HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-8-23, Page 8res THE .13k-ZUS'SELS POST atxtrequinicineentor._ .-.. _ ...: . ."LFI!h.PfiL`7aMRAn7A.,'$?r11'S'. • of Brnescls, and !Ties !,lisle Gill? I the seine place. •' (:ons." ,tally frl a DFCRE..,` .S,d NG-, 'No doubt t11tr great decrease Mies I .I1'is1 ab cue somewhat, to 1,P t various Fly Milers which Wilt are selling day by day. Our Drclai(1- tion //meet Poted , rondo of C1;,s. ed Flowers, land is therefore much superior to that of open flowers or flowers in au advanced state) doss its work weil. We guarantee this, as well as all our Fly Papers, to do as adver- tised. G. A. DE..DMA.N, IJ/ u!t�Jist, J3onhsellel•, ,$e. DRANOTRUNK RAILWAY. a00TIIEra EXTENSION w, G. & 0. Trains fee, Brussels Station, North and South, as follows: Como South. Goma Noan u. Mail 7U•2 a.m, ' Mixed 0R•0 um. trustee. Express iia, n.m.I hail 2:or,p,n • NExr Monday afternoon the Brussels Mixed e:w p.m. Express a:4i, u.m, baseball club will playa 1-..ntlehed gin of ball with Galton the Seaforth Reore- rt, of Duds in thin lorshtvare a Hutt in wiehin1 1 life and proeperily for Blase!£ and (lx Thursday evening of last wee Walton foot ball eluli came to llrt and played \ a match with e bo ye b e p . Y :!'here was only time for a half la play and during that time each side won a goal. The Walton boys play a game for juniors and aro not beaten. Ox Tuts \Vlxd,--Az I ant on my rounds cleaning, repairing and tuning omens and repairing and gleaning sowing ma. chines, please drop me a card to let m0 know where to call, Second hand num. ohf7es on hand and norm given nut with- out making good stitching, 54. T. lllooma, LEcrlraa,—On Monday evening, Sept. ted, Iter. J, Livingston, of Clinton, will deliver his popnlar lecture on "The Human Volce," in the Methodist church, Brussels, under the auspices of the Young Peoples' Association, The rev. gentleman is highly spoken of and hie lecture will no doubt be a treat. W. B. DIcxeox was elected to the office of sobcol trustee by acclamation owing to the withdrawal of J. R. Smith, who gave es his reason to the Returning Officer that he was nominated without his con. sent, It is to be hoped this will suffice as far as elections are concerned for this year, Jfr. Dickson should niulco a good JJ iptve dope to the Manan ('•athviie chum by word, deed and motion. I have u 'leu( 11 hese to opn186810), 1 T Itavq not commit. laridc. ' c;,l, o1 been a lewd by priest or minister. k the My reeantetion will bring me the 03iuul ten] s s of l h e,1 ai as pat u'ofe 1 seers and bigots Ot[ 'll 1 b who T, ilel'Q. are spiritually Band. X will bear my our's share of the cross.. My sands of life aro nearly run. 1 have no offers of honor or emolument, I seek no man's favor. I have a God to meet. So have you. While in the last stages of the "horrors,' super. induced by strong drink, imagination WOG rife, and I published "My reasons for leaving the Catllolio church," The Catholic oburoh still lives in spite of my reasons and lemma bigotry of the Jesuit 13111, I became a Protestant. I was the hero of the ]lour. The greater my mis- representation, the greater applause I re. oofved. Was it from God 2 1 was treat. ed web by any Protestant and Christian friends, God will bless them. I beoane a oat's -paw for certain ministers by copy- ing their self -adulatory epistles. 1help- ed to aggrandize then and puff their pop0. laxity, and through my means and the press enhanoed their salary. .Proaobing for cents not souls, Sordid gospel. Be- spectof porsonsI found in the church. Well dressed hypocrites were welcomed. Poor Lazarus ignored. I joined the Salvation Army. Their brotherly love and earnestness buoys up au old toper and peeps him from vioions company. Presumptuous familiarity with sacred name+, and presumptuous assurance of salvation without repentance is a oxine against the (lodhead• God's blessing rest on the 8..A. and check the wild fie. I was the immaculate Dan or Simon pure while in the Arley. A blood washed saint while ripe for hell. God forgive me, I rushed into sin. I hall no coil. fession to fear. I forgot God. "A11 nations that forget God shall bo cast M. to hell." Where was I going ? Observ- ing spiritual pride, presumption and hypocrisy among any new oo religionists, their total lack of doctrinal troths, their wonderful credulity in believing arrant humbugs, like Chinicny, their eagerness to bribe Inyself with five dollars to throw a saintly priest overboard, Father Ban- don, S. J., I lost faith in my new assoo3. etas. Feeble, helpless, alone and aban• doped, unable t0 labor, ashamed t0 beg, I did chores for e. living. I was sent to prison. Twenty.oue flays among thieves and blasphemers to be worse domoreliz- ed than I was. Twenty-one days depriv eel of the means of graceof God. Twenty- one days to think of my past erratic life orad near approach of the jndgmeut day. Twenty-one days to reflect on the enor- mity of my apostasy from the holy mother church, grief to my relations, scandal to Christianity and sin against God. God draws good out of evil. Twenty-one days to think of my revered mother's prayers. Twenty-one days to read "Ben Hur, the Christ," and "Mary, Queen of the Boase of David." Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for mo a sinner. A. now charm possessed me. Twenty years eating grass like Nebu- Ohaduezzar. When I 1001(011 to heaven my reason was restored and Goll in His infinite mercy restored me to the joy of His salvation. Tho queen of heaven prayed for me, nud God heard and answered the ever -blessed Virgin Mary's prayer. I confess not to priests but to Jesus Christ, the High Priest, and he will give me absolution.—DANIEL M00.lx. 11 10110 metered the flory fnrnasu of Nolte - 011 ohtttlnezzar, Ile proulahued that a fur. irt0e where iron is molted and cast into all kinds of f00lile wail the 30tn1105 of Nobnellachterzar, and that they could enter< au! ass through st•itl of fire ' pp zone the smell 1 1'!i b The three Negroes, Dolling them. selves the throe Children of Israel, under the influence of their now propliet, de- liberately entered the gate of the cupola of the furnace and rushed headlong be- fore they could bo stepped into the white heat of melting iron. When they tailed to come out Jaolcson proclaimed that ho saw them rising in the air with theemoko of the furnaces, attended by angels, and said they would 0011811 the earth agailt next Sunday. Tho Negroes propose to meet (tt(thumb next Sunday and pray, awaiting the descent of the Children of Israel. The mother of ono of them when asked about the matter said :---"1 feel 'jes AS oho' done been der ou boy l seed em. Realm is in Jackson de phophet, 0ommen' him to walla de fiery furnace an' he 'bliged to 'bey hen SEO =.T. rows,—In Winnipeg, on July 80111, the wife of Mr, Harry Town of a son. good easily ation gr00nds for the amateur champion. A ohielre amau5 ye )akin' notes, An' faith he'll prent it. Trt,oTITr see! at SfoCrackefl's. New wheat is being marketed. At'vEavrt your strayed animals, Rerbie Dennis is away at Harriston, Miss IDA Tae:irsoN is away at Toronto. WnEUE was the Band last Saturday evening ? Mns, Slum 117,11 has been seriously fll this week. • Osre week from next Sunday will be the let of September. A nos of women's leather boots at 50e per pair. Adam Good. Rom and of for side. Easy terms, Apply to Noble Gerry. Foonen Division Court on Thursday of nest week, 29th inst. Dem AmnleTaaosc end bride arrived home on Monday night slip of Ontario. Galt has only lost matches this year, one of them b with a professional team. Brussels will not allow them to sleep in the innings next Monday. Drscoveur0s.--Tiio Seaforth mail very little service to us since tbo office closes at 7 p. m.—Tho town city vieiters are about through with t Summer holidays.—Good, solid prao each player filling his own positio what Brussels base boll team wa this it is doubtful of anyt amateur can get near them. \\'I7LL-DIeente ANU Demersa.—Ge Birt has all tho necessary machinery digging and drillin wells and is pr ed to attend to all work entrusted to in a way that will insure setiefnct Wells cleaned out and put in pro shape. Terms reasonable. Reside second door north of the bridge, w side of Tnrnberry st., Breese%, ,tg, THE Guelph Mercury Bays :— lapis Leafs defeated the Brussels o t Listowel on Friday morning fo arse of e50 given by the Baud Tour ent Committee. The score was Ma Leafs 10, Brussels 4. Tile Guelph b ut up a steady game of the best Id he battery work being excellent, and russets men were outplayed at et/ Sint. CmN:vie--At a cricket match pl tt London between the city glob iddlesex County Lieut, Dudley Helm Godericb, who is attending the Itif ry 50ho01, made 12 runs the lot innin afore lie was bowled out and in the 2 linings he had batted out 25 when as run out. Ile played with the 0oun even. On Friday he will pixy with t uron County team. A Towx's prosperity is not gauged the wealth of its inhabitants, but by t unanimity with which they pull togoth when any important undertaking is to accomplished, ,A man with five the and dollars at his command and love f his town in his heart can do more for t building up and improving of it than t1i millionaire who looks up his capital and snaps bis fingers at home progress. Bele Waisa, who drives his father's stage between Seaforth and Brussels, met with a painful accident at the station at Seaforth on Tuesday of last week. He was getting into the stage when thehorses started and he fell between one of the front whets and the box tearing the flesh from his leg below the knee to the ankle. The horses were stopped and the lad was taken from the rig and the wound pro- perly dressed. He is doing well. THE Sunday School exoursion on Tues- day to Goderich was well patronized, two trains being required to convey the ex- oursionists to the circular town. Luok- now held their civic holiday on that date and the people turned out en mosso from that locality, The day was pleasant and no accident occurred to mar the pleasure of the occasion, The trains reached Goderich before 11 a. m. and one left a little before 6 p. m. and the second short- ly after, connecting with the evening train south at Winghatn junction. ALw.lrs Frsse.--A B. Smith's new Fall Goods are now to hand. Gorgeous array of new dress goods, blank Bilk warp, Henrietta, Soleile, Silks, Satins, Merves, &o. Magnificent display of Tweeds, Overooatinga, Flannels, Underwear, Oar• pets, hundreds of men's, youth's and boys' suits and overcoats arrived and ar- riving. Arrived, Cooper & Smith's oele- brated hand made Boots and Shoes. We are again entrenched behind the largest and best selected stook we have ever shown and bid defiance to all opposition. A. 31. Snout, LAST Friday morning a good many of oar residents were awakened from their [dumber shortly atter 8 o'clock by the mellifiuentetraine of music from the Seaforth Brass Band who had driven to Brussels to take the morning train to the Listowel tournament. They were accom- panied by the Fire Brigade. On the re- turn trip that night they again treated us to a selection. The Band was 20 strong and is led by James Jones who is a great enthusiast over the cornet and a good player to boot. They took 3rd prize at Listowel and gave a close pall for 'and place. AN exchange gives the following re. ape for making a good town; Grit, Push, s00p,vim,energy,churohee,schools, colleges, morality, enterprise, harmony, advertising, cordiality, cheap property, healthy location, talk about it, help to improve it, advertise in and read your own town paper, patronize its merchants, faith . exhibited by good works, honest competition in business, help all publio enterprise, abet good men to office, epealt well. of its pbbifc spirited enterprieing citizens and be one of them yourself. Remember that every dollar invested in permanent improvements is that mu011 on interest. Always o'l1Qor on the men who go in foe improvement[. TtrcA0r,vrxoe. -The following, clipped from the Seaforth Sin, explains itself :-- To ALL \Visit IT 101Ay Cogcrng,--Resti- tution i5 a Catholic doctrine •admired by all right minded c P 6 tot estant . s I wish h h oa111h and ' e Intellect t e remains tod a restitution, make re ' niati n o arid llI a' I tisfactiorl Eor the public scandal I two sing club nine is of post and heir Lice, n, is ants, Bing ergo for Opar- him 1011, per nee est tf The nub r a na- ple oys nal, the ery eyed 1104 es, an- gs nd he t he D Excesemx to Niagara Falls on Friday a of this week. Return fare 82.00. BneTTi'E Bros. "Topsy" will compete m in the running rsee at Clinton on fri- day, , STaxrrox Does. got a 100 pound bear t shot by Robe Carr, near Henfryn, last B 'week, p Tnn civic holiday passed by very eniet- ly, A number of our residents went to f Listowel. M 50 CENTS, in advance, secures TEE Pose of for the balance of 1859. Tell your neigh_ t bor about it. b G. L. BALL, L. D. S., of Seaforth, was i in town this week, Hiss Bali accompani. w ed him home. el WEDDINGS are coming to the front on H all sides these days and still there is ioore to follow, Tam various departments of the Public School in Brussels will be re -opened next Monday morning. IT will pay any person to call and see Geo. Love & Co's Furniture Room, New Goods and new Prices. Peesenvme sugars and jars, pure white wine vinegar, and everything fn groceries veru cheap. ADAM Goon. UHiLD's crib and mattress for sale, at a bargain. As good as new. Apply at Geo. Love & Co's. show room. HunoN County will measure bate with Middlesex County on the London cricket grounds on Friday of this week. REv, Jim. Ross, B. A., will ooanpy the pulpit of Melville church next Sabbath, having returned from his holiday visit. Tot, Ution base bull club of Gerrie and Wroxeter wee expected here on Wednes- day afternoon but were enable to come. Ax amateur the town for several days, erie (?The tent wawas s pitched on the square by the town hall. ionic IE KeNxEnx was badly injured on Tuesday by falling from a ladder leading to the ]lay loft in Beattie Bros. livery stable. W. F. VANSTooE and wife and Miss Addie Vanstono attended the wedding of their brother, 0. 111„ at Southampton on Wednesday. A Inman of our residents were out in the east of Grey township, on Monday, hunting a bear. They got plenty of hent• ing but very little bear, Seers Cotn,—.Persons desirous of pur- chaeingstove coal for next winter, who have not been called on, will oblige by leaving their order at B. Gerry'e, 6.2 &MIER Egc005soes,—Lake or rail for lowest rates, best connections and fell information, tickets, &c., at the Town Agenoy, T. Fletcher, Agt., G. T. R. GED., Lova & Co, have no goods to sell for spite bat they will do undertaking at half combine prides and will use their Inane for the poor as well as the rich. A Tonso son of Daniel MoNaugbton's had the fingers on one of his hands damaged in the National Roller Mill, last week, by being caught in one of the elevators. Councillor Stewart and wife are en- joyiug an outing at Ittaokinao this week. They wont per steamer Cannons from Owen Sound and purchased their tiokete from the local C. P.10. agent, J. T. Pep- per. Eneaaotns Fire Brigade believe their hose reel team could have chased up Kinca1di15 close enough at Listowel tournament had they not been cheated out of a chance to.nompete by the coo• mittee, Tan C. P. R. 0QQ will give harvest home exoursiors tie the Northwest on August 2011,, Sept, lied and Sept. 24111, The objective pointe will be 'Winnipeg, Geloraine, Gienboro, Saltcoats, Moosejaw and Calgary. IT will be a matter of interest to the ladled of this looality to know that Mies McPherson, of Godericb, purpollee open. lug a shop for dressmaking in the Gar. field blook, Itrussole, in the early part of September. AL1, orders for teaming left at J. G. Skene's or A,112, Mazy dr Co's store will be promptly attended to, A11 orders for garden! plowing left with the above named gentlemee will receive prompt at• tendert.80 n Mammon Blas kl ON oduescta W of this Week the Y e benne whalo of mania„'o were solemnized between (1. R. Weston°, of Southampton, formerly g' ve e by he be er Perth County. thou and F. G. Hunter, formerly lie Marys, now of Holly, Michigan asfb been e awarded by the courts a verdict of 810,000 against the village of holly for injuries received about three years ago. He was returning home late one dark night, when he ran into a capstan which had been used for moving buildings and had not been removed from the etreet. His car- riage was overturned and he sustained injuries which will make him a cripple for life. Huron County. Thursday was Exeter's 01010 holiday, and the local cricketers celebrated it lay defeating Clinton by 106 to N. Hugh Johnston, an old totvneman of Goderich, died in Texas on the 13th inst., in the 70th year of his age. Mr. John- ston, albhough not confined to his bed, hes been ailing for some time and hie death was caused by general decay inoi- clent to old age. He was father to Fred W. Johnston, barrister of the Co. town James L. Doherty, of Clinton, is the owner of a thoroughbred mastiff pup, Crown Prinoe, A.K.C.8.B,, No. 4862, and 0.K.S.R., No. 158, seven months old, that weighs 111 pounds. He considers this as heavy (if not the heaviest) as any dog of its age in Canada, and intends to exhibit him at the London and Toronto Exhibitions, The Huron Rifle Association held their annual meeting on Monday evening. The following officers were elected for the current year;—Capt. A, M. Todd, Presi• dent ; Lieut. D. G. Coartioe, Vice•Presi- dent ; N. Robson, Sec.-Treas. ; Lieut. H. B. Combo, Lieut. H. T. Renee, W. Grigg, managing committee. The Huron has affiliated with the Ontario Association. The targets on the Athoicot ranges, near Clinton, will be put in order at once, and final arrangements made in a short time for the annual match. t,enles-a1 Newts. Kilrafn cannot be tried before Decem- ber, Montana cattle ranges are being swept by fires. The Indians aro again menacing the lives of the Whites at Dernorsville, Mom Lana. A fatal disoaso has broken out among the cattle in the vicinity of Greenberg, Pa. Robert Marvel, the Indiana feeler, who had eaten nothing for 67 days, died Tues. day, aged 85. The vintage of this year in both Franco old Germany, promises to rival that of 1808. A remarkable religious craze prevails among the Negroes near Bessemer and the country immediately between that place and Birmingham, Ala. For some time an old Negro, named Tobias Jack. eon, has been proclaiming himself me Daniel the prophet, and cluing all !tines Of singular tbinge, The colored people in that section ere ignorant and seper- stitious, and Jackeon's actions and the great pew0rs be claims to have been in. vas ted with have a the he Ng e LOC9 On liaburdn of last ,1 week) (1e, Y u on persuaded thea srktyoung n men t i attM OprOseotativeeof Shachaehelne and Abecluego, the throe children of faith fir AT—v"_TszazJ7], Lovlt—Srttrll5Nsex,—Ab Port Arthur, 00 July 99, by the Bev, Ur. Pingle, Mi', Nelson Love, formerly of Brussels, (Int„ now of Rat Portage, Man., to Miss Maggie Stephenson, of Lon- don, Fall Wheat 75 90 Spring Wheat „ ' 85 190 Barley 40 4)i Oats 25 27 Peas 50 52 Butter, tells and rolls,,,, 13 17 Ego per dozen 12 00 Floor per barrel 5 50 00 Potatoes ,,, 40 50 Hay per ton. Hides per 1b 7 00 8 00 Salt per 11111„ retail,,.,,125 00 Sheep skins, each......,60 1 00 Wool, per lb 10 22 1:FAFOI.2T=I EILAF,MT7EI 'S. Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Oats Peas ilarlev Potatoes Butter, per lb Eggs, per dozen Apples, per bushel Hogs, dressed Beef Hey Wood, per cord Sheepskins, Dash Clinton, Sept. 24 to 20. Brnsaels, Oct. 3 and 4. Listowel, Sept, 18 to 22. Guelph, Sept. 25 and 20. Wingham, Sept, 24 to 25. Brantford, Sept. 10 to 12, Mitchell, Sept. 20 and 27. Western at London, Sept. 9 to 14. Central at Hsltilton, Sept, 23 to 27, North Brant ab Paris, 0o1, 1 and 2. Soothsrn, Brantford, Sept, 10 to 12. Industrial at Toronto, Seet. 9 to 21, North Perth at Stratford, Oct. 8 and 4, South Perth, St, Marys, Sept. 24 & 25. Central Canada, Ottawa, Sept. 9 to 14. Northwestern, Godericb, Sept. 17 to 19, Peninsular at Chatham, Sept, 17 to 20. Midland Central at Kingston, Aug, 28 East Wawanosh at Belgrave, Sept. 1 and 2. to Sept. 7. Eastern Townships atSherbrook, Que., Sept. 3 to 5. Southern Counties, et St, Thomas, Sept. 24 to 27. 75 90 85 00 25 27 50 52 40 45 43 50 13 17 12 00 80 85 0 00 00 4 50 5 50 7 00 6 00 2 50 4 50 40 57 ]ta`Ozi,T-X--.3e,o URorlir PROVINCIAL EXHTiU —OF T ..C=— Agrianiturc - and -Arts - Association —TO 8= I3}7I,I) .fiT TSE._ CITYlo LONDOT —.PIZON.0 9th to 140 SEPT. 1889 Prize Liebe are now ready. Entries of Live Stook may bo trade up to the 17th of August. 4. C. RYKEIOT, M.P., Presi- dent, St. Catharines. HENRY WADE, SEoeTAnv, Toronto, 4.3ns THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. TIRE SSMAKING,--MISS b10- PrtEneon, of Godorich, will open a shop for areasmaking intact Garfield Block, Brussels, about Sept. let. She solicits the patronage of the ladies of Brussels and lo- cality, Satisfaction guaranteed. 0.4 MISS 110581118011, DRESSMAKING.— The underet piled desires to lntlmato to the ladies of Brussels and surrounding ooenlry that she is prepared to attend to all orders intrusted to bor. Satisfaction guaranteed. Shop—Up-stairs, one door north of Walter Jaokeon's hardware store, LO- MI88 SAMPLE. 13'xCula oxoN / During the Bummer mouths eerie. Saturday, May 11111, 1 rill carry passengers on Saturday of each wink from Gerrie to Seaforth and return for 81,00, and from Brussels to Seaforth and return 110,1, Stage leaves at usual hours. S. WALSH,.erepNOter• ('`IAYIE INTO THE ENCLOSURE J of the undersigned on or about thol7th inst., a young horse having a strapon 1116 nook with shank attached ,wita new spring tonally used on a lino, and having otherpparticular marks. :The owner amu havethe tnm01,3 proving preporty and 1, a,y73h all eha'gee by mnptyulg 110 WILLIAIU Ina in 1 NIOHOLS,Io153, con, I1, Grey, AUG, 21, 1b89, :;II.T,'.rS:- 12iLr3,, Linc Lcitz••,,T„ryWry1, .may asz IRSI,Id3SSarpu;,rl0..I.E."-'aDID", PUNE DRUGS CHEMICALS, ETC, EFFEls UJ 4ilart... �1.. ,1118! Y F .sem POISON FELTS. Another Case, {,�; SAME PRICE, 3 for 6 CENTS. D ALIATIOV INSECT POEM, USE NORWEGIAN PEPPERS -DEF, IRON S` 1...{+ E 00D MILOI--I 00W FOR SALE, 0 years old, lately °aived. Apply to JAS. WALT*1;11, Brussels. Q ULL F018 SERVIOE-I WILL peep on my Tarn, lot 27, eon, 0, bior- ris,nthoro'-bred Bates 1in11, of the Duchess family, Podigteo can be seen at the stables. Terms—a'horo'-broil sows, 80; high graded 00w5, $0 • common cows, 81,60, with milli - ego of returning during the spasm,, To be paid for nu or before Jlrsb of December1800, 41hf JOHN lIItOADFOOT, FS 11 E"0.i 7i 0 Caveats, Pn-lsanosand Tracie 001' patent causes in plthoc l'01egtnt05100 'anti before the Courts )>00mpt1y 110,1 aarofuliy at- to),dad to, Upon resolpt of model or theta': an 1 invention, es to make ntetttebilityfrralofiunarm% Foos modaro.to, cud I Disko no charge nnlose patent is secured, Information, advtoe and special references scut oil application. .T, B LOTT]LL, Washington, D.C., U.S. Patent Office n5 —REAL ESTATE. 1T1ARMS FOR SALE. --THE UN. nnnsrnvnn lies severe ocd 170111111 1 or sale acid IO rant, easy terms, in Townships of 5100118 and Grey, F. S. SCOTT,Brnasals 87.11. + 13131 1'INEST BUILDING SITE for a residence in 73 russols, containing 0110 sore of land nearly opposite Mr. 1''. 0. Rogers' residence, is for sal,, at a bargain. Apply to W. Af. EiNCLAIn, Brusssols, or to ONO, HARGREAVE:S, Cor. Queen and 81m - coo stroeto,Torouto, 1 ANNERy FOR SALE.—THE Brussels Tannery is ollared for sale at at bargain, In it is n 14 h, p, ongive and 801i, p, boiler, l0 vats, 2 currytablos, 2 stoves, 01R115,1 bark mill and n full set of tools, with ]coating pipes to leaches, Co, '11he'o are nbmub2 ,eros of laud in connection with the building. No tannery nearer than \Viugliam °r Listowel. Terme easy. Per further par. Couture, as to price terms, &c„ apply. ab 37- Ter. S'oeT Publishing 1tOune, Brussels, 1ARM FOR SALE,—ThE UN- d°r0igall is desirous of ranting 11)18 100 -acro :nr,n, being Ior 20, c°u. 7, Go's', for a term el years. The farm is to good con- dition, rvng i lags of Ethel, where thorn aro aopd all annvouiences,rO pseesfrailway, given °1st of April next. The fall plowing can be done litany time. For further particulars apply to WDf, SPLNCL, Ethel P. 0. L'IARM F0111 SALE.—THE SUB. farm,, being osomnrat offers 3, °sou. 20 valuable Grey own ship Huron Co., for solo, There aro about 50 acres cleared and in good heart. Thera is a log house, good bank barn, heating orchard, and all the necessary oonyentenees on the premises. For farther particulate, as to 111triee,tarots, etc „ apply to tiro Proprietor, THOS ,HI81i0P,01areP.0., N, W. T.. or to 2-1f DOUGALD STRAOIIAN, Brussels FARM FOR SALE. --THE UN, Brussels being offers Con. 0e,(} Grey, forisale It contains 06 emus, about so of which aro under cultivation nud the balance in bush p0eture. There is a comfortable brink cot - ago, and large book barn on the premiet», together with au orchard, 2 wells,and noocs. eery outbuildings. The farm ie under good ouItfvatlon and is wolf fenood, with plenty of °odor growing on the lot.. Por forther pariioulart, as to price terms, &o., apply to WALTBR RICHARDSON, ProprIetor,Brus. sole P.O, 0.11 �lARM FOR SALE.—TRE UN - east quarter of lot 08, 6005eeslon 0, 000tnis, County is of first °quality and in aliigh state of cultivation, well fenced and under -drained, n ilk mores r withNconcrete walls, 2r wells, good barns and shod, orchard, ote, Eight ad3res 011011 wheat. oins the corporation lso,°Brusselable o, Suit. able terms will be given. Title perfect. JAMBS GRIEVE, Owner, ss- Seaforth P. 0. ri AlIM FOR SALE.—THE UN - for solo beipg lotn18,,Uand Si .lot 100'r con, e, in good repair, 1650 5 soresr acres the 60sore lob and 10 aures on the other lot. 2 good bearing orchards. one on each place and plenty of good water. Thefire is a good Walt barnsTOTllelramo one iso 43000 on stone foundation, the other is log. The farm is under good cultivation and is only f of a mile from the stirring village of Ethel, and portion - lore apply ts o Brussels. 33ATE1MMANrProprio. tor. 45-tf 1S'ATt141 1408 SALE.—THE UN - part Lot 111,, O . offers hGrey,containing °00 acres, for sale, The farm is about all clear. ed end under cultivation audio well under - drained. There is nearly an acre Of 000hard, A log house, 1ex27feet, a frame barn, 00x03 feet a log stable anclother outbuildings aro on the promisee. Al80 2 good wells. Poe - session will be given after harvest. This farm is only 13 miles from sshool'lloueo and 13 from oboges° factory, is oonyeniont to seta a d and U'oth goodmarkete,BrPor barbio ulere 50 to prim, toms, &a., apply to TH08, iv, JOHNSTON, Proprietor, 20 (� ACRE FARM FOR SALE, t! 'lret-olaea farm for Oslo in the Township of Morris in the Countyof Boron being mouth half of north half lots 25 de 20 and south hall 01201n MI e011., containing 200 acres more or loss, 125 acres .mostly Maar of stumps and in a good state of culti- vation, T1; are is a young. bearing orobard a good house and haul[ baro, 55 x 50 foot Vaal Stone stable underneath. The farts is situ- ated within a mile of the Village of Brussels is a good fano for grain or atrial( rate - es 111 ewatered with the livor Maitland never failing spring brook, Possesein be gives at any time. Por further par. )au]11s app] on fhb prenti0O8 or to tOBk138TS058 17rnesols, F. () 1.tl OOD 111A1bA1 FOR SAI;'' Morf iB, on 1858onabto toren" In Iv order oro the affairs of the estate a the tat. lig valuable touabl the ds for Offer the fol• ng v of 110, deeds for male North of lot 80, Con550 acres. (,,Township of ria ooiitnhug00 acres, hu this tet is telt 0500d frame barn with stone ioua- oi good °relined, well endpmnp, Nata- 1 and is on 1110 grave road I nd Y Oiti n tl i po i11 v nootll zoos ff a ala, larmisa vn�uabt tit e po lb well fu , 0 oh[1 ill It good state n. f e11108.ti 1 v t, for a and terms 1111111. to rl'HO9. Victoria, ,soli 71. �1 Jet»)Sti roi,: aple 7rodge . blidd1086X 0011111y, ab•ls an d will rilEACHER WANTED.—A. SEC- i OND OT third Oleos Maio Timelier fol School Section No, 4r Croy, Duties to (me- ntouco,rot of September. Anplioants to i!'y state salary and est� ertenee, with W505,o0, `el ®opplia tions r000i0Oct up 110 the twont , 11) et yyenthday of August, Address 17DWAIty11' local BRXANS lino,=frons Jamesto45.0. 2.4x half _._ ret °BRIE AND SEAIt'OBTIT STAGE I eros '_5 Rouxlt, Batt Stagolcaves Gerrie about 0120 0, m, »seely Iva S,r Dtat enols about s 6 80 a, t n. And twit r' 1 j n ileo 0 oke a ftonP t artft ab�utl 1 JO m' M P. sin 31 w 1 Thi 100.w0 3aAtbrtll about 31; loo 1•eno p b1n and 73rnaasls about 0.45 i n time r a Ovid, to donne 1 of with 1grin„ t,ant5obnorth Phil south, Alae mnka Bins (3�t,�rir rtm15 la Wt61t E, VALS1 ProgprlotorA11Cl bald. ANA SENUIN.0 ! os WINE. RANKING.. gg aiNTUsii ,C MoTAG(iART, BANKERS, • BRUSSELS, Tca esinwt a Croaa.oral 1�arslcine EHtzalraoao_ NOTES DISCOUNTED, Canedin,t nud Unito,i 01.00r Drafts 1,,1)01,11 and sold, Interest allowed on Deposits. Collections orad,' on,throrable 10)01!. Canadian A0Otlte—M1:i1CnAu1."1 BANK of CANADA, New York Agents—IAtrnlerrno nen Tnan• 11115 NATIONAL 1100:(. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. V e 143, SINOLAIR, Solicitor, Conveyavom, No lury. Pub- lic, &0. 011lco—GraluWn's Bieck, 1 &ION ogrlll of Popper's Thug Store, Private Puads to Loan, L. WADE, s Barrister, 561101to0 and Notary Pub - lie. Conveyancing. Collections and Loa Mug, 141r. Waste will attend 1,1 Gerrie every Wed- nesday at two o'clock, �10I(SUN & 1JAYS, (Late with Darrow 10 Protlllioot, (10dr- rioh,) Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &0. Ofnoos—hrassele ou<t Soafm•th, Brits Eels Oillco, Rogers' Block, 51,117 tit. 1)00,151 to Loan. A, a, liars, 1r, 01. 1%i[`EatlK, 31. `TAYLOR, L. 0. L. . Barrister, Solicitor, &0., of the firm of Taylor, bloCullough A: Durum, Barristers Solicitors, Are., Manning .reale, Toronto, Money to loan, A L1]X, HUNTER, Co.- Huron. ° Conveyancer,lNotu yiisio) PubliComc, invested rto loan.pLce Collations wade Moo in Graham's B1ook,11114001), • BUSINESS CARS. U7' 11. MoORACXEN, Isam•o. of Marriage Licenses, 011lee at his Grocery, Tor:Merry street, Preemie. MISS O'CONNOR, TeaoborofPiano and Organ, Termo 011 Thursday lend on. at lies ll Campbells Walton, MISS HARGREAVES tion on the Piano and Organs for years experience. Residence with bars, Hargreav- es, over Popp m's Drug Store. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM INSU0ANCE, FIRE AND MARINR, GUELPH. N. 13ARRETT, Tonsorial Artist. Shop Next door south Of A. 1,T. MO0ay & Co's hardware store. Ladies' and chllcreu's hair putting a i peclalty t<r,a• 'A choice stock of olgars Rept. A141oNAIR e Issurer of Marriage Liobuses, by appointment of Lient,_Oovernor, 001131131/3. stoner, Insurance Ua, Conveyancer at the Orn!bd rook Post 011100. DENTAL. 73321STTS 00011.'111 ae and M. 0, D.'8 1 L. ronto,Honor Vitali Q d raMrtgiven. OBloo—METEne 131.000, 8EAyonTn, D =1.4- 2 M'r 1 W. J. Fear, L. D. 8„ Graduate of Toronto School of Dentistry. All operations 50aranteed, la-Artifoial teeth, first quality, and a guaranteed at, for 512.05 per set. O3tioe—OADr's Bums, SEAvorveH, a. . z xx.,tzeami7 ,14, a, ts„ Honor Graduate of the Royal College of Dental strefrlgissxtainofadminiedor Toronto. tooth. Office-- K.# Orin Doon METE Olt BANS, BREsaELe, AUCTIONEERS. � EORGE KIRKBY, Licensed Auctioneer. Salus nnduot• ed on reasonable tonne. Farms and farm stooks epoolalty. Orders left at Tun Pon PubliehingHousesrussele,or sent to Walton P. 0., will reoelvo prompt attention, A RAYMANN, • Auotlecoer, 1s always ready to at- tend sales of Jarmo, farm etooic, &c. Tonne obemeelly given. Cr'anbrook P.O. Sales may be arranged at TIM Pon PUbliehing Rodeo, Brussels, MEDICAL CARDS. M. 11'. CALE, M.11„ Memberof of the rim by otphysah1011 and Su nd Its sl Ontario by obroot hast, Office and ltasidoaoe—Main atropt Bast, Ethel, Ontario. T uA. MoNAUGZITON, ii1. D. a (1,14I, L, R. O.P., SBdiubltrgh, AL C. P. S. Out, At Pepper's Drug Store from 0 to 11:80 a. fin, and from 1:80 to 4 11. m, At Other 1Onrsmay be found at lata residence form. Orly occupied by Dr, Hutchinson, 111111 st. VETERINARY. siN0 , D. . W A RW I OE ,V S, tsUtl OY5S0RoyeV0BRII4N Graduate and Ion rary Mallow of Ont a l s o Vetotinaey College, will be pleated inami,a With 1,o • grpntoo8 entrusted sed fto Ida clonal 91O any ao flr y—ten17ee his otrarpn. OfJSao and inifrmaryy—O'Brlm)'e •ohl Mend, 2 doevs north of bridge, il•ureborry 81., B1nae01s• e a< s u: st c "I It1 a be' hot Iva Th Wi 0 oil ro, we Ob' in• tit Ou fro I110 he, aro ORE we' of our wh'I foo,'. heti heir fails exit we the log the for Joe ofai hip way bolo of r atai the pati the t $e ah lho, 11' Sou fro, o tbla 101107 loath dee Ip the bate< rem I will In 10es, t eta to R. getter 1 Sou .peak pen t ng 73 olioy '.I nl icy 18 to ut t1, ell'[ MVO 1 specie, direct ginia, ed 101 carry' hope onth by int the St of Incl 1ent1 'hie it 80110 1r we he to that imp At' e pore Ily i 'otri anti ulnrl Trey cap pat. 1010 valr valr es p 1 de• vein illb sin, 4)8 nes) Ops luld err 170 sin on to b esti Sti ales to exi Code vieior 1000' •ppoi ode tiles pts den node tla7v. On all spear '1110E1 ;0 in Tb was r new for 111 yThe 'filly •spite ;lied. 'feet 1 with MOO on a truis 3eet 1 .Gong will 1 'T 1e ane laid 0oil hese tlon rd o 'Anse ave hie road TOO errs 11711 3vor jfith the hire HSI 'tem 'tent of t 1 111 0 1 ,wt 711011 live 1111, 'art al seed 100 LE bo G ort dal 10 m 0 In 1