HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-10-11, Page 5OCT. 11, THE 'BRUSSELS POST isseeinneeztriscreennememeseenesereasewerwmcoseseav,7Prlar'senneIDZ.id3lrsewriennetwee 41nr46'vssi`nsei a semensmastantreivisliteutetesesneenewsesseaciseimeateasesenesaterioneeinenee LINL79 'L 414orksiglagememsmoatuatimmur uiei. I.J.LTEPF11 in the right direction if you will permit us ; help you in the upward path, so to speak, the path of plenty and prosperity, Do you want to rine in the world ? Do you want to be well heeled ? Remember that economy is the parent of prosperity, and become a practical economist by trading with US, The heavy profits which some merchants make, like the interest on borrowed money, cat'up the earnings and prevent saving. We make no such profits, and those who trade with us, will fixed their savings increase with every trade, An honest profit on an honest price IS our idea of prick and profit making Big prices and big profits are not honest, We have nothing to do with them. We will save you also in the goods we supply, Good grade goods go farther than low grade. liven at a higher price they are cheapest in the long run. But we put good grade articles on the same price -level as the low grade. That makes them cheapest in actual cash as well as cheapest in actual vaine. It takes us to make bargains 1 We are old hands at it, We know how to bay and that's how we have the secret of selling. We are past masters in the ancient and honorable art of bargain -making and will convince you that we know our work if you give us a call. NIGH . °IG}I .;. eiE ® i, ius (0, Ei_, Yt "' TILE exi,:iFxzwjen, MOST POPUL,11t:PL.10E TO- BUY Dry G-oods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, G-ents' Furnishing Goods, &o, Immense line - Y --; of new Fall and Winter Attractions. The best of Everything at prices neve;' beaten, 'h FRIDAY 0001;l:R 11, 1880, Mole rise. On Saturday, 28th inst., township Council will meet. Tho Morris Pall Show was on Tues- day and Wednesday of this week at Blyth. A number of our school teachers are attending the Teachers' Convention at Brussels. John Mooney has been reappointed tax collector for this township, at a salary of 685. The Voters' list court will be held in the Township Hall, nu Wednesday of next week, 16th inst., commencing at 10 o'olook u. m. Ino. Aikins is somewhat improved in. health although he is far from being as well as in formes years yet. His trouble is paralysis of the nerves. It was kind and very thoughtful of the members of the township to record their sympathy with Reeve Mooney and family in the death of his little daughter. Some person made a mistake at the conclusion of the Brussels Fall Show and took a bag of Spring wheat belonging to Jas. Duncan instead of thew own. The bag left has S. S. on it. Mr. Dunne would like to have his wheat returned. rr.lvth. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered in St, Andrew's church on Sabbath morning,. Rev. Mr. Godfrey, of Belgrave, preach. ed an able discourse in the Methodist church last Sabbath. A. number of our citizens took in the Brnssels Show last friday. They report it to be fully up to former ones. Blyth Orange Lodge, No. 903, intends taking supper in a body at the opening of the new Methodist church here on the 7th of Nov. next. One day lost week Ben Evans, while assisting to unload some heavy machin- ery from a ear at the station for the flax mill, met with a severe accident by the heavy load slipping off the trucks and severely injuring both of his legs. He will bo confined to the house for some time. It is with a feeling of deep regret that we have once more to report that the cold hand of death has again visited ne ; this time the home of our respected reeve, P. Kelly. Early on Sunday morning his ' ' beloved wife was token away from him. The event was quite unexpected, though every one knew that the deceased bad not had not had the beet of health for several years past. The funeral took place on ! Tuesday morning from hor late residence and proceeded to the Roman Catholic cherub, after whichthe remains were taken to the cemetery, where it was de- posited in its lest resting plane, 4ur- rounded by a very large oonabnrd'eof sorrowing friends. Ethel. Mise Panabaker, of Heepeler, ie visit- ing here. Mies Glass has returned to her home et Peterboro'. Mrs. A. W. Panobuker is home from hor` visit. Her health was greatly bene- fitted by the change. School closed for Thursday and Friday of this week. Our teachers are attend- ing Teaohers' Convention at Brussels. The Sons of Tempersuoe will give a musical and literary entertainment in their Hall on Friday evening of next week. Rev. Walter Ayres, of Gorrie, will preach a missionary sermon here next Sabbath evening in the Methodist 1111 church, The new machinery has come to hand plaoed in position by workmen. It will be a fine mill wheu completed. Next Sabbath afternoon Rev. Mr. II for Reeve Milne's new mill and is being Stevenson, of Molasworth, will °weepy .1 tho pulpit of the Presbyterian church in Ethel. The service will be at 3 o'clock. Rev. Mr. McRae is away aseistiug at a communion. Sons or Txa[eoonAucx.—The following are the n1i30 ors for the ensuing term in connection with the Order hero:—W:1?., T. B. McDonald; W. A., Mies C. Davies; C., C. Stebbs ; Asst. C., Miss Bartleman ; R. S., Miss E. Holloway ; A. R. S., Mies E. McNeil ; P. 9., Mrs. D. Balmier ; Sea„ Morrie Fogel ; S. 0., Miss TOenie Elliott ; O. S., Alf. fugal. Thane were fifteen initiations during the past quarter. Every young lady and gentleman in this locality should oast in Choir lot with this worthy organization. Sn0OTINa MATOLU.—Last Tuesday W. MoTaggart and T. P. Simpson chose sides for a pigeon shooting match. There 0114 were four on each side, each having five shote. The birds were let out of the trap at 26 yards, with a 100 yard drop. The following is the scorn \V. M0Tapgart 0 0 1-- s 0.liosoles............ 0 D 1— ,— 1 it. Wray 1 0 0 0— 1 f 'A .1', Bbsi rsun 0 1 1 0-.12 S. inose 1 0 1 0— 2 ,Y, Burton 0 1 0 0— 2 W, Hicks 1 3 1 0— 9. Vital .10 :Che losingg side paid for apper at Bur - shooting teats hotel. As this was fret trap for the boys its not a bad al record. They ray 0, o "Mowed" thorn clown lh groat silo with hie illi, "Queen Anne." W. incite did the best shook sifvsto'nv eel . The Pall now Directors are 5600 short this year. The rain did it. Rev. Dr. Potts preached educational sermons in the Methodist church last Sunday. Stewart Ellis, mu of .Elijah Ellis, of thio town, has been appointed Principal of the Cobourg Collegiate Institute. Fred. Selwood, who has been employed as clerk in Mr. linaking's drug store, left town to attend the Toronto Univereity, where he intends graduating Fully fifty people from this town and neighborhood took advantage of the obeap excursion to visit friends in Detroit, Chicago and other planes in the west. J. P. Kitchen, formerly book-keeper for Hess Bros., has secured a similar position with the Barber ck Ellis Co., wholesale stationers, Toronto, and has entered upon his duties. It is said that an old man residing in the West Ward, brimming weary of life attempted to cut his throat with a razor. He was prevented in time and deprived of the razor, but not before he had stain- ed his white beard with blood. Ile was sent to Stratford jail. The largest shipment of cheese which has ever been made from the Listowel station left here on Tuesday of last week, when Alexander Maolaren shipped ten oar loads. The factories shipped were Monkton, Newry, Trowbridge, Wallace, Palmerston, Wyandotte, Gotham, Moles• worth and Silver Corners, ell August cheese. The amount of money represent. ed by this shipment is about 029,000. Li. VON. v.•. Miss Hannah Gall, of arnssels, has or- ganized a music class in the locality of Jamestown. We wish her success. Holidays were in order on Thursday and Friday of this week as the teachers were at the Convention which met in Brussels. Peter McIntosh, of the 16th con., is laying the foundation of a fine, large barn. The building itself, however, will nob be finished till next Summer. Mrs. Taylor is visiting Mrs. Jas. Mc- Nair this week. She is a sister to John and Dougald MbTaggart. Mfrs. Taylor is a resident of Elgin County. Wm. Brown took let prize for horse colt at both Listowel and Brussels Fall .Shows. The oolt was sired by that well known horse "Toon Clerk," owned by Conrad Michael, of this township. A very sad accident befell Mrs. McLeod, lot 95, 4th concession, by being pushed down by one of the pigs in the yard,frac- turing a small bone in her leg. Athe old lady is well up in years it goes hard with her. FAME BOUGHT.—Frank.Coates has pur- chased lot 35, con. 5, from his brother William. Wm. Coates is talking of going into the butchering business in the thriv- ing village of Ethel. This go ahead place has attractions for live'business- men. Henry Austin, of the 2nd concession, has traded farms with Wm. Coates, of the boundary of Elms, and intends mov- ing omit in the spring. Now, girls, as Mr. Amman bee the cage look out ; put on your best smile, as he wants some one to be mistress of the home. Mrs. Jas. Earl- and Mrs. Richard Hunter and daughter, all of Elimville, 'Osborne Tp., ere spending a few •days with their relatives and friends in Grey. The former is visiting her father, Peter Sinclair, and the latter her brother, C. Bowerman, teacher of S.S. No, 8. Two of gD. MaTaggart'sf boys were going to the back end of their father's farm last Friday and were much aaten- ished and alarmed on encountering a large black bear, which growled angeriy two or three times on seeing them ap- proach. Get your Winchesters, boys, audlafter them. 'Margaret E., the eldest daughter of Dougald MoTaggart, of the 16th con. has been very ill the past two weeks with the typhoid fever and bronchitis. Her father and sister and Mrs. Jan. McNair had gone to Yarmouth Tp., Elgin Co., on a visit a few days before she fell sink and on returning last week they were 6nr- prised and saddened to learn of the great danger Margaret was it. She lies in a very 00191001 condition. Omr.—On Sunday Frank Oliver, 0th bon,, departed this life at the ago of 60 years and 2 months. He had been sick for some months with a brain trouble but 'was thought to be improving nicely when paralysis cut him down. Mr. Oliver was an honest, straight -forward man who held the respect of the com- munity. The funeral was held on Wed- nesday afternoon, Rev. R. Paul and Mr. Davis ofiiciating. Mrs. clinic and fam- ilyhavethe sympathy of their friends. Fins.—At about half -past icor o'oleek Monday morning fire was discovered is. suing from the small dwelling on the west half of lot 82, con. 4, and a very short time after fire was seen Doming from the house on the oast hall of the same lot, and both buildings wore nen• pletoly destroyed, Evidently these tree were the work of a bla ok.hearted fnemn- diary. There vas hem considerable trouble between the tenant this year anti the purchaser of the farm, Peter leeb, over the right, to occupy the smaller house during the tine of putting in tall wheat and I understand the agent of the Cont. palsy from Toronto mane to try to settle these disputes a few days ago. 1-Iow it ivae arranged I have not learned. I have heard that the tenant has given up pos. sesei00 and mowed off his entire trop of grain last week. It is to be 1301.,. lire tend will be build out and pu,lii reed. The trustees of S. S. No. 0 nave en- gaged Wm. Smith, son of Truman Smitll, as their teacher for next year at a salary 0159'20. S. Y. Taylar has been re•ongaged for the fourth yoar as teacher of S. S. No. 9. The salary will be 5500. ,lir. Taylor is doing good work in the school. Peter Sinotair, jr., has an onormoua yieldofpotutaes this year for a small patch. Ile has the Elephant, white Star and Peed of Savoy varietiee. Wo are sorry to hear that Thos. llaylis is laid up with erysipelas in the foot. Ho may have taken sold in it while exhibit- ing his splendid stock of pigs at the Brussels Show. Micheal Fox and wife, of the 10th con., left Ethel station on Monday, 7th inst., for an extended visit to Callander, Lake Nipissing and North Bay. We wish them a pleasant time and a safe return. Robert McLachlan, of the 10th eon., bought o f Hugh Cunningham, of the came line, late of Wellington Co., a span of mare foals, general purpose, gob by "Charlie Ross," owned by Richard Leech, of Minn. The price paid was 5160. One of them took 1st prize in a class of nine at the East Huron Fall Show. Mr. Mac. keeps nothing but good stock. VYingrhtun. The curling club is getting down to business. Robb. Talbot left on Thursday last for Philadelphia, Pa., to attend the Dental College. W. A. McCutcheon, of Toronto, for- merly in John Hanna's store, is in town on a visit. Some very doe black bass are being °ought in the south branch of the river Maitland. Tenders are asked for the conveyance of the mail from the post.office to the 0. P. R. depot. F. Patterson, bailiff of the eighth di- vision court, has decided to make Wing - hum his home. .4. grand shooting match, under the auspices of No. 2 Company of the 93rd Battalion, will take place at Zetland range on Friday, 11th inst. Walter Scott left town on Monday last to assume the superintendence of the mechanical department in the Central Prison, to which position he was appoint- ed some time ago. Mrs. Roe, of California, who is on her way home from visiting the Paris ex- hibition in France, is making a visit with her son, A. Roe, of the Queen's Hotel, of this town. B. L. Doyle, revising officer for East Huron, gives notice that he will hold a court in the town hall, Wingham, on the 4th of November, for the revision of the Dominion Voters' List for the town of Wingbam. The Advance says :—We ,are glad to hear H. W. C. Meyer has purchased the store opposite our office, wrecked by fire last year. It in now in'live hands and we may hope to see the ruined structure removed from our vision. Voters' List Court for the town of Wingham will be held in the town hall, on Monday, the 14th of October, com- mencing at 11 o'clock in the forenoon. Judge Toms will preside. About 00 ap- peals will come before the court for con- sideration. Freer C.—W. E. Groves, principal of the public school here, wrote at the re- cent examinations for a first-olase oerti. Ante, grade 0 , and though he was not' awarded a oertilioate on the first examin- ation of his papers, having failed by it few marks on chemistry, word hes been reoeived from the Educational Depart- ment that on a re-examination. of his papers his oertificate has been granted, he having considerably more than the re- quired number of marks on the total to entitle him to it. Huron County. Mrs. R. B. Marney, Clinson; received a couple of mocking birds a few days ago from her mother in the States. Alexander Getnmill hes been appointed E taxes for the township of collector o ao P Turnberry for the present yew.. Alexander Morton, Councillor for 86. George's Ward, Godericb, died - on Mon. day afternoon from congestion of the lungs. Deceased had been for years 0 prominent and highly respected oibizen of that place. As Mr. Heather, of Guelph, was nom. ng out of his etore on Monday last, he was struck and knocked down by a run- away horse, receiving severe wounds on the forehead and other injuries. He was conveyed to his home and a medic- al gentleman put several stitches in the cute. Two of the novel attractions at the Zurich fair were the electric °look and eloobria engine exhibited by Geo. Hess. The clock never runs down, and the en- gine, which is small, runs to perfection. The inventive genius of Mr. Hess is eomethiug marvellous and was largely commented upon by thoeo who gazed in wonderment upon the new attractions, William Campbell has assumed the responsibilities and duties of postmaster, Iuspe0tor Hopkirk making the transfer on Blonday last. Mr. Campbell, will, of course, resign the town clerkship, and the question of his sncoessor will likely coupe before the council this evening. Several gentlemen aro reported as will. ing to 511 the position, but whoever is appointee will hove to hustle to prove hhntsolf as energetic, efftob'ni11 and goner• ally acceptable ltli the retiring official.- • Gods:itbs Star. (.)aeszt(0.t ss..?Jo'w04. ?dr. Laurier addressed is great Liberal Meeting at Plobon Tuesday. The Douglas inquest was continued in Hamilton Tuesday evening. A peooliar (Ili 01183 hos broken out among the cattle in the Stonewall dis- tricts of Manitoba. Alfred Brooker, of Toronto, WOR ar• rusted by sating Detective \atoms Tues- day on 0 cha110 of larceny. Seventy-five thousand dollars worth of silver ore was shipped from the Port Arthur district during September. Twentyfivo men in Hamilton were fined, in the aggregate, 51,08) Friday last for infraction of the liquor law. A box of candy similar to the poisoned packages in St. John was received by a Fredericton clergyman, but it does not appear to have been treated with strych. nine. Rev. Mr. Mowat, Presbyterian minie- tar at Frederiton, N.B., received a box of candies supposed to contain strychnine. Mr. Mowat is a relative of the Premier of Ontario. Rev. B. Longley, who gained some notoriety at Toronto some time ago, and Mrs. Longley has gone to Cleve- land, Ohio, where Mr. Longley has been called to the pastorate of a leading church. Roy V. Somerville, late proprietor of the Dundas Banner, has been appointed general advertising agent of the Canadian Pacific Railway with headquarters et Montreal. Ile will enter upon hie duties on November let. Three children named Waltou obtain- ed access to the powder house of the gypsum mine at Cayuga Saturday after- noon, and one of them lighted a match and ignited a quautiby of powder. One of the children was literally blown to pieces, and the others were so badly injured that they cannot recover. G. Delahse went to Toronto six weeks ago and rented the store at 180 Ring street east to oarry oc a jewellery busi- ness. Failing to purchase a stook, he went to Montreal, from which he has not yebreturned. The strange part of his action was that he paid the rent of the store in advance and left one of Taylor's safes in the building. Some suppose that jewellery is in the safe. A Detroit telegram conveys the intelli- gence that "William Oakman, 72 years of age, died at the county poor house on Monday morning. Before he passed away be stated that his family live near Hamilton, Ont. Unless they send for the remains they will be shipped to Ann Arbor to be dissected. Oakman at one time was one of the wealthiest farmers in Canada and a member of Parliament." Wm. McDonald, a clerk in a St. John drug establishment, has been arrested on the charge of sending the poisoned Dandy through the mail, by which the wife of a minister in.that city was killed. He has been in an insane asylum bet -was n0u- sidered cured. He was in the west some. where when the poisoned candy fatalities occurred in Galt, and there is a possibil- ity now of having that dreadful mystery solved. Guelph Herald:—"Mre. Johnston, who conducts a stall in the vegetable sheds, met with a stocking accident on Satur- day. She had 000aeion to remove some article which was hanging on the wall out of her reach. She upraised her arm and jumped, when her linger caught on it hook and held her suspended in the air for several minutes. She loudly called for help when elle was released from her fright(ul positiou, A. man named J. J. Malone, of Walk. erten, Bruce Co., who left there last spring, has recently been travelling in Illinois with is buxom female, in the sewing machine business.. He left a wife and several children at Walkerton. rile wife got on his track the other day, fol. lowed him and had him and his para. mour arrested. He promised to make amends and she withdrew the suit. The unwedded wife hails from Ripley, and the man Malone was employed with ticket d she rt bought her a is at an retuned to g Ler former Lome. Joe Percy, of Suspension Bridge, N.Y., was carried through the rapids below the old Suspension Bridge Tuesday morning. Prank Barnett, a photographer, also of Suspension Bridge, states that he and Percy were dunk shooting on the river just below the Falls. They had taken a boat from the old Maid of the Mist land- ing, with the intention of goiuy, a short distance down the river to a poet where they had on several 000asions noticed dnoks.• Beaching this point they opened i fire and were successful in killing 5num- ber of dunks, but, having no dog to bring them in, were ootnpelled to go after them in the boat. Porgy, who was doing this, is said by Barnett to have broken one of the oars, and, losing control of the boat, was carried down into the Niagara rapids and thence into the whirlpool, where Prank Powell, of Niagara Fabs, Ont., who was also dude shooting, noticed the body through the anemia actions of hie dog. Assistance tuns at 0000 proourod and the body brought ashore, when it was found the mon was still olive.; ifetlioil aid 3818 procured, and :['easy Wand in boil at the Whirlpool Hoto, whore every attention was given Wm. A few Minutes after Banat arrived, white as a ghost, and related thn story as itbey°, When told tlutt Percy had been resound and was still alive Barnett bounded t0 the room, weeping tears of joy. It is said that reedy . is just alive, find the dooh't' hoe little hope of his recovery, NONE/ rl'O LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Luau on Farm or Village Pro - MEAT MARKET, MAIN STREET, - BRUSSELS, ANDO ; CMB, PROPIIICOR1 ort at L'resh find perty Snit :!lents al r Lhc 0506 tlaai 6 w' G r Per Cod.. 31 early, ttyairivnl'son 5111510 and de - Straight Loans with privilege repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter. Division ('olut Clerk, Brussels dlvcreit to 11 any nail 01' Inc Whinge rive or 0 hart;5. TERMS 'VERY FAVORABLE. rat C:ttlles NV:test<eb 1 For which the highest market price will be paid. I also make a specialty of buying hides and Skins. Don't forget the place, next door to Fleteher's Jewel- ry Store. Atrach A. CIHUUE. r s Are now prepared to show their numerous Custouu+3.s a large and Well -assorted �{Stt{ockof Fall and Winter Goods. DRESS GOODS in Black and Colored Cashmeres, Henriettas, Crapes, lIel- tons, Winceys, Tartan Plaids, Satins, &c , all the leading Shades and Designs, with TRIMMINGS TO MATCH. A full line of' Cloakings and Mantlings. Grey Flannel& magnificent value. White and Scarlet Flannels in . all Prices. Prime Value in • Worsted Coatings, Worsted Snitings Trons g' Coatings, 5 , ._ei ]LAS in Stripes, and Canadian and Scotch Tweeds. - Suits �a� made byyYour Own Choice of Tailor ga�n!td a 3FI D. All Wool UNDERWEAR, a Large Stock, from the Coarsest to the Finest roads. See our Nobby Scarff.s, Cashmere Mufflers. and HATS, CAPS, ETC. As usual a large assortment of COOPER & SHIM'S BOOTS AND SHOES, including Coarse and Fine makes in all Sizes. GROCERIES, Fresh and Good. Try Our 35c. Tea, good Value for 50c. BAZAAR PATTERNS always on hand. Monthly Fashion Papers given Free, Call and get one and see the New Styles As space will not permit us to enumerate Articles and quote prices, we extend to one and all a Cordial Invitation to examine our Stock and compare Quality and Prices. We consider it •a Pleasure to Show you through our Stock, Rnleember we will not be undersold. 1 ACHA.N BROS.