HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-9-27, Page 6PRIZE LIS ----- THE R' .IJiii74>.TM,%,.iJ66 1 East Huron Agricultural Society's Exhibition —TO BE IIELD IN BRUSSELS ON— Thursday and Friday, Oct. 3rd 8c 4th. HORSES.—HEAVY DRAUGHT. lee. Brood Mare, having raised a foal in 1889, $3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 Horse Colt, Mare Colt, Two year old Filly, Two ye old Gelding, Yearling Filly, Yearling Gelding, Heavy Draught Team, GENERAL PURPOSE, Brood Mara,• having raised a foal in 1889, 8 00 Horse Colt, 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 3 00 Mare Colt, Two year old Filly, Two year old Gelding, One year old Filly, One year old Gelding, Span of General Purpose Horeee, ROADSTERS. Brood Mare, having raised a foal in 1889, Spring Foal—Colt or Filly, Two year old Filly, Two year old Gelding, One year old Filly, One year old Gelding, Buggy Horse, Roadster Team, CARRIAGE. Brood Mare, 16 hands high, 2 00 1 50 Carriage Span, 16 hands high, 3 00 2 00 Spring Foal—Colt or Filly, 2 00 1 50 Yearling Colt, 2 00 1 50 Yearling Filly, 2 00 1 50 Two year old Gelding, 2 00 1 50 Two year old Filly, 2 00 1 60 THOROUGH -BRED OATTLE.—DURHAM, Well Cow, having calved since last Shove, 8 00 2 00 Two year old Heifer, 2 00 1 50 One year old Heifer, 2 00 1 50 Bull Calf, 2 00 1 50 Heifer Calf, 2 00 1 50 THOROUGH -BRED HOLSTEINS. Milch Cow, having calved since last Show, 2 00 1 50 Two year old Heifer, 2 00 1 50 Yearling Heifer, 2 00 1 60 Heifer Calf, 2 00 1 50 THOROUGH -BRED JERSEYS. Mileb Cow, having calyed since last Show, 2 00 1 50 Two year old Heifer, 2 00 1 50 Yearling Heifer, 2 00 1 50 Heifer Calf, 2 00 1 50 NATIVE OR GRADE CATTLE. Cow, having calved since last Show, 2E0.0 1 50 Two year old Heifer, 2 00 1 50 One year old Heifer, 2 00 1 50 Two year old Steer, 2 00 1 50 One year old Steer, 2 00 1 50 Steer Calf, 2 00 1 50 Heifer Calf, 2 00 1 50 Fat Cow or Heifer, 2 00 1 50 Fat Ox or Steer, 2 00 1 50 SHEEP.—LEICESTERS AND THEIR GRADES. Aged Ram, 1 50 * Shearling Ram, 1 50 1 00 Ram Lamb, 1 50 1 00 Pair of Ewes, having raised lambs in 1889, 1 50 1 00 Pair of Shearling Ewes, 1 50 * Pair of Ewe Lambs, 1 60 1 00 SOUTHDOWNS AND THEIR GRADES. Aged Ram, 1 60 1 00 Shearling Ram, 1 50 * Ram Lamb, 1 50 1 00 Pair of Ewes, having raised lambs in 1889, 1 50 1 00 Pair of Shearling Ewes, 1 50 1 00 Pair of Ewe Lambe. 1 50 s' SHROPSHIRE DOWNS AND THEIR GRADES.. Aged Ram, 1 50 * Shearling Ram, 1 50 Ram Lamb, 1. 50 1 00 Pair of Ewen, having raised Jamba in 1889, 1` 50 1 00 Pair of Shearling Ewes, 1 50 1 00 Pair of Ewe Lambs, 1 50 1 00 PIGS.—BERKSHIRE. Boar, over one year, 1 50 * Boar, under one year, Sow, having littered in 1889, 1 5 50 0 Sow, under 1 year, 1 50 1 00 SI,i`fi°FOLKS. Boar, over one year, 1 50 * Boar, under one year, Sow, having littered in 1889, 1 50 *1 00 Sow, lender one year, 1. 50 1 00 CHESTER WHITES. Boar, over one year, Boar, under one year,, Sow, having littered in 1889, Sow, under one year, 3 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 2 00 leo. $2 00 1 50 1 60 1 50 1 50 1 60 1 50 1 50 3RD. $1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 IMPLY I RN CS. 1'a t„❑t al -to wagon, Oue horst, buggy, 'l'io'n Imre° buegy, Pbtotuu hnggy, Road cart, Field roller, 1rou harrows, Turnip .• Quill er, Fanning utill, Teo 0 itae cultivator, Tel nip cutter, Pump, \Vide furrow plow, Turnip seed drill, Geaer„t purpoao plow, Double mould board plow. Subsoil plow, •set doubleu'eus and oecliyoke, }Tarin gate, Set of horse shoes from hammer, Wheelbarrow, GRAIN. 2 Wis. white fall cheat 2 pp'3:* " led fall wheat, 1 50 1 00 spring wheat, Lod Nation, +J 1 50 1 00 any other variety 1 50 burley, 2 rowed, l 1 50 1 00 barley, 4 or 6 rowed, 1 50 1 00 white oats, 1 black oats, 2 QO50 ,.1,1 00 email peas, ” medium peed, II * " large peas, 1 00 One bh. timothy seed, * FRUIT. 1 00 HI! doz. Baldwins, 1 00 " Yellow Belleflower, ""' " Winter BeIlellower, * " Fameuse, " Grimes Golden, IIKing of `Tompkins ()o, 2 00 1 50 1 60 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 1 50 POULTRY. Pair of Guinea Fowl, Pair of Dark Brahmas, Pair of Light Bramhas, Pair of Black Spanish, Pair of Plymouth Rock, Pair of White Legborns, Pair of Brown Leghorne, Pair of'Silver Spangled Damburrd,. Pair of Black Hamburge, Pair of Polands, Pair of Bantams, Pair of Ilondans, Pair of Dorkings, Pair of Langaban Pair of Oochins, Wyandottes, Pair of turkeys, . f Pair of geese, }1 Pair of Rouen ducke,. Pair of Pekin Ducks,. Pair of Aylesbury ducks, Pair of` canaries, Collection of Raney pigeons,. Pair of pea fowls j 1 60 1 50 1 50 1 50 * 1 00 1 00 0 50 0 25 60 25 60 25 50 25 50 25 60 25 50 25 60 25 60 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 50 25 60 25 50 25 io 44 100 " Mammoth Pippins, 1 00 " Northern Spins, " Newton Pippins, " Peck's Pleasant, Pomme Grise, Rambo, R. I. Greenings, " Russets Goldeu, 1 00 " Spttzenburg, " Seek no Further, 1 00 " 1'olmen Sweet, 1 00 " 20•oz. Pippins, " Wagner, SI Ribeton Pippins, 1 00 " Colvert, 1 00 " Roxbury Russets, 1 00 " Alexander, 1 00 " Dno11e88 of Oldenburg, " Fall Pippin, 1 00 " Rawthornden, 1 00 " Maiden's bineb, 1 00 " Porter, 1 00 " Swaar, " St. Lawrence, " Chenango Strawberry, J Six varieties of ,:inter apples, 5 of each named, Six varieties of fall apples, 5 of each named, Beet collection of apples, greatest number of var. ieties, four of each Beat 6winter pears, " 6 full pears, " 2 dozen plums, " 4 clusters of grapes, " 6 peaches, " 12 crabs, It 4 1H'r 2en 3na 2 00 1 00 1'GO' 1 od 1 00 50 Sib,. 27, 1869 Flee lq pinnate l 1sT' 2ND Biu I able butter, 2 50 2 00 1 00 76d penudr creamery butter, „, 4th, 400 50 50'pcandefaetpry cheese, 2^'00 1 000 10'poubde boeniantade cheese, 2"'00 1 00 DOM BSTIC i1I�1I+TITI' C'1'Ulilla GO 'Pen }'dudsf1 iuii i4, 1, Pair blanlioto, Cone terpauo, Skein yarn, home spun, Gonlleniau's suit, 0auadiau' tweed, Ten pOunda'muple eugier,, Quart maple uiolaeaos, Honey; °omb 1•I07]P.,'strained ne extruded,.One ho'ttle grape'st1ue, Rile boat, trine, Tomato,' a bier Sire, wbo''ery wine,. 75 GO Elderberry wine, Tomato ketchup, One quart apple jell(, " rhubard j;blly, " raspberry jelly, " , jelly from any other keit,, mane -cif,. Loa( baker's bread., 'Loaf bomo•mado broad, Oollectiou of canned fruit',,in glass fore,. 2 00 1 00 60MANUFAGTTsiir'YI.Jt;Ili, Crdleetl'on of leather by manufacturer,. Set double farm harness,- Siiigfe"buggy harness, Saddle' and bridle, Pair hue Lente, Pair'coaree 6obt3 ' Spinning wheel, Reel, Aye handle, Colleotioi tinware, 12 pieces, Cooper work, 3 pieties, churn; -pork barrel antawasbtub,, Panel door,' Rustic work, Picture framee;r Flower stand, Collection shelf -hardware, Pair sashes, Specimen turner's work, Specimen joiner's work,,. LADIES' WORK; - J t1 1 25 50 25 50 25 1 00 76 ROOTS AND tJIOED CROPS. Bushel Early Rose potatoes, " White Elephant, " Mammoth Pearl, " Beauty of Hebron, " Late Rose, " Eureka, " Pearl of Savoy, " Bronze King, " White Star, " potatoes, any other variety, Six Swede turnips, " turnips, any other variety, " long field carrots, Belgian, " Altringbam carrots, " Scarlet Nantes, " Early horn carrots, " long blood beets, " blood turnip beets, " white sugar beets, " parsnips, " mongol wurzels, long red, " Yellow Globe mangels, " Red Globe mangela, " Long yellow mangels, VEGETABLES. 12 onions, from seed, red " Yellow Danvers, I " Giant Rocca, 12 onions, from top Bete, 12 onione, from Dutch sate, One quart top onions, sets, One quart Dutch este, One gallon potato onions, Six ears corn, Yellow Canada, White Flint, Collection of corn, named varieties, J ' 1 00 a"0 Four beads winter cabbage, " heads curled Savoy, " heads red pickling cabbage, Two heads cauliflower, Pumpkin, Squash, Collection garden produce, 12 tomatoee, large 12 plum or cherry tomatoes, Quart butter beans, " white benne, " any other variety of beans, 'Two citrons, round striped, long Californian, Three Watermolonn, Three muekmelone, Three eueumbere, tit for table use, Six Plante celery, white, pink, 50 26 50 25; 50 25' J� F DAIRY PIODUOE. T'wontyflvapound4 tub butter, home made, 50 25 1 00 50 li Jlea x 5 561 76'." 50 1 00 '75 60 25 60 50 50 50 75 75 76 5 50 2: 00 11 60 It t 10 Ariscene work, Applique worts, B, aiding, Berlin wool woriz,'fla't•` raised,'• Berlin wool and bead work, • Berlin wool flowers, Bend work, Bonnet, Berlin wool and silk, flat, • [ Cone work, Cord work, Crenxel work, Card board motto, Crochet work, Darned net, I,mbroidery, cotton or muslin`; Embroidery on worsted, Embroidery on silk, Fine shirt, Fancy knitting o inin woolcott,n, Fancy flannel shirt, Feather flowers, Feather stitching, Hair flowers, Specimen of lane, Lambrequin Berlin Lamp mat, Leather work, Pair woolen mitts, Pair woolen gloved, Notting, Patchwork quilt, Log Cabin Quilt, Crotchet Quilt, 'Tufted Quilt, Fancy Quilt, Knitted Quilt, Bag Mat, Shell Work, Sofa Pillow, Berlin wool Flat, Sofa Pillow, Berlin wool Raised, Sofa Pillow, Braided, Sofa Pillow, Patchwork, Pair stockings.. woolen, Pair stockings, cotton, Pair socks, woolen, Pair soda, cotton, Seed wreath, Straw hat, Tatting, Wax flowage, Wax frt;it. colIeotion, Wax shell collection, I' I' wool and'•bedde,. - FINS ARTS',; 'z 11 0(10 5011 11 Off( $075' 75- 75' 76 76•' 75 75' 75' 7'5 ' 75. 75- 75a 76.. `75" '76" 7•' 75 �; 76 76" 75, 76 25 26 25 25 50 26 60 25 50 1 00 1 50 1 00 50 60 25 60 25 50 1 00 .CO v0 GO:t 60 60' 50' 60' 50' 50' 50' 50• 50' 50' 50" 50' 56' 50" 50' 60' 50" 50'' 60 50" Collection of photographs, 76' 50'' Collection of enlarged photos., 76' •' 50'' Collection of stuffed birds in ease 75' ' 50'" Collection of Stuffed Animals, 75," 50 " Pencil drawing, 75" 60'.' Water color, landscape, 75'; 50 Water Dolor, figures, 75•" 50'' Oil painting, landeoapo, 75 " 60�' bit portrait, !fHand work, 75' 50"„ Black crayon drawing, I 85 50'' Colored crayon drawing, 76'' 50"' Spatter work, Sainting oa pottery, 75 ' 5ff Painting on plaques, Painting on 77557 5 silk or velvet, 75 ' 5050', ' 'Ornamental Penmanship, Hand Work, 7575 ' 5050 Skeletonized leaves, IBusiness II 60' Glirl'B• It75 50 RS --PR41� Beat collectionFLOWEfoliage plant°ANDPLANTS, 18SIO00750 KIST"! 1 00 50 1 00 r 50` S0 25 :Beat collodion iiowering plants, Lest eolleotion basket plants, 1 00 60 AMATEUR LIST:` ' Meet collection foliage plants, 1 00 50' Rest collection flowering plants, 1 00 50 ' Beat collection flowering bulbs, 1 00 • 50 ' Table 002001, GENERAL LIST. 2 50 2 00 1 60 Hand boquet, 50 26 50 ,. ,, 26 ;,p aide, 1 00 544 75 f CeONTINOND ON ,'ASS 3':1 Lake