HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-10-4, Page 540'>', 4, 1889.T1 -1S B EWSSELS POST
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a7P. L1fSaaIIF 7.3"'-n—itiaY .R!ANl-"iP:�•
in the right direction if you will permit us ; help you in the upward path, so to speak, the path of plenty and prosperity. Do you want to rise in the world ? Do you want to be
well heeled ? Remember that economy is the parent of prosperity, and become a practical economist by trading with w, The heavy profits which Some merchants-rllake, lase the
' interest on borrowed money, eat up the earnings and prevent saving. We make no such profits, and those who trade with us, will find their Savings increase with every trade.
An honest profit on an honest price is our idea of price and profit making Big prices and big profits are not honest, We have nothing to do.with them, We will save you also
in the goods we supply. Good grade goods go farther than low grade. Even at a higher price they are cheapest in the long run. But we put good grade articles on the same
price -level as the low grade, That makes them cheapest in actual cash as well as cheapest in actual value. It takes us to make bargains ! We are old hands at it. We know
how to buy and that's how we have the secret of selling. We are past masters in the ancient and honoralole art ofbargain-malting and will convince you that we know our work
if you give us a call.
I A , ii '.rhr �, 1-8
.��GC S f_,t_::r`L4'! L, C 1J
., , ,7lToST .Z'(JP T.G, ,(i PL LCE TO BUY
Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Soc. Immense line
of new Fall and Winter Attractions. The best of Everything at prices never beaten. ' ---
District IC.eius.
Township Council last Monday.
Miss Robertson is re-engaged in S. S.
No. 8.
Jas. Davis, is erecting a frame dwell-
ing on his farm on eon. 5.
James Casomore has returned to his
family from Manitoba, where he has
spent the summer.
On Sunday the infant child of Jas.
Davis died quite soddenly. He was
eight months old. The funeral was on
Mary Fiulater, u third
who wrotei
Claes certificate in July last, now holds a
non•profeesionnl certificate, 8.5 a result
of an appeal to have her composition
paper re-examined.
Dian.—Last Saturday evening .11lie,
fourth daughter of Reeve Mooney died
after a short illness of scarlet fever. The
funeral took plane on Monday forenoon,
Rev. Mr. Sellery conducting the service.
Another little daughter is ill too, but is
doing nioely, we are pleased to say. Mr.
and Mrs. Mooney have the sincere sym-
pathy of the community in the lose of
their bright little' daughter.
The Sabbath School Anniversary ser-
vices of Ebenezer church, 2nd non., will
be held next Sunday and Monday. Rev.
A. W. Tango, of Blyth, will preach et
3:80 and Rev. R. Paul, of Brussels, at 7
p m on Sabbath The anniversary tea -
Sohn McMillan, M. P., for South
Throe, arrived home from the Detroit
Fair on Wednesday night last. He had
five horses with him and they carried Off
over $270 in prizes.
Allan S. McLean, eldest son of 01. Y.
McLean, who has been in Toronto for
some time, left that city on Tuesday last
for Portage la Prairib, Manitoba, where
he has procured a good situation.
The indication are that we are 'to
have electric light before long. Mayor
Wilson appears to be slicking to his
promise. The electric light committee
wore authorized to advertise for tenders
for the erection of an electric light plant
in this town to consist of two dynamos,
one for street lighting, capable of running
20 aro lights of 2000 candle power and
the other for commercial purposes cap-
able of running 85 aro lights of 2000
candle power of iooandesoout lights re-
quiring the same power, and circuits,
poles, lamps, eto., each as the committee
may deem necessary for said street and
commercial lighting, also for a boiler and
engine of fifty horsepower, and that they
ask for separate tenders for the aro
lighting as mentioned above and are
lights of 1000 candle power, also for cir-
cuit and incandescent lights requiring
similar power as the aro lights mention.
ed above.
1 Othel.
Mrs. Clement, of Harley, is visiting
bar sister Mrs. J. M. Davies this week.
Jno. ()ober and wife, who have been
visiting at Hespeler and vicinity for the
he is held by hie friends ou that appoint-
ment and also as a recognition of the
zeal with which he labors among them.
The fl lends at Roe's are never backward
in a good clause.
•Wilig lrcam.
The G.T.R. officials are now aceupy.
ing the new passengerdopot,'
Thos. Bell shipped two car loads of
furniture, per G.T.R., to Manitoba.
Ilon. A. 01. Ross, Provincial Treasurer,
was in attendance at the Wingham show,
Rev. Mr. Geddes, of Whiteohuroh,
purchased a fine two-year-old Ridgewood
filly from Robb. Melndoo, the price being
Jno, Ritchie, Winuham, baa a Bronoho
pony, a very neat and pretty little ani-
mal, which he purchased lately. It was
shipped with a number of others, from
Washington Territory.
Jno. Rutherford, who has held the re-
sponsible position of book-keeper at the
Union Factory for some years, accom•
ponied by his wife, left for Scotland on
Tuesday of last week. Mrs. Rutherford
has not been well for some time, and it
was thought a journey would do her
N.T. Ritchie, Provincial land surveyor,
returned to town on Monday of last week
after an absence of two months spent in
the ilipiesing District, at the head of
the Ottawa river, where he had a con-
traot subdividing a few townships. He
looks as though his trip and work agreed
with him.
The lose of the fruit exhibit this year
1 Mondayprogenmllofeheld un epeeohesme e9,, ,,jll png but
asvening. t two weeks, are expected home this eight aa entries ite noticeable,
inseolaes,reR cite and
be presented. A good time is expect- wee;. vegetables were shown in abundance,
There willg be no service in the Presby-
terian church here next Sabbath as the
communion will be dispensed at Cram.
David Milne is away at the Walkerton
iShow this week with his splendid exhibit
'of thorn' bred stook. file will no doubt
do well.
There was 11 mistake in last week's attracted a great deal of attention.
Isom in regard to sale of cheese.
no s ,—
J%_.itsito ♦V 01.
Crass', )rssolC.
A social hop will be hold this (Friday)
evening in Tuck's Hall.
Voters' List Court at Tuck's Hall on
Tuesday, Oat. 15, at 10 a. in.
Miss Mary Anne Zimmer, of Stratford,
is visiting friends in the village.
There will be no Sunday school service
in the Presbyterian cherub next Sabbath.
Tim Poem is a pleasant and profitable
paper and pleases all people who peruse
its pages.
There is n grand openiug here for an
industrious shoemaker, espeoially in the
cobbling lino. 'A shop convenient.
The DOW side -walk is a boon to the
pedestrian and the wayfaring man,
though a fool, need not walk thereof.
A number of foresters from this
Court attended the service last Sunday
afternoon at St. John's eburah, Brussels.
They enjoyed the sermon.
Jas. Cameron, who has passed through
a painful and protracted ]daces, ie re-
covering nicely. We hope to see him
restored to health and strength again in
the near future.
The sacrament of the Lord's supper
will be dispensed in Knox church on the
coming Sabbath. Communion, services
will be held on Friday evening at 7 p. m.,
Saturday at 10:30 a. m. and Sunday at
11 a. m. and 6:30. Rev. A. Y. Hartley,
of Blusvale, will preach on Friday and
Saturday and Rev. W. Forest, of Walton,
on Sabbath evening.
The Young People's Literary Meeting
will be re -opened shortly again. These
assemblies, were very successful in the
past and proves to be au intellectual and
social help. -
The evening service was withdrawn in
the Presbyterian church last Sunday as
the pastor was away at Brussels.
The•Fall Show. will be held on Tues-
day and Wednesday of next week. A
new feature this year will be Highland
danoing. It is doubtful if this is any
A public meeting of the Equal Rights
Aseoeiation of Blyth, was Held in the
Temperance Hall on Tuesday evening.
Rev. Jno. Scott, 3L A., of Wingham,
spoke on the question of the hour.
The fire brigade ' have abandoned the
notion of holding a promenade concert
but will give a grand assembly in Indus•
try Hall, during the afternoon and even.
ing of the second day of our Fall Sbow.
Mrs. Coulter, an old an highly esteem-
ed resident, died last week. Tho funeral
on Monday was largely attended. The
old lady died as she lived trusting •in the
Saviour. The Methodist church lost a
good friend in her death. Rev. Mr.
Fisher, of Arthur, attended the funeral.
The other evening a guest at the Com.
meroial bad a pretty lively smoke. He
had unconsciously placed a cartridge in
his pipe while filling it with some loose
tobacco he had in his pocket. The
smoke was continued but a moment or
two, when-phiz 1 bang 1 and the bowl
of the pipe was smathed to atoms. For.
tunately the bullet did not strike the
smoker, or we might have bad an obit.
uary notice to write. year.
' The oldest son of E. Snell, Jamestown.8 eaiiooa th. l�while playing around the scaffolding of
Robt, Logan and Andrew Young have Mr. Forrset's now reeidenoe, accidentally
gone off for a trip to Manitoba. slipped and fell to the ground, breaking
Jas. T. Dickson, assistant postmaster, his loft arm above the wrist and reeeiviog
is recovering from iris late illness. severe bruises :tremor! thx bond and
Wm. Smith's mare took second prize ehonIdur.
at the Toronto Industrial Fair and his E8108ueto100 •811111lesbn,—As ttnuoune.
teal first prize. ad the tea -meeting took plaice last Thurs-
G. Ti, Ball, L.D.S., intends removing day evening at Boo's appointment. Tho
to Toronto about the 15th of this month. weather was anything but agreeable as it
He has purchased Do. Robertson's prao. rained all evening and oonsoquontly pre -
tion. Mr. Ball will be located at 74 vented the speakers from a distance at.
Gerrard street, Ho will be greatly 111198- tending. A very good program was pre.
od in town, partioulat'lyy in the Mahe- embed. !Cho prooeede, nutting the sum
dist church and tho Y,Df.0.1t, A host of of seventeen dollars, was placed in the
Sea101th friends wish him 81180088 in the hamis of the chairman to 1105801 to Mr.
silly. Davis use a token of the eetoeltl in which
and worn of excellent quality. Grain
was not largely exhibited, but some fine
samples were shown. Plants and
flowers were in abundanoe, taking up the
specie usually occupied by the fruit. In
the ladies' department, the display was
fully up to previous years. Fine arts
took a prominent plane in the hall and
price should have read 9} cents per lb.
instead of 9i.
Messrs. Heffernan dt Bawtinbimer are
doing a good trade in the sheep and
cattle line. The first named gentleman
was at Buffalo last week with stook.
George Dobson, of fort William is
ereon a visit. He is it son of Chas.
Dobson, now of Kaneat. It is said that
Geo. is on the look -out for a --but we
wont give 18 away.
The appearance of our village was im-
rovod this week by the construction of a
hew sidewalk to the post office. There
are some plaoes in the old walks that
need repairing immediately.
H. F. McAllister returned 'Tuesday
evening looking much better than when
he left us. He reports a very rough
voyage from Montreal to Toronto. The
boat left Kingston. Thursday evening and
had to return again Friday morning.
The passengers had to come the rest of
the distance by rail.
4G -rev.
The wet night rather told on the en-
tertainment last week at Roe's church.
George Humble, wife and children pur-
bose returning to Wiohita, Kansas, next
Miss McDougall it home from Miohi-
igen where she has been for the past three
We are glad to hear that Frank Oliver
is considerably improved in health, and
we hope he will soon be convalescent.
The Voters' List Court for this town-
ship will be held at Cranbrook on Tues.
' day, 1515 inst., commencing at 10 o'clock
a. in.
It is hinted in this booality that there
will be two ftill ticketsat the next munici-
pal election. The plan it not yet matur-
ed, however.
J. N. MoLauolilin bas gone baok to
(Philadelphia to resume his course at the
Dental College. We expect to see him do
I well at the final examination.
RichardRoe, lot 11, eon. 8, had new
o October. He
br ughta sample to TIM Pos2Publish
ing House. This is rather a rare cur -
Has the Grey Plowman's Association
diad a natural death 7 In a fine town-
ship like this the young men should keep
up such an institution themselves if the
old heads drop out.
Owing to insufficient time last Fi:iday
afternoon the whole of Mrs. J. W. Shiel's
goods were not sold. A postponed sale
will be held on Monday afternoon, 7th
inst., to clear out what ie left.
The Morris and Grey cheese factory
shipped 360 boxes to Mr. Ballantyne, of
Stratford, at 10 canto per Ib., on Thurs.
day of this week. The cheese maker,
Mr. Edgar, has been engaged for the
coming year at the name salary as last
Mies Rebecca Livingstone has gone to
Brantford to attend the Ladies' College.
The G.T.R. station was lighted by gas
for the first time on Tuesday evening of
last week.
Rev. Dr. Potts, of Toronto, will preach
the educational sermons in the 'Metho-
diet obnrch here on Oct. 6.
The office for the inspection of gas and
gas motors, recently opened in this town
under the direction of the Inland Revenue
Department, has been placed in charge
of A. St. George Hawkins, Collector of
Customs at this outport.
The Woman's Mission Oirole in con-
nection with the Baptist church, held
their annual meeting in the church on
Thursday night, and was addressed by
Mrs. MoLauriu, for eighteen years a
missionary among the Tebugus in India.
At a meeting of the Western Dairy-
men's Association at London on Satur-
day, which was attended by T. Balhun-
tyne, M.PP., R. Cleland, Reeve of Elma,
and President of the Association, • and
other leading dairymen of the district,
it was declded to bold the next Dairy-
men's Convention in Stratford, in Janu-
ary next.
On Friday evening, after the fair, a
young man named Schaefer, who works
in the neighborhood of Ethel, and whose
mother resides in town, while the worse
of liquor drew a bowie knife and threat-
ened to stab a aeotion man at the station
hotel. A complaint was laid before D.
D. Campbell, 3,P., and Schaefer was fined
$20 and costs, or two months in jail, for
oarrying dangerous weapons.
The directoas of the Clinton Mechanics'
Institute are engaged in arranging a
course of five first-class entertainments
to be given in the town hall, during the
coming entertainment Benson.
Wilbur, son of Rev. Mr. Nugent, 111it-
alhell, has gone to Guelph to attend the
training school. IIe expeota by Christ-
mas to have a first-class professional cer-
tificate, and ho 19 1101 yet 18 years old.'
The total r'onviotion by tbemegistratoe
of the county for the quarter ending the
10th ult., 50, of tvliiels 11 were by (lode.
rich Justices of Peron, 21 by Clinton, 10
by Senforth, 2 Wingham, 7 Brussels, 6
Exeter, 1 Blyth and 2 Henstll. Of the
offences 18 were drunks, 7 were illegal
sales of liquor. The total fines levied
amounted to $285, and 9200 of this was
for violation of the Crook's Act.
A young men named Samuel Garton,
eon of Geo. Garton, of West Wawnuoah,
9005 out 00011 hnnting on Monday evening
of last week end met with a bad accident.
He had climbed a tree to a great height
(over 50 feet) when he slipped and fell,
breaking ono thigh, one wrist, and was
otherwise badly sprained and bruised.
The broker wrist -bone penetrated
through the skin and ',tuck into the
ground. He is badly used up.
A. case has just come to our notice of a
young lady who lived at Cross Hill, dying
from an ingrown toenail. The said
young lady had friends in Wingham, and
they the other clay received the sad in-
telligence. It seems she was the picture
of health, but with -thus exception of the
said trouble. Last week she resolved to
have the nail removed, and a doctor was
called in who performed the operation,
and leaving a mixture to be administered
to the too he left, but soon had lobe sum-
moned baolc again, bat he could do noth-
ing, and she died in the greatest agony.
The Now Era says : The produce of 80
acres of fall tvheet on one farm, was de-
livered at Fair's mill, on Tuesday. Tho
total yield of grain, wall cleaned, was
1075 buahols, or an average of 121 bush-
els to the acre. It weighed 54$ pounds
to the bushel, which being only worth
70o. a bushel, thus netted 4756.30. This
brings the returns per nem up to the
munificent sum of 98.78, hardly what
would be palled a princely amount. The
land on which this grain was grown is
as good wheat land as there is in the
county, one third of it being new land,
and the other having in years past yield-
ed 45 bushel to the tare.
F. Jordan, of Godarich, who recently
returned from a trip to the Northwest, is
the happy possessor of a horse -hair bridle
manufactured by the Nes Perces Indians,
and exhibited it at the Northwestern
Fair, field in Goderich. He has also a
bottle of oil skimmed from one of the
Rocky Mountain streams, and in addition
has a quantity of Canadian grown heath-
er, which he gathered at a point near the
Glacier douse, nearly 6,000 feet above
the sea level. Tha heather is of &strong-
er growth than that of Auld Scotia, but
otherwise is not unlike the latter. Mr.
Jordan is full of the actualities and pos-
sibilities of the Canadian Occident.
The report of the Ontario Inspector of
Legal Ofioea gives the following facts :
The total amount of fees earned by the
Sheriff's offioe of this county for the' year
1888 was 94472.62, of which amount the
Sheriff received 92,504. The total num
bar of convictions made by magistrates
in the same year, was 296, certainly not a
large number when population is taken
into account, The total amount of the
fines imposed amounted to 93822.93, but
over 91,700 of this was not collected.
Fourteen of the fines were for violation
of the Crook's Act, and 48 for violation
of the Canada Temperance Act, the Musa
in connection with this amounting to
$2,900, As. Surrogate Judge, Mr. Toms
received a salary of .$1,000 ; this is in
addition to what he receives as County
Judge. Tha County Crown Attorney
and Clerk of the Peace, Ira Lewis, reosiv
ed 91,925. Mr. Maloolmson, Local Mast.
er in Chancery, received 92,500. D. Mo.
Donald, as Deputy Clerk of the Crown,
County Court Clerk and Surrogate Reg,
ietrar, received the snug salary of 98,029.-
Huron County.
Chao. Dedrickson, at one time editor
of the Goderioh Star, is now employed,
on the Toronto• Mail staff.
Alex. Glommill has been appointed
collector of taxes for the township of
Turnborry for the present year.
Rev. R. Y. Thompson and wife, of
Londesboro', have arrived home from
their trip to Germany and Scotland.
Geo. Murdie, MoKitlop, refused an of-
fer of 9600 for his 3 -year-old stallion,
"Gladstone," sired by Whitley's "Car.
A quilt made by Mrs. Hinobley, an old
lady of Hallett, and °onsiating of 16,000
pieties, was awarded a diploma at the
Clinton Fair.
At the ,loderioh show "Ike Groff," the
stallion owned by Lack Kennedy, Ciiin.
ton, took 1st prize and diploma for beat
carriage horse shown.
Elliott Bros,, of Turnborry, have about
finished briolt-making for thio year, the
make being between 400,000 and 425,000,
bosideo several thousand'tile.
Samuel Howard, oheese.maker at the
Peoples' cheese factory, Howiok, succeed-
ed in carrying off Brat prize at the Pro.
vincial Exhibition, London,
The ratepayers of Bayfield carried a
by-law granting 95,000 to Il. & J, Kalb •
ileisob, of Zurich, for the purpose of et•
tablishing a saw, plalning and grist mill.
Mies 0, Montcastle, Clinton, took 2nd
prize for still-life painting at the Prov-
ivalal; at Goderioli she anoceoded in
carrying off seven first prizes and five
The Signal says : A rumor is afloat
that P. W. Johnston has been appointed
ton oonnty judgeship, bob tip to the hour
of going to press we have been unable to
locate the county. He was 811 aspirant
f..1• the Gcdurloh postmasterehip, ltnd
will get some plum --judgeship 00 other.
14180-1118 Mends say,
The model students of Stratford have
formed a literary society.
The receipts from the societies' demon-
stration at Stratford on the 2015 of August
netted 958.13 for the hospital.
Andrew Macnair left Stratford Satur-
day with the view of associating in busi.
nese with an old friend in St. Louis.
Tha Rev. Mr. Tully, of Knox oburoh,
Mitchell, is proaohing a soriea of sermons
on the second part of the Pilgrim's
Pr ogress.
Miss Macpherson, of the Stratford Boys'
Home, has kindly presented the Young
Men's Christian Association 'with -fifty
volumes of books.
The appeal of Mise Minnie D. Eby, a
pupil of Stratford Collegiate Institute,
who wrote at the lat.olaes examinations
in Sb. Marys, has been sustained by, the
Education Department, and elm has been
awarded a fiest-elosa certificate.
The Stratford Natural Gas Company is
now a body corporate and politic with a
capital of 950,000. The following gentle,
0110 were elected directors:—B. K. Barns -
dale, Jas. Corcoran, Robertliyers, William
Mowat, Wildon Gordon, B. 1"Youugs
and E. Sidney-Sm'donutsith. W. 0,woo
abated Secretary, A stools book was
opened a vory fair start made. There is
every ltroepeet of the Company beginning
oparalgons tis a few weeks, It is set -
mated that -the cost of putting down toe
well will not exceed 90,000, and this
antmmt will lately be soured hi a very
short time.
trachan Sros
Are now prepared to show their numerous Customers a
large and Well -assorted Stock of Fall and Winter Goods.
in Black and Colored Cashmeres, Henriettas, Crapes, Mel -
tons, Winceys, Tartan Plaids, Satins &e , all the .
leading Shades and Designs, with
A full line of Cloakings and illantlings. Grey Flannels,
magnificent value. White and Scarlet Flannels in
all Prices. Prime Value in
Worsted Coatings, Worsted Staitifigs, Trouerilbg 111
.Stripes, and Canadian and Scotch Tweeds.
y +
Snits made by Your Own Choice Of Tailor and a
rte' iE1 AL IR . L eF � �n ••+r �so
All Wool UNDERWEAR, a Large Stock, from
the Coarsest to the Finest (o ads.
See our Nobby Scarflfs, Cashmere Mufflers. and
As usual a large assortment of' COOPER & s1'IITll'S
including .Coarse and Fine makes in all Sizes. -
GROCERIES, Fresh and Good.
Try Oar $5c. Tea, (,food Value for 50e.
always on•hand. Monthly Fashion Papers giver Free
Call and get one and see the New Styles.
As space will not permit us to enumerate Articles and
quote prices, we extend to one and all a Cordial Invitation
to examine our Stock and compare Quality and Prices. We
consider it a Pleasure to Show you through nor Stock,
Remember we will not be undersold.
„r>cw:,n,fl`+mu senemwmxr me-• eexc rcrxw iprrinctrre, ,rnxr_i,,vwsAtmtku aTasfi,ivsmawv !
Sulosoribs for Me 'Post' I
Only 25
Cents, in advance. until-Jeny.�tst,, :1800V0
L V 0 1% ..Lr.±.D 'Y 0 T J �J 1°✓J .fit..