HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-9-6, Page 7OF ME COD LIVER OIL
Almost as Palatable as Milk.
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ew •
SEPT. C, 1889,
ginalsgwohomogawasuosupottnagmkgmes,wasekasso neasentanazogionwone
A God Story Told by a London Dootor.
I am a family doter, with a au1Uoiently
arduous If nob over -lucrative praotioe, ohie4y
among the lower middle ulnae whose homes
abound in a snuth.o0etorn suburb of modern
Babylon. Some years ago, when I wee more
of a struggler than I happily now am, I had
by good fortune obtained a foothold ad moth.
cal adviser in the household of a wealthy
City stook broker, who dwelt in a spaoioae
and luxerlaeb menden some three miles far.
ther out on the Surrey bills than bho then
extreme limitof 3177 regular round of visite ;
and the foe .I reoeived for 000asionel Delle
to Mount Anreo when Mr. Midas Coutaugn
had a truth of hie chronic tormentor the
gout, or hie somewhat sentimental apouso—
qufte a grand dame, however, in her own
e0:eem—Wee suffering tho penalties of eye.
tematio outrage on the digestive fit.up of her
portly person, were so liberal in their extenb
as to form in the aggregate no inconsiderable
proportion of my modeib income.
Atter my oonnootion at Mount Auroo had
oontinned, to the deeming satisfaction of all
conoerned, for some two years, I began to
twelve more 101gaenb eommona08 thither.
ward. The only neughter of the Oontangoo,
Mies Muriel, e. fine, tall, greoefully moulded
damsel of eeventeon, who might have etood
as a eculpbor's model, ou perfecto was her
physique, had returned home for the Christ-
mas vacation from her fashionable Brighton
boarding school troubled with a slight Dough.
In all reepooto save thio trifling laryngeal
affection, she enjoyed the excellent health
of whioh both her parents had had poeseasion
in their earlier days, before the indulgences
whioh follow in wealth'e wakohad mado them
profitable acquaintances of my own. It was
clear enough, too, to me that Min Muriel
Contaogo'e throat trouble was purely looal,
nevertholeoe, it was oaueing serious &ferm'bo
the master and mietraes of Mount Anreo
who idolised their charming child. The
dream of the Contango exlstenoo waebo mate
Mise Muriel to eome salon of the arietooraoy,
their reputation for riohos having obtained
them the entree to sooiety to whioh by birth
and breeding they were not entitled.
Mr. and Mrs. Midas Contango had both
begun to dread that Mies Muriel's indlapoei•
tion would oulminate In bronokitie or a
decline. The olighteob dough, the laaeb
ronohus, raised the grim and terrible spectre
of phbhials, and the beautiful young lady
was held to be in imminent danger of an early
grave. I had examined her chest with the
most anxious and mioute °are, but could
discover nothing to justify any fear or even
doubt of the correetnees of my diagnosis ;
yet, despite bateamice and sedatives, ex.
posuro, however little, in broaoheroua
weather would cause hoarseness and a
transitory cough, Indeed, these disagree.
able symptoms often manifested themselves
without any apparent osune, exoept, as I
judged, the inordinate precautions taken to
avert them, The rooms at Mount
Auroo were always too hot ; Miss
Muriel was overolothed, could not stir out
for a constitutional in the garden without a
respirator, or take a drive unless hidden in
an envelopment of ooetly furs. When I
ventured to hint at thio, the invariable reply
of the Contango,' was : "Ah I doctor, if we
did not bake thin Dare of Muriel, how long
would sho be wibh us 1—the dear child is so
delicate." And nothing I could say would
alter their opinion.
One day late in the April enooeeding,
when Mies Muriel had boon coddled up at
home for four months instead of poing sent
beak to Brighton to continue her studies,
Mrs Oentango was more than usually con-
cerned about her daughter's condition.
The stockbroker and his good lady had
overnight held an anxious dimouseion. I had
mado my now usual though quite antiwar
eery daily visit to Mount Anreo, and tire
Midas Contango was, in her patronising and
yet solialtous manner, bowing me out. I
had almoab roachod the door, hat in hand,
when Mrs Oontango said with some effort:
"Dootor, you know we have the utmost
coufidenoe in you ; we awry oub yonr in-
structions to the letter; but our dear
Wild "--
" Yee madam ; only you will persist In
treating her, if f may bo pardoned the
simile, too muoh after elle manner of a
tropical orchid, inetead of regarding her as
a beautiful planb of Eoglish growth."
" Well, perhaps you may ba right, dootor ;
but we are so very anxious, Mr. Ooutago
and myself—you see Muriel is our only
ohild, our Bole hope. Now would you mind
our %eking the opinion of a famous apeoielleb
a3 to the ogee t"
"Nothing would 130 more proper. Pray,
whom would you like, and when may we
arrange, contingent on hie being able to
come, bo have him here"
Mrs Midas Conuango mentioned the name
of a very fashionable and exponaiva London
phyaioian with a consultative practice con-
fined almost entirely to the houses of those
who had been presented at court. He was
certainly nob the• man I should havo ohaoen,
for the faoulby rather Broiled at his preten-
eiond to pro.ominent skill ; and his reputa-
tion was far more that of the drawing -room
than professional. However, I, a humble
if oonsoiontfoue practitioner, could nob
afford, had 1 so desire, to deolice to meet
him; and I ooumented to faoilitate amp.
mento for an interview at the great man's
The fashionable physician drew up in his
imposing (quipago at the door of Mount
Aureo half an hour behind time appointed
was introduced to hie patient, making the
while profuse apologies for having been
unavoidably detained by a oritioal one—
that of the Duke of Doerwood—to whose
house in Mayfair he had been summoned by
the Duchess's request to give hie opinion ad
to the treatment adopted by the attendant
medical gentleman,
" What 1' paid the 'moiety exquisite, for
ouch the colebriby certainly woo—"what P
exclaimed ho in grandiloquent tones, ebrik-
ing a theabriaal attitude, " is it that fine
ore no copse
]t about That
superb girl, in soot perfeob aondlbion 1 Come
confess, madam, that you are only making
fun of au.
" Woll," repllod Mro Contango, im-
proceed, ae oho was meant to be, by the
importance of the pompous personage
who was addressing her, " I admit ap•
pearanaea are in my daughter's favour and
1 hope thee you may bo able to assure us
that bor condition is not oerfoue; but she is
always losing her voice—always Dough.
ing—and if wo were not to take care "—
A flood of tears drowned the rest of the
"Bub," airily remarked the famous doctor,
"my dear madam, why diotreoo yourself!
,all may bo well. Lob um hoar frcm (hie
gontlenlon,your family attendant, elle swoop.
toms as he has interpreted them."
I gave the hietory of the cane in a few
"Wold, well; there name to bo nothing
00010001 but wo must examine the cohost with
the utmost oxaot0000 to dtoido that"
"radon me," lntertnpte mamma, "but
will yon allow me to rondo in the room?"
"Of ounce m0dam," responded bho
favourite of fortune, "You have a Would
right to atop here, Pray, alt down." And
then he direoted mo to oommenco the ex.
amination, I perousood with minute oars.
fulness every part of the thorax, and, as
before, oould really tied nothing abnormal,
"There ; you perceive IMO I have tooted
with exe0tue05, and the resonance is every.
whore perfect." I mado the remark us a
more matter of form, for I had nob failed to
note that the very superior Weat End
practitioner had not ooadosoended to pay
the olighteet ubtention to my proceeding's,
but wao talking in low tomo to biro Midas
Coabaugo all the time.
"Ab, well, now it is my barn," said ho,
and with the moot delioately impressive ogre,
planed Mise Muriel again in position; nob,
ae I had done. with the arms or000ed on the
oheet, butntiflly extended. In place of tell.
ing her,to count 11 thirteen to sixteen," he,
gavo her a book and directed her to read a
dozen lines, and bhon to Ding the gamut, OM
octave and a half. The mother was watch.
!ng all thla in admiration end devouring
every detail.
Ah I humph 1" said the oracle ; " it
name there is something—bub extremely
diffioult to differenbiata,—Lob ns hear
what peroueeion yields." And his style was
briny enchanting. Every tap with his
finger,' was given with a flourish and a
graceful ewoepp worthy of the most expert
profeeeor of sleight•of.hand that ever enter-
tained a wanton's guests. There was a
covert smile, turning to me, he said :
"There it is, Lisbon, my dear
young friend," as he beat hie digital drum,
now on this side, then on that. " Tiok-
tack, tiok•tack.—Hark 1 do you hear It 7
There is a very appreciable difference," I
do nob say an enormous difference—nee—but
bhere it is 1'
" For my own part, air,' I returned, " I
cannot, with all deferenoe, detect the alight.
est difference."
"0h 1 very likely ; bub there, neverth°.
less, it le,—Now oome, however ; though—
having ancertained the truth about the case
—my time leehorb, let me convince you, 1
will turn my beak to the patient, and you
shall again psreuee. I will tell whioh aide
you are tapping upon by the variation in the
sound." tie turned round, and I peraaesed
as equally as possible the two sides of the
thorax. .a Yon are on the left side," He
was quite right 1 In a moment, however,
my ourprioe was changed to Admira-
tion of the fashionable phyoiolan'e amort
andaolty. Hie professional—nay,Iyet hope
I may more truthfully write it unprofesaion.
al—trtok woo obvious enough, but performed
with such perfect aplomb that I was duped
oven whilst taking part in it. He had tarn.
ed hie book to the patient, to him. Midas
Contango and myself, but he was looking
into a large mirror above the oonaole whioh
faced him I
What could I do 1 was mute. The tabloo
had indeed been so completely turned upon
mo that I had nothing to say.
11 Madam, I must not alarm you," observ-
ed the triumphant specialist to Mra. Oon•
tango, who wee in blfestul ignorance of the
deoepbloa; "these delicate gradations in
tone can only bo ab once deteoted after im-
mense praotioe, only by those who examine a
stream of patienbe; but there is eomethiog
on the left side of your daughter's ohest—no-
thing serious—eo little,indeed,thab my young
friend here has been unable to find it ; bub
there it is.—And now, the examination being
complete, permit no to oonsnit as to the treat-
ment, and then I must go, or I shall inonr
the b displeasure of a noble but somewhat im-
patient patient of mine."
When we were alone, I again expreaeed my
incredulity, delicately hinting at my observa-
tion of his rhea,
"Tut, tub 1 my dear young friend," said
he, testily, "yon have not yet grasped the
oituation.—Now, here you have a girl who
oongho and has been hoarse for a long time
—then how the donne oan yon get over the
faot by tolling the parents that there is 120
cause for it 1 Very likely there ie nothing
the matter with her ; bub why does the
oongh 7"
" That was amiably what her mother said
to me."
"There you are; and mamma was quite
right; there mob be soma own for 10. We
may not be able to lay our finger upon i6, for
we man examine and understond our
patients thoroughly very often before wo oan
make out their ailments, and then one finde
the mischief, because you ewe, wa are ex-
peoted to discover it."
"But suppose there reelly is nothing."
t1 Nonsense 1 There always Is. Bat even
if there were nob, we are equally bound to
find it ; for if you tell these anxious people,
"I oan discover nothing wrong," they will
naturally put it down to your ignorance,
and send for somebody else who has know-
ledge enough of human nature or sufficient
eavoir faire' not to be embarrasoed with so
email a diffionlby.—Now, do you nee my
moaning Y•'
Theoretioally there le nothing, praoti-
Baily there ie."
"You may put it eo, if so ib please you,
But I assured you that theio le—and there
is—your vigilance and punctilious exacti-
tude notwi:hetanding, a little convenient
differenoo in resonance. The mamma heard
tho remark, ao I intended her to do ; she
has not the remotest Idea what it means—
why should she have 7—but she le perfeobly
happy now that the wan of her darling's
Dough has been discovered, became she
thinks, bho cause being known, the euro will
follow. Tho more nnmtelligiblo the explan-
ation, the more oonvinood is the of In oor.
reobness. Ono may remedy, you know, a
difference in r000n0no0; bub how oan you
pretend to cure a person whom you per.
eiotently doolare to have nothing bho matter
with her 7"
I began to understand.
"Now," oontiuuod this oonaummabe reader
of Society's intelligence, "I admit this fa
not Solana"—
"Nor what the schools and our aoademi.
cal training teaoh us," hazarded I.
"pain so, my dear fellow • but aooept for
onoo the tuition of a man who hoe nob alto.
gather failed in hie profeoalon. What I have
taken the trouble to demonstrate
toY on
gentle Is a good working rule—smelling a
little, perhaps, so to speak, of the shop or of
legal tape—but oar pabroan aro oabiefiod, our
palleats made happy, our roputatioue advano.
ed, 0012 we wisely permit so trivial a matter
as departure from slavish adherence to what
is mioaaled prinoipio to stand between us
and moose Y"
"Well" admittedl,a little sadly, "perhaps
you are right."
"0f course, Z am, my dear young friend.
Z am a cynic, but I eu0000d. I have boon,
for instance, bwoeeohed to meet you here to-
day,—And now for treatment."
A little delicate counter -irritation watt
ooggeeted and agreed on; then the foie -
tenable pbyoioi0n etopped into hie elegant
burn -out before the door of Mount Anreo,
amid the profnm° thanks of We, Midas Oon
tango, a hundred guinaao richer for hid
half-hour's vioit. As ho oboolr Monde with
me, on throwing himeolf book among the
ouohiono of hie brougham, the famous expert
smilingly whispered : "Lou are too modest,
my ingennone young friend t you have al.
ready the science of medicine et your finger.
ends ; why nob acquire the art also !—
Adieu 1"
Oao rarely takes part in a oonsultablon
without learning something ; bub 1 never
obtained eueh valuable prootteel knowledge
from any mooting with a brother profosoloual
oe I did in that laglorloue Doone In the draw -
ing.room of Mount Anreo, In whioh I was
eo eerily lot down, for a time at least, In the
estimation of Mu, Midas and Min Muriel
Miss Muriel oabstquontly reooverod her
temporarily defootivo 00eenan00 aufliolently
to gladden bho hearts of her parents by nlak-
leg a marriego—at their ooeb—into a noble
house, I still have the pleasure of ranking
her among my patients, bub for no organic
or other Horiour' ailment ; and I have 10 on
excellent authority that her husband, Vle.
count Barrenlando, would be extremely glad
at times, whoa be has been inordinately ex•
travagaut with his unearned increment, if
Lady Muriel'e vigour of voioe and physique
wore both a little lees robust.
A Protest Against the Debasement or Rel.
once and Invention.
At bhie writing the jadloal inquiry in the
State of New York to determine whether
or not an aleatrio current is a good eubeti.
tute for the hangman's hempen rope is still
In progress, and le watched with deep inter-
eeb by the general publio. How it may
eventuate we will not nnderbake to prediot,
but in behalf of the social and materiel
progress of mankind dependent 011 ooienoo
and invention, we are bound to utter a
protest against the prop000d debasement of
the grandeab agency of human advonoemenb.
Whether killing by an electric shook
would be lone or more orae] then killing by
the scaffold and rope we do nob oortainly
know nor do we greatly care, bub we do
know that it would be a degradation of
oleos to aubatitute the electrician for the
hangman. Ib is the provinoe of science to
help the race in all its aspirations, in all ibe
movements toward higher planes of life. In
order that) eofonbifio discoveries and appli.
awes may be in the largest degree beneficial
to humanity, we muse avoid associating
them in the pablia mind with things thao
aro repulsive, with events that excite horror
or dread, with olronmetances that are
regarded as disgraceful.
Ever since Franklin idontlfied the thunder
bottle of heaven with the electric sparks
produoed by Motion, all the uses to whioh
electric 5eiea0e has been applied have been
exalted. It had been make a grandly benefi-
conthelper to mankind. Ib has brought all
nations Into alone relations. Ib has boon an d
is a leading factor in the advancement of
civilization. Ib has reduced days to eeoonde,
leagues to inches, in the transmission of
intelligence. As a protector of society
against prime, if hae won coma of its brigh.e
Dot laurels. No criminal oan travel so fast
or so far that hie arrest oannot get ahead of
him. It lights up the alleys where prime
was wont to work In derkneos. It range
belle when prime attempts to lnvade a bank,
a store, or a dwelling, It to no debasement
of oeience to nae this agenoy for prevention
anddetootion of crime, but when the oriminal
has boon bronghb to jnabioe, when the jury
has oonvioted the murderer, and the oonrb
has planed him in the hands of the Sheriff
to be killed, we submit that it would be
such a debasement to tell the hangman to
step down and out with his ropy and direct'
the eleobriaian to the front with hie battery.
Ibw ill beurged that bhe exeontioa of a
murderer is as neoe0SAry for the protection
of sooteby as his arrest, trial, and conviction,
We shall go into no discussion on that point.
Taking facts as we fiad them in Europa aa
well ae in thio oonntry, the executioner is a
synonym for all that is horrible. So repulsive
la the taking of Ilfe,to loathed is the man who
takes it under the obligations of effllofal duty
that the hangman in this oonntry le always
oonoealed, so that ib may nob be known by
whoee hand a felon dies. et is proposed now
to Load all this odium, all this horror, ail
this popular execration on eleotrio science—
to make the electrician the hangman.
Against this we protest, and we do so with a
firm conviction that our protest hi in the
interest of civilization, of the advanaemenb
of society in all that contributes to our
material, moral, intellectual, and social
well being.—[fnveativoAgo.
An Alleged In volition that is Calculated
to Revolutionize Everything.
What appears to bo an important inven-
tion has recently been made publio in
Phillips, Wis., nye Light, Heat, and Power.
It le no lose than the practical and oheap
use of water as fuel. The appliance oon-
sie6e of nothing but a piece of geaplpe from
2 inohee to 6 inches in diameter, ae may be
desired, and of convenient length to fib a
oeok-stove or a parlor or other heater, with
',herb legs or stable support to keep ib in
position. This ie placed In the stove with
one end alightly projecting, to whioh ie at-
tached a vessel of water with atop cock eon -
dull] from the water vessel into the pipe.
Before reaching the eteam chamber the
water pewee through the important part of
bho invention, the part that constitutes or
aontnina the great discovery. By means of
ib the water may pass into the steam
chamber, while the steam oan not pees ono,
The part of tho pipe containing the abeam
chamber is within the stove, although a
mall part may be without if desired. To
this tho heat of it. moderate wood or coal
fire is applied, so as to heat the steam to a
high temperature, say 800 or nearly 400 de-
grees, when 10 passes out of a small orifiao
tinmealiately into the midst of a bed of wale
or flame from burning wood or goal, when ib
is atone raided to the required tempora
tura, 400 degrees or more, to ho immediate.
ly decomposed Into its gases—oxygen and
hydrogen—whioh Inotantly become flame.
Only a moderate summer fire of wood or
coal will ba regalred the °oldoet day in winter
the gaoeoue flame furnishing the balance of
the heat needed in the widest room. Tho
capeolby for reducingn heat In burning
times greater
than carbon, or about 2,000
degr000,ono may form some idea of the capa-
city of thin 1it61e oontrivanoo; for producing
heat. By inoreaeing the temperature of the
gee pipe to about 400 degr000 thevapor may
be decompooted into its gases before exit
from tho pipe, and in such oases ibis emitted
in a job of blue flame In Dither ogee the
oxy-hydrogon flame is wally produced and
with a very small consumption of fuel,
Expected Too Muoh,
Morohanb—" You think your non would
make us a satiofaotory errand boy, do you P"
Mrs, Moriarlty—"Whativor'0 do, sor,'e
do it very quick,"
Merchant (burning to boy)—Et Jarneo, take
this note up to Captain Controfiold ab the
ball grounds and be book in twenty min-
Mrs, Moriarity--" Nivor mind, Jitnmy.
doom ahn home. 16'e not a bye they're
entrain', it's an angst"—[Life.
At Pettier farewell in Buenos Ayres, in
the "Barber,' the was °ailed out thftbytwo
timed, and the receipts wort 823,000.
No Adobe Wanted,
St, Peter—Halt 1
New Spirib—Can't I come in 1
S0, Peter—I,d rather you wouldn'b, You
are just out of college, and we don't want
any advice about running the universe.
—(N. Y. Weekly,
A Little Caption,
Jakoy+.."I vas goln' to tell you a shake,
fadder, Dar vee—"
Mr. Orpenheimer (exoitedly)—" Don't -
you tell no chokes here, Jakoy, Der vas two
guatomern in dor store, and if dey laugh de
new suite von': lasb 011 day geb to the
door," --[Omaha Republican,
area Editor.
A rugged farmer stalkod Into the sanctum
with a big whip under hie arm,
"Be you the editor 7" he asked. "I am,"
was the half epprehenolve reply.
"Here'e two dollars—send me your paper,
forelife," hs geld
"You goo," ho went on, "our daughter
was sink and like to die; she drooped and
grow and pale, had headaohes, no appetite,
back aohed, feet and hands like ice, couldn't
sleep, hacked wibh cough, and ,we thought
she had cooeumption, No medicine helped
her till we tried that Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Preeoription mentioned In your paper,
when she began to mend In no time and Is
now well and handsome as a fogs—pat me
down ea a life snbsariber,"
Now the editor is; looking for another
scare. The medicine nae cured eons atiilab-
ed as was the farmer's daughter, restoring
the female functions to healthy action, and
removing the obotruntione and euppreesiona
whioh caused her trouble. 1b ie guaranteed
d give eatiefaotion, or price (81.00) refund
A Georgia man laughed himself to death
the other day. As he Darned 825,000 worth
of life iasuranoe ib ie hie widow's ,
laugh now.
He ate green ate/umbers ;
Tnoy mado him quite sick;
Bab he took a few ".Pellets"
That cured him right quick.
An easier physio
lou never will find
Than Pierce',' email "Pellets,"
The Purgative kind.
Small bub precious, 25 Dente per vial.
Tell a man that he ie a fool and he will
laugh at you ; bub tall him that he is nob as
big a fool as he looks and he will geb as
mad as bloc sa,
A Flat Contradiction.
Some one has told you that your catarrh
ie incurable. Ib is not eo. Dr. Sage's Ca-
tarrh Remedy will ours it It is pleasant to
use and it always does its work thoroughly.
We have yob to hear of a case In whioh it
did not aoeomplieh a cure when faitefully
used. Catarrh is a disease which it is den.
geroes to neglect, A pertain remedy ie at
your command. Avail yourself of it before
the complaint assumes a more serious form,
All druggists.
Ib takes four years for a college to barn
out a good student. Bab it frequently turns
out a bad student in leas than three
Torrington, Director, opens its second year
on September 5bh next. Remarkable and
unequivooal swoon has attended its opera
biose thus far,and the basis of musical
adopted ae thcollege course, provides for
pupils doolded superior advantages and is
eminently practical. Thoroughly qualified
teachers only are empleyed. At the college
every opportunity is turned to advantage
for the benefit of the pupils. The building
contains what but few similar institutions
In the world possess, a large and oomplete
throe manual pipe -organ, which is need Don•
finally each day for lessons and practice,
while frequent recitals aro given on it by
students, professore, and prominent organ.
fate, soh as the great Frederick Archer, of
Baton. Among the other advantages are
free violin °lasses, weekly concerts by the
pupils, frequent piano and vooal recitals and
lectures on musical history, musicians, their
works, acoustics and cognate subj eats. Send
for a prospectus to F. H. TORRINGTON, 12 &
14 Pembroke Sb., Toronto.
A vulgar man in anything that happen(' to
him blames others ; a novfoe in philosophy
blames himself ; a philoohopher blames
neither the one nor the other.
The Turtle Mountain Region.
Thousands of aorea of choice free govern.
menb land, now open for settlers in the
Turtle Mountain Region of Dakota, Here
was rained the wheat that took first premium
all New Orleans Exposition. Rich soil,
timber in mountains, good whole, churches,
congenial society. For further information,
maps, rates, etc,. apply to F. I. Whitney,
G.P. & LA, St, P., M..b M. Ry., St. Paul,
Minn., or J. M. Hokin'', Can. Pegs. Agra'.,
The Book of Lubon.
A Man Without Wisdom Lives in a Fool's
Pared's°. A Treaties especially written
on Diseases of Man, containing Fon For
Men of All Agee I Should be read by Old,
Middle Aged and Young Mon, Proven by
the Salo of Half a Million to be the moat
popular, bemuse written in language plain,
forcible and inebruobive. Praotloalpreeent•
ation of Medloal Common Sense. Valuable
to Invalids who aro weak, nervous and ex-
haaeted, showing new moans by whioh they
may be cured. Approved by editors, oritioa,
and the people. Sanitary, Social, Soianoe
Subteato, Aloe gives a description of Sped.
fie No, 8, Tho Groat Health Renewer ;
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Dines. It largely explains the myeberies of
life, By its teaohinge, health may be main.
tains, The Book will beaoh you how to
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the civilized world would read, understand
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ianba. This Book 1 bo found truthful
will aur f
presentation of facts, calculated to do good,
The book of Lubon, the Talisman of Health I
Brings bloom to bho oheek, strength to the
body and oy to the heart. Ib is a message
•o the Wise and Otherwise. Lubon's Spoor -
&o No.8, bhe Spirit of Health. Those who
obey the laws of this book will be arawned
with a fadeless wreath. Vast numbers of
mon have felt the power and testified bo the
virtue of Lubon'e Speoitio No, 8, All Mon
Who ate broken Down from overwork or
other °ausoe nob mentioned In the above,
should send for and road Chia Valuable
Treaties, whioh will be onto to any addreeo,
coaled, on recoipb of ten onto he stamps.,
Address all all orders to M. V, Lubon, room
15, 50 IPronb Street E., Toronto, Canada.
A.P. 405.
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45 ]Ging Street East, Toronto,
Formerly, for over five years, PMnoipai of the Short-
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Remington Typewriter. Apply for circular. Mention
this paper in writing.
Delivered anywhere in Canada• Largest Stook.
Lox•eet Pdoes.
McCausland & Son,
A Great Life Giver -is St. Leon Water
TORONTO, June 10, 1550.
All you that feel the want of 0Omothieg to make
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Samos, Oaoadian Passenger Agent, 00 Bing street
Weet, Toronto,
For 24 years I have travelled thio continent over
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health, instill wholesale vigour and rai.e the splints,
make life worth living, ST. LEON MINERAL
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would part with any other favourite dainty rather
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DEPOTS.—Toronto, Ont. ; Montreal, Quo. ; Que-
bec, Que. ; St. Leon Springs, St. Laois Que
'JO Hei STO NI*5
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Ia,trriatere au 1 0031012011,
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Parties wishing to purobaee improved 3anit06e
Farms, from SU auras upwards, with Immedla
poes0aelon, cull or write to G. 1. IhAULBUR, 0,
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wontedlall over a-
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Rood ,gents; no r•ew on
ga a
towhee ,O every a o , Ind will ha tar r , l w,vrn-�te.G
5 Y i Y after t ylt a 1.
lto e, indol n,h"n,a.hempFoods m m, ndeln°au.
le, or an sale. Add Sar, 1'L•'Ll[Ly 6 CV. Patout00a and Nmn-
Trial machine sent free. Send for Illnetralod'
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rias been for many years Standard
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ItisliigIly Recommended by 38 State
Sup'ts of Schools and the laalin
College Presidents.
Nearly all the School Books D-
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Book Publishers,
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G.& C. MERRIAM & CO., Pub'oe,Springlleld,Masa.
Allan Line Royal Atai1 Stoamshipa
Sailing during winter from Portland every Tburedag
and:Halifax overySaturday 0o Liverpool, and in eau.
mertram Quobeo every Saturday to Llverpool,oamng;
at .donderry to land mails and passengers for
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fax and St. John's, N,F., to Liverpool 103101ghtly
during summer months, he steamers of the Glee.
gow nr sob during winter 0o and from Halifax,
Portland, Emden and Philadelphia and daring nam.
mar between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; 03000•
gow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow end Phlladel-
plda fortnightly.
For freight, passage or other Information apply to
A. Sohumacher a Co., Baltimore • S. Cunard a 004,
Halifax Shea 1t 00., St. John', '414„ Wm. Thonrp,•
eon a Co.,t. John, N. B.; Allen & Co., Oblegao�t
Love & Alden, New York; H. Bomber, Toronto 1
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phis; IT. A. Allen Portland Boston Montreal.
Provident Life and Live Stock Ass&Sl
A Mutual Benefit Association.
SOLID L8'VEBTOIIENT—By paying to the above.•
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tort tour oan secure Five Dollars per week while
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secure for thole dependants, hive Hundred Doltnrs ie
event of death.
LIVE STOCK OWNERS can provide against leer
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at easy rates, Those interested, Bend tor proepootueeo
000, Reliable Agents wanted in unrepresented die.
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Cor fcber tio
°A° NEE P11 a® LD7i - 3113 .
01 '`0 QASSETS
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1 Maumee' Dinneen.
Planers, Matchers and Moulders Combined.
d1 000311T'.B00F I512041.Il4t03800II.11 0001h R0A.0IUINIOS 1BEILfi,
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Watorous )70te Warks Company, Brantford anrl W/anrpmq.