HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-11-1, Page 44 THE BRUSSELS POS1
m a-rawntfm m trmasset halo, xasr nigh sMexurrsss an uu
New Advertisements,
Locale—•A. Veal,
Local --Adorn Good.
Laoal--Jas,T, Roes.
Strayed -Wm, Work.
Local --Wm. Blaabill.
Auction sale—Arthur Veal,
Farm for sale Abel Tindall,
Boots and shoes—W. II. Willie.
Card—Miss McColl d; Mrs. Carson.
Notion to debtor --J, A. MoNaughton.
iribt $rnsSe.i"a VAst.
PRIDAf, NOV. 1, 1889.
AT the Convention, held by the nest
Baron Conservatives, last Saturday
afternoon, A. H. Musgrove, adllool'teach-
er, of Wbtteoburoh, was ttio'unanimoua
choice as standard bearer' at the next
election to the Loaal Legislature. Mr.
Musgrove is an iutelligent young man
and a ready speaker but we have our
doubts about him ever writing M, P. P.
for East Huron after his name. In fact
a good many of his supporters have no
expectation that he can defeat the pres-
ent member, Thos. Gibson, and feeling
this some of them did not even attend
the Convention. We did intend refer-
ring to the resolutions passed at the
meeting, which are given ih another
column, but space will not permit.
Tan Farmers' Institute of West Zor-
ra, in Oxford, recently discussed a
paper read by Wm. Stewart, on "The
Causes of the present Depression in
Agriculture and the Remedy." Tho
causes are chiefly embraced in the single
word,—Competition. The Ontario farmer
has to compete as regards wheat, not
only with the settlers on the prairie
lands of this continent, but with cheap
labor civilisations like those of Russia
and India. Modern science, —the rail-
road, telegraph, and steamship,—is
mainly responsible for this state of
things. It is a pity the members of the
West Zorra Institute had not had before
them a speeoh delivered a short time
ago by Sir Lyon Playfair, a distinguish-
ed economist, and a prominent British
Liberal. In this speech Sir Lyon re-
ferred to the effect of modern invention
upon agriculture in those words :—
The economical applications of science
in the vast improvements of the telegraph,
the railroads and the steamships have
changed the whole system of commerce.
The effect of these has been to destroy
local markets, and to consolidate all into
one market—the world. If our land-
lords and farmerswant to know the
names of the three persons who have
knocked out the bottom of our old agri-
cultural system I can tell them. Their
names nae Wheatstone, Sir Henry Bes-
semer and Dr. Joule. The first, by
telegraphy, has changed the whole system
by which exchanges are made ; the
second, by his improvements in steel,
has altered profoundly the transportation
of commodities by sea and by land ; and
the third, by his disooveriee of the
mechanical equivalent of heat, has led to
great economy of coil in compound en.
gines. By those changes the United
Stales, Canada, India and Russia have
their corn crops brought to our doors.
The effect of these discoveries upon the
transpsrt of Dorn will be realized when I
state that a small t
m 1 cake of coal,width
would pass through a ring the size of a
shilling, when burned in the compound
engine of a modern steamboat, would
drive a ton of food and its proportion of
the ship two miles on its way from a
foreign port. This economy of coal has
altered the whole situation. Not long
since a steamer of 3,000 tons going on a
long voyage, might require 2,200 tons of
coal and carry only a limited cargo of
800 tone. Now a modern steamer will
take the same voyage with 800 tons of
coal and carry a freight of 2,200 tone.
While coal has thus been economized
human labor has been lessened. In 1870
it required 47 hands on board our steam-
ships for every 1,000 tons capacity, now
only 28 are necessary. All these ohanges
going on in the economy of fuel and of
labor have lend to increased production
at a small Dost. Three men in the U. S.
working for one year in the growth,
milling, and transportation of wheat
can produce floor for a year's oonenmp-
tion of 1,000 other men, allowing one
barrel of dour to each adult. I need not
elaborate this point further, for you will
all see how this bas anted upon agricul-
ture. It has made the grain market one
all over the world.
No doubt agriculture in the various
countries will, in comae of time, adapt
itself to the altered conditions. Ontario,
for instance, will go more and more out
of wheat, and more and more into mixed
husbandry. In the meantime there will
be considerable disturbance and loss.
One thing is clear, however, and that is
that, come what may, cheapness of pro-
duction will always be an important
factor. For this reason the Ontario
farmers are specially interested in tariff
questions, yet, curiously enough, such
question aro generally tabooed in the
Institutes lest they should evoke party
feeling. But surely the farmers ought
by this time to be able to discus matters
of the kind from a farmer's point of
view. In the United States the farmers'
clube devote a great deal of attention to
the tariff, 'because of its profound effect
upon the toot of production, as web as
upon the foreign market, the foreigner
being slow to buy from those who refuse
to take his products in payment. Sir
Lyon Playfair and others halo stated
that England would not have spent a
thousand million pounds in building
Indian railways in order to procure
wheat from that country, had the other
largo wheat -growing countries been will-
ing to accept her goods in exchange for
their grain. The Institutes should study
the N. P. fairly and dispassionately, just
as they study ensilage. manuring, or any
other matter oonnoetxl'witll the eoouomy
of agriculture. Ii tvhld pay them to do
so, and bo of ssrtiii+,'to all.
4 bx.t;1.4kit it 1v0'W 4.
osorbittfdrmer was 'obbet'of u
AD 1 a 1 i $ 0
by hole hired. matt.
A protntoent %Vindaor lawyer, C. J.
Crickmore, has disappeared.
Him Alex. Morris, ex.M, P.1°., and
ex-Lieut..Governor of Manitoba, died
NTon' e,y morning.
About $4,000 have been paid out for
apples at Bothwell during the past few
weeks, and still they vers coming in rapid.
lyOver 000 persons' have been converted,
it is said, at Crossley and Hunter'smeet-
ings, at Kingston, and the Campaign goes
on for anotherwedk.
Mrs. Isabella Fraser issuing the Grand
Trunk Railway Company' for damages
for the death of her late husband, Chas
J. G. G. Fraser, who was killed in the
Hamilton disaster last spring,
Mrs. Eynon, wife of the late Rev, Dr.
Evans, of 'Hamilton, who was injured in
the memorable accident at Sb. George on
the G. T. 11., died on Monday morning at
her residence, East Hamilton.
One of the earliest settlers of Essex
oounty passed away on Wednesday after-
noon of last week, when Ned Lott'smule ,
"Jennie," aged something less than 100
years, left this world of toil. Miele Ned
mourns the loss with many a tear.
An old man from Oakville, who has
spent the last two or three winters in
Milton Jail, was put in again for the
winter this week. A few days before
leaving Oakville he had his name put on
the Dominion Franchise list.
The Northwest Assembly appointed a
oommit,ee to draught a petition to the
Dominion Government to abolish dual
languages in the Territories, and their
report states that sound public policy,
as well as economy, demands a change.
The report will be preseuted to the
House when Judge Rouleau, the only
French Ganadian member, takes his
A by-law is to be submitted to the rate.
payers of Collingwood asking a bonus of
$2,500 for every steamer built by the
Doty Engine Works Company, who pro-
pose establishing a shipyard there, until
sixteen steamers have been completed,
each steamer to cost not less than $40,-
000, after which time the bonus will
cease. The passage of the by-law is a
A train with the Vanderbilt party on
board made the trip from Windsor to
St. Thomas in two hour and sin minutes.
There was a atop of six minutes for
water, and thirty minutes were lost in
slowing up. Deducting the thirty-six
minutes, the actual running time was
ninety minutes for the 111 miles, over
some portions of the road the speed ex..
needing seventy mike an hour.
James Thompson was arrested Friday
for stealing a bottle of whiskey from Geo.
Cummings, of Iiomoka. This is the
same offence for whioh another man was
arrested a day or two before, and it is
alleged that they were accomplices in the
theft. Thompeon's chum gave the name
of James Roberts, but his real name is
D. Summers. That bobble of whiskey
will Dost the county about 320 before the
pork is pulled.
The Grey Review says :—"The other
afternoon, a widow lady, named Mrs.
Crozier, oame out from Prioeville, intend-
ing to take the morning train from Dur-
ham, for some point in Miohigan, and,
we hear, has her ticket purchased. But
Robt. Austin, a gallant widower of this
town, got hie eye on her, and thinking
she would decorate and cheer his lonely
home, proceeded to use those gentle per-
suaeives, suitable in such a case, and be.
fore the clock struck the midnight hoar,
Mrs. Crozier was Mrs. Austin and settled
in a comfortable home."
An extensive scheme, by whioh the
Customs have been defrauded for years,
has just come to light at Winnipeg, and
it is said that a nnmber of prominent
people are implicated. It appears that
they have been importing basswood from
the United States invoioed as Whitewood.
There is no duty on the latter and only
an expert can tell the difference. It is
also reported that large quantities of
dressed lumber have been smuggled across
by the same men, the dressed lumber be-
ing packed in the oars with a tier of saw.
ed lumber, on which ithere is no duty,
piled about it so as to deoeive the ap-
Will deliver is quantities to suit pur-
chaser. 1'. PEPPER, Lot 5,Oon, p,Grey.
80 wantedGEO. once. OYD, Bithol, Ont.
►7 of the undersigned, lot 17,eon. 18,Grey ,
on or about May 15,1880, a red steer, oneyear
old. The Owner is requested to prove pro-
perE9s pay czponsea and take him away.
10.4• GEC}. CLARK, Walton P, O,
rat is hereby given that all minions in-
debted to me are requested to calf and set-
tle amounts before December 1st, as after
that they will be collected through the
Court. J. A. MoNAUGHTON, M, D., Brna-
sele, 10-
and the 12th concession of Grey, on or
about Oct. 200, a coil of hemp rope, weigh-
ing about 20 pounds. "A. McNair, Oran -
brook,' was on the card attached. A suitable
reward will be paid for returning it to TEE
Poen' Publiebing House at ones.
of the underoigued,let 1, moa. 8, Grey,
four spring calves (one steer and three
heifers). The steer and ono heifer are near-
ly all red, and aro the largest of the lot, The
others are spotted rod and white. The owner
is requested to prove property, nay expenses
and take them away. 10.4 WE.. WORK,
have started a flret-olase Drees and
Mantle Making Shop over Strachan Bros.'
store. As Mrs, Carson nate by the beet
American Tailor System and has worked in
Toronts for number of years a perfect tit
and good satietaotion iegoarantead. Partio0
wile are good sowers taught 10 out and fit in
a few days, t -Approntio es wanted.
Sons,—Being composed of Lot 10,
Con, 0,Grey. There are 70 mores cleared.
There Is a frame bongo and born and a good
driving hoose, also bearing orehawl wel),
do. on Sao .promises, The Maiden? -.-ver
runs afew yardstrom the bonso. Thorn le
;Imo good rail timber no the lot. The farm
lies between Cranbrook and Ethel ami is
oonvenieat to both 111acoa, White Brueo,ls is
nobfar away. For full partioulars apply on
the nremisoe to ABEL VEDA LL, Proyiio.
or, Islam]. P. 0. 10.
Apply to T Me(41114(101t,
10• \1' 1 hot 11, Von. 9, Grey,
STONED will keep for aarvloo on Nil Lot
50, Catt, 7, Morris, two well bred boars, Oue
is a and Berkshire a t l
s the other a Chester
et r
White, Term, ti;1.00, to bo paid at time of
aervfoa, with privilege of returning, If ammo -
eery. SAlor. \1'ALlihlt, Ji,., Proprietor.
1 of the uudorei ned, lot 28, oon.8, Morris.
on or about Oet. loth four calves (two heifers
and two steers) and two yearlings (a heifer
and a steer.) There is n0 particular (nark-
ing on any of 011001, The owner is requeeted
to prove property, pay asperities and take
them away. ANDREW J. CARTES,
10.10 Walton P. 0.
lT Rome.
Stagslenvea Gerrie about 0:80 0. m.. roaall-
iug Broesels about 8010 a. m„ and will arrive
at Senfertlt about 11:10 a. in. Returning will
leave Seaforth about 8;80 p. m., reaching
Brussels about 0:40, le limo un connect with
traits going north end south, Also mike
connections with 0. P, It, ab Wroxeter and
Gerrie, S. WALSH. Proprietor,
PATENTS gayeata,Ba-iasuaaanlTrade
er patent oansee in them Patent n0frse mild
before the Courts promptly and carefully at-
tended to, Upon 1•eooipt of model or slceteli
of invention, 1 make careful examination,
and advlse as to patentabilityfr0s of mneme.
Fees modorate,and I make no charge uniese
patent is scoured. Information, advise and
special references sent oil applioatton. J.
R. L(TTELL, Washington. D.C., U.S. Potent
Office. u0
DEnsIG\en has several good Farms for
sale and to rent, easy terms, In Townships
of Norris and Grey. F. S. 800TY, Brussels.
11 for a residence in 0 tassels, containing
cue note of land nearly opposite Mr. F. 0.
Rogers' residence, is for sale at a bargain.
Apply to W. M. SINcnAIE, Brusesols, or to
0730. HA1tGREAVES, Cor. Qoeeu and Sim -
coo streets ,Toronto.
23, con. 0, Grey, containing 100 acres, 10
acres domed, under grass, and the balance
timbered. About 70 acres of dry laud and
the balance ceear and black ash swamp
There is slog house on the premises. Will
be sold on very reasonable terms as proprie-
tor does not require the lot. For further par-
ticulars apply to ROBT. MOLAUCHLIN,
Cranbmoh, P.O. or ALES. HUNTER, Brus-
sels. • 12
scaIoER offers his valuable 100 acre
farm,beinglot 8, con. 12, Grey Township,
Huron Go., for sale. Thera aro about 00
acres cleared and in good heart. Thera is n
log house, good bank barn, beating orchard,
and all the necessary conyeniences on the
premier's. For further particulars, as to
prioe,terms, etc„ apply to the Proprietor,
THf1S.HTSLOP, Clare P.O., N.N.T.. or to
Brussels Tannery is offered for sale at
it bargain. In it is a 15 h. p. engine and
3011. p, boiler,15 vats, 2 eurrytables, 2 stoves,
Good bark mill and a full sot' of tools, with
heating pipes to leaches, &c. There are
about 2 acres of land in connection with the
building. No tannery nearer than Wfngltam
or Listowel. Terms easy. For further par-
ticulars, as to price, berms, &o„ apply at
87- Tun Poem Publishing House, Brussels.
1DERBIONED offers for Bale the north
east quarter of lot 28, aonoesaion 6, Morris,
County of Huron, containing 80 acres. The
land is of first quality and In a high state of
oultiyatiou, well fenced and uuder-drained,
O5 sores cleared. New frame house, 8 rooms,
milk house with oonorete walls, 2 wells,
good barna and shed. orchard, etc. EIght
acres of fall wheat. This desirable property
adjoins the corporation of Brussels. Suit-
able terms will be given. Title perleot.
85- Soaforth P. 0.
Morris, on reasonable terms. In order
to alone the affairs of the estate of tie late
W. G. Hia eton the executoroffer g e s the fol-
lowingvaluable 1 0
b nada e r ,The North
half of Lot ao, containing 90 a res. 0, OTownship of
Morrie,it goodrm0 barn with
this lot is
erooted agood frame barn w1Eh atone foun-
dation, good orchard, we11 and primp. Near-
ly alleleared, and is on the grave road
closely adjoiningthe village of Brussels.
This farm is a vauable one, is we'1 fenced
and in a good state of oultivation. For
prises and terms apply to TH05. KELLY,
Brussels P. 0., HENRY JENNINGS, Victoria
P. 0 , Middles x alarm
Swim, Longe
Farm in the Township of Turnberry,
containing 120 acres of freehold property.
About 70 agree cleared 00. acres free of
stumps and stones. Well folioed,and water-
ed by a good well ands never-faiing spria8
creek. Balance well wooded with mixed
timber. Good soil elther for grass or grain.
Largo bank barn, frame house and 2 acres of
orchard of bearing trees. School house half
a mile distant, Situated on a leading gravel
road, between Brussels and Wroxeter, three
miles from the latter place. Must be sold or
rented as the proprietor is going to' give up
farming. For further particulars apply on
the premises or to
11- FRANK C. WRIGET, Wroxeter P. 0,
A drat-olais farm for sale in the
Township of Mortis in the County of limn
being south half of north half lots 20 & 20
and south half of 25 in0th eon.,. containing
201) acres more or less,. 125 acre* mostly
clear of stumps and in a good state of.oniti.
vation. nem ls a youngbearing orchard,a
good house and bank barn 55 x50 Leet with
stone stable underneath. The term ie situ-
ated within a mile of the Village of Brutsele
enol is a good farm for grain or stock rais-
ing as itis watered with the river Maitland
and never failing spring creek. Poseeesion
will be given at anytime, For farther par -
Maniere apply on the promisee ortoA.it.
ROBERTSON Brussels, P. 0 5.11
0(015oe is hereby given that oho outstand-
ing accounts duo the late firm of Raycroit &
Turnbull, Bruesele, must be settled by eith-
er oath or note forthwith. The books are
at Rose Bros.' store, and they are authorized
to Stye receipts for monies paid. 14-
N`,o't'ICE I
All parties indebted to the estate of oho
late Andrew Currie are requested to Bottle
the same by tbo l' nth iost. After that date
all unpaid (anima wilt bo oolleotett by pro-
cess of law, BY ORDER OF I915EOUTOBS.
Brdoasls, Oot,15,1880, '21.tf
TheOreditoro of JOON BARMIER, Into of
the Township of Gray, Yeoman, who died on
or about oho Sed day of May, 1880, intestate,
aro xi:quoeted 10 gond to the undersigned,
agent for W. G. Barker, administrator of the
ppersonal estate of the deceased, at hie Moe
Muscle, on or before the 15th day of Nov-
ember, 1880, their dolma, properly verified,
against the aetate of deceased, and after the
last mentioned date the administrator will
Mooned to distrlbate the aseote among oho
parties thereto entitled having regard only
tot10 alaime of Which they mall thou have.
notice1 t1
and the admifliati'at11, w111 nobby.
]labia i'or the asaota so distrtbutad or' any
part thereof, to an y porton of Whose claim
1:10 shell net Ltav'rlotfoo at the time 0f snail
distribution. A. mutt um,
lii'uasela, 001,11,1580. 14•l11.
dersiguod offers hie farm, adioiniug
Brussels, being Lot 2, Con. 0, Grey, for sale.
It (=tams 06 soros, about 85of which aro
ruder cultivation and tbo balance In bush
pasture. There is it eomlortebla briek cab-
tago and large bank barn on the pronisog,
together with all orchard., s wells ,and norms.
1 outbuildings. T under good
at ti tint than hoferm i, ttho
cult ate u e with oil
[ o awl g well fenced, tl 3' 1 t
el 1 1
of cedar growing on the lot.s Far fiirbb(r
parilculere 40 to 2I,110,', terms &o„ apply to
WALTER RICHARDSON, Proprietor, B rhe.
eels P,0, 0.10
Fn the mutter of the wined of 11, Armin J',
3AoasoN, of the 1•'ilfago of Ifr'uasrla,
in the County of Huron, Merchant,
an Insolvent
Take Hotter. that the above named Insol-
vent ]las made an Assignment to mo heartily
date prov tions of "An Act October,
innate and Profereuoes by Insolvent mor
sone,' being Chapter 124 of the Revised St,t-
ttitoe of Ontario 1887,. mid that. a Meeting of
the Creation of the said Insolvent will be
hold at my Ofloe, in the Tillage o1 Brussels,
Inthe County of Enron, on Moakley, the
TWENTY-pilhsT D,ty3 of 00Ton110, 1880, at the
hour of Ton °Week in the Forenoon, for the
appointment of Inspectors and the giving of
directions concerning the management and
disposal of the estate. And further take
notice that all persons olainhiug to be en-
titled to rank as creditors on the said
estate aro hereby required to furnish to mo
3011 particulars of their claims, verified by
affidavit, together with 0050 vouchers as the
11ature of the ones will udmlt of, on or be-
fore the Fifteenth day of November now
next, after which elate I shall proceed to dis-
tribute the assets of the said estate, having
regard only to the claims of which 1 shall
then have notice, and. I will not bo liable
thereafter for the assets of the estate, or
shall not have
been received at the time of sock distribtt-
tion. W, M. SINOLAIR, Assignee.
Dated at Broseels, Huron Co., this 1110 day
of October, A. 0. 1%0.
General Blacksmith,
wishes to intimate to the public generally
that be does all kinds of Blaoksmithing
in.a Workmanlike Manner.
Wagons, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters
made to Order.
Repairing promptly Executed.
I make a Specialty of Horse -shoeing.
A Call Solicited. fa -Remember the
Stand.—Nsan TEE Barnes.
24 S. Plum.
Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6z Per Cent., Yearly.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter.
Divisions Coeoa't Clerk. Brussels.
. UeIO S 110111°1111'7'1 1.1, 90
(tAN,tl),t',* 1,EAl)INO NEWS PAPI')R .
P.trocom,o IN TONE. T11011 TO CA\AAA,
TAUS 70 'Alli Mime.
The 'Empire' is now the Great Weekly
Paper of the Dominion, and special ar-
rangements ars being made to add new
and attraotive features, which will greatly
increase its interest and yahoo.
As an indocement to place it in the
hands of all Patriotic Canadian the bal-
ance of present year will be given 1! roe to
Now Subscribers, making it melt/ ono
Dollar front now till enol of 1800.
f"Tlee 'Empire' will be Clubbed with
The 'Peso for 32.25, In advance,
Subscriptions taken at
TIIB POST Pub. Mousy, Brussels.
Brilliant !
Diamond Dyes excel all others
in Strength, Purity and Fastness.
None other are just as good. Be-
ware of imitations, because they
are made of cheap and inferior
materials, and give poor, weak,
crocky colors. Tobe sure of
success, use only the DIAMOND
DYES for coloring Dresses, Stock-
ings, Yarns, Carpets, Feathers,
Ribbons, &c., &c. We warrant
them to color more goods, pack-
age for package, than any other
dyes ever made, and to give more
brilliant and durable colors. Ask
for the Diamond and take no other.
A Dress Dyed ) FOR
A Coat Colored
Garments Renewed
A Child can use them!
At Druggists and Merchants. Dye Book free.
Montreal, P. Q.
Sale T,
The Most Extensive Auction Sale of
Pllruhiure Niles and Or aus
ever held in the County of IIuron will be held at
Furniture Stere;
One Magnificent NEW PIANO, Value $525,00,
Six Beautiful ORGANS,
All Warranted for Six Years by the Company
Fifty Elegant Bedroom Suites all prices from $12 to $100
each, Rich Parlor Suites upholstered in plain and figured
Plush, also Sideboards, Extension, Centre and Fall-1epf'
Tables, Chairs of all kinds, Cribs, Cradles, Lounges, Matt-
rasses, Spring Beds and a thousand other articles of Furn-
iture too numerons to mention.
Don't Forget the time and place or you will miss
the greatest chance you ever had of getting Cheap Furni-
ture, Everything that is put up will be sold if it only
brings half price. No bidding in remember, all will be
TER1\as or SALE.—All sums of $5 and under
cash ; over that amount 4 mouths credit will be given on
approved notes. 10 per cent, per annum off for cash on
credit amounts.
SA +' to commence at 1 o'clock sharp, the
Piano will be sold at 3:30 sharp.
ur ,
.Auctioneer and Proprietor.
Nov. 1, 1889,
MOM Siore
Handsome Display
Ever shown 10 the Town,
consisting ''
Ornamented Parlor
Hangio, Lamps,
Hall Lamps,
Bedroom Lamps,
Hand Lamps, dc.
They must be seen to have
an idea of what they
really are.
The Prices are Right.
We have also It large stock
of Lanterns to sell at Close
we are still in the Stove
Business and keep con-
stantly on hand
Parlor, Cook and Coal
of the Best Make.
Goal Supplied.
in Large or Small Quantities
In General Hardw0are we try
' to keep almost Everything
a man wants.
Handsome Display of Silvorloaro.
Call in and see us and sat-
isfy yourselves that what we
say is correct,
iriJl/ r4.i G 7
Beaver Hardware Store