HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-11-8, Page 8C) 1 J 11✓ 1_iI l 1 .t -'QST isissemmonaMensamiresselreeineworasora moria se tomrnnavreierrasemieramersoinuwearernaveor aareasa travmenerrwcnxm ana;arensi vnnsn ttotutva m*,sirrs P. 4 r +r. Y ^ - I . () N l +J .AM We sril1 iia+ a quantity of bib: t- c1L4ils Pxtruated and Comb Honey. TVe can guarantee it Euro and of the Best Quality. 124c. per lb. 111 small lots, or less if you take a € wtni icy. We Have just re- .veivcd a Stook of 1)0H11tLTV Organ Books! Ma if you are requiring ono of these Music Books we would be pleased to supply you. G. A. DE•ADMAN; Druggist, Bookseller, &e. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. S00TlixnN EXTENSION W. G. & n. Trains knee Brussels Station, North and South, as follows : 0016G 600TH. Gomel NORTH. RUB-- :02 a.m. Nixed 9:20 a.m. Exprese.....1n05 a.m.) nail Afrxed .... .., 8:15 p.m. , Express 9:40 p,01. '1'Ilcili ``. elU5 :.e111S. _ W wife ........... ), at e. may, Bruce County, and 14 n.wnv at Ver. Ottawa Las bad a cobweb gonial in oon.. fluor. 1Y 1'.nu.� ng •,.•,r •• -• ,:'f'li,ni,. lLtW:u1illg 1119 YN18ter'e silver guo new wher.. Ihet•e 1n a o0itlpetltloll b9- iiDetielr with Mt Anrllt'W'1l elnwob. 1611 I wedding. Cl pent Sunday iu Wood twaen tl101tobMd Waterous and Silebv not stated how many flies wort: caught. stock. Sous of our hotel -keepers are going to ; lire light0r the town will put their money ; from his garden a Swedish turnip weigh. get themselves lath trouble if the law 1'e.-'� In. \Vo have no doubt about how the lag :f1J Iba., and a oabbago weighing 84 ' ferring to selling liquor le miners is not competition will terminate as there is no .lbs. lire engine taanufaotelad that clan do the ; Messrs. Lewis, Worry and Blank shot a largo eaglo lart week near Port Bow- ie mauville, It measured 7 feet from tip ke- to tip, Tho accommodation train of the G.T. R. streak a herd of 17 cattle near Walk. erville,killing half of them and maiming the rest so tliey lord to bo shot. A chief's among ye Lakin' notes. An' faith he'll prent 0. - - 1911•ORT,LNT ANNOUNCEMENT. As we desire to add at least two he:wired New Snbseribero to our 1lst before the 1st et December, we have decided to give Tau POST from now until the 1st of January, 9891, for the price of one year, viz,. 01.50. New subscribers will thus got nearly three months for nothing. This is a splendid chance which should be taken advantage of at once. Por the encouragement of our present sub- scribers to use their influence with their friends andnoighbore. we make the follow- ing offer : We will allow any subeariber a commission of 25 cents cash for each new name sent us at the rate of 31.50 from now till the first of 1801. There Is scarcely o sub. scriber ou our list who could 1101 send us two or three names if they were to try, and by so doing they would be benefitting tb our- selves as well cane. Matte an effort. Soo who will send in the largest list of now names. We Intend in the course o1 a few weeks to 80nln1cacc another new continued story h eribere as possind WO would ble before wt e comay15000 this story so that all may get the full bens. lit of it. Te every person sending us Prvo now sub- scribers we 10111 present them with "'rhe CanarUan Farmcr;0Manunl of Agriculture" as excellent volume of nearly 600 pages, well hound and containing the moat valuable information. Tboretui pries of this book was 82.50. 008009 of farmers sons should take advantage of this otter and secure this Valuable Work. The book may be soon at our Mdse. If they perter the commission, as offered above, it will be :alright. w. we c utr:. lay , nnninre. Thin cnntost is to sortie 1v11491n 11rID. Hargett, of .11POISIn,i(hatri, pulled better obeervod. PAIR of shoos found, Owner may have them by proving property and paying for this notice by applying at Tae POST Publishing Rouse. MESSRS. STEWART & Lowlolr received three carloads of Manitoba wheat Inst week. It will be manufaotnred into flour at their roller mill, Rumen= Leatherdalo will not be undersold by anyone, so to compete with °there he ie offering you his goods at coat on Saturday, the 0th Inst. Tun diamond ring given away by the Diamond Medicine 'Co., on Saturday evening, was drawn by Geo. Halliday, of Scarff & Ferguson's store. CALL in at Leatherdale's and see his goods and get his prices. He will sell you anything on Saturday at cost, and you Gannet beat filet any place. ARTHUR VEAL'S furniture has been bought from the largoetfactoriea inOnnada for cash, made from the best kiln dried lumber and warranted for 6 years. POSTMASTER FARROW will keep the post - office open every Saturday evening until 8 o'clock to accommodate the public. Other evenings it olosee at 7 o'olook. ArsLEs.—Baldwins, Spies, Russets, Pippins, Quintlies, Snows, Greenings, Spitz, Tolman Sweets and ether varieties °beeper than any where ei to hi Brnseels. ADAM GOOD. needle in her finger on Saturday and on Tuesday of this week she fell and sprain- ed her elbow. Truely troubles never I come afngly, Tire Alexander family will make their home in Toronto henceforth. Mies Rachel and her brother Willie left Bins- sels nn Tuesday and Mrs. Alexander will follow shortly. •� THE stage for Wroxeter and Gerrie now leaves Brussels at 8:80 a. m. instead of the evening. It returns between 6 and 7 p. m• This Ghana° will hold good un- til sleighing, probably. Os Monday Wm. Blashill placed his street lump In position in front of his shop. A few more snob moves would make a big improvement in Brussels as far as dark nights are concerned. TAX COLLECTOR Ross wishes to remind the taxpayers that their taxes are now due and wants them to pay up. This applies with equal force to those having poll tax to pay. Call in and see him. TRE Mann used at the Charity concert is a new upright, Bell, from the ware rooms of A. Veal. It will be offered for sale at the auction sale of furniture on Saturday afternoau of this week. It is a good one. A. mos Thanksgiving service in Knox church en Thursday at 11. a. in. Rev. S. Sellery, B. A., B. D., preaches and other ministers of the place will assist. There will also be it service in St. John's church ut the same hour. Rnv. G. B. Bowie, of Knox 'thumb, is expected to give a lecture in the Orange Hall, Belgrave, next Tuesday evening commencing at. 7:80, on 'The lands of the Bible, customs, etc.' The leotarer will appear in Oriental costume. Mise LoTTIE SatsLE 'eft Brussels last Friday noon for Waterford where she purposes making her home for a while with her brother Hendy. On Thursday evening a large number of her friends held a sort of a farewell reunion. NExr Sabbath morning Rev. S. Sellery will preach on "Self Denial," and in the evening on "Do thyself no harm." The reed. gentleman delivers an address at the Thanksgiving tea in the Methodist church, Seafortb, on Thursday evening of this week. BDTOHEenie.--Dan. McDonald is pre- pared to do butchering for either farm. 0rs or townspeople. He has had an ex- perience extending over several years in this business and knows how to do the work well. Applications made at A. Currie's butcher shop will be attended to promptly. ASTER taking over a month to consider the question of purchasing a few street lamps the Council actually stretched n point last Monday evening and ordered a lamp to be placed near the bridge. There is such a thing as being penny wise and proud foolish in making necessary im- provements. Ir you want anything in furniture, organs, window shades, picture frames, sewing machines, or anything in his line, go to Leatherdale's on Saturday, the 9th Inst., and yon will get it at Dost. Re- member this is no sham, he means what he says. Anything delivered free in the country. R. LEATHs8DME. BIHLE Scanar6.—The annual meeting of the Brussels Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society will be held in St. John's church on Monday evening of next week, 11th inet., commencing at 7:80.o'olook. Rev. ,I. G. Manly, the Per. moment Agent of the Society will deliver a lecture on "Nineveh and Israel." There should be a large attendance at the meet- ing. INSTEAD of putting on the customary shingle roof E8. Danford has arranged with Meseta. Turnbull &Ballantyne; of this place, for a galvanized steel roof for his new brink residence. This will be the first of the kind in Brneeols but they are said to be the very thing "the doctor ordered" and will wear almost everlast- ingly. iernono Erna was committed to jail for six months owing to his having no visible means of support. Constable Scott accompanied him to the Co, town on Taeeda afternoon. Kerr is in poor health and without friends and le a fit subject for a Hense of Refuge' if the members of the County Council would only do their duty and provide this very necessary structure. WELL+DIaeING AND DRmLIuG.—George Biot hoe all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction, Wells cleaned oat and put in proper shape. Terme reasonable, Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Ternberry et., Brussels. 48.11 MRs. MUNE LE Box got a sewing Tiros. HILL was in Wingham over Sun. day. ALEX. SMITE 15 away in Toronto this week. Sastre sells pare sugar syrup, just like honey. Simon sells tho cheapest and best goods in town. BEENE keeps pare groceries and sells them cheap. $1.50 gets Ton Pear from now to 1110 end of 1890. J. H. SDAnLING, butter -maker, is home from Neustadt. J. A. (J5010HTON Wee home from Pal. merston for Sunday. Mits. BRENT is away in New York State visiting her daughter. HARRY WHIILEY is making a visit with his relatives in town. Fon Sum, 500 pairs rubbers. Woman's 33 conte. ADAM Goon. Corm and gee 8kene'a meltons, the best and cheapest you can get. SEE our sealette at 50.50, best value in town. Scarff & Ferguson. Miss ETHEL CREIGHTON has gone t0 Galt and Hamilton on a visit. Mies GIBBON, of Toronto, who was visiting here left last week for Clinton. SOARS' & FERGUSON are selling ladies' meters at $3, $4 and $5, worth $5, $7 and 59. Nair subscribers are rolling in but we want hundreds more yet before January let. Rev. R. PAUL was away at Londeebero' last Sabbath supplying for Rev. J. Fergu- son. LanrnEODALE will sell you anything in his line at cost on Satxrday, the 9th inst. Rev. G. B. How3E's subjeot next Bab. bath evening is "The Jordan's birth- place." No one to buy in goods, everything at coat at Leatherdale's on Saturday, the 9111 inst. Mose ArrnaHAaz returned on Monday from attending her sister's funeral at Stratford. 25 enure, in advance, gets Tun POST from Oct. let 50 Jan. let 1890. See your neighbor. BEE our beautiful Robe Drees Goods at 25 eont6, really worth 40 ate. Boarff & Fergneon. Oroocreeyou are going to Arthur Veal's big auction sale of furniture and musical instruments. Ir you want an organ at your own price go to Veai'a auotion sate on Saint. day, Nov. 015 GREAT line dress geode to hand to -day which we are selling at 170, worth 80. Some & Ferguson. Goons are not got up for auction but of the very heat, and everything warrant. ed at Leatherdale'e. Tog Dominion Vetere' List Court will bo held in the Town Hall, Brussels, on Saturday of this week. W. If. McOltac1EN's grocery is receiv- ing a thorough renovating and the whole interior a dress of paint. MISS MAIM BEOAneooT is home from an extended visit to Brantford. She reports having a very enjoyable time. A. McAixnon, who has been in G. A. Deadman's drug store for several months, left for Walkerton last Friday. DoN'T forget the Charity Oonoert the Town Ilall, on the evening of Thanks- giving han giving day. The tickets are only 20 Dents and everybody el;ould be interested in ite 0000085. In another Oolumn the inter- esting program may be read. The money received is deposited in the Bank and ahequod out by a Committee of the W. 0. T. U. to persons needing assietanos.. If you approve of the object give a prac- tical illustration of it by attending the concert or by purchasing a few tickets if you cannot go to the Hall. An amusing scone was witnessed in the Town Rell last Saturday evening, 0151. a pie eating contest, Three boys, Albert Blaehill, Ephraim Downing and Jno. Street, volunteered to undertake the job. Three pies were placed on the table after which each boy had his hands tied be- hind bis book. 0110, two, three was counted and then there was a dive for pie. Downing Dame out rioter in four and one-half minutes and scoured the prize, $1.00. If you think it is an 0aey teak try it at your home some time. NOW THEY FLAT THEM WINes.—"Mit- °hell is the only olub in these parte that can wallop the Brussels team."—Mitchell Advertiser. "If they get a battery from Toronto, a couple of basemen from Lon. don, a couple more from Exeter, another from Lucan and pink np two or three more from Greaten, and call them by Mitchell names, they might then be in a position to do the above "walloping act." -St. Marys Argus. "If the Mitoholl team did gather np some players it was to prevent St. Marys from getting them, knowing that they were le the habit of doing so. This is a fact ; the Mitchell baseball team has, and Dan, wallop the St. Marys team on a fair square game, and don't you forget it, Mr. Argus. The town of the Saints was only beaten in their owngame, they started this "gathering up" bueinoss.—Mitobell Ad- vertiser. OnismeAL STATISTIoo.—The Official re- turns of criminal statistics show a com- mendable absence of the serious crimes of murder, attempted murder, eta., in the county of Huron, for the year 1888. Under the heading of "Assaults. against the person" it showe that two assaults were made upon females, mere than en- ough, certainly, and yet few, considering the evil tendency of human nature in this direction ; 2 oases of obstructing a peace officer ; only 1 of assault and bat. tery ; burglary 0r having burglar's tools, 1 ; 4 cases of rubbery; 1 case of horse, cattle or sheep stealing ; 25 cases of lar. oeuy ; 4 of false protenees •, 1 of escape from prison ; 1 of arson ; 1 of forgery ; 1 of . felony ; 4 of conepiraoy. The total number of summary convictions and cases subject to trial by jury, in the county, was 806 ; out of the 89 counties in Ontario there are 20 that have a lower number than Huron. L. 0. L.—The 288 anniversary of the Gunpowder Plot wile celebrated in Brus- sels last Tuesday evening by the holding of a social in the Lodge room. It was a social in earnest and the largo oonpany spent a most enjoyable evening. After refreshments had been served the master of the Lodge N. Wilson) made a few introductory remarks and moved, second. ed by John Mooney, that B. Gerry take the chair. Mr. Gerry did not take up any time with a chairman's speech but at once entered on the program which was as follows :—Song "Remember boy you're Irish," by W. H. Willis ; address, by Rev. J. L. Kerr ; solo, "Gates ajar," Mrs. W. F. Stewart ; a brief communi- cation from J. H. Young, of Moosomin, a former well known resident of town and a leading member of the Order ; address by Rev. S. Sellery, B. A., B. D. ; song, "The red, white and blue," by B. Gerry, with oborus by the audience ; addreee by Postmaster Farrow, ex -M. P. ; solo, "Far away," by Miss Minnie Gerry ; address by Rev. W. T. Cluff ; National anthem. Before the program commenced W. R. Mooney and W. H. Willis contributed two instrumentals on the organ. B Gerry afforded considerable amusement by showing the company how they fed the t " "goaThe gathering broke up about 11 p. m. DIED,—On Thursday morning of last THE largest stock in the county and week Maggio, sister to Mise Abraham, anything will be sold at lost on Saturday I teacher in Brussels pnblio school, died at the Oh Inst., at Leatllerdalo's. 1 her home in Stratford, at the early age Iv yon have built a new house lately 1of 20 years. The abuse of her death was go to Veal's auction sale and furnish it i typhoid fever with which she was afflict - with futnitere at your own price. LAs% Sunday a pansy was found in full bloom in James Turnbtill'e garden, Join) ed for nearly three weeks. The funeral took place on Friday afternoon. Mise Abraham was a very estimable young PRESENTATION.—Leet Friday evening the officers and teachers of Knox Sunday School met at the residence of Alex. Sbraohan, Thomas street, and presented Mrs. Strachan with a rattan rocking chair. G. A. Deadman, Superintendent, read the address, which was as follows: Mrs. A. Strachan, DEAn FRIEND.—It 'is with pleasure that we, as teachers and officers of Knox church Sabbath school, present you with this ohair as a token of our esteem and our appreciation of your labors 'with us. We unite in wishing you much enjoyment in the possession and use of the same. As oo-worker together with Clod, we pray that you may abide in Him, and that His word may abide in you ; that you maybe faithful unto death, and so receive the orown of life. We wish you both much joy in your present relationship, and trust that your fellowship may be also with the Father and with. His Son Jesus Christ. We would command you to Him who is able to keep you from falling, and to pre. sent you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy. Above all we desire that yonr souls may prosper and be in health. Asking you to remem. ber ns as your friends, we would subscribe ourselves the Teachers and Offisere ,of Knox Ohuroh S. S. • Mr. Straohan made a brief, but appropri• ative, reply. The host was a1lso the recipient of $20, in gold. After super there was vocal and instrumental seloo. tions of music.. Rev: G. 13. Howie sang a song in one of the Eastern languages, Wo can't tell you a solitary word he said. Fess Dern.—At the Parsonage, Londoe• bore', on Nov. 2nd., the wife of Rev, J. Ferguson of a son. Mrrennmm.—AtMolesworth, On Oct. 27111, the wife of Mr. Bobert Mitchell of a daughter. 151000Tone09,—In Winnipeg, nn the 2715 of September, the wife of Mr, Albert Mc3utcheoo, of a daughter. =ar7S:a- ABRAIHAM. —In Stratford, on Oot. '30th, Maggie, daughter of Johnston Abra- ham, aged 20 years. MEs9mt.—In Bluevalo, on the 401 inst., Aggie Henderson, daughter of Wm. Messer, merchant, aged 18 years, 4 months and 16 days. WEDNESDAY, Nov 18T11.—Auction sale of farm stook and implements, Lot 18, Oon. 12, Grey, at 1 o'clock p. in. Adam Kressler, proprietor, A. Reymann, enc- tioneer. THURSDAY, 1011 inst.—Auction sale of farm Stook and implements, Lot 7,'Con. 2, Grey, at 11 o'clock a. m. Henry Green proprietor, Goo. Kirkby Auc- tioneer. �.c^v'rTSSE2+S 24B72,=1-7TS. Fall Wheat 75 82 Spring Wheat 78 82 Barley 38 46 Oats 24 25 Peas...... .. .. 51 52 Butter', tube and rolls14 15 Eggs per dozen 17 00 .Flour per barrel 5 50 00 Potatoes .... 35 00 Hay per ton.. ... .. 7 00 8 00 Pork , . .. 5 50 6 00 Hides per lb 2 3 Salt per bbl., retail1 25 00 Sheep skins, each 60 1 00 Wool, per ib 18 20 Premier illeroier at Montreal on Tues. clay distributed the 5400,000 voted' in the Jesuit Estates Ant. Fifsqy miles more of the Morris wail Brandon branch of the N. P. & Manitoba Itailway have been opened for traffic. Ilon. Joseph Martin has been formally gazetted head of the Manitoba Education Department, with Dr. E. A. Blakeley, of Winnipeg, as lila deputy. In the suit of George Law against the Grand Trunk on account of the Paris afoot. That' f not bad for Nov, 3rd. . ladyand boy deosaee is read regretted. accident, the jury 0t for killing returned greatly 5 a verdict of $18b00 for the killing Of the •VBA°, will sell about 200 of Shone 61653111 . BoonttgG.--In addition to galling, two plainbiff'a mother and a consent verdict linen window blinds with patent spring Ieiro Bnginos to the Nova Sootiane 3. D. 1 of $900 was entered for the (loath of reliefs at his solo on. Saturday, Nov, 9111, Ronald has olosect a contract with Mild. itis oon. 1 son..44-w,ame.mrtm Yt28—'a, GTS. Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Oats 76 82 78 89 24 25 Peas 50 52 88 45 335 40 14 15 17 00 30 85 5 50 6 00 4 50 6 50 Hay 7 00 8 00 Wood, per cord 2 50 4 50 Sheepskins, each 40 57 Barley Potatoes Butter, per Ib Eggs, per dozen Apples, per bushel Hogs, dressed Beef VETERINARY. TN0. D. WARWICK, V. S. el (SUCCESSOR TO P. W. O'BRIION, V.S.), Graduate and Honcrary Pellow of Ontario Veterinary College, will bo pleased to ex- amine *with the greatest care and prof0s- atonal skill any eases entrusted to ;his charge. 05100 and infirmary—O'Brien'e old staud,2 doors north of bridge, Turnberry et., Brussels. Nov. `, 1.441.1 . —PVT A 3OTT' f I ".. . y_..-..... .G1XTyt SYRUP O JC' TAR.-_...._.--- — .9lrJkr_ --WILD CHF HF For that Cough of Yours PEPPER'S DRUG STORE, Opp. Queen's Hotel, Brussels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. 'M. SINCLAIR, • SOHoitor,Conveyancer, Notary Pub- lic, $•a. Oillce—Graham's 101001,1 door north of Pepper's Drug Store. Private Funds to Loan, Wi� E. WADE, 1'.I • Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Pub- lic. Conveyancing. Collect:one and Loanlug. Air. Wade will attend in Gerrie every Wed- nesday at two o'clock, �IOKSON & HAYS, (Late WWI Gamow &Proudfoot,Goris- rloh,) linrrisl urs, Solleitors, Conveyancers, &o. Offices—Tirusaole and Sear orbit, Bras sola Office, ]lugers' Bleak, MAW St.. Money to Loan. n. 9.11500, W. It. nlex9ON. AM. TAYLOR, B. O. L. . Barrister, Ssliu!tOr, Ro., of the firm of Taylor, McCullough & Bums, Barristers 801io1ytorn, 80., Manning- Araado, Toronto. Money to loan. ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Pourth Division Court, Co, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public, Laud Loan and Insurance Agent. Funds invested and to loan. Collections made. Oillee in Graham's Bloch, Brussels. BUSINESS CARDS. T\RESSMAIING OVER MRS. IfmR's store. MISS 71 S I:. & E. Ma- NAUGHTON. H. S1oCRAOKEN, R' V' • Ismer o tatmminge Licenses. OiBoa ab his Grocery, Tnruberry street, Brussels 'pp• N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist* Shop—Next dour south of A. M. Mo'liay & Co's hardware store. Ladies' andohllttren's ]Lair cutting al pocialty. A choles stock of cigars kept A McNAIR, Issuror Of Alarriage Lieonsoe, by appointment or Liout,-Governor, Commis - &e., Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent Piro Insuranoe Oo, :Mace at the Oranbrooh Post 0fi1ce, ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. MISS M'OOLL & MRS. CARSON have started a first -°lase prase and Mantle Making Shop over Straohan Bros.' store. As Mrs, Canon nate by the beet American Tailor System andhas worked in Toronto for a number of years a perfect at and good satisfaction isguaranteod. Parties who are good sewers taught to out and fit in s, few days. i'Appreni10 es wanted, RANKItt+'. :INTO51i & .110'1'.1 tiix 1RT.— BANKERS, • BRUSSELS, Traasao,et a. CFes0era,l 73.>,ralcisi;,y+ NOTES DISCOUNTED. O,x:nlinn and lunito 1 014.+ Ewa 4 beugbr and sold. In forest allowed on Deposits, 0ollcefions 1ltadc on /avant/de terms. Canadian Agents— A1EM,RANr's BANK or CANADA. New York Ageets—IArren'muts AND TRAD- ERS NATIONAL BANE. DENTAL. t)mSTTT_STMi G. L. Bali, L. D. S. Nitros OKI is i" ed. ministered for the Painless L.,t1:I0tieo n1 Teeth. 74 Gerrard Street East 'L':,n nate. ID :al STT t C.c W. 7, Pear, 1,, D. x., Graduate -of Toronto Soh0o1 of Dentistry. A11 operations guaranteed. t.:—rArtillcial teeth, first quality, and a guaranteed fit, for 012.09 per sot. 0111oe—CAnx's 73500x, SE/bream 3-7..L' . 7ciffBX3T3:16-. u = Honor Graduate of the Royal College or Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Nitros Oxhle Gas administered for Lha PLLhnless I'lxtraction of booth. 01loe-- ta0'ONN DOOR NORTH Or BANE, 13nrra:'l:I.,', V EDIOAi. GARDE. TM. ft. OALE, M. D., O. Member of the College 011'1:yeclan and Surgeons of Ontario by exen:inatio n Odice and Residence—Alain etreot hast, Ethel, Ontarie. TA. MCNAUGIJTON, M. D. C. M., i. R.11. P., Edinburgh, 51. C. P. S. Ont. At Popper's Lrug Store from 9 to 11:30 a. m. and from 1:30 to '0 i'. m, At other hours may bo found at his residence, form. erlyoccupied byDr. llutchineon, Alilt et. AUCTIONEERS. GEORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Sales onnduot' odon reasonable torma. Forma mud farm. stock a specialty. Orders left at THE POST Publi ehingHouse, Brussels, or sent to waltnu P. 0., will receive prompt u.Mention._ A RAYMANN, • • Auctioneer, is always ready to at- tend Dales of farms, farm stook, &a. 'Pointe cheerfully given. Oranbrook P.O. Sales may be arranged at Tee Pow Publishing House, Bruseele. PRICES TALK But Prices Cry Aloud in this Case ! We've squeezed them down so low at The Great Cost Price Sale the .lone to be remembered b Sale now pointe on at , t ALL ,OUR GOODS MUST, BE SOLD by the 1st of December, as I' am leaving Brussels to, start Business again in ' Brandon, Manitoba. We will hold -An Auction Sale every Satutrd.ay Afternoon: Terms of :Sale Cash unless special arrangements are made with Customers pur- chasing large amounts. A_ edtht C*0**,4411) 4 4 Remember the Sale we had when leaving Ethel ; also the Sale of t, ilne's Stook. Those two were great, but this one will be greater, as I have.. $13,000 Worth of New Fall Goods to dispose of. 7