HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-10-11, Page 8THE END AND 4,11?! or AN ADVERTISEMENT tS TO ATTIeACT ATTENTION. IOuoe attracted, too opportunity 15 given to present the information desired, or to toll the story. 0100 information that I wish to communicate is that I have received a largo assortment of SELECT FICTION, comprising all the Popular Novels of tho present time, such as: "ttlr. Barnes, of New York," "Cleopatra," "Maroned," "'Phe Witness of the Sun," &a., 0c. I can noun any book not fu stook that you may desire. This interests Ton. \Vbon you are unwell and want Medicine, you want the fire Sluff Unadulterated. I have it—keep nothing oleo. J. Tolbert Pepper, Chemist and Sfatien01'. BUCCEe5On TO SORN rurcenEAVE5 Co'r 001'. QUEEN'S ROTEL, BRUSSELS. AZISMINIENIIII 8 WANTED ! Some person, male or female, to learn the drug, book and !allay goods bu iinoss, You must be prepared to prepare to pass e. primary examination et the ONTARIO COLLEGE or PHARMACY, unless you have a THIRD CLASS CERTIFICATE. This is a good opportunity for those who have been teaching and whose oettifioate is aboat to expire, or has expired, and who do not wish to study for a and, or for any cue who is willing to study. Ap. ply at once to G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &a, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 0OVTttn0N 1:XTENSION W. C. & n. Trains hate Brussels Station, North end South, as follows: GOING 80UTn. GOING NORTH. ;nisei :03 a.m. Mixed 0:20 a.m. nt Express 16:355 pan. Express idi 0 ed:42 0,m. oral tilos tons, .A. chiel's among ye Lakin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Giving 00 hardness. 0n1118 and pay your account and save costs. A. R. Smith. ARnsTnoN.n Klan has been on the siok list. Qtrmens, naddies, Siscoos, Seaweed. Adam Good. Mux M. CARDIFF and wife are visiting at Shelbourne. SEALETTE Mantling for $0.50, worth $10 A. R. Surra. • Gana flennels at 121, cents per yard. A. R. Smith. SAtunnlr is bargain day at Willie',•Big'. discounts every Saturday. ALL goods delivered free of charge in the country. R. Leatherdale. MannIere sale of ready-made clothing, overcoats, &c., at oost. A. R. Sutra. LAST Thursday J. W. Shaw returned to Toronto to resume kis studies in medi. eine. A oracular r in windaw shades put up and warranted to work all right. 11. Leathordale. POsrox.s En FARROW was on the sick list last week but is somewhat improved now we are pleased to state. Grvaso up business. Silks, satins, new dress goods, plusher, velvets, silk merves., all colors, at coned A. R. Smith's. Mo. AND MRS. REVELL and Daisy, of Toronto, are visiting with Mrs. J. R. Grant and other friends in Brdssels. GIVING up business. Tremendous slaughter of tweeds, worsted coatings, flannels and underclothing at A. R. Smith's. Tax school children are enjoying a holiday on Thursday and Friday of this week as the Teachers' Convention is in session in 'town. WANTED.—Potatoes, butter, lard, tal- low, dried apples, &c., in exchange for boots. Also a horse suitable for a della. ery wagon. AD= GOOD. W. H. Waists sells men's hand made long boots. clump sole, for $3.25. A few pairs of missfits for $3.75, good veal kip guaranteed hand made through. Ir you want anything in the furniture liras call at the Brussels Furniture Em- porium. You can get anything you want cheap and reliable. 11. Leather. gale. IT is said that Ed. Granny has leased the vacant store opposite Geo. Beaker's and will make it the headquarters for the Singer Sewing Machine, of which he is the District Agent. J. D. RONALD has a large water works contract on hand. Re does good work in this line as is evidenced by the con - treat completed some time ago at Wier - ton. THE Teachers' Convention is in session in Brussels on Thursday and Friday of this week. There is an average attend. ante of teachers present. A full report will be given next week. LAST Friday while the shooting gallery man was handling a didn't -know -it -was - loaded rifle the gun was discharged • and the bullet went through the leg of a man standing by. It might have been worse. OAPT. OOMVIE, late of Mount Forest, 'has assumed charge of the Brnesels Con- tingent of the Salvation Army. She is said to be a good speaker. Capt. Ken- nedy bas gone to Southampton and Lieut. Mulholland to the Home of Rest at Tor. onto. ALL orders for teaming left et J. G. Skene's or A. M. McKay & Co's store will be promptly attended to. All orders for garden plowing left with the above named gentlemen will receive prompt at- tention. 30 HENDEReoN BRos. , WELL-DiGGING AND DRILLI:ta.—George, Birt hos all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is prepar- ed.to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction: Wells °leaned out and put in proper share. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry et., Brussels. 43•1f Tam other evening J. L. Sturdy;of Harriston, returned home on a late train, and when Doming off the platform at the depot be, in the darkness, missed the step and fell heavily to the ground, a diatanee of about live feet. Mr. Sturdy hurt leis shoulder badly, and so injured his hip that he is forced to to move around on orutnhes sine. Mu,LiOOERs.—O0 Thursday, Friday and Saturday of last week the Fall opening of the millinery show rooms of F. 0. Rogers and A. 11. Smith was hold. At the former Miss Green had a beautiful assortment of bonnets, hats, flowers, feedlots. &c. that were oaloulated to please the moat fastidious. The orders taken and the outlook indicate a very Mooed season. The display was a most creditable one. bliss Moore Tooke after the mantle making department and dote a large and rapidly tnoreasin bvsi- noes.—At PIr. Smith's store bliss Brown. low's good taste was exemplified by the exhibition of the latest and most fashion. able millinery of the eeason. Owing to the big reduction in prices there is quite a boom in this line and Mr. Smith says it io genuine. There were a large num- ber of ladies in attendance at the open. Inge: THE BRUSSELS POST Miss Luta 1l iesea is on the tick lin this week. FOunolt Division Court on Thursday, 24th inst. i ALL wool tweed; at ''15 aunts per yard. A, R. Smith. NORSE girl wanted at once. Apply to Mrs, W. M. Sinclair. J. A. Cnxhiul'ON, of Palmerston, was home for last Suniay. House and lot for sale. Easy terms. Apply to Noble Gerry. •b'on SALE, 500 pairs rubbers. Woman's 83 cents. ADAM Goon. A now fire engine was tested this week. It goes to Moncton, Nova Scotia. Haman stroller sale of Cooper & Smith's boots and shoes at Dost, A. R. SnITH• BEATTIE Bios. took prizes on their oar. riage team and saddle horse at Blyth Fair. 20 caters, in advance, gets Tux POST from Oct. let to Jan. 1st 1890. See your neighbor. VOTERS' List Court for Brussels on Thursday of next week, oommenoing at 9 o'clock a. in. ROM. KNECHTEL left Brussels for the Medical College at the Queen City on Tuesday of this week. Is yon want a No. 1 organ at the right prion and on the most reasonable terms call at R. Leaiherdale'e. HAVE the same milliner as last season, Mise Brownlow. Will sell new trimmed millinery at cost. A. R. SmITIL J. F. McCuum, real estate broker, of Toronto, looked in on his friends this week. Ie was at Stratford on business and took a run house. Sao. ALEXANDER, of Toronto, the 'Lion' of the bygones, was in town over Salo. bath. Ile has a good position in Toron- to in the St. Leon Water business. Geo. LOVE is filling the position of General Agent for a London Agricultural firm and is apparently quite at home in the work. His business hero is being carried On as usual. NETT Sunday Rev, Wm. Torrance, of Walton, will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist ohurch in this plane. The pastor will be preaching Missionary ser- mons on the Walton °frouit. ONE HnODnED AND SIXTY THREE PRIMES. —We doubt if W. H. McCracken has an equal in Huron County as a prize win- ner at Fall Shows. He attended five Fairs and captured 163 prize tickets. They were awarded as follows : -Sea- forth, 22 ; Wingbam, 24 ; Belgrave, 27 ; Brussels, GO ; and Blyth • 3O. The only drawback is the show season ie too short for Mao, Menem, AND LIros.um.—On Friday evening of next week a Musical and Literary entertainment will bo held in the Methodist church of this place. A good program will be presented in which a quartette from Blyth ; Mrs. Wm. Rev- ell, evell, of Toronto ; Rev. I. 33. Wal. win, of Bluevale ; A. H. Plummer, of Blyth : W. H. Willis, Rev. S. Sellery, B. A.,B.D., and the church choir is expect- ed to take part. The admission fee is placed at the lora figure of 15 cents for adults and 10 cents "for children. TIPTOP Exilsrr.—At the East Huron Fall Show Harry Dennis, the well known harness maker, made a splendid exhibit of light and heavy harness, buffalo robes, horse blankets, trunks, valises, &a. He devotes particular attention to the manu- facture of harness, all the work being ander his personal supervision, and using only the best stock his work cannot fail to give the best of satisfaction, as it does. At Blyth on Wednesday he was awarded two let prizes for light and heavy harness. Any body requiring anything in this line should dive him a call. He guarantees satisfaction to every customer. DIED.—Early on Monday morning the spirit of Attie, youngest daughter of Mrs. Jtio. Cormack, Elizabeth street, took ire flight. Her death was expected for sev- eral days as the disease, partially cheek. ed, had left her in snail a weak condition that she could not rally. She was a great sufferer, the pains in bar head and nook being excruciating at times. Allis was a very bright, winning, frolicksome child, beloved by all who knew her. . She was a great render and perused volume after volume, many of them not at all calcu- lated to interest a person of her years. During her illness the almost oonstant subject present with her was school and her examinations. At different times she expressed her trust in the children's friend—the Lord Jesus—and had no fear of death. The funeral took plane on Tuesday afternoon and was largely at- tended. Rev. Jno. Bass, B. A., conduct. the service, assisted by Rev. S. Jones. A largo number of beautiful floral offer- ings were planed on the soffin, consisting of wreaths, anchors, mosses, &o. One came from the Band of Hope, to whish organisation the deceased was an active member. Mrs. Cormack and family need not be assured that their many friends sympathize with them in the great loss they have suffered in the early removal of their Attie. "Gone to the grave is our loved one, Gone in her youthful bloom, Sad though we be, fondly will we Cherish the nano of the dead." PEEsENTATION.—At the Clone of pnbiio worship last Saturday in Knox church a public) meeting washeld, and the pastor, Rev. G. B. Howie, who occupied the chair, remarked that the Bermes of A. Strachan are a'faot too well known to need comment and the feeling in the congregation continues to bo broad and deep that he should be thanked publicly. Mr. Straohan serves the congregation well and cheerfully and appears to be the only one who is unconscious of his own worth. Then Mr. Howie called Elder Deadman to come forward and discharge his duty. Mr. Deadman, in the name of the congregation, preeented Mr. Strachan with a handsome clock, a silver cruet and a beautiful obina est and in the absence of W. B. Dickson read the following address : 2'o Alex. Strachan, Dear Sir,--Wo,the members and ad- herents of Knox oharoh, Brussels, take this present opportunity, it being the beginning of a now era in your life, of expressing our appreciation and gratitude towards you for the very efoient and cheerful manner in whioh you have, voluntarily, fulfilled the position of Pre- centor fox so many years, devoting so much of your valuable time to the church, and ask you to accept this slight token as a remembrance of the esteem in which you are hold among us. Roping you may be spared for many years to assist as as you have done in the past. Signed ou behalf of the members and ad. horents of Knox °huralt, Mr. Straohan replied in a brief yet most imitable manner and thanked the friends for their thenghtfuiness and gr.Nerosil.y, Loots out for fine weather nolo that the Fall Shows aro over. Noss Misna',saomo, of Belgrave, is visit. ing Mrs. Adam Good. 1). AattoTooNo and wife "took la" bis Walkerton Fair last week, GIYINo up business. New Fall goodo going at panto prices at A. R. Smith's. A Nuttuita of our residents attended the Blyth Fair on Wednesday of Ude wee1G R. Gilman shipped 15 oars of peas to Montreal this week. Tbsy were tor ex. port. A REPORTER of the Toronto World has been in Beussels this week "writing up" the place. PRICE talk 1 but priors cry aloud in this case, we've squeezed them down -So low. A. R. Smith. Tan report and prize list of East ITuron Fall Show may be read on page 8 of this issue of Tuts Pont. FALn overooabs paralyzed. Tho largest • stook of overooats in abs county to be slaughtered at A. R. Smith's. Berson grain market is receiving large quantities of grain. It always leads, especially in wheat and barley. Leena dollar's worth of goods bought in our store represents one hundred and fifty Dents of other merchant's value. A. R. Smith. WP, are quite able and willing to work for nothing for a couple of months. You can save $5 on n single purchase in cloth- ing at A. R. Smith's. T. FLETcnxn and wife wore in the Queen city this week. They Sundayed at Stratford with G. A. Powell and wife, formerly of Brussels. Kase on the look -out for the annouuoo- ment of the Animal Charity Concert. It will be held, in all probability, On the evening of Thanksgiving day. Tmm snow storm of Saturday night and Sunday morning was rather a surprise to the people of this locality. If that was 'squaw' Winter we may expect In- dian Summer to be near by. Rev. S. SELLEnr, B.A.,B.D., will rep- resent the Methodist Sabbath School of this place ab the Provincial Sunday School Convention, to be hold in Toronto on the 22101, 23rd and 24th iusts. WHAT about the re -organization of the Brussels Curling Club? Now is the time to set the ball rolling. It might also be wise to make some definite ar- rangement concerning the rink for the Doming winter for both curling and skat• ing. Owtxo to the indisposition of Rev. Mr. Parrett, of Walton, on Monday be was unable to fulfill his engagement at Knox church. Rev. W. T. Cluff, of St. John's church, stepped into the breach and preached an excellent discourse from St. Luke's Gospel, 17th ohapter and 17th and 18th verses. A Paris Wrnoao.—At the Provincial Show, at London, S. W. Laird, well known here, cheese maker at Spring - bank factory, near Lakelot, captured two prizes viz. 1st for dairy and 2nd for colored cheese, receiving $32. He also took a prize at the Industrial. Mr. Laird has been re-engaged for next sea- son at an advance salary of five omits on the hundred. The factory he is in turns ont about one hundred tons of cheese an- nually. The best of satisfaction has been given this Sommer and the Direct. ors and patrons are well satisfied with the management of affairs by Mr. Laird. Balt BtL.—Tbe Gorrie Vidette editor no doubt Imagined he was more than laying it off when he .published the fol- lowing : "We would, desire to rub it in- to the editor of Tani Bnosomxs POST that the 'Unions' eau defeat the Brussels base -ball team. How does 9 to 0 oatob you Mr. Kerr ?" "A. McIntosh, of the Grand Central, Listowel, offers to put up a prize of $50 to be played for by the 'Unions' and Brussel. at Listowel. Will Brussels toe the scratch ?" It patches us all right. 7 to 9 at the close of 5th in- nings is good enough, even playing against a $30 battery from Toronto. Had the other two innings been played the chances are the "Unions" would have to content themselves with and money. The Vidette soribe knows the "Unions' can- not play ball with Brussels and aolrnow- ledges it in his report of the game in these words :—"Until last Friday the Brussels base -ball team had a reputation of being able to play a good game of ball in a fair and friendly spirit, but this is doubtless due to the fact that they al- ways played a winning game when they visited Gorrie before." They always played a "winning" game here too so that the question of supremacy has been settled, a dozen times. Belgrave was the last battle ground and even there Brus- sels beat them although the "Unions" played a Walkerton man. As to whether Brussels will toe the mark or not. Let the match bearranged and see howquiok- ly they will respond and there would not be =oh diffloulty in having $50 more added to the purse here, if the "Onions" are such sweepers as the Vidette makes out. 'Brussels base ball club will play ball with any team in the County for a $50 purse, town against town. Canadian News. A strong company has been form ed in Montreal to operate a line of steamers on the Ottawa. river, between that city and the capital. The Ball Electric Light Company has the contract for lighting the streets of 'Whitby for three years, Twenty are lights will be used. Thos. Johnson, charged with murder- ing his little step•ohild, May Williams, has been found guilty of manslaughter at the Windsor assizes. Reports from Hastings and Prince Ed• ward County say that many Oonserya• hives have deolared themeelves for Unre- stricted Reoipro°ity. The value of property in Toronto in. oreased the past year by twenty . million dollars, in Hamilton by over one million, in Kingston by nearly half a million. Hubert Loisob, of Morriston, near Guelph, has been found guilty by the Coroner'a jury of killing his daughter's child, of which he is also moused of being the father. The wife of James Wallace, who flied recently in Tilbury East, has been ar• rested on the charge of poisoning her husband. The coroner's jury brought in the following verdict :—"That James Wallace came to his death by arsenical poison, admiaietered to him by or at the instance of Its wife, Alice Wallace, and we therefore find Alice Wallace guilty of wilful murder." Bettveen 2 and 3 o'clock Friday morn. ing Mr. Holland, of the Central Hotel, Parkhill, was awakened by the raising of a window in the hall downstairs. Se. outing his revolver and proceeding down. stairs he met a mashed burglar, of wilt= he asked was wanted. Tim burglar replied with his revolver, the bullet lodg. ing one foot from Holland's head. Hol• land returned the shot without, effect, and a ecoond shut was tired by the • burg. let with no more effect than the fireb. Holland then raturnod the shot. the ball taking effect somewhere about the burg. let's nsek. The burglar then fled, isav- ing blood stains all aloog the sill and sidewalk. mOTVN LEBoN.—In Brussels, on Ont, 3rd, the wife of Mr. Frank Le;Bon, of a dauglttor. CLOAEEY.--Inr Morris, on the 9th inst., the wife of Mr. W. II. Cloakey, of a daughter. So<rrn.—In Morris, on the 7th inst., the wife of Mr. John Smith, of a dough. tor. BAoRET'o.—In Brussels, on the 9th inst., ' the wife of Mr. R. N. Barrett of a son, NEwtom.--In Hallett, on the lith inst., the wife of Mr. G. A.. Newton, teach. er, of a son. =sna- Contiscr..-In Brussels, on Oct. 7th, Allis, youngest daughter of Mrs. Agnes Cormack, aged 12 years, 9 months and 19 days. Omvaa.--In Grey, on the Otb inst., Francis Oliver, aged 60 years and 2 months. ATYCTSC7.J•SATURDAY, OCT. OCT.12.—Vehicles, stock,. implements, &c., in Brussels. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock. Geo, Love & Co., props., A. Veal, anat. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 1G.—Farm stock, im• ]d,�ements, &e., on lot 18, con. 7, 'Grog. Sale commentea at 1 O'olook. George Kirkby, aim., Sol. Bateman, prop. maavarn.mmx,s net -a-sm=m^„s. Fall Wheat .. Spring Wheat Barley Oats Peas. Butter, tubs and rolls Eggs per dozen Four per barrel Potatoes Hay per ton Hides per lb.. ...... Salt per bbl., retail...... Sheep skins, each Wool, per 1b 75 80 40 23 52 13 15 5 50 35 7 00 2 1 25 GO 18 85 90 45 20 53 14 00 00 40 8 00 3 00 1 00 20 CF.AiF•'Ci"vT 2 7a2AnZTMETS. Fall Wheat 70 85 Spring Wheat 80 90 Oats 24 25 Peas 52 53 Barley 40 45 Potatoes 35 40 Butter, per lb 13 14 Eggs, per dozen 15 00 Apples, per bushel 30 35 Hogs, dressed 6 0000 Beef 4 50 5 50 Hay 7 00 8 00 Wood, per cord 2 50 4 50 Sheepskins, each 40 57 VETERINARY. TNO. D. WARWICK, V. S., (SUCCESSOR c u yWfOtB Graduate dHFollow oOntario Veterinary College, will be pleased to ext amine with the greatest cal° and proles. Monad skill any eases entrusted to :Me charge. ChBoe and infirmary—O'Brien's old stand, 0 doors north of bridge, Turnberry st., Brnesels. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. V Al SINC AIlR, Y P' • Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary l'ub- llc, &o, 011100—Grahame Blook 1 door north of Popper's Dreg Store, Private E'unds to Lomn, i E. WADE, Barrister, Sollottorand Notary rub. adlatedioGaeerRMr, We wttnnerievyed. neoday at two o'oleek, DICKSON & HAYS, (Lato with Garrey & Proudfoat, Godc- rloh,) Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &e, Oilioos—Bruesols and Baafort{{t, Brus eels Oldoe, Rogers' Block, Main St. MOuoy to Loau, a.s,nAYa w,n.DWCEa0N, A M. TAYLORB. C. L., Borristor, Solicitor, &o., 00 boa Iris of Taylor, tlo0ullOugh & Burns, Brtrristm's Solialtore&o„ Manning Arcade, Toronto, Money to 'loam LEX. HUNTER, Clark of too Fourth Division Court, 00, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public, Laud Loan and Insurenoo Agana Funds invested and to loan. Collections made. Office to Graham's Block, Bruesols. AUCT"ONEF'RS. v EORGE KIRKBY, C Lionised Auctioneer, Sales conduct• ed on reasonable terms. farms and farm stock a speofulty. Orders loft at Tan POST P obit shine Elea a ,Bruseels, or son tto Walton P. 0., will moire prompt attention. Oa'. 11, 1SS0, .20111:471110!FIBMIXr.re BANKIP'. A/jo1N7.'OSl:1 t& MoTAUGART, BANKERS, • BRTJ$SELS, 'T'rRr+.c>act a. Goxaeral 3no,ao.3e0nrr =rise see. NOTES DISCOUNTED, Canadian and Milted States Drttf10 bought and sold. Interest allowed on Deposita. Onllecttons made on favorable tetras. Canadian Atlanta—IUnnciuir's BANE on CANADA, NOW York Agorbs—Ia,POnti.ne AND TnAn- Ene NATIONAL BANE, DENTAL, ]7}750T YI3 TIS -2. 1 G. L. Ball, 'L. D. 5,, honor Graduate and Ir. 11, 0. D. S. 'Toronto. Vitalized Air given OffiCs—Mountns BLoox, 81tAPOne'n, ==5.1-2,579,1,1 W. J. Fear, L. D. S„ Graduate of Toronto sobool of Dontlstry. All operations guaranteed. f"Artiftoial tenth, first quality, and a guaranteed fit, for 810.00 par set. Chios—OADY's l3Locx, Smixoorra. �IuNT1 TX__-_ m. A. 2:4:ARTSN'. Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Nitros Oxide Gas administered for the Painless Extraction of teotb, Oliiae-• t. "OND DOOR NORTH of BAN1, Bnusertna. ARAYMANN, • Auctioneer, re always ready to at. .1. T. PEPPER, Unites, BOORS, ae. to ndnalos of farms, farm stock, &o. Terms ohoOrfully given. 0raubrook 0. 0, Bales u:ay be art•L»gott at TNN Pon Publishing House, Bra gaols. MEDICAL CARDS. WM. F. GALE, M.D., C. M., Member of the College of Physiolan and Surgeons of Ontario by examination Office and Residence—Main street Bast, lObbel,Ontari0. T A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. eya. M., L. B. C. P., Edinburgh, M. C. P. S. Out. At Pepper's Drug Store from a to 10:00 a. m. and from DSO to 4 U. m, At other residence form- erly 1 Hours mayho found. at his oaovled by Dr. Hutchinson, Mill at, BUSINESS CARDS. DRESSMAKING OVER MRS. Ii:tte.'s Moro. MISSES L. 01, Mo. NAUGHTON. �gI�Tr 13. MioORAOKEN, ♦ Y • Twiner of MarriageLieenees, ORlos athts Grocery,l'urnborry, street, Bruesols. l • N,onsorial ABARRETT, Trtist- Shop—Bomb door south of A. N. Mellay & Co's hardware store. Ladies' and children's hair cutting a 1 pecialty t 'A choice stock ofcigars kept. A a NToNAIR, L� Issuror of Marriage Licensee, by appointment of Lieut,-Govcrnor, Commis. aioner, &c., Q.B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insurance Go. Chios at the Cranbrook Post Office. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSDRANCS, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. DRESSMAKING.— The undersigned desires to intimate to the ladies of Braswell] and surrounding country that elm le prepared to attend to all orders intrusted to her. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop—Up•stairs, one door north of Walter Jackson's hardware store, SO- MISS SAMPLE. PIRACCM10 But Prices Cry. Aloud in th,i,s Case! We've squeezed them down so low at The Great Cost Price Sale, the lone to be remembered Sale, now ovine on at m, ti 'T 11 7 a.. ALL OUR GOODS MUST BE SOLD by the lst of December, as I am leaving Brussels to start Business again ill Brandon, Manitoba. We will hold An. auction Sale every Saturday L.fternoou. Terms of Sale Cash unless special arrangements are made with Customers pur- chasing large amounts. A. 124 SMITIH. gi4 OW* 004 it'ettitoticta Remember the Sale we had when leaving Ethel ; also the Sale of Mi1ne's Stock. Those two were great, but this one will be greater, as I have, $.13,000 Worth of New Fall Goods to dispose of. A® R. SlitlitTE. di