HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-10-4, Page 88 FIRRST PRIZE CAKE. I ani ...Noma 31,00 for the best Cake to he exhibited at Brussels Pall Show on the *hal and 4th Oot. The condition is that the only Baking Powder to bo used in the cite is to be "Deadman's Baking Powder." Tide Baking Powder, which we make ourselves, la entirely free from MAIM, ammonia, or other injurious in- gredients which are found in so many of the powders on the market. Alum should :'ever be used in On article for food. Do not be tempted by tbo pros. eats whirl' you may get to injure the health cf yourself or family. Please bear in mind that we give you the value of your money in the powder itself. There are many families who are already using our Baking Powder and oan testi- fy in its favor. If you have never tried it we would ]ince you to do so. We can sell you any quantity you may wish. To be had in Brussels only from G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist, Bookseller, &a. GRANO TRUNK RAILWAY, 0O1TEMIN E]TENSIO0 W. 0. & n, Trains leave Brussels Station, North and South, as follows : Goma Sorra, GOING Non'ru. Moll •02 a.m.- 'Mixed 000 a.m. Express .-11,10 a.m. Mail SON p.m. Mixed 8:55 pm. Express 0:45 p.m. 1'o.cal ictus 1 tents. A. alleys amens ye ,akin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Giving up itrsineSs. Accounts not settled by 15th Oct, will be put in Court for collection. A.R. StnTE • OCTOBER. Fsosro nights. Oouxcxr meeting next Monday even- ing. ALL wool tweeds at 25 oeote per yard. A. R. Smith. GREY flenneis at 12} cents per yard. A. R. Smith. SEALETTn Mantling for 36.50, worth $10. A. R. SUITE. Tits watering cart has ceased from its iabors for 1689. Eeos are on the up grade as far as price is concerned. Nesse girl wanted at once. Apply to Mrs. W. M. Sinclair. Sonoox Board will meet on Friday evening of this week. House and lot for sale. Easy terms. .apply to Noble Gerry. MRs. BALLANrwe & Sox shipped a car load of eggs this week. Fon SALE, 500 pairs rubbers. Woman's 33 cents. ADAM Goon. Fria. Show in Brussels on Thursday and Friday of this week. SEVERAL Brusselites took in tho Bel - grave Fall Fair on Wednesday. Mas. J. W. ,S, HIEL's postponed sale on Monday afternoon of next week. WnAT about a revival of the monthly borse and cattle fairs in Brussels ? A }TRW dwelling is being erected by Jas. Gibson jr., on Elizabeth street. GIYING up business. New Fall goods going at panic prices at A. R. Smith's. HRLTEDskelter sale of Cooper & Smith's boots and shoos at coat. A. R. SMITH. TERRIFIC sale of ready-made clothing, over -coats, in., at cost. A. R. Stara. Rev. G. B. Howie will preach in the Methodist church next Sabbath evening. R. G. VI\cENT begun work in Ronald's Steam Fire Engine works on Monday Test. 25 asxrs, in advance, gets THE POST from Oct. 1st to Jan. let 1890. See your neighbor. ARTHUR VEAL is sellingextensiou tables, sideboards and bed room sets cheaper than any one in Brussels. lo you want an organ or piano do not buy one until you see Veal's prices. Wonderful how he sells so cheap. HAvs the same milliner as last season, Mise Brownlow. Will sell new trimmed millinery at Dost. A. R. Sulam. Glvx a Up business. Silks, satins, new dress goods, nineties, velvets, silk merves., all colors, at cost at A. R. Smith's. ARTHUR VEAL warrants all Ms furniture to be well made of the very best kiln dried lumber and will last a life time. NEW subscribers are rolling in but we want hundreds more. 25 cents, in ad- vance, 5005008 THE Pon for the balance of 1889. Gruner up business. Tremendous slaughter of tweeds, worsted coatings, flannels and underclothing at A, R. Smith's. STREET lamps are badly needed in Brussels these dark- nights. What's to binder the lamp at the Town Hall being lighted. WANTSD, a person eithermale or female with a good education to learn the Drug, Book and Pansy goods business. Apply to G. A. Deadman. TEND= asked for the position of sex. ton and caretaker of the Methodist' church, rendered vacant by the resig- nation of Jas. Oliver. WANmn,—Potatoes, butter,- lard, tal- low, dried apples, &o., in exchange for boots. Also a horse suitable for a delfv ery wagon. AMU Goon. ARTnua VSAL sold his three year old Carlisle driver to B. Gerry this week for the sum of 3150. The mare is a good one and is well worth the money. lrf0 reported that Fred McCracken and Jno. Meadows have renten the tan. very, owned by Jno. Shannon, of London, and will start a hennery on a large stale. A run from near Blyth was in town last Monday with a load of green apples. He found ready Bale for all be had. They brought 32.50 per barrel, we be- lieve. • JOG. WYNN is having the foundation built fora new dwelling house on his lot on Queen street. The small frame build. ing will be moved and become part of the konge. W. Nlonrrtoerx & Co. will have their Millinery opening on Thursday, Friday and Saturday of next week, 10th, 11th and 12111. Watch out for it, it will be a good one BRATTME BRos."bus has made its ap-. pearan00 again, after receiving a thor. ough overhauling, painting, &c, It looks about aa good as new. W. Roddick had the job in hand. LAsr Sunday evening the Salvation Army bade farewell to the two young lady Di neors who have then here for Oevoralmenthe. They were very faith. fel is their Valk, Winn you are in Breagele get Arthur G eal'e priceei0r furniture, no difference whether you Uy or no . 0 furniture to any part 01 the town no country freo of oilmrgo. Jena: Donn, Revising officer for this county in conueution with the Dominion Voters' List, will hold Onurt in the Town Hall, B unel0, ou Nov. 9111, for the re. vieion of the leoal lists. P. Scowl has Bold his Carlisle throe. year-old horao to R. Wilson, of Seaforth, The prioe is said to be 3125. He is likely to be speedy, but is sure to lnalce a splendid driving animal. WALTER Lo11'sav leads the ven now for turnouts. He drives his yellowy dog, iq harness, to a miniature buggy. The In. dustrial will have to work up some new fake before another Fall. W. H. Meence5N swept the prize list at the Winghnm Fair last week taking 24 prizes. He also exhibited at Belgrave on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week where he wag awarded 25 pries, ALL orders for teaming left at J. G. Skene's or A. 1\I. McKay & Co'S store will be promptly attended to. All orders for garden plowing left with the above named gentleoteu will receive prompt et. tendon, 30 Hem:mua0N B11os. THE Grand Trunk Railway have built a small baggage room just west of plat- form. This will be a great saving of labor to the baggage man instead of having to Ing trunks, valises, &c. up the steps to the freight honed. BIBLE lost between Melville church and Shine's school house, via 9th ton., on Sunday last. The name of John Stewart, SouthBalgeroho', is written on the fly leaf. Tho finder will greatly oblige by leaving same at THE Peer Publishing House. NEST Sunday the communion will be dispensed in Knox church, The pastor will preach on Saturday afternoon cad Sunday morning. Nev. S. Sellery, B.A., B,D., will occupy the pulpit on Sabbath evening and Rev. Mr. Forest, of Walton, on Monday afternoon at 9 o'clock. Tan public will no doubt be taken by surprise to ]earn that A. R. Smith talks of going to Brandon, Man. Mr. Smith has worked up an excellent trade since his advent into Brussels but be sees a wider field in the Prairie Provinoe, it seems. Tho trouble is too many of our Canadian young men are leaving Ontario for the West. EAST Huron Pall Show on Thursday and Friday of this week. The rain on the first day made it rather disagreeable edyet a to. Witinsih fineartment is l weathereon Friday we look for one of the best exhibitions held in Brussels for years. The prize list and an extended report of the Show will be given in our next issue. WELL -Dream AVD Diunnure.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drillin wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaobion. Wells cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Turnberry st., Brnseols. 48•tf THE Clinton New Era of last week says : "I0 is said that A. H. Musgrove, teacher, will be the next Conservative candidate for the Local in East Huron, Mr. Hays having declined to be a victim any longer. Musgrove is not a bad sort of fellow, but has not the ghost of a chance against "Honest Tom Gibson," who has represented the riding since 1871, and who is again the nominee of the deform party. NORTH Huron Teachers' Association will be held in Brussels on Thursday and Friday of next week. A good program is prepared. On Thursday evening a public entertainment will he given in the Town Hall, to whioh the public will be welcome. In addition to addresses by Rev. Jno. Ross, B. A., and Rev. S. Sellery, B. A., B. D., there will be mueio- al saleotioue and a class of girls will give an exhibition on club swinging. FORESTERS.—Last Sunday afternoon the Foresters of Brussels and locality marched to St. John's church and listen- ed to a very suitable and praotioal ser• mon from the inoumbent, Rev. W. T. Cluff, from the words found in Psalm 56, 12th verge :—"Thy vows are upon me 0 1 God, I will render praise unto thee." Following out the first part of the text the rev. gentleman showed the vows taken by this benevolent Order and nrged on the brethren the necessity of keeping all their vows. There were about 70 Foresters present, members ooming from Atwood, Oranbrook, Blyth, Sunshine, Blnevale to enjoy the servioe. court Alexandra is doing well and has a large list of members who are ready and will- ing to extend the hand of fellowship to all who will oast fn their lot with them. DIED.—On Tuesday of this week Ellen the beloved wife of E. H. Tompkins died at Bay City, Michigan, of low fever, aged 30 years and 25 days, Along with her two children the deceased had gone to Bay City about five weeks ago from Brussels to join her husband who was working there. Naturally alight and delicate the fever soon did its work. Mrs. Tompkins was the youngest daugh- ter of Mrs. Thos. Ratcliffe, of this place, and was married to her now bereft hus- band about ten years ago at Ethel where tbey made their home for several years. The corpse was brought from Bay City on Wedneaday night and the funeral took place from the residence of W. A. Cal- biok, brother•in•law to the departed, on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Tompkins was possessed of a kindly disposition and better than that wase devoted Chris- tian. LAST Sabbath the communion was held at Melville ohuroh, ten new members being added to the ohuroh roll. On Sat- urday afternoon Rev. A. Y. Hartley preached an interesting di800nrse from I Peter 11th chapter and 6th verse, "He that believeth on Him shall not be con. founded." The pastor dieooursed pro- fitably from Nurnberg 21st chapter and 4111 verse, "The soul of the people wag much discouraged because of the way," 011 Sabbath morning at eleven. In the evening and on Monday forenoon Rev. A. MoLean, of Blyth, preached two excellent sermons, basing them on Isaiah 40th chapter and 81st verso, and "The burning bush" and "'.Che three Hebrew youths in the furnace" respectively. Next Sunday Rev. Mr. Ross will be away aaaisting Rev, D. Ferric and 'Rev. Mr. Forrest, of Walton, will preach in Mel- ville church at 11 0. m. The evening service will be withdrawn. SEASONABLE ILNTe.---Pot up your stoves and preserve your bad temper while at it by getting the tinsmith to do the job.- Take in the millinery openings and try oh every bat and bonnet in the estab- lishment. The Widnes men say w "pleasure to Show goods."—Carry a lan. torn en a dark night.:; coal oil is cheaper than a dootor'e sereioea Setting a broken leg,—Prepare for Winter by laying in a TFIE BRUSSELS POST Om. 4, 1889. Ai b vtMlInTeVe ',1.•uA, gist! good supply of fuel ami provfaions, and you might an well lay by a few dnlhcre for the tax collector as he will favor you with a call shortly, ---Don't let n told 'tet. tie ou your lungs when by a little vein, ntixod with onion syrup, you 0000 ,.teer ohne, Wear a oltamois or buolcskin un- der garment if you aro delicate,—Square up this year's accounts and melte the business teen happy.—Send your child. ren 00 school regularly if you want thein to get the good of w freo eduoation.— Work up a literary society or debating soiled in your loenlity.--Don't be in a hurry promising your vote until you see what candidates are in the field.—Co to church on Sundays. You oan surely keep awake now that the hot weather is past.—If you want the local news sub. scribe for Tae PosT. Rev. A. W, Torten, of Blyth, 000upied the Methodist ohuroh pulpit in this place last Sunday, In the morning he chose Ephesiana 2.18 for the foundation of his sermon. At the evening service the large audience Batened with pleasure and profit as he presented the very mem. Neal lessons to be gathered frau the book of Proverbs, 30th chapter and 21111 to 28th verses inclusive. He said three very important studies for every man were (1) Himself ; (2) the World ; (8) God. We are apt to often judge by ap- pearances or bulk, but aharlloter should always be the standard. Four small creatures are mentioned in the text from which the following suggestive lessons are learned :—From the ant, wisdom, diligence, artier and seasonable provision. Tho conies fly to the strong plans for shelter. The locusts teach unity and the spider industry, perseverance and watch. fulness. If these creatures, guided by inatioot, possess these qualities so ones. sary to success and put them into prac- tice should not man, endowed with reasoning faculties, weave these excel- lencies into his home life, his church life, his business iife, and endeavor, by the help of the Almighty, to lift this world heavenward. BASE BALL,—Despite the rain, and cold disagreeable weather of last Friday the base ball tournament was bald at Gerrie. The clubs represented were Brussels, Wingham and the "Unions," of Gerrie and Wroxeter. .6. team from Arthur was expected but they did not show up. The "Unions" and Winghmn had the first bout. The former had a Toronto battery in ilia persona of Atkis- son, the professional, and catcher Leos, and Wingham was reinforced by A. Brook, formerly of Brussels, now of Owen Sound, and H. Mal3ardy, of the same town. It is said the "Unions" paid 380 for their assistants and Wingham $19,50. Be that as it may, seven innings ware played with a soore of 7 to 4 in fav- or of the home team. Brussels then tackled the winners. Our team scored iu oath of the innings up to the 4th when they were blanked, but they got 2 in the 5111, their total being 7. The "Unions" ware whitewashed in the 1st, Ord and 5th, but got 4 in the 2nd and 4 in the 4th. With two men out and Johnston on 3rd base in the 5th, Sanderson started from 2nd as a decoy to get the base runner home from third. The ball was prompt. ly put to bag No, 2 and after a little maneuvering by Jas. Ross it was thrown to the catcher to shut off Johnston. The latter tried to get back to 3rd but had the ball put on his back and was declared out by the Umpire. There was a howl of disapproval by the Gorrie sympath- izers and a big "kick" by the "Unions" and the umpire weakened and said the man was not out, even if he was touched with the ball and ran off the base line. Now it was Brussels turn to express themselves, and they did so emphatio- ally and to the effect that unless John stop was given out they would not con- tinue the game. The match was given, therefore, to the 'Unions." • To say the least it was small potatoes and few m a hill and the home team might have giv- en at least fair play when they had their $80 battery. Mr. Wells, the umpire, is anything but an impartial man, as was evidenced all through the game. The following is the score : IINroNs. B.0. BnumsnLa. 11.0. Sanderson, ss 1 2 J.Roes, 2b 1 1 Atkisson, p 1 1 Gerry, of 0 .4 Lee, o 1 2 D, Ross, lb ...,.iiia 0 8 McLaughlin, IL, 0 1 ,Currie, 1f 1 1 Pan11n, 1b- . 1 1 Anderson, 0 2 1 Nath, 2b 1 2 J, Stratton, se ,,. 1 2 &sake, cf..,.. 1 2 Halliday, rf 1' 1 Williams, 8b 0 8 F. Stratton, 86,.. 1 0 Johnson, rf 2 1 Grower, p.,.......,. 0 2 Totals 815 Totals 716 Unions 0 4 0 4 0-8 Brussels 1 1 8 0 2-7 F. Anderson, of Exeter, naught for Brussels and played his position well. The rain set in again so 3. Ross, captain of Brussels olub, and. Geo. Musgrove, captain of Wingham team, arranged that the latter would be given 2nd piece in the tournament on condition that the 320 and $10, 2nd and 3rd prizes would be equnlly divided between them. This arrangement was carried out as far • as the award of places was concerned, but Mr. Musgrove flunked on the division of the money and pooketed the 920 for his elnb with the excuse that their expenses were heavy and some of their, players weee kioking. , That's the way Wingham got 2nd prize. It was a email thing for any man or club to do. To show that Brussels baseball team is still in the field they challenge the dab of any town in the County, town against town, for a' puree of 950, game to be played at Brus- sels or some other convenient place. Mr. and Mrs. Hanlan, have gone to Lonisville to be present at the regatta They are guests of J. A. 01. John., Arrangements for the match between Belle Hamlin and Harry Wilkes, to be trotted at Fleetwood Park, October 11111, have been completed. Manager Hart hart made all arrange - punts to take the Boston team to San Francisco this fall. They will leave Chicago November the 13th, and play their firet game at 'Frisco Thanksgiving Day, • Besides beiog willing to trot Belle Ham. lin against Harry Wilkes, the proprietor of Village Farm says be will match his five-year-old mare, Mooking bird, (2.140, by Mambrino King, against Rooaliud Wilkes, (2.180. , d=loza ,T. STRoTTON,—In Bruseele, on Sept. 27th the wife of ftfr. James Strettonjr., of a eon, BRYAN.—In Morris, on Sept., 8011), the wife of Mr. Alex. Bryan, of a daughter, I3AuonsAvsa,—In Paisley, on , Sept. 291h, the wife of Mr. Sag. Hargreaves, drug. gist, of a eon. ICi:NnaLo,---In Brussels, on Sept, 20t11, the wife of Mr. J.11. Kendall, station agent, of a Bat. ll:ulcf.n, --In Brussels, on Sept. 2711x, the wife of Mr. James Walker, (W- rings manner, of a son. zsrAS'nxnresJla. Sierrn—BtTTox.—At tho residence of the bride's mother, ou the 2nd iosk , by the Rev. Win. Torrance, Mr, George Smith, to Miss Zilpah Button, both of Morris. Moomty.—In Morris, on Sept. 28th, Alice May, fourth daughter of Henry and Aliso Mooney, aged 8 years, Totr'xoNs,—In Bay City, Mich., on Oct. 1st, ililen L., beloved wife of E, 11. Tompkins, aged 30 years and 26 days. DAvus.—In Morris, on Sept. 801h, Charlie, infant sol of Jas. Davis, aged 8 months. SHANNON.—At Baysville, 1lfuskoka, on Soot, 22nd, Robert Shannon, father of -Jno. Shannon;'of London, former- ly of Brnaeele, And brother of Mrs. Stitt, of Brussels, aged 90 years. Sm-L7mM 1IaG EVCARSiaTS. Fall Wheat '75 Spring Wheat ... 80 Barley 40 Outs 23 Peas...., ... 52 Butter, tube and rolls.... 13 Eggs per dozen 16 Flour per barrel 6 50 Potatoes 35 Hay per ton,. 7 00 Hides per lb 2 Salt per bbl., retail1 25 Sheep skine,oaoh... 60 Wool, per 11) 1B S7M A.f''OR3T2-S2AsM.I.C. TS 85 90 45 25 63 14 00 00 40 s 00 8 00 1 00 20 Fall Wheat 70 85 Spring Wheat 80 90 Oats 24 25 Peas 52 53 Marley 40 45 Potatoes 35 40 Butter, per lb 13 14 Eggs, per dozen 15 00 Apples, per bushel 50 85 Hogs, dressed 6 00 00 Beef 450 5 50 Hay 7 00 8 00 Wood, per cord 2 50 4 50 40 57 Sheepskins, each Ati CTION' SAS.aS_ WL+DN0BDAO, OCT. 16,—Parol stook, im• plements, &e., on lot 18, con. 7, Grey. Sale commences at 1 o'olook. George Kirkby, apo., Sol. Bateman, prop. MONDAY, Ocr. 7.—Postponed sale of household furniture, do., on lot 3, con. 9, Grey. Sale comm00005 at 1 o'clock. Geo. Kirkby, an, Mrs. J. W. 811101, prop. BANKING. l /FoINTOSH 1C MCTAGGART, BANKERS, . BRUSSELS, Traaaa.ot e. Genorti.l Sasslr&ng Susi.n,cas. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian and United States Drafts bought and Bold. Interest allowed on Deposits. Collections made on favorable towns. Canadian Agents—MoncsANT's BANE ea CANADA. New Yorkg2411100—ItrnonTEns AND TRAD- EIta NATIONAL DARR. 1;) .a>< BOOKS. USE PEPPER'S 'WILD STRAWBERRY :t.D ----3 011i Diarrhoea, Dysentery ALT Summer Complaints, PEPPER'S DRUG STORE, Wall Paper. Note Paper. rTENDERS WANTED.— SEAL- ED Tenders will be received up to Wednesday noon, Oth Inst„ for the position of sexton end earatalcer of the Brussels Methodist Church. Duties, ate„ may bo ascertained on application to the Secretary, who will also receive the tondo's. TAS. 13VYEB8, Seo, Trustee Board. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. AI, SINOLAIR, • Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pub- lic, &o. Oftloe—Graham's 13loolt,1 door north of Pepper's Drug Store. Private Funds to LOUR. - ( E. WADE, ill. Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Pub• 1i0. Conveyancing. Oolloetioua and x.oanin . Mr. Wade will attend in Gerrie ovary Wo uoeday at two o'e lock, DICKSON & HAYS, (Late with Gnrrow & Proudfoot, Gode. rich,) Barristers, Solicitors. Oonvoyaucero. &c. °feces—brussels and Bsuferth, Brum sets Office, Rogers' Block, Main St. Money to Low, it. a. HAS•e, w, B. DlossoN, • ..L41-. M. TAYLOR, 13. 0. L., Barrister, Solicitor, &o., of the firm of Taylor, MoOAlloagh & Burns, Barristers Solloitore, &c., Manning Arcade, Toronto. Money to loan, ALEX. HUNTER, Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Go, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary PAblia, Land, Loan and Insurance Agent, Funds invested and to loam. Oollootions made, Office in Graham's Block, Brussels. BUSINESS CARDS. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM IN50RANOE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. R• N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist. Shop—Next door south of A. M, McRay & Co'e hardware store. Ladies' and ahlkuon's hair cutting a Specialty 1: 'A chola° stook of cigars kept. Ai17oNAIR, • Iseuror of Marriage Licenses, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, COMMIS - donor, &o., Q. B. Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insurance Go. Oflro0 at the Oranbrook Pont Office. DRESSMAKING.— The undersigned desires to intimate to the ladies of Bruseoie and surrounding country tbat she ie prepared to attend to all orders intrusted to her. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop—Up-stairs, one door 110 MI of Walter Jackson's hardware store, 00- MISS SAMPLE. 01111 H. MoORACKEN, • Intim of Marriage Liee5805. Offiaa Grocery, luruborry street, Brussels. DENTAL, a SN'TSM TR,'Y'1 G, L. Ball, L. D. S., Honor Graduate and M 1t 0 D 8 'Toronto. Vitalised Air given. Of)co—MErEna 11LGCx, SEA1bioTE, 111 3d 1'( TSST 1 W, J. Fear, L. D. S., Graduate of Toronto School of Deutlstry. All operations guaranteed. a..-Artile1al teeth, first quality, and a guaranteed fit, for 012,00 per eat. Guist—tle,1'0 BLeax, SEAAOrtTn, ~y aft, J"4 T T Ani T Honor Graduate of the Royal\College of D ental Surgeons, Toronto. Nitros Oxide Gus aduiiniaterod for the Peialoss Extraction of I; oath. OMoo-- f•R'ONE Doom NORTH OF BARR, 12oo aeoLs, AUCTIONEERS. GEORGE' HIREBY, Licensed Auetioneer. Salus conduct. mien reasonable terms, Farms and farm stock a linoalalty. Orders left at TEE Pon P ublI eking House, Bra seals, or sent to Walton P. 0., will receive prompt attention, A RAYMANN, • Auctioneer, is always ready to at. tend ogles of farms, farm stock, &e. Terme cheerfully givon. Oranbrook F. 0. Sales may bo arranged at Tint Pose! Publishing House, Brussels. MEDICAL CARDS. M. 1)'. CALE, M.D., 0.M., Member of the College of Physician and Surgeons of Ontario by examination. Office and Residence—Maim street East, Ethel, Ontario. J-• A. MaNAUGHTON, M. D. • C. M., UR. U.P., Edinburgh, M. C. P. S. Ont. At Pepper's Drug Store from O to 11180 a, m. and from 1:80 to 4 p. m, At other ]lours may be found at his resldonee, form- erly occupied by Dr. Hutchinson, Mill et. VETERINARY. ENO. D. WARWICK, V. S., (SUO OESSOR TO P. W. O'BRIEN, V.8.), Graduate and' Honorary Fellow of Ontario Veterinary College, will be pleased to ex - amino with the greatest careand profes- sional skill any oases entrusted 10 :his charge. Office and infirmary—O'Brion's old stand,2 doors north of bridge, Turnberry st., Brussels. Giving up Business ! Giving up Business ! GIVING UP BUSINESS IN BRUSSELS. .'- O Dry Goods, Tweeds, Worsted Coatings, OI-.0TI—IING, BOOTS & SHOES, Ilats 84 Caps, Millinery, &c., at Cost Price until the Whole Stock is disposed of. A. R. SMITH. ALL OUR GOODS MUST BE SOLD by the 1st of December, es I am leaving Brussels to start Business again in Brandon, Manitoba. We will hold An Auction Sale every Saturday Afternoon. ' Terms of Sale Oash unless special arrangements are made with Customers pur- chasing large amounts. A. R. S.MI'r . ' 4 off, ht'� Coto 0 0 Remember the Sale we had when leaving Ethel; also the Sale of Mi1ne's Stock. Those two were great, but this one will be greater, as I have 13,000 Worth of New Fall Goods to dispose of. Ae Re SMITH.