HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-10-4, Page 44 'T H E Bit U SSELS P031 New 'Advertisements, Weekly Empire. Posy Book Store. Locals -Adam Good, Locale --A. R. Smith, Local—G. A. Deadman, Local-Nigbtiegale & Co. host --Pose Publishing House. .Fall Bargains --Strachan Bros. Tenders wanted—Jas. Buyers, Giving up Bueinese--A, 1t. Smith. Vetere' List Court—Wm. Spence, • T ibc iratssci.s gust. FRIDAY, OCT. 4, 1889. --= GEToiAL BOIMANOEn, Who was convict. ed of misappropriation of public moneys by the High Court of Justice, and who is a refugee from justice, is disqualified es a candidate for the Chambers of Deputies, and all the votes oast for him have been declared thrown away, his election nul- lMed and his chief opponent declared elected. The General's career as an aspirant for dictatorship is probably over. Ir it is right that our paternal Govern. ment should by Order-in•Counoil remove the duty from the steel wire used in mak- ing pine, mid certain articles of women's apparel which partake of the nature of mail armor, why is it wrong to demand that wire nsecl in hanging stove pipes, making mouse traps, pianos, telegraph and telephone circuits, and milk strainers should also be imported free of duty ? Why should the pin maker, but not the wire weaver, get his raw material free of duty ? THE man who was shot and killed by a Hamilton policeman a few days ago, while acting "strangely" in his boarding house, has been identified as Jas. Douglas, a well-to-do Oxford °aunty farmer, whose parents live near Streetsville. The deceased is said to have been subject to fits of temporary insanity,but even when so afflicted was of a quiet and inoffensive disposition. Hence there appears to have been no warrant or excuse for using violence in endeavoring to prevent him from breaking the peace. Why did the petinemen invade Douglas' room at all, when be was doing no harm and had committed no offence? A. man named Lee, formerly on the Toronto police force, is now serving a term of fourteen years imprles nment for firing upon and killing one of a lot of boys who were an- noying him while he was on duty. Lee was found guilty of murder and sentenc- ed to be hanged, but his sentence was commuted to fourteen years imprison• ment. Was Lee's offence any greater than that of the Hamilton policeman who foolishly or carelessly fired the shot wlie) caused Jas. Douglas' death ? Cal nut (limit NI•.. --4. Senalor Sanford is on a trip i., )Mani- toba. The crop of potatoes in New Brunswick is abundant this year. L. W. Tye, son of Geo. Tye, pro. rietor of the Brampton Times, died of paralysis on Friday night. Au elderly woman was killed while walking on the Grand Truck track near Dundee Tuesday afternoon. John Johnston, who was reported to be missing from Colborne the other day, has been found at Garden Hdl, north of Port Hope. A man who registered a; John Mc - Bain, and claiming London as his home, walked off the wharf at Cornwall Tues- day evening and was drowned. The coroner's jury in the Densmore double tragedy at Windeov returned a verdict that the man and woman were killed by pistol shots fired by some one unknown to the jury. It is the intentiou of the manager of Ruthven No. 1 gas wall to propose that the stack be raised to $50,000 for the pur- pose of piping the gas to Kingsville and sinking two or three more wells. It was bruited around on Saturday that D. McKenzie, ex-M.PP., and R. Bos- ton, Warden of the county, one or the other, were the successful candidates for the vacant Registrarship of East Middle- sex, The trustees of Queen's University met in Kingston Tuesday, and among other thinge decided to at once appoint Dr. S. W. Dyde, late of New Brunswick University, to the chair of mental philosophy, and Rev. Jno, McNaughton, M. A., of Lairg, Great Britain, to the ohair in Greek. Rev. Fr. Larion, the parish priest of Bueoom, has been considerably annoyed of late,hy S. crowd of young men hang- ing around the ohuroh door during ser- vice, and he had five of them summoned to appear before Magistrate Boutiller, of Belle River, on Saturday. They pleaded guilty and were allowed to go upon pay• meet of all costs. An unknown man entered a banker's office in St. Thomae on Thursday and asked that $600,000, whioh he had in his possession, be taken care of for him. He pulled out a wallet and disclosed a num- ber of $1,000, $5,000 and other denomi- nations of greenbacks, and opened his valise, which was filled to overflowing with bonds and notes. The bonds Were payable at the Chemical National Bank, New York, He left hurriedly for the West without leaving his name or hie money. He is supposed to have been a boodier. A young son of Alex. Campbell, lot 12, con, 2, West Sorra, has been suffering terrible for about a year with a pain iu his leg, which it was feared would inti• mately turn to blood poisoning. A short time ago it was decided to have an oper- ation performed, which was accordingly done on Monday of last week. Skillful nitdieal aid was obtained and the flesh from the knee 10 1110 ankle wag out and , laid batik from the hone, when it Was Ob- sorved that several splintars had grown on ft. They were cut off and the leg I dressed. The boy, Whois only ten years of age, lute been prostrated since the op erabinn. The new hhiotbocliet ohuroh at Calgary, N.W.T., will be opened on October Oih, Watford sports, a000rding to the Guide sober up 00 chewing gum. Eight etiolis is said to me the worst case. It ie eurrmltly reported that Geo. Pow- ell, of Winobelsea, has Fallen heir to a large legacy loft by his friends in 71ur- ap0. The Sarnia band took the second prise et the Detroit Lxpoeition tournament. Saginaw, composed of profoesionel mud.' clans, taking first. A Montreal furniture dealer named Joseph Champagne has beeu arrested on a charge of burning his store for the sake of the insurance. The Chief of the Dominion Polioe has been informed by the New York police that they have unearthed a gang engaged in counterfeiting Canadian money. Peter Davis has been arrested and lodged to Belleville Gaol on the charge of murdering Wm. Emmory, who was found shot dead in the Township of Marmora, Hiram Walker to Sons have leased 2,- 200 of their cattle stalls to O. tf. Acker, of Montre:el, and consequently are out of the cattle business. J. P. Wiser, of Prescott, has done the same thing. The Coroner's Jury at Quebec immured the Dominion Government for failing to take measurers to prevent the fail of the rook, and the city authorities for be- ing, as alleged, too slow in clearing the wreck. Michail Higgins, the Windsor man who fired a shot gun at a couple of child- ren for picking fruit from his orchard some time ago, has settled by paying the feather of the children $75, besides the co=ts et the court. Jno. S. Yeomans, a printer in the West Durham News (Alice, at Bowman- ville, was found dead in bed Tuesday morniag, He had been troubled with inflammatory rheumatism, but was at work the previous night till midnight. Friday afternoon the Starlight, a small steamer, owned by Masonville Bros., of Walkerville, canoe up to Chethau, from Windsor with a load of grapes, and when the captain left her, at 12 o'olook p. m., everything seemed all right. At an early hour Saturday morning it was discovered that she had sunk, and that Edward Baker, the fireman, who was left in charge, was drowned. Itis body was re- covered boot three hours later. Baker, who was au Englishman, 19 years ofd, had only been a few months in this country, The annual report of the Provincial Board of Health for last year, which has just been issued, states that abundant evidence has been furnished of the bene• Meal results of the diffusion of sanitary information by the Board and the eduo- ntiou of the people in regard to the best means of preventing or limiting the spread of epidemic contagious disease. The work of the organization of louol health authorities goes bravely on. There are at present no less than 520 local boards of health and 350 medical health officers in Ontario, On Wednesday night of last week about $25 worth of carpenter's tools were stolen from a residence in course of erection in Sarnia, and on Thursday they were found in a second hand store, kept by J, II. Bragg. He claimed to have purchas- ed them from a stranger. A man named Jack *Mulholland was arrested and admit- ted his guilt. Saturday in the police court he implicated Bragg in the stealing, and stated that Bragg had told him where to steal the goods, and had waited at his store for them. Bragg was arrested and both have been sent up for trial Mul- holland claims that it had been arranged to steal goods from several other parties. Bragg is a young man and has grown up in Sarnia. Disposition of the late William Gondar - ham's property has been a subjeot of much discussion 111 interested circles in Toronto. Itis learned that out of an estate of $450,000 the deceased gives to Victoria University, provided it is located in Toronto, the sum of 9200,000 of whioh 9125,000 is to be devoted to building and $75,000 for endowment. To the Salva- tion Army he leaves $10,000 ; to the Y. M. C. A.. $10,000 ; the Home for In- aurablee, $10,000 ; the Bible Society, $10,• 000; Wyoliffe College, $10,000, and Boys' Home, $10,000. All the city charities are remembered to a greater or less ex- tent. A niece in England gets $10,000, and an annuity of $500 is left to his housekeeper, Mrs. Parsons, A. great deal of indignation has been aroused through the dismissal of 78 con. positore from the Government Printing Bureau at Ottawa. Moet of the hands, who came from various sections of the Dominion, say they were taken to Ottawa on an engagement for three months and incurred considerable expense in coming to the Capital. Mr. Seneoal denies that he made any engagement for three months' employment. Another grievance. is that in the type -setting department there are six formen, of whom five are French and one English. French com- positors who do not understand the Eng. lisb language are placed on English com• position and English compositors have to correct their work. Indignation meet- ings are to be held under the auspices of the Typographical Union. A deputation of Government printers waited upon Hon. J. A. Chapleau and asked for an increase from $11 to $18.50 a week in their wages. The Secretary of State will consider the matter. The diecharged printers assembled, and refused to leave until they got their pay. Some of them got noisy, and the Dominion pollee clear- ed the building. On Sunday, the 16th ult„ Walter G. Campbell, of Youngstown, N. X„ enc. oeeded in swimming through the whirl- pool rapids, Niagara Falls, in which Capt. Webb lost his life, He wore a redflannel trunk and vest of canvas with eight pieces of cork, two inches thick, sewed into the cloth, Shortly after passing under the railway Suepeneion bridge Campbell was washed out of his skiff, and a struggle for life commenced, whioh drove the thousands who witnessed it into a frenzy, Frequently he was un. der water so long that all thought he had met the fate of Capt, Webb, hot lie would appear manfully battling for life. On he went till he remelted the mouth of the maelstrom. Here ho seemed to make superhuman efforts to reach the Canadian shore, but the Ourrmlt was too much for hint, and swept him into the oentre of the whirlpool among the drift. wood, and clown he went out of sight like a dart, and a moment or two later ho was s1101 up enol seemed to rise soma feet out of the noel. The current took Tim around the horseshoe oirolo back to iemlythe point where heeentered the pool, He then made a grand struggle, icing all hie elti)nlningg abilities. Cho minute he seemed to lose ground against the surront and next he would gain sl'gbtl}, Hundreds were at, 111e pool to rosoue him, but not ono of thein could render hint any aseisbmco. He struggled manfully, and finally overcome the swift current and got himself clear of it, and soon swam ashore, where friends took °barge of him. Beyond being slightly hysterical, be seemed to be none the worse for his foolhardy voyage.. Joseph Kemp, who was under the the debris let Quobeo 110 hours and was got out alive, died from the reaction. Geo. Carr is now oonflrted in the Brook- ville jitll, charged with the murder of one Wm. Day, who has just turned up alive. At the Chatham Assizes the evidenoo failed to show Gustnvue Park guilty of murdering young Barr, and the jury even disagreed as to whether it was man- slaughter. R. G. Wilkie, late of the 81, Thomas Journal, hoe purchased from the, Shep- pard Publishing Co., the Fireside Week- ly. Miss K. E. Westlake, for a number of years on the Journal, will edit the Fireside Weekly. Charles Knapp, at ono time a well-to- do merchant of Harrow, was sent to Sandwich jail Friday by Juetiooa Smart and Coateworth, of Kingsville, He has been drinking very heavily, and while in a crazy mood undertook to kill his wife and family. M the London Provincial Exhibition, the prizes for best farms in Ontario wore awarded as follows :—Gold medals— Andrew Waeohber, South Brnce ; Robb. Shortroed, South Wellington. Silver medals --George Hyde, 'Hyde Park,' town- ship of North Eastlope, Perth ; Wln, Esplin, North Bruce ; John Duncan, North Grey ; Peter Rennie, Nichol town. ship, Wellington :Isaac Fieher, Col. borne township, West Huron. Bronze medals — John Riddell, township of Mornington, county of Perth ; Isnuo Groff, Pilkington, Wellington ; Samuel Graham, Luther, Wellington. The reports of 600 correspondents to the Ontario Bureau of Statistioe have been boiled down to a bulletin. The total yield of wheat is estimated at 19,- 772,081 bushels, being 500,000 less than last year, and 8,250,000 buehols lose than the average of the seven years 1882-88. The aggregate of barley is 8,750,000 bushels above the average of the seven years 1882-88. The crop was good. The oat orop on the aggregate is greater tuan the seven years average by 11,670,000 bushels, and greater than last year's crop by 2,200,000 bushels. Rye turned ont well. Peas Dome slightly under the average of the past years. Corn equals about half the crop of last year. Buck- wheat has suffered severely in spine '00. Eons, but iu the Eastern Counties it is over the average. The root Drops have suffered and the promise is not hopeful, The Greek reports concerning the per- secution of Christiana in Crete are said in Vienna to be much exaggerated. Edward Walroth, of Illion, went up in a balloon at Clayton, N. Y., on Friday, end came down in the Si. Lewrenoe. He was drowned before assistance could reach him. The expenditure of $50,000,000 by two English syndicates for the ooutrol of an extraordinary aggregate of industrial en- terprieee in the United States was com- pleted in Chicago on Saturday. Mr. Blaokburne, the well.known blind- fold chess player, gave an exhibition of his skill at the City of London Chess Club on September 28rd, when, without seeing either board or men, he played against eight opponents simultaneously. In the result he won five games and drew the remaining three. It is no longer uncommon for ladies to shoot as well as fish during their sojourn in the Highlands. It seems as if even deer -stalking were to be invaded by ladies, for the Marchioness of Stafford is re. ported in a north country paper to have killed a ten -tined stag a fortnight ago on the Looh Cherie shootings. Wallace Rose bas challenged Hannan to row him a rase for £100 a side over the Thames course, as 1111 would flay the latter to go to the expense of training, to make the trip across the Atlantio and to risk $500 for the sake of gaining as much. Why, the trip alone is worth a century of English money et this season of the year. Hanlan's offer was to take on any two of three (Matterson, Rose and Bu• bear) for £600 a side each, he to receive £200 expenses, or £100 each. The Temple of Heaven, which was burned the other day, was one of the moat conspicuous of the edifices devoted to State religion in Pekin. It was five storeys high, surmounted by a dome -like roof. The interior was particularly note- worthy for a number of pillars supported the roof, which was faced with gold and otherwise splendidly addrned. The temple was surrounded by a number of spacious buildings, most of them devot. ed to the service of the priests attached to the scored edifice. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. COAT VEST AND PANT MAK. Eve wan1341 at once. Apply to 8• (50. A, BOYD, Ethel, Ont, C'TRAYED ON THE PREMISES I./ of tbo undersigned, lot 0, eon, 14, Grey, a two year old heifer, red iu color. The owners requested to prove propeity, pay etpenses and take her awry. 5. RICHARD AL00070. /IAMB INTO THE ENCLOSURE ./ of the undersigned on or about the 17th inst., a young horse having a strap on hie neck with shank attached with a new spring usually used on a line, and having other tpharticular marks. The oywner Dean hinngvall chs charges by by proving me to WILLIAM NICHOLS, lot 23, eon: e, Grey,. n6 -4x GORRIEAND SEAFORTH STAGE RouTE. Maga leaves Gerrie about 5:80 0, 1m reach- ioglrutsoie abbut 6:50 a. in., and will arrive at Boaforth about 11:00 a. m, Returning will leave Boaforth about 9:80 p. m., reaobiog Brussels about 0;45, in Bine to connect with trains going north end south. Also make oonneations with C. 1?, R, at Wroxotor and Gerrie, 8, WALSR, Proprietor, VOTERS' LIST COURT. Nnthee is hereby given filet a Boort will b0 hold, pu1.0012u1 to 2110 Voters' TAW •lot;' Su LIN Iloror the Judge of Me County Court m the Omur ty of 'Myren at Tntalee Halt, oran- brook on'TUP'3Dky, the 10th day of0etob- or,1011 1t 10 o'aloc)), be hear and determine the several complaints of error's and orris. 010ns In td,o Voters' List of the Trilnlehnllty 00 Gray for 1)55, All persons having bllsl'10se aIr the Court a00 required to attend at the 0ltid a lrt anal 11800 W4r Pi'>�(11 I lank of sold Mamie! polity. Planet tho 11001 ;, of Acpd,mbor, 1)90. 12 2 DRESSMAKING OVER MRS. KUM's store. 6l188bi L. S It, Ur- 2$APG1iTON. PATENTS Bayoats,11miosuosabd'Pradu s M)01105eoured and lee otb• 0r 0510nt080000 in 150 Potent 00180 and before the Courts promptly and carefully at• tended to, Upon reeelpt of model or Blotch of invention, l mato carotedexamination, and advlso as to:patentabilltyfreo of olnn's°, Pees moil erato;anti I metro uo obargv un1000 putout is scented, Ieformation, advice and epeslal references eelnt on a)plicntlun. J. 1t. LITTELL, Washington, P.O., 17,8. Patent Ogle°. n5 REAL ESTATE. FARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN• DEnsloNEn bas severe cod Perms for sale and to rent, easy terms, is Townships of Morris mud 0 ray, P.8. SCOTT, Brussels 57.12, CTIOIOE LOT FOR SALE—FOR t sale" favorable terms, vilingo lot 121, on the corner of Ring and John Streets, Brussels, This is one of tae .most eligible building sites in the village, anal in order to close out an estate will be sold on most ad- vantageous terms. Apply to Tfns, Tfens Conant, John St., or to A. HUNTER, Divis- ion Court Clerk. 7.41is VARM TO RENT.—THE UN• 112. dcrstguod will rent his farm, Mug lot 18 anal a portion of lot 19, eon, 7, Grey, eon- taining about140 acres, 85 acres of which is olearsdland. Good house nod barns, bear- ing orchard, wells,&c, The farm is under n good state of cultivation. Possession will be given 1st of next Ma)'s), For further particulars apply to SOL. IBATEMMAN, 8.1f Ethel P.O. FIARBI FOR SALE.—THE SUB. scmoon offers his valuable 100 euro farm,being lot 0, eon, 16, Grey Township, Huron Co.. for sale. More ars about 50 acres cleared and In good heart. There is a log house, good hank barn, bee, hag Orchard, and ell the necessary cmr7O) ienose on the premises. Per farther partleulars, as to primo, berme,eto, apply to the Proprietor, THOS.HISLOP, 0laro P. 0., N.W.T.. or to 3-11 DOUGALD BTRACHAN, Brusools r• 1ANNERY FOR SALE.— THE 13rusaels Tannery is offered for see at a bargain. Iu it is a 15 h. p. engine and 0)1)0, p, boller, ll vats, 2 curly tables, 2 stoves, good bark mill and a full sot of tools, with heating pipes to leaches, Mc. There are about 2 acres of land in connection with the building. No tannery nearer tb an Wiugham or Listowel. Terms easy. Par further par Menhirs, as to plica, terms, &c„ apply at 87- Tan Poet Publishing House, Brussels. FARM FOR SALE.—THE UN- nnnsiONEn offers for sale the north east quarter of lot 28, concession 0, Morris, County of Huron ,containing 50 sores. The land is of first quality and In a high state of cultivation, well fencer] and under -drained, 15 aoret cleared. New frame house, 8 rooms, milk house with concrete walla, 2 wells, good barns and shod, orchard, etc. Plight acres of fall wheat. This desirable property adjoins the corporation of Brussels. Suit- able terms will bo given. Title perfect, JAMES GRIEVE, Owner, 50- Seaforbb P.0. 2OO ACRE FARM FOR SALE. frst-class farm for sale So the Township of Morris iu the County- of Enron being eonth ball of north half lots 25 & 20 and south half of 25 in St con., containing 200 acres more o1• lees, 125 acres mostly 515ar 0f stumps and in it good state of culti- vation• There is a young bearing orchard,a good house and haute barn 50 x 50 foot with stone stable underneath. Tho form ie situ- ated within a mile of tbo Village of Brussels flint is a good farm for grain or stook rais- ing as itis watered with the river Maitland and never failing spying creek. Possession will bo given at any time. Per further par- ticulars appby on the premises or to A,h. ROBERTSON Brussels, P. 0 0-tf metric ismanommammesmammo, r Ira FINEST J3UILT)1NG SITE for a a1'eoidouce in 101ussrls 0mrtalning ono acre of baud nearly opposite Tlr, Bogen' residence . la for sale at a barrette. )1enlNQ. 10 W. queen al ane atreete, Toronto, FARM FOR SALT;;•—TII[3 UN. (101sT Goll olTors 111s form, adiolpl00 liinosels, 101)181.012, Con, 0, (trey, fur sale, It oonbatuo 05 acres, ahem )5 of w1)1ah are under Oultivetlou licit the bahtuee in bush pasture. Thorn is 11 comfortable brick wat- tage,and large bank barn on the promiso;, togeher with an orchard, 2 wolls,and ne00H- sary outbutlaings. The farm Is under good migration nod Is 10011 fenced, with plouty of cedar growlag on the lot. Por further ppartieulnrs, as to pride, terms, &e., apply to WALTER 11IOHAI(DSON,-Proprietor,l3ofs• sole P.O. 5. tf 0.00,1) FARM FOR SALE IN Morris, on reasonable terms. 10 ordr to close the affairs of the estate of the late W, G. flin8sbon, the exeailtore offer the fol. lowing valuable !nu¢s for sale North half of Lot 00, Oonoesoiou 5 Township of Morris, containing 00 nares. On this lot Is erected a good frame barn with attune foun- dation, good orchard, wall and pomp. Near. lynliolearod, and 15 on the grave road closely adjoining the village of Untimely. This farm is a valuable ono, is well fenced and in a good state of oultivatiml, Por })rioos and terms apply to THOS. BELLY, Brussels 1', 0., Manny JENNINISH, Victoria Square P. 0„ or Luaus 8tnn11, ;Maple Lodge P. 0., Middlesex County, MLA7' NARKG'f, MAIN STREET, - BRUSSELS, ANDREW ; OURNIEI ; PROPRIETOR. Fresh and', livered Ie Suit ,11 coats or any pawl Of the best quell . '' the V8 Hue lty always on Free of hind and da- ''it-- -'•?F Charge. TERMS VERY FAVORABLE. I'dt t Ctt Calle W autecl 2 For which the highest market price will be paid. I also make a specialty of buying hides and Shins. Don't forget the place, next door to F letcher'a Jewel- ry •Store. A. CURRIE. 1890 TONY 1.890 i tr ' R IY1F�Pys)rJ� Ei`�✓lJ YJ 1 �'�'.J CANADA'S LEADING NEWSP.11'lii1. PATEI07IC IN TONE. TRUE TO CANADA. TRUE TO THE EMPIRE. The 'Empire' is now the Great Weekly Paper of the Dominion, and special ar- rangements are being made to acid new and attractive features, whioh will greatly increase its Interest and value. As an inducement to place it in the hands of all Patriotic Canadians the bal-' once of present year will be given Free to New Subscribers, making it only One Dollar from 70019 WI end of 1800. t.-0•The 'Empire' 15101 be Clubbed with The •i'ost' for 90.05, in n/10,111(0. Subscriptions taken at THE POST Pub. Hoose, Brussels. -'(VOTERS' LIST COURT, N (Aloe i0 hereby elven that a Court will be held, pursuant to ''T'im Votive' Lists Aol," by lila donor the lodge 0f the County Court Of the County of .Haran at the 'Won7n hail, 111E011010, 011 T,i0Rh OAY, 00 17th day of Ootober, 18)0, ab able u'oloilc to hear and determine the several onmpfnhnbo 01 errors and mulatto ids In the Voters' List of tbo Manielpailtyof Brussels for 1880. All per- sona having business at the Court 1110 ro- qulrod to attend at the said time and 19aoe, P. S SCOTT, Clerk of said Munloipaliby, Dated the 24111 flay of SoptSWber, 1888. 11.8 HONE' TO LOAN. Any Amount of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty at 6 6A Per Cent., Yearly. Straight Loans With privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter. Division Cuos't Clerk, Brussels. ALLAN LIF. 80 SUMMER ARRANGEMI'ENT. '80 LIVERPOOL AND PUN SERVICE, 10510.0) L1VIDIROOL. 1 0058811:11. 11150H-0UE)IEC. May 'le *C1reasslou Tune 18 May 00 Parisian luno 20 Polynesian rune 27 10 artbngonhm Sardinian July 11 *Circassian July 18 Parisian July ?b Polynesian .....Aug.1 }Oarbhageuian June 0 ,luno 10 Juno 20 Juno 27 July d ,fuly 11 July 18 July 25 ....................Sardmian Aug.10 Aug, 1 "Cizoaneun Aug. 22 Aug.8... Parisian ...............Aug• ne Aug.15 Polynesian ...........Sept. 5 Aug 2', IOarthagouian ................. Aug. se Sardinian Sept............. 10 Sept.5 *Circassian Sept, 29 Sept. 12,.., ......... .,. Parisian. lMot. 8 Sept, 10 Polynesian . ....Oct. 10 RATES OP PASSAC0t1 BY MAIL ST7IALI- 1• R8.-08Ennc To Llvnnroso. Cabin 60,70, and 80 dollars a•ncording to accommodation. Servants in Cabin 00 dol- lars. Intermedic to, 30 dollars. Steerage, 20 collars. Return tickets, Cabin, 110, 150, old 150 dollars. Intermediate, 00 dollars. Steerage, 40 dollars, *By Cireasslau or other extra steamers, Cabin, 50, 00, and 70 dollars, according to ac• conueuodatton. Intermediate, 80 dollars. Steerage 20 dollars. Return tickets, 00, 110, 150 dollars. Intermediate GO dollars, Steer- age 40 dollars, ITlie CAIOTHAGEN3AN will not carry passengers from tSls side. Thorn will be no steamer carrying passengers from Quebec May 80th, July 4th, Aug, 8th end Sept. 1215 o Passeugs proceeding by the Mail Steam. ors, and whining to embark at Montreal, will leave Toronto by Tuesday morning's Ex• press, arrive at Montreal about 8 ],.m., and Co oft boa1•d any time before midnight. ALSO AGENT 1018 THE WHITE STAR AND 1NMAN LINES, SAILING PROM NEW YORK, W. I3- T•t3R, t, Agent, MILLINERS OPENING, F. C. ROGERS' CRAND MILLINERY OPENINC WILT. TAKE PLACE ON Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 3rd, 4th and 5th, MISS GREEN, gwho is now, so wall and favorably known for her oxquieite cod taste bas 'net returned from Montreal and Toronto with all the new styles and will be prepared on the above dates to show a stook of lovely Millinery such as was never seen before in Brussels. We most cordially invite every lady, whether wishing to buy or not, to give -us a,oall. It will really be the show of the week. We are also showing some beautiful styles in DRESS GOODS In Every Shade of Color, Our Stook being very large we feel confident we sen snit the most fastidious taste and the prime 'as low down as 10 Cents Per Yard. In 33X44.ACTS 0001:115 Of all kinds we claim to hold the largest Stook in the County. Any Lady wishing anything in this. line will be sure to meet with all her requirements. MISS 1VI OO RE le again to the front, her fit and excellent work ie so well known that ft fe needless making any farther comment. The Materials in Cloakings this Beason are really beautiful, We would strongly advise a look at our Stook before purchasing elsewhere. We guarantee the very beet of satisfaction in the quality of the goods and in the fit as well. In all the other Departments our Stock is better assorted than for malty years back. We have jest received a very large Stock of Men's, Women's and Children's BOOTS AND SHOES and we warrant ovary pair: to bo perfect, if not, they can bo reburned. Our, goods being nearly ell IAN I7-1VIADJD they can be relied upon to give satisfaction. \/�/ H. THANK /� I\I e,4, OU p� ,•t' F.[T a.{ NDS fOL'tlleir lihld lLtrOn- i i a' u be 111• ,11 JL 1: „IL. them a ago and Venpa,his ]!all to see their Hamlets greatly increased, as we foal confident there ie no store in I3rnseels, or the Comity, where they can 100a lager Steely to choose from, or at lower prince, and positively no Store ----where greater aiviliby or (attention is shown.--- 01.1.2n �1! ilii? s 4 ii_l1;baa a, BRUSSELS, Sept, 24, 1089, cei