HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-8-30, Page 7hanelleellielithenitheirstenternatheataingethen
AUGUST 30, 1889.
HOME DRESSMAKING. latter has gathoro ab the tep and waist con-
_ tre, front and book with full eleevoe and
A partly worn batquo may bo renovated
or plain one be made into a droosy ger
men0, by adding a lane and eilk muslin gar.
nituro ebown in b'ieure No, 54. A atraighb
piece of silk nlnolin, 48 Ludes in lengbh,
folded round the neck, ate illustrated,
loath pleats that are is
and then fall loose,
Pio 54
A row of Iaoo trim(' the entire edge, and
insertion ie est in at the bottom of the V•
ebaped nook before the muolin Is pleated,
The sleeves ehould be flubbed with a lane
frill, which is sewed in so no to be fuller and
wider toward the back.
Wash goods have the round, full waist
gathered and lapped front and back, or ab
the front only. The V ie of embroidery or
FIG, 55
goods. One revere down the lapping side is
worn. The round, turned -over frill of lace
or embroidery on the reek and sleeve, has
just caught public favor at ite flood. Sbrafghb
gabhered skirls etootten goods are not lined.
A white skirt having stiffly starched ruffles
up the entire bank should be worn with a
cotton gown,
Figure No, 55 illustrates a blouse bodice
FIG. 56
suitable for cotton, tennis flannel, eurah, of
lightweight woolen goods. The book le cub
like an ordinary loose waist, while the front
is represented with a pointed yoke of folds
from the ehoulder-seame on either aide of a V
of embroidery, with a ooller to match. The
lower portion of the fronts is gathered on the
yoke, forming an area ruffle, and worn
with a belt, leaving the baeque part outside
of the skirt. The eleevea are gathered ab
the shoulders, and into cuff bands of em-
Figured woolen geode, ourah, and em-
broidery galloon are illustrated in Figure
No. 56, though plain and figured India silk
or woolen material would afford a hand-
some combination. The front and right side
of the skirt are of tbo silk laid in kilt pleats,
with a full straight bank, and the left aide
partly creeping the front of the woolen
The round waist fastens invisibly, and
has the right aide and collar completely
covered with embroidery, while the left
front le full from the smoulder and lapped
over bho waist line under a girdle belt of
the embroidery. The sleeves are full at
the top, and have ouffa of the galloon em-
FIG, 67
',The lace brimmingohown in Figure No.
57 renewers either fr a pointed or round
baeque, with long or ehort oleevee, Lace
about four inches wide forme a round ool-
lar and epaulet on the right shoulder, with
a drapery of lace net or silk muelin, edged
with laoe down the front and over to the
right hip.
Loops of No. 12 ribbon are planed ab the
nock, falling over the bust where the drapery
ends, over on the right side, and a bow ab
the waist line, Flowers are interopeased
among the ribbons to brighten the drossy
The morning robe shown in figure No 68
le appropriate for Valencienne lace and
nainsook or India silk, or the lace en the
skirt might be omitted, and a neat gown be
mode of osehmero. The guimpe may be of
velvet' plain or tucked nainsook, thrall, or
enibreldery,'woording to the material solute
ed, and title iv 'made on a oi000.dttlnk Nning,
with the low baby weld Worn over i6, The
lane frills.
The straight gelherod shire le four yards
and a half wide, and le worn over the wafab,
which le nub long enough to threat beneath
the bolt. A ribbon bolt ie worn, and tied
on the left side.
Straight skirba aro voried by having a
Greclan•drapod front, which ie shown in bids
issue in pattern No, 4800, the pleats,
Spanioh flounce fronts or deep ehringo ov or
the front and sides at the top, making them
in straight rows or deep Vandykee.
The foot of bho front end sides may be
finished with a box -pleated ruche,a gath-
ered frill o f silk, ]nee, or the droasfabrio;
and the old fashion of leaf nr quo tabs
of the material over a tiny fib ranee f late
has been revived for Empire go wna.
Figure No, 59 is one of those standard
designs that are always in fashion for cot-
ton, flannel, oloth, or cheviot exoryday
gowns. The belted blouse has three tiny
folds down either side of the front, and a
plain beck, with a high collar, coot sleeves
and belt of the dress goods. The full skirt
hoe the ebbe and back laid -nob oaughb
own -in kilt pleats, Ohs front gathered, ane
FIG. 58
somewhat longer on the right side and
oaughb up there in a shallow funnel pleat.
The full Empire waists are out with or
without aide 1. rm ', according to the figure,
only very slender figures being able to
dispense with than. The fronts are without
darts, the fullness being shirred along the
shoulder seams and ab the waist line, unless
a very shorb barque is worn, and then the
fullness ends in close overlapping pleats
from the waist line to the edge of the
garment. The lining of the front thee the
FIG. 59
usual darts, and often a sash le folded
narrow and laid around this edge Ise as to
outline it before it is tied in the book or at
the side.
Figure No. 60 illustrates a useful petti-
coat to wear wibb full, straight skirts that
Flo. 60
aro without reeds. Sursh, pongee, or mus-
lin is used, with frills of lane or the material
at the foot. One reed is inserted about
seventeen inches below the belt and the
skirt is out like a areas pattern. 'If of mus-
lin, the trimming would be of embroidery,
and the reed withdrawn for washing. 11
f`Ia. 61
for a stout person, a yoke Should bo fitted
to the top in pito° of a belt.
Figure No. 6e Is represented in white and
embroidered nafneook, though the design
Will readily lend fteolf to silk and woolen
omnbinations, The ehirb is arranged in wide
kilt pleats, a full gathered book, and flab
bent of embroidery over a Siring of_tho
natal shape,
Tho Lound waist hae a plainly fitted book,
full fronte edged with embroidery and
lapped at the welsh lino, V of bucke, collar,
and opffa of embroidery, and lag o'•mubton
sleevae. A ribbon belt le on the loft side.
A modified style of an Empire waist. suit.
Mole In silk, lace, &o., for evening wear le
shown in figure No, 02, which le Arranged
with the usual shaped hook under folds like
those in front, one dart in eaob front, snd
folds from the, shoulders crossed at the waist
line, lea Sing a low noolr, with a tiny V of
Igoe in front. Tho puffed alcoves are headed
by ribbon bowie, apparently holding the
folds together. A wide or narrow sash may
be worn,
Fla, 62
Pretty yokes for cotton and ohallie gown,
are rounded back and front, and very short,
with the body portion gathered on a etand-
ing frill, which is doubled -nob hemmed -
at the top. A revived fashion shower the
neck, oleevee, and edge of yoke, finished
with a puff of the fabric, gathered a frill on
either side, or a box -pleated ruche of late
having the straight edges served together
bo fore it le pleated.
FIG. 63
The jaunty DlreotoIre gown shone in Fig are
No. 63 is of cashmere, with cuffs .collar,
and veatof figured India silk. The gather-
ed ekir its trimmed across the front and
sides with a deep border of embroidery, and
a sash bow hangs on the left aide.
The coat baeque hoe a long, narrow bath
to the foot of the skirt, and jsoket fronts
having revers and large buttons. Tho
double-breasted vest also has revere showing
a V of the baeque material. The oleevee
are coat shaped, and the whole costume
bears the unmistakbie Parisian stamp.
The measurements of a Psrisfan•made
gown inlidate wider akirte, as the lining of
('hie one is 3 yards in width. The front is
27 inches wide at the bottom and 0 inches
ab the top ; the gore on either aide is 14
inches ab the belt, and 23 inobee on the
lower edge, and the straight back is 36
inches in width, with a 12 inch reed 13 lath.
fie below the belt, and lute the tiniest of pad
Handsome skirts have a gathered and
pinked silk frill on the inside of the lower
edge. Skirts often slip around, and thus
lose their designed effect, but sewing a hook
at the centre front of the belt, and an eye
on the threats, any twiabing around may be
Sash ends, trimmed with trimmed with
fringe, aro cub straight torose. The front
and sides are frequently fiaiehed on the
lower a ige with fringe, which falls over a
gathered frill of the dregs materiel. A fist
border of ribbon, thee insertion, embroidery,
galloon, woven designs, or velvet continue
in vogue for the front and eiders, or front
one of skirts.
Lace barques for stout figures are made of
the lane laid smoothly over the eine lining,
with brandies of three rows of No. 7 ribbon
passing over the shoulders snd tapering to
one row about 2 incheg book of the
slight point of the bodice, back and
front. The ebonite are trimmed with
Lengthwise rows of ribbon to the elbows.
The Itireotofre ruffle on waists is agather.
ed ruffle, three inches deep, of grope, silk
muslin, silk embroidery, or lace, finely knife•
pleated or left plain, end sewed down the
lapped•edgo of the round waist full enough
to fail graoofully. It is usually accompanied
by a turnover toiler and ouffa to corre-
The full shaven are shown in many de-
oigne, but the most highly favored one is
quite olose at the wrists and ellghtly full at
the top. This has coat shaped lining, with
the outer material out longer.
Then there is a draped sleeve having the
foundation cut se usual, with the top part of
the outer material of the larger half of the
sleeve out longer and wider at the top, which
fullness is draped in they folds over the
shoulder, tapering narrower in the centre,.
In all casae the top of the efeeve is arranged
to give a rounder appearance to the time
and a graceful elope to the shoulder's.
Those "AWful Saorifloell 7/
Mise Outwell-"Papa, you are real stingy
to refuse me that bracelet. Did you ego
Sadie Shoddy'e jewelry ab the balll
Cutwoll (an honed clothier)--" My dear,
Sadie's father is a very riot man,"
Mies C.-•" Why, Papal How oan you say
0o. f Have you seen poor Mr shoddy e
advortieements, headed 'AWN!, Saeri6000?
lie sage he le soiling at half the coat of
manufaoture, What has made him rioher
than you, then t"
dearCutwol."L-Those t aWiuf saorifioos", my
fishing n echo a
h a or M att[en
Wl ship has
been Method on her owners paying the Gov-
ernment 52,300,
The etoamebip Norwegian, just reported
at Father Point, encountered many ioeberge
in approaching Belle Isle.
Charles M, MiKerlie, a young farmer 0
Westminster bownahip, ahotr himeolf in the
presence of hie family b000uee hie father re-
fused to deed a farm lo him, in thought
the young man will die,
John L, Sullivan was, on Saturday morn-
ing, eeoteneed to twelve menthe in prison,
and Referee Fltzpabriek pleaded guilty and
was eeotencod bo pay a fine of 5360.
Ihree thoueand persona at Portland, Me„
have signed a petition taking Secondary
Blaine to take steps to seoure a stay of pro-
oeedinge in the ease of Mre, Maybriok,
A Heileman Tried for ilia Life,
Berlin has just had a most extraordinary
eensatonal trial -endow], indeed almost
without parallel, among the records of
orime. Tne hangman the been accused of
assassination and tried for his life. Of
course 10 was a question of jealousy, The
Berlin exeoationer does not lead a very mon
al life. He lo a married manjwith a family,
snd he deserted bath, and the poor wife
soon had a rival. Bat he also deserted the
rival In her turn, The dry statistics of the
law courts read like the argument of some
Ingenious play, The abandoned mistress
longed bo recover her supremacy. One
would not have thought a hangman capable
of each attraction. She tried every means
to gain her object, and ab lash in despoir
had recourse to the executioner's aealetenb
and right hand mac, whom she knew and
whose fettucine over him was great. There
were interviews between the two hangmen,
but matters did not advance, Then dose
was an angry interview ab a restaurant, in
the oouroo of which the thief kicked his aid-
de-camp in the atomaoh. The injury was
more serious than i6 seemed, and a month
afterward the poor go.between died. All
sorts of evidence were given at the trial, and
the jury were merciful in their verdict.
But the criminal classes of Berlin were great-
ly disappointed. I6 would have been inter -
es Ing, they seemed to have thought, if the
new hangman had to try his'prentioe hand
on his predecessor.
Too Late fol That.
" I want to get a good hammock," said
the easterner. " Strong enough to hold two,
I suppose?" suggested the salesman slyly.
"No, air," said the customer with some
show of resentment. " No, sir ; I've been
married for more than three years."
A Cure or No Pay
is guaranteed to those who nee Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discovery for catarrh in the
head, or for bronchial or throat affoationa, or
ooueumption (which is lung scrofula) if taken
in time and given a fair trial. Money prompt-
ly returned if it does not cure.
Nothing that was worthy in the paeb de-
parts ; no truth or goodness realized by man
ever does or can die ; but all is still here,
and, recognized or not, lives and works
through endless changes.
A Life Preserver.
thrown to you in the sea of troubles that
threatens to engulf you ladies in its danger -
fraught waves, so to speak, and one that
will float you over their threatening crests
with perfect safety, ie found in Dr. Pierce's'
Favorite Preoriptlon. Fon make a danger.
one mistake if you do not seize and make nee
of ib, if you are afflicted with any of those
distressing ailments peonliar to your sex,
styled "female complaints," for i6 is a
guaranteed ours for each and every ill of the
kind. The only medicine sold by druggiata,
ander a positive guarantee from the mann-
facturere, of oatisfaotiun in every thee, or
money refunded. Read guarantee on bottle.
Suicide among German officers increases
shockingly. During May twenty-three shot
themselves, and the number for June was
larger still.
Forbiliouenees, aide headache, indigestion,
and 000etipatlon, take Dr. Pierce'e Pellets,
One a dose.
In every human breast some one passion
generally breaks through prinolple and
controls us,
The Turtle Mountain Region,
Thenoanda of acres of choice free govern•
menti laud, now open for settler's in the
Turtle Mountain Region of Dakota. Hero
WWI raised the wheat that took first premium
at New Orleans Exposition. Rich soil,
timber in mountains. good schools, churches,
congenial soolety. For further information,
maps, rates, etc., apply to F. 1. Whitney,
G. P. & T. A„ Se. P., M. &M. Ry., St. Paul
Minn., or J, >rh Huokino, Can, Pass, Agt.
Every man hes three oharaaters-that
which he exhibits, thab which he has, and
that which he thinks he has
The Book of Lubon.
A Mau Without Wisdom Lives in a Fool's
Paradise. A Treatise espeoially written
on Diseases of Man, embattling Feats For
Men of All Agee 1 Should bo read by Old,
Middle Aged and Young Men. Proven by
the Sale of Half o Million to be the most
popular, because written in language plain,
forcible and instructive, Nraottcalpreeent-
ation of Medical Common Sense. Valuable
to Invaildo who are weak, nervowl end ex.
haunted, showing new means by which they
may be cured. Approved by editors, orifice,
and the people. Sanitary, Social, Solana
Subjeote. Also given a description of Speoi.
fie No, 8, The Great Health Renewer ;
Marvel of Healing and Roh-i-noon o •Medi•
eines. It largely explains the mysteries of
life. By he teachings, health may be main-
tained, The Book will teach yea how to
make life worth living. If every adult in
the civilized world would read, understand
and follow our views, there would be a
world of physical, intellectual and moral
giants. This Book will be found a truthful
presentation of feats, calculated to do good.
The book of Lubon, the Talioman'of Health 1
Brings bloom to the cheek, strength to the
body and joy to the heart. It le a message
to the Wine and Otberwleo. Labon's Speci-
fic No. 8, the Spirit of Health. Those who
obey the laws of this' book will be crowned
with a fadeless wreath. Vaeh nnmbore of
men have felt the power and beebifind to the
virtue of Lubon'o Speoifio So 8 All Men
Who are Broken Down from ov+-rwork or
other causes not mentioned in the above,
should send for and road thio Valuable Trea-
tise, width ,will bo sent to any oddreee, seal-
ed, on receipt of ten dente in et raps, Ad -
(bets all orders to M. V, Lebon, room 15, 50
Front Street E„ Toronto, Chad
Imitate time. Ib destroys 'slowly ; it un-
dermines, weave, l000eno, separates ; 16 deme
not uproot),
.4.P, 464.
. E
After spending Ten Winters South,
WAS Cured Uy Scott's Emulsion,
140 Centre HI„ New York,
June 20th, 188s. f
The Winter after the great fire
In :.'''!!cage 1 contracted Bronchial
affections, and since thou have
been obliged to spend nearly every
WinterSouth. Last Novemberryas
advised to try Soott's Emulsion of
Cod Liver 011With Hypophosphltee
and to my surprise was relieved at
onoo, and by continuing its use
three months was entirely oured,
gained flesh and strength and
was able to stand even the Bliz-
zard and attend to business every
by all »rug1yfater, 500. aril $L,00.
CANCER TUMOR80,0,,cPrivet.
and Tal. No Specialist. nook fret.
No. t.7 Mason St., Buffalo, N. Y,
TE4011E100 oto make money during vacation
bBooks 4 d Bibl an eeperially 01e(oryfor one or more otour of O fest
Ii. Withrow, b.D , latest and beat edition ever
illustrated prime
andteterme.torWM, Write
Publisher, Toronto.
0076—Over 50,000 Droeemakere now proolatm
ju the Wonderful McDowell Garment Drafting Me -
chino to be the greatest l0yention of the age. 10 onto
Barques, Coate, Polonaleea, Prinoeesoe, Wraps,
Sleovee, eta., to prrl%tlon, Don't bo without lt.
Send fm ei:eular, Heat Of co --4 Adelaide St set
Went, Toronto,
B 6 C YC L r 4 05o sncond•Dand
Send far Ilei.
A. T. L A N E,
Pot. hydraulic, baud end steam elevators.
Canadian Elevator Works Peter and Queen streets,
Leather 4 &jug
Send for Price Lists sad Discounts.
WILLIAMS & CO., - - -
ial and Building Pap res, eta. dealersrlco R4oAdelae
8 . East, Toronto, Proprietors of Williams' Flat
Slated Hoof. Telephone511,
Write for circulars from the largest Commercial
and Shorthand College In Canada, Over three hun-
dred pupils Iasi year, Reopening Jlond,iy, Sep.
grad. 5881). Address—CANADIAN le 0000E04
UNIVERS ITT, Public Library Building. Tomato,
Tuos Sueooven, CMS H. B8oeco,
President. Secretary and Manager.
Salllag Weekly between IIONTEE AL and
LIVERPOOL. Sal0000 Tickets, $40, $50,, sad
800. Return Tiokets, $80, 000 and 8110, according to
steamer and accommodation. Intermediate $80
Round Trip Tickets, 500, Steerage, S20. Apply to
R. E. 515110047, General Reneger Canada Ship.
ping Co., 1 Otlsrol, HOMO 000480, MOooaaar Or
to Local Avente in all Towne and Citic('.
has the largest sale
of any Toilet Soap
in the country on
account of its uni-
formly excellent,
delicate and frag.
rant qualities.
&AbVERT sibla 1
,'PUR'POSE'S:' I ,
P7 J+'L.iONES��"�i
:cc/ism' STIO'EE r EA'S '• ..
Fall Term, (101 year) oeoimenose September 50h,
18E0, Thorough lnetruatloa in every branch of mem
vocal, instrumental end theoretical —by the molt
eminent teachers in Canada 04mplete three manual
omen in College andlargeet church organ in province
for tenons and praottoe. Orchestra of 00 and chorus
of 250 e000eeable to atndeote. Diploma., priest,
scholarship• and certificate granted. Laotures, eon•
carte, recitals and violin class free. Send for pros.
peatue, giving till perticulare, to
F. 11. TORRLNGTON. Director.
12 end 14 Pembroke St., Toronto, Ont
A Great Life Giver is St. Leon Water
Tonoaso, June let, 1580.
All you that feel the want of something to make
you happy, and don't know what to Or, listen to J.
SharsoN, Caaadien. Paesengor Agent, OO Slog street
West, Toronto.
For 24 years I have travelled this continent over
and over, but of all articles, meet of drink, to restore
health, Instill wholesale vigour and raise the spirits,
make lite worth living, ST. LEON MIN1t6AL
WATE10 is excelsior. Mysolt and fainly ell use it ;
would part with any other favourite dainty rather
than St. Loon Water.
DEPOTS. -Toronto, Ont. 1 Montreal, Que. ; Que.
bee, Que. ; St, Leen Springs, St, Loon Q•m
Allan Lino Royal bail Steamships
Sailing during winter from Portland every Tburcdar
and Halltax ovory0aturday to Liverpool, and in num,
mot from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool,anllinr
rat .dondorry to bind matte and 0000500083 to
Sooa.od and Ireland ; aleo from Baltimore, yin Hall
fax and St. John's, N.F., to Liverpool'fartulghtly
during summer menthe. The etosaore of the Glee
gew Fr sell during winter to and from Bahian,
Portland, Boston and Philadelphia and during Ruth
mor between Gloegow and Montreal weekly' Ulmgow and Boston weekly, end Glasgow and Philadel-
phia tortut0qhtly.
For freight, paooago or other tofert otl061 apply to
A. Sehumnoher dl Oe., Baltimore ; 6. Ounce rl 1. ON.
Halifax Shoe tr en., SG Jnhn'e N rd, 'Th. Thcuhpn
eon d. ON, St. John, It B.; Allen du Oo Chiegaci
Levo .k Aidan New York; H, Borulk.t, 'Potato
Alleve, Rae fe do., Qdebet ; Wm. BRaoklo, Pbnado4
phia; B. A. Allan Portland Roston ,Montreal.
RI fNWy AURgSnnlnonnt
r�oOm018 elaMN1C0R lty, .ADOijtonh
y pty to '.
!barristers ac 1 Ooltcttom,
Wellington St, cot. Church, (over Bank of Torou9.a'rs
Parties wishing Le purchase improved Manftr9'
Farm, from SO awe 1pwarde, with lmnodtnpprtblo�t,engtU(led'AYo jckMaloet..Winipeg,r,eo D
turnlohed true of charge, and eettlera aseteterl
making 001006ion.
:o038-55--.- -. '1.'' to L CD ..A. laT
AT OuRR%nr RAToa 01 02rrllaowr,
Said or llluttrated Oatalogue
Ihle ud. ertleem'ut with your order
for our NIs W Itll0II ED and we wilt
allow you Ser
Aonaeoe,:i8w.5"ir ,+,•err - . ..yi
CREELIfIAA' BI1OS.,10';f'gs.
Efectrieitp € in alliottle, !
'.121'eet's Electric Clue for Ootorrty
Hay Fever, Neuralgia, Heade ram
Asthma and Rheumatism, has no
equal Evrrr haute Bold on 80 day,"
trial. Frlce $1, A cure guaranteed,
or money refunded.
Asoma roll tram 12 to 24 bottles dais.
Dereriptlre pamphlet free.
07 Yooge St., Toronto, Carr da.
Guaranteed Pure.
Ellis & Keighley, - Toronto'.
5 '••, TORONTO, manufacturer ok
! FOR Ev88rnony.
Ladies' Bangs, Waves,;.
Wigs, Switches, oto,,
• Gente'Wigi,Tonpees, Sze..
The largest house for hair geode in Canada. Goode.
ordered by m.fl guaranteed as ratiefeatery ae by per-
sonal telectloo. S.nd for descriptions,
103 and 105 Yongo Sb., Toronto, Canada,
Fare all the latest improvements and are uneenaller8
r durabWty, etyle and convenience. The leading
Carriage Builders sell them. ASH NOR THEM and
Dealers to all kinds of
Agents the BESSON
and BIGHAM Band In.
atruments, aerSHEET
BOORS, Manufacturere
t" IJ18I'EIEIe6Lrr
Beat in the world, Elvin
Year.' Guarantee. Send
for Illustrated Catalogue
and Teedmoniale.
085 Yong() 86,
Provident Life and Live Stook Asso'rt.
CHIEF 07710E,
A Mittal Benefit Association.
SOLID INVESTMENT -By paying to the above-
Aes0olation ONTO OMIT PER' DAY, a person aged•
tventytwo, and two ciente per day a person aged.
forty lour can secure Five Dollars per week while
disabled through eiaknees or a indent, also for two
end throe cents per day, perms aged es above oan
secure for their dependants, Five Hundred Dollars in
event of death,
LIVE STOCK OWNERS and provide Against loss
by death 011000011 disease or Oculdent of their stook,
at my rotes, Those interested, semi for proepeatuoes
elo, Reliable Agents wonted in uurepreeented die.
'41'1LI,ItM JONEB.'Mmiagtog;Dteootor.
With Upright or Horizontal Boilers,
12, 16, 20, 25 1 Suitable for all work.
and 30 H.P. f Throehing Satin
Brfomarking, ate,
Traction Engines
I2, 16 and 20 Horse -power.
For the North. West
Send for Menhir..
%aterons Engine Works Co.