HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-8-23, Page 7A,U GUST 23, 11169. T E ;BRUSSELS POST. termed aaYri I? rfea r7po IS THE EitBTR A BOMB? +>q r,re And Mo' we All be Blown into Mermaid), l by a Natural tills Explosion? New Brunowiele, N. J„ oorreepolldonb Now York Herald, of July 14 E Apropos of the recent interview publlohod in the "tjorald with Proieoeor L, W, 'Phioketun of Motu• °hon, concerning the poeeibiliby of the up• heayal of bhe earth caused by a natural gee explosion, I scoured from Mr, Tbiclestua yesterday an xplanatlon of hie ideas, which le afe obarbling ao it le important. "Natural gas lu western Pennsylvania, oaotorp Qbio sad in some other parte of rho country," sold bo, "ie ono of the things the public f% thinking about with aortae degree of apprehension. Capital in largo amounts has been invoked in Lis produotion, or rather in its oapturo and in it8 applioetion as a heater and as an illuminator. Millions of dollars find profitable employmenb in thie manner all over the extensive territory known ae the oil regions. "In Pittsburg alone enough natural gas is ooneumod daily to give suflieient amount of light for the needs of the largosb city in the world. North of Plbbaburg 120 miles, at Erie, and all the way between the two places, natural gas le found in nearly every neigh• borhood where proper beets have been made. In all other directions from this busy and prosperous manufacturing center gee bas been'fauud in quantibies apparently leex- hausbible. " A reservoir of vast proportions, or many reservoir% mush have been provided for by nature to contain what gas has already es- oaped from wells and what ie yet etored away in the bowels of the earth. Extensive & oslts have also been found in the west- ern oounbrieo of our own state, as well as in pennsylvania and Ohio. How far the open- ings extend below the earth's surface i8 nob known, but the subterranean oavarn or cav- erns where gas abounds must be of great magnitude. "Gas began to appear in large auantiee soon after the first wells on 011 creek were finished. ',plena' Drake drilled the fireb oil well near Titusville, Pa„ during the sum- mer of 1859, and at a depoh of sixty-nine feet he struck oil. That was a pumping and not a flowing well. From it a small amount of gas escaped, as is the oath with most pumping wells. Subsequently many other wells were opened, thoneande of them, eome pumping and some flowing. "All flowing wells are gate as wall as oil wells. In flowing wells oil is thrown out by escaping gas. Big 'epouters' began to ap• pear eight or ten miles below Titusville, along 'the creek,' early in 1860. Since then they have been opened in hundreds of other localities from the source to the mouth of the Alleghany river and along many of the b.ibutar108. "Among the most noted and the most profitable of all flowing wells was the Noble well, seven miles below Titusville, struck on May 3, 1863. It began as a 1500 gallon well. It was a 'boomer' of bhe first order. Gas and oil Dame from a crevice in the sand. rook. 140 feet below the bed of Oil creek, Twenty rode lower down the stream was the Caldwell well. It was a good 700 barrel well. 011 was reached in It at about the same depth as in bhe Noble well. By May 28 the production of the Noble well ran up to 1800 barrels and the Caldwell had fallen off to 400 barrels a day. Before the mid - die of Jane the latter was ao nearly exhaust - that it flowed nob more than eeven or eight barrels, and the former was pouring out a flood of 2200 barrels of petroleum every twentyfaur hours. "The Noble well did nobly, ran about twenty-two months, produced over 500,000 barrela of oil, an immense amouab of gas -- wasted on 011 creek air -and thon it too was a worthless hole in the ground. Water fills the place the gee and oil occupied and no one fears danger from that quarter. "Nob very far from the Noble well there he another kind of a blower. This bae no water of nil in ib, only gas, and that oomea out ateu the rate that you can hear it pulsat- ing and fairly pounding a mile or two away on a still summer evening. This, like other wells, was sunk for oil, and this Ie the kind in which dangerlurks. This well never fills up with water and probably never will, There aro hundreds and bhousandeseattired all over the oil regions just like it. We ere anxious bo know what sort cf a plane is under our country where this treacherous eubebanos oomea from. " If the Noble well threw out 500,000 bar - rola of oil and ae much gee Imelda in loss than two years, what are these purely gas walla doing?, What havo they been doing a score or more years 1 Will some one rise bo his feet and explain ? "Thinking people aro growing uneasy about it. Where does this enormous pro- duobion tomo from, anyway? Where is the vast gas storehouse or sborehoueee located? Do these subterranean reeervoire fill up ao rapidly as they are emptied? Does our at- mosphere rush in to take the places vacated, or is gas forming constantly to keep the leaking tanks full? Will too much of our atmosphere move from the outside to the inside of the earth to the injury or extinc- tion of animal and vegetable life? "Worst of all, will the air mingle with the gas under our feob and thereby enable it to ignite and explode ? If an explosion comes will Ib blow up all the oil regions from the great lakes toa,old 'Virginia, and will the Allegheny mountaine stand between us and all harm? De oceans of natural goo exbond from Titusville to the mountains, and from the mountains to New York. and ib is pee Bible for these lakes -an unmanageable and ae unsafe as dynamite -le it poesiblo for them to be sob on fire ab the same instant? "Some of these interrogatories may seem absurd and not worth the ink it takes to prinb them or the time it requires to road them ; but then, again, suppose they are all pertinent? Supposethe last one turns out to be a fact as well as a question, what then? "Might not an explosion 000ur which would be simply terrific ? Instead of a born up and devastated oil field beyond the mountains, we might have a ruined and frag- mentary planet, No wonder people grow nervous and wish the owners would plug up every gas well an earth." n1e'Ar11N!suate etas ,n rrcMnnr+:+vaseemeamete seta ernfeengeueneteat::a'c4YRa' i•' tea+--- `�--a-,- `?�';,, �-'.�._. y ..-.•- toy, `.. tpenrinxsrtrrly,uwarra7reatr3,ruahatwt -. •" +µ•.al4lrc q II gl'11I1111441iN11bIi11 II t Ili l d 1lhlll 1 . L Yial I II UlU 1111 II II I III) 'new o1 the Grounds awl:Buildings of the Toronto Industrial Exhibition. There ie, perhaps, not a ciry on this conti- nent that has made more rapid progress during the pest ten yr are than the city of Toronto. During that period ib has adeouo• ed in population from eighty thousand in 1879, to one hundred and eighty thousand in 1889, showing an average inoreaso of ten thousand a year, and the Q, wen City still oontinues the forward march. Phenomenal as bale progress baa been, the 0000008 wbioh has attended rho great Agricultural and Io- duotrial oxhibltiko, that is held aunually in Toronto, has been equally oo, during the flame period, having 1 u.mhed a paint in mag- nitude and importance far beyond the Enost sanguine anticipations of its promoters. The attendanno of visitors at thio Exhibition, whioh in 1879 was about ninety thousand, has steadily lem'eaeed eaoh year, and lost year it reached over two hundred and fifty thousand. Tho number of visitors has in - a correct representation of the grounds and buildings; and wo Mao give a view of the new poultry building and a motion of the now stabling. Tho Agrioultural and industrial Exhibi- tion being promoted in the interests of the public) generally, no elferb.is being spared to make ib thoroughly repreeantabive and wor- thy of their unstinted patronage. The otjeot 18 not only to make eaoh succeed• lag fair superior bo the preceding one, irrespective of what oan bo Been on the ocher side of the line, but to equal if nob to txle1 any exposition on the American Con• binenb. The Direotore fully realfza that they cermet Stand still, that their pabrone want something greater and better every pear, with all that ie now and interesting to be found on the globe, and this io what they determined to give them, The T-�ra AIELI'll litr5P ESS COILECE, 0neItlh, Uut.-The re are nos amnions, the t oilege being In motion throughout the entire year. 250 b01580atoa ore meeting with dietmgutohs d tensest, no book -keep. ars, bunue0e 0014085000, ohothend•leilem, co0rt Ioportete, oto, lndhiduua a struottoe 1e n lecture of doe institution. assisted in obtafulag 11. Me000BIlUCK, Principal, AUTOMATIC SAFETY ELEVATORS Pat, hydraulic, hand and deans elevators. LEITCH es TURNBULL, (Jonathan E1eva Ir Werke Pe erOe d Queen shade, TORONTO COLLEGE OF MUSIC OlrCIIESTRAl. and ORGG8N SCHOOL. Fall Tenn, (2nd year) oommeuoos September 6th, 18.0. Thorough Instruction laevery branch of amide vocal, instrumental and tbeoretfoal-by the most eminent Meehan] in Oannda O mplete three manual ergo, In College audlargeet church organ In province for borons and practice. Orchestra of 00 and chorus of 260 000seablo to etudonte, Diplomas, prizer, scholarship and certificate granted. Leeburoe, con- certs, recitals and violin class free. Send for pros• peotue, glving Igil ppartioul8n, to F. li TOIERINGTON, Dire oier, 12 and lO Pernbrose SL, Toroutr, Ont Merchants, Butchers, and Traders generally, We wart a 0000 MAN In your locality to pick up CALF SKINS For us. Cash Furnished on eatiefaotory guaaob Address, O. S. PAA -G331, Ilr00 Palm, Vermont, U. S. n view, embracing the fineat breeds obtain able. There wilt he a larger number of sheep title year than lout, new and enlarged pens faoirg the eun having been oreoted. Tbo total amount of pr 010 offered for the coming fair le 340 000, and nearly the whole of that tura is offered for live stook, dairy, afrrioultural and horttuulcural produote and ladles' work. Many of the pr'rIO in the horse department havo been inoreaeed over those of Met year, and among the special prl2ss offered tor sheep is 8100 by the Amerl' ore Shro(.o5iro Sheep Aasooiation for that breed of sheep. A large number of sweep stake prize are offered, eepoaially in the horse department. Tee p thee in the poultry department have been lneroaeod by the addition of many new varieties, and by making all the eentIoas for single birds appear of pairs. Entries for exhibits in all newest ideas aro readily adopted and util- departments meat be made before Augnet ized by the management. Tho greeted novelties human skill oan devise are managed every year, while within the immense range of exhibits, animate and inanimate, the In• duetrial Fair of Toronto may be said to name - acne the beet preclude, natural and manufao• tured, in the Dominion. The Asaoolatlon has certainly very much to be proud of, with no memo to fear comparison anywhere. The Exhibition in not. as many suppose, oontrol- led by a joint stook company. bub by gentle- men, who give their time and eorvlcea for nothing, and their ohartor provides that every dollar whioh ie made oat of the thaw must be expended in adding to and improv- ing the grounds and buildinge, so that the nubile ab large enjoy the full benefit of wbat• ever assistance they may give the institution Section 0f New s air es. by their annual petro0aoe. In addition 00 the great exposition of live stook, agrfenl• creased in like proportion, and with the Lural, dairy and hortioultural products, efforts that aro now being made by the Asao- manufaotnree of all kinds, fine arta, ladies (dation and Manager Hill, ib goes without work, oto., there will be many special saying that the coning Exhibition of this features of the most interesting oharaoter, year, to be held from the 9:h to the 21st of full partioularo of wiltah will be given in September, will be still greater and better the official programme to be issued shortly. than ever, The buildings in the Toronto A epeotaole of thrilling interest] will be Fair Grounds oovor a large area of ground, Paine's greab historical taenia pro dfro tion, unegeailed anywhere else in Canada, and the rho "Burning of Moscow," with grand pyro- contemplate a holiday trip this season, they Aeeooiation is expending over 320,000 now in ,teohnto displays every evening. During the will be afforded a good opportunity of mak. providing additional accommodation to meet second week the International Dog Show will ing ib a most enjoyable one, if they reserve the constantly growing wants of the Enid. also add a new and interesting feature, and it for the time of Canada's Great Fair. bitten. Now stables on the most improved in foot, every day there will be plenty to see Thoee who have nob yet seen the Industrial plan will bo mooted to aocommodate 150 ab this great exposition that will be inetruo- Fair can have no conception of the im- additional horses, a new and splendid poultry tive, amusing and entertaining. The agri- menee 000000oes of thle country, and no better building and many other additions which cultural and horticultural exhibits will be eviderne of dee red f then pr oposity of it's oo pent d are considered neeeasary. The entire Zoo" fully up to the mark, with many additions, be property has been acquired by the Aeeooia- There will be %boob 600 head of oattle on looking, wall -dressed people who gather there then, and will give much needed space for exhibition, inoludlug the beet herds in the eaoh year from all parte of the Dominion to the new buildings, The view given above is country. About 800 head of horses will be witness it. nG v ; lrwlr is8 1b0,4rrn0t8 o 11101100044400$0,414 11 iY1 taltil0L C8aaltWAWit$rl8SulplieSnl BEAM', CRADUIIIa,f'li•at atIOKU Marnlateneala rtoidtilleasteora. Wsllingbop.titsYner, Chid eiv0galrtnkiet3fos TORC/1 1270,1dG01U 'T, CHOICE .FAAM82E4E1il71Al1Ei4NEAlid Parties ivlableoteetepouePPllaemtree,dlryenttedateaultaleaa ettlatekta name, oeeulaoaaall clateeito'`nnt(;date[GlealliatI Arthur's Bloak;.diOlotlttlu 1h11RttTdnmlpokOI0010atl8err', furnished free 0t.d rgsha neinleeebt ato4'le., making seleetlonsc,nr, 14:o XsT1:31 ti TMICC e;11 As Cneassar8uraltmscdtogfehirmaw,<•.. BARKER'S..•SHt n3Mi alscI1OO 'r'. 46 Klug.f leatrltsstiy,A,44a7drhrttu Formerly, for over B•nery0awe,•dlehidh0hledIAttef 02001400" hand feet)tote,lnootmwti000nith ehediWeglatellluslk nese University: ..aleveltyleingltllrpeeaamiesthe maage005el0�000tRho4,nl npdW. .1 Ede paper In writlaglciog. '..a.+ r l alto. Delivered anywhere Iils.050adanadargeat08taela'.: Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships jaweet Fl dtr°rleee. Mc.Cailet sight„, 72 TO 761 KR;SORREPEWEVE OROii'iTl' ':. Balling during winter from Portland every Thnreday and Rallfax everylaturday to Liverpool, and 10 0001' mor from Quebec every Sabunlay to Llverpool,calline at .danderry to land mails and passengers for fax and 8t. John's,nd N F.o, from Liverpool 'fortia Dail nightly ddgurinz summer months, The eEoamem of the Glue. Portland, Booboo during Philadelphia and from during 00,0 mor between Glasgow and Montreal weekly' Glee• gow and Boston -weekly, and Glasgow and Phhader. phis fortnightly. For freight, 98008 0 or other in!ormatloo apply to A. Bohumeober A 00., Baltimore • S. Cunard 2 Oa, Halifax Shea 140o., St. Jobe's, Nfld., Wm, Theme' son 6 00, St. Jahn, N. B.; Allen A 0o., Oblogaa Love 8 Aiden New York ; H. Bendier, Toronto I Aliens, nae 14 0o., QQuabeo • Wm. Brooklo Model.pada; H. A. Allen Portland Boston Montreal. Hamilton LADIES' College will reopen SEPTEMBER 4, 1886, with Conservatory of Music added. Mr. Clarano° Lucas, of the Perla Conserva- tory, threaten ; Madame Asher Lucas, pupil of Clara Sehomann and Marmantel, solo ;dentate, o,0101ed by a strong etaft of experienced teachers, Madame Ash- er -Lucas wi11 take a limited number of advanced pu- pile on the piano. Prof. Martin le Art Director, All the other depart - menta fully equipped. Pproial accommodation for a eolallet in Music and Art. For terms, eta., address the Prmoipal: A. BURNS, D.D.. LL.D. New Poultry Dulldteg. 17th. Canadians have 9n this Exhibition an inetitutioa they may well fool proud of and take a deep interest in, beteg one of the best on the Continent; as those who have visited many of the larger fair% on the other side of the border readily admit that it will be many yearn before they can attain to the position of, or begin to compare with the Toronto show. Specially low rates will prevail on all the railways during the two weeks of the exhibition. If our readers Don't Hawk, Spite Cough, euffor dizziness, indigestion, inflammation of the eyes, headache, lassitude, inability to perform mental work and indisposition for bodily labor and annoy and diegueb your friends and aoquaintanoee with your meal twang and offensive breath and constant efforts to Olean your noee and throat, when Dr. Sago's " Catarrh remedy" will prompbly relieve you of discomfort and suffering, and your friends of the disgusting and needless inflictions of your loathsome disease? The " Avenir Milttaire, " laments as in the case of other nations, that the French fleeh is abolutely insufficient. A Fair Trial is all that is asked for Dr. Pierce's G Iden Medical Discovery in all blood tain or akin diseases, eruptions, blotohee, pimples, and sorofuloun sores and swellings, "If it don't cure, yon get your money book," Lord Randolph Churchill's proposition that an Imperial loan of £100,000,000 should be advanced to enable Irish tenants to buy their holdings, le ridiculed by the London " Times," ALMA LADIES' COLLEGE, ST, THOMAS, ONTARIO. Has five departmenbe:-Literature, Music, Fine Arte, Elocution and Commercial Science. The faculty numbers sixteen thoroughly qualified teachers. Rates run from $39 to $46 per term for board, furnish- ed room, light, laundry and tuition in all literary oubjeots including the Classics and the Modern Languages. $190,00 paid in advance enures all'th° above advantages together with instruction in drawing and piano by the regular teach- er% for one year. A knowledge of Shorthand, and skill in the nee of the Typewriter, aro opening the way to employment for thousands of young women to -day, Nearly every business office has now employed or is seeking to employ a young lady who oan take down by the aid of phonography answers to various letters and afterwards print them upon the typo - writer. $12.00 per term, or 3150.00 per year in advance, will pay for board, furnish- ed room, light, laundry and tuition (inolud- ing use of instrument) at ALMA LADIES' COLLEGE, St, Themes, Ont. The Alnia School of Elocution is rapidly growing in attendance end public favor. The Professor ire a graduate of the Boston School of Oratory and a mod exoellonb butcher, Rates for board, etc„ and tuition in tbfs school runs from $40 to 345 per term. For 60 pp. Calendar address Prinoipal Austin, A.M. The Book of Lubon. A Man Without Wisdom Lives in a Fool's Paradia°. A Treatise eepeoially wribten on Diseases of Man, containing Facie For Mon of All Ages I Should be road by Old, Middle Aged and Young Mon, Proven by tbo Sale of Half a Million to bo the mod popular, because written in language plain, forcible and insinuative. Prootioalpresont• ation of Medical Common Senna. Valuable to Invalids who aro weak, nervous and ex - !meted, allowing new moans by which they may be cured. Approved by (Altera, oritioe, and the people. Sanitary, Social, Selene° Subleots. Also gives a deooriptlon of Sped - fie No, 8, The Great Health Renewer ; Marvel of Healing and Iioh-l-noor o :Medi oinee, Ib largely explaine bho mysteries of life. By its teachings, health may be maim tained. The Book will teach yon how to make life worth living. If every adult In the oivilizod world would read, understand and follow our view°; there would be a 1 world of phyoioal, intelloobual and moral y Book will l e found a truthful glantB, This presontation of fade, calculated to do good. The book of Lubon, the Talisman,of Health I Brings bloom to the oheek, etrengbh to the body and joy to the heart. It is a moorage to the Wise and Otherwise. Lubon's Speci- fic No. 8, the Splrlb of Health. Those who obey the lave of this book will be crowned with a fadeless wreath. Vaab number° of men havo felt the power and testified to the virtue of Lubon's Specific ,No, 8. All Men Who are Broken Down from overwork or other Maumee nob Mentioned In the above, should pend for and road this Valuable Trea- tise, whioh will bo sent to any address, Beal. od, on 8000ipt of ton oonte in stamps. Atl• dress all orders be trent Street 1], Toronto, CanaV. da, 15, 50 Buried in a Strange Land, TORONTO Aug, 10. -On Saturday last two burials took plea) ab the same timo at St. d . aouliarl sa James Cemetery, under p Y circumstances, Both were Pngliah lade with ro relatives this side of the ocean. Harry Wiggins had been ice the General Hospital nearly a year, a viobim of 0ousump- tion, and during this time the members of the Bond Street Bible Class and others top - plied his wants, and buried him when dead. Tbelother died of typhoid fever after 8 few days' illness, and his funeral was conducted by hind but now -made friends. Their °ofiinm touch eaoh other in their grave in a strange land. r 7$rr. ' 210000's Pellets, or Anti•bilious Granules, have no equals. 25 oto n vial ; one a dose. Cures hoadaohe, oonobipetion, bilio00noss, and indigestion, The Turtle Mountain Region. Thousands of acres of choice free govern- ment land, now open. for settlers in the Turtle Mountain Region of Dakota. Hero woo raised bhe wheat that took firotpremiunm et New 0rlerma Exposition. RIoh Boil, timber in mountains, good schools, churches, congenial acerbity. For further information, mope, rates, etc., apply to F. L Whitney, G. P. & T. A., Sb, P„ M. &M. Ry , So, Paul Minn., or J, M. Rocklin, Can. Paso, Agt. Toronto. There are 14,247 polioomen in London, and 14,267 hacks. ,&,P. 463. reiTENTS powered, Patent Attorneys, and oxcarts. f Bat d1807. Donald 0 141dout ah Co., •,,Toronto. ommsst000refarRtaelling by�ingot ono 0noufast Beaks end Blahs especially Dietary of Oread8, by W. ii. Withrow, D,D., lancet and bees edition over oubtiahed, prloa low, forma liberal, "Otto for illustrated entailers and terms. • WM, BRIGGS, Poblhhbor, Termite. REA.VEIC LINE STEAMSHIPS. Sailing Weekly between 1111,NT$EAL the V' LI r V8titl eetl18. Salaoon Tit iwta,$40, 680, and 150800 Return Looe, oto at and $Int, acedia a 80 steamer and aacowmodation, Intermediate 880 ltottnd Trip Tiokate, 800, Steerage, 600. Apply to II. E. 101117tIt8T, Gonoal Manager Canada Stip. to Le to., Ago t ,0 all Towns and Olt1CUSTOM 11043014 08. xnkea, or r WHY YOU SHOULD USE Artificial Limbs FOR CISO5LAII ADDRESS. J. DOAN &-CO., 87 Northcote Ave, • Toronto, cont. If Yon Cannot Keep Cool YOU CAN KEEP; STRONG BY TAKING SCOTT'S ULSION 05 GOD LIVER, OIL wITH. HYPOPMOSPWITES. It is Palatable as Milk. It is three times as efficacious al plain Cod Liver Oil. It is far superior to .all other so- oalled Emulsions. It is a perfect Emulsion, does not separate or change. :t is wonderful as a flesh producer, It is the best remedy for Consump- tion, Scrofula, Bronchitis, Wast- ing Diseases, Chronio Cough and Colds. Sold by all Draati/sta, 60a. and 411.00. tt 3 TIE ellb btlt1 IMr$lrrsovSn fiartudItttfljOQ`".. 10,00w,,, 6PPoiaanttadattusa..00 8Rt" �" .lid,fin.'u:3dmd30tnlibit005 ,8fa6AeIGThnq„'^•tJte,a,� j'r ore eiropktm,aal anal ei other makes, while,ltAtlgrwtotankreeneeesweak •Theytn.. start easy at 25 1bt4ob0Antter0d, wo41ntor4td61ba0 Sifts;:. water Ya to 20lt:aod morktrbtomttwnbeadhaaiweRiu•,_ Automaticandreetatei0attlhttmn0arefdr.13 1; i n0 851001.. broken. B0ndlor,0t10ui8tlu5akietoLi0l00fBoe. Penbertlry:nlgr,gub ohtiel .<<'7 Factories, Wlbd8biti:GapCaudtila5 1bt.Mlohb,u Mention this paper,eper, ProvidenttLife it lily iAtioti1a' fi' ' OHIeif1FIlICE, ROOM O; ARCAfW;lWE-, TORMIIONCA 1fL ). (L\ DD A ThitnalirXttlf ite/tt-9Rteiatlaar,E•:' some LVTI,`draessreler-P f,n,thxr Ab2000• Aeeoci0tion oss.m0001810Y1RPla5 allrei9mageth. twentytwe, and tw4A0ritm,lau deY eapeeseest0g0d•'.. forty -tour eau oeauraoFtdeEle Vern= wetke' 1thnJ,;; ,a disabled through,ei8ht1Okeee1coideatdelse loratira::: and throe onte,potndoY, ogl00oo*aletes,d.b00O)eaUl. ,._. secure ter thelr,dopeppr,sinel0te@ ituodktdr8ottabettat::.. eveubot death.•.e. LIVE STOCK O•WAYIISE81urlde ubt.:.., by death thrpuutUUseadterneinoidnendobt otnstno�reptttoome0Aatu�"o Ralabisgnt9atlnduenrpulR2 triata. wiliTA .III,stoNNeSt ktmettanaair410o0r8- of febera. i > . TORONTOi_ OVER $3 9 lICE AND CAPITAL.' I- S I B. rSIB. W. P. g 0 W L AND, Psedicleladont, Yr. C. B8iCDONALD,' WM. ELLIOT, E. H00PEO En,J.�'t�ar`g'GI.CDOCC+ 11. %000000. V,r,e.Prvar)NYT8. ` dl^.^.,Atadas °°: , •.• CANCER Cam 104! and TUMOa Specialist. Private 61JfdjtL9fC1II O1Icogr8o sotTtal No knife. t. Private C. It, McMinn Ant. M. D., No.63 Niagara St., buffalo, N. Y. "tC'sros0E1t11lfL OV,ITEII aures 111511E1ES. �•v W, J. hay= ad, *mallet, Boston, Maes, nye: "Was troubled with incipient Dlabetee, Indlgee- tioo, &e. Tried Ireoly all the tamed waters of Europe and America 1 but absolute roller and aura was wrought In me by St, Leon Mineral Water." True, if wood freely and persevered In, Bo. Loon never fails to effect lite -long lasting cures. Patent mixtures aro as brash, 8 momentary delusive, cons• pared with nature's pure 0880000, the sixteen ale - rants of lite to the body, the work of ages, and evolved by hydrogen ens from deep Mineral Caverns to earth's bosom. What an amazing study I Fresh life springing from the aloft rooks to restore s0Rering we humanity. ace ampassion this agsick, fallen 000, TheIng St. Leon eo tim] Quebec. Water C, Ltd., Toronto, Montreal, BIOYOLES Second-nnnd SoBend for Ito% iRL Q11E. Eri1GRPanklr + "'J L"'iilON S, . 1., tnibLU4 1 ;q el. WOOD ENG qs�i ,X • lo,KINe STREg'Y EAS ...I. 0� dA SADA, O O . b N .'TR 7 -°. N S" The Alpert Toilet Soap Coy's Oatmeal Skin Soap MAKES THE HANDS SOFT AND THE COMPLEXION SEAUTiFU L. Seo that, tin 00'0 mune is Stamped on the Sone and ort cin Wrapper. Sewers or Itinitetians. Sawmills, Saws, Shingle Mills Lath Bills, Veneer Machines, Choppers. EIII iiILeagog,�tsaAl04 iizetatt>F . Planfresners, Matol5a therc and Mcdotie'rSUr .. IInnlminlil1.nIe se'Le`,,,Ii,„mpull pplM.P, eelfle� to Id .r:l SQUARE OR WITH REMIMPRita. MANUFACTURED BY The E. C. Gurne p.e. } BAMLI'.CON, TORONTO, MONTREAL, WIlyTi4ll< iEG,