HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-11-1, Page 8PaNalsoziontoostesesiseretermitenreamenrosmirmewanseinpostivazren HON �(� Jt,o.Il.toNull.t, and wife aro expeotod J' 1 �I� O ivi i� 3L home from California this weak. They J� I have been away about a year, i Tun regular monthly meeting of the Brussels School Board will be held ou 'Friday evening of this Woolf, Cumin DUTTON, a former Bruaselite, was in town this week on a visit to hie -We s'•i1111ave a quantity of First- class Extracted and Comb Honey. We can guarantee it Pure and of 1 aiatm, Mrs.G. A. oeb on 1411. the Bost Quality. 12c. per lb. 'luu subject of Ilev. G. B. Bowie's in small lots, or 1088 if you take evening address next Sabbath will be a quantity. Wo have just re- ceived a Stock of :i)0xgi+:'A%T Y Organ Books and if you are requiring one of these Music Books we would be pleased to supply you. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, dtc. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & R. Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: Corso SOVTH. GOING Norma. Mail 7:02 a.m. Mixed 0:20 a.m. Mixed 0 05 p.m. Express 0:45 p,man . 'brat Pius "Lossone from the Dead Sea. Mits. D, Rom and grandson, Freddie Ilayoroft, were visiting at the residenos of Jas, MoLaacblin, Wingham. Jos0on Laren, formerly of Brussels, was in town this week on a visit. Mrs. Laird is in Hamilton just now. Ix you have built a new house lately go to Veal's auction sale and furnish it with furniture at your own priori. HAVE the same milliner as last season, Miss Brownlow. Will sell new trimmed millinery at cost. A. R. SMITE, GIVING up business. Silks, satins, new dress goods, plashes, velvets, silk merves., all colors, at cost at A. R. Smith's. VEAL will sell about 200 of those elegant linen window blinds with patent spring rollers at his sale on Saturday, Nov. 9011. Abs. JOHN MOFAnLAPE and daughter leave shortly for Manitoba oto join Mr. MOFarlane, who has a position there. Evaar dollar's worth of goods bought in our store represents one hundred and fifty cents of other merchant's value. A. R. Smith. Grarse up business. Tremendous slaughter of tweeds, worsted coatings, $CIMS flannels and nnderolothing at A. R. Smith's. ANDREW SLOAN, of Blyth, is delivering .A ohiel's among ye takin' notes, 1200 bushels of barley to Reeve Graham. An' faith he'll punt it. Brussels market still holds the lead and ' farmers know it. Mos. A. Shunts, of Harriston, has opened out a stook of oonfeotionery, &o., in W. R. Wilson's store, lately vacated by A. H. Hermiston. WE are quite able and willing to work for nothing for a couple of months. You can save $5 on a single purchase in cloth- ing at A. R. Smith's. POULTRY is making its appearance in large quantities. If a little more oars were taken in dressing it for market it would be more saleable. NHxv Tuesday will be the memorable "5011." It will be celebrated by the Orangemen of this locality by a social in their Hall in the evening. WE omitted to mention last week, in giving the list of officers elected in eon. nection with the Brussels Band, that H. L. Jackson was ohosen Treasurer, ARTHun VEAL'S furniture has been bought from thelargest faotoriea inCanada for cash, made from the best kiln dried lumber and warranted for 5 }rears. IF you want anything in the furniture line call at the Brussels Furniture Em- porium. You can get anything you want cheap and reliable. R. Leather - dale. AxoTHER lot Of bronobos, or Rooky Mountain ponies, was in town last Sat. urday. They were in better oondition a seen on sic arrival IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. As we desire to add at least two hundred New D Subscribers hays decided toorgive Tthe an Poem from now until the lot of .January, 1set, for the price of 0710 year, viz., 51.50. New subscribers will thus got nearly three months for nothing. This is a splendid chance which should b0 taken advantage of at once, For the encouragement of our present ub• scribers to use their influence with tuelr friends and neighbors, we make the follow- ing offer: We will allow any subscriber a commission of 25 conic cash for each new m now trill the first of 1801at , There of is 8 aroely a sub. eoriber on our list who could not Bend no two or three names if they were to try, and by so doing they would be benefitting tb em- sely es as well as us. Make an effort. See who will send in the largest list of now names. We intend in the course of a few weeks to C01..UIOnr0 another new cont] story and we would: Uko to get as many new subscribers as possible before we commence this story so that all may get the full bone. Et of it. To every person sending us Flvn new sub- scribers re -will present them with "The Canadian Farmer's Manual of Agriculture," an excellent volume of nearly 500 pages, well bound and containing the most valuable information. Thoretril pries of this book was 50.50. Dozens of farmers sons should take advantage of this offer and secure this Valuable Work. The boost may be seen et our °Mee. If they parker the oommieefmu, as offered above, it will be all right, W. TT. 00F,m1Z. Giving up RualnCSe. Call in and pay your account and save costs. A. R. Smith. Novnanenn. GET ready for snow. SEExE sells pure sugar syrup, just like honey. SsmtE sells the oheapestand best goods in town. $1.50 gets THE Poop from now to the end of 1890. $EALETTE Mantling for $6:50, worth$30• A. R. Stlrom. SEENE keeps pure groceries and sells them cheap. GREY flannels at 12k cents per yard. A. R. Smith. Au wool tweeds at 25 cents per yard. A. R. Smith. TmanE'e a wedding on the tapis in town next week. SEVEN weeks from next Wednesday will be Christmas. Fon SALE, 500 pairs rubbers. Woman's 33 cents. An*nt GOOD. CAIS, and see Skene's meitons, the best and cheapest you Dan get. Couxom meeting next Monday evening. Look oat for street lamps. Bar a ticket for the charity concert. It will only cost yon 25 oents. ALL goods delivered free of charge in the ooantry. R. Leatherdale. REnvs GRAHAM is shipping 10 cars of barley this week to Philadelphia. W. M. SINcuum was in Stratford on Thursday attending to legal business. BmLHaans, noteheade envelopes in stook at THE POST Publishing House. TERRIFIC sale of ready-made olothing, over -coats, &c., at cost. A. R. Sears. Haman skelter sale of Cooper & Smith's boots and Shoes at Deet. A. R. SMITH. GIVING up business. New Fall goods' going at panic prices at A. R. Smith's. Mase Heenan, of Kincardine, is visit- ing her brother and hie wife this week. W. PEPPER and wife of Hamilton, are visiting their son, J. T. Pepper, this week. Loos for Veal's big emotion sale adver- tisement in the advertising columns of this paper. 25 5ENTB, in advance, gets THE POST Iron Oct. let to Jan. let 1890, Ses your neighbor. AioiSua MCGUIRE is somewhat improv- ed in health. We hope he may Continue of improve. Olicoorseyon are going to Arthur Veal's big auction sale of furniture and musical inetrumento. A SPECIALTY in window shades put ups and warranted to work all right. B. Leatherdale. Ix you want an organ at your own price go to Veal's auction sale on Satur- day, Nov. 9th Mns. Memos and Miss Maxwell, from Uncle Sam's domain, are visiting rel- - a'tives in town. Tim report of the Provincial Sabbath School Convention may be read on page 3 of this issue. Nun, Sabbath the regular quarterly meeting servios will be held in the Methodist (hurmb. Sony= will be held in St. John's until on Thanksgiving Day, commend. at 11 o'clock a. m. e yon read Veal's big advertise. is &notion eale of furniture Nov. 9th, No. 1 organ at the right st reasonable terms e'0. yzed. The largest he eonnty to be ith's. than those use sly th in Ontario. KEEP the Charity Concert, under the auspices of the Brussels Branch of the W.C.T.U., in mind. It will be held on the evening of Thanksgiving day, in the Town Hall. TEE case against J. C. Teak, of Oran - brook, for selling liquor after hours, was heard by A. Hunter, on the 19th ultimo. The evidence was not considered sufficient to convict. ArrLEs.—Baldwins, Spies, Russets, Pippins, Quintiles, Snows, Greening,, Spitz, Tolman. Sweets and other varieties oheaper than any where else in Brussels. ADAat GOOD. LAST Sunday afternoon Arthur, the four-year-old son of Andrew Crozier, fell on the road while going to Alex. Ma- Lauohlin's and broke the small bone in his left arm near the elbow. War. SCOTT, who has been laid up for several weeks with a broken leg, started to work last Monday. He is employed at Smith & Malcolm's factory and is 0 first-clase mechanic. TAX OOLLECTon Ross wishes to remind the taxpayers that their taxes are now due and wants them to pay np. This applies with equal force to those having poll tax to pay. Call in and see him. THE Wingham Advance say,q, :—"J. Mason has disposed of hie photograph plant to W. J. Fairfield, of Brussels." Mr. Fairfield has removed the stock to Brussels where he does a splendid busi- ness. As Thursday of next week will be Thanksgiving day and will no doubt be observed as a general holiday, we ask our correspondent's to favor us with their usual eontribations one day earlier than usual. Femme have been hauling grain to Bruesele market from within a quarter of a mils of Blyth. Thio is a very practi- cal way of comparing markets, Our buyers don't take a back seat from any. of the towns. AT a meeting of the 'Directors of the East Huron Fall Show, held at the Central Hotel, last Satarday afternoon, the prize fiat of the recent Fair was re- viewed after which the Treasurer' paid a number of prizes. Mne. W. H. LEEOH, of Goderieb, is visiting her brother, Dr, Holmes. She attended the Provincial W.C.T.U. Con. vention at Galt on Tuesday. She ie an enthusiastic and successful worker in the Temperance cause, Mee. OHAa. AtnLEe, of Harriston, has a card of thanks published in the Her. riston Tribune, acknowledging the prompt payment of $2,000 to her by the A. 0. U. W., of which order her late husband was a member. Do you eat sausages ? If so Wm, Blaehill, butcher, has commenced manu- facturing them this season and is pre- pared to supply a No. 1 article. ,A trial will convince you that this is correct and you will bo sure to call again. • • Bev. JAS. HANNON, D. D., of Hilmar. dine, has been engaged to preach the anniversary sermon's of the Methodist chards in this place on Sabbath, Doc. 22nd. The annual annivereary tea meet- ing will be held an Christmas evening, ALL orders for teaming left at J. G. Skene's or A. M. Mel0ay t& Co's store will be promptly attended to. All orders for garden plowing loft with the above named gentlemen will receive prompt at- tention. 30 ammo Duos. i 1-lfaa J 1-(L St,L� PUSS].' every evening this week and at the 000510 1 ohatnpionship of Ilnron and $36, also time adve'tishlgtheir nredioines. They' have 'knocked the tar' ant of the best give a good 1111sioal program and there league teams in Perth— flit. Marye atld are not many vacant ohatrs Sn the Hall. 11Titohell. Pira, Colwell, drop down and ]Mss aOlcUoLL and Mrs, Owen have out, or'give es a rest, hooter Adv). opened up n dross making and mantle malting shop over Strachan Bros. store, They guarantee satisfaotion and sol]oit the patronage of the ladioe of Brussels and vicinity. Their card appears in another ooinium Ziemer', of Oranbrook, came before Judge Toms, last Saturday, at Goderieh, charged with theft, 13e was acquitted on the watch cage and the timupieoo re- turned to its owner, Miran Wbite, De- claim on the clothes question will be given on the 8th inst. Eamon BRYAN, of the Luoknow Senti• nol, and wife wore in town over Sabbath, visiting Mrs. Bryan's parents. We don't know whether Mr. Bryan has got to be "stunk up" or not eines he booame-Reovo of the Sopoy town but he did not even oondesoond to oall on us this time any- how. THE handsome range of lamps to hand at B, Gerry's and on exhibition in his store window commands the attention of all who see them. Nothing lilts them ever appeared in Brussels before. Call in and get prices and examine our large and well assorted stook of Lamp goods. B. GERnY. ninon Toa[s has given his deoision on the question of hearing the appeals pre- sented by Geo. Beaker at the recent Court held on Oot. 17th. He cites a case from the Court of Appeal as a precedent and decides that es the papers were not eorvod fn accordance with the law the ap- peals cannot be heard. IN the report of the Brussels W.0.1t,TJ. in reference to the charity they omitted to state that Mrs. Wm. Ross had very generously sapplied the Campbell family with Milk. Heave. Walket & Humphrioe hexed the dwell. also donated a load of wool to the poor. y, we melee- Tun Diamond Modioitio Company are giving concerts in the Totvrt %iall WELL -DIGGING AND DRILLING.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and 51111112 wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and put in proper share. Terme reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry st., Brussels. 43.0f Dn. GnnnAar has purchased the street lamp on exhibition at B. Gerry's store and it was put in position on William street, opposite the Dr's handsome reai- denoe. The people in that section of the town will feel like chanting a new doxol- ogy, as they share the benefit of the Lamp on dark nights. The Council should get a move on soon on this ques- tion of street lighting. ON Monday evening, 110h inst., the annual meeting of the Brussels Branch of the Upper Canada Bible Society will be held in St. John's churoh. The Rev. J. G. Manly, Permanent agent of the Society, will deliver an address ou "Nine- veh and Israel." The reverend gentle- man has been in Brussels a number of times and his addressee are always both instructive and interesting. AnoPEoNen vs. G-tn'En.—This was an action by Samuel P. Aropeahski for a balance of wages 925,00 which came up before A. Hunter, J. P., under the blaster and Servants Act. After 11010151 the evidence for both parties his Worship gave judgment for the Plaintiff for 917.00 and costa. W. M. Sinclair acted for the plaintiff, and W. B. Dickson looked after the interests of the defendant. Taexxsoi ixa Div.—It is announced that a union thanksgiving service will be held in Knox church next Thursday at 11 a. m., Rev. John Bose, B. A., to pre- side. Rev. S. Sellery, B. A., B. D., will preach, and other ministers who may be present may take part in the deyotional exercises. A collection will be taken up for the poor of the town. LauraEimaas, daughter of Bev. Mr. Howie, is to be pre. sented for baptism. A LETTER has been resolved from Claude Waterer, a former well-known resident of Brussels. After leaving here he went to California and not finding anything to snit pushed on to Chili, in Smith America, and then on past the De Verde Islands to Liverpool and old London, where he now is, He talks of vieiting the Cape of Good Hope. If Claude keeps on there won't be much of the world he has not seen. THE Palmerston Telegraph of last week has this to say of a former well known resident of Brussels :—"J. A. Creighton, late agent at the Brussels railway station, has had charge of the freight and passenger department at this station for almoitfonr months. He takes with the people, being an accommodat- ing and effioient officer of the company. We would like him to become a perman- • ant resident of the town, but we under- stand ho positively declines the appoint - Mont." Y. P. C. A.—The second regular meet. Mg of the Y. P. C.A. was held last Mon- day evening in Melville churoh, at which a very appropriate and interesting ad- dress on objeots of the Assooiation was given by the retiring president, A. M. MoNay. An instructive address on. "Private reading" was given by the preei. dent elect, S. Y. Taylor. Readings were given by Mrs. J. Kerr and Mies Lillian Ainley. There was oleo a solo by Miss. L. O'Connor and mesio by the choir. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered . Mies O'Connor for her kind assistance at the meeting. V • , HIDn11EN'a $ERVI° . —. Last , Sabbath morning. Rev. S. Sollery, B.A., B.D., preached to the Sabbath school children. • His text was in St..Luke, let chapter and 66th verse, "What manner of child. shall this bs." After . introducing the subject and talking of fortune telling the reverend gentleman gave the following live points, ,made very dear by illus- tration, showing how a child may grow up to be happy and useful : (1) Obedi- ence to parents ; (2). Obedience ,to con. science ; (3) A willingness to work, to be helpful; (4) Unseifishneso, and - (9) ,Obey the teachings of the 13ible. The service thrnughont was one of special interest. Ia the evening Mr. Sollary gave an ad- dress on the Provincial Sabbath Soltool Convention, at which he had been a dela. gate.. onto. It is a little too late in the 00110051 to 'blow' about baseball, but the Exeter, Mitchell or any other club will And Brue- sels ready to book up what they say at the oponing of another season. They won't bar lured pitchers from London or Toronto either, A Watts & Co., of Brantford, are ship- ping two carloads of soap—ono to Yoko- hama, Japan, and the other to Shanghai, China. The ehinments go on the 0. P. R. route, via Vanooavor, This is the first Canadian shipment of soap to these points. A tramp entered the reeidouoe of Mr. Wilcox, near Welland, on Wednesday, and demanded food. Ho was given 50E10 cold meat, but this was not to his taste, and he ordered Mrs. Wilcox to furnish him with a cup of tea and beoame very abusive. Mr. Wilcox appeared on the scene at this juncture, and the tramp failing to leave, he was clubbed into in- eeesibility. maAR.R.,IPE:a. HINCHLRY—HART: At the residence of the bride's mother, on the 80011 ult., by the Rev. Wm. Torrance, Mr. John Arthur Hinollley, to Miss Mary Ann Hart both of NoKillop. —._..__.. A'CTCTIOST TOEon v, Nov. 5.—Farm stock, imple. menta, etc., on lot 18, oon. 10, Grey. Sale to commence at 1 p. m. Hugh Porter, prop., Geo. Kirkby, aria. I XSTTSSMT,S 1 OTS. Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Barley Oats Peas. Butter, tubs and rolls..., Eggs per dozen Flour per barrel....., Potatoes Hay per ton... Hides per lb Salt per bbl., retail Sheep skins, each Wool, por 013 75 83 80 83 55 45 24 25 51 52 14 15 17 00 5 50 00 35 00 G 00 7 00 2 3 1 25 00 60 1 00 18 20 Nov. 1; 1.889. din?tII ^r':taiwSAt' trier ei i mass nusemel4•+tw z?...•ylo Fe pion ss :'nos,, Palrlless, ' ° P. Effectual. PEPPER'S PERFECT PI LLS For Bilious and Nervous .Disorders, 011011 as wind and pain in the Stomach, Sick I-Ieadaohe, Giddiness, Fulness and Swelling after meals, Dizziness, Drowsiness, Blotches on the Skin, Costiveness. For a Weak Stomach, Impaired Digestion, Disordered Liver they act like Magic, A few doses will work wonders upon the Vital Organs, Strengthening the Muscular System, Restoring long -lost Complexion, bringing back the keen edge of Appetite, and arousing" " with the "Rosebud of Health" the whole physical energy of the ' human frame. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try ono box of these Pills. Full directions with each box. P3RicEi 035 Cants a $t,x, or 5 13ox014 tl>r *v11 -00. SEAFOI .TIT SSA 01`ETaa. Fall Wheat 75 82 Spring Wheat 80 88 Oats 24 25 Peas 50 52 Barley 40 45 Potatoes 85 40 Butter, por lb 14 15 Eggs, per dozen 17 00 Apples, per bushel 30 35 Hogs, dressed 6 00 00 Beef 4 50 5 50 Hay 700 800 Wood, per cord 2 511 4 50 Sheepskins, each 40 57 BABE BALL,—"We notice by The Brus- sela POST that the Brussels baseball club 155Dee a challenge to play any club' in the country for $50, town against town, We hope out baseball club will accept the challenge, as we know they can "knock the stuns' "out of the Brussels club,"— Exeter Advocate. "Why did they not tlo it at Seaforth last summer? They are just like whipped boys, always brag and boast altot they get home, Mitchell is the only club in these parts that can wallop , the Bruesels team."— Mitchell Advertiaor. "All right, bar. Advertiser man, your Mitchell .team is a 'dandy,' but before they attempt to play Brussels they want to come to Illxeter and redeem that 080re 10 to 4 in layer of Exeter. Exeter club holds the championship of Huron, ]raving beaten Brussels and Bel. grave at the Brigravo'tournament for the AUCTIONEERS. (y EORGE KIRKBY, V+ Licensed Auctioneer, Sales conduct- ed on reasonable terms. Farms and farm stook a specialty. Orders left at THE Poem Publi ailing House ,B russels, or sent to Walton P. 0„ will receive prompt attention. A RAYMANN, • Auctioneer, IS always ready to at- tend sales of farms, farm stools, &e. Terme cheerfully given. Orenbrook P.O. Sales may be arranged at Thu Poem Publishing House, Brussels. •- PREPARED ONLY BY J. UT.IBERT P.EPP, h , Chemist and Druggist, Opp. Queen's Hotel, - . Brussels, Ont. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. M. SINCLAIR, Solicitor,Conveyanoor,Notary Pub - lie, &o. OOloe—Graham's Block, 1 door north of Pepper's Drug Store. Private Funds to Loan. 11 E. WADE, .1L.6 0 Barrister, Soliaiter and Notary Pub- lic, Conveyancing. Collections and Loaning. Mr. Wade will attend in Gerrie every Wed- nesday at two o'olook, T\IOKSON & HAYS, (Cato w1t11 Garrets & Proudtoot, Gode- rioh,) lOarrietors, Ss11010ors, Oonveyanoore, Se. Ofnooe—Inreseels and Scafortlt. Brio' solo OBioo, Bogen' 731ook-, Main 8t, Money to Loan. R,9, HAS,. W. 13. DIOx5ON, A. 1'I. TAYLOR, 13.0. L. Barrister, Solicitor, &o., of the firm of Taylor, Mooullugh & Burns, Barristers Solicitors, &c., Manning Arcade, Toronto, Money to loan. ALEX. HUNTER work of iho Fourth Division Court, Co, Huron, Oonvoyaneer, Notary Public, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent, Funds invested and to loan, Collections made. 011loo in Graham's Block, Brussels. BUSINESS CARDS. RESSMARING OVER MRS. Iimx'e store. MISSES L. & D. Mc. NAUGIITON. % H. M.o0I3�AOKLN, 6 6 . Isery, Tu nuevnlageL'es,UBe. 0flle0 at his Grocery, Purnbomy street, 13i esois, 'D N. BARRETT, J_ Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next dour south of A. M. McKay & Co's hardware store, Ladies' and children's hair cutting a i peoialty t"A choice stook of cigars kept. A11kNAIR, •Issnror of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis - 01011 or, 50.,9.13, Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insurance Co. Cflioe at the Oranbrook Post 011100. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSURANCE, FiRE AND MARINE. GUELPH• DRESSMARING.— Tho uudeestgned desires to intimate to the ]adies of Brussels and surrounding country that she is prepared to attend to all orders intrusted to her. Satiafaotion guaranteed. Shop—Ep-stairs, 0110 door north of Walter Jackson's hardware store, 00- MISS SAMPLE. BANKING. oINTOSEI & MaTAGGART, ' BANKERS, . BRUSSELS, Tranoaot a General 8araleiag 8ueiaedd, NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian and United States Drafts bought and sold. Interest allowed ou Deposits, Collections made on fadorahle terms. Canadian Agoots—MEnaoANT's BAER or CANADA. NOW York Agooto—IixxoxmRne ANA TRAD- ERS NATIONAL BANE. DENTAL. G. L. Ball, L. D, S Nitros Oxide Gas ail. ministered lor tho Painless Extraction Tooth. 74 Gerrard Street East, TonolsTo. 7=i=1.1',1, ISW 1 W. J. Fear, L. D. S., Graduate of Toronto School of Dentistry. All operations guaranteed. I5'•Artilleial tooth, 0rst quality, and a guaranteed fit, for $12,00 per set. 00,00—OAn1'0 Bnoos, SEAFoeTH, :+SMN,30X 4T! MAmTI11T. i,. a, 0., Honor Graduate of the Boyal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Nitros Oxide Gas administered for the Painless Extraoticn of tooth. OGse-• rs'"Oxft DOOR NORTE or. DANS, BlWeeELB, MEDICAL CARDS. N ill. I'. OALE, 112. D., 0. M., Y 7 Member of the College of Physician and Surgeons of Ontario by examination• 011100 and Residence—Malo street East, Ethel, Ontario, A. McNAUGHTON, M. D. CY • O. M., Ti. R. C. P., Edinburgh M.0. E. 8. Ont. At Pepper's ]rug Store from 0 to 11:50 a, m. and from 1:00 to 4 D. m. At other hours may be found at his residence, form- erly °coupled by Dr. Hutchinson, Mill et. VETERINARY. TNO. D. WARWICK, V. S., (SEC OI2SSOB TO F. W. O'BRIEN, V.5j. Graduate and Hoarrary Fellow of Ontario Veterinary College, will be pleased to ex amine with the greatest care and profeo. atonal skim any oases entrusted to ,his charge. 001 co and infirmary—O'Brioo's old stand 2 doors north of bridge, Turnborry et., Brussels. PIRJIOMO But Prices Cry Aloud in this Case ! We've squeezed them down so low at The Great Cost Price Sale the lone to be remembered Sale now ovine on at . ►1...2Etr IVI 1 T 11' .5— ALL OUR GOODS MUST BE SOLD by the tat of December, as ' I am leaving Brussels to start • Business, again in Brandon, Manitoba. We will. hold ' £n A''.otion Sale 'every Saturday Afternoon. Terms of Sale Cash unless special arrangements are made with Customers Pur- chasing large. amounts. Remember the Sale we had when leaving Ethel also the Sale of Milne's Stock, Those two were great, but this one will be greater, as I have $13.,000 Worth of New Fall Goods to dispose of.