HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-8-30, Page 5A170, )O, 1889,
a10asazvuv tnatztaaroY
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' :+1 ( 1 t ` ntif i 'i"I•-• f t4
ItinMenAwr,s, 5-410
we arc slaughtering a lot of Fine Wool Tweeds bought id 7() cents o11 the dollar. We are also (..leaning out Ends of Dress
Goods, Millinery and Summer Goods of every Description at a Great Sacrifice to snake room for Fall Gooch, which are now
arriving daily. We have in Stock a full Line of Boots and Shoes and. will put the prices so low that no opposition can meet our Low Prices, Do not fall to got our quot-
ations before making your Purchases in this Line of our trade, our Groceries and Crockery we are selling at a much lower price than any other Merchant in that: linea of
trade, We are doing the Imperial Quart and Half gallon Jem Jars at Lower Prices than any other House In the Trade,
'+, ' 4� , ;
1, 'm�9 l-, wchef })' m Which we Purchased, we will Save You 4, bi
103,1401:11e on Hardware Men's Prices. Your Obedient Servants,
C' ,d„41ri: IELD 110Td D. E.
ist1: i.xt l".ctos.
1441041, AL'I;lIST 80,-1880.
2 tfiol
Mrs. A. ianabaker is visiting friends
in Toronto and vicinity.
Report from Durham says Rev. J. T.
Logear is gutting along well.
A number of our villagers availed
themselves of a trip to the 1,'a11s on Fri-
day last.
Elijah Bateman has disposed of his
farm, jest out of this village, to 1)18 8011.
The old gentleman will continuo to reside
on the place.
A week ago Sunday night sumo party
or parties unknown left a colt in the field
of Mr. Nichol, title concession. So far
the owner has not claimed it.
The remains of the late Mr. Hansielr-
er were brought home (from London) for
interment by the evening train of Satur-
day. The funeral took place on Sunday
The whoat orop in this vicinity is yield-
ing better than was at first expected, C.
Eckmior lune lately threshed a field of
fourteen wares which yielded twenty-five
bushels per sere.
Ohms. Armstrong talks of going to
Manitoba next week.
There will bo a large acreage of Fall
wheat put in this Fall in Morris.
Belgrnve tniksof a base ball tourna.
ment next month open to Huron Co.
Miss Annie She1dice is away visiting
her slater, Mrs. Button, near Paisley.
A bear bee been causing some excite.
ment in this township and last week was
rhaee4 by some Brnsselites near the
Barris farm on the 4113 line.
Boyd Morrison, sou of Matthew nor.
risen, of Walton, has been engaged to
teach in S. S. No. 0 next year for a
salary of 6350. The present teacher, A.
Anderson, intends going to Manitoba.
Last Sunday afternoon the Methodist
church at Sunshine was filled to the
doors on the occasion of Rev. SV. T.
Gruff, of Brussels, preaohing to the
Foresters. The reverend gentleman de-
livered a very excellent and practical
discourse from the text "Thou shalt love
thy neighbor es thyoelf," There were
gent 50 nlembes of the Order present,
several of them being visitors from Bras -
eels and other neighboring lodges.
Jas. Timmins is building a handsome
block et Winchester, a town in the far
There were thirty or forty persons
from Bluevale on the Sunday School
excursion on Tuesday of last week to
Frank Patterson had a quoit match
with several of the crack players of the
county town on Tuesday of last week.
Frank came out victorious, of course. I
Nixon's trotting mare, "Happy Lucy"
won the three minute trot at the Gorier -
iota races. It took five heats to decide
it as there were five horses in the race.
Lucy took' the three last heats. She
took Ord money at Clinton last Friday.
Cosoonsuou,-The following resolution
was passed by the L. 0. L. of this place
and presented to Bro. Timmins :-
• Donn Sin Alin Beolnss.-We, the
members of L. 0. L. No. 766, Bluevale,
forward you a letter of condolence ex-
pressing our 8ineore sympathy with you
in the irreparable lose sustained through
the death of your beloved wife. Al.
though w0 are not unmindful of your
great loss yet we cannot realize as you
do the extent or depth of grief experienc-
ed by a loving busband on the death of an
affectionate and faithful wife. We hope
and trust that you will endeavor by God's
grace aerating you to bear up ander the
severe affliction, and remember the ea-
surance contained in God's holy word :-
"Whom the Lord lovoth He ohasteneth
and seonrges every ohild whom He re.
oeiveth," May we all so live that we
shall meet at last on Canaan's Happy
Shore to etng the songs of•Moses and the
"Jeans is our pilot,
Guided by His hand
Wo shall reach the haven
On the golden strand,"
Signed on behalf of the members of L. 0.
L. No. 766. W. H. Sr'swanx.
Lel towel.
The Listowel. Bee Beepers' Association
will meet in Listowel on Saturday. Sep.
tember 7th at the Royal Hotel at two
o'clock p. m.
The annual convention of the Metho.
dist Sunday Schools ref the Listowel die-
trict will be held in Nile town on Wed-
nesday, Sept. 11th, commencing at 2
p. 111-
A lacrosse match for tbo ohampionship
of the Gerry district took place here last
Friday in the cricket park, between the
Listowel and Wingham clubs. The home
team won by 4 goela to 0.
FALL PAID 1140115. -The program for the
speeding'synth at the Fall Fair is as
follows :
''nunsIIx, 8108)', 10113.
Single horse to top buggy, open to
farmers only, beet 2 in 8 01.0 0 0
3 minute trot anil pace 45 20 15
Sunning rSOs,half mileheats,Satoh
weigbts,fmomorsDuly, 2iu8...... 2010 0
verse)' sere, 2011m.
2,40 trot and pa8o 400 28 10
swept run, open, lglpt for, Ago, boat -
rytn8o•.,..... •,.. ,,,..., 8a 15 7
Doublefoam race Oi1ou to fuinoes
only, for tome commonly drtvou
together by owner' 18 8 4
Foe-for,•all brat anal pace. 00 2i li
Alex. MaeLaren, the popular cheese
buyer, shipped six oar loads of cheese
from this station on Wednesday of last
week. The cheese was the July make of
nine factories in this neighborhood. The
toted amount of money paid out by Mr.
Mad.areu wee 810,000 ; the ehipmente
aggregated 200,0001be. of cheese.
In a lector written from London, Eng.,
Aug. 11th, J. W. Scott says :---" Wo came
from Brussels yesterday, have vieited the
principal cities fu Boiginm, Germany,
Switzerland and Franco mud have hart a
most enjoyable and pleasant time, noth-
ing has happened to mar our pleasure,
mostly all the time 1100 weather. We
enjoyed very much the Alps and their
environs as well as the hiaaor10 allies in
these old lands. Tho harvest in France,
Switzerland, Germany and Belgium is
partly over and the yield of all kinds of
crops will be good, perhaps above the
average. Crops are good also in Eng-
land, Ireland and Scotland. We leave
on Monday, 13th inst., for the English
lakes above ns, will stay over a day oe
two and then go over to Ireland for a few
days then we sail either from Glasgow or
Ireland on the 23rd on the steamer State
of Nevada for home where we expect to
arrive about the 4th or 6th of Sept. All
our party are in good health and spirits.
'W ixe erleasin .
Wingbam races Thursday, Sept. 5.
Inglis' woolen mill will he in operation
next month.
The dilapidated fence around the Re-
creation Park has been removed.
About 150 took in the excursioneto
Gode•ich last week from this point.
Three car loads of furniture left the
G.T.R. station this week, two for Mont-
real and one for Manitoba.
Miss Peke and Dr. Mckenzie, late of
Wingham,.were united in matrimony on
the 14th inst. They will reside in To-
Miss Rose L. King, of Brantford has
been engaged ae teacher of the second
department of time school. There were
20 applicants.
The new G. T. R. passenger station is
being pushed along rapidly and will be
ready for occupation, it is expected, ia1
the course of three weeks.
Dr. W. Sloan and wife returned from
their trip to Bang, N.W.T., on Friday.
Rev. A. W. Tonga preached in the
Methodist church, Kincardine, on Sunday.
The Foresters here have been invited
to hear a sermon to be preached to their
brethren in Olinton on Sept. 15.
The 12th Division Court was held in
Industry Hall on Monday. Only two
cases came before his Honor, Judge Doyle,
one being a jury case.
Rev. Mr. Forrest, of Walton, occupied
the pulpit in St. Andrew's church on
Sunday morning and Rev. 3. Mordy, of
Niagara, in the evening.
The Equal Rights Aseociation intend
holding their next meeting in Industry
Hall on Tuesday evening, Sept. 3rd.
Rev. John Scott, M. A., is announced to
address the meeting.
An interesting lawn tennis match was
played in the park on Saturday between
F.M. Tanner and Miss Edna Cartes, and
R. E. (kiloton and Mies Annie Kelry,
which resulted in favor of the latter
6-8 6-6 4-6.
A public meeting was held in the Pres-
byterian ohurch on Monday, which was
well attended, to hear a very interesting
lecture by Rev. J. Young, of Niagara, on
"Sabbath Desecration" along our railways
and canals, ata.
. •
A large consignment of cheese was
shipped last Thursday.
Considerable siokness in our village
and neighborhood at present.
Rev. T. Gee and wife, of Milverton,
were visiting in the village last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Knox, of the G,T.R.,
have returned from their trip to the sea-
Rov. A. Henderson, M. A., ham return-
ed from his vacation, which took in a
visit to his brother.
Jno. W. Boyd lost a fine beast last
week. In leading it down from the pea.
mow it fell and broke its front leg in
several planes. He was compelled to
shoot it.
Among the vssitors to Atwood aro the
following : Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, from
Scotland ; Mies Moore, of Mt. Forest ;
Mrs. Edwards, of Mitchell anis Mr.
Hawksbaw, of Lncan.
Weare pleased to report that a watch-
maker and jeweller, from Queen street,
Toronto, of over 20 years experience has
settled upon Atwood as a place of busi.
nese. He is an enterprising man and it
is hoped he will receive such encourage.
ment as will 'oneurc lila continuancein
the plane,
Very interesting services were held in
the Methodist ehurcl) haat Sabbath. Iu
the morning Rev. Mr. Rogers preached
to the children from 2115 Ohron. xxxiv.
Ord. In the evening it unique 8erviee
was conducted in witch a number of the
congregation took an native part. A
short sermon by the pastor wee Muskat -
ad and enforced by scriptural passages
which were read by several members of
the congregation ; a choice selection of
100310 by tbo choir h then two short ad-
droloos on the evening's subject by
iZs00re. Dlellain and Fox. Wo thougbb
it 'a•go0ri idea bo sou the pew engaged as
04011 as the pulpit, and we doubt nob but
etch a 0ereice again would bo 1ve11 re• •
.Butter, Eggs, etc., taken as Cash.
Dtrs, li.obt. Campbell 10 away visiting
friends at Collingwood.
About 40 tickets were sold here for the
Goderieh exonrsion last week.
A good number of young people were
at J. Chandelier's flax ben last Friday,
Rumor says that ono of our young
mechanics is likely to enter into "double
blessedness," before long.
SVur. SVhorry bas bocght a furniture
business and is now prepared tis supply
all customers with the needful.
P. Murray, blacksmith, Mins Ida efe-
Bain, R. Ballantyne, W. Brooke, Mr.
Robertson, Mies Annie IIill and others
have been on the sick list. We are
pleased to report that most of them are
The fah prox. is fixed upon by the
Presbyterians of this village for their
annual entertainment. The Methodists
will likely hold one a week or two later.
These festive gatherings are always large-
ly attended.
We are called upon to report the death
of Joseph Johnston, which took plane at
his residence lest Friday evening ab 10
o'clock. Mr. Johnston was one of the
early settlers and was much respected in
his neighborhood. His illness 3008 short.
A large number of sympathizing neigh-
bors and friends attended the funeral
last Sabbath afternoon.
C.3- vex.
Some Fall wheat will be sown this
Harvesting is well advanced in this
section. Many will finish this week.
Many have threshed their Fall wheat
and the yield as well as the sample is
much better than was expected.
Misses Maggie and Lizzie McNair, of
the Queen city, are visiting their friends
on the 14th and 16th con. They will nob
return till Saturday, the 31st inst.
Geo. Shiels and SVm• Strath have each
got a new self -binder this year. Tho
former has a Chatham and the latter a
Brantford. They both do pretty good
Mrs. Juo. Maxwell, of Crystal city,
Manitoba, is the champion gopher killer
of that section. It is reported that she
has killed over 500 gophers since she
went there.
The bears have been having a big time
ill Louis Holler's oat field this Summota
but in spite of the dozens of hunters
Broin and his family have managed to
escape so far.
W. D. and Miss Lottie Hill are away
at Mitchell this week. The former will
leave in a short time for Regina, N. W.
T. where he expects to spend the ooming
Fall and Winter with his brother who is
in business there.
Mrs. Geo. Clark, 17th con., fell down
the stairs leading to the cellar and sue
rained severe injuries, so much so that
her life was at one time despaired of, but'
we are glad bo say that under the care of
a dootor she is recovering.
Bears are still seen in Grey. D. Mc-
Taggart and sons saw a bear on their
farm on the 16th nen. a few weeks ago.
He trampled down ate a lot of wheat and
oats, of whioh he seems partioulerly
fond. There are not many berries for
him tide year, poor fellow !
The Township rate of taxabion this
year will be one and six tenths of a mill
on the dollar and the County rate two
and one tenth of a mill. It requires a
large amount of money, annually, to
manage the township of Grey and the
striotest economy is exercised too.
On Saturday of last week Donald Mo.
Lanoblin, con. 7, eat 10 acres of heavy
oats in 0 hours, with his old wooden
frame Toronto binder, with two horses
attached. This will put the three horse
binders on their mettle and they will
have to get a big hustle on to beat it.
B. V. Smith has gone to Toronto where
he is attending the Normal school in con.
nection with his non.iirofessional 2nd
class certificate. We with him success.
His brother Willie will go to Goderieh
this week to attend the Model School as
he secured a Ord class certificate this
Some of the farmers on the 16th con.
are using slings in taking in their grain.
The ropes are laid in the bottom and one
or two other places on the load as it is
being built in the field, and two or three
minutes generally suffices in unloading
in the barn as the grain Domes off clean
in two or three tiers and is taken to al-
most any part of the mow quite easily.
It works well and is much ahead of the
hay -fork as it can be used with all kinds
of grain and hay. It saves mach valu-
able time and hard labor.
Arohie is all right now. He is insured
in the Ontario Mutual Life. J. A.
Young, of Ethel, represents tine Co. and
is doing good work in Grey, Morris and
Howiok. Many young mon are making
provision for their old age by taking out
endowrnents in whioh the aesorance
money ie payable at the end of 16, 20, 25,
80 05 86 years. A tboasand 0r two thous-
and dollars ooming due when a man fat
about 60 or 55 years of ago will not be
amiss and is something to fall back upon
if i11 luck should attend his other invest.
menta. Many young men can Deafly lay
by a small amount) from their yearly
earnings and nob miss it, and if they did
not pay their p10minma in this way to
some geed company they would probably
spend the money aimlessly and careless-
ly and find theursolves at the end of a
term of years just a thousand dollats or
more p0oree than their more prudent
smnpanione, whc, having a certain de-
finite nim in life make every stop they
take go btkaiglet for the goal they bavo in
Roots aro doing well and potatoes aro
an excellent crop.
Geo. Brigham was visiting old neigh-
bors for a few days this week,
Wm. Barney Intends taking a term at
some Collegiate Institute to prepare for
n 151 class eertiticato. He 11019 holds a
2nd. He is a good studeut.
In ono of the twin lakes near Lake..
vine. Conn., is a reels known as Moving
Ruck. it is slaw in shore, in about four .
feet of water, and rashes grow up all
around it. Fifteen years ago, it is re-
lated, this rook was far out in the lake,
and in size was nearly ten times what it
is to -day. It was observed to move each
spring from tan to fifteen feet, leaving a
deep furrow ie the yellow clay et the
bottom of the lake. The general opinion
among the natives is that the ice, when
it breaks up each spring, is piled in tons
upon the rook by the north winds, which
have a clean sweep over the lake, and
thus the rock is driven closer and closer
towards the bank,
Money to Loan,
Money to Loan on Farm Pro-
perty at
Private And • Company Funds.
,Solicitors, r&1'.,
Alain l NEE, Emma
Fresh and
Salt tleats of
the best dual
10 always on
hand and dc.
livered to
nnY Dort of
the 'Mugu
Free of
Fat Cattle Wanted
For which the highest market price
will be paid. I also remake a specialty of
baying Hides and Skins. Don't forget
the place, next door to Fietober's Jewel-
ry Store.
A.gricultlral Exposition
dept. 9 to til.
Increased Prizes, Greater Attractions
and a Grander display than ever before.
Newest and Best Special Features that
Money can Procure. The Greatest An-
nual Entertainment on the American
Continent. Cheap Exoursions on all
Railways, Over 250,000 Visitors attend-
ed this Exhibition Last Year. Entries
close Aug. 17. For Prize Lista and
Forms, Programs, etc„ drop a post card
Mnn40011, Toronto. PREsmnnl.
r'. GENT,
:18.1y •113 ms.ntnt,p4.
PEI U1 [,
General Blacksmith
wishes to intimate to the public generally
that bo does all kinds -of Blocksmithing
in a Workmanlike Manner,
Wagons, Buggies, Sleighs a.t1d Cu•ter.e
made to Order.
Repairing promptly I'.x,:euted,
1 retake a Specialty of Horse -shoeing,
A Call Solicited,ra'Remember the
Stand. -Newt Dan Banos-
S. Plum.
11; • For • :50 - Gert#t+.
.41t lyorl( front the ';maUest to Life aro(•
dour in a tirst.cl axn rlamannse.
of Residences, Etc., as Reasonable
W. J. Pairfleld,
The undersigned having completed the change from the stone to
the celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has new the Mill in
First -Class Running Order
and will be glad to see all his old customers and as many new
ones as possible.
Flour and Feed 1]waz,rs on hand.
Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good Grain.
The Brussels Woolen Mill
wants to get
500,000 LBS. OF WOOL
either for CASH or in exchange
for G-oods.
The Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
and a Few Cents More in Trade,
'We have a Fine Assort-
ment of Tweeds, Cottons,
Flannels, Blankets, Sheet-
ing, Knitted Goods,
Tarns, &c.
All Wool left with us for manufacturing, whether rolls or other•
wise, will have our prompt attention,
' We wish to remind the Farmers that the "Woolen Mill.
Store" in Brussels is not connected with THE BRUSSELS WOOL-
EN MILL, but is selllltg Goals front the Listowel Milt, which we
consider a groat advantage to the Farmers of this Locality, as the
two Stores are siclo by sirlo and the Goods and Prices can easily be
compared. We ilr(: •
GEO. HOWL &yr C� /o., r