HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-9-27, Page 44
New Advertisements.
Leal—Miss Johns.
Load—A.B. B. Smith,
Locals- Arthur Veal.
Local—Mrs. W..151. Sinclair. 1
Prize Coke—G,A. Deadman,
Voters' List Court ---I'. S, Scott,
Popper's Strawberry Compound.
Millinery Opening—I''. C. Rogers,
Slaughtering Dry Goods—Secant it Per-
e $rxssels Vat.
FRIDAY, SEPT. 27, 1889.
Tum Provincial Exhibition dies hard.
A grant in aid of it will be asked for at
the next session of the Ontario Legisla-
ture un the grouud that the northern part
of the province should have it for year,
and Oollingwood is mentioned ae the pro-
bable place to be selected for next year's
fair. Some of the city daily papers, in
fact almost all of them, appear to take
speoial delight in decrying the Provin•
cia1. They think, no doubt, if it were
done away with the Government grant
might be divided amongst the existing
Fgirs now field in the cities. The money
would be better expended if planed in the
trimer of the County or Biding S;,.
cieties. The Provincial has, however,
about run its race, and we doubt if any-
body would suffer if it were hawked on
the head.
good, The weather was MI that could
be desired, and there were over 5,000
people preeent, Everything paused off
quietly. There was a baeebail metals in
the forenoon between the junior clubs of
Exeter and Lucau, resulting in favor of
;Exeter by a score of 22 to 15.
Stratford people are still talking of
boring for natural gas,
Mrs. Belch, mother of A, J. Belch, of
Winnipeg, formerly of St, Marys, died
suddenly 0u Wednesday night at her son's
reeidonee. The deceased lady had at-
tained a very old age.
W. R. Davis, of the Mitchell A.dvooe.te,
won the gold heeded cane at the Dublin
R. O. Totemic. The competitors were
Fred. H. Sharpe, James Trow, Thos.
Ballantyne and Mr. Davis.
The case of John Wilkin vs. C. M.
Dunlop et el., an action fur allegedthous arrest, arrest, was tried at the Pr rth
Assizes last week. It appears that J. C.
Smith, private banker of Seaforl,h had
a couple of forged notes pess'4 on him,
He suspected Wilkin of d• Jing it and
had him brought bask fror..i scoot City,
Kansas, and tried. T'�te remit of the
trial was the acquit,,4t1 of Wilkin, who
now claims that t1' . was no justifica-
tion for the proer eaings against him and
axils for dama3 ee from Dunlop, the con.
stable, who 1'.rought him back, and Salida,
who brour',it the action, The plaintiff
was non..auited.
The mane el Fair of the Ray Agrioul.
tarot Association was held at Zurich on
Friday. Tho entries wero fully up to
last year's. The inside show was extra
good. Grain, roots, vegetables, and fruit
were vest' rood, eorsidering the dry sea-
son. The show of horses and cattle was
fair only. -Machinery was not well re-
presented. An interesting feature wan
the electric town clock invented by G.
Hese, of Zutioh, which was in fell epee.
ation on the groends. The receipts at
the gate were about one-fourth of last
year's. Considering the weather, as
there was a constant rain from morning
till night and very stormy, the officers
are well pleased with the result.
',Sporting News.
Won Lost \Von Lost
Detroit........ 72 38 Toronto,..... 64 64
Syracuse 63 44 Loudon 52 65
noohsstee... 50 40 Buffalo41 6a
Toledo.........5.5 51 Hamilton,34 79
Won Lost Non Loet
New York 78 41 Brooklyn 84 40
Boston 77 42 St. Louis 77 45
Philadelphia,. 01. 59 Athletics CO 50
Chicago 02 68 Baltimore 65 54
Cleveland ..... 58 62 Cincinnatti 60 50
Pittsburg........ 66 68 Columbus 54 78
Indianapolis... 55 71 Kansas City51 72
SVashington..., 89 76 Louisville 26 100
Hamilton is reported to bo trying to
sell Swartwood to Toledo.
Lee and Ross are now hobnobbing with
the Australians in England.
All the Hamilton players will be re-
served except Ward and Gibbs.
bfOre fines have been inflirted on Paste
t.e0 lipOn tiny other League player this
Charlie liaddoolt
:.ekes his benefit on
me will likely
Saturday, Oct. 5. The awM_ -te Leafs,
be between the Guelph Aims
Charlie's old, club, and the 'Varsity.
The feat of sculling across the English
Menne', from Dover to Calais, in a
small open punt was performed on Mon-
day by a gentleman named Mbleswortb,
of Winchester.
A match has been made between
Harry Darren, of Sheffield, and Wm.
Cummings, of Preston, to run one mile,
level, for e25 a side, on Saturday; Oct.
5, at the Queen's grounds, Sheffield.
It is proposed to substitute next season
a Hat rubber plate ss a base in place of
canvas bags now in use, on account of
the large number of serious accidents
that have happened to players. The
Mange will make base stealing more
difficult, as the runner, in sliding, will
not be able to grasp the bag and prevent
himself from eliding beyond it.
Alt Ottawa correspondent says :—"The
Postmaster -General's order for a return
of the newspapers carried through the
mails caused some newspaper correspond-
ents to state that it was the intentionto
repeal the law giving free carriage to
newspapers. This is not the case. The
return is asked for merely for the pur.
pose of statistics." It is just as well for
the reputation of the Postmaster -General
if the contradiction is true, as public
opinion is already 'strongly averee to the
"tinkering" he has been doing with the
law regarding registered and drop lettere.
It would almost appear that Mr. Hag.
gart had come to the unwise conclusion
of inerea sing the revenue in his Depart-
ment whether the legislation was pro.
gressive or otherwise. What the people
of this Dominion want is a 2 cent rate
of postage instead of increased weight in
letters and the Postmaster -General who
makes this stop in advance will deserve
the hearty the,uks of every Gloater in the
Tens eboiee of the East Riding Reform
Convention, last Tuesday, in selecting
Thos. Gibson, M. P.P., as the standard
bearer at the forth coming election to the
Local Legislature will, we believe, give
general satisfaotion to the electors of this
Riding and we would not be surprised
if he were elected by acclamation. The
Toronto Globe of Wednesday contaieed
the following complimentary mention of
"Mr. Gibson is an old end much re.
specter' resident of Huron, He is, in
fact, one of the pioneers who in less than
a generation changed this peninsula from
a wilderness into one of the best cotta.
toted, most fruitful and most progres-
sive portions of this great Province. fie
was nominated for the Legislature by
the Reformers in 1867, the general elec-
tionimmediately following Confedera-
tion, but in the contest which followed
he was defeated. When the term of the
first Parliament expired, and John Sand -
field Macdonald aught a favorable ver.
dict from the popular bury upon his Ad-
ministration, Mr. Gibson made a suc-
cessful run and entered the Legislature
as a warm supporter of Edward Blake,
the young and brilliant leader of the Op-
position of that time. Through the
fleece conflicts which followed until Mr.
Blake retired from Proviooial politics,
leaving the Government in the hands of
the present Premier, Hon. Oliver Mowat,
Mr. Gibson was a loyal and unflinching
supporter of the cause of Reform. Un-
der Mr. Mowat's leadership be has been
a legislator of whom any constituency
might well be proud. He has shown
•himself; a thorough -going Liberal, not
only'by.steadily and helpfully supporting.
his leaders when their views concurred
with his own, but also by his outspoken
and effective criticism of them when be
believed them wrong. No man has more
faithfully than he attended to the duties
devolvieg upon him • in the Legislature,
and no man enjoys more thoroughly the
respect and esteem of opponents and
friende alike than be. In hie own Rid-
inghe hi recognised as natural leader.
Ire not only has the cordial and united
support of his political friends, but he
disarms enmity and almost opposition
even on •the part of those who do not con-
our in his views."
THE BH'USSE. ,S r4os'1
s>sitzAttum eurmua?zra s;•.myvrzomnnauaatzllre===v a .a: r044:,:f.
appreciated, Musical 9electio115 wero
rendered by 1), McDonald, W. Graver
and Alex. Wilson, on the h srmenien,
trombone and organ. Jus, le
in Highland costume, da sued several
Beate dances, acoompani' id by bag pipe
enusi0 by Thos. Balloon• tie. Tho Brus-
eels Band was also i' a' atiencle 100 and
contributed theirqnr of music. Adam
Good performed tl' a duties c£ chairman
Huron County.
The foundation of the Goderich Organ
Co's, building is nearly oomplete.
Isaac Fisher, of Colborne, took silver
medal at the Provincial 107 best farm.
Whitely, of Seaforth, bas returned
home with Florence G. the trotter, having
completed a'successful trotting circuit in
the States.
On Saturday Wm. Campbell received
notice of his iappointment as Post-
Master at Goderich. Mr. Campbell will
be installed into office on the let proxi.
On Tneaday of last week ,7osepb Hidd'e
it It block at the station, Goderich, was
e tirely ooneumed, and the derrick eon-
s derably injured by a fire that apparent.
I. started in or near the roof over the
s It pan.
The South Huron Fall Show, held et
Exeter on Tuesday of title wok, was a
success. The live stoop was first-class
a5 to quality and quantity. The grain
• was good, but not largo quantity shown.
The vegetables were very good. The
/tuft wag rather poorly represented. The
fine arts, faney and ladies' work were
the best for geverai years,; Farm invite.
roads, carriagoe and buggies were well
eepreeented 1 dairy precinct) was very
inost ttooeptab1y' 'A refreshment stand
in the rink reer,ived considerable prtron-
age during ti^ evening,
ago t, Richardson has rammed bualnees
Jur teachers have been engaged for
Brussels vs. Wiughnru.
The second game of Iacrosse played
this season took place on Victoria Park,
Brussels, Tuesday afternoon of last week
between Brussels and Wingham clubs.
The ball was faced at 4:20, Brussels got
the best of the face-off but soon the ball
was in the vicinity of their own goal
only to be returned by 'Jessie' James and
after 6 minutes of sharp play Allan Mc-
Naughton, by a piece of good dodging,
seared the first gosl for Brussels. Ends
were now changed and the ball faced
without any intermission. This time
wingham seemed determined to retrieve
their lost honors and at once secured the
ball and pot Brussels on the defence, and
the ball was kept pretty woll down on
their goal for some minutes, but goal-
keeper Tom Ross and "Jessie" were al-
ways in the right plane at the right time,
and many a goal was saved by the ex•
aellent play of these two. The ball trav-
elled from one end of the field to the
other, neither side having much of an
advantage until after 85 minutes play.
The 2nd game was secured for Brussels,
this time Whitelaw scoring. During
this game some splendid dodging and
passing wee displayed. Those most
conspicuous were Carr, Anderson end
Boyes for Wingham, and Jaynes, Ale -
Naughton, Bowbier and Whitiaw for
Broads. After some little delay the
ball was fated for , ilio third time, but
this game was of short duration, Bras-
Bele having the best of it all through,
when, after a beautiful throw by Ross,
Whitelaw secured the ball and soon
scored goal number three. Tim° 6;f
minutes. There still remained 16 min-
utes to play, but, owing to the threaten-
ing state of the weather, the game was
called in favor of Brussels. The game
wart a friendly one, very little roughness
being engaged in on either side. Pield
captain "Bulger" Smith is a whole team
himself and would do credit to the J.or-
ontoe. Nearly all of the Wingham team
remained to the concert as the guests of
our club and enjoyed themeolv°s thoro-
According to announeeteent the eon-
oert was held in the Maitland skating
rink on Tuesday evening. The spacious
building had been very neatly decorated
With evergreens and arches. The mottoes
"Peace and Plenty:" "We greet you" and
"Welcome" occupied conspicuous pose.
tions. The following persons assisted in
the yoga! part of the program:-lifise
O'Connor, itfre. P. C. Rogers Miss Liz-
zie.'1Vilson, Mies Taylor, Mies Hargreaveer,
Mies Hato Wilson, W. lel Sinclair, W.
II: Willie, W. II. lefoss, Gee. lingerer jr.,
01. Brueselo. W. Iiamilton, of liratortll,
also contributed Bohn whish wall highly
Jest year,
C. Stubbs was visiting friends in and
around Brantford last week.
The cheese of this factory was shipped
on Wednesday of this week..
1. Imlay is taking in the Exhibition at
Hamilton and visiting his sister.
A. number of our citizens attended the
political meeting in Brussels on Monday
David Tindall is at present oonfined to
his room by inflammation. We hope to
soon bear of his recovery. •
J, Hemsworth is attending the Central
Exhibition ab Guelph and visiting friends
in the vicinity of Heepeler,
James Elliott arrived home from Mani.
toba last Saturday. He and his father
took up land in the Prairie Province.
Miss Delyea, of Trowbridge, was in
the village this week trying to forth a
class in dress cutting and fitting by an
improved model.
A large number availed themselves of
the cheap rates to Toronto last week.
They were so cheap that most of them
saw fit to take a friend along.
R. Barr attended the cheese fair at
Listowel and suroeeded in disposing of
the balance of July and August make of
cheese for ci cents per pound.
One of our enterprising farmers, D.
Milne, carried off forty -sic dollars in
prises at the Listowel Show. A number
of them were first prizes, and represent.
ed about twenty in all. This is a pretty
good record for one man.
Reeve Milne erected the frame for his
new mill one day this week and intends
having it running about the 15th of
October. The building Is 26o80 feet and
is nearer the road than the former one.
A new outfit of maobiuery will be put in
so as to rush work faster than ever. Mr.
Milne has about 600,000 feet of logs to
out, a good share of it being in the river
It is rattier strange that so many =III -
takes, or oversights, should occur insale-
nection with our school at the late en -r
trance examination. At first there were .
only two reported as having passed merit
then shortly afterwards we received the
news that a third bad been successful,
while now we are Met in reoeipt of the
news of the fourth's emcees, in the par.;,
son of Pred Milne. We congratulate:
Fred on his success, he having passed'
with 450 marks to his credit. We think'
the proper authorities should bo more
careful in fature las leasing the results of
the examinations.
The Undersigned desire to intimate to the Public that they have
formed a co -partnership, under the Firm name of
Ti0 rnb .1i St Ballantyne,
and aro now conducting the Stove and Tinware Business formerly
Our aim will be to please those favoring ns with
and ascertain our Prices.
SHIT. 27, 1864),
-t • For • 4:50 • Cont*,..
All Work from the Smallest to late slew
Hone 111 a firnt•elrtss manner.
el Residences, Eta, at ilensentehle
• Rates.
W. J. Fairfield..
1410NE' ':I'0 LOAN.
their Any Amount of Money to Loan
on Farm or Village Pro-
perty at
6 & 6z Per Cent., Pearly.
1ST A .Y G1 I' FLOR h tr`t k! 6m , S■
The undersigned having completed the change from the stone to
the celebrated Hungarian System of Grinclin g, has now the Mill in
First -Class Running Order
and will be glad to see all his old customers and as many new
ones as possible.
Flour and Peed Always on Eand.
riaigl :est Price paid for any quantity of Good Grain.
MI1111111 OPENINC.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 3rd, 4th and 6th.
1 who 15 now so we118: nd favorably known for hex oxciuieite
MISSGREEN, good leets, hoe jureturned from Montreal and Toronto
with all the new styles and will be prepared on the above dates to show a stook of lovely Millinery
such as was never seen before in Brussels. We most cordially invite every lady, whether wishing to
buy or not, to give n5 a call. It will really be the show of the week. We are also showing some
beautiful styles in
DRESS GOODS In Every Shade of Color,
Our stook being very letge we fol confident we can suit the most fastidious taste and the priced as
low down as 1.0 clouts Per Yard. In '
of all kinds we
claim to
m o ll
hod the largest
Stook requirements.
a Oognty. Any Lady'wishing anything in this
line will be sure
MISS MOORS is again to the front, her fit and excellent work is so well
known that it ie needlose making any further oommont. Tho
Materials in Cloakings this Season are really beautiful. We would strongly advise a look at our
Stook before purchasing elsewhere. We guarantee the very best of satisfaction in the quality of the
goods andin the fit as well.
In all the abet Departmsnte our. Stook is better assorted 'than for many years back, Wo have just
received a very large Stook of
Men's, Women.'s and Children's
.and we warrant every pair to be perfect, if not, they can be returned. Our geode being nearly all
.ID-31A;JI?J31 they can be relied upon to give satisfaction.
S ago andtheir kied on,
1� E ago hope this Fall
to see Choir aumbora greatly increased, as we feel confident there is no More in Brussels, or the
County, where they can teen larger Stools to choose froth, or at lower prime, and positively no Store
.-----where greater civility or attention is shown ----- nli.2n
BRUSSELS, Sept. 21, 1880.
Straight Loans with privilege of
repaying when required.
Apply to
A. Hunter.
Division Court Clerk, (Brussels.
Fresh and livered to
Snitlt eats of , any part of
the best quail , ` the Village
lty always (081,f.:: 1 ,'ee of
hand and de Charge.
Vat Cattle Wanted i
For which the highest market pride
will be paid. I also make a spooialty of
buying Hides and Skins. Don't forget
the place, next door to Fletcher's Jewel-
ry Store.
Private Funds to Loan.
Have been placed in my hands
for Investment on real estate.
No Commission.
Borrowers can have loans com-
pleted in Three Days if title
w. M. SIN O%T,AIB,
Soliciisu•I'1. f'gssete.
Baby Carriaras !
Baby Carriages /
Handsome Display
of Baby Carriages in all the
and sold at
Call in and See our Stock
before you order elsewhere.
Burogy Rugs, Dusters,
Fly Nets, Whips, etc.,
always on hand.
Splendid Assortment of Trunks,
Valises and Satchels in Stock.
H. Dennis.
.iitLL4i LIFE.
ROOMLIVIEEIt00L. I OTEA01011. innom nmon10.
May 28 •Olronssion Juno is
May 80 Perlman lune 20
Juno 0 Polynesian ..........,.Juno 27
aline +Oarthagenian .
June 20 Sardinian July 11
June27 *Circassian July18
July 4 Parisian July 20-
July 11 Polynesian Aug. 1
July 15 ICarthageniane.
July 25 Sardinian Aug•16
Aug, l *Cireaastan Aug 22
Aug.B Parisian Aug na
Aug. 15 Polynesian ...........Sept. 0
Aug,22' tcartbagallon
Ana. 29 ,,Sardinian Sopt.10
Sept. 5 *Circassian Sept. 25
Sept.12 Parisian Oct. a
Sept. 10 l'olynosian Oct. 10
Cabin CO, 70, and .80 dollars acearding to
accommodation. Servants in Cabin 60.451-
Lara, Intormoditto, 80 dollar''. Steeragge,
20 collars. Return tiekots. cabin, 110, 180,
and 150 dollars. Intormodlato, 60 dollars.
Steerage, 40 dollars.
*By c.irsasslan or other extra steamers,
cabin, 66, 00, and 70 dollars, a00ordina to a0-
comneodation, Intermodlate, 80 donees.
Steerage 20 donate. Rectum tickets, 00, 110,,
180dollars. Intermediate 00 dollars, Steer -
ala •15 dollars.
[The CARTHA*IIINIAN . will not earry
passenger' trout tbls side. There wlli be no
shimmer carrying 1)0550ager0 from Queboo
lday 80th, July 4th, Aug ani me Hot. 126r
Passengers proceeding by the Slag storm
era, and wishing to enll,ae•ta 1,. 1. 1I out(3113, wilt
leave Termite by 'tumidity .m.1.1.1141 '0 110•
plsos,t41'5IVe Itt Monti. OW ah0111 H non., 2011.
tt0 an board any unto before lnldnighl.
ALSO AC -.114'L' FOR T1111
Waal CAI AHD I8�%1588Y LINRCt
5400,13 3
101011 348100 YOIGS.
W. 111, lsrs)BlIla,14t, A ill„