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Nov. 1, 1889.
0i5t1 cf lCill .
FRIDAY, NO YENDB 12 1, 1 Hill,
Mrs, Dr. OLIO Was visiting frianda in
Seaforth last weak.
J. A. Young was away at Waterloo this
Week on insurance Wetness,
Miss Ida Boles, of Clinton, le visiting
at T. P, Simpson's this week.
J, &dewier has puroliaoe0 the house
And lot lately occupied by W. Fergunon,i
Miss Faulkner, who spent her Summer ,
n this vicinity, has returned to li0r home
near Listowel.
Mr. and Mre. Wanner, of Mornington
Wnahip, are visiting their son, Henry
Wanner, of this place,
J. W. Green, photographer of Parkhill,
is et present viewing schools and private
residenoeein this vicinity,
Rev. Mr, Murray, of Kincardine, will
oodduot the services in the Presbyterian
enrols here next Sabbath afternoon.
John Bishop, P. Kieffer, J. and A.
Lamont, started last week for Muskoka,;
where they purpose spending afow weeks
at deer bunting.
Miss Lizzie Wallace left last Saturday
for Moorefield and Toronto. She pur-
poses stayinginToronto for some time
where she will take a course in the con-
servatory of music.
G. Ford, of Liebowel, while melding
in placing the machinery in the new saw
mill last Monday afternoon met with a
severe accident. He was turning the
aide of a pulley which Was placed close
to a stick of timber, his hand being sup.
ported on a triangular wooden rest. The
Mimi caught and turned the rest and
hie band between the timber and the
pulley lacerating three fingers and break.
mg one. The engine had to be stopped
before the hand oould be extricated.
Wm. Sadler, of this town, raised 170
pounds of potatoes, the product of one
potato planted.
A grand carnival will be given in the
skating rink on the evening of Thanks-
giving day, November 7th.
Joo. Roe, who has been in the employ
of C. E. Williams for the past two years
as operator, left Thursday •of last week
for San Frauoieco, Cal.
The town treasurer, John Dickson,
offered for sale, by public auction on
lost Saturday, several town lots for taxes.
The Bale was at 2 p.m.
Judge Doyle, revising officer, will hold
a court for the revision of the Wingham
Dominion Voters' List in the town hall,
on the 4th of November.
The anneal annivereary sermon to the
members of Court 'Maitland, No. 25,
Canadian Order of Foresters, of this
town, was preached on Sunday, 27th Oot.,
at 11 o'clock a. m., 10 St. Paul's church,
by the Rev. J. H. Moorhouae.
A meeting of the creditors of Kincaid
Brae. R Oo., of the chair faotory, was
held last week. Mr. Coultee, a member
' of the firm, made an offer of 100 cents on
the dollar for the business, to be paid in
three instalments -3, 6, and 9, months.
The offer was accepted by the creditors.
Mrs, B. B. Keefer, who is well known
in the town, has gone to Prince Edward
Island, whore she has an engagement as
leotarer for the Right Worthy Grand
Lodge of Good Templare. Mre. Keefer
may also speak in the other Maritime
Proeiucee and in Qnebeo on her home-
ward journey.
S. Smith, who has been engaged in R.
M. Robinson's foundry for many years,
has seoured a situation ae foreman in
the finishing department of the Central
Prison, Toronto, and will remove from
town in the course of a few weeks. Both
Mr. and Mre. Smith will be greatly
missed in musical circles in town, es.
pecially in the Methodist churoh choir,
of which Mr. Smith is leader and Mrs.
Smith organist.
d rev.•
Rev. Mr. Howie will (D. V.). conduct'
f service in Shine's schoolhouse next Tues.
day at7:80p.m.
The Sunday sohool held in Smith's
eahool House closed last Sabbath for this
season. It willre-open next Spring.
This week will wind up the Morrie and
Grey cheese factory for 1889. The oheeee
maker is manufacturing for the patrons
this week. The factory has hada very
successful season.
LITnn.+nv.—The first meeting of the
season will be held in Shine's school
house on Tuesday evening, Nov. 12th,
when a debate will take place. The sub-
ject will be "Resolved that the time has
now arrived when a House of Refuge
would be beneficial to the county of
Huron" D. Robertson is leader on the
affirmative and Jno. Bain on the nega-
tive. A. fiill attendance of members is
neoeeeary in order that the re.organiza.
tion may be completed. Meetings open
to all.
On account of the funeral of the late
Margaret 18.1$oTaggart taking pleoe on
Tuesday, 22nd inet„ • the debate in the
ached house, S. S. No. 8, was postponed
to Friday evening, when quite a number
of young people and one, or two older
ones gathered to hear the rising orators
discuss the weighty question eneonnoed
in last week's teens. Only 2 out of the 7
chosen on the affirmative aide spoke,
against 4 on the negative side. The
chairman and vioe.oheirman appointed
were Jas. Harris and D. Sillars, and they
deoided to call it a "draw." The next
debate will take place on the evening of
Tuesday, 6th inst. ; subject : Resolved
that married life is happier than single
Pnne0NTeemee—Last Tuesday evening
about seventy people, young and old,
representing the Union Sabbath School
held during the Summer months in the
school house in S. S. No, 8, assembled at
the residence of Thos. Strachan, 8rd
eon., in the shape of a surprise party.
After getting comfottably settled Mr.
Strachan, who has faithfully performed
the duties of Superintendent for several
years, was presented with an upholstered
folding rocking chair and a kindly word-
ed address expreoeive of the appreciation
in which his eerviees are hold by the
soiled The address wag read by Mies
Gusto Smithand the presentation made
by Mies Kate McDougall. Tho recipient,
although taken by surprise, made a suit.
able reply. The hesitate were then in.
vestigated end a Committee of whole de.
cided that the contests were quite satie-
faetory. The evening (anti a chunk of
the night) wag very pleasantly spent in
music, sonde, social chat and gamee after
which tho eompauy adjourned, being un-
animous in their opinion that Mr. and
Mrs. Strachantnake a firet>class host and
J. Llobard, teacher in S. S. No, 1, was
called away this week to Guelph to see
hie eider who is Wok.
It Is stated that S, Y. Taylor ling co-
signed his position ae teacher in S. fe, No.
3, the same to take effect at the oloee of
this year, after which date he tales the
position of Principal at Wroxeter, Mr.
Taylor is a very ence0esfnl teacher and
his three yearn' terra in Grey has proved
this to a demonstration. The Wroxeter
school board is to be oongratulated on
their choice. Mr. T, holds a let elms
Ojlir,—On Monday, 21st ult„ Mar.
garet E., the oldest daughter of Dongald
McTaggart succumbed to the fatal com-
bination of bronchitis, pleurisy, and
typhoid fever after a somewhat protract-
ed illness, She was gentle and amiable
in disposition, and was much beloved and
will be greatly missed by her relatives
mud friends, Sbe was in the habit of
taking her cares to Jams and trusting
firmly to Ilim in 0,b1 things, and it was
HIS will to gall her to a bettor world than
this vale of tears. The funeral on Tues-
day was largely attended.
"In the Cold motet earth wo 1µ1d her, when
the forest east the ]oaf,
And we wept that one se 100513 should have
al Ho se brief,"
Inspector Seath, of Toronto, visited
the High sohool hero Wednesday of last
Wm. Hese and family removed thin
week to West Toronto Junction, where
Mr. Hess is erecting a cabinet faotory.
The anniversary services of the ltiotho.
dist church Sabbath school will be held
on November 8rd and 4th. Rev. G. R.
Turk, of Guelph, will proaoh on Sabbath
morning and evening.
The Listowel Dairyinen's Assooiatlon
held the closing cheese marker of the
season on Thnraday of last week, and
celebrated bhe event with an oyster sup-
per, which took place at the Grand
Central hotel the same evening. A large
number of buyers, faotorymen and citi-
zens were present,
The interior of the Grand Central has
recently undergone considerable im.
provements. The barber shop has been
removed to the rear of the office, entrance
00 Mill street. The room formerly oc-
cupied by the "tonsorial artist," J.
Stewart, has been converted into a sitting
room "for guests of the house only,"
and has been elegantly fitted up.
A conferenoe of delegates from the
Congregational churches in this district
was held in the church here on Thursday
of last week. There was a good attend-
ance. The Listowel branch of the Oen.
gregational Women's Board of Missions
was formed and the following selected as
oaioere :—President, Mrs. G. M. Frank-
lin, Listowel ; Vico-Presidents, the Presi-
dents of auxiliaries ; Treasurer, Mre.
K. Shortt, Wingham ; Secretary, Miss
Blanche Hyde, Stretford. A number
of papers were read and a series of
resolutions adopted, referring to future
work. It was decided to solicit donations
of clothing, papers, toys, etc., to 511 a
box to send to the Indian lvfis=ion at
French Bay. The evening meeting was
well attended, and an interesting mis-
sionary service held.
Dominion Voters' List Court on Thurs-
day of this week at the Township Hall.
The young men of S. S. No. 7, Morris,
have inaugurated a literary society, with
R. Stewart president and C. Campbell
Lifting turnips and fall plowing is
keeping the farmers on the go, with au
ocoasional threshing bee to enliven the
A.I. McCall has been re-engaged as
teacher in S. S. No. 6 for 1889. His
salary has been inoreaoed 827. Mr. Mc-
Call is making a good record.
Councillor Caldbick enjoyed his trip
to the West very mnoh. He wont
through to the Pacific ocean. We ex-
pect to have a short account of his ram-
bles some of these days.
James Duncan, who has been poorly
all summer, is somewhat improved the
last few weeks, but is not by any means
restored to his wonted health yet. We
hope he will continue to convalesce.
J. E. Smith, of Beresford, Man„ has
sold to T. Sample, formerly of this town-
ship, the S.E. of sec. 19-8-20, about 4
miles from Beresford station, for 010
per acre. The farm is one of the bast in
the locality. Mr. Sample and family
'took immediate possession.
WEDDINe PEEOENTs.—The following is
the list of the wedding gifts made to
Mrs. Joseph Bowman last week :—Pair
of gold bracelets, groom ; silver pickle
cruet, Mr. and Mre. Grundy 1 table lamp,
Mr, Wood; preserve dish, Misses Pea -
cook ; sake dish, bread plate and 3 doz.
nappiee, Mr. and Mre. W. A. Calbick ;
pin cushion, Mies A. °albiok ; basket of
flowers, Mies E. Oalbiok ; silver pickle
cruet, Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Bowman ; pair
paintings (framed,) Mr.' and Mrs. I•. B.
Oalbiok ; photo album, B. Timmins ;
pair vases, Miss Mclllwain ; silver
bntterldish, Mies C. Johnston ; teapot,.
Miss M. Forest ; silver butter dish, Mise
A. Armstrong ; lemonade set, Mr. and
Mrs. W. Work ; silver butter knife and
*des. silver 'teaspoons, Miss MoVety.;
idos. silver teaspoons, Mr. and Mre.
ernagan ; pair bread towels, Miss For-
rest ; silver pickle cruet, Mies A. John.
eton ; vinegar bottle, Mies May Sample ;
crystal set and basket, Miss M. Forrest ;
doz. silver teaspoons, Jno. Bowman ;
silver napkin ring, Mr. and Mise Robb ;
plush plaque and =toll holder, Miss L.
Sollars ; preserve dish, Mr. and Mrs.
Henderson ; water set, Mise M. Wilson ;
creedal disband silver butter knife.,. Miss
seaMason ; crystal berry set, Mre. Mar.
tin; toilet set, Wm. Sellars ; crystal
water pitoher, Mies E. Mustard ; Dake
stand and vinegar bottle, Mr. and Miss
Johnston ; table cloth, Mrs. Woodrow ;
bed spread, Mics Gibson ; pair lace
curtains, Miss S. Kernagban ; old*, Ire.
land family and A. MoOall ; table cloth,
B. Xing ; bane seated rocking chair, Mr.
and Mrs. Golley ; tray cover and table
spread, Mies Montgomery,
Huron County.
T, Jc J. Gingen, of Wroxeter; shipped
92 carloads of lumber recently.
The Orangemen of Gerrie intend cote.
boating the 6th of November in good
style. Them will bo e, shred parade in
the afternoon and a consort in .the
Tho Missionary Committee of the
Guelph Oonforonao plot in the Methodist
alined, Gorrie, on Tuesday, Cot. 99, at
9 a. hi. The denioronoe Special Gone-
miltoe mot daring the efteennon of the
satno ilny in the same plane. The 00131181
missionary meeting was held In the even.
ing, at which addroeees were delivered by
the lids, N. R. Willoughby, D. 1)„ Jas.
Hannon, D. D., and Alfred Frost, Bar.
rister, Owen Sound,
The Gerrie Yidotto says; —Ono even-
ing recently Mrs. W. Almont hoard one
of the children, which was in bed, mak-
ing a peculiar noise and on going to the
bud °hauiberfound to her horror a large
oat with its ford paws around tho neck of
the child, while it was sucltingite breath.
Had the brute not boon discovered when
16 was the child would soon have been a
Perth County.
The debenture debt of St. Marys, in
eluding the Maxwell bonus and the Park
street bridge by-law, is 668,116.74.
A piano will now always be kept in the
Stratford city hall. Tho one pnrehased
for the purpose is an Eointzman Square
W. G. Morrison has been re-engaged bo
beach the Newry oohed, No. 5, Elma,
for the ensuing year, at an increase of
John Anderson has resigned the tax
colleoborship of Blansbard, and Percival
Armstrong has been appointed to the
Young Horeeburg, who was charged
with firing the barn of Richard Paynter,
in lilausbard, has been honorably die•
Misread, uo further evidence being sub-
mitted. •
ltov. P. J. MoEwon will not remain
much longer in Stratford as the pastor
of the Baptist churoh. At bhe recent
Baptist Convention at Ottawa Mr. Mc-
Ewen was elected superintendent of the
Ilonae Mission Board,
A now posbotllao called ScisneeRill has
been opened up in the south riding of
the county. It is between Anderson and
58, Marys on the Sb. Marys and Exeter
route and is served daily both ways.
William Dawson is the name of the
The Perth Teachers' Association have
elected the following officers : President,
Geo. Hamilton, Sebringville ; Vice -Pres-
ident, Miss Eleanor Walker, Stratford ;
Secretary -Treasurer, Fred. Parker, SM.
ringville; The Association passed a
resolution in favor of the establishment
of a °hair of pedagogics in the Provincial
R. Freeman, representing the firm in
Syraouso, N.Y., that is proposing to
build e waterworks plant in St. Marys,
was in town on Saturday last end it is
understood that he left with the mayor
a map of the proposed lines of piping,
showing the location of the hydrants and
tower and also a definite offer for sub-
mission to the council at an early date.
James Purdon, teacher in the public
schools, Mitchell, who came down to at-
tend the Medlars' convention last Thurs-
day, went into the Collegiate Institute
gymnasium this morning and in revolv-
ing round the horizontal bar fell on the
hard asphalt pavement and seriously
bruised his face. A surgeon was called
in and dressed his wounds. This is the
fifth who lies had an unfortunate asci•
dent in the Collegiate Institute gymnas-
ium.—Stratford Herald.
James Ballantyne, of Lakeside, in the
township of Downie, met his death very
soddenly Tuesday night. While seeing
that his stock were attended to for the
night he fell from the window of the straw
house to the ground, a distance of 28 feet,
receiving such injuries as to cause instant
death. Deceased was 44 years, and Leaves
a wife and two small ohildren. He was a
nephew of Thee. Ballantyne, M.PP., for
Sonth Perth, and recently filled the posi-
tion of President of the North Perth Ag-
ricultural Society.
General Neirsa.
Two inches of snow fella Rat Portage
F riday night.
Cincinnati hoe a baby giraffe, said to
be the only one, except that of the Lon-
don Zoological Garden, born in captivity.
A dog in the Mayor's office at Burling-
ton, N. 3„ recently ate the city charter
and ordinances and the Mayor's Bible.
That dog could now become almost any-
thing, from a sage to a sausage..
Peter Havens, a Camden, N. J„ man,
bought a monkey to bring sunshine into
his darkened home. In order to see the
monkey jump he snapped a revolver at
him. A few days later, in order to sae
Peter jump, the monkey snapped the
same weapon ab him. This time it
happened to be loaded, and the man got
a billet in the jaw.
A notable decrease has taken place in
the British 000viot population. In July
last the total number in custody under
sentence of penal servitude had dropped
to 6,406, as compared wail' 11,000 twenty
years ago.. The number of women sen-
tenced to penal servitude bias fallen very
much below even recent years, the num-
ber in 1888 being 57, and in 1888, 186.
The whole number of women in England
and Wales now under sentence of penal
servitude is only 402, or less than a third
of the daily average female convict popu-
lation of ton years ago.
Stag Island is situated about five and
one-half miles below Sarnia and is owned
by N. Mille, -a wealthy citizen who re-
sides in Marysville, Mich., just across
the river. Mr. Mills evidently forgot
that the land was in Canadian waters,
and for some time past be has been erect-
ing a number of houses on the island,
bringing the materials from the States:
He has also brought over a number of
thorough -bred cattle and horses. On
Friday special Customs Officer Brullard
called on Mr. Mille and seized the stuff
on the island for a contravention of the
custom law, but released them upon Mr.
Mills paying $1,470. The cattle were
token bask to the States, as they cannot
be imported into Canada.
Mr. Sprsoktes says that bis new sugar
refinery to be built in Philadelphia will
produce 1,000,000 pounds a day at the
start. The plant will be doubled, and by
the end of next year it will produce 4,.
000,000 pounds a day. Mn. Spreokles
will also build a refinery in New Orleans
with a capacity of 1,000,000 pounds a day.
His California refinery has a capacity of
1,000,000 pounds e, day. Thus ho ivill in
time produce 6,000,000 pounds daily. The
Sugat Trust produces 8,000,000 pounds
daily. "Tho sugar market," said Mr.
Spreokles, "15 now demoralized. There
was a drop Thursday in the price of re.
fined sugar of , of a cont a pound, mak-
ing the price The. a pound. Every decline
of ea. moons it deoroaso in the income of
ilio Trust of 11.0,000 ,0 day, I look Est a
drop of le. a pound in the price of sugae
in the next 00 clays. If tlio sugar people
Isere rifest; to lower prices spear will be
sant hero from '.Sugiand and ail Barts of
Money to Loan,
.Money to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty at
Lo WEST /t.'TES.
Private and Gampany Funds,
Salsbifol'8, the.,
BouxssaLS, ONT.
nen WATER 001TH 0000 1.03(0 A MEDICINE
G. . D I D.M.1 Jv,
38.ly 113RTJls4 13GY,svl.
Practical •Watchmaker
and Jeweler.
Thanking the public for past favors and
support and wishing still to secure
your patronage, we are opening
out Full Lines in
Silver Plated Ware
from Established and Reliable Makers,
fully warranted by us.
Clocks of'the
Latest Designs_
WEnmINc RINes,
lames Gem Reims,
Eeanoces, dm.
rH"Also a Full Line of VIOLINS and
Violin Strings, iso., in stock.
te. I5.–'1 snrcr of Marriage Liecnses.
T. Fletcher, - Brussels.
iss rninrmce.s dw,s anis a9fla 'SRR' nw8i'.4c1.'aisn lis
You Can. Savo lon.ey
By Buying your Fall and
Book and SVoes
at ViralE.LIEW
Good Selection !
Good Goods !
Low Prices !
Every Saturday at
One Door North of Gerry's
Repairing Done
Neat, Cheap and$ Quick.
You Can Save Money
A.1\T ]J
With Glorious Inducements for Fall and Winter.
Our Immense New Stock is now Ready, Unequalled in Style and Quality—Unparalleled
in Low Prices. Men's, Youths', Boys' and Children's
Clothing and Furnishing Goods, Bats, Caps, Etc., Etc.
By far the Finest Assortment, Best Values and Lowest Prides.
Whoop! here's another season come,
All merchants clear the track,
We're going, to beat the record some,
Don't try to hold us back.
Whoop ! prices lower than before,
New goods in stacks from roof to floor;
With novelties our store is full,
And that is where we get the pull.
We run to win and don't forget
The prize we want is trade.
We'll make our figures lower yet
Than Rinner ever made.
Whoop ! Here's the store that gives you most,
You'll find we make no empty boast,
But bargains big and bountiful,
And that is where we have the pull.
Show us the man who said "There is always room at the Top." Leading the Trade,
Standing high above all Competition, we find the Crowd is still with Us, yet we cry for
More, Our new Fall Stock is Immense, our Bargains Unlimited.
In the Quick Rush of the Fall Trade everything goes at a Rock Bottom Price.
Come in Everybody and, for once in your life, see what Quality and Style really means
in ,M'ens' and .Boys' Clothing, .Hats, Caps, Gens' Fur• nishi7ij Goods, oto.
These Goods are as you like them in all Respects. £'rices particularly Pleasing.
A. Special Range of Overcoatings at Prices that will .Astonish Yoii,