HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-10-18, Page 5Oop. 18,1889. District ` tivs, 1''1:111:11', OOT011ER 18, 1880. Y:L•1ie1, The nest meeting of the 'Township (1000011 will be held at 13urton'e hotel, in F. Korman le fitting up the btu ding thie plane, on Friday, Nov.188h. immediately south of hie hotel for a Goorgo Dobson has returned to Port butcher shop and pork packing establish• which they purchased about two ycnl's hat they apaidl fin,n it. °a of Mr. i o neroy000 tlletvthe president of the company, and has re. turned from his visit to friends in Hew. la to complete the transfer of the pro. petty. It to said 6110 company will par. ehas° another plantation immodiatel . Arthur, He purohnsed his Bakal from 4''. T. Pepper, C. r. R. ticket agent at Brnosole. T1u1 Poor will be Bent for the haleness of the year to all new subscribers for 1890 free. Now is the time to take ad- vantage of this offer. Seal ox tit. Mrs. Robt. Wilson has gone to the Old Country on a visit. Thos. Hendry has disposed of hie pro. party to A. Davidson. The football match with the Berlin alub resulted in a draw. ',Florence 0," Whitby's feat pacing mare, has bad a moat successful Beason on the turf, end has swept almost every- thing before her, The Salvation Army had the oelebrnt• ed Band of the Household Troop' here last work. This musical organization is web worth bearing. Wall ton. Rev. Mr. Forrest has boon bothered for the past two weeks with scintion. We hope he is about over it now. Aire. and Miss Sage worenwny at At- wood last week playing at a Foresters' , eonorrt. They make ohm:ming music' on' the glasses and people never tiro listening to nt' IIs managing counnittee—J. C. Stew - Rev. S. Sellory, of Brussels, was here Hay; m, managing ie, o L. committee—J. and R. last Sabbath and preached a splendid sermon on the Missionaryquestiou in the McMillan, dit olturc.hThe pastor was at monis. At the annual meeting of the Curling Club the following were elected onion. bearers for the °errant year : SI. W. 0, Meyer, Patron; Mrs, Jno. Noolande, Pat. ronese ; John Inglis, President; S. Kant, Vice.Preeidenb ; John Noolande, Seem tory-Treaaurer ; J. J. Anderson, Chap - Iain ; John Inglis, S. Kent thud John Neelands, Committee of Management ; Hugh frillier and Walter Scott, of Tor- onto, representative members. John R, Clair was elected an honorary member of the club. ]L i tow (t 1. The workman of the former firm of Hess Bros. have received cheques for their preferred claim of throe months' wages, and the factory has started up work again. Listowel has a gun club, of which H. B. Morphy is hon. president, A. W. Featherstone president, Wm. Spears vice, R. L. Liilioo secretary, and. Jim. Living- etone, jr., treasurer. The club is govern- ed by Toronto gun club rules. Listowel's Curling Club is officered as pendent,follows:—Patron, J. 0. Hays pendent, D, D. Campbell; vice-president, 3, lis, Climie, jr, ; 00'y -treats., Wm. Culbert ; ohaplain, Rev. L. W. Hughes ; represent- ative members—R. McMillan and P. W. Methos Brussels. Andrew Morrison has rented his 130 acro farm south of Walton, to Michael Flannery, fora term of years. The rent' will bo 8890. Mr. Morrison and family will remove to Manitoba where they have taken up land. Mr. Morrison is an old resident of this locality. Omr..—On Friday, Oct. 11th the only child. of John and Christina Smillie diad after a short illness, aged four months. The funeral took place on Saturday, whet a large number of frir-:'s and neighbors gathered to attend the inc.-int], thereby showing theireympathy with the bereaved parents. Atwood. Rev. D. Rogers is conducting revival services at the 12th line appointment. J. S. Hamilton is building a store on Front street, which he intends to occupy himself as soon as completed. Now that the Newry exhibition is over, business has resumed its usual routine course and the mail trains on the G.T.R. are running on tinlo once more. On Friday evening the Foresters dedi- cated their now hall. After the dedica• tiou n grand concert was given in Gra. ham's Hall, in whioh Sim Fax, of Wood- stock, and Mrs. and Miss Sage, the musi- cal glass pinyers, tools part. The concert was largely patronized by the people of the village and surrounding country, and was a success in every way. On Sunday morning the barns and dwelling on the farm of Dr. Hamilton, which is situated on the 8th nen. of Elmo, were burned to the ground. A lantern, whiskey bottle and a bag of chickens of some tramp chicken thief were found near the stable door. The resent oleo left his coat behind him. The buildings were insured in the Perth Mutual. IB1�vth. The oarpentor work of the new Meth- odist shoran is almost oompleted. Rev. 3. W. Taylor, of Mitchell, is to officiate both morning and evening in Trinity church ou Sabbath next. Rev. G. W. Rneey takes his place in Mftabell. The young people of the Methodist church have purchased for the new build. ing is pipe organ from Oakes & Co., of Clinton. It is the one that was on ex- hibition at tho fair hare. J. T. Mitchell, formerly editor and pro- prietor of the Blyth Advocate, and who has lately been practising his profession SS a veterinary surgeon, has recently pur- ohase31 the Preston Brush Works from Mr. Bowman, and intends pushing the business for all it is worth. On fair evening John Mason, of the Central hotel, had a barrel of rum and some sherry wine taken out of his cellar, the perprotators having taken the ad- vantage whilst the inmates were busy after the fair. They got between the building and Scott Bros,' furniture store and made an entrance into the cellar by digging ahole and breaking some of the timber away which teas rotten. Frank A. Wood, teacher at S. S. No. 10, has been re.engaged for next year ab 1a salary of 8875. Miss Martha Stroud, of Luckuow, is visiting at her. sister's, Mrs. Jno. John- ston, of the lst con. A wedding is on the tapis for next week but as Joe. wants it kept quiet we wont say anything about it now. Mrs. Davidson, son and daughter, of Dungannon, were visiting friends and relatives on the lst and 2nd cons. last week. Tux Poem will be sent for the balance ib ars THE BRUSSELS POST Frank Patterson is about to ohangc his plana of abode front the quint pre41 ainats of Bluevale 6o the noisy town o Winghanl. Our old friend Mr, Collie, of the 0. T, II. station, has been away on his holi- days for the last week. Itis plass is 1111. I ed by tt young man from Mitchell, Doll• 1 Galileo are predicted for Air. Collie when he comes book, C ra ni?Panic•. Iiov, D, B. MORae was away at Ripley last Sabbath aesisting at communion. lltitehell & Williams aro doing a large trade in the carriage and blacksmith lines. Tito Poem will be sent for the balance of the year to all new subseribera for 1800 free. Now is the time to take ad• vantage of this offer. J. 0. Took has not been attending the Fall Shows with his well bred pigs, not because he has not a prime lot but owing to his being tied to his plane of busineso. He has a let of splendid pigs. Goon Snauox.—Rev. G.13. Howie, of Brussels, delivered en excellent discourse in Knox ohurah here last Sabbath. His subject was the Parable of the Prodigal son, the Blain text being based on the following words of St. Luke XV. 18.20 : "I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, father, I have sinned against heaven and before thee, and am no more worthy to be called thy son ; and be arose and cams to hie father." The preacher said we call this portion of scripture the parable of the prodigal son ; those in the East call It the parable of the WINS son. The one rending meaning wasteful, extravagant eon, the other wise, pr0dens son, The rev. gentleman point- ed one clearly, by the help of original translation, that the latter reading brings out the true interpretation of the parable. He is a wise incl prudent son who will repent and return unto his Heavenly Father for he will have inertly on him and will abundantly pardon. Gre:s'. The next meeting of she township Council will be held at Ethel on Friday,. November 15811. Ton Poem will be sent for the balance' of the year to all new subscribers for 1890 free, Now is the time to take ad- vantage of this offer. At the Voters' List Court for this township, on the Ontario lista, held be- fore Judge Toms, on Tuesday, at Oran - brook, the Reformers struck off nine names and put on two. E. E. Wade, barrister, looked after the interests of the Reform party. Not long ago W. D. Hill, who is now residing in Regina, N.W.T., borrowed a gun from an Indian and went on a duck hunting expedition. In attempting to discharge the firearm it exploded and upset the marksman in a hurry. He was slightly damaged and was laid up for re- pairs for a while. The Clinton News -Record compliments a Gray pedagogue in the following man- ner :"In another column will be found a report of the doings of the teachers in convention at Brussels last week. We received the 'copy' from 0. Bowerman, of S. S. No. 8, Grey. Its legibility cheered the hearts of the compositors, and it np- peare to be a model of detailed terseness. In both respects it is worthy of being emulated. Teachers cannot do butter than collate the news in their localities and send them to the press. We shall be pleased to hear from more of them than we now do." _ of the year to all new sub= for 1890 free. Now is the time to take ad- vantage of this offer. Alien Sarah E. Johnston, who ]las been visiting friends ab Lucknow and Ripley for the last two weeks, has returned, looking hale and hearty. Jas. Bowman got bank from a visit of nearly four weeks to Dakota and Mani -1 toba on Thursday afternoon of this week. He enjoyed hie trip very much. Fred Johnston, school teacher at New- bridge, paid his friends in the vicinity of Jamestown a flying visit after having at. A tan tlioneaud dollar fire o00111rod Tuesday}' at theToronto varnish factory. Freight trains have 0atninentled run- ning between London and Chatham on the Canadian l'noltle, The Petrolee Barrel Company, of Lon• due, have just completed a large order for the Hudson Bay Company. The will of the l.ste Thos. Woibinan, of Montreal, begneathe 8120,000 to lfo- Gih University and $211,800 to various Montreal charities. Jas. 1'. P111n, of Guelph, sold last weep 20 sheep, 18 Canadian brat Shrops and 3 gradoo, to W. G, Pettit, of Bnrling►nn, Moot of them were disposed of at $53 a pair. It is rumored that the Ontario Bonoh- ars of the Law Solder will advance the fres for call to the bar from 9100 to 8500 and for certificates of fitness for snlieitors from 480010 $4.00. Transatlantic immigration to Mani- toba and the Northwest se far this year has only amounted to about 1,200 souls, exolnsive of British citizens, and is made up of 703 Germans, 197 Belgians and French and 300 Scandinavians. Jno.8.13runer, Ruthven, offered the apples in his orchard for 8500 early in the season, estimating there would be about 400 barrels. They are gathering them now and have in the neighborhood of 000 barrels. Ile is glad his offer was not taken. Last 1'ri,lay at the residence of (len. W. Irwin, near Leamington, Mr. 1rwin's son, aged 21, was preparing to go out shooting. While loading one of th., bar. raleof 't d•,nb:., F..,.••,..•l1,•.1 gin the other barrel, which had been previon,.ly In t lea tens cliscltarg»d, the 'wawa,' passing through the young man's ]read, killing him instantly. Ile was au only son. St. Thomas Journal : A traveller, of Somali nnbionality, and belonging to Lon- don. was at Rodney Saturday. Ile draw $000 from a bank there, whish he pinned in his inside vest pocket, and lay down ou a sofa hi a hotel to take a nap. He k by a fakir halonging to De- • was MI Canadian No w ru. trait, atsemptiug to get at the money. He had three buttons of the vest unfastened. The Hamilton bakers have reduced the The traveller drew his revolver and made price of bread. the fakir pay $10 to settle the naso, Natural gas has been struck in a sec- A most unfortunate aecideet occurred and well near Port Colborne. ab Walkerton, during the exhibition, by Philip Talbot, of Belleville, was fatally which a lady visitor to the show lost her injured at a fire Wednesday morning, life. A horse from Durham, ridden by a H, T. Duffy is the Liberal candidate jockey named Vellett, bolted in one of for the Quebec Legislature for Brome, the races, and springing in among the Three young men at Guelph have each spectators, struck,Mrs. Peter Salter, of received a sentence of two yeare impris. Edon Grove, near Walkerton, with such onmer,t and thirty lashes for indecent violence that she rolled over several assault. times, whilst an infant in her arms was Francis Lobb, an official in the Trea- thrown more than twelve feet distant, sury Department at the City Hall, To. and ter was uicked m tied to the{en ankle. hotel, ronto, committed suicide Wednesday by and trwith caro and sueen'st, butte, shooting himself through the heart, gradually sank and died. Tho nnfor- J. hD.e dmaoter te, the recently di 11113 sed headmaster of the Dundas high Innate woman leaves 0 family of eight School. has been sued by A. B. Cook, nae children. of the teachers, for 88,000 damages for Quito a commotion was °•sated at slander, the allegation being that Bisson. Walkerton on Saturday by the trial of nebte circulated a report "that Cook stank Matthew Goetz, J.1'., of Formosa, on a and that ile was an infidel." Olnarg0 of Sunday gambling, Constable The following is the rate of taxation in Heffernan mate the complaint, Mr, some of the towns and villages fu Western Shaw, Q. (1•, appeared for the prosecn- Untorio :—Wiarton pays 25 mills on the tion ; Mr. Klein for the defence ; and the dollar • Kincardine, i2, mills ; Part case was tried before Messrs, McNamara Elgin, 21 mills; Wingham, 19 mills, and and Ritchie, Justices of the Peace. Mr. Teeswater, 15 mills. Luckuow's rate Goetz and two others were playing cards will be in the neighborhood of 20 mills. for money in the kitchen of a certain The Polson Iron Works Co., of Owen hotel at Formosa on Saturday night, Sound and Toronto, have received nn Aug. 31st last, and continued to play order for a second ferry for the 0. 1'. R. The new ferry will bo 295 feet in length, and will be a duplicate of the one now in the stooks and expected to be launched this fall. Both vessels are of a heavy, massive design, and will be adapted for carrying trains across the Detroit river, between Detroit and Windsor. Last Friday night, Willie, the 14•year- old son of W IIBartlett was sitting at a table stndyiug his lessons. Ia hie hand he had a bntion )look, which he was playing with in his mouth. In a fit of absent-mindedness he allowed the book to slip, and the next instant he was choking. His frightened endeavors ended in him swallowing the hook en- tirely. A physician was called, but he could do nothing. No evil effects have so far resulted. The hook was a new style, hinged in the center and fully 811 inches long.—Brampton Banner. The Fair season of 1889 closed this tended the Teachers' Convention in lock. According to the Hamilton Spea- Brussels, tater mountain farmer, it is proposed At the Voters List Court held on Wed- next season, to amsnd the prize list. It nesday the Reformers pub on six names is proposed to abolish the prizes for the and had six Conservative voters struck beat boar, the bust cow, the best ram, off. The Conservatives put on five and and the best turnip, and snake out a list struck off three Reformers. which will rend something like this : Mrs. Albert Ard, of the Int con., kWVint-Second. last Monday for to join her husband in'l, Highest balloon ..$100 850 Manitoba. He went out last sprint, and Biggest snake 10 0 took up land and purposes remaining Beat trained dog 10 8 there and making it Ills future home. Most recklees trapeze man 10 5 Mre. Dulmage and Mrs Robb, who Longest hair on cowboy10 5 went on the excursion to Turtle Moun-4 Loudest -mouthed fakir10 5 Wu, Manitoba, have returned, looking Highest female kicker,25 10 none the worse for their long journey. Etc., oto., eto. They liked the country very well and A remarkable caeo of poisoning comes seemed to have enjoyed their visit. from the fourth ooneession of Sidney, not • far from Belleville. As is customary Bluevale. among the farming community, a num- David Hartley returned home, after her of the neighbors had . assembled at an absence of about two yeare, last Sat-! the barns of Charles Rose for the pur- urdoy. Welcome home 1 pogo of helping him with the year's With regard to the number of teachers threshing. After the work was done sew residing in and around Bluevale it might area of the threshers were taken violently be said to be the Boston of Huron ill, and, becoming no better, were forced Countyto take to their beds. When a doctor was Tun P. osm will be sent for the balance finally summoned he pronounced it a bad of the year to all new subscribers for ease of poisoning as a result of inhaling. 1890 free. Now is the time to take ad. dust of poisonous weeds, which grow in abundance in that section. With medical treatment the men rallied and are now out of danger. Woodstook Sentinel -Review of Friday: A somewhat peculiar incident 000urred yesterday. The family of Mr, Rally, of East &arra, has been suffering from diph- theria, One of the ohildten died on Wed- needay and another one was not expected to recover. Yesterday a nein was order. ed for the second child, wlliali was sup- posed to have died in the morning. Ow. ing to the character of the disease from which is was suffering, immediate burial was ordered sod the 11100ral was set down for 1:80 o'oloak yesterday afternoon. When the ooliin arrived from Woodstock the child was found to be still alive. The coffin was left in the house, however, and about halt an hour after the time ap- pointed for the funeral the little one diad It is nob often that n 0011111 is 00 hand waiting for its victim to expire and that the grave yawns before the life has fled, Such was the case yesterday, for the grave was dug Moro the child was dead. The first of Mr. Kelly's ohildrsn to die WAS about six years of ago and the mond about thirteen. ilia. Chanblor, who was buried yesterday, was a grandfather of bolls, bob oven that has died away si1100 the deceased obildrol and itis told as a ' One of the interested partioe has removed remediable coincidence that his uoflin WPing:ham. ' Electric light is still talked of. Samuel Paling has been appointed tax collector. Five hundred feet of new hose will be purchased for the Fire Brigade. H. B. McKay has sold his St. Joe mare to the Doherty Organ Go., Clinton, for about $200. Principal Groves' salary has been in, creased in next year's (entreat. He is doing good work here. A concert in aid of the Band of Hope, was given in the body of the Presbyterian church on Thursday evening. The plane for the proposed Town Hall, have been somewhat altered, and tenders are once more asked for the building, to be in by Nov. 1st. The Diamond Modiaine Concert Com- pany gave concerts in the Town Hall every evening last week. Dr. 3. Ll. Gard- ner, formerly with the Wizard Oil Com- pany, is the manager. The corps of the Salvation Army here were without an officer for some two or three weeks tuttil Monday of last weak, when Lieut. McDonald was sent to sup• ply for a short time in the place of Capt. ielder, Who has gong for a rod: to her 'home in New Brunswick. On Tuesday of last week Wm. Puma: roy, wile and daughter, of Howiok, and John Wylie and Geo, N,ioholsen, of 'Turn. berry, IsIt per 0. P. R. for Aanandville, Loulelana. Tho nompauy--formocl of former residents 01 Turnberry and I3ew- 11k--hat's sold their large plantation, vantage of tine offer. Many of ourteaohers were seen popping on and off the trains on Thursday and Friday on their way to and from Brus- sels, where they were attending the In• stitute. The spirit of unity has been making fair progre•s in the breasts ofonr pastors lately, judging from the number of times they have boon changing pulpits. Our cibizons were awakened last Fri- day morning by the loud bawling (not of the cow, but of the owner) over the im- migration of a now into the pound, but Wm. could nob stand the noise and caved in. The result was the oow caved out, The Methodist Harvest Home dinner and entertainment was a 130ltlld eoaoe9S. The geese could not have tasted better, in fact the Bluevale ladies are generally ahead in preparing for such 00oa5io10, although it is said by some of the boys that they are not ahead of Ilrowntowl for pies. The sound of wedding bells is hoard in the distance and seems l0 000)0 from the third of Tarnborry. There was also a faint sound in the village the past few weeks ne of tiro approach of wedding .rte )'�;11¢�f 1' fl14laE7', MAIN STREIIT, • BRUSSELS, ;aai w NIGNea^t1 Money to Loan, • Motley to L01611 (111 1"0d'nl 1'.rcc•. TT 7par'�ttyy rl t Pivot, el lo , LO [Itl.'i.`.l' 1t.! L'Is.S', ,sty 11111 ar , the li1/llo{;e ANDREW ; CUBE, ; PR10PR1zTCR� j Proffitt an Snit 0101110 or the best 1111111 Ity a1n'ay1en nand Hud de. Prue or t'h age. TERMS VERY FAVORABLE Vat Gutty 'Wanted For which the highest market price will bo paid• I also make a apooislty of buying Hides and Skins. Don't forget the plane, next door to Fietoher's Jewel. ry Store. A. 01; RRIE. there until three o'clock Sunday morn- ing. The Dominion Act rsspeetiug gaming houses, designates cards to he' in- struments of gaming," and the magis- trates holding the facts to be established, and that the words "or otherwise," in the Ontario Act, covered gambling by any instruments of gaming, found Mr. Goetz guilty of the charge. They fined 1 fim $10 and $10 coats. S. PLUM, General Blacksmith, whale. to intimate to the public generally that 4e does all kinds of Blackemithing hi a workmanlike Manner. Wagons, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutters made to Order. Repairing promptly Executed. I matte a Specialty of lioreeesboeing. A Call Solioite0.r:•t"Rmnember the ;orad: EAR rn0. BsrrcE. �1 S. Plum, ALLAN LINE. SO SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. '89 LIVE I O L AN1a QVEE1rC SERV10Et Private and Company Fonda. DICKSON & HAY'S, Solicitors, 1i•C., Bitrss)fLll, Una. r__. plt0at r.lYElntaaL swarms. TaiiAalLa. (F•AO]I aURn$a. May 28 ',Clrcaseion Julie RI Slay 80 Parisian - tune 20 June 0 Polynesian June 27 June 18 10urthsgenian ,...,., June 20 Sardinian ...... ....... Jn1y 11 Jane27 'Circassian ............ July 16 July 1 Parisian July 26 July 11 ....................l'olynestan Aug. 1 July 18 ICarthagenian July26 Sardinian Ang.15 Aug, 1 •Cireasetan Aug. 02 Ang.B.................... Parisian Aug. 29 Aug. 15 Polynesian ............Sept, 5 Aug.22 lC artha garden Aug. ne Sardinian ............50Pt.10 Sept. 0 •Circassiar Sept, 26 Sept, Ie Parisian .................. 58, 8 Sept. 10.......... ....... Polynesian ... .......Oct. 111 RATES 101 8 - Qusn10 IVY Ln f ul•not TFALI- C:abin 00, 70, and 80 dollars a:writing to accommodation. Servants in Cabin 531 dol- 20rs. no1a'rs. IJeturna tl ]ketstilCabio,Stearn 110, 130, Bud 150 dollars, Intermediate, 00 donors. Steerage, 40 dollars. +Ey Circassian or other extra steamers. Cabin, 11,05,1,03370 dollars, according to am coulmodation. Intermediate, 80 dollars, Steerage 000 dollars. 'Return tickets, 90, 110, 180 dollars. Intermediate 60. dollars, Steer- age 40 dollars. 1The CAR'21IAG'NNIAN will 1,ot carry passengers from this aide, There will be no steamer 80th July 4th,Ping passengers andSeptt.Qu12th Passengers proceeding by the Vail Steam- (re,tend wisubgg to embark at Mouh•oal, VII. hews Toronto by Tuesday morning', press, arrive at Montreal about 8 p.m., and 00 on board any time before midnight. ALSO AGENT FOR TORE WEE STAR go 1NMAN 1+I1 SAILING MOS! NEW YORK. W. XI. T' ]31RR, Agent. 1.890 810018'J'1 J8 1.890 WEEKLY C.►1ADA'.S LIMA DING 'NEWSPAPER. Psrumen: IN Teen. Tota: TO C:,ssnt.. Tota 50 man Enemy. The 'Empire' is now the 1ie:11 Weekly* Paper of the Dominion, and special ar- rangements aro being made to add new and attractive feature., which will greatly increase its interest and value,. As an inducement to 1,1ace it in the hands of ell Patriotic Canadian.t the hal- once of prc-sent year will be given free to Sew Subscribers, malting it .,nig Orr Ihitl1r 11'011 noir till end of 1 90. t=.'The 'umpire' will lie Clubbed witty The • foal Car *2.113, l u 1tle,ueee. Snb-criptioustaken at '11111 P0,48' PBL. 8(1,10', lfrcrarl s. THOS, .tfLBl.`.1fLi:tt _Practical -Watchmaker «dicl Jewele?'. Thanking the public for peat favors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage, we are opening out Full Lines in COLD 1I!1D SILVER WATCH€ I Silver Platea Ware from Established and Reliable 01,110010, fully warranted by n=. Clocks off'the Latest Des i.,!;;!" i 118.". JEWELRY'. WEDDING RINGS, LADIES Gnar R1Nae, Bnooenso. Emmaus, &c. ta'Also a Full Line of Vi,uoNo and Violin Strings, &r.., in stook. N. 11.•—lsSurer or Marriage. Lleenar, T. Fletcher, - Brussels.. SOUR PERSUADE ANN OT 1\TCINCT G EAT 1 RGAIN MAKING IT HOT FOR COMPETITION With Glorious; Inducements for Fall and Winter. Our Immense New Stock is now Ready. Unequalled. in Style and Quality—Unpnralleleil in Low Prices. Men's, Youths', Boys' and Children's Clothing and Goods, Tats, Caps, Eta., EtO< By far the Finest Assortment, Best Values and Lowest Prices. WE— HAVE GOT— THE— PULL 1Vhoop ! here's another season eolne, We run to Win and don't forgot The prize we want is trade. We'll mane our figures lower yet Than „inner ever made. Whoop! Here's the store that gives you You'll find we make no empty boast, But bargains big and bountiful, And that is whore we have the pull. All merchants clear the track, We're going to beat the record some, Don't try to hold us back. Whoop! prices lower than before, New goods in stacks from roof to floor ; With novelties our store is full, And that is where we get the pull. 1110s t„ Show us the man who said :"There is always MOM at the Top." Leading the Trade, Standing high above all Competition, we find the Crowd is still with Us, yet we cry for More. Our new Fall Stock is Immense, our Bargains Unlimited. In the Quick Rush of the Fall Trade everything goes at a Rock Bottom Price. Colne i11 Everybody and, for once in your lite, see what Quality and Style really 0110189 in Aleens and Boys' Ciothii,1 ,ITCae, Caps, Gents' Fz.rnisli mg Goods, ct r . These Goods are as y0U' like them ht 3111 Respects. .?slices particularly Pleasing 8 e rcoathi s at Falces that Will, A:Ston i h Yore., A. Special Range of f3�e // 7 � `` qq �t 7• 7, �y 7.1• 7� y- WE '{`.(,%2-Llierl✓V rlrE ✓ SOLID V,,1 TIT.1.T, 1 (1T.:lO✓V.—W E GIFE 111. [t.I, C sno b0 Palmerston. We Naini, OMB not atop teles arcloro<l mire then a wool: before lie ,•-7G t �` u �" - :Efl11s, f• TNT 'I' horn. died. .a.�1-f•1G2�:��� 1..� 9�T'OC: �'.� •