The Brussels Post, 1889-9-6, Page 5filly ling :ors Oc '8, y OP 10' 011 ✓C SEPT. G, 1889, ntalpamIMMI ISta,WtrdSNZEWlt WATT'i."'W„=4 .'B`i'n"4ON.,1. egria'{.?'.�Q�1!rt' r^,vTn°•rr ^,n.vr.mdao,,.e_,^^ra+eun 9,92E+29=1 .,e° " 1,^:... EIVA v 1112mw2IIZE 'm-,..allf,, THE BRUSSELS POST 5 444 frit (Ott HIS Erf �. � ', •g' (6't." e �v"}$ j ( 1�eY> 4 AltntSzi, we aro slaughtering a lot of Fine Wool Tweeds bought at 70 cents 011 the dollar. We are also cleaning out Ends of Dress Goods, Millinery and um mer Goods of every DooctriptiOH at a Great Sacrifice to make room for Fall Goods, which are now arriving daily, We have in Stock a full Lino of Boots and hoes and will put the prices Bo low that Do Opposition call Meet our Low Prices, Do not fail to get our quot- ations before malting your Purchases in this Lille of our trade. Our Groceries and Crockery we are selling at a. much lower price than any other Merchant in that line of trade, We are doing the Imperial Quart and Half -gallon Jem Jars at Lower Prices than any other House in the Trade. , RVSSt' "1, TTRS , lAZIT t' oyir owzaircr on Hardware Men's Prices. GATIFIELD EOUS . IMNIMUL711:51Star 1.5.1`.lC tt�.CIUS. JeRIAA1 SEPTE111BR10 (1, 1880. rl twoocf Aaoixvanstnr.—'rhe anniversary ser- vices of the Atwood Presbyterian chnroh will be held on Sabbath, Sept, call, at 11 0.3n. and 7 p. ui. Tho auniversary her - mons will be preached by Rev. W. S. Ball, ex -moderator of the Synod of Ham- ilton and London. On the following Morclay evening an entertainment will take place, at which short addresses will be delivered by Ravels. D. Rogers, At. wood ; Matto Campbell and D. Daok, Listowel, mud J. W. Camerou, of the North Mornington church. The feature of the evening will be a lecture on the Northwest Rebeilion, by Bev. W. S. Ball, entitled "!ton of the War and how they fought." Music will be furnished by the choir of Knox ohuroh, Lietowol. e 3.i,:.to-ye tel. The young people of Christ's church have organized a literary society. I. H. Bowman has bought out the gen- eral store of Messrs. F. 0. Clarke ie Co. of this town. J. A. Tanner, bend master of the Lis- towel High school, visited the Pacific coast during the summer vacation. Meesre. Blakely and Anderson were appointed assignees, and J. W. Scott, J. W. MIeyers and W. C. Phillips. of Toren. to, were appointed Inapeotors to take charge of the Hess estate. About two hundred of our citizens took in the excursion to Hamilton, Grime. by Park and Niagara falls on civic holi- day. The Town Band accompanied the ezoursioniats to Hamilton. Harman Hall, telegraph operator and clerk at the G.T.R. station here, has been offered and has accepted the ap- pointment of station agont at Burk's Falls on the Hamilton & Northwestern division, Muskoka district. 18.11oth, proprietor of the Listowel brewery, has been made an offer by an English syndicate for the purchase of two-thirds interest in his brewery. 615,- 00D, we believe, was the figure named, with a good salary for continuing the management. Wing -ham. Thursday of this week is civic holi- day. Bell's now factory has been given a coat of paint, which greatly improves its appearance. Geo. Mooney has pee to Buffalo where he has se0nre0 a lucrative situation in a large job office in that city. George McKenzie has men at work erecting a building on the vacant lot op- posite Brennan's tannery, in which to press hay. The building will be 46 x 100 feet. Mies S. Smith, of Conroy,hus been en- gaged to teach the second department of the public sohool, Miss Rose L. King, who 1 was at first engaged, finding it impossible to fill her engagement. The editor of the Times was shown a sample of nate, grown on John Brennan's lot, which measured 6 feet 10 inches, were well headed and good plump grain. They were of the white potato oat variety. The officers of the 33rd Batt. have de. aided to have a grand military demon- stration at Clinton on Sept. 25th. Large prizes aro to be offered for the bast Com- pany. Capt. Williams of No. 2 Co„ Wingham, has decided to enter hie Com- pany for the competition and requests the members to report themselves early ae possible to him. 1st prize is to be $100, 2nd 650. W. J. Brown and son are in town with their families, having Dome hero the latterart of last week from Moosomin, N. W.T., where they have resided for the past five years, They do not give very glowing accounts of the prospects in the west. If suitable property can bo se- cured they intend to settle in Wingham and engage in market gardening, and eon - duct a hennery on a large scale. Gres*. A wedding on the 8th eon. is on the tapir, so folks say. Daniel Ferguson, of Toeswater, was visiting his parents last week. The Fer- guson Bros. do a large business in Tees - water. W. D. Hill left last Friday for Regina, N. W. T., where be will try hie fortune in the merdantile line. We wish him 500ee5s. Mies Jennie Bitohie, who passed her examination for a Third class certificate last July, is now attending the Model School at Elora. A good many farmers in the south of the township are already through harvest- ing and are busy putting in fall wheat for a crop next year, Misses Maggie and Lizzie McNair, who have been Visiting their relatives and friends on the 14tH and 1(1011 cons., the last week or two, have returned to To- ronto. They seemed to enjoy the ohauge from the !tot, stifling air of the' city to Otto a of sylvan rete obats of the rttrai dis- tricts. The hot weather of the last tow clays has quickened the ripening of the oats and other late crops attd the harvest will not bo so very late this year as was ex - rooted 3 blit many farmere find thom. selves Just a little pushed in their work tail intik in need of hired help on as- cotlt of to tnnoll grain ripening at 000e, Wm. Smith has been engaged es teaoh- or of S. S. No. 12, Watvanoeh township for 1800. C. Bowerman is re-engaged for next year in S. S. No. 8, Grey, at the same salary, but the summer vacation is to be shortened to 4 weeks, sohool to close on the Ord Friday in July instead of the first. Thie allangn is needed in country echoole. Pecui,x-uc Accnu:xtr.—Lnet Monday afternoon OS Geo. Crooks was unloading a load of oats in his new barn a truss rod assisting in holding up the driving floor broke and down went the floor. Underneath was a shed and the distance to the grotmd was abort 10 feet. For- tunately some racks for feeding cattle were in the shed and broke the fall. The horses hang suspended by the harness but were speedily extricated from their uncomfortable position not muoh the worse. It was very fortunate no one was hurt. The accident necessitated the removal of a large quantity of un - threshed grain so that tbo damage may be repaired. Cl•rtitbt•oole- I. J. Tuck left for the west last week. Joseph Oster teas appointed school trustee in the place of Peter McDonald removed. Damns' now hotel will have tnuolt the appearance of Beirnos' at Walton when completed. The trustees have re-engaged Jno. Mfe- Litosh as teacher for next year. There is a probability that an assistant teacher will be in the school next year as the at. tendance is toe large for ono person to do justice to all. Mr. McIntosh is well liked in the section. 1.3l3 -tit. The Fall Show will be held here on Oct. 8th and 0th. B. Douglas has a sunflower in his garden which stands 11 feet d} inohes high. E. Sheritt and his men commenced plastering the new Aietltodiet Church on Monday. Miss Forsyth has rented Gidley's old stand to open oat e. hosiery and fancy work shop. The salt block hero having been closed down for the past six weeks resumed work on Monday. Freeman & Watson shipped two car- loads of cattle from this station and two from Seaforth last week. There is a movement on foot to have the streets watered as the dust flying is almost unbearable at- the present time. The motion men were called out on Sabbath afternoon to prevent the fire in the Canada Company swamp from de- stroying the railroad fences. A staff of eight men in Mr. Moutrie's briok.yard turned out brick at the rate of 10,000 per clay and kept this rate up for Eleven and a half days. Can the Brus- sels brink men beat this ? Mr. Moutrie is now engaged in building a kiln which will contain over 400,000 bricks. The second and third games of Lawn Tennis, played between F. M. Tan- ner and Miss Edna Curtis, and B. Colo - ton and Miss Annie Kelly, Dame off o0 Monday and Friday of last week on the club grounds, resulting in favor of F. M. Tanner and Mies Edna Curtis in sets as follows : Monday Friday 4-6-64 6-3. Seaforth. $220 was taken by J. A. Wilson as prizes at Wimbledon. "Florence G" was taken to Ohio to trot in a series of races last week. She was entered by her owner in the wrong class and was ruled out. One of the Stratford lacrosse players injured himself while playing here on Tuesday and it was thought he would not r000ver from the affects of it. Rev, Joseph McCoy, M. A., who has been minister of the Egmondville C. P. church for nearly eleven years, left on Wednesday'of het week for the town of Chatham, N. B., where be receives $1,. 100 and a free manse. The final match in the Western district was played at Seaforth on Tuesday. The game was seriously interrupted by rain, preventing good play on either side. The umpire bravely assisted Stratford to more the first goal, which was about two foot high. Seaforth then scored one before time was up, Stratford scored another goal after time, thus giving them the match by 2 games to 1. A Business Men's Association is to be formed in town. Tho objects of the As- sociabion are :—(1) To encourage well directed enterprises and t0 promote the growth of the town in all its interosto and tllo oxtenslon of its trade. (2) To promote a more social fooling among business mon, and to foster the strictest comtneroial integrity among those en. gaged in the different linos of busiueee. (3) To tape concerted adieu in matters whore the general good of business mon is concerned, and where individual effort ie powerless, such as needed eoncest.imts in freight, axprese and insurance rates ; shorter houre of business, immunity frau adulterated goods and short weights and meaeuros. (4) To prepare a list of do. Unguents in the ifotghborhood for pro. toction only, so that they may no longer abase tho ooufldonoo of business mon and evade tbo payment of just tiobte. (5) '.Co oanpc] the pedlar to mistimes a. portion of the burdens borne by the nteroltants, o' XX. NIrxim „ ;;,i"',,1,';,, Which we Purchased, we will Save Your Obedient Servants, Butter, Eggs, etc., taken as Cash. Morrie:. Mr. Cook, of Durham, was visiting at Jno, Mooney's this week. Mfrs. John Jackson and daughter aro visiting at Thos. Skelton's, Drayton, Mrs. henry Robb is going to Boise°. vain, Manitoba, to visit her daugh- ter. Mrs. Pollock end daughter, from Green. ook, are at present visiting her father, Jared Kings. The various Literary mud Debating So• Mattes will soon be drawing into battle array for the winter oompaign, Mrs. Jonathan 1)ulmage is going on the excursion to Manitoba to visit her daughter and other friends and rela- tives. Quite a number of the farmers on the 1st and 2nd concessions are through har- vesting and some have their Fall wheat sown. Tun Pose will be sent to any address for the balance of 1880 for 85 cants, in advance. Don't borrow any more but subscribe at once. Councillor Whisk started last week on a tour through Manitoba and the Northwest Territory and some people say he purposes going to British Columbia. William Fraser, of the 2nd con., has been on the sick list, but we are glad to know he has so far recovered as to be able to be out driving the girls around on Sun• day night. A little boy 2e years old, son of Mrs. Joseph Sellars, of the 2nd eon„ took very suddenly ill lash Thursday and in spite of medical skill be died after a few hours illness. The neighbors sympathize with the family in their sad bereavement. Chas. Armstrong and wife left Brus- sels last Tuesday for Moose Jaw, N. W. T., where they intend trying their for- tune. They went per 0. P. 1t. reaching that line at Wingham. We wish them 000000s in their venture and hope pros- perity will attend th em. Ono day recently while Reeve Mooney was using his binder in one of his grain fields he was greatly surprised to see his favorite collie dog on the table of the machine. When a stop was made it was found that Collie's tail had been clipped two or three times and the cord of one of his hind legs was severed. The animal had been in the long grain and the machine was on him before he could escape. 1.0ttLel. Miss E. Robertson, of Bowmanville, a former resident of tbie place, is visiting friends in the village and vicinity. C. Baynard had the misfortune to lose one of his working horses this week. He was valued at about two hundred dollars. The cheese market in Listowel last Thursday was decidedly inactive and consequently no sales were made from this district. Wm. Elliott and his son James left on Tuesday for the Northwest. They go for the double purpose of visiting friends and speculating in laud. A little bird says that a wedding is to take place here on Wednesday of next week. One of our most popular young ladies is to be the bride, H. 8'. McAllister took the noon train Tuesday for Toronto, Montreal and other places of interest with a view to bene- fitting his health. We hope that his ex- peotations may be more than realized. Our school sucoeeded in passing more pupils at the late entrance examination than was at first reported. Through some error the name of Mattie Evans was left off the list. We aro pleased to note Mattie's 0000098. The inspectors having called on Mr. Milne, we are pleased to be able to slate that he has been eucoeseful in securing the insurance on his mill and lumber. He has now started to clear the 'round preparatory to building a naw mill. We understand that this one is to be much larger than the other was, having a shav- ing house,etc., apart from the main building so that there will be less danger of a second aooident of this kind. The Methodist minister of this place, Mr. Davies, has been tlto rooipienb of numerous valuable presents from his friends in this district. The last we note being the gift of a horse, the pres- entation being made by Robert McKee, of the 6011 concession, Grey. The parson feels highly elated, as he should do, over !xis present, as previous to this he had to walk to and frotnhis other appointments. Ssttvnn Hut Rtanx,—A young man drove into our village Monday evening at a furious rate of speed and amused himeelf by driving up and down street, whipping his horse unmeraifttlly while it was at its utmost epoed. Mr. Spence noticed him and gniokly took him in hand fining him to the ex tent of $17,50, This should be a lesson to him ill the fitter°. It was found that the horse be- longed to kir. Wood, of Lisbewel, who was telegraphed for, Be came, claimed his horse and took it home, 4'3 c*rtertnl l Hews. Floods are doing great damage in Mexteo. The South of Ireland mackerel fishing is a failure this yorr. A Chicago girl, 21 years of ago, wattle to go over the Niagara Falls in a barrel. It is stated that the consumption of alcohol fn Franco doubled between 1873 and 1885. Forty car -loads of sealskins, the entire catch of the Alaska, Fur Co., passed through Cheyenne Tnosday from Tian 1tnt oisoo ou the way to !England. Buffalo International Fair opened Tuesday. Win. O'Brien, M. P. is seriously ill in Galway jail. It is stated that King Leopold, of Bel- guim, contemplates a trip to the Congo. After six months' idleness the iron works at Reading, Pa., have started up. Three thousand looms have been stop- ped in Blackburn, England, owing to de- pr'ooion ill t,ade. Tito Greek Patriarch of lloxandrie, ; Mgr. Soprsnins, is 00 years old and lt:le . been a priest for 70 years. Governor Lowry, of Mississippi, is now after the seconds and bottle holders in the Sullivan-Kilrain tight. A despatch from Helena, Mont„ saps there has been a fall of from four to six inohes of snow near Elliston. Lord Zetland will be sworn in as Lnrd Lieutenant of Ireland on Oct. let. Ho will make bis state entry into Dublin Deo. Ord. While ruuning to catch a fly ball at Bal Bank, N. J., on Monday, Thomas Murray, aged 18, over exerted himself and died shortly afterward. The scaffold on which John Brown was hanged on Deo. 2, 1850, has just been taken from Charleston, West Vir- ginia, to Washington. After the execu- tion the county authorities of Virginia sold the lumber of the scaffold to a car- penter, who made a house porch with it. The porch has now boon taken down and the wood placed in its original shape of a scaffold. Mr. Harrison, an Englishman, has started a hop farm near Bathurst, N. B. About sixty acres planted. The vines are thriving and give promise of a yield of about half a ton to the acre, about half the yield expected in coming seasons. The finest plants have been selected from a hop farm in Ontario and a practical Ontario hop farmer is in charge. Oil '' pygr+ Yo a QJP Nrl WM ITIC-IITINc-ALE & Co. MEAT MARKET, j MAIN STREET, - BRUSSELS, Aram l EMI ; PROPRIETOR, Money to Loan, • Money to Loan on Farm Pro- perty tit LOW EST Rdf TES. Private and Company Funds. DICKSON & HAYS, Solicitors, tee,, BRUSSELS, ONT. PHOTOS. TINTYPES, -� • For • GO • Cents. Fresh and Sttlt.l0rats of the be/it,1111111. Iiy always on Mind and de. SA•ercd to tory part 00 the YS Hoge Fret• at' C11 a r t; e. TERMS VERY FAVORABLE. Fat cattle 'wanted '. For which the highest market price will be paid. I also make a specialty of buying Hides and Skins. Don't forget the place, next door to Fletcher's Jewel- ry Store. A. CURRIE. Private Funds to Loan. .&=B2O,OOO Have been placed in ni hands for Investment tin real t state. LOWEST HATE OF DITEgEST. No Commigsio,': , Borrowers can have 1t.ans com- pleted in Three Days if title satisfactory. W. II. SINCLAIR, Solicitor, Drussdls. ETHEL C 181- AM FLSid f`t;ILLS. The unclerrigned having completed the change frons the atone to the celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has now the Mill in First -Class Running Order and 1vi11 be glad to see all his old customers and as many new 01105 as possible. Flour and meed e ,lw rr on17",'7'9'ancl. Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good Grain. VV M. MILNE. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. The Undersigned desire to intimate to the Public that they have formed a co -partnership, under the Firm name of Turnbull & Ballantyne, All Work front the 0,nnIles t to Llfc size done In a neat-ebina mintier. and are now conducting the Stove and Tinware Business formerly ' $rvurs owned by HAXCROFT tC TURNBULL. of residences, Eta, at Reasonable ,rates, Our aim will be to please those favoring us with their W. J. Fairfield. patronage. PAINNE.S ...... CELERY COMPOUND ACTS AT THE SAME TIME ON THE NERVES, THE LIVER, THE BOWELS, and the KIDNEYS This combined action gives it won- derful power to core all diseases. Why Are We Sick ? Because we allow the nerves to remain weakened and irritated, and these greet organs to become clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors are therefore forced Otto the blood that should he expelled naturally. �A/NE'S CELERY { COMPOUND WILL CURE BIL IOUSNESS, PILES, CONSTIPATION, KIDNEY' 00E- 810/SITS, URINARY DISEASES, FEMALE W EAKNESS,R1IEUMA- TIShi, NEURALGIA, AND ALL NERVOUS DISORDERS, fly goicting end strengthening the nerve.<, end causing free action aloha liver,1 ouvels, and kidneys, mrd restor• ing their phwer In throw off disease. Why antler bilious Paths and dehos t Why tormented with rites, Oonatipatlonl Wh, G tghtennd ovorOloortloratlEidneyoi Why ondurt. tmrvacta or dolt hoadnahoeI Why have tiletpleun nights, tiro 1 ttvt's 0.'',,-.i in, Cnatrnoan sad Tejo, t• In he 1O I t all onnrCly vrgotm- ble Iona It lira-tnl 5 in all 0.,505. SAW ix all 1''vre,;40, ;id t:.00. Six far 000.00. 1811.00.OlClbAJOw ON 0 CO., I'roprielatue M0N'1'rt1SAt„ 1', t, 1 GIVE Us A CALL and ascertain our Prices. T U.ZR.NB ULL 4' A/J LL,I N TY NE. Jos. BALLANTYNE, JAS. TURNBULL. ImporlauC 10 Farmers and 0lhers, See the New Noxon Binder CC CC CC CC Drill NOXON RAKES ANp MOWERS -:- r- ONE WILKINSON FLOW. HONE Davis Sewing Machines, Stoves, Tinware, ��.n.ware, Vie., at Jg 13 RU too II a