HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-9-27, Page 5SEPT, 27, 1889.
1Pn «r.cr,1' > rsrag,.id",:r, emra� 'ism e°W� .� r" nmemergunzzatorkx
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in the right direction if you will permit us ; help you in the upward path, so to speak, the path of plenty and prosperity, Do you want to Vise in the world ? Do you want to be
well heeled ? Remember that economy is the parent of prosperity, and become a practical economist by trading with us, alae heavy profits which some merchants !flake, like the
interest on borrowed money, eat up the earnings and prevent saving. We make no such profits, and those who trade with us, will find their savings increase with every t.rade..
An honest profit on an honest price is our idea of price and profit making Big prices and big profits are not honest, We have nothing to do with them, We will save you aim
in the goods we supply, Good .grade goods. go- farther than low grade, liven at a higher price they are cheapest in the long run., But we put good grade articles on the slue.
price -level as the low grade. That makes thein cheapest in actual cash as well as cheapest in actual value, It takes us to make bargains , We are old hands • at it, We know
how to buy and that's how we have the 1Meeret of selling. We are past masters in the ancient and honorable art of bargain -snaking and will convince you that we .know our work
if you give us a Ball.
IS 71:1MT,'W
Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c. Immense line
of new Fall and Winter Attractions. The best of Everything at prices never' beaten.
Oislrztt `.,'ictus,
FRIi)i11, SEPTTe11I?L:ll 57, 1890.
Mrs. Emigh loft here on Friday for a
visit to friends in Welland.
Thu Blyth Fall Show will be held on
the 8th and Oth of October.
Mee, fanner returned from her enjoy.
able trip to Calgary on Friday.
Joseph Carter left lame on. Tumidly on
n speculative trip to the North West.
Several of oat townsmen heard Hon.
G. W. Ross at Brussels last !Hanley
evening and were well pleased witb what
be said.
Murdock McGregor has purchased the
frame dwelling of John Thompson on
Ring St and moved his family into it on
Next Sunday Rev. S. Sellery, 73.A„13.
D., of Brussels, will preach in the Meths.
dist church here. Rev. Mr. Tonge will
supply at Brussels.
Wm. Welch, of Belgrave, and Robert
Howard, of iI•lyth, were awatded on Fri-
day the contract to build Mrs. Tuft's new
store in Belgrave, in the plaoe of the one
reoently destroyed by fire. Price 01,000.
On Sabbath afternoon the funeral of
the oldest child of John Fraser, of Morris,
passed through the village en route to
the Union cemetery, where the remains
were deposited in its last resting plane.
There were over forty vehicles.
.At-sS ood.
The siok aro recovering.
J. MoBain and W. Dunn took in the
Toronto ExhibiGen.
Mr, Morrison sr. left on Saturday last
for the Old Country.
Rev, R. Henderson is visiting his
brother in this village.
Mr. and alre. Wilson and daughter from
Scotland will be returning iu a week.
A stone cellar and other improvements
are being added to the Methodist par.
Dr. Hamilton was married last week
to a ledy in Kingston. Wo extend our
An interesting Sabbath school service
was held in the Presbyterian ohar°h . on
Sunday, Sept. 16th.
Rev. A. Henderson preached in the
Mebhodiet ahtlroh last Sabbath morning
and Rev. D. Repute oecapied his pulpit
here and at Monkton,
The Belleville Ontario says:—"J, H.
ltoBain, who matriculated last year, will
this year teach the first year class in
mathematics and Latin. His experience
as Pablio school beaoher qualify him for
tbo position." Mr. M°Baia was elected
President of the Literary Society, by ao.
clamation, of the same College (Albert.)
The anniversary services of the Metho:
dist church were, to some respeots, the
most successful ever held. Dr. Render.
son preached on Sabbath morning, Sept.
16th. Tho tea was held on the church
grounds on the Monday following. The
attendance was large, order good, speech-
es exoelleut and financial results antis-
faotory. Proceeds $111.
lived until his death, By hard work and
the strictest economy Mr, Kelly had
things very comfortable and was in a
Lek way to enjoy the fruits of his labors.
Two years ago he visited Ireland but Ms
stay was very brief. Three eons and
three daughters with elle mother are left
to mourn the sudden removal of father
and husband. One of the sous, George,
who has been living at Glonboro', Mane
was telegraphed for and reached home
on Wednesday of this week. .Lies Bessie 4' Y
• b also
who is teaching Hoar Godcrw , t vas
Itoruo. The funeral took plena on Thera.
any afternoon and was attended by a
long aoneonrae of relatives and friends.
Rev. W. T. Cliff, of the Episcopalian
ohuroh, to which Mr. Kelly belonged,
conducted the service.
W ult11/1k.
Miss O'Connor has a large music olase
in wanton and vicinity.
The wedding fever is on the move
around here too, as well as in Brussels.
The service in St. George's church will
be held next Sabbath morning instead of
the afternoon, owing to the spacial ser-
mon to the Foresters in the afternoon at
There will be a change in our school
teachers at the close of the year. Miss
[Millen goes to Winthrop and Miss Mc-
Dougall will attend school, we believe.
They have done good work in the school.
A number from this locality were at
Brussels last Monday evening and beard
Hon. G. W. Ross. They wonder how
under the sun such a howl was ever
kicked op about the "floss” Bible after
hearing the Hon. gentleman give the par.
•tioulare of the "terrible" selections.
TOA MEETING.—A. tea meeting was held
in the Methodist oburoli on Friday even.
ing, 13th inst., aid, although not attend-
ed as well as usual, awing to satisfactory
reasons, au enjoyable time was spent.
After a bountiful supply of edibles had
been despatched, Rev. W. Torrenoo, the
energetic and respected pastor, took the
ohair and, after r. short speech, called
upon W. H. Kerr and Rev. S. Sellery,
B. A„ B. D., of Brussels, and Rev. Mr.
Forrest, of this plane, to address the
meeting. Exoelleut music was supplied
by a loon' choir, led by Mrs. Torrance,
with Miss O'Connor, of Brnasels, pre-
siding at the organ. The church has
been greatly improved this summer, both
inwardly and outwardly, and the yard i
has received attention in the shape of a
good coating of gravel.
The Union broom factory ie in full
running order.
M. McDonald, of Ripley, has purchased
Sebastian Bros. barbering business.
Wm. and Thos, Moore have the con-
tract of fenoing the park. The front fence
will be of gas pipe,
Fall Show here on Tuesday and Wed-
nesday of this week. Old Probs. favored
us with good weather.
The west side of the G. T. R. station
grounds is being raised, and a gang of
men are engaged putting on gravel, which
is being brought in by trains.
At t t' of the Order of
a reoen mea mg
1vLorcit�. the Brotherhood of L000moti vs Engineers,
Council manila on Monday 80th. held in London, John Norris, of this
g y town, was elected Chief Engineer. This
Some of our fleet footed farmers say is the highest office in the Order,
they will take part in Gm foot races on The committee appointed by the Coma
Fair day at Brussels. nil at the last meeting to have the mill
A few cases of scarlet fever are report-
ed in Morrie. It is to be hoped they will
be nipped in the bud.
Belgrave Fall Show on Tuesday and
Wednesday of next week. Brussels on
Thursday and Friday.
It is binted that a'.Bruseelite is seeking
a wife in this township and that the con-
tract hse been made and will shortly be
consummated: We'll not mention any
names just now.
A social will be bold at the residence
of Frank Ido0raoken on Friday evening
of this week. The program win consist
of literary, and mnaioal seleotione. A
good time to expected,
Jamas Bowman left Brussels on Tues-
day for a trip to Dakota. He will be
away for a month or so. We wieh him
a pleasant time. He purchased his
ticket from T. Fletcher, of Brussels.
Last Sunday Aroh. Merman, a well.
known resident of the westerly section of
this township died after a protracted 111.
nees of consumption. The funeral, on
Tuesday afternoon, was in °barge of the
Foresters Order of which organization
the deceased was a worthy member. Rev.
Mr. Law, of Belgrave, Officiated. About
one hundred Foresters were in thepro-
cession coming from all the surrounding
Last Saturday Mrs. Donald Mckenzie
patina away to her reward et the ad-
vanced age of 02 yearn. The deceased
resided with her eon -in-law, Geo. Gas,
lick, in the township of Culross, Bruce
County. She was the mother of Mrs.
Jas. Shurrie, of the 4th line, The Neer -
al their place on Monday afternoon, the
interment being made at Teestvater.
MSS Shurrie wad brother were in attend.
Dunn.—On Tuesday of this week an
old resident of this township, hi the per.
non of Win. laelly died at hie residmuo,
lot 24, con. 8, after n b ief lunare of &boot
ten days. Dysentery was the complaint.
The deceased was born in Bnllinagh,
Co. Coven, Ireland, nal 0E1E0 to Americo
in 1840, locating in Oswego, N. Y. In
1808, along with his three brothers and
two etetere,.he 0a1E8 to Morris township,
and beteeet, Gm fatally 400 acme of
Government, lend luau emitted it, the
Sill end 9111 001)1; Mae the deceesnd
pond cleaned out have let the contract of
cleaning out 100 feet along the river bed
to John Elder, James Angus and Wm.
Stewart for the sum of 0280,
An examination for proficieuoyin Ana-
tomy and Embalming, by the Under-
takers' Association of Ontario, was held
in Toronto. There were' fifteen oandi•
detail, nine of whom wero successful.
Amongst those who passed was D. B.
Calbick, of this town, who passed with'
A. very interesting ceremony took plana
at Charles Lloyd's resident on the even.
ing of the lath inst. A largo number of
the friends of John Buchananand his
ostimable wife assembled to present him
with a beautiful silver service and Mrs,
Buchanan with several silver' articles of
utility, on the eve of their departure for
Toronto, where they intend to make
their future home.
An appeal to the Department by the
Mead Blaster, in bebaif of J. Milton
Fallis lute been euebained. He has been
awarded it third-elaea certitloato.
U. Ilauking, who has been in Chicago
for some months, returned to town on
Saturday week, We understand that he
'eh! tante charge of a Canadian branch of
e Chiang° commission house, to be open.
od at London shortly.
J. A. Burris, of D. N, Flog. dr Co., was
made the g reoi ient of a boantifal ,,ld-
!fettled cans on tvhiah tuns ongcaved
"Presented to 3, A. Burns by Catholic
friendaiu Listowel." The gift was no
companied by a suitable address,,
The football club in connection with
the High School was organized on Tues.
day evening. The following are the
officers for the terve : Proeideut, G. A.
Tanner, B. A. ; vice President, R. A.
Fargoharson ; Secretary and Treasurer,
W- Irwin. Committee of management—
Roy Nichol, G. MaGarvin, J. Moore, J.
A.ndereon, J. Armstrong, Ben Tughen,
0, Glenn, Roy Backlog, D. Scott.
Tho Standard says : On Sunday after.
noon at 2:30 p.m. the remains of the late
J. T. Barker were interred in the new
°amatory, Ret. llenderson conducting
the service. The funeral formed as im-
posing spectacle, there being no fewer
than 103 brethren in the ranks, repro.
senting lodges in Palmerston, Harriston.
Mount Forest, Clifford, Wroxeter, Gor-
rie, Brussels, Millbank, Elmira, St.
Marys and Elora. Mr. Barker was
James Cuthill, of the 10th cion., is
building a new frame house with atone
foundation, Jae. McIntosh did the
mason work and Mae. Seals has just
finished the ailing. There will bo two
arches in front and it wilt present a neat
appearance when completed.
Not a few are now busily engaged in
cultivating and sowing their polities. The
mistake most eontutoa ie. that not
enough principle is put to the acre, in
oonse uenlle of which, a vet 'itis -
9 Y uns
factory crop of politica is obtained,
There is plenty M straw but the heads
are light and the grains email.
MATRofogIAL.—Tho matrimonial fever
continues in this township, the West
home 'attacked' being Andrew Simpson's.
On Wednesday afternoon Will B. Reid,
of Morrie township, eldest sort of Adnm
lleid, of Bruesele, and Miss Lizze, eldest
daughter of Andrew Simpson were united
in marriage by Rev. S. Jones. The ser-
vice was brief but the knot was securely
tied. The brideemaid was Miss Sarah
Reid and the groomsman Dougald Simp•
son, There teas a very large number of
relatives and friends present and the
wedding gifts were handsome, costly and
useful. Mr. Incl Mrs. Reid went to their
own hong on Wednesday night, followed
by the best wishes of all for their future
happiness and prosperity. It is expected
that others will shortly follow the ex-
ample set by she bride and groom.
The Toronto Globe scut a special re-
porter, in the person of Fred Campbell,
formerly a trusted employee of G. 0. to Gm East Huron Reform Convention
Olimie do Sons, but at the Lima of his 1 last Monday. In referring to Councillor
death was a commercial traveller, rep. Hielop he says :—Arch. Hislop made a
resenting Dougherty & Co., menufaotur. rattling ten-minute speech, which salted 1
ars, Sarnia. Oa Tuesday of last week forth round niter round of applause. Mr. ,
he bad returned to Listowel from it busi. Hislop is sonewbn' older Ghon he looks,
nese tour, and on the night of the Tilers. being in appearance a mere boy, bet he
day following died of Bright's disease, is still 0 young meet with nudoubtedly e
from which he had been suffering for good future before him. He had not
anme time past. 110 was a member of gone very far in his speech before he ran
Listowel taiga, No. 100, LO.O,F., and upon the question of race and religion,
wee much liked and respected. In the which a certain wing of the Couservetire
party is trying to foi•oo to the front. In
this connection he had occasion to
mention Mr. McOarthy's name, and he
drew that gentleman's platers in a few
skilful. touches. "Mr. AleCarthy's Gamnity
against Jesuits may be very great," said
he, "but it is as nothing compared with
his enmity against Mr. Mowat. Under
the guise of attacking the Jesnite, he is
pouring out the vials of his wrath upon
the Separate Sahoole. lie thinks this
Province is in danger of the French, and
he thinks so because it is the interest of 1
the Tory party that he should think so.
He poses as a defender of Protestantiem,
but I think the people understand pretty
well that ho is en unscrupulous, hide-
bound politician first and it moralist and
a Protestant afterward. So los as I have
been able to understand this question, I
believe that Mr. Mowat and Mr. Ross
and rho Government generally are simply
trying to do justice to all andte maintain
our system of education in a state of the
highest effioioucy."
Ilenesahre-0u Friday, Sept. lath, S.
Y. Taylor, the highly es'eemed pedago-
gue in Smith'e school, and Miss Alice,
third daughter of George Crooks, were
united in marriage by Rev. De4Milligan,
is Toronto. They returned home on
Monday night and have settled down
quite cosily, to houee,keepiug on their
own a000nnt. • THE 'POST, figuratively,
throws an editorial slipper after them
and wishes Mr. Taylor and bride long
years of wedded happiness. A wedding
reception was heli at the residence of
the bride's father, on Monday evening,
Sept. 10th, upon their return from their
trip to Toronto. A very enjoyable time
was spent by all and the happy bride was
the reeipieot of the following bendsome
preseubs t—A gold watch and chain by
the groom ; silver Dake stand, Robt. and
Mies Maggie McKay ; silver fruit dish,
Wm. W. Crooks ; tray, pitcher and
goblets, Miss Annie C. Taylor ; hanging
lamp. Geo, Crooks ; silver pickle cruet,
Jas. Watt ; clock, John, Geo. and Robt.
Taylor ; teapot, china cup and saucer,
Jessie Crooks ; silver Meade cruet, Mr.
and Mrs. Robt. Crooks ; pitcher and
goblet, Miss Mary Watt ; silver butter
cooler and knife, Alhert Z. Crooke ; set
china dishes, Mrs. Geo. Crooks ; } doz.
butter nappies, Miss Lida Crooks ; vase,
Ming Jane Watt ; } doz. silver knives,
forks and spoons, Mies Clara Crooks ;
silver pickle cruet, Mrs. Wright ; writing
desk, Henry and Geo, Crooke ; , doz.
egg Dips, Ivan Crooks ; silver pickle
cruet, Miss Jane Alexander ; pickle fork,
bliss Minnie Gerry ; cruet stand, Miss
Grape Taylor ; silver pickle. cruet, Mr.
and Mrs. Gerry ; cheese dish, Mase
Maggie Martin ; nlbnm, Miss Jessie
The Council of the Bar of Quebec Pro.
vinoe has decided to accept university de-
grees as sufficient for entrance to the
study of law.
et.coording to the customs of Chinese
society, the wife of the Chinese minister
to this oountry will comb her hair up
from her forehead, to show that she is
married. Her tresses roach to her feet,
and so difficult is the task of dressing
them that one arrangement lasts several
Ver rho preservation of the coif.
Galesbarough O.F. Relief Association he
WE insured to the extent of 02,600. Mr.
Barker leaves a widow and three boys.
L,iisto w al.
The stock of D. N. Iiogg ,k Co. has
been sold to D. A. Hyslop, of Hamilton,
who Ea removing it to his branch store in
We are pleased to learn that W. G.
Hay, who has nodergone an extended
treatment at the World's Dispensary,
Bnffnlo, feels himself benefitted and; al-
though weak from the offecte of opera
anions, is gaining strength.
C,.1 -19:V.
.8. B. McLauehlinis teaching in Hoviok
Some have dug their potatoes. The
crop is good.
Wm. Kerney is attending the tioderieh
Model Salmi.
26 cents pays for fn's POST from Oct,
1st to ran. 1st 1800.
A. great many are of the siok list just
now. Diarrheas, se the trouble.
It is rumored that Athlete is going to
jump the broomstiok pretty coon.
Robe. Pearson is on the siok list
this week and is under the doctor's
Fall wheat seeding is now finished.
The acreage sown is not so largo as last
Mrs. D. McNair, accompanied by her
two youngest children, is off on a visit to
her brother in Bright.
The rains of last week softened the
land so thab it is now in much better
condition for Fall plowing.
Thos. 14IoLauoklin exhibited' his two
entire horses at the Industrial Balla
bitiou at Toronto, last week.
A great number in this section were
at the big Fair in Toronto last week. Ail
were well pleased with what they saw.
Muohines are now kept busy thresh-
ing out the season's crop. All spring
grains are turning out very satisfactory.
Don't forget the auction sale of farm
stuck, implements, furniture, dec. at Mrs.
J. W. Shiel's on Friday afternoon of
this week.
Apples are about as seam as hen's
teeth in this motion, and the boys are at
a loss what to subotitate in plaeo of
paring bees.
Those epeoial prizes for foot races at
the East Riding Show are almost sure to
come to Grey township. That is if our
hustlers get a move on. •
Mrs. Hugh Carr, of Piokford, Mich„
was visiting parents and friends in the
looality for three or four weeks. She is
a daughter of Richard Roe.
Six coons were seen one evening down
by the river on P. Ritobie's tarns. The
boys should serenade them with gun
thunder some of these fine moonlight
The offer for rho estate of !less Bros.,
made by Geo. and Adam Hess and Mr.
Rosebaoh, of Toronto, has been accepted
by the creditors, and the new firm took
possession on Tuesday. It is their in.
tendon to have tho factory rannilig next
weak. The price paid was 021,600, half
oast, tind balance sufliciontly seated,
It is not known yet what the exact
amount of unseoured liabilities are but
it is oxpouted that thisfigure will the net
creditors abotit 60 month on the dollar.
Win, Hess and hie sell Emil have secur-
ed a site and intend erecting a . factory
et West' Toronto junction, where they
purpose mannfaOturing a high elves of
furnl6uro, principally for a city trade.
Wm..lesspurposes rumor ing �bis family
to Toronto dentition. Geo. Item, 51..1?.
will shortly tr irxwu .liih lr11 lamfly
flv,nl'.t'btatity lv Liato,vaL huuio. •
Coon bunting is a favorate sport just
now. Some talk of forming a Coon
Hunter's Assootation for the purpose of
oontrolling and cornering coons, we
Joseph E. Coombes is engaged to com-
plete the
om-pletethe year as teacher in S. S. No. 4.
Barry Beattie, of Seaforth, who taught
the'firsh half of the year !les gone to
At the Listowel fair last week Donald
McLaachlin Was a judge ou cattle and
gain. Dunoaa MaLauohlin was at
Palmerston en Wednesday judging
horees at thole Pair.
Those is going to be a wedding near
the West end of one of oar linos soma
of these days brit you need not say any.
thing about it as 'Tom, does not Want
everybody to lrnoty it,
Miss Rosanna Ball left thin week for
Fresno, California, where rho pnrposoa
upending a while with her brother
Thomas, who has been a resident of that
locality for several ye ire. We wish her
a safe journey and a pleaseet visit.
A lady on the 14th cul. was aroused
One night last week by ltearittg a noise
outside. 00 getting up she wee just in
time to seelarge 001 swoop down and
fly off with Ono of her lipring pallets,
«hien was rcceting 01) a . tree nedr the
Subscribe for The 'Post' !
Only 28 Cents, in advance, until Jan.. 1st, 1890
IDpori�u! to
See the New Noxon Binder
PIM she lion w11i10 aalooli ml a willow
pillow as finely woven as alt imported t
bonnet shaped like a loaf of baker's !
:Davis Hewing Machines,
Stoves, Tinware, &c., at
We have much pleasure in announcing
that our Stock is now Complete
in all Departments.
Linen dice tabling, t Brown Holland
" damask tabling, I Toweling, plain and striped,
Bleached damask tabling,
Russian crash,
Saffarine and white tabling, Damask towels,
Colored damask covers, Turkish
Cream red borders Cotton "
Bleached " Butcher's linea,
Table napkins, Stripe Hessian,
Special Lines in Towels, Tablings, &e.
In this line we make a specialty. Black and colored tniola
Cashmeres, Black and colored all wool Cashmeres, Plain and Pansy
dress stuffs, Mantle cloths and ulsterings, Curl cloths and sealettes,
Opera twills, Satin soleils, Plain and Fancy Meltons, Wineeya
BlackSilks, Black Satins, Silk Velvets.
10 pieces all wool Gray Flannel at 181c., worth 25c.
5 ,. tt 25 " 80
5 1, ti " 27 35
5 " Military flannel, 35 " 45
5 `' all wool Factory Flannel, 30 " 40
20 dozen O.I. Shirts and Drawers, 75 " 90
iI 10 " Men's heavy ribbed all wool, 50 " 05
50 pieces of all wool Dress Sergos at iso., worth 25s..
20 " Plash, all shades, 40 " GO
10 "'Melton cloth, 8 " 12;
bread. The mafiie dross their back hair i - – .
in a queue and arrange a hang, one Had y r
"i '1 1' 1 i' j a Cordial Invitation to 111,7.1r tn; tdi't'h.
0 half Malmo deep, from our to aur. A; I} �. I T r • w J
„ W 11 � I a tall ah wo halm grunt plonslae' int,
bit of cagnott'y is displayed by allows µ
a single look to not loosely in front of ' showing aur G00115.
the ince and over the shoulder. The .
hair of rho Chinese girl re novae out, end p,�l� ('I "y 1'i 1, 1 ' �_ ' •'S n t
an aresult of the a iloldn.l sten bestowed j}� p �'� 1 36 i• LTD 1 f .. a j
1' F.1:1 1[}EJN0.1 '''' �, .it t ll lie ,lt
it Brows luxn'iantly; 1