The Brussels Post, 1889-9-27, Page 81 Il ST PRIZE CAKE.
I cin . +.1 •nig x1.00 for thobeet Cake to
be txitiL.t. d at Brussels Full Show an
the :irtt and stir Oct. Tho condition is
that the only Batting Powder to be used
M the oldie le to bo °Deadman's Baking
Powder." This Balling Powder, which
Miss ill. E, Jouxs has returned from
Chicago and Loudon whore she lute boon
receiving finishing tonebes in painting,
She will memo her elites each Thursday
Ag usual, at Mrs. Fratill Vanetouo's.
Tee next ontranee examination to the
High sobool will bo held in Brussels on
Friday, Oot, 10th and nth :--Prosidont's
address, W. H. Stewart ; writing, Join
II. Cornyu ; extracts from "Teaching
and tem:here," Mrs, B, :Kirkman : cent•
position writing, G. 11. Blackwoll ; ertmv-
iug, Alton Anderson ; literature, D.
Johnston ; delegate's report, W. Doig, t A Quebec despatch says t A000nnts
the 18th, 19th and 20th of Dsoember, and two other subjeote not yet named, from adjacent districts are continually
57e make ourselves is eutmely free fiom comuioueing at 0 a. m, candidates meat by: des, Turnbull, 13. A., and 0. Clarkson, recall ing town of damage by the recent
sufficient evidence to all who know theiroireumetanees, that true brotherly love.
and charity exist between Members e#1
the Workmen at least."
lrem, ammonia, or other injurious in- apply to Inapeotor Malloch on or before B. A., respectively, Trustees and others oontintious rains. Small broke and
interested in the cause of education are streams overflowed, and bridges have
invited to attend. A public meeting will been carried away. Some farmers have
bo hold in the Town Hall on Thursday %allele fields of potatoes and turnips rind.
evening when addresses will be delivered or water.
by Itay. John Knee, B. A., and Rev. S.
Saller'y, B d.,,B.D., of Brussels. Suit.
able musioal seiootione will be rendered T mQZO w.
• r'ate it !di dnrin it even- —
gredients which aro found In so many
of the : ewders on the market. Alum
ak•onhi never be used in an article for
Med. Ito not be tempted by the pros.
ants wbicb you may get to injure the
llealtit of yore:self or family, Please
bear in mind that we give you the value
of your money in the powder itself.
There are many families whoaro already
nsitlg our Baking Powder and can testi-
fy iu its favor. If you have never tried
it we would like you to do so. We eon
sell you tiny quantity yon may wish. To
]re had in Brussels only from
Druggist, Bookseller, &c.
eatereens ExXEN0ION 50, e. & D.
'1' rains leave Brussels Station, North
and South. as follows :
Grmlo SnnTn. G0IN0 0oRrn,
lOsil 01 am. Mixed 0120 5,m.
-Cones.. Die am Mail .......... 6.00 pan,
',hzr d 8:02 pan.. Express ..., 0:45 p.m.
`y ox 1 .CRUS gttm5.
A chiel's maim ye takin' notes,
An' faith he'll prent it.
Te The Ladles.
Our Millinery opening will be on the
9rd and 4th of October under the man -
element of Miss Brownlow, the same
milliner as last season. A. R. Smith.
TimornY seed at McCracken's.
TERRY O'NEIL, of Toronto, is in town.
"tYEST Tuesday will be the 1st of
Max's longboats for ploughing at $1,50.
S' „aro Goon.
lures Ross' dog was poisoned on Wed-
nesday night,
ScaomL Board meeting • on Friday even•
ing of next week.
Gm i your job work out early for the
Pair next week.
B000SELs fair on Oct. Ord and 4th. It
will be a good One.
Nvesn girl wanted at once. Apply to
Mrs. W. M. Sinclair,
limn and lot for sale. Easy terms,
Apply to Noble Gerry.
EAST Huron Fall Show on Thersday
rind Friday of next week,
Two lady boarders wanted. Apply at
Tar Pon Poblishing House.
Miss CLENAG0A1, of Glencoe, is visiting
A1rs. W. B. Dickson this week.
Josorn CLEGG shipped four cars of
eattlo to Glasgow on Tuesday.
DON'T forget Mrs. J. \V. ShieI's auOtion
tale on Friday afternoon of this weak.
SRN Traveller's club of London defeat-
ed the Brussels base ball club at London.
TDERTu will be no service in St. John's
drunk, Brussels, next Sabbath morn-
LAST Sunday Rev. R. Paul supplied
the pulpit of Rev. I. B. Walwin, of Blue.
25 emirs, jn adranae, gets TIE POST
nom Oet. 1st to Jan. 1st 1800. See yoor
Toren were scores of neople from
Brsssele and vicinity et. the Toronto
Maio this year.
Arne Manear.—Adam Good wishes to
my that Wednesdays and Saturdays are
the big Fruit clays.
Bnuasons grain market is boginaing to
Isom. The highest market price paid
ler all kind of grain.
Miss GieEs, the well known milliner
at F. C. Rogers, is once more at her post
ready for the Fall trade.
Aa'zuUR VEAL is selliligextelision tables,
•v-idoboards and bed room sets cheaper
than any one in Brussels,
lo you want an organ or piano do not
buy one until you see Veal's prioe8,
Wonderful how he sells so cheap.
Arman Vets, warrants all his furniture
:o haven made of the very best kiln
.fnirctlumber and will last a lite time.
11Ross015 base ball club purpose going
'iatbo'Goorie tournament on Friday of
tbisereek. The -prizes are 140, 120 and
A mama of wild hops, grown in Mani-
toba, are on exhibition in Tina Peer Pub-
lishing House window this week, It was
seat by J. R. Grant.
G. A. DEAnsuo recently received circu-
lars front Newark, N. J., offering him
Sagas money. Mr. D. could not be
meatal on that role.
San the prize list of East Huron Fall
Show on the inside pages. A sermon by
Raw. Dr. Talmage may also be read on
gage 2 of this issue.
Venus' List Court for the munici-
pality of Bruesela will be held in the
Town Hall on Thursday, Oot. 17111, mint -
mewing at 9 o'olook a. M.
Now is the time to advertise your Fall
mad Winter goods. The public will go
adhere the best bargains are offered and
they would be very foolish if they did
Mum Lavtivaoo ez, who gave such good
�.aatiafactfon at W. Nightingale & Co's.
actors fast season, is in charge again and
will soon have the display for this season
do shape.
Stemma. persons indebted to us have
relied in during the past week and
armed up accounts, We hope;a largo Donnybrook pitch he would soon have
tavanbee of others will follow suit as aeon found out that Mac. could sob only raise
na pnsaable. cabbage heads but knock them down as
Ki$a1Etr you are in Brussels get Arthur well. The
Expositor saye a—Oar old
Teal's prieeafor furniture, no difference friend; W. H. t as McCracken, of Brussels,
whether you buy or not. He delivers 000.8 to the front as usual and we are
furniture to any part of the town or pleased to, aeries that he figures eon.
manntay free of charge. ■piououaly on the honor roll,
.9oLr.owixa the custom adopted some W. F. M. S.—In publishing a synopsis
time age the evening aervia0 .next Sab- of the Brussels Branch of the Women's
con -
bath w111 be withdrawn in Knox abureh Foreign MissionaryheMethodist
Society, in eon.
e eacount of it being communion Sun. neltion with the Methodfor ahuroh, the
+day in: l Islvillo church. following particulars were omfttod ;
Tate loll tax is catching some of the 111omber s fees for year ending Sept, 15
1 g 1889, $17.00 ; mite boxes, $27.21 ; vadat
dsoya this Fall, A number of there who oolleebion, $2.84, snaking a total of 347.06
were 21 when the Assessor was around for the year. 1100 was also paid to the
2.est Spring. aro trying to work 004,0 Leaflet fund, These leaflets contain in.
uitkznetscal rule to save the $2.00, teresting letters from the ladies support.
(1ot11!LAINT 10 made of a pertain family 0d by the W. F. M. S. in Japan, on the
0rtrecertain street who do not always Paolfio coast and among 1110 Indians,
tended themselves with propriety and if Packages of traeta are also received con-
•lltesproosare oontjnued it is said they twining valuable information from the
Will kave to appear before tho beak, mission fields, written in a vary en.
NeXT Sabbath Rota A. W. Tongs, of tertaining style,
$ilyth, xvill officiate. in the Methodist 1'rs.teunns' Terrruma,--The following,
-,nlsnrelt, Bruesela, and will probably le; rho program of the next Meeting of the
,illdre arise Sabbath school in the after. North Huron Teachers' Assooiati sn t
.0000;n.6 -'Che pastor will bo atl3lyth.. -. -be held in I3russple, on Thursday and:
November let,
Rev. A. Y. HA0TL00, of Bluovale, will
preach in Melville ohuroh on Saturday
at 1:80 9, m. Communion service on
Sabbath morning, Rev. A. McLean, of
Blyth, will preach on Sabbath evening
and on Monday morning.
ALL orders for teantfug left at T. G.
Simile's or A. M. McKay & Co's store
will be promptly attended to, All orders
for garden plowing loft with the above
named gentlemen will rooeive prompt at-
tention. 30 HnNDEt0000 Bnos,
005151 sneak thief carried off two fold-
ing door keys from TUE PosT Publishing
House. They also purloined a half
dozen goblets from the rink after the
lacrosse oonoert. The boys think there
must just be six in the family.
A GMAT many of oar subscribers either
overlooked the notice 1n our issue of the
13tH or else forgot about it, stating that
we would lake the next week for our au.
nual holiday and consequently no paper'
was issued from TnE Past Publishing
1 -louse last week.
C. 0. F.—On Sunday afternoon next
Rev. W. T. Oleff will preaeb to the
Foresters of Brussels and locality, in SI.
John's church. Service commences at
2:30 o'oloak. The brethren will meet at
the Lodge room at 2 o'clock, sharp, and
march to the church.
WE are pleased to hear that J. D.
Ronald has succeeded in disposing of
one of his large double fire engines and
appliances to the corporation of Moncton,
Nova Scotia. The "wise men" still live
iu the East it would appear. Mr, Ronald
made a visit to Nova Scotia last week.
Ox THE WING.—As I am an my rounds
cleaning, repairing and tuning organs
and repairing and cleaning sewing ma-
chines, please drop me a card to leb me
know where to pall. Second hand ma.
oliiues on hand and none given nut with.
out making good stitching,
54- T. Moonu.
D. SoEweuT is away at Hamilton Fair
this week with bis "Eureka" saw set.
He received a diploma at the Provinoial
for it and the advertising it has received
should, as it no doubt will, prove profit.
able in. the time to come to the patentee
and manufacturer. Mr. Stewart has
adopted the modern way of getting the
machine on the market.
WELL-DIconce .tan Dnn,LLn`G.—George
Birt has all the necessary machinery for
digging and drillin welts and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to him
in a way tbat will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terms reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Turnborry st„ Brussels. 48.21
A GAVE of tennis was played in Brus-
sels a short time ago botweon Rev. W. T.
Cluff and D. C. Ross, of this plane, and
F. W. Tanner and W. Sloan, of Blyth,
The score was in favor of Brussels, and
was as follows :-7.5, 5-7, 4.0. The re.
porb that Mr. Sloan had sprained his
ankle, So seriously, was news to us 015 he
played another set after the game was
over without any apparent difficulty.
Ors Elis Base,—The Wingltam corre-
spondent to the Clinton New Era says :—
"One of W. Fairfield's children is in
town, in order to escape a fever, with
atapp, p t g DEADttat.. Iu Bruseeis, on the 139
ing and club swinging by a oleos of girls, inst., tdlo wife of Mr. G. A. Dead.
man, druggist, of a son.
Tim WIrNess Paws Corlrgmrmr0N.—Tho Ixowls.—In Morris, on the 10th ivat
winners of the Montreal Wibneas "Do^ the wife of Rev. G, B. Howie
minion Prize Competition" have just Knox ohnt'ch, Brussels, of• a demob
been announced. The competition, cots. ter,
earning which we notice some writers re. —In Grey, on the 18th inst,
quest that it should be made annual, or the wife of Mr. Thos. T. MaLasob
at least repeated, was a capital device for lin, of a son,
stimulating patriotism at native MemMemturn at the same time, Tales and sketch. zsA. ,mea�1m.
es were asked for from all wheal children, HEN0Ensoa-.epe e,—Ab the residence
illustrative of pioneer life in Canada. of the bride's father, Morrie, on the
The Northern Messenger, a small paper 11th inst„ by the Rev, A. Y. Hartley,
published at the same office, was offered lir. Jas. Henderson, to Mise Maggie
as a prize for the best talo in every school Spence, youngest daughter of Mr.
in the Dominion. A prize of greeter Magnus Spence. .nl
value, Macaulay's history in fivevolues, TAizan-015001m.—At the Manse, Toren -
was sant to the writer of the best tale in to, on the 13th inst., by Bev. Dr.
each county, and a set of Parkmml's Milligan, of Oarlton street Presby.
works was the reward of the best io each , terion church, air. S. Y. Taylor, to
province. Tito judges appointed to Miss Alice, third daughter of Mr.
award those prizes were men of reaogaiz- George Crooks, both of Grey town -
ed ability, the judge for the province of ship.
Ontario having been Wm. Houston, Par. Bonxib—Dwannoox,—At the residence of
liamentary Librarian, Toronto. Finally the bride's father, Elma, on the 17th
a Dominion prize, a splendid type -writer, inet., by Rev. D. Rogers, 51r. Robt.
was awarded by Lord Lorne. The Do- Burke to Miss Annie Danbrook, both
minion prize has very curiously been of Elma.
taken by a young lady outside the Do. Rein—Slursoai.—In Grey, at the real.
ammominion, the Witness having, in view of deo of rho bride's parents, on the
its numerous readers in Newfoundland, 25tH inst., by Rev. S. Jones, of B1•us-
counted that province, for the purposes gels, Mr. Win. B. Reid, of Morris, to
of this competition, as though it had ' Miss Lizzie, eldest dangbter of Mr.
been a part of Canada, No one will be Andrew Simpson, of Grey.
jealous that our little sister province has HusnAIM—MAGES,—On the I3th inst., by
carried off this honor. The winner is Rev. J. W. Pring, at tho residence
Miss May Selby Holden, of St. John's, of the bride's parents, Mr. Eli Hes-
whose portrait and autograph appear in band, merchant, of Luoknow, to
the Witness with her tale. The second Martha hes, eldest daughter of Mr.
honor is awarded by Lord Lorne to Nor- Richard Magee, of Howiclt.
man L. Cook, of Gay's River, N. S., 3iiOWN—WAEEriELn,—In Trowbridge, at
whose production also appears, as will the residence of the bride's father, on
many of the others. The other province the 18th inst., by Rev. A. Stevenson,
prize winners are : Miss Ellie Ladner, Mr. James Brown, of Grey, to Miss
Kamloops, Yale Co., 13.0. ; Miss Lizzie Lucinda Barbara Wakefield.
McLaren, Woodnorth, Woodnorth, Den. Onrac—DENNIsoo,—At the residenoo of
nis Co., Manitoba ; Miss Mary Ann Mc. the bride's father, on the 26th inst.,
Pherson, River Charlo, lleatigouoh]li
o, N. by Rev. Wm. Torrance, r. Alfred
B. ; Miss Abigail Smith, Harwich, Tient I. Grigg to Miss Elizabeth J. Donni-
23o., Ontario ; Benj: Howard, Summer- son, both of MoKI'
illo 1
side, Prince 0o., Prince Edward Island ; -
Victor Morrill, Stanstead, Stanstead Co., a�=.
Quebec. Following is the name of the CA3,rn5LL.—In Morris, on the 8th inst.,
County prize winner for Huron Co.— Christina Campbell, relict of the
Robert Baird, Clinton. Those who took late lames Campbell, aged 65 years.
school prizes wore : Huron Ca.—Alex. McKnezni.—Ill Culross township, Bruce
M. McLeod, Albert E. Jervis, Clinton ; Co., Sept. 21st, Rebecca McKsnzio,
John Simpeon, Whitechurch ; Miss his- aged 02 yesrs.
sie A. Gibson, Wroxeter : Willie T. AINLLI.—At Harriston, on Sept. 10th,
Gardner. Lucknow ; Win. Howell, Sea. Charles Ainley, aged 40 years, 5
forth ; David S. Scott, Belgrave ; H. 3. months and 28 days.
D. Nafbel, Goderioh ; Miss Priscilla May KELLT:—In Morris, on Sept. 24th, Wm,
Aldrich, Newbridge ; Miss Bessie Lowell, Kelly, aged 69 years.
Turnberry ; Joseph Forest, Varna ; Nor- 13ARxmn.—In Listowel, on the l2th inst.,
man Barrie„Nilo ; Miss Alice Boll, Hen: John T. Barker, aged 85 years and
sail ; Miss Mary J. Henderson, Saltford. 20 days.
•MOLEAN.—In Morris, on the 22nd inst.,
Osrr.—On Tuesday, September 10th, Archibald McLean, of consumption.
Charles Ainley died, at the town of Her -
Aston, after an illness extending over
nine months, aged 46 years, 5 mouth,
and 28 days. From a cold contracted in
which some of bis family are Stricken at the factory where he worked congestion
his home in Brussels.” We are pleased of the hinge set in followed by other corn -
to state that there hoe not been plioations, which resulted in his death.
The deceased was born in the township
of Nope, Durham County, and was the
6th son of the late Wm. Ainley, formerly
of Brussels, and was wcll•known in this
Iooality,liavine resided here for years.
About eight years ago lie reproved to
Harriston where he continued to reside
until his decease. He was married twice,
his surviving wife being a daughter of
Jno. Grant, near Ethel. Mr. Ainley left
three daughters. During his protracted
illness he received the most kindly at.
Maiden from the members of the A.O.U.
W., of which he was a member, and
everything possible was done for his re.
lief and comfort. The subjeot of tine
notice was an old time Methodist but
very liberal fn his views toward other
purohased a Harland economic furnace denominations. The funeral was large -
from Messrs. Turnbull &Ballantyne and ly attended. Mr. Ainley's mother still
resides in Brussels and is comparatively
active, considering that she 15 77 years
of age. Charlie Ainley had a Large cir-
cle of friends in this locality whose sym-
pathies are extended to the widow and
family in their bereavement. Tho Har-
riston Tribune, of the 19th inst„ epoake
suoh a thing as fever of any kind in Mr.
Fairf:ield's family. The only part of the
item that is true is that one of the child-
ren is visiting in Winghatn.
Tam Globe says in referring to the
East Huron Convention :—"E. E. Wade,
of Brussels, barrister, President of the
East Heron ReformAseoaiatioo, occupied
the obair. Mr. Wade is a young man of
marked ability, with a record as one of
the best campaigners that have ever
taken part in the severe and arduous
labor of a political contest in this part of
the country. His best qualities seem to
be unbounded capacity for work and
speaking ability of no mean order."
FunNAcE.—Instead of using stoves
for beating purposes Ross Broshave
had it placed in position in the (Jailer of
their store. It will also heat Mies Roes'
Fanny Goode store. In addition to a
saving of room in the stores they think
they will have tidier shops, greater and
more equable heat and will be able to
burn rougher wood, if necessary. Messrs.
Turnbull & Ballantyne hope to do a as follows concerning the deceased: "The
large trade in this line. funeral of the late Charles Ainley, whieh
A ball -dozen street lamps are badly occurred on Thursday last, was a most
needed in Brussels, especially these dark solemn and imposing event, Doomed
nights. One should be placed at the had belonged to the Workmen for a num.
bridge and others at the corners of the ber of years, and was a most prominent
prinotpal streets. The cost would not and highly esteemed member, taking
amount to much and the benefit derived an motive part in every movement caloul
would be very great. We hope the noun. Mod to benefit the society or its members.
oil will look after tbie neooesary improve- He was also a member of the Orange
merit. The town has not a Dent invested Order, as well as a member of the Har -
in anything of the kind excepting the riston Braes Band. The above three in.
lamp at the Town Hall. Il we can't stitutione decided to pay their last re -
afford electric light or gas let ne burn a spools to a departed brother by attend.
little coal oil. ing the funeral in bodies. The large
W. H. M0C5Aoxasl is up to his old manufacturing establishment of George
Gra in whieh deceased had worked
again this year, Last week ha was shut down for the afternoon, as was
visited the Seaforth
Fall Show and cap. also the factory of Dowling & Leighton
tared 2h prizes, mostly on vegetables,
One 01 his former competitors, a Sea• as a mark of respect 'for the deceased,
forth man, was going to "trounce" Mao. At three o'clock the line of march was
for it but had he aroused W. H's Irish to taken nal from the Orange lodge headed
by the Band with muffled drums. At
the Workmen's headquarters the, pro-
cession was strsngtbened by about 200
members of the Order, comprising. Blar-
riston lodge and members of the Order
from Palmerston, Walkerton, Mount
Forest, Lietowel and other neighboring
lodges. The procession, headed by the
Brass I3and,,book up their line of march
M the following order : The Band, Work-
men, Otangemen and Young Britons, in
all 'lumbering about 300. The solemn
procession wound ire way to the late
r•esidenee of the deceased, where an im-
mense ooneouree of oitizsns had assereb•
led, All being in readiness the line of
march was againtaken up and proacaded
to the cemetery, where the Rev. Mr.
Smyth officiated, after which the beauti-
ful buriat.sorvices wag performed over
the open grave ofthe departed brother,
after which the different Orders fol) into
line and returned to their respeetivo
headquarters, This was the first funeral
conducted and r the management of the
Society. The % idow %viii draw from the
Society two tit usand dollars as lite in.
surando upon 1 or Tato husband. This,
With the aid at d assistance extended to b', S,. SCO TT,CIoik'of wildMuniolpallty,
bloc during t•1 a long illness should • be Datea 3411r•day ea seesonrbor,11891 114)
A.VCTSOST 10.2.2 r7,^a.
FRIDAY, SErm. 27.—Farm stook, imple-
ments, household furniture, &o„ on Lot
8, con. 9, Grey. Sale commences at 1
o'clock p. m. Mrs. T. W. Shiel, propri.
stress, Geo. Kirkby, auctioneer.
TUESDAY, Oar. lab.—Farm, farm stook
and implements, at north half lot 14,
con..6, Morris. Salo commences at 1
o'clock. David Lamb, proprietor; Geo,
Kirkby, auctioneer.
F'A.SS., F'1iI^-s. 98TE1S,
Brussels, 001, 8 and 4.
Morris, Blyth, Oct. 8 and 0.
North Brant at Paris, Oot. 1 and 2,
ltorth Perth at Stratford, Oct. 8 and 4,
East Wawanosh at Belgrave, Oat. 1
and 2.
=Ma 'u'S0E117 S MA.040 10T5,
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Butter, tube and rolls....
Eggs per dozen
Flour per barrel
Potatoes ,.
Hay per ton
Hideo per lb... .. . ..
Salt per bbl.,
Sheep skins,eaoh
Wool, per lb
5 50
7 00
1 25
8 0D
1 00
$321A.FV:1 ' 00 SvmAzzectzers.
Fall Wheat
Spring Wheat
Butter, per 1b
Eggs, per dozen
Apples, per bushel
Hogs,. dressed
Wood, per cord
Sheepskins, each
6 00
4 50
7 00
2 59
5 50'
8 00
4 60
lJl' II&ME.
Stagoloavee Gerrie about • 0:30 o, m" roroh-
ing Brussels 00102,013120 a, m., and will arrive
at78oaforth about 11:00 a. m, Returning will
leave Seaforth about 0:80 p, in„ reselling
Brussols about 0:40, in time to connect with
traits liclug north and south. Also make
eOnnsetlons with O. P. It. at Wroxetor and
Dorris. S. WALSH, Proprietor,
Iv ethic la h oroby liven that a Court will be
held, pursuant to The Voters' Lists Acte
by Dis^Roner the Judge of the County Court
of the County 001 bicron at the Town Mali,
Brussels, On THURSDAY; the 1711 day of
Ootebor,1B80, at nineo'oioslc to bear and
determine tate several comPialuts of enure
andotnt5sfona In the Vetere' List or the
llouiieipalityotLIME/Setif for 1280. Ati per
sans having business at the Court are re-
quiradte attend at the salt] Limo and place,
&p'ii. 27, 1889.
(,obt;.s1' xi1 ]!surf' ,'y prtfr7r7d &f.
Diarrhoea, Dysentery 21summer Oom lain.
-all Paper. Note Paper.
`J nue wept ob once. Apply to "-
GEO. A. BOYD, Ethel, Oat, ,' 1N'I.'U R N,11oTAGU•r111T,
Tea,.w,anct a, cetw a0r05 Tnn, lcirsf
Csaadtau and Mittel States Drdite bought
and 11.
ie tores001b allomad 011 110110.1115,
made int favorable tev',ne.
Canadian Agents--MtnicuAxr's 13ANk or
New York Agents-0:SBeiMTM° AND Tian.
11115 N0TION,tL Balm.
lea ]ham's store. 9.1I3s9.S L,.0El. 110-
of the undersigned, lot C, con, 14, Grey,
a two year old heifer, red on color. Tho
owner is requested to prove property, nay
expenses and tali!) her away.
0- 15(0314ItD AL000Ii,
J of the undersigned ou or about the 17th
fust., a young horse .laving a strap on hie
noak with shank attached with a new
inning usually used on a line, and having
othet tartiouhir marks. The owner call
have the seine by proving property an,t pay-
iugan °bargee by appiytngto WILLIAM
N30BOLS,.1ot.3, con, 6, Grey. node
rt it @t TS Cavoate,Bs.issuoeaudTrade
5 I'0 5 50 9 5 )s Marlcs eeeu,'od and all otll-
sr patent causes iu the Patent Odle° and
before the Courts promptly and carefully at-
tended to. 'Upon r000tpt of model or sketch
of invention,) maks careful sxamioation,
and advise as to patsntabllityfree Of enar'ge.
Fees moderate, and l make no charge unless
patent is secured.. Information, advice and
special references sent on application. J.
1i. LITTELL, Washington, D.0., U.S. Patent
ORM°. ns
DMISIOxnl) ltas severs. cod Farms for
sato and to rent, easy terms, to Townships
of Morris and Grey. F. S. SCOTT. 331uesele
for a.rosideuee in Brussels, cents' nth g
one aero of land nearly opposite Air. F. 0.
Rogers' residence, is for sale at a bargain,
V! 8 Cor. Queen ealnd .
toe etreet 9, Toronto.
'_J Sale, on favorable terms, village lot
121, on the earner of Rine and John Streets,
Brussels, This 18 ono of the most eligible
building sites in the village, audio order to
010Se out au estate will he sold on most ad-
vantageous terms. Apply to laces. Mall
CaRUIE, John St., or to A. BUNTER, Dlvls-
loL Court Clerk. 7.400
dorsigned will repthis farm, being lot
16 and a poi bleu of lot 19, eon. 7, Greycon-
taining about 140 acres, 83 mores of whieh is
cleared land. Good house and barns, boar-
ing orchard, wells, &a. The farm is under a
good stale of cultivation. Possession will
be given let of next March. Por further
pat ticklers apply to -SOL. BATT; MAN,
Ethel P.O.
Brussels Tannery is of ental for sate at
a: bargain. In it is a 10 h.5. engine and
6011.p, holIer,lovats, 2 ourryttbles, 2 stoves,
good bark mill wad a full sot of toots, with
heating pipes to leaches. fi0. There a -e
about2 acres of land in connection with tie
building, No tannery nearer than Wlugham
or Listowel. Terms easy. For further par-
ticulars; as to ]nice, terms, &a,, apply at
17- . Tan 0000 Pab110hinglioose, Brussels.
dorsi/pied i0 desirous of renting the
100-4iore farm, being lot 23, eon. 7, Grey, for
a term of years. The farm is in good con-
dition, good house, barn, fie. Adjoins the
thriving village of Ethel, whore there are
ohumhes, sobool, stores, railway, postoineo
and all conveniences. Possession given 1st
of April next. The fall plowing can be
done at any time. Per further partloulare
apply to WM, SP70NOIO, Ethel P. O.
&ORlm= offers bis valuable 100 aero
farm ,boinglot 3, 000, 18, Grey Township,
Baran Co„ for sale. There are about SO
acres olearsd and In good heart. There is o
log house, good hank barn, bearing orchard,
and all the necessary 0onyenionoes on the
promises. Fox further particulars, as to
prloe,terma, oto, apply to the Proprietor,
TEOS.RIBLOPClare P, O., 11.W.T,, or to
2.11 D0Tt ALD ST11AORAN, Brussels
dereigned offers Ms farm,adjbinlnit
)Brussels, being Lot 2, Con, 9', Grey, for sale.
It ooutalno 95 sexes, about 80 of which are
under oulttvatlen and the balance in bush
pasture. There sea comfortable brink sot.
age,tud large bank barn on tho promise;,
together with an orchard,2 Wells And pewee -
Nary outbuildings, The farm is under good
cultivation and Iswell fenced, with plenty
of °odor glowing on the lot. For further
1articplare,•Ae to pDr�loe,. terms, &a, apply to,
WALTER RICHARDSON, Ptopriotor,B rue,
gels P.O. 5.12
Asst for sale th0 north
east quarteooblot25, aintseseloot 9, Morde,•
County of rat quality and
GO acres, The
land loot first duality and 1n.a high state of
oultivntion, wo 1 fenced and Hader-rirainod,
•.40 aorea olnarod. Naw frame hous0, 8•rooms,
milk house with concretewalla, 2 walls,
good barns, and shed, orchard, eta. Eight.
acres of fall wheat. Thts desirable property
ad stns. the corporation of Brussels. Suit-
able terms usiflbe Oren, Title perfe ot;
30- &oatorth P,.0.
—A first-class farm for Salo in the
Township of Morris In the County of Enron
being south kali of north half lots 22 0420
and south half of 20 in 0th eon„ containing
200 acres 111000 or Ices, 025 acres meetly
clear of stumps and in a good State of 0ulti.
vatlon, Thoe.lsa.young bearing orchard a
good house and bank barn 05 x 00 feet with
stone stable underneath, The from Is Hite.
()Acid Within a mile of the Village of Brussels
an l is a good Perm Mr grate Or stoop rail.
ing OM iii a 19abored with the river Maitland
and never failing spring creek, Poaoos0ion
will b0 given at any t1me, For farther par -
William amity on the premises or toA,la,
ROBITHTSCIT Brussels, P, 0
e,(-�,1r' OOD 3AR111 FOR SALE IN
`l. Mor'r'is, on reasonable terms,. In order
to Bloss the atfairs of the estate of the lata
W. G.11ing4ton,the executors offer the fol.
lowing valuable lands for 0nlo North
half of Lot 30, Concession 1, Township of
Morrie, containing 00 mires. On tbi5 Iot 10
ereete5 d goodfrom•e barn with Stone feun.
clatiOn, good sreltarci, well andpinup , 1tsar
ly alleleared, and pi 021 till) gra00. road
010001y adjoining the village of Sin melt.
'Able iatOl is it valuable one, to well fo9eed
5 11 n a bead state Of cllltivatien, .Cor
prieet aid terata apply to 71105, KELLY,
Brussels 1 O., 111/540151 JRNNI$SO, Victoria
19.10,,MIdsts1161,0 P. ,t.sb0001111,„trrTlr,;,faplo Lodge
• Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pub.
lie, fie. OlOou—Grattana's Block, 1 door 110: r
of Popper's Drug Store. Private Funds to
Barrister, Solicitor and Notary ra-
n., Conveyancing. Collections and Loaning,
Mr. Wade will attoad in Corrie every Wed,
nooday at two o'clock.
(Late with Germ. & Prondfoot, Gods.
r'iel,l Pmnlslere, Solicitors, Conveyancers,
elWH goo13s11fo Brno o, Il ' 10,Man8t. Money
to Loan.
R. 5.11ATe, w, n. 1)10105015,
M. TAYLOR, O11, II.0. L.,
of faylor,s McCullough o G:}r)turns. Barristers
Solicitors, .01., Newlin;; Areado, Toronto.
Alone ,1 to lone,
Clerk of the
Fourth UioCora-ce, NotaryPublic.
Laud, Loan and Insurance Agtnt. Funds
invested and to loan, Orllsatiens made,
Cilias in Graham's L` tools, Brussels.
' •T E. ,tloCt A.CICSN,
at lila Oroaory, Psuer urnborrygeLiost eet,tBBrussells,
south of e1 AI OlcKny0tCos hard aro store
Ladies' and ohildren'e hair cutting a 1 pecialty
to °holuo stook of cigars kept.
l.a..e Ie5arer of M,u'i'tage Licenses, by
appointment of Liout,.Governer, Commis-
sionm•, &o , Q. Conveyancer and Agent
Piro Immense 00. Office at tho OranbrOolc
Posb OMoe.
D10 S:tiAKING.—il1Ibi Mo.
Pnr..neoN, of Godorfoh, 01011- open n
shop for Dressmaking fa tho Garfield Block,
Brussels, abort Sept, 1st. She solicits the
patronage of the Ladies of Brussels and lo.
malty, Satisfaction g05ranteed,
0.4 M108 McP BERSON.
The undersigned desires to intimate
to the ladies of Brussels and surrounding
country that the Is prepared to attend to
all orders intrusted to her. Satisfaction
guaranteed. Shop—Up-stairs, ono door north
01 Walter Jackson's hardware store
10- Mass SAioIPLE.
X1=1.7- T SSTR'Y'1
G. L.Ball, L. D. S„ lienor Gra0uato and
11. 11, C.D. S. Toronto. Vitalised Air given..
Oflloe-MEYnns BLaax, SEAPORT$.
W. 11. Fear, L, D. 8,, Graduate of
Toronto School of Dontietry. All
operations guaranteed. 1.3'Arbifl5ial
teeth,fist quality, and a guaranteed
Ill, for 812,00 per set. Oifoe—OADY's
540.00x,. SEASonrn.
:t3 E .fV T x s�i T
762. '.6., 54 A.MS=rT, Y5, =, ! „
Honor Graduate of the Royal College o1
Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Nitros Oxide Gee
1 administered ler the Painless Extraction of
tenth, Oiflee--'
• (..l ]7ORGE IiIRlit3i',
VI Lleeneed'A0otioneer. Sales ooi;duot-
ed on reasonable terms, Forms and farm
stooka specialty. Orders lett at Tau 'POST
P ubli sbingliouse,Brussels, or Bent to Walton
P. 0„ will reeotve prompt attention.
..C1 • Auotloneer, xis always ready to at.
tents sales of farms, farm- stook, fie. Terme
cheerfully given, 0ranbrook P.O. -Bales
may be arranged at Tres POST Publishing
Bons°, Brusselts,
AA M. t'. GALE, M.D., 0.111„
7. Y Member of tbo College of Physician
and Sn iof Onby examination.
Oalco ad Roclouos-SSain street
• 0, M., 0. It, 0.p,, Edinburgh, 11, 0, Pi
M O, A00101 lioln 1:10 to�411. 15, f Anther •
hours may bo Sound at his residence, forte -
Orly occupied by Dr. Butehinson, Mast.
NO.1), WARW1OI3, V. S.,
1.1 (Sao0ESSo11 TO 9, W. 0ibBIEN V,S),
�+rad:mai and .Boncritrq Follow of Ontario
Veterinar9 Collogo, will be pleased to 22271-
2tm100wiE11 the greatest caro anc1, proton.
slenal Blcltl any castle elitri196ad to ;bis
atop, muss acct lu vutsry--outrioi,'s old
01an0,2 doors north of bridge, '1'uroborry
st„ 101osasis,