HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-10-11, Page 3Od'r, 11, 1.689. .l HE BRUSSELS POST �s2 camr t^pct mra ua:ranx rrn '((llr�..• anon being away at t East iluran Tall Sho r G A 1) 1 ;romp' Shaw' sow, l d 1loNamata Alex and 2nd muskmelons, W fi Ma• able mention anado of them by more Namara, A Shaw. Wm Pollard, W 11 MoUraolcen , A Most Successful Ex- than one farmer, Betake Sew Mae Rowlett ' celery, white W IT McCracken, Jno' one of tho most taking features of hibition, i the afternoon woe the club swinging exercises by a dozen young girls.. The ennui'. Socrotary, D. Stewart. offered three prizes for four classes, but only the one filled, viz., Girls under 1G years of age. The nom• petiturs were Nina Rogers, Lizzie Roddick, Maud Ball, Lily Ainlay, Jennie and Kate Wilson, Edith Whitley, Nellie Ward, Maggie Mo. Nail, alias Watt, Rosie Le Bon, and Bortie Robertson. The judges awarded four prizes in the order the girls are named abovo, and the bal- ance of the glass dud so web they re- ceived 25 ciente nob from tho editor of Tna Pose. In addition to the owl) swinging exercise affording amusement to the spectators it is most healthful to the participators. The Brussels Baud supplied the musical accompaniment for the girls. In the old man's foot race P. Mo• Ewen, of MoKillop, and Jas. Sharp and A. K. Robertson, of Morris, were the oontestauts. They crossed the mark in the order named. In the 100 -yard race J. Dingwall, of Morris, took 1st place and L. Lovell, of Turnberry, 2nd. A whole grist of boys competed but J. Streeter got there first and was awarded the lamp. Shortly after," p.m. the exhibitors commenced removing their goods, the judging was through, the prizes awarded and the East Huron Fall Fair for 1889 was a thing of the past. The following is the prize list : Hoaszs. •HeavyDraught—Brood mare, Allan Spsir. Geo Dale, Mars- den Smith ; horse colt, Wm Brown, Thos Moore, J A Aitchison ; mare colt, Geo Dole, Marsden Smith, Wm Brewar ; two-year-old filly, Allan Speir, Geo Dale, Robt MoLauehlin ; two•year•old gelding, W Habkirk ; yearling filly, P MoEwan (Wroxe ter), D Milne, A Simpson ; yearling gelding, Jno Mowbray, P McEwan (Wroxeter), Smith Bros ; team, A. Morrison, Hugh Ross, Duncan Mo- Lauchlin. General Purpose—Brood mare, J B Attahisou, Thos Roe, T Nolan; horse colt, T Nolan, Wm Elliott, 1? MoEwan (Wroxeter); mare colt, iI Cunningham, Wm Telfer, Hugh Moses ; two.year-Jld filly, Wm Pol- lard, Alex Ross, Jas Hislop ; two- year old gelding, Thos Davidson, Marsden Smith, Neil Richardson ; yearling filly, Geo Henderson, A Rose A Gardner • yearling gelding, ho Walkerton one year, Ed McNamara, Angaes watermelons, W II MaCraolcen 1st Show. enc loans i , , were closely serntenizod and favor. Conon; sow, under ono year, l; Me. I °reckon 1st and 2nd ; cucumbers, Big Crowd ou Friday, The opening of the annual Fair under the auspices of the East Huron Agricultural Society took place ou Thursday of last week, The day did not open auspiciously, for heavy rain set in and continued a good part of the forenoon. This did not discourage the exhibitors from taking their exhibits to the Fair grounds, however, and by 1 p. m. the "Crystal Palace" was well filled, about the only lack, compared with other years, being the dearth of fruit. This was the more noticeable from the foot that East Huron is not surpassed by any other locality for apple growing. Among noticeable exhibits was a Splondid stow of Light and heavy harness, buffalo robes, horse blan- kets, trunks and valises by our two harness -makers, H. Dennis and L 0, Richards. It was acreditable display Brussels Woolen Mill ileo showed a large range of woolen goods, knit- ted goods, &c. It proved that they are able to put on the market good substantial hues that shou'd satisfy the public. The farmers of this sec- tion would do well to patronise this institution. Messrs. Smith & Malcolm made a tip=top display of furniture, manu- factured in their factory. They also exhibited sashes, doors, &o. W. H. McCracken, E. Garvin, J. Stafford and others had a lot of garden produce in the building, the most of which was of excellent quality. W. J. Fairfield was to the front with an unusually fine display of -work from his photograph gallery. It was much admired. Airs. Gra- ham's paintings and the exhibit of Mrs. Whitley were also worthy of special comment. In the ladies department the hon- ors were divided. Tho largest prize- winners were Mrs. T. and Mrs. W. Ballantyne and Miss Nellie Ross, of Brussels ; Miss McClelland, of Bel. grave, and Misses Watson & Gibb, of Listowel. Besides these there were dozens of others, who closely followed the prize winners. The judges hada big time in awarding the prizes in this department. No section of the county can beat this for good bread makers and but- ter makers. To add to the interest this year a special prize was given by G. A. Deadman for the best cake baked with his baking powder, and about half the exhibit was devoured before the Show was over, tbns proving that the good ladies are fully up to the baking of the lighter order as well as the "staff of life." R. Leatherdale had on exhibition two oases of stuffed birds and ani- mals and a valuable collection of coins, the latter embracing almost everything known in the money market as far as gold, silver and copper are concerned. On Thursday evening upwards of 400 people vieited the 'Palace' and inspected all that was to be seen. The Hall was better lighted than usual, and the presence of the Band enlivened the proceedings. A num- ber of girls gave an exhibition of club swinging on the platform. At 10 o'clock the Hall and its contents }yore left to the care of the watch- men. 'Friday, the second day of the Show, was a big improvement over the preceding flay as far es;}Weather was concerned, although the air was on the cool , side. From early morning until afternoon people came in from the. north, south, oast and west, with and without exhibits, and when the judges of the outside ,, department commenced„ their work ' they found ilio classes well filled with superior stook. -In horses this was particularly noticeable and the oattle, sheep, pigs and. poultry were first-class. W. R. Wilson, Neil Richardson, Cardiff Bros., Geo. Love & Go., Jno: Orerar, R. Williams and Wm. Mar. tin represented the leading agricul- tural implement firms and Jno. Wynn and Scott & Williams lead in the display of carriages, wagons, &o. Alfred Fogel, of Ethel, showed a ' very handy farm gate. Ed. McNamara, Angus Shaw and Thos. Baylie took the prizes for pigs. The two former with &ret- ches Berksitres and the latter with a tip top pen of Chester Whiles and an imported Yorkshire White. Chas, Howlett showed some nice Sufiolks. In sheep the prize winning was divided. The exhibit was hardly ae largo as usual. Duncan MoLauehlin. Dame to the front Ibis year very noticeably in the grade cattle. David Milne showed part of his herd the bat - sow, under one goer, 0 Howlett. i Stafford ; celery, pink, W 11 Inc. Chaster Whites—I3oar, under one Craolcen, Mee T Ballautyno, DAISY Pnonuiu,—Tub butter, Win Forrest, Geo Crooks, Neleon Carrie, J Wilkinson, Jno McDougal, Donald Me'Lauchlin ; table butter, Jno Mc- Dougal, Conrad bliobtel, Wm For. row, or- ros', W Habkirk, Miss N Ross. DOMESTIC MANU1AcTuoEs.—Plan- nel, G Nott ; blankets, S Burgess, Nlre D Stewart ; counterpane, Geo Nott, N Brloker ; yarn, W 13.Mc- Cracken, J Mowbray ; maple sugar, W Pollard, S Burgess ; maple mol- asses, Maggie Stewart, J McCallum; honey, G A Deadman ; honey, strained, 3 Harrison, A Boss; grape wino, Mrs '1 Ballantyne, Mrs W Ballantyne ; rhubarb wine, S Bur- gess, Jno Bray ; strawberry wine, Mrs T Ballantyne, W 11 McCrack- en ; elderberry wino, J Wilkinson, Mrs T Ballantyne ; tomato ketchup, Mrs T Ballantyne, W H McCrack- en ; jolly, S Burgess ; home made -bread, Mrs T Ballantyne, A Boss, J Downing ; canned fruit, W H Mc- Cracken, J Bray. MANoesort nes.—Axe handle, J .Bray, 1 and 2 ; panel door, Smith & Malcolm ; joiner's work, Smith & Malcolm. LADIES' WoEu. — Araecene work, Mrs T Ballantyne, J Hodgins ; ap• plique work, Mrs T Ballantyne, Mrs W Ballantyne; braiding, J Hodgins; berlin wool, flat, Jno Mowbray, Misses Watson ancd Gibbs ; berlin wool, raised, J Downing, W Miller ; wool ani bead work, Nellie Ross, M McClelland ; wool flowers, M McClelland, Mrs Whitley; bead work, NI McClelland, Nellie Ross ; bonnet, Misses Watson and Gibbs, 1 and 2 ; wool and silk, flat, Mrs T Ballantyne ; cone work, Mrs D Stewart, Mrs Whitley ; cord work, NI McClelland, Mrs Whitley; crewel work, Mrs '2 Ballantyne, Nellie Ross; motto, G Nott, Misses Watson and Gibbs ; orocicet work, G Nott, Nel- lie Ross; darned net, M McClelland Mrs 0 Veal ; embroidery, M. MoOlel- lond, Mrs D Stewart ; embroidery on worsted, Mrs W Ballantyne, J Downing ; embroidery on silk, Mra W Ballantyne, NLoses Watson and Gibbs ; fine shirt, NI McClelland ; cotton knitting, Nirs 0 Veal, M Mo• Clelland ;wool knitting, Geo Noct, Mrs 0 Veal ; flannel shirt, Geo Nott ; feather flowers, Geo Nott, Mrs Whitley ; feather stitching, Mrs Whitley ; hair flowers, Mrs Whitley 1 and 2 ; lace, Miss E Bateman, 13 Burgess ; leather ',vork, Mrs Whit- ley, Misses Watson and Gibbe ; wooleu mite, W H McCracken, G Moffatt ; woolen gloves, G Moffatt, W H McCracken ; patchwork quilt, G Nott, W H McCracken; log cabin quilt, M McClelland, G Nott; orach. et quilt, ;sirs 0 Veal, Mrs D Stew - year, Thos Bayles ; sow, under one year, 'Phos Baylis, imparted Yorkshire boar, Tiros Baylis. PouL•rtar.—Guinea fowl, J Speir, J Bray ; light bratbams, Ed Garvin, N Currie ; black Spanish, J Harris on ; Plymoth Rook, J Harrison, E Olvar ; white Loghorns, W H Mo• Oraeken, G Loys ; brown Leghorns, J Harrison, J Downing ; silver Homburgs, 1!, Garvin, W H Mo. ()reckon ; black Homburgs, G Love, J Harrison ; Bantams, W Burgess, P S Scott ; Houdaus, W Bargees, W H McCracken ; Dorkiugs, J Har- rison, 1 and 2 ; Cecinas, G Love 1 and 2 ; Wyandottes, W H McCrack- en, D Frain ; tarkeye, T Wilkinson, N Bricker ; geese, J Harrison, S Burgess ; Rouen ducks, A Stewart, (8th eon.) W H McOrxoken ; Pekin ducks, J Shorne, W HMcCracken; k nH; canaries, Jno Bray , pig McCracken, 0 Love , pea fowl, Jno Bray. IMPLEML'NTs.--Patent arm wagon, Scott & Williams, 1 and 2 ; one horse boggy, Jno Wynn, Scott & Williams ; field roller, W R Wilson; iron harrows, Roberts & Jefferson ; turnip snuffler, J Fleury & Son, G Love & Co ; cultivator, Cr Love & Go ; turnip cutter, T S Edger, Jno Crerar ; wide plow, li MoLauehlin, G Love & Co ; general purpose plow G Love & 0o, J Fleury & Son; farm gate, Alf Fogel , horse shoes, Rob- erts & Jefferson, 1 and 2 ; wheel- barrow, J Wynn, Scott & Williams. GnniN.—White fall wheat, Alex Rose, D Milne, S Burgess ; red fall wheat, J McCallum, G Brewer, D McLauchlin ; Lost Nation, J Dunc• an, W Cameron, N Currie ; any oth- er, J Cumming, J Duncan, J Har• rison ; 2 rowed barley, G Moffatt ; 4 or 0 rowed barley, W Habkirk, A Gardner, R Inglis ; white oats, Jas Wilkinson, G Moffatt, 1) Milne ; blaok oats, J Harrison, A Roes, Jas McCallum ; small peas, N Currie, W Habkirk, T Davidson ; medium peas, W Habkirk, Jae Shurrie ; large peas, G Moffatt ; timothy Beed D Knight, R Inglis, J Harrison. FRUIT.—Fnmeuse, T MoLauehlin jr, Northern Spies, J Harris ; Rus- sets golden, '1' Wilkinson ; Oolvert, J Broadfoot ; Ohenango strawberry, T Wilkinson ; winter apples, W Stewart, T MoLauehlin jr ; fall apples, W Watson, T Wilkinson ; oolleotion apples, T Wilkinson ; winter pears, W Stewart, T Mc- Laughlin jr ; fall pears, W Watson, '1 Wilkinson ; plums, T Davidson ; grapes, G A Deadman ; crabs, W Burgess, Mrs D Stewart. Boors.—Early Rose potatoes, R Inglis, Jas McCallum ; White Ele- phant, W Habkirk, Jno Stafford ; Mammoth Pearl, W H McCracken ; Beauty of Hebron, J Downing, Wm Miller ; Late Rose, Rich Roe, R Inglis ; Eureka, W H McCracken ; Pearl of Savoy, W H McCracken ; White Star, W H McCracken, E Garvin ; any other variety potatoes, Jno Stafford, N Bricker ; Swede tur- nips, W Pollard, Jas Wilkinson ; any other variety turnips, Jae Wilk- inson, S Burgess ; Belgian carrots, A Gardner, Nelson Currie-' Altring- ham carrots, Wm Habkirk, S Bur• gess ; Scarlet Nantes, Alex Ross, P Scott ; early horn carrots, Mrs D Stewart, W H McOraoken ; long blood beets, W H McCracken, Alex Stewart; blood turnip beets, E Gar- vin, P Robertson ; white sugar beets, W H McCracken; parsnips, D Frain, Alex Ross; mange] wurzels, long red, W ,H McCracken, Wm Pollard; Yellow Globe mange's, T Davidson, W 13 McCracken; Red Globe mangele T Davidson, `W H McCracken ; long yellow mangele, W H McCracken, Thos Davidson, Geo Brewer - span, Wm Elliott, L Lovell, T MoLaueh- lin. Roadsters—Brood mare,T Strach- an, H Rose, Jno Sibben ; spring feel �T Strachan, J. Sibben, Jno Stafford ; two-year-old filly, E J Wilkinson, F S Scott, Wm Bryan ; two-year old gelding, Jae Campbell ; yearling filly, T Strachan, A Koenig, Jno McDougall ; yearling gelding, Nelson Breaker ; buggy horse, A H Wynn, L Lovell, W Roddick ; team, Beattie Bros. Carriage—Brood mare, P Scott, A Romig, David Knight ; span, Beattie Bros ; spring foal, D Knight,, P Scott, R Leatherdale ; yearling oolt, Jno Sibben, Jas Wiltsie; year. ling filly, R Leatherdale, Jas Speir ; two-year-old gelding, Wm Iiabkirk; two-year-old filly, Jas Hogg, Jas Campbell. CATTLE.—Durhams—Milch cow, Smith Bros, D Milne 2nd and 8rd ; two-year-old heifer, D Milne ; one- year -old heifer, Jno MoLauehlin, Duncan MoLauehlin; bull calf, Jno MoLauehlin 1st and 2nd, D Milne heifer calf, Wm Habkirk. Jereeys—Milch cow, G A Dead. man ; yearling heifer, G A Dead- man ; heifer calf, Geo Thomson, W Miller. Native or Grade=Cow, Duncan MoLauehlin, Thee Wilkinson, Thos MoLauolilin ; two-yearrold heifer, Duna MoLauol> in, T MoLauehlin; one -year-old better, Wm • Elliott, P Robertson ; two-year-old steer, Dune MoLauehlin 1st and 2nd; one-year. old steer, Wen Ellie/t, P Robertson ; steer calf, Duncan MoLauehlin, T Wilkinson ; heifer calf, Jas Speir, Duncan MoLauehlin ; fat cow, Ed Bryan, T Calder ; fat ox, Jas Speir 1st and 2nd. SxEEP. Leicesters—Aged ram, Geo Brewar, Jno Forbes ; shearling ram, Chas Howlett; ram lamb, Wm Cameron lat and 2nd ; pair owes, J Forbes, Bobt McDonald ; shearling ewes, J Forbes, R McDonald ; pair ewe lambs, J Forbes, Jae Duncan. Soutbdowne—Aged ram, A Simp- son ; shearling ram, Thos Ibo- Lauohltn. Shropshire Downs—Aged ram, T Anderson ; shearling ram, Tlios Mc• Laughlin ; ram lamb, T Anderson, Hugh Ross ; pair ewes, H Ross, T Anderson; pair shearling ewes, H Ross lat and 2nd; pair ewe lambs, Nelson Currin lot and 2nd. Plds.—Berkabiro—Boar, over. ono year, Ed McNamara ; boar, under VEGETABLES.—Onions, from seed, red, J Stafford, D Frain onions, Yellow. Deniers, J Stafford, W E MoOraditen ; onions, Giant Rocca, W H McQraoken ;, from top sets, W Cameron, W H McCracken ; from Dutch sets, W $ McCracken, S Burgess ; top onions, P Robertson, W Ii MA/molten ; Dutoh sets, W H MoCraoken ; potato onions, W P1 McCracken, P Robertson ; corn, Yellow Canada, J Stafford, Alex Stewart ; corn,, White Flint, W H McCracken, E .Garvin ; collection of corn, W H McCracken, E Garvin ; winter cabbage, J Stafford, W H McCracken ; curled. Savoy, W H McCracken ; red cabbage, W H Mo. Craoken ; cauliflower, Jno Stafford, iV H McCracken ; pumpkin, W H MoCraoken lst and 2nd; squash, W II MoOracken, F S Scott; collec- tion garden produce, W H McCraok. en, R Garvin ; tomatoes, large, W H MoOrackon, A. Ross ; cherry to• atatoes, A Ross; butter beans. Jae McCallum, Jno Bray; white beans, W H MoOrackon, E Garvin ; any other variety beans, W ]i McOracic- en, W W Burgoee; citrons, round striped, Mrs T Ballantyne, W H MaCeacicen ; citrons, long Californ- ian, aliforn-iui, W 11 McCracken 1st and 2nd ; Stewart& Lowick's, for spring wheat, J Cumming; J T Pepper's, for car- riage foal, R Leatherdale ; Reeve Graham's, for barley, If Iiabkirk ; for peas, Nelson Currie ; 100 yard foot race, J Streeter; A. R Saliba 'a, for roadster foal, T Strachan ; Geo Thomsons, for hen eggs, Mrs T Ballantyne, 13 Burgess ; 100•yard foot race, P McEwau, J Sharp, A. K Robertson ; !armer'e sons race, J Dingwall ; I U Richards, for yearling roadster, N Brinker, JunaEs.— Heavy Horses —R J Evans, Wroxeter ; Jae Duncan, Newry ; Jno MoLean, Tuokersmith. Light horses—Henry Deaoon,'Be1. grave ; Rich Leech and A. Gourley, Palmerston ; Jae Barr, Blyth. Cattle—L Lovell, Turnberry ; R Chanter, Tuokersmith ; Win Diok- son, Newry, Sheep and Pigs --J Potter, Blythe Wm 0 Winter, Seafortb ; J B Ham- ilton, Atwood. Implements—Jae MoGowan and A McNally, Blyth ; Wm Smith, Walton. Poultry—Conrad Mich rel , Grey. PENCIL POINTS. The receipts at the Hall on Thursday evening waw about $30. On Friday the gate receipts were $160.00. This is en advance on last year. A. tent on the ground in which some codger ate glass, horse nails, tacks, &c, did quite a rushing busi- ness. The lanae crowd evidently ap- preciated the services of the Brue- eels Band. Some of the boys did it proud with their gray plug hats and spectacles. You will look the country over and over before you will find a more civil or obliging set of officers than the management of the East Huron and Grey Branch Agricultural So- cieties. Donald Stewart's Eureka saw set received a thorough inspection. Along with this useful article was the Diploma received at the Pro- vincial Fair. President Gardner was unable to attend the Fair owing to illness. For a wonder there was not a refreshment booth or sandy stall on the grounds. Hot coffee would have gone well on Friday. W. H. McCracken lead the van for prizes, taking 60. The 5 cent admission to children was a popular move and took well. art ; tufted. quilt, Mrs 0 Veal; fanny quilt, Mrs T Ballantyne, M McClel- land ; knitted quilt, Mrs D Stewart, G Nott ; rag mat, Mrs T Ballan• Lyne, 1 and 2 ; shell work, G. Nott, Mrs D Stewart ; sofa pillow, flat, Mrs T Ballantyne, J Downing ; sofa pillow, raised, G Brewer ; sofa pil- low, braided, L Oliver ; sofa pillow, patchwork, Nellie Rose, Mrs T Ball- antyne ; woolen stockings, Mrs 0 Veal, W H McCracken ; cotton stockings, Mrs 0 Veal,. 1 and 2 ; woolen socks, W H McCracken, lira 0 Veal ; cotton socks, Aire 0 Veal ; Our aim will be to please seed wreath, Mrs Whitley ; straw patronage. bat, J Bray, 1 and 2 ; tatting, tt Nott, Mrs 0 Veal ; wax flowers,I Mrs T Ballantyne, W H McCrack- en ; oroohet in wool, G Moffatt, - Misses Watson and Gibbs. and ascertain our Prices. A Washington special says Sez. retary Tracey in his forthcoming re- port will recommend the advisabil- ity of constructing ton additional steel cruisers. Private ;Funds to Koan. $2 0,00C) Have been placed in my hands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE E RF INTEREST. No Commission. Borrowers can have loans com- pleted in Three Days if title satisfactory. W. M. SINCLAIR, Solicitor, Brussels. A WONDERFUL LAKE 'Ont WATER DOETH G000 LIKE A MEDICINE AGENT, G. DD,4D,M4JV, ea-ly SRU''+kaMI.s. Baby Carriazes ! Baby Carriages BABY ARitIAGES ! Haiidsoie Display of Baby Carriages in all the LATEST STYLES, and sold at Catl in and See our Stock before you order elsewhere. Buggy .hugs, Dusters, Fly Nets, Witips, tee., always on hand. Splendid Assortment of Trunks, Valises and Satchels in Stook. H. Dennis. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. The Undersigned desire to intimate to the Public that they have formed a co -partnership, under the Firm name of Turnbull & Ballantyne, and aro now conducting the Stove and Tinware Business formerly owned by HAYCROFT & TURNBULL. those favoring us with their GIVE US A OALL FINE AuTs.—Collection of photo- graphs, W. J. Fairfield ; enlarged photos, W. J. Fairfield ; stuffed birds in ease, R Leatherdale ; stuff- , ed animals, Il Leatherdale ; pencil drawing, Mrs Whitley, let and .2nd ; water Dolor, landsoape„ Mrs Whit.% ley'; oil painting, landscape, -Mos Graham 1st and 2nd ; oil portrait, Mrs Graham ; black crayon driv- ing, G A Deadman„ Mrs Whitley ; spatter work, Mrs Whitley ; paint• ing on pottery, Mrs Graham ; pnrnt- ing on silk or velvet, Misses Watson & Gibbs lst and 2nd. FLowEEs.—General list — Table boquet, Maggie Stewart, Jno Bray hand boquet,,Maggie Stewart, Mrs Graham ; collection out flowers, Jas Harrison ; dahlias, Maggie Stewart, A Stewart (8th con.) ; pansies, Mag• gie Stewart, J. Harrison ; Phlox Arummondi, J Harrison ; Asters, Maggie Stewart, J Harrison ; Afric- an Marigolds, J Harrison ; French Marigolds, Maggie Stewart, J Bar. rison ; Dianthus, S Harrison ; Bal. same, Maggie Stewart ; Zinnias, J Harrison ; Gladiolas spikes, Maggie Stewart ; Verbenas, Maggio Stewart ; collection ornamental grasses, home grown, Willis Ste- wart, A Stewart, (8th eon.) ; col- lection of roses, Maggio Stewart. SPEoxAx,s.—W 11 McGracken's, T Davidson, Jas Shurrle;,T,Fletcher's cloak, Mrs Wilkinson ; G A Dead - men, heifer calf, Gee Thomson, W Miller ; cake, Mine Maggio Stewart; TURNBULL 4' B.ALL.lJVTYNE. J09. BALLANTYNE. JAS. TURNBULL. ETHEL GRIST AND FLOUR MILLS. The undersigned having completed the change from the stone to the celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has now the Mill in First -Mass Running Order and will be glad to see all his old customers and as many new Ones as possible. Flour and, Feed, Always ona,d. Highest Pried paid for any quantity of Goocl Grain. M. IL E: