HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-11-8, Page 51 Noy, u, 1889. THE BRUSSELS POST' 7.00r-swi.pprximaeq:Faaa.auteztEr: emgeonetomeg'"`r-aug _ ffzueomn aCs`eer. liner°'.' '...e.wmaremrd't*Z Ssx7rrzn2"isa.9xssra!ts:,;S'a1r' x 4 1635,tL' alt :130, ea. /ion to the full mimeo, at the nominal One plttau dealers aro oomplaruur of y nun at 26 nuts 7'hoy httv,' net ut view n t ant but Money to Loan, t eearcity of nota lot• u1npinng purpasoa the mens m,tttev of �tnaue a gl f k'.IIID41, riot I JJU3I1B t3 1880.____ y Dxun.--La8GMonday death vilified the home of William Matter and milled away his c1 i hter Aggie. She had been ill for about a year with consumption. The funeral waa on Wodnea6ay. The eel. ativoa have the sympathy of the com- innndty. 11., ilii. Street lamps are badly needed. Reeve ) elly is away at Winnipeg. G.13. Phillips is away on visit to Detroit. Joo. Bell was appointed tax collector for 1880 at a salary of 840. On Tuesday, Nov. 6, the Orangemen of this village oelubrated the anniversary of the "Gunpowder plot" by attending divine worship in Trinity church. Sas. Emigh, Ab. Somers and Charles Frazer have gone to Cleveland, Ohio. The two former take positions as con- ductors on the street care, the latter a situation iu a maohine shop. The following officers were elected in commotion with the Temperance Lodge : 0. T., G. B. Phillipe ; V. T., 0. Moffabt ; S. J. T., J. Maguire ; Seq., R. Mathere ; 1r. S W. Taman ; Trees., M. 7. Sims ; G., 19. Fraser ; S., One. Somers. Thu following are the allicers elected for the ensuing term in the 1l. 0l. F., Blyth :-0. B A. McNally ; V. C. R., J. ill. Rose : Tions., 11. t3omera ; See., J. W. Bell ; 1 in. -See.. J. T. (lartet ; Chap., John Magill ; S. W., W. Leavy ; J. W., R. Tover ; S. 11., E. Newcombe ; T. B„ It. Howard ; Physician, W. J. Milne. Extensive preparations are being made for the opening sertioos of the baodsome, new Methodist church no 'Shankigiving day. Rev. Dr. Potts will preach at 2 o'clock end in the evening there will be a tea mooting, with addresses, inusio, &e. Next Sabbath the church will be dedioat. ed to the worship of God by the Rev. J. Ill. Howell, 1f.A., President of Conference, the dedicatory sermons being preached at 30:80 a. m., 2:80 and 6:80 e, m. Mentor:h. Clark & Engram has purchased the bakery business from W. H. Boyd. The Addition to the waterworks is being pushed along rapidly and the work will soon be completed. The Bight Bev. Bishop Baldwin held confirmation services and preached in St. Thomaa' church, ou Sunday. A meeting of the levers of music was held in Cardno's Hall last week for the purpose of forming a class, to be. know rf l mesio circle. P o . Ro- ne bite S safer tl amine, Callender, of Brantford, who hes been engaged as uonduotor, woe present and laid before the lneeting a synopsis of his system of teaching. Foorux,.-Seafortll football club play - d a game with the Aylmer tetenl at the latter place on Friday of last week in the association oup series, and defeated the hemp club by a score of 2 to 0. The fol - owing are the mimes of the players :- Aylmer -Goal, Barnum ; back, White and Weisbrod ; half.baoks, Hoag, Doan and Jackson ; forwards Dewar, Kilian, Sanderson, )alias and Hammill. Sea - forth -Goal, Farley ; backs, McDonald and Willis ; half.baoks, Livingstone, 010 Donald mid Jackson ; forwards, Fergu- gon, MoCleish, White, Logan and Clarke. •rho game was fast and very interesting throughout, although the superiority of the Seaforth forward line was manifest. Their strong point lies in their good combination, Dewar and Kilian espeoial- Iy distinguishing themselves. The Ayl- mer dufenoo is if anything. stronger, White, Jackson and Hong doing superb work. The firsb goal wee nicely headed in from a lovely centre from left, and the other goal was obtained from a foul with- in six feet of the goal. Aylmer's goal Gave entire eatisfaotiou, making some splendid stone. Altogether the game went on its merits, and no dissatisfaction ran be felt at the result. biorriiw. Walter Innes is completing a atone hen house and pig house on his farm. Tax Collector Mooney is about ready for the war path, ao the ratepayers should got ready for hie visit and have the "toadskine" on hand. The union Sabbath school, meeting in Andereon's school house wan closed last Sabbath, to be re -opened (D.V.) next spring. Duncan McLaughlin is the sup- erintendent. John Sample, who got hie right arm land band so badly lacerated in the cyl- inder of a threshing machine, some time ago, near Chatham , ie tibia to get about again, although it will be a long time before he will have the free use of his T. It. station have also the hnp0 t tat vahlu o mar• Mone to Lentil on Farm Pro - A. (1, trail eo, =Moo men be Sven, amusement uttoul- agext, hay returned from hie trip to 0d and a taste engendered. for that whioh Mexico. edifies and enriuhee the mind, To meet Nearly all the lobe offered for Halo by the different traits of the llublio mind, a the Town Treasurer for taxes were re• variety of subjects will betreated, and deemed before or on the day of Bale. the publhe may rely on ro05iving more than value fur their iuveatmont. The first of the (mune is to bo given early in December by Rev. W. Smyth of Har- riston, on 'Ireland and the Irish,' A epecml musical program will bo rendered in connection with each lecture. -The Methodist Sabbath school propose giving a pubilo entertainment in the interests of the school on the evening of Deeembcr 23rd or 24th. l..Iratc w November doh. Reports were given of Louis Soehach has moved into town The annual meeting of the Coterie W. 0. T. I1. was held 1n (telt Seat week, Mrs. John Ritchie and 11105 Bessie Thomson were the delegates from Wing - ham Anion, The llducation Department has award- ed Mise Cargill, October °tithe 6th de. pertinent of the Wingham Public School, her certificate for which abo wrote lust midsummer. The annual meeting of the Wingham branch of the Bible Society was Held in the Baptist ohuroh on Monday evening, the work of the past year and Rev. Mr. Moorehonse delivered nn address on the objsste of the Society. Messrs. Elliott, Gordon and Neelands from Wingham, visited Listowel last week to investigate the gas working sys. tem in that town. It is proposed to form a joint stook company to lav mains and put in works in Wingham next sum- mer. They were well plenaed with what they saw and went back prepared to re- commend the Listowel system. At the meeting of Court Maitland, No. 26, Canadian Order of Foresters, the fol- lowing nffleers wore °looted for the current term : Robb. Ferguson, C. R. ; John Gillespie, V. 0. R.; John Neelands, Chaplain ; Jos. Risdon, R. S. ; D. M. Gordon, F. S. ; R. M. Robinson, Trees. ; Wm. Smyth, S. W. ; W. K. Loutitk, J. W. ; 1f. Bocttwith, S. B. ; George Irwin, J. 33. ; Drs. Macdonald, Towler, Tamlyn and Chisholm, Examining Physicians. Oro esbroit. Thanksgiving service will be hold in the Presbyterian church on Thursday morn- ing at 11 o'aluok. The flax mill property containing 31 acres of land, in this village, will be cold at the American Hotel, Brnesels, on Wednesday, 27th inet., at 11 o'clock. There is a frame flax mill, a log house, a frame office and stable on the premises. PRnsENTATION.-On Thursday evening of last week about ono hundred members and adherents of Knox church assembled at the maned for the purpose of serprie. ing bhe highly respected pastor, Rev. D. B. McRae. Shortly after their arrival a suitable address was read by R. F. Cameron and Miss Annie Steele present- ed Mr. McBee with a splendid astrachan overcoat and airs. McRae with a parse. About 40 bushels of oats were also pre the parson's horse. The reed. entad for s gentlemanmade very happyreply, ex- preesing his thanks to the donors for their timely and valuable gifts. A sumptuous repast was provided and par- taken of after which the visitors enjoyed themselves in singing, music and social chat. Rev. Mr. McRae well deserves all that 11e has received and more too as ire is an earnest preacher and n good pastor. The people of Knox church did them. selves credit in this thoughtful mud gen- erous act. The Methodists nt Athens expose 10 ANNrvaneanv.-Last Sabbath Rev.. J. the church 011e diad bodies of friends to L. Murray, al. A., of Kincardine, preach- public. the gaze of the general pubo de. An agi- ed anniversary sermons iu Knox church. talion has arisen neatest tom. There was service both morning and evening and the discourses were fluently delivered and attentively listened to. His subject in the forenoon was the "Good Samaritan," taken from Luke 10.88., in the afternoon the subject was "True riches," fromBevelation8 3.18. Rev. Mr. McRae was away at Kincardine supplying for Mr. Murray. On Monday evening bhe reverend gentleman deliver- ed an interesting lecture on his visit to Italy. Though touching briefly on Lon. don, Paris, the Alps, Mt. Cenis tunnel his address ems confined chiefly to the cities, scenery and inhabitants of Italy. The cities of Genoa, Pisa, Rome, Naples, Florence and Venice were vividly des- cribed, all of whioh possess historic and classic remains of former greatness and grandeur well worthy of re. searob by traveller and scholar. There was a good turn out and the account of the trip much,' enjoyed by all. arm. Last Friday Judge Doyle opened.. the. Wart for the et/Jaime of the Dominion Voters' I,tist, for this township, at; the township hall. Objection being taken to the date of filing appeal, the judge re- served decision an adjourned the court. Lawyers Wade, of Brussels, and John- ston, of Blyth, looked after the interests of the Reformers and Ooneervativee, re- spectively, It is hinted that if the formers get get even fair play they will need to keep their exec open. Some of these revising barristers are too partizan by hall Sonoon RneonT.-The following is the Mending of 8.8.140. 6 for the month of Ootober, the names being in order of merit, and ie based on regularity and general proficiency : Fourth Sr. -David Cantilon, Mary Mason John Parkins ; Fourth Jr. - Lizzie Anderson, Agnes Ireland, James Dnnoan ; Third -Violet Bone and Arthur Cantilon, Jennie Mas- on, Mary Armstrong; Second Sr. -Mag- gie Cantilon, Willie Ireland, Maggie Rom- • ell ; Second Jr, -Martha Osborne, Rob- ert Bone, Robert Farrow; Part 'II -L. Reid, Mex. Anderson, Thomas Bell ; Part I -Robb. Bowman, Alex. Armstrong, Willie Duncan. A. EdeCata, Teacher. LrTEBART.-: A meeting was held in the Township Hall on Fri lay evening, the Int inst., for the purpose of re.organizing the Morrie Centro Literary and Debating Se- eioty. Tho attendance was not as largo lis was hoped for, on account of the night being very wet. The Society, however, was re -organized for the season With the following 511111 01 ofdoors:-Presidodt, O. Michel • Vice -President, Mies Annie Miller; Seo.-Treas., johnild1ahio; Man. d oe- o1n t s Mar J. Clark and Mar A. from Gowaustown,baying disposed of his hotel property there. Hay Bros., millers, have exported six- teen cars (13,000 bushels) of barley from this station during the past six clays. Kidd Brea. have disposed of their livery heathen to T. A. d; S. S. Stevenson, who intend continuing the business in the old stand, ou Wallace street, G. S. Climie & Son have sold out their atovo and tinware business to Bricker Bros., and their hardware stock to Tat. ham & Co. Jno. Climie purporee going into the foundry business. Singe the visit of a G. T. R. detective here last weak the town youths who have been in the habit of frequenting the sta- tion at nights, and other tv'eepassers on the mlmpany'e property, have been ulnk- 1 i. themselvse warn. The Banner office has removed to IV, R. Clayton's old stand. C. O. T. -The following are the officers. elected in Cocrb Mapleton :-0. R„ Bro. John Glenn ; V.C. R„ J. Gunther; Chap- lain, F. J. L. Tybler ; Ren. -Soo., J. J. Foster; Fin. -Sec., Wm. Dickson ; Treas., John Gabel ; S. W., A. Grieve ; J. W., W. Bierman ; S. 13., Geo. Porter; J.13., W. Johnston ; Court Physician, Dr. Thompson. The Standard says: -'The end intelli- gence of the death of Willie, eldest eon of Rev. Dr. Henderson, of the Methodi-t church in this town, reached here on Tuesday, from New York. The young man's death sons the result of a surgical operation in the New York Post Greduate Hospital. The operation was performed n couple of weeks since, bat proved too mach for his frail strength, and he enc - Dumbed on Tuesday at 11 o'clock. His mother was present at the deathbed. Dr. Henderson, who had only returned from visiting his eon last week, immediately left for New York on receipt of the tele- gram announcing he death. cath. The de- ceased was an unusually brilliant young man, having taken first prize for collo- quial German in McGill 'University, Mon- treal, and first standing in several honor departments, and, had ho lived, world doubtless have been an honor to himself and to bis esteemed parents. The inter. meet, we understand, took plane at Hunt- ington, Que. The deepest sympathy is felt for the stricken parents and family.' Atwood. Mr. Mitchell, reported sick, is recover- ing. Isaac Brisson, moves to the Allege next week. Mr. I3uok'e side of furniture was very well patronized. J. Hamilton's new store is now ab tut ready for occupancy. Mrs. Russell, lately returned from Eng:. land, was buried on Wednesday BOth ult.' Atwood market is as good as any other. Some of the farmers prefer come. ing here. They always get good weight and the highest price. Our shoemakers, Messrs. Ferguson & Fox, are very busy. If our city, fathers continue making gravel walks we will need additional oobblere. Rev. S. 0. Edmunds, of Fullerton, passed through here last week in search of his horse whioh hsd strayed from home. Any news respecting it will be thankfully ramified. We are pleased to hear that Rev. J. Ferguson, formerly of this place, has a new assistant now. His name is Fergu. son and he is a near rotative of the, pastor. He arrived on the 2nd inst. Awono THE Sonooas. -Samuel Shannon is re.engaged for 1890 at the school on the Btlt ace. -Mies Ayers levies her school near Monkton having secured smother in Mornington.-Wm. Wynn is engaged in the school vacated by Miss Boyd on the 12th. The parsonage property has been very much improved. A new stone oehar and foundelion,woodshed, cistern and other external improvement; have been added and the inside entirely renovated. The Methodist people feel that they have a comfortable and att"activc ?menage. These additions onteiled a large amount of labor on the pastor, but his efforts were Sell eeeoded by an energetic nom. mince. Ammo Tutu Gltonainca.-Rev. Mr, Hen. dorsal, M. A., prOsbahOa at the union Thanksgiving se vibes in bila 13optlst church et 11 a. d1 A collect' ,u for flu, poor of the village. •Rov.1 . W, 1inghee still (triathlete service in the 17pieoopelten °beech each Sabbath at 4 p. n1,- 'here where he will be glad to meet 011 hie old is to he a 00:11150 of three lectures given unstomere and 80 their boot and show theMethodist church in title place repairing with neatness and diapatoh at ' no tb a rates or wash and melte sou•. only therm eons obi n with 1 - nb' the pit Ili geil L' ' ' In tate ;nutter of the. estate of WALTER 3. JAcreoi, of the Village of Brussels, in the County of Bicron, erchant, an Insolvent. Telconotice that tho shove named Insol- vent has made en Assignment to me header data the Tenth Any of October, 1880. ruder the provisions of Ally Aot respecting Assign - manta and Freterenoes by Insolvent Per sons," being Chapter 194 of the Revised Sta- tutes of Ontario 1887, and that a Ideating of the Creditors of the said Insolvent will be Hold n t my OR1oe, in the Village of Rruesele, in the County of Hume, on MoanIr the T IE117r P1RBT Day Of OOTomca, 3890, at the hour of Ton o'clock in tbo Forenoon, for the appointment of Tweeters and the giving of directions ooncoruing the management and discome of the estate. And farther take notice that all persons (donning to be en- titled to rank lie creditors on bhe said estate are hereby required to furnish to ma toll particulars of their claims, verified by affidavit, together with such vouchero se the nabnre 0f tbo ease will admit of, on or be- fore the Fifteenth dao of November now neat, after which date I shall proceed to dis- tribute the assets of the said estate, having regard only to the eleims of which I shall then have notice. and I will 501 be liable thereafter for the Remote of the estate, or any pert thereof. so distributed, to any Per- son of whose claim notice shall not have do received (`� W. M 4SINOLOIIi, 055151 ee.e of such u Dated at Rru sae's, Huron 00., this 11th day 1 October, A.0.1880. AUCTION SALE 010 VALUABLE FLAX MILL PROPERTY ----1N TAB - Village of flranbrook. linty at LOWSti Private DICKSONdom/pPaVny Funds. DCKON & 4atri1l'�11 aSaUritol's, 01h'., 13101881:L8, ONT. S . PLUM General Blacksmith, wishes to intimate to the public generally that he does all kinds of Bluokannithing in a Workmanlike Manner. Wagons, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters made to Order. Repairing promptly Executed. I make a Spsoialty of Horse -shooing. A Call Solicited. 11 -Remember the Stand. -Neth run Bctcs s. S. Plum. There will be Hold on Wednesday.the 07th Day of November, 11889. at 11 o'clok In the forenoon, at the Assume/at Bosom, he the Village of SRnecELs, by vlrtne of powers of sale contained In 5 certain I mortgage, whialr will bo produced at the geld, the. following property under mortgage from Adam lbelsberd:-Fart Lot gid on the west side. of Last street, 1u the said Village of Craubrsok, containing 83 acres, .more or tem The fol- lowing improvements are said to bo on the promliseo :-Log ham, frame officio and stable and frame Raz mill. TnnMs,-10 per oont.of the purchase money to be paid down es the day of sale. For balance terms will he made known at the sale. For tartuJoOBE 8101100. apply MA0EENZIE, JOBE Toronto St.. Toronto• Or to. A. HUNTER, nraoeola. 37.3 MONEY '1'O LOAN. Any Amount of Money to. Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 & 6'E Per Ce7tt., Yearly. ;special Business Notice And Removal, . 1aski.II, S1aentaiter In thanking the people of Braude and surrounding country for their patronage clueing the last, etehteen months bogs love fie et;u•,: That he 15:x, (51p0Ved into Wall/ loot auk Slade Store, lost Door to Berry's Uwe, e, Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter. Division (3ouo't Clerk, Bruussels. 1890 'WEN 1890 Aucti 5 mer.glarrntws aaryAtn i sro z uretraaz r .teener s re101 a:ti ralliMISMENISOMIISMOStri The Most Extensive Auction Sale of Purlllture Piauos auri Orans ever held in the County of Huron will be held at ARTHUR VEAL'S Furniture Store, B R V S S E L S ON f SATURDAY, Nov, 9 One Magnificent "` ;( Pt NQ, Value 8525.001. Six Beautiful ORGAI ' , Ali Warranted for Six Years by the Company Fifty Elegant Bedroom Suites all prices from $12 to ,`;,1100 each. Rich Parlor Suites upholstered in plain and figured Plush, also Sideboards, Extension, Centre and Fall -leaf Tables, Chairs of all kinds, Cribs, Cradles, Lounges, Matt- resses, Spring Beds and a thousand other articles of Furn- iture too numerons to mention. Don't Forget the time and place or you will miss the greatest chance you ever. had of getting Cheap Furni- ture, Everything that is put up will be sold if it only brings half price. No bidding in remember• all will be sold. CANADA'S LEADING NEWSPAPER. AOAnA. u nN Tong. TnuE To C � PAanlle C TRUE 'CO Ten EliPellE. The 'Empire' is now the Great Weekly Paper of the Dominion, and special ar- rangements are being made to add new and attractive features, which will greatly increase its interest and value. As an inducement to place it in the hands of all Patriotic Canadians the bal- ance of present year will be given Free to New Subscribers, making it only One Dollar from now tilt end of 1800. 1-8•The `Empire' will be Clubbed with The 'rend' for 8011.20, 111 advance. Subscriptions taken at THE POST Pub. Ilocts0, Brussels. aging Comm tt J 1 MOCa'ter, Geo in o Love, Masse y y during the wrote months, by whisk t teaeunt ! f .Love. It was arranged tq hav0 cobble I e do a tit that o mt'oh 1 01105 for acv that require n gwmd lsnud obs Friday evening of this weal: to cont. b bl' g all ' aro afforded id eerie ho rt o abort, mance ab 7;30 o'clock, subject ''Resolved oppo hmil.y.nf hen'ing that whtah will A , ' ,,arils t o�xl too. nntntc. t 1 I profit that it is more profitable for tiro farmer be a anter ce of p eaaina ate I ' w„„.t „now,' iu aw utnt torte: sum go pnape li of a of ,ite. Vela 13LASDitela limeade. ^ IM o to lnavolriatlroahingfohoUnorso•powm Ways. Lh Ms than by stem" G'"+ and under 1='�-+�°R.iMi..S of iSALF.-?'3.11 sums of $5 a i cash; over that amount 4 mouths credit will be given un approved notes. 10 per cent. per annuls off for cash ou credit amounts. s-L�.I:Ei to commence at 1 o'clock sharp. the Piano will be sold at 3:30 sharp. Arthur Veal, Auctioneer and Proprietor. • UR PER -A- .1ST 0 TJ 10i CI1'�. C3- GREAT 3- AT B ila4 GAIN •,t :3� 1 MAKING- IT HOT FOR COMPETITION With Glorioumi Inducements for Fall and Winter. Onr Immense New Stock is now Ready. Unequalled in Style and Quality -Unparalleled in Low Prices. Men's, Youths', Boys' and Children's Clothing and Furnishing Goo&$, .flag, Caps, tc., to. By far the Finest Assortment, Best Values and Lowest Prices. WE -� HAVE - GOT THE - PULL Whoop! here's another season eonre, All merchants clear the track, We're going to beat the. record some, • Don't try to hold us, back. Whoop 1 prices lower. than before, New goods in stacks from roof to floor; With novelties ourstore is full, ,1nd that is where we get the pull. We run to win and don't forget The prize we }rant is trade. We'll Make our figures lower yet Titalt'a inner ,.'ver -Made. Whoop! Here's the store that gives you most, You'll find we snake no empty boast, But bargains big and bountiful. Anti that is where we have the pull. Show us the man who said "There is always room at the Top." Leading the Trade, Standing high above all Competition, we find the Crowd is still with STs, yet we cry for 117ore. Our new Fall Stock is Immense, our Bargains Unlimited. In the Quick Rash of the Fall Trade everything goes at a Rock Bottom Price. t Come in Everybody and, for once in your lire, see what Quality and Style really means ill OMS' 01Le1 B0118' Clotthil7 , gats. (ctp,s, (aton,t't iflti:'"II.I S �l.1r.YL;,� GODrl.1', (1110. .N.Ic, ,l ' 1egl` Goods fire 1 8 you like thele in all Respet;ts. !rices particularly Pleasing rl y rigeg 1, :a,i; will stionish You. 't � �tii �ta��?�e of Dict �loatings at :�. �a 1 l ' q '.d.jV EE 4'OL1.i) S4'/ .r..ti f}, i ('7'i().:V. _ tC�'.i;` C11.;"1?; it � �•U,f.T1lt. msf sp x."1:43 ,....; i, 1 .pI •. .