HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-10-18, Page 8-W NTE
Itte=v,"""esr. ^^a,m, ...., .msEL" ^S4f reonsliVer-em 77.cnaem. myetpt ntY^.".^'3' N.:f...rrIIew4g .'T: ntr . r .:�^-'.,zr^m.�\ .•: ia.D.^rt
IA entre :mit:Mi on the gnostical of
fmprotemente iu our Fall Show is held
' over until next week.
Oro excellent town 130011 turned out on
dome person, mule or female, to learn Thursday evening of last week and gave
the drug, book anti fancy goods business, over an hour's program.
'yon must bo prepared to prepare to pass Ix you want a No. 1 organ at the right
a primary examination at the price and on the most reasonable terms
call at R. Leaiherdalo's,
£INrTARIO COLLEGE or PHARMACY, A NntmEn of mustangs were at the
Central Hotel stables en Wednesday, It
unless you have a is said a few sales wore made,
THIRD CLASS CERTIFICATE. FALL overcoats paralyzed. The largest
stook of overcoats in the comity to bo
This is a good opportunity for those who slaughtered at A. R. Smith's.
about to expire,
B the same milliner as last season,
been teaching and whose certificate
is ire, or has expired, and Mise Brownlow. Will sell now trimmed
p p millinery at cost. A. 88. Satoh.
who do not wish to study for u and, LAST Saturday Robert Dickson and wife
foe' any one who o is willing to study. Ap- p- arrived home from au extended visit to
ply at once to relatives and friends iu Manitoba.
G. A. D EADMAN G1vIN0 tip business. Silks, satins, now
s drove goods, pluslles, velvets, silk morves.,
all colors, at cost at A. R. Smith's.
Druggist, Bookseller, &a. INSeeeron CAVAN, of Stratford, was in
town on Wednesday of this weep testing
GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY, the coal oil kept by the local dealers.
TBE School Board did not Hold n meet-
ing on Tuesday evening. Cause—no
sot•1'1 rI x rNTP imi
Truing f,atc. Brussels Station, North
Iznd South. as follows :
501710 SOUTH, Go1:0 Non7n.
31511 7:03 ase. I Mixed 0:20 a.m.
ilsnroAs...._1lJu a.m. I Mau.....,Sol p.tn.
Mixed 0:35 pan. 1 Expr00s ...... tate p.m.
°clra� gills Iffems.
A chiefs amang ye takili notes,
An' faith he'll prcnt it.
.1,, we dosira to add at least two hundred
Nate Subscribers to our .ist before the let
,st Pecember, we have decided to give Ten
Pose: from now until the 1st Of .lanenry,
nal, for the prise of ane year, viz., 81.70, Rowe. Anti0TRON0 was appointed care -
New subscribers will thee not 000r1y!1rve taker of th' Methodist church at a meet-
ing of the Trustee Board held last Fri-
day evening.
WALTEE JACKSON, tinsmith, has made
au assignment, as will be seen by adver-
tisement in thin issue. W. M. Sinolair
is the assignee.
IN this week's ieano we publish the
Wroxeter and Elmo, Fall Show prize
lists. This will finish up this depart-
ment for 1889.
GEo. Booms and A. J. Lowick were
down to Atwood last Friday evening at
the dedicatory services of the new
Foristers' Hall.
Onc.ns and Pianos, seven different
makers to choose from, cheaper than the
cheapest. All warranted for six years,
at Arthur Veal's.
WE are quite able and twilling to work
for nothing for a couple of months Yon
can save 55 on a single purchase in cloth-
ing at A. R. Smith's.
WANTED. --Potatoes, butter, lard, tal-
ow, dried apples, &o., in oxobange for
boots. Also a horse suitable for a della.
ery wagon. AWE Goon.
TEE Wingham Advance says :—Robt.
Hill, of the City Restaurant, Wingham,
disposed of fifty baskets of grapes at the
Brussels Fair last Friday.
INDIAN summer. NEST Sabbath Rev. 8. Sellery, B. A„
Iste.tfaL weather. B. D., will take for his morning snbjeot
BALL moving is ate hand. "Strength for thy day," and in the even.
BALL sin of doing nothing."
TAEE down your awnings.
JAs.. TL is on the sick list this W. H. o. 1u sells men's )and made
long boots. clump sole, for $8.25. A few
pairs of missflts for $3.75, good veal kip
guaranteed Vaud made through.
Miss McCool, of Toronto, intends open -
'ng a dress and mantle making estab.
iahment in Brussels. Watch out for her
annonneement next week in TEE POST,
A coon foot -ball club aright be organ -
zed in town if somebody took the in.
'dative. There are some good "kickers"
n Brussels—in more than foot -ball, too.
Ir you want anything in the furniture
ins call at the Brussels Furniture Em.
porium. You oan get anything you
want cheap and reliable. R. Leather -
CnimiXo.-0u Friday evening of this
week all interested in the re -organization
of the Brussels curling club are requested
to meet at the Amorioan hotel, at 7:30
THE Orangemen purpose celebrating
the 5th of November by holding an "At
Home" in their Hall, in this place. A
program of addresses, music, &o. will be
in order after tea.
THE partnership existing between Geo.
Love & Co. has been dissolved by mutual
consent this week. Tho former will con-
tinue in the old business stand, opposite
the' Town Hall.
ON Tuesday evening the Army had
what they termed "A musical treat."
Major Morris, Harry Morris and Adju.
tant Cousins, with some lesser lights
were in attendance.
Winne holidaying here W. Revell,
artist, of Toronto, took a number of
sketches in this neighborhood. Wo ex.
peel to see some of them adorning the
illustrated journals of this Dominion
THE Young Peoples' Christian Associa-
tion of the Methodist thumb, Brussels,.
is going ahead famously and no ' doubt
the interest in the Monday evening ser-
vices will increase now that the long
evenings are about hare.
IN Bowmanville the band gives a
monthly concert, charging 10 Dents ad-
mission. Tho program is excellent and
the people turn out well. Could not
Brussels Cornet Band run a series of
similar eonoerte with profit ?
ALL orders for teaming left at J. G.
Skene's or A. M. McKay & Co's store
will be promptly attended to. All orders
for garden plowing left with .the above
named gentlemen will receive prompt at.
tention. 80 HEN1rEusoN BIOS.
HAMM ConoAotc will return to hie
position at St. Paul, Min. He holds a
lucrative office under the manager of the
St. Paul, Mineapolie & Manitcba rail.
road. Harry is on the up grade and will
reaoh the top if his health continue
As will be seen by a letter in another
column. Fred. W. O'Brien, V. S„ former.
1y of Brussels, has decided to locate at
Hannibal, Miesouri, His many friends
in this locality wish him euoeess under
the eters and stripes but would rather
eee him in British poseossione,
THE following correotions are made in
the prize lists of Brussels and Blyth i—
Wtde furrow plow, J. Floury Sone in.
abead of 88. McLauoblin and J. Fleury
Sone hi the place of J. Levy & Sons at
Blyth. hick, Williams, llounsels, is the
agent for the Fleury firm,
JNo. Hymn, tensorial artist, has hie
shop window ornamented with a areae,
'Mtn about reorganizing the local king•fieher and a blaolc squirroI. The
%talorn Sabbath f3Clloel 88001101j011 for the crane m0100uros 0 foot sorest' the wings
tali and Winter? and 5 feet £reruns bill tel its .tone. Ron.
quorum. Where were the member's?
Mn. AND Mas. Paxrcuarn, of Harriston,
spent a few days with Mrs, T. Danford
last week. They went home on Monday.
Jae. JONES, jeweller, has closed Ins
branch shop at Seaford' and will devote
his attention to his business in Brussels,
Gnaw up bualness. Tremendous
slaughter of tweeds, worsted coatings,
flannels and underolo him; at A. R.
EVERT dollar's worth of goods bought
in our etore represeute one hundred and
fifty cents of other merchant's value, A.
1t. Smith.
GARPIELD BEaE1t was injured slightly
last Monday by being thrown out of a
buggy, owing to an upset. He received a
=MIMS 17,0.0(11101101. This ss a 6p
0 10500 which should be taken advantage of
at Duce.
Per the encouragement Of our present sub.
scribers to use their influence with their
friends and neighbors, we make the follow -
Mg offer: We will allow any subscriber a
name sent usof
thereto of 31,00Mk 3r each new
frau now
till the first of 1E01. There is seemly a sub-
seriber ou our Diet who could not send us
two or throe uam00 if they were to try, and
by so doing they Weida ba benefitting thom-
sele es as well as us.
Matte rill effort. Sea who will spud in the
oorgeet list of new nausea.
We intend in the coarse of o few weeks to
(*lumen l•c another 11('O' continued
.,obacribemvns possible ebefore Vo commence
i11i1s story so that all may got the full beim-
Et of it.
To every person sending us Fran new sub-
scribers we will present them with "The
Canadian Farmer's Annual of Agrieulturo;"
an excellent volume of nearly 000 pages, Svc --ll
bound and containing the most valuable
formatlue. The ret tit pile, of this book
was 8:.00. Dozens of farmers sons should
take advantrge of tide offer and secure this
1 eluable Wort:. The book may bo seen at
ouroillce. It they porfer the 0007511011010, !00
&ti'ered abivo, it will he alright.
w. T,
Caving ul. Business.
Gail in and pay your account and save
tests. 3. R. Smith.
SEE::a sells pure sugar syrup, just like
SEn6E soils the cheapest and best goods
in town.
T. G. MCCeteneN was in town on Wed-
SZOLETTE Mantling for 50.50, worth $10.
A. R. SEITn.
BEENE keeps pure groceries and sella
them cheap.
GREY flannels at 12} cents per yard.
A. R. Smith.
51.50 gets TEE Poen from now to the
end of 1890.
Fora=E Division Court on Thursday
of noat week.
5,3mmrne, Eaddies, Siseoes, Seaweed.
Adam Good.
SsatoEL BURGESS ie home from his visit
to Manitoba.
Aim wool tweeds at 25 cents per yard.
3. R. Smith.
Paraxons area tip-top crop in this
ioraiity this Fall.
Jas. Wens= and Jno. Hewitt have in -
mated in mustangs.
Horse and lot for sale. Easy ,terms,
Apply to Noble Gerry.
Ton Sens, 500 pairs rubbers. Woman's
:13 cont'. ADAM Goon.
Norse girl wanted at once. Apply to
Airs. W. M. Sinolair.
&Telmea is bargain day at Willis' Big
discountsevery Saturday.
Cara, and see Skene's meltons, the best
and cheapest you can get.
Miss Int Tnostesol ie filling situation
:es milliner at Parry Sound.
ALI, goods delivered free of charge in
tine country. R. Leatherdale.
Gxo. HuttnLE, wife and children left
lirossele for Kansas last Friday.
AJHARITY concert on the evening of
Ttoanksgiving day in the Town Hall.
TEouusria sale of ready-made clothing,
.over -coats, &c., at cost. A. R. SUITE.
BSLTnn ekelter sale of Cooper & Stnith'e
erects and shoes at ooet, A. R. SIiiTH,
Givnla up business. New Fall gdods
aping at panic prices at A. R. Smith''.
L1NEN Window Blinds in all the latest
shades and patterns very low at Veal's.
Gaels is pouring into Brussels market
where the highest price is always paid.
Mies MAW) HALE watt away this week
to Clinton where she took part in a son.
Miss Emma and Miss McKay, of Sea -
forth, were visiting friends in Brussels
last week.
Juni drop into Veal's Cheap Furniture
Store. You will be astonished at hie very
kew prices.
25 axes, in advance, gots Tun Pose
item Oot. 1st to Jam lat 1800. See your
it. N. B.enuwe'e "son" is a daughter,
'We hereby apologise to the young lady
for the libel.
. IT is said that E. R, Grundy has )lie.
leased of his property on Alexander steeet,
;to A. McKay.
A argcIALTE in window shades put up
area warranted to work all right. R.
Wenn Italians were in town on Tues.
(lay and discoursed 501110 charmingly
IIWOOt mn0i0.
Rose Boos, are booming business this
;Fall and declare that their 1111002 knock
them, ail out.
alit 1loNaug'.iton, who by the way 1s
quite It taxa•ierllliat,- arranged 1110 0X-
A Tante afforded considerable Immo-
moll to a number of our eitteene cue day
this week by removing a largo portion of
itis wardrobe and washing the same le
the river, It .e not often they take tho
trouble to wash either tltotnselvee or their
Webbing, and the centime are that this
poor follow will "catch his death of cold."
J. ZIEnnfoo teas arrested by Constable
Scott at Chas. Dames' hotel, Cranbrook,
charged with stealing a watch from
Hiram White, of Grey, and clothing be.
longing to Alex, cLennan, Brussels,
out of the Queen's hotel. Iiis trial was
held on Thursday evening of )hie week,
too late to give the result in this issue,
Wenn-Broome AND D uunsNa.—George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wolfs gleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terms reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnborry st„ Brussels. 4841
Tent Band of Hone mot on Monday
evening with an attendance of seventy.
two. Six new members added to the
roll. After the opening exorcises, read-
ings were given by Emma Calbiok, Dora
Nott, Thursa Gerry, Ella Love, Fanny
Rogers and Ida Pram, interspersed \vitli
Temperance songs by the Band. Miss
Janine Mot anohlin presided at the
LAST week W. Nightingale & Co, had
their Pall opening of their millinery.
Miss Livingstone had everything iu
first class shape and the samples of her
handiwork ware greatly admired by the
many ladies who inspected the display.
The exhibit was made up of bonnets,
hats, ribbons, feathers, plumes, silks,
satins, ornaments, &c., of the very latest
fashion. The proprietors expect to do a
large trade and ask an inspection of their
goods by the public.
WEATERR PnoD.8im.oTIES.-3. G. Mowat
(Moses Oates,) connected with the Obser-
vatory and a clever meteorologist, says :
"The cold weather we have hacl during
the past two weeks is over. For the
next month we shall have in Ontario
fine warm weather considering the time
of year, and very dry. The end of Octob-
er will be decidedly warm, hazy and
fine, and the first two weeks in Nevem.
ber will he fine and waren for that time
of the year. After that pat on plenty of
underclothing and warm clothes."
WE received a hint, last week, that to
number of young ladies have, or are
about to organize a now society in town
to be known as the "Tutti Frutti As-
sociation." They count on a largo mem.
berehip. We have not yet received the
list of officers. The current pass word
is "Bay Gum" and the sign of the or.
ganization is a perpendicular movement
of the upper and lower jaw, Faller par-
ticulars may 0omo to hand and wo will
be pleased to make known the objects
and aims of this "benevolent" institution.
LAST Sunday the sermons preached by
Rev. W. Torranoo, of Watton, in the
Methodist church, had the right ring
about them. In the morning the sub.
ject \vas "Christian Perfection." At
night the text was taken from Rev., 4th
chapter and 3rd verse, Good as the
morning discourse was it was surpassed
by the evening cue and the largo congre-
gation was not only impressed but
aroused by the excellent disoou rse. Mrs.
Revell, of Toronto, and Thos. Moore sang
"The wayside cross" for the first volun.
Tire Voters' List Court was held bo -
fore Judge Toms, in the Council Cham-
ber, on Thursday forenoon' of this week.
The question of the validity of the serving
of the Conservative appeals, by George
Baker, on the Clerk, was discussed and
the Judge declined to ]rear them until he
decided the question as to whether any
but personal service was permissible.
Seven of the Reform appeals to put names
on were allowed and five appealed against
were struck off. E. E. Wade looked
after the interests of the Reformers, and
E. L. Dickenson, of Wingham, perform-,
ed like services for the Conservatives.
Musical, AND LITERAltx.-- On Friday
evening of this week a musical and lit-
erary entertainment will be given in the
Methodist church, An interesting and
varied program will be provided, in which
a quartette from 131yth; Mre. W. Revell,
of Toronto; W. 13. Willis, of 13ruesels,
and the church ohoir will supply the
mesio; Mrs, Revell, and A. H. Plummer,
of Blyth, recitations, and Rsvds. I. B.
Walwin, of Bluevale, and S. Sellery,
addressee. The proceeds of the enter-
tainment will be applied in the purchase
of four more chandeliers to improve the
lighting of the church. The public cor-
dially invited.
TIN WEDDING.—On Tuesday evening
of this week 3, J. Gilpin and wife cele-
brated the tenth anniversary of their
married life. A number of friends gather.
ed at their oomfortablelreeidenoe, Church
street, and presented them with sundry
useful and ornamental articles in the tin
line. After all had partaken of dinner
Rev. S. Sellery, B.A.,B.D.y' took the
chair and after a few congratulatory re-
marks called upon Rev. R. Paul, Rev. J.
L. Kerr, W. H. McCracken and B.
Gerry who made brief, cheery speeches be.
fitting the occasion. The hose replied in
suitable words, after which the company
separated tor their homes, expressing
their good wishes and desires for the
future prosperity of Mr, and Mrs. Gilpin
and their son.
Y. P. 0. A.—The first regular meeting
for 4th session of the Melville church Y.
P.C.A. was held on Monday evening of
this week at which the following officers
were eleoted for the etirront session :—
Hen. President, Rev. Jno. Ross, B A. ;
President, S. Y. Taylor ; let Vice -Presi-
dent, A. M. Maliay ; 2nd Vico.Prosidont,
R. Malcolm ; Secretary, Miss K. Rich-
ardson ; Asst.-Seoretary, Miss A. C.
Taylor ; Treasurer, Miss Dolly SbaW;
EXeoutfvo Committee, 3. B. MaLauoh.
linMiss Maggie MoBain, Mite Lizzie
Wilson and A. Stewart ; Editor, Mies M.
Stewart ; Choir -master, A. Stewart ;
Organist, Miss Lizzie Wilson. An in-
teresting program will be drafted for the
meetillge and there is every probability
Of having a good season's wont. There
is plenty of room for Associations of this
kind to do good work in Brnssols.
Tun Clinton Now Era editor solves
the problem tee to why A. R. Smith con-
templates leaving Brussels in the follow-
ing manner: "The Bruesols Poor eon-
tains tho following item : 'Tho public
Will no' doubt be taken by surprise to
learn that A. R. Smith late of going 80
Brandon, Mon. Mr. Smith hue wonted
up an exoolloit trade ainee ltia advent
into Brnseols, but ho sees a wider field
in the Prairie Province it 11001110; As 110
is known bora Wo lravc no wislt to do
': audy' any itijttetleo, but po711ap0 'nit
ouut'tancee' are at 1110 bottom of kis pro-
jected move. For some time Ito has
been paying attention to a Clinton lady,
tvlto now resides near Brandon, and is
edit enjoying single blessedness, and as
ho failed to capture her here, may he not
have the idea that by going west he will
do 110. Wo may bo wrong—and again
We 111ay not,
Several citizens of Hamilton threaten
to sue the corporation beoanse the alder.
men have closed up North street and
deeded itfor the use of the Massey Manu-
facturing Co., in order to induce it not
to move its works to London.
A case of disease \vhioh was supposed
to bo smallpox, exists in Pelee Island,
and a number of the inhabitants went to
I8iugsvtlle and Leamington. The health
authorities at those places made them
return to the island. The real nature of
the disease has not yet been raado mani:
PETEIt—IIIEMER.—At the residence of
the bride's father, on the 10th inst.,
by Bev. A. W. Touge, of Blyth, Mr,
W. 11, Peter, of Bervie, to Miss Sarah
Hunter, daughter of Mr, John Hun-
ter, of Morris township.
POLLAln,—SWrTTEii.—At the Methodist
parsonage, Listowel, on the 2nd
inst., by the Rev. W. C. Henderson,
D. D„ Mr. Wm. Allen Pollard, to
Miss Martha Switzer, both @of Grey
SoELLIE.--In Grey, on the llth lust„
George, infant son of John and
Christina bmillio, aged 3 months and
28 days.
MM7.7nom 7S.S M.el.R aTS.
fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Butter, tubs and rolls
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Hay per ton
Hides per ib
Salt per bbl., retail1 25 00
Shoop skins, each 00 1 00
Wool, per lb 18 20
6 50
7 00
8 00
^0EA3'ORT>:S at RSSE'x',^o.
Fall Wheat 70 85
Spring Wheat 80 90
Oats 21 25
Peas 51 52
.Harley 40 .15
Potatoes 35 40
Butter, per lb 1.1 15
Eggs, per dozen 17 00
Apples, per bushel 30 35
Hogs, dressed 6 00 00
Beef 4 50 5 50
Hay 7 00 8 00
Wood, per cord 2 50 4 50
Sheepskins, each. 40 57
Graduate anf. Honeru y Fellow of Ontario
Veterinary College, will be pleased' to ex+
amine with the greatest aura and profos.
atonal skill any treses entrusted to ,his
charge. (Moe and infirmaryy—O'Brion's old
stand 2 doors north of bridge, Turoberry
st., Brussels.
yA7PP 31. )clSinINOLnvAc'vIIhu,
Ite, &a,•—
nlory uPul-
of Popper's Drug Store. Private Paine to
�.._E. WADI,,
A.J • Barrister, Solloitor and Notary Pub -
lie, Conveyancing. Collections and Loaning.
Mr. Wade 501)1 attend iu Gerrie every Wed-
nesday at two o'clock,
.4J (Late with Gomm & Proud:foot, CCode-
rloh,) I0orristers, Solicitors, Colaveyasoers,
30, 01llcos--brussels and Soaforth, Bins
sols Olbco, Rogers' Block, Main St, Money
to Loan.
R. LENTS. w,11,D1On0ON,
M. TAYLOR, 13. C. L.,
1iBarrister, Solicitor, &o„ of the Anil
of Taylor, Metnllough & Burns, Barrister's
Solloltors, &e., ?crooning Arcade, Toronto,
Money t0 101611.
Clerk of the Fourth 1)10'111111 Court,
Co, 1Inroo. Couvoya000r, Notary Public,
Land, Loan and Insnronoo Agent. Fronds
invested and to loan. 'Ooltootlous made.
Olsoe in Graham'sBloolc, Brussels.
VA Licensed Auotiouoor, Salon eontluot-
odon reasonable terms. Farms mud farm
stook a snoeinity. Orders 1011 at Tun Pour
P ubltshins House, Brussels, or sent to Walton
P, O„will receive Prompt attoution •
OCT, 18, 1889
QANKltalc .
114.. iN'1'O,81.i hioTAG(i.1.RT,
wso.1%aaat a, d•®a.10ra.1 xea,sr, ni.00 ,;
0nnallhun and Milted States Drafts bong)
and 0uh1.
Interest allowed on Deposita,
Ce1rctione made on. favorable terms.
Oauadirul A50ute--attutort NT's BANE OP
Now York Aqouts—LueotTens AND TnAn.
Etta NAT1017AL BANE.
a 5-137xxSTxi'1
C,, L.13a11, L. D. S., Ironer Gradneto and
M. 11, C.D. S. 'Toronto. Vitalized Air given.
Oil1Co—Mlarnns ])Lodi, SEnt'oeoTLe,
W. 8. Pear, L, D. S., Graduate of
Toronto School of Dsutletry. All
operations guaranteed. i:."Artiiletal
tooth, first quality, and a gnaaantoed
lit, for 810,00 per set, OOloo—CADv's
]tzoox, SEAronrn.
ie. .4. & ,RW1N'.:t. 7:4.,::7..
Heuer Graduate oI the ltayal College of
D costal Surgeons, Torolito. Nitres Oxide Gas
administered for the Painless Ilxtraetion of
tooth. OOIoo-.
1ONlo Doors Nonan OF BAN1c, ]InonwELo.
®..-- RAY112ANN,
1.A + Auotioneor, ,s always ready to at- J. T. PGYYPyR 101111(:0. 11(50)MS, nee.
tend oohs of farina, farm stoma, &o. 'Parma
cheerfully given. Oraubr0ok P, 0. Sales
may be arranged at Tun Pow Publishing
l3ouse, Brussels.
M, F. CALE, M. D., C M.,
Member of the College of Physician
and Surgeons of Ontario by examination
Oflleo and ]residence—Alain street Bast,
Ethel, Ontario.
• O. M„ f,, B. C. P., Edinburgh, M. 0, P.
S. Ont. At Popper's Drug Store from a to
11:30 a. m. and from 1:30 to 4 n, m, At other
hours may be found at his residence, form-
erly occupied by Dr. Hutchinson, Mill et,
.L. )Emu's store. MI80188 L.& E. M0-
N' 7' 11. 11icOIi.AOEEN,
t' V . IssurernfllrarriageLioonsos, 0111ca
08 his Grocery, •Turnborry street, Brussels.
JL Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next door
south of A. M. McNay & Co's hardware store.
Ladies' and chileren'e hair cutting a ; pocialty
ie,r•A choice stook of cigars kept.
Ismer of
A Marriage Licenses, by
appointment of Lieut,-0overnor, Commis-
sioner, 30 ,11. B. Conveyancer and Agent
Piro Insurance Co. Office at Ito Oranbrook
Post Office,
The undersigned desires to intimate
to the ladles of Brussels and surrounding
country that she is prepared to attend to
all orders Intrusted to her. Satisfaction
guaranteed, Sllop—Up-stairs, onodoor north
of Walter Jackson's hardware store,
Once 114trn0t00, the opportunity is
given to present the information
dosirod, or to tell the story.
1'10 information The to anon that I 'each oto
a large oss to is that I have racelvud
a large nggortmont of
ontuprlaing e11 the Popular Novels
of the present time such as :
'L5Ir, Barnes, of New York,”
"Tho Witness of the Sus,"
&o., &c.
I con secure any book not In stook
that you may demo.
This Interests Ton.
When yon aro unwell and want
Medicine, you want the Pure Stuff
Unadulterated. I have it—toeop
nothing else.
J. Tolbert Pepper,
Chemist gond Stationer.
SUCCESSOR TO 7010 <,1n010EAVE0 C,f'r
on?. QUEEN'S n0TEL, moss ELS.
But Prices Cry .A loud in this Case !
We've squeezed them down so low at
he at ost l!rice
the lamas to be remember A.
Sale, now a oinlg on, at
ampr I -I' $v
by the 1st of December, as I am leaving Brussels to start Business again in
Brandon, Manitoba. We will hold
An Auction Sale every Saturday Afternoon.
Terms of Sale Cash unless special arrangements are made with Customers pur-
chasing large amounts. •
A�.R,. S1VLTT:E .
o olio Cht e l l cts °o
Remember the Sale we had when leaving Ethel ; also the Sale of Milne's Stock. Those
two Were great, but this one will be greater, as I have
$13,000 Worth of New Fall Goods
to dispose of.