HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-11-8, Page 44
New Advertisements.
Drum. --(1. T. Pepper,
Leoal -T Rn. McDonald.
Locals—R. Lett rdale.
'Strayed --D. W. Dunbar.
Locals—Scarff & X'erguson.
Charity Couuert—.W. f1. T, U.
Term for Sale—John Vincent,
Dry Goode --Scarff (.0 Ferguson,
Found—Posy' Publishing Houec.
auction Sale—Johnston Bros. & Ale.
/y he 1"i e1 ust,
PRT7):1 I', NOV. 1, 1889.
THERE ere at present eight vaoanoios
in the Seuate. It is difficult to under-
stand why some of these vaoanoJes, at
least, have been left unfilled for so long
a time, unless Sir Sohn is once more
About to steal the policy of the Liberals
and abolish the Senate by allowing them
to die out.—Almonte Gazette.
No'rleE is given by N. C. Wallace, M.P.
for West York, and Grand Master of the
Oran; e Order, that application will be
made at the coming session of the Do-
minion Parliament for an act incorpor-
ating the Gt'end Orange Lodge of British
America. On the hast occasion that smolt
m measure was before parliament, in 1884,
the motion for its second reading was re-
jected by a vote of 105 to 08.
Ix his scheme for the federation of the
British Australian colonies Sir Henry
Parkes, Premier of New South Wales,
proposes the creation of a state or union
of states considerably less dependent up-
on Great Britain than the Dominion of
Canada is. He insist.. that the new con•
federaey should have the right of making
treaties directly with foreign powers.
Nobody charpes Sir Henry with "die -
loyalty" because he insists upon Bach a
large measure of independence for the
Australian colonies, and there is little
doubt that the proposal to have a federal
onion of, and unrestricted reciprooity of
trade between all these colonies will be
approved by the Imperial government,
0o;xenaxtox from Europe to the United
States seems to be on the decline. The
Intal ordeals for the nine months ending
with September 1889, vers 338,108 com-
pared with 482,800 in the same months
of 1888. There was a reduction it the
number of arrivals from every country
excepting the Netherlands. Immigra-
tion from Ireland fell from 02,423 to 02,-
705, the number of Scotch immigrants
fell off from 10,820 to 12,620, and Eng -
1 and and wales sent 411,438 emigrants to
the United States in the first nine months
of 1880, compared with 01,542 in the
same period of the preceding year -
There was a proportionate derliue in the
arrivals from Germany, ant rin, Sweden
and Noma.. The Retial •nm igratio r.
deolined nearly eye half, wbiie rite te m-
ber of arrivals from Franc., Denmark,
Bohemia and Hungary. wag almost us
large as in 1888.
THE mannfaoturers in IL cumber of
lines are complaining bitterly of the
duties on their raw materiel or on the
finished or half finished products which
outer into the prodnotion of their goods.
Amongst these dnties may be mentioned
the duty on bituminous coal, 60 cents ;
on coal dust 20, per cent. ad val. ; on pig
iron, $4 per ton ; on iron, in slabs and
blooms, 39 per Ion ; on glees from 20 to
40 per cent. dd ural. ; on lubricating oils,
25 per cent. ; ou dye -stuffs and ohemioale
from 10 to 35 par cent. ; on leather belt.
ing, 25 per cent. and so on. The
grumblers cannot, and be logical, ask for
the repeal of these duties since they serve
to protect other infant industries. There-
fore most of them favor an increase in
the tariff affecting their partioclar man-
ufactures. They do not care a straw
about the interests of the consumer.
Past experience should have taught
them, however, that an augmentation
of the tariff would not do them any good.
Tor an increase in the tariff on one art-
icle becomes an overwhelming argument
for its increase in regard to other articles.
If the Government begins to interefere
at one point it will be compelled to tra-
verse the whole vicious circle. The
trouble with the menufaoturere is that
the home market is too restricted, and
they find it next to impossible to self
heir goods abroad. The entire export
of manufactured geode last year was
only 34,600,000, and it le no Beard that a
portion of this poor shipment was
"slaughtered," that is, deliberately sold
at a loss in order to meet payments to
the banks. Let us compare this figure
with the value of the exports of other
articles. In this way, its utter ineignif.
Mance nen perhaps'beet be realized. Here
area few exports which exceed it in
Eggs and Horace . 84,700,000
Barley .... 5,500,000
Peas. Flour, Potatoes and IS&y 5,000,000
pilo and Spruce Deals 7,000,000
Balt Cod, Canned Labetern and
Pickled Mackerel ............ 4800.000
Homed Cattle. 8,004,300
Sheep, Furs, Aimeeand 4 hien, 4,700,000
The value of the export trade in mann.
factored goods, in 1888, was only one-
tifth as large as thtut'in lumber, end only
ane -tenth its Iarga so that in agrienner.
sl proiiucts and cattle. 1't is plain bow.
eveveve, to cvml•yboily except the e man ifae•
t.n50re themselves that enhanced dntiee
wool,' et(il fernier (iisquaiify thent from
competing abroad, for, ns hoe been said,
the increase would have to be general,
and their raw material and bnli•Anistled
products would be made dearer than
ever. In addition, au inorease of the
tariff would prevent 'he foreigner ner all the
more from paying in his own produo-
ions, the only thing be eon pay with, and
therefore from buying. On the other
baud, if Matadi of demanding inoreased
duties, the manufacturere ask for the
abolition of those on their raw material,
what are the producers of that material
—the oil and chemical men, Ile colliery
owners and others—going to say to the
Government ; and how shall the Govern-
ment refuse to let the farmer, the lamb.
erman and the rest of us free from the
taxes on our necoesaries, namely, the
goods which the "squealers," themselves
(seduce? Like every other bad cause,
Protection invariably lands its adherents
in a pit. The best way and the only
leasable way for the manufaotorers to
obtain a wider market ie through un-
restricted reaiprooity. Some of the
weaker Dues might be wrecked, but all
fit to live would do almost infinitely hot-
ter than they are doing now.
Tam Toronto News says :—The finding
of the jury in the Harvey case was not
unexpected, as the evidence that the man
was insane was weak, but it was thought
that the jury might take a different view
then they did. There was no recom-
mendation to mercy, which shows that
the jurymen dismissed the insanity plea
altogether. Yet it is chard to believe that
the man was fano when he committed
the murders. That he noted in a ration-
al way before the crimes were committed
that he journeyed to this city to hill hie
surviving son, that lie expressed no re-
gret at what lie had done, do not show
him to be sane, though ordinary people
accept these sate as establishing his
sanity. Iusane persons often act so cun-
ningly that they cannot be distinguished
from sane beings until some extraordi-
nary act reveals their character. If great
irritability of temper is a stage of insan-
ity, what are we to think possesses the
man who, itemised of a minor crime, de.
velops murderous mania so intensely,
that be kills his wife and innocent child-
ren one after another and then goes in
search of the son, who lives at a distance,
presumably with the intention of killing
him also ? If it has not been the custom
to apply capital Punishment to lunatics,
we think that it should not be applicable
in Harvey's case. It would be better for
the man, perhaps, if be were dead, but
humanity should prompt those who are
interested in the ease to ask for executive
clemency for the miserable offender.
Mrs. John Hill is visiting at 4fitcholl.
Union prayer meeting on Friday even-
ing of this week in school house S.S. No.
3. Rev. Mr. Sellery, of Brussels, will
have charge.
The taroollector is preparing to make
his annual call on you.
Peter Kellar and Sno. Lamont are
home from their hunting expedition to
Muskoka. Game is not very plentiful.
Archie Lamont had shot a few deer when
they left.
Two years ago A. Chadwick, of King-
stou,:bought 25 lots in the suburbs for
$000. Recently he sold them for 34.000.
Will deliyortn rrl1nautttlso to sail pur-
ahaosr. T. Pr0PPEdl,Lot e,Oon. 5.Grey.
nes wanted at thee. Apply to
9- GEO. A. BOYD, Ethel, Out,
of the n ndersigned, lot 17, eon. 18, Grey,
on or about May 15,1882,a red etesr, one year
old. The owner is requested to prove pro-
perty, pay anthem and take him away.
15-40 GEO. CLARE, Walton P.O.
ton is hereby given that all persons in-
dobtedto me are requested to call and net-
tle accountsbefore December 1st, as after
that they will be collected through tbo
Court. J. A. MoNAUGHTON, If, D., Ema-
nate. 15-
of fho undersigned, lot 28. eon. 5, Gray,
about the month of September, two year-
ling steers One is red in( Dolor and the oth-
er gray. The owner le requested to prove
Property, toy exmentoe and take them
away. 1). W. DUNBAR, Ethel. 17.4*
eroit1n will keep for Berrie° on N4 Lot
20, Con, 7, Morrie, two well bred boars. Ono
ie a Berkshire and the other a Cheater
White, Terme, 11.00, to bepaidat time of
service with privilege et returning, if heats.
WALBER, Jn., Proprietor..
Tho undersigned desires to intimate
to the ladies of Brussels and surrounding
country that she is prepared to attend to
all 0008rs intrusted to her. Satisfaction
guaranteed. 8bop—Up-stairs, one door north
of Walter Jackson's hardware store,
00- MI88 SAMPLE,
at the undersigeed,lot 1, •301*. 8, Grey,
four spring calves (ono steer and throe
heifers). The steer and one heifer are near-
ly all red, mad are the .loved of the lot. The
otters are spotted rod and white. The owner
is requested to prove property, pay execution
and take them away, 10.4 WM. WORK.
of the unde'8lgu0d, lot 28, eon, 8, Atonia.
on or about Oet,10th, four calv1•es (two heifers
and ttvo stoorn and two yearlings fa heifer
end n. steer,) There le no p0rtieular nrark-
mg or any of thorn. The owner is requested
to prove property, tiny 001,01+1 milli take
them away. ANDRBW.3 t,VtlElt,
11.4. Walton 7'. 0.
/ x 015715E AND SBA11 OR'TIT STAG7s
0, •F Mamie.
else leaven rim'rre,1, 11.1,80 0. ro , basalt,
tog 1siuseolgabantft:ie .ln. ism will ae•Ivn
n.ttiontolbl 11100.1,:Omit Nan
lawforth shout :EV m ,ea,1Inutiitlskinbf t in Ihtn i nl ,fl
(rains gni.,5 north u.1 14 1,011,, .+x11 •1 ,.
c:,,,n, l h'n•e 111;' `11 : t q,•
'T H B
c e Iv;
xgtiee is ha r l y glucal tout 1190- outntnnd•
0851wsemes due 00 s 3,1ural if h
Turnbull, nemesia, meat, bo tailedsd oy by .aft oIt1i-
er coal 11' 'ale fsrtbwlth. The books aro
01 floes Tres, tturn, and thou Wa nathurizod
' to give loeeipts for monies paid 14-
Ail parties iml'hted to the etetnte of the
late Andrew C11r Is itre r'41/Mend to scale
tars 8aw0by the 28th, hart. After that date
atlunpaid claims w111 be anhohtad. by ro-
00sa of 1011•, nY 00117010 OF 1iX100U'I'0118,
llruseels, 0at.80,u°.90, 1130
PATENTS CMeveate,Ro-losues
sand Trade
er (01811 canal.; arktboaParedntaO1aos oanhd
betoro the Oourts promptly and carefully at.
tended to, lJpoe roosiptof model or eketel
of invention, 4 make careful free of
of chaos,
and advise as to pabautabilityfres of bnrge,
Peso moderate, and I make no nba advice
patent 15 'Rimmed. Information, advloe and
epenidl references sent on epplicatlon. J.
R.LOTTELL, Washington, D.C., U.8. Patout
Ogfee. 00
The Oredltors of JOHN RAI*HRat, late of
1110 Townebip of Grey, Yeooian, who died on
or about the 8t•d day of tl ay, 1889, ate,
aro requested to Bond t0 the undersigned,
15011 for W, R, Aarkor, adminietrator of bbo
persobal estate of the deceased, at his nfloe
Brussel,, 011 or beforo 11,015111 110' of Nov
embor,1880, tltair ofars: , properly after od,
0081855 talo estate 00 desamod, 003 after the
loot mentioned talo 110 0dminletratwr w311
proti e(t to roto b tit ed, hanotg among talo
potties thereto entitled, having regard only
to the oleins 0f which th+y elrali thio,, 9811,,
notiee,and the ndmlpistrator w111 not bo
Stable for the &sots so distributed 0r ally
l,arnail oaf, to any (arena of wboe0 olaiut
ho 81,011 noel) notion et t)Ja thne 0f 01101
Brgseois, Oob.10,1800.
A. HIINTI:11,.4
ams several gond Farms f nr
sale sad to rant, easy terms, in Townsllppe
of87-tf\fou.ls and flro3'. dr. S. 80 UT7'. Bmsenls.
a for a neei,ie,.eo in 13 ruoeels, containing
rine acro of land nearly opposite Mr. F. C.
Rogers' reshlenon, is for sale at a bargain.
Apply to W, 01 51x00000, Brume's, or to
JNO, HAEG3IEAVES, Cor. Queen and Sim.
coo streets, Toronto
1051% con 10, township of Groy. Enron
County. 'There are 100 nares, 80 pores cleared
and in good state of elltiratiau. On the
farm is &stone bonen and frame barn and
frame stables, a good bearing orchard and
good well of water, For further particulars
apply to the proprietor on the premium,
17-tf JOHN VINCENT, Brussels P.0.
29, 005, 5, Grey, aoubaieing 100 three, 15
three cleared, under grass, and the balance
timbered. About 70 acres of dry land and
the balance other and bleak ash swamp
There is a log house on the promisee. Will
be sold on v cry reasonable terms as proprie-
tor doers not require the lot. For further par-
ticulars apply to 0,0B1.', DfoLAROHLIN,
Crnubrook, P,0.50 AGE%. AUNTER, Brus-
sels. _ 12
eomman offers his valuable 100 mare
farm, being lot 8, sou. 11, Grey Township,
Huron Co., for sale. There are about 50
acres cleared and in good heart. 'there is a
log house, good bank barn, bearing orchard,
and all the necessary conveniences on the
premises. For further particulars, as to
p4rise, terms, eta„ apply to the Proprietor,
TH08.AISLOP, Clare P. O., N.N.T.. or to
1 llruenele Tannery is offered for sale at
n bargain. In it is a 10 h. p. engine and
soh. p, boiler, L" vats, 2 curtsy tables, 2 stoves,
good bark mill and a full set of tools, with
heating pipes to loathes, .to. There are
about 2 acres of land in connection with the
building. Na tannery nearer thou Wingham
or Listowel. Terms they. For further par-
ticulars, as to pries, terms, &o„ apply tit
87- Tan Poem Publishing Howse, Brussels.
hmnstemmn offers for sale the oortb
sant quarto rof lot 28, 000esooiou 0, Morris,
County of Huron, containing 50 three. The
land ie of tlrst quality and Ina high state of
oultivatlou, well fenced and under -drained,
acres cleared. New frame house, 8 rooms,
milk house with concrete wa110, 2 -wells,
good barna old shed. orchard, etc. Eight
acres of fall wheat. This desirable property
adjoins the corporation of Brussels. Suit-
able tel ms w111 be given. Title perfect.
80- Sieafor1h P.O.
001813 Being composed of Lot 19,
Con. 9, Grey. There are 70 three cleared.
There 1e a frame bouse and barn and a• good
driving house, also bearing orchard, well,
dm. on the premises. The Maitland Iriver
runs afew yards from the house. There is
some good rail timber on the lot. The farm
lieu between Oranbrook and Ethel and is
convenient to both places, whflo Brussels is
natter away. For full particulars apply on
the premises to ABEL TINDALL, Proprie-
tor, Ethel P. 0. le -
dereigned effort; bis farm, adjoining
Br weals, being Lot 2, Con. O Grey, for sale.
It contains 95 mires, about 85 of which are
Under cultivation and the balance in bneh
paeture. There is a comfortable brick cot-
tage, and large bank barn on the premises,.
together with on orchard,$ wene,and heaen-
Bary outbuildings. The term is under good
cultivation and, is well fenced, with plenty
of coder.growing on the lot, For further
pp501300lars es to rice ., term&o., apply to
WALPTE'R •'RIOHARDSON, Propri to ,Brae-.
MOrrie, en reasonable terms. Li order
to cloth the affairs of 110 eetote of the late
W. G. Hingoton, the.executoro offer . the fol-
lowing valuable lands for sale'
hull of Lot 80, Communion 5, Township of
Morrie oontainiog 00 acres. On this lot le'
erected a good frame barn with stone Min -
dation, good orchard, well and pomp. Near-
lyallelcared, and is on the grave road
dewy adjoining tbo village of. 13tu0Oele.
This farm ie a valuable one, is well fenced
and in a good state of cultivation. For
prtoos and torme apply to T1108. BELLY,
Brussels P.M., Haulm JENNuwoa, Victoria
I PreP.Oor Jamie Ledge
O .,:
' Farm in the leownebip'of Turnberry,
oontatniog 120 acres of freehold property.
About 70 three cleared 00 eons- free of
stumps and atones. V7011 fenced and water-
ed by a good well and a Hover -failing Spring
creek. Halftime well wooded with milted
timber. ' G0001 soli olther fer'grass or grata,
Large bank barn, frame house and 2 three of
orcbord of boating trees. Bobool house half
a mile distant. Situated on a leading gravel
Mad, between Brussels and Wroxeter, three
miles from the latter plaeo. gust be sold or
rented OA the proprietor le going to, give up
farming. For further particulars apply on
1110 promisee or to
14- FRANK O. WRIGHT. Wroxobe•1.'. 0.
!! A er0t-etas farm tin sale in the
Township of Morris in the County of Enron
Wulf eolith half of north Half lots 25 tit ell
and teeth half .13110 in Mb con., containing
400 0000 more or loss, lee 05000 mOsoly.
ulear 01010001,11 in a good state of ealti.
va1150 T.:ere10170(00,1 bearingorebartd,a
gond below and bank barn 55 x 56 /eat with
. alma t(Me underneath, The feetn is atm,
nue 101,1.1(1 a mile of the Village of Brussels
((eine agree( bunt der
rain ordealt ra
with he river Maitland
l , it, ftdtng spJ1 (e. Oar 1 1'
,vat I a ye, e.r aur rime. 11115 !netherteA, it.
1;0AW r, J I y. n
11.(1',1111000 or to 1 50
10 r] I.J . �'!� . 1J, .rlti �h, (1 � � 5•LI
rl t ir.. es
Are now showing Great Bargains in all Lines
of Dry Goods, and especially Dress Goods,
which are the Newest, Cheapest and Nobbi-
est in Brussels, In this Department we are
giving Special Inducements this week, hav-
ing bought several lines at just half the
regular wholesale price. Now is the time,
Ladies, if you want to get Cheap Dry Goods,
as the goods must go at some price,
/§/ /§/- -
Nov, 8, 188.9
Are now one of oux' Leading Lines, which
we are giving Great Bargains in. We keep
everything, from the coarsest to the finest,
and in this Line we feel confident that we
can save you money.
^py`���� 'g¢�{ /§/ ' /§§'y/i,�''y�'_._ • y�'�T G. N 1-d' JL V G L O ..L Ti I .8.'� \.JI
We keep a Large and Well Assorted Stock,
Also Men's Top Shirts, Boys' Under &rear and
Cardigan Jackets. We have also a Large
Stock of Ladies' and Children's Underwear.
Before buying elsewhere you should examine
oar goods and get our prices.
/§/ /§/
Gent's Furnishing Goods.
Gent's Scarfs in all the Leading Shapes,
Cotton Handkerchiefs, large assortment in
Fancy Borders, Wool and ICid Gloves. Braces,
Umbrellas, Gent's Linen Collars and Cuffs,
Celluloid Collars and Cuffs, Ladies' Water-
proof Circulars, Misses' Waterproof Circulars.
FERGUSON 86 HAT,LIDAY, - lingers,
The Third Annual Concert, under the auspices of the
W.C.T.U., will be held in the
P IL 0 C3- It A M :rile: -
mitu :1=1.4.auT X. ,iii,, .
Selection, By Brussels Brass Band
Address, - Bev. J. Boss, B.A.
Chorus,- - -By the Company
Solo, "Please. give me a Penny," Miss Lille O'Connor
Recitation, Selected, - - - Mr. W. B. Dickson
Quartette, - Messrs Strachan, Willis, Jackson and Jones
Solo and Chorus, - Miss Smith
Duott, - - Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair
Tableau, "Auld Robin Gray."
lr.e1.i4a, ss. -V�
Piano Solo, - - - Miss Lizzie Jackson
Chorus, - - - - r Baud of Hope
Solo, "Teddy O'rlynn," Mies Lilla O'Connor
Trio, • - Misses Hargreaves, Taylor and. 'Wilson
Quartette, Misses O'Connor and Kay and
Messrs. Strachan and Jackson
alias,' a e Wilson
Quartette, Messrs. Strachan, Jackson, Jr nes and Willis
Chorus, - - - - 13y the Company
Tableau, "YV4ntter."
Solo, "Under the Daisies,"
rw t 1T .:c...,_-.3.
pOo1SS ppit11 AT 3 i FONCERT G':`MM 'i`"CEIn AT 8 ppLocuc
THE BRUSSELS BRASS BAND will be in 1ttenddnae.
7 .1,111,..,-+7'.' .+,�....' '"b'47 W+M• M1. 4... (9!i° 1 1 ;idlj "V!+' F 'W
Haranhe Siore
8U€ ,
Handsome Display
1A IP COO 33
Ever shown 111 the Town,
consisting' of
Ornamented Parlor
/lane'? Lamps,
Hall Lamps,
Beroom Lamps,
Hand Lamps, coo.
They must be seen to have
an idea of what they
really are.
The Prices are Right.
We have luso 11. large stock
of Lanterns to sell at Close
we are still in the Stove
Business and keep con-
stantly on hand'
Parlor, Gook and Coat
of the Best Make..
Coal a,: upp,td
in Large or Small Quantities
In General Hardware we try
to keep almost. Ey erything
a man wants.
Handsome Display of Evotwaro,
Call in and see 010 and Sat-
i.sfy,C/otlrclvt's Hint what we
say is col'l'ect
33 Ci•
Beaver l.�clll,.i.�; Vi t11i 1,t ,.] lla1'ti