connecticut Yankee, 82 years old. Of 0,000000 Germans living away from Father land 7,000,000 ate in America. The Argentic Republic has the greatest debt per capital of any nation in the world. President Johnston issued his protlamation declaring the Civil War ended April 2, 1866. The gold minas in Australia and neighboring islands in 1888 was valued ab £5,508,558. Canada's production of minerals last year amounted to $15400,000. The most valuable product was coal. There has been a marked bead. Good Words. . in The wit is what you hear, not in what the speaker says. The world owes every man a liv- ing, but it doesn't owe any man any other man's living. To explain to him who loves not is but to give him the more plenti- ful material for misinterpretation. A. principle that cannot bear be- ing laughed at, frowned on, and ooldoihouldered, is not worthy of the name. I never have eeen an idea too big for a sentence, but I have read thousands of sentence') too big for an idea. He who wants good sense is un- happy in having learning, for he has thereby more ways of exposing himself. The man who is always in a berry is the very man who, at the end of a life -time, hth as e least to show for it. The Advance aptly says : "The line of dividing genuine helpfulness from downright meddleeomenees is, sornetimee, very narrow." What is hole? The advantage of being known by people of whom you know nothing, and for whom you care AB little,—Maxims to Live By. Hope nothing from "luck" and the probabilities aro that you will be forewarned and forearmed that all shallow observers will call you luelty. When one sake the canna of the ewe in the use of the French lang :Ma . asses of great generals ono is tutge at Montreal daring the last at home evening& In some eases astonished to find that they did, ten years. Foemeely it was the the best Way 18 le have the wife go everything necessary to home prevalent tongue, but nOW the Eng. out and call on the neighbor& thero.—Napoloon I. Mk predominate& TURNBULL 4' B,ALL,IN TY NE. Jos. BALLANTYNE. JAS. TURNBULL. m..31,crormootne.,-cr.-^ww, • -• • - meacannsao MST 7THEL FLOUR Buis. Tho undersigned having completed the change from the stone to the celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has now the Mill in fie Was Cain, A boy came running into a store on Monroe avenue the other day and called out : 'Does anyone here own that horse around the corner ?' ,I own a horse,' replied the man ae be come forward, and I hitched him around the corner.' 'A big bay ?' 'Yes.' 'Hitched to a buggy ?' 'Yes.' ,Well, he's run awity.' 'Has, eh ? What way did he go ?' 'Up Croghau.' 'Did, eh ? He ought to have taken a woodpaved street. Did» he run fast ?' ,Awful fast.' ,Thet's good, 7 always thought he could run. Well, I'M much ob- liged, and here is a dime, and (turn- ing to the clerk) you may out off enough of that to make two feather ticks, I've got to go down town, and. if the horse should circle around back have him wait for me.' First -Class Running Order and will be glad to see all his old customers and as many new ones as possible. Flour ana :Feed. Bill Nye And The Cow. When I was young and. used to roam around over the country, gathering watermelons in the dark of the moon, I used to think I could rnilk anyboily's cow, but I do not think sa now, I do not milk a cow now unless the sign is right, and it haan't been right for a good many years. The last cow I tried to milk was a common now, born in obscurity— kind of a self made cow. I ramie m• ber her brow was low, but she wore her tail high, and she was haughty, oh, so haughty. I made a commonplace remark to her, one that is used in the very beet society, one that need not have given offense anywhere. I said "So"—and she "soed." Then I told her t "histe"--and she "lust- ed." But I thought she overdid it. She put too much expression in it. Just then I heard something crash through the window of the barn and fall with a dull, Wakening thud on the outside. The neigh- bors orae to see what it was that caused the noise. They found that I had done it in getting through the window. I asked the neighbors if the barn was still standing. They said it was. Then I naked it the now was injured much. They said she seemed to be quite robust. Then I requested them to go in and calm the cow a little and see if they could get nay plug hat off her horns. I am buying all my milk now of a milkman. I select a gentle milk- man who will not kick, and I feel as though I could trust him. Then, if he feels as if he could trust me, it is all right. .wayB on liana. Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good Grain. WM. MILNE. T.d.M:1193=030aRPC6[112...,==.1=V2=39 OST BOOKSTORE A lizard 12 inches in length has been removed from a citizen's water tap in Hamilton. Hamilton water ia both meat and drink. It is estimated that Kent will give to the world a surplus of 800,- 000 barrels of apples this sewn for whieh the amen will receive $400- 000. A gentleman walking along one of the main Weds of Ganamoque 11 few evening ago picked up what he allpp086a was & kitten, It wasn't the kind of a kitten ho took it for, and the result was he had to bury a suit of clothes, It was a skunk and a very playful ono at that. To make room for Christ- mas Goods a SPECIAL Discount will be made on all TOYS in Stock. A ,'i 7G1'11,4 ALL THE .ScHOOL, BOOKS ALWAYS ON HAND. 1344...I.LEKC7IVES 331131wER a4 learn Before PUBORABING Elzewhere. 4 17'3' eV -1 404403000 Ygo