HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-8-23, Page 6B
__ --^r---------
Ill _
jieigho! Says Rpvrley.
Tile EesaOu Aid, rrttnlcland Is Treaohing of
Brooders. i It
--l"i,�r�g"ltti$tQj;i&WTbwjlalFtil •B,evi0W--
UieQre&antljApa 19&uble,
A frog he would Al Wooing goy-
Heigho l Bays RoWloy-,
The Canadian GPZabtehas the following:- ' q'
Aid. Frankland has j net presented a striking P'
n land i
:t "saatstNltilw t'bdoliveek in i E g S
Whether his mother would tat him or nos
inn h,
• 1 amnion and a e
With a roll o Iq, B P
object lesson to Canadian cattle breeders and tl
w B
n v to esbhe new sou
enders of the tea ad ail F Y p
# g
and he
-came, n t
b Tsc•aa
ildotdibt tilts thiA ,
"stilt y
Anthonyo Rawls
An o
o says tb Y
Hath I Y
to British m rL r , 0
their e ea tett m B
from r
,•w;piotpitdp,t,iotuteeak,td33b"tiiat'though the
tmii4vod,cm@rvvayAWv a'ietiriod for murder
So off be sot with his opera heti-
\Vritfug from Liverpool on June 13, be points a
out than while good United Soiuos bullocks 11
tal'stet Ila! bimgntcbg3&' #t$'•'ddttltary. The
13°igho f soya Rowley-
End an hie way he mob a rob,
from two to four yea's old, weighing from w
1 300 to 1,550 pounds average, have been 11
`rirstitIAWAf k._JWybrkV hAnrbHBI1 a very bad
Witt, a rollypolly, gammon and spinach.
sold in Liverpool at from $3 85 to 44,25 per h
aitdta'anAt Jait4lrbitYiairovot¢i not read at the
Heigho I says Anthony Rowley,
hundred live weight, Caradmn shipping Oat- 11
time being bought from b
,�gygq h&v lttliiWiloax4l:6a; mil,o¢ a number
•asthvidhOa#IWreut+'mens and that
oPra Mr. Rat. will on o with me ?"-
Heigho I says Rowley-
tle were ab the name to
% to 45 per hundred -Band he adde,t,;I h
.. gu
,,A ,,,D, d,3p�g�rrl,,,4dand*•rotuacteneeleee
lilies hila the popular
"Pretty Mise Moues for to see I"
`pith a rollypolly, gammon and spinach.
ane were no So
am. Berry, to fay tke uua l w
good a sample:' How, to may be asked,
because p
,1*sD to1Wevft$'baicbeidss
wawpatiiq,} fadaooidrevPsaa(iossib'le that her
ge fir the Eugliah
Heigho 1 Bays Anthony Rowley,
can this inaqualtty exist 4 Simply cause
CausdIaas, by their clean bill of health
Ipaie; tichil a stol edotladuror"aeras to allow
Now they soon arrived atMousey's Hall-
Heigho 1 says Rowley-
and the fnestimal,le privilege they enjoy
rit• ti
of free access for live cattle into Brit-
.asr3olslerlopambmtgtoego dei tilAtswitnone stand
And gave a loud knock, and gave a loud ieh
markets, ranlisa from one halfpenny
to three farthing, per pr unit more than Unit- d
. ill ghrt,groaYit6"liol r iIatiman d'e off success-
7yrdfyl�'¢rAia�dajCkeftikbsruls4 , `of Germany
With a rollypolly, ,gramon and spinach.
1 says Ant any Rowley
ed Statee exporters, and these low prices for °
United States stook are likely to be maintain °
:•awtlakedivOtilppl�y�1a�tp ared made
° P
ti>Sigsble� iH dein aae4atalfbf the ships,
;;iebai}:tikh=7yav heath t&-cfloerB, examin•
`'Pro Mies Monde are on within?"
ed and this is especially felt doling the t
' P y B t
Ca¢adfanai'ippingofAug August. Bub bynr
by tater v
rkuivdayr&wgi&otttatittb'poiuted out
'hi�dmfdps*U0Ialijrootboie Improved
HeighoIsol aRowley
gee kind sire : I m Bitting to a ill,"
"Oh, y , g UPIn,"
of May to the ead m t u ityb. United
of early maturity United Skates a
tgrffipma8etflts1gvtt6ertvaf°tOi9tsr'someof the
Witba rollypoliygammon and spinach.
Heigho 1 says Anthony Rowley.
breeders and leaders can build tip a. f
old steer to weigh 1,350 poll living
ry•��rippsl"he,Piiao'sfb*Iddlp"dpplittuoee also do.
�miniselotltsolheufhat�bf uttentiba; and no
„Pray, Mise Monsey, will yon give us
weight, and when slaughtered produce or e
turnout 734 pounds of beef, the veryweightsrsin, v
sAme,"lrvbaH,.h%V tlsadnoi&W ghv Vivat strength
;:dfilroifistilhcttllo b h'ariob*4brtba to have
some cheese ?"
Hog co I says Rowley-
sought after in every garb of Great Britain, °
and not only wanted in preference to larger
, siW;th?a thiatut4fbaleeisopyxn°powers
ss►ftixlld sadldo$%;5iiky tiswr, orld, Eag•
64We,� like a nice pleas, If YOU please,"
amnion ands mach,
With a rollypolly, g P
oarcaeee, but sold at a slight adv%nye, To
Canadians, then, aldermen Frankland ad. v
,s.:laitd;•hatRovdrpsldat d0bsmask ito join any
lrraugh the leaning
Heigho 1 says Anthony Rowley,
dresses this pertinent query :-Why rob I
ketiIAsvQ>mzaraiEumlti9sdaFdmlbledly toward
"pray, now, Mr. Frog, will you give us
your animals longer than necllow the Uoited essary if by care a
,r,dse $aiaer,
•ittL;iate orches %*t6gr&eperate efforts
^ototantift Weilista4ieatio3rtsbvrat4e1over Crete,
a song?"
Heigho I Bays Sowley-
"But let it be something that a nob very
and attention you can move twelve and even 1
'went monts' teed 4 Until this is done
Canadians will, he thinks, fall to do their I
;',isgulagsem&pihpretlyn.Witiaifttagufram Athens,
n-},�ibW43} t lil dtW thawneWBPapers of
With a rollypolly, gamnioa and spinach.
Anthony Rowley.
best in British markets, and fail to rind the +'
fol profit to which the quality of their fab '
°arbje),A igbib D&twdttiatdifng°accounts
Ii;dlbag i Ytfleet`hc:tiiab fair Island ;
Heigho I maya
cattle and the immunity of their herds from f
_s,fret, ,n
a, bi ew4bt;Bwiprrrie Wvvigwtarxrttp•'opportane•
"Indeed IMissMouse,"replied Mr. Frog-
disease should entitle them. t
. aJ6e•ph,,, $grad ddljftt!tres> mblginEastern
•e.earaterTboTkay t.T&A'aalanblegkossly exagger•
Heigho I says Rowley-
A cold has made me ahoaroe as A hog."
and spinach
Edison's Some Life, r
'3,hitec.'iewibrehWa6lillthiybeSm,some threat
,Belo sp bat4b>h9ledttaaFaat4inedto one Bide,
handle a
With arally Polly, gammon
Heigho 1 mays Anthony Rowly,
Thomas a. Edison, while in Pittsburg '
recently attending to his patent suit with I
:'.frim t6?deGi petQhrEtlriatiieu'• can:
ilfknifa gimeftx%Wyualyisaiid•determinedly
"Since you have caught s cold," MiGs
Westinghouse, was interviewedbysDispatch t
i. .as- b hiNnalJd alehnaukeig$dighbor. The
;.larrifwa 1%lbeeirsltiifII8eintsly' :stirred up
Mousey said-
Heigho I mays Rowley- i
111'11 a song that i have just
reporter, to whom he revealed some of .
characteristics of his mode of living
hard I hardly ever t
T :fly. okftatknacfr4hr tblbtmi4toid'e1' and Europe
1 oris,,,eW t %bi%itltvtrlhc#3tcdadodaltd trepida•
Sing YOU
With s Rollypolly gammon and epinaeh,
Yes, I am a worker.
sleep more than four hours per day, and I
keep this up for a year. Sometimes I
ontton3tbaknwiradvbw uUma$•uagia^intends
lsismakdtof i&reare§sofp0bfaSt'ed'to' be anxious
Heigho I says Anthony Rowley.
could ]
sleep ten hours, but I don't feel well when I
a;.i%ti,f3gi''trlf4B,kbyl1%teilrife�kt' voilot is largely
-', 0jsadiibtitioAl AR, the powers
But while the were all thus a m erry
do, If I could sleep. eight hours,. as most
men doll woad wake up feeling badly,
' "' )arc ptalLaerfi,iiaade•'Fiaali'av,lisveo- admitted
,tglurka)i�tttghtattppri pedes fhe'Insurrection
Heigho I says Rowley-
A and her kittens Dame tumbling in,
My eyes would herb me, mad I would have .
a tonic time to keep awake. I inherit this -
is old
sad raotalrtror$xtC3mY",rebald and the Sultan
�ahas semi Itpoirboo��tssdao flit the'' work. Thai
Weth a rollypolly, gammon and apinaoh,
Heighol says Anthony Rowley.
from my father. he a remarkable
man, eating little and sleeping less. 1 have
known him when I. was a boy, to sit
's�at'molwroaiflb 7 bsR.ueeia
on all night tals.ing politics with it friend
The oat ehe seized the ratty the crown-
Heighol says Rowley-
or swapping Statics,
I emb about a pound a day, and my food
The kittens they pulled the little mouse
is very simple, consisting of some toBsb, a
rr•,Y"4ffg,UWW?FayyUjilTibe,,utiirthe Fair
exf;sta9ffr otantCil� tnlxL•lektiuls.
With a rollypolly, gasman and spinach.
little otabo, or Something of that kind.
You know when I am working on anything
S0mUk1dgb� btt�'b`dkdltiet -of, women in
bad as That
Heighol sopa Anthony Rowley.
I keep at it night and day, Sleeping a law
hours With my clothes on. I never take
__ChraashaisttidvitowJkavAi ago,ad
of thtl'•wOnludlr ihaidTheTiia" Ohineee lady
q his put Mr, Frog in a terrible fright-
gsi fol says Rowle _
g y y
them off; don't even wash my face: couldn't
think at such a thing, and in this condition
r ,ewastt6hffGfrsytfrdl§+s t'ct0trol}geid'e'vtorld.
' Led, ea i$i lofle3aawbo diad liSil'uaver seen a
tl a took up his hat and he wished them
I take m meals, If I were to remove my
alotheswhen I slept, I would ab n feelin
p B P B
:mAWom*b4thWhsr 161otbrothtsk.-when very
yomaeg E*flrthlmitHodx>latuband. '••When vie•
amnion andspinach.
With a telly -pony, gout
Helahol soya OWle .
y AnthonyY y
ofsha a and with no desire to go to work,
,,No. 0" is den in the laboratory, and I
.,Ytfng lh%1awma arov"4rba$rhmd,,around in a
..,.olomap, LSA', -/30 ilk of 6dshaicbai ' The chief
,Jut as Froggy, wall orossing a silvery
shut myself in there and hustle, ,
I Sleep from 1 to 6 In the morning, and
:'.&rar,nirtaiatrWI1 twatbtirgvere the we.
saaen•bf t1twerppissiblaeThaThe3rWere
A lily-white duck came motif gobbled him
then I jump up and go to work again am fresh
This is the sleep I need,
'!SORjtd3tE h0 A'C'T-flP$IED,
With rollypolly, gammon and spinach.
as a bird. all
ts of fun in the
ou we vagooI
But I l ySome
.;;tkiitp fPtdiwenfNilowbtvrd ciW Hsi renin a living
,umd'rwel4t. il>rntlsPrmarat out in the
Heigho! eoyg Anthony Rowley.
laboratory. time had forty-two
men working with me an the inoandoecent
;gvorl&gagr� atJfeeo Woman made So there was an end of one, two, three- lamp in a big building. I hired a German
attsaai1 �tttik"k tajJp4iveT'',eTkey.frequent•
ty;gotldhvFdtbflirhhlsal}>arsht adsi,opinm and Heigho) Saye Rowley- to plop an organ far us all night, and we
:ctotikurdrdosbi�foi&tea ani end to their The rat, the mouse, and the little frog•gee, worked by the music About 1 o'alook a
ll 1Vibh a roily-polly, gammon and spinach. farmer brought, in our lunch, and we oto
iffygoin�spmsbwedAi s*He&-iaaionaries were geighcl says Anthony Rowley. from a long table. Ab first the boys bad
. mall,a&bptivtrtbgmhearrut'untng' slid the vie• some difficulty inheeping awake, and would
tilna�a1t16eptteeUH?e9ipeMentolbe 'allowed to Enoch d teas Jeer and Een, go to sleep under stairways and in the act
_,die., nwherprahlb, cyt gitlsc$u11'iborn she was i 9 9' neral We employed watchers to bring them
titclitg4tIilm theme l Ski i4 di& = If ehe our. Enoch and Cyrus and Jerry and Ben out, and in time they got need to it, After
• Mvacl ohtavtmsatrdatadtituclaalrN oat or dog Were babies together, four fab little mens ' a while I didn't need forty-two of them,
,unaldbblabr&bletaei¢bil St clivi bold to tome- Four bald headed babies, who bumped them- and I discharged six of them. Wells do you
:body ?as'R,UewiMheT5ibi4`hiudat-'beat their selves blue know, I couldn't drive them away. They
m,ives tw vipkvitigtl3ifbhii giavghters. 'Choy And sprawled, grabbed, and tumbled, as it stayyed there and worked for nothing.
v vrmttdammoEbowff®uKthd 3io1"able to offer babies do; Oh, we enjoy this kind of fife 1 Every
dnttet'ew 06rofAp'%tmut%)Witth! ''they might Fall of laughter and tears, full of sorrow and now and than I hire a big schooner, and we
.. not 6S tdbetftacetlm t'hisxtnd%tii,world. The glee, go down the bay, my men and myself, to
%m. f,S*4sgbtligiblsbilv�vill_gitbdh feet tom- And big, bouncing bunglers, as all babies be. fish for a few days. 'Chen we come book
rlfrtasadtavefpiAmsillaei- L ,-The foot was All in the same valley lived these little men, and buckle down to it again, -[Scientific
:3lent%b6r*rttima6>p,a&ibVaflagt'd till the toes Enoch and Cyrus and Jerry and Ben. American.
_and;healgtms siSwItuahatl+au the'agony saf•
r1oredatth`sB ly,taigeyi'mr"utlg'-+girls could not Enoch and Cyrus and Jerry and Ben The Street Pavements of London,
13=.: 11ihetfddt iibs ghorgAuitdi but moved Were faeb little chums -till they grow to be
' .'utound bftc&m*e4Au*4tnee9:1,, The Gospel men, There ate three kinds of pavement in use In
_r pSt j4$aitkUnths)+tsofe4elkW-,aides; and very Eight bare little feet on the name errands the London streets, says a London letter in
.j,bUHhfngSsktire tL1�sa1;whf,sentb vhfoh these flew The N. Y. Times, The least used At present
°'mr¢merrmfo$midr fidto timimallhoicnurfes, In Through meadows besprinkled with daiaiee le that of stone. Where it doe exist, how.
sZanklltdidkt.lH'dd&ri9&yTgltW'said there and dew-, ever,itismu°hbetterthanthoeeinNewYork.
,vwaa litleprdeeabootbdtvtiblaW,tnissionary for They were aimess ole butterflies, thoughtless Thestonesarelongandareaetonend,thoupper
asvetgr111m,4laxjislitail ttfruilimillion in the and free surface being much smaller then our Belgian
" lymvusiie IrdiolaBrad@m f%de A7,4pealed for As the rummer -mad bobolinlr, drunken With blocks. Under these atones is B heavy bed
UJYmi tgAl!mnee, glee. of gravel and atone, the whole pavemolt be -
A wonderful time were those careless days Ing about eighteen inches in thickness. The
Ha Uamtt&` b AWBible. then wooden pavements are also formed of much
dflbixrcpgthpltftsnlswt�bi9rbttet proud of her For Enoch and Cyrus and Jerry and Ben. Smaller blocks thou these tried inNew York.
' iakfll,ia thtirbat trfigejiaely An&was very But the most extensively used pavementonein
afrohd ofv AYayTfitg tib}tlyiutfh Iahgnknnyy's die• Enoch and Cyrus and 'Jerry and Ben London ie that of concrete. I saw one torn
;g¢sti .I'Beltlg4> ei1pp�aki bhlvbt+Was imposed Grew from babies to boys, and from boys up for repairs a day or two ago, and had Be
tuttpatRonir}S3 fife i1farbe%heThe• other day into men, opportunity to discover how it Was built.
,i lit'In aristiftl0p t tav¢LaakbeThoT the prepare• Too raatlass to stay in the circumscribed Firs6 a foundation of atone in laid down in
bound good substantial blooks. That is covered
atlbibety Ilih-digilyopiablihe tb'e' tarrible or- Of bile green hills that circled their valley with tar and gravel, and upon this are act
deii'sVi,baftklt�knapsvlae t8lmake him the around, blookeofwoodanond,tfghtlypressedtogether.
;aafthiegcgtoak ifs bgiayplaymates, he re. To the north and the South and the east and Over these, oemenbbir them together, and
wed: the west, when rolled smooth, forming the Burface of
Fg'•::Alttlmtbit* Yet goblotagl4tiv,have my hair
Each departed along on a separate quest; the streets input o¢ tihe aon0rete. The entire
x.. tttrbdtky doy." Alit they'll neer be the same to esah other pavement is over two feet thick, and is BE
:74vtlatultatpaTmea via6dafe 4' again, solid as natural rook. It Is as smooth a° a
0E3 oahmdbr¢iPtwtttrr dm Iltil sally afraid.
•31-u-JzantlabMe-a." Enoch and Cyrus and Jerry and Ben, billiard table Bud over It the heavy vehioler
w*ity Ala 0artbarttro ayduyefu • kfra[d of, of all kinds used in London roll smoothly ani
OH41d 4" Enoch and Cyrus and Jerry and easily. One never see A toam.of horses vain
YISIPphyOrbyfam4r3a�+lldaaia%e tlpt= precocious 'Though companions to youth, were strangers ly atruggglIng to pull a IIBavy loa3 out of t
dterllm In iAdsa'noOtV- ,f` ecoI'm ser• an men; hole in rheue atreete. The stream of vehioler
,$ atg! yetu,yo3? n lie�Ea enneN her what Enoch
grew rich and haughty and prowls move always smoothly and steadily onward
de�faaga rjWV1d001JnSdheer a woman While Cyrus worked on with the toll -driven save when checked by the silent majesty o
zroatir}iKir P" crowd; the inexorable English law represented bl
"i7$tS:htm't1ff,etavFl.e to ltghfy.aetoaished In the councils of State Jerry hold a proud the extended arms of on insigni¢oaut Loudon
,.<r tltamhv,.miltbh9sa}pcdpe�tbestreebbefore place, "bobby."
:,s•ditulooul0 a rUilftctlretrd,ord. But poor
ra°eBen, he sounded the depths of 2Is• -►
Ah I diverse were the lives of these boys What Steam has Done.
"?' 05rarziablBPjE�tlt1'Other. from the glen, A very intereating calculation has recent
t;}Iogr,ai6lrai a tltgp�iperieboed eye of Enoch and Cyrus mud Jerry and•Ben. ly been made by til° Statistical Bureau it
^t tiff $dBelblv1edbtdlii Wsrnhorfit• of a bridal Berlin. t n activity
y the power machine
r;;}ruhf5leieO''edlil&lly4hhah3oatanates tire ".pot. Enooh and Cyrus and Jerry and Bon at present in activity iu the world fav
al"tiUi ebyrtbai9iettaio3t lelbasrthgraxpreasfon of Who can read the strong fates that Steam' been erected during the pmab tw°ntyfiv
;>;'dire# thShltis} tioAll 10WI thpFe preyro.re whirl- passed those men? years, The country which possesses th
. ^ .,tiflpt9a. artttit#*U,noixrtthrttd6j lues them The fate, that raised ono to the summit of 'higheab amount of horsepower is the Unitei
Ss g fame, Status, with 7,500 000 free power; thea
7WWajdb08trlilea11 rei*St1�tan her new mos• Tho fate that dragged one to the darkroom of follow, pngland> • w bh 7,000,000; Gorman;
:11s1wi tlwhwIrdnlir?kvrilbtbk otdo'at:l4ving fashion Shamel - with 4,500.000; Inane, with 3 OOO,OOC
asah�Yldrovgsy ptipBnngnsr rim tai oar ie onto Ah I silence is best: neither glory nor bl.ama and Austro-Hungary, with 1,500,000
i is,,Uen'B;heTtldyry'eGlnrfibrbesdhtother and the Will I grant to the honored or dishornored These figare.'a not Include locomotives, c
,I'll bjlinglill0failiyrtpaytrlayed.t Ab. the ketol tomo. which mere are 105,000 ab work, with
t.r 3haR#49ifWfiTlri paten"tiffsdnt;I' • believing we. are all Like these boys who grow to be total forgo power of 3,000,000. Thus tb
;.,,oAh dgtmahoefti geetlg#Mds,Whc;;presides at men, total. horse power in the world is 40,000,00(
Z ::,iQi> lefilDoTheillerkerre4liofkilu to size them Like Enoch, or Cyrus, or Jerry, or Bon.. A steam "horse power" is equivalent t
:r,fkiglltl,ha�iiidbritDasfSttlb7astilgcoVeraffable to g, W. cess in Yankee Blade three actual horesa' °brSngth, And each lit
i b•.xjraliaip,lo�l Ahdr hiaaallia Band; steps ail + .
`;4bxlsti multir'donflebodood6wife° with a fag . T repine total hormeap owerfofetb
c;i avgri ifi a' PhIlt rkle saalfa.:t`bubby" If
Peseimism. mea. Thus k P
::5:' ' lidsaystwrioMAtbwtthbarJ•'b%th; and that A small boy belonging to a Boston. family entire world represents the work of 1,000
tb 000,000 mens or more than twice the boli
I r�i �slsg�0V` JA h4JAn; vnB nob dozed for a was the proud owner of a bright red balloon, WBrkin population of the earth. Steal
1pntriavgpbtitiithornptatositfiekptdlided to imply with which he never seemed to tire. On° B P P
has thud
the entire
human war
t his hold of the string and Awa
' bo mo esir• dm
he los 1
las lsdu if d B Y
iia Y
��t ikRt 1 Rb R
e.3 q ofybor� earth.
Sb of the power o
„ P
e et o time and
He watched for a ion
Ith the ib went. H w
o him w B
.rl eAtlisl a bha•bldirll
b1$eabllaetita bharhoalul atgilfsidda $10 to the thou went into the house and remarked
a ,Wtoivcbn Atkelekgna.ylpayinent. Such in 11 My balloon has gone Up to the angels, and The walla of lco.housen are usually deco
kN!;,,lifa[•n.'[9*ffSklrilew000. It will be juob like them to keep it." , ,,,, ated with an extensive frocze,
_ �_
The 'voyage of Jobn Hawkins.
Theol4ver trick performod by the captain
the captured eohooper Blaok Diamonds vi
running away with the "nriza crew," has re
kite provoked tho Now York Sun, which
1000", Bit to lecture Blaine and Harrison in Qi
'zar o
f the
r: The me e
c following mane at
rill h sealer Black Dlainond by the revenuo at
itror Rush, the transfer of John Hawkins, d,
ole somman, from the latter vessel to the
rmer as Bailing mP
uater and prize crew, l
Ith orders to take the prl%3 into Sitka, the
,notable confinement of the prize orew in pi
'.a bunk where he whilod away the hours m
i reading while hie capturing captives of
ought their vessel into the port of Vick
coria -,all this makes u good plot for 11 operof
luffo," It reflects no discredit, on John ly
Awkins, who acted with prudeneq, bub lb °i
laces the commander of the Ruth, the ae.
reanury Department, and, incidentally, le
re United States, in a rather ridiculous
ght, If there wall any serious intention of bit
kkig the Black Diamond to Sitka, why it
Id nob the commander of the Rush take
If the creta of the sealer and put on bar ad
sough of his own men to sail her to the w
•laskan coast? If there was no such Wan,
on, or the men could not be s ared, what S
'ole the object of such a farofoaf proceeding o
i putting one man on the seized vessel and a,
rdring the sealer's Captain nob to Inter-
ere with him? The mere seizure of the al
,alskins, with a warning to her Captain, 13
ould have been more sensible and dignifi• it
Whatever be the rights or wrongs of the
rolled States in the Behring Sea contro- o
army, she ought not to be made ridiculous,
7e hope that Mr. Windom will give orders
nab the Rush shall not figure again in such v
farce as that of July 11, in which John e
rawkina played the leading port. t
And, by the way, When will the State Do. 1
arbmenb take a hand in the game? San- E
for Eugeno Hales a member of the Senate
lommfit:e on Relations with Canedr, told a E
Boston Herald" reporter lamb Sunday that
he committee "did act to any extent take
eatimyonupon the questions that are 1
lkely to arise as to the Behring Sea, be -
apse it was felb that the subject wan im• r
aedistely in the hand of the Stato Dapart• 1
aenb." Mr, William F, Wharton, Assia- 1
ant Secretary of State, soya that the quer. I
eon "bas not become mil international one," 1
Vas the Heizure of the Black Diamond f
ntended to make too question International? t
Che Srste Department can thank the Tree.* t
ury Dapartmenb for it richly humorous i
,reface to the Work of negotiation. Iter. i
31atue's parb roust soon begin. Ib would I
1e interesting to know if he agrees with the
iautioum opinion expressed by his friend 1
dr Hale
/'I do nob see thattbe State Department i
e necessarily confronted with the question of
he Behring waters being considered a closed
lea, and I do not understand that, whatever
nay happen in the futures any announce•
non b, official or otherwise, has boon made
committing our Government tar, that proposi
lion. That tfficient measure will b° taken
:o protect the fisheries, especially the meal
'.n these waters, I can well believe, and I do
not in such a Step see anything offeuaive to
'anada or Eoglsnd, and indeed It would
,eem that such measures would be in the oom•
non interest of all neighborfnfr peoples. Ir
any late transactions in the Ba firing waters
rive rise to negotiations upon this last basic,
I mos no reason why these negotiations may
nob be conducted to a harmonious end with -
)at at all raising the question of the closed
Probably Mr. Blaine understands that it
would not be plain Balling on that closed
sea, It is only a step from the amdacioaS to
the ridiculous, although President Harrison,
who fs incapable of humor, may nob ba
able to see it.
William Butler, a oetizan of Hamilton,
while " an route" home by the excursion
train from Orillia, fell off the platform of the
oar near Beton and was instantly killed.
Rev, FosterMoAdam, B. A., of Edinburgh,
has been appointed principal of Stanstead
Wealeyan College.
The by-law voted on at Luoknow to raise
$10,000 for water works, was carried by a
majoriby fifty, three.
Martin Burke, the Cronin suspect, ban
been identified in Chicago as 11 Frank Wit -
llamas" who rented the Carlson cottage.
In the House of Larslasb night the
that the
Marquis of Salisbury declared
Government's policy In Egypt would not be
altered a hair's breadth.
The commanding officers of the 13'11 Real-
ment of New York have decided that they
cannot arrange for a to visit Hamilton dur•
I Ing the carnival.
Congressman Felton h- a wribten;au article
on the Behrings' Sea queations in which he
argues as Russia had undisputed and axile•
'live rights to the sea when she made her
cession to the United Sbateo, all her rights
went to the States.
The Crops in Sootland.
It is satisfactory to learn that At least one
section of the world is satisfied With the
harvest proofp a�cts. A cahlemen states that.
"The Sootoh agrioulturiats have emileng
faces, According to the reports from nearly
all of the 33 counties of Sootland, the harvest
promisee to be early and abundant. The
crops have made marked progress during the
last four weeks, Rafe was wanted and it fell
at just the right time. Wheat bide fair to be
a flue crop, but only 50,000 sores are sown.
Barley looks well, bub it Is considered a
risky crop in such a changeable olimatek A
million acres Are gown in oats, which are not
up to the mark. There are 20,000 mores of
peas And beans, which promise to be re•
munerative crops. The potato crop to 0.1-
t mont certain to be abundant and healthy.
Salt a million acres are planted In turnips,
which promite much better than usual. Thii
has been a good bay and poor clover year
on the whole harvest expectations in Soot
i land run high.
3 -
c A Mauro Feet c:atelt In 1110 Wheel eT n ]tall
I way Ear and lie is I►ragged to 1118 Death.
iOTTAWA, Aug,22,-One Gleeson, employ
ed in the Crown Hill mine, near Bucking,
i ham, Qua., while on a oar which convey
phosphates from the mine to the rivets we.
bHitting with hie feet hanging down. Hi
foot caught In one of the wheals, and he we.
I 'drawn under the cat and killed. Instantly
o The body WAS removed to Baokingham.
Prices that Would begin to make one'
a hair curl, a least a little, were realized at th
I beginning of the regular July sales of that
oughbroda. Lord Rosglyn'o brood moral
ml fourteen of them, averaged over $5,000, Fiv
n from another obud a trifid more. Ten more
k the property of Wood, the diograced ane oil
cast joakey, av
od 52,
everml (
these mares brought $10,000 or over, and it
t• ono, by Golopin, with foal by Hampton, tt
Duke of Porbland gave $20,000,
These who are ar q,lalut ed with the paculiar
rtnes of apOlow made from ptao straw In {I
fleeing eutforors from )11% or bronchial far
asibl:o may not bo surprised to learn that h
io, soft pIno shavious aro an emollout t1
batitutopeople afil oted.
with souBbe _
thmmtio and brow oomplalnts have II
,rived much benefit from alospinp for a tow if
ghto on pillows or mattrosoeo filled with it
no shavings, ti
The Now York Evening World will w
eaonb the mother who hole the greatemb v
imberr4liv[nguhildrea%$100goldaerbid- it
to, while bhose mothers WHO come second d
A third in bile list will receive roopeetive o
$60 and it double eagles :file offer l0 nob b
nm to Canadian mothers, but the par It
its of average-otzsd families may con- 1f
at themselves with the rafiiodon that it o
quality, nob q¢antiry, that is going to h
11 rn the ntxb ge¢eralion, o
A oongreso of American nations has been
vited to meet at Washington. Can• a
lato not A nation, but a depon- a
anoy, to is claimer,, and therefore, fi
its not invited. Why then was not p
rest Britain bidden to be represented? a
he possesses far more land on this Honda. t
ib than is comprised In the United States II
ad her interests are greater than the ma, b
Y of the other countries put together. ¢t E
'e is ignored, Why 4 Because the Congroes
summoned In direct antagonism to British t
kterests. c
Elise Eisler, of New York, recently nip- t
lied for a divorce from her hasband, whom t
a two occasional when he came home in. -
mlaated, she had looked ono of the house, c
Car complaint was that he would nob live t
lith her. Whether She expected him to i
pend til° night on the doormat, to asoond to 1
ae houee•top, or climb in some other way ,
its a thief and a rubber, is not specified. I
he did not get the divorce. Americans .
raub divorcee pretty ematly, but they draw i
he line At it woman who cannot perceive the 1
ami mountable diffi:ulties of living with a i
arson who locks the door in one's face, I
The little island ovir the pneesaion of i
vhiah, it is aaid, the United States and i
'rauoe may have a quarrel, Is called Great i
skagua and is under the jurisdiction of the i
"I , GC,Vdrnnlent. The Uaited States m
kms long coveted it, because of its suitability
or a naval station. It commando the chain- m
Let between Cuba and Hayti, the pceee-
iou of It would enable our neighbors to
crutin'z3 all commerce proceeding to Paua-
na and beyond. Fer similar reasons France
coo also been desirous of it. IS is said that
est before ex-Presidant 8alomou left Hayti
is proposed to the Government At Washing•
on that i1 should purchase control of the
There is a good deal of wailing and gnaah-
ng of tooth in the United States among the
Blaine Republioanaover the fact that Russell
Sarrhon, the President's son, has had some
lonor paid him in England. A recent despatch
;o tate New York 'Tribune" avoid; "The
oreseneoofPresidontHarrison'noon In Lon•
ion has been recognized in a marked way by
;be royal:ios. He is treated as a kind of
kmerlcan heir -apparent." Young Mr. Har•
risen, ib seemn, dined with the Qxeen, Lord
3allaburv, and a number of Lnghsh note,bles,
kind IliaRepublican Angluphobes morose the
line oro wild with rage. Thin is not our.
priming in view of the fact that twisting of
the British Item's tail with one of the processes
by which the Republican victory laab fall
was Won.
According to a reporb of the Commission,
are in Lunacy recently presented to the
British Parliament there were in England
and Fl ales on the leo of last January 8•.1•340
lunatica, being an increase of 1.607 on the
number roturaed in the provious year. Of
the whole number 7,970 were returned as
tunmtics of the private close, 75,632 as paup
are, and 738 as criminals. The increase to
nearly 300 in excess of the average increase
for the proceeding ten years. Speaking of
thin fact the "Times" says :- "IS is not
°'rosy to any how far this increase is due to a
positive increase of lunacy throughout the
country, and holy far it Is due to the admie•
cion into licensed establishments of casae
eonsly existing but nob previously
brought under the Supervision of the Com•
In the State of New Jersey it seems that
children can be seized on account of their
parents' debt, and there was a Casa of It in
Trenton. Four children, of four, six, eight
and tan years of age respectively, were de•
serted by their parents, and while the
neighbors were debating what ought to be
done, a woman appeared on the scene
and announced that we the parents had bor-
rowed 535 from her Sad had decamped with.
out paying her, she meant to hold the child•
ren as hostages for the recovery of the debt,
and if the parents ever turned up again they
would require to pay the loan before she
would give up the children. Thin extraor-
dinary claim was apparently recognized ab
Iawfni by the overseer of the poor, who in-
duced her finally to lob the children go for
$30, If there is any such law as this on the
Now JBraey statute book then the sooner tb
in expunged the better for the credit of that
A Great Conflagration.
Farther details of the great fire ah Lou
Chow come to the Shanghai "Mercury" from
its Chung -king correspondent under date of
May 1. The writer Bays: -Over three-
fifths of the entire city and Suburbia %veto
doStroysd by the are of April 12. The fire
Bald to hAve originated outside of the city,
near the river, through burning joss paper,
The wind blowing strong at the time, some
of the burning paper was blown into a stook
of dried grass used for fuel, the fire Spread•
log with rapidity in all directions, so that
in a very few minutes ibwaserbiroly beyond
oonbrol, The fire burned for twenty-thret
hours, destroying 87,000 dwellings. Oven
1,200 persona perished in the getting, and
400 were crushed to death in their efforts
to escape. Nearly 17000 people wart
obleped to camp out as best; they could,
without any shelter overhead, and wit
dying at the rato of aboub 100 a day fron
want and exposure, Lou Chow to sibuatet
I. the fork of two rivers, very much the
same position a° Chung -king, and is til
ascend trading mart in this provinoo.-[E;
Arithmetic and Ethiog,
Carl, about six -and -a -half years old, WS
%liked haw much m man would gain If h
. bought a barrel of flour for eight dollars an
sold it for twelve.
Instead of the expected answer-" Eoa
i dollars "-Carl Said, with astonishment an
3 indignation,
I " VOby if he bought It for eight dollars
g e
. he ought to lot the other man naive it it
eight dollars, or it wouldn't be very nice l
him I"
S Another case of ethics coming cut inStoa
a of arithmetic:
IChe question was given, "1f a man bougl
1, batter for fifteen dollaro, And, finding
e damaged, sdid it for ton, how much did 1
J. loneMost earnestly and with deliberate never
if y+ Carl et
replied :
r uBub rf the bab6or Wait -b
the me
0 ought nob to toll It I He ought not to nes
bad bnttor,-iWfde•AWAke,
AUGUST 23, 78 39,
Prance lnynttrd Tilrtugh 8w'llzerinted,
Frauoo to boo well guarded upon her Alpine
ontior to allow the co-operation of the
Alien sanies to be of Any real service to
co German empire, But no serious ob.
ruction up to the pressilt could hinder the
alians from penetrating the territory of
is Swiss Confederation,and opening up a
Ireob road to the valley of the Rhone be-
veou Lyons and Paris, The Simplon neck
cold offer a wide and easy A000ns to an in-
iding army, This route between Demo
Oasola and Britg to on easy ono, The
solivity to very gradual, and the ground
in be travelled over not only by wagonn,
atby the heavleeb artillery, without the
mast difficulty, From Dome d'Ossola to
ring bile distance can be covered by an
rdloary, stage coach in nine hours and a
elf, and one can travel Ib on foot in fourteen
r fifteen hours,
In this short lapse of time an Italian army
ould capture the head of the railroad line
rd of the entire route leading to the French
•outier. The greater port?on of the Sim-
eon, road particularly the neck, is situated
n Swiss territory. At this strategic point,
be Importance of which Is manifeeb, toe
no of the frontier rune along ab about
alf the height of the Italian aide of the
6witzerland has, therefore, In her hands
he key passage that, without natural diffi-
ulties, would lead an Italian army into the
alley of the Smono, Only three' old forte
to in existence be bar a route so important
-the forte of Saint Maurice, a little town
f 15,000 fababitante, situated a4 the an -
ranee of the first defile whieh'isenoountered
n going up the Rhone from its source in
sake Geneva. At this point the two routes
,ad the two linos of railroad coming from
,he IaLe unite. The enormous rooks of the
Dent its Morale on the north and of the Dent
In Midi on the south come so 01000 to each
other that the 'Rhone at that spot passes
trough a narrow gorge, Tho Romans knew
he importanoe of this post, width they nam -
cd Agaunum. Three forts stand there to de -
'and this pass, but they are far from been
ormidablo, and probably would nob hold
tub long agnineb modern artillery. They
cousbetnte the only defences of the entire
Talley, There are no other redoubts, nob
coon at the Simplon neck.
Will the FEdral Government hesitate
about closing this dangerous opening, which
might bring into Swiss Territory the forces
lirecled against Frano° 4 Tho besb military
writers of Switzerland believe that it Is
necessary to make bout in closing this piange
while there es yet time ; and the Swhsa col•
onels, Siegfried and Rotbplcz,hold that the
forts of Saint Maurice can be turned. The
Federal Government hasfortified Saint Goth•
mrd, bub it has done nothing with the Sim-
plon ; and this is the neck that leads atraighb
to Lyons by passing through Geneva, Laus-
anne, and Berne. King Humbert does nob
dream ofattaohiag the Gothard ; he would
prefer to turn ib, and establish solidly a
line of oporations of which the Simplon
would form the base. There the Italian
army would find an open door for its
cooperation wfih a German army coming
from Baden and Wurtemberg, no to would
avail itself of It rather than break itself to
pieces against the Alps,
The March. Toward Cairo,
The Soudsnese have been advancing very
slowly since they aroused the frontier into
Egypt. A few miles west of the Nile are
rangee of high hills which run parallel with
the river for a long distance, It Is among
these hills that the Mandist force is making
its way north, and from his gunboats in the
river Col. Wodehouso can see the advancing
column several miles long When Wad El
Njcmi's expedition, about 5,000 strong, to
on the match. The rebel army haabocn north
of rho frontier since the first of this month
bob much of the time it bas remained in
comp, and when on the move its progress
has ,aeon from three to seven miles % day
Both the Soudari and the Egyptian
forces are playing a waiting game. Node -
house, with hie black Egyptian troops, num-
bering about 41000 men, Is waiting for bile
British re-entornementewhicbarehurrying to
Assouan, The commander of the Wady Halfa
garrison does not think it prudent to offer
battle to the enemy among the hills, though
in the fight at Argtrfn he defeatod them.
Meanwhile be has ordered the destruction
of all the crops on the west side of the river
and at last accounts the -fields hadbeenlaid
waste more than half the way to Assonant
and the native were Hooking into the forte
At Wady Ratio. for food. Wad El Njumi's
slewprogress is Bald to be due to the faob
that be hoe been awaiting suppplies of food
andre-onforcoments from Donguln,
It Is possible that when the British and
Egyptians are ready for the onesyy they will
not force the fighting, believing thabthe;auf-
ferings of the invaders from hunger and
thirst will compel them to retreat southward
over the desert. If, however, the rebel lead-
er still pushes north or attempts to oroos the
river, we shall hear before long of another
big battle on the Nile ; and unless they Are
perishimg from starvation, ib will nob be like
Ghee desperate fanatics to turn mouth again
before the arms of the hated infidels enfliob
upon them a crushing reverse.
Why We Sink in Qtuokahnd,
Quicksand is compelled chiefly of small
particles of mica mixed largely with water.
The atlas is so smooth that the fragments
Blip upon each other with the greatest fault-
that any heavy body which displaces
them will sink, and continue to sink until a
solid bottom in reached. When particles of
send are ragged and angular Anyweight,
. pressing on them will orowd them together
until they are compacted into a solid mass.
A sand composed of mtoa oreompotone, when
sufficiently mixed with water, oeoms inoup•
c able of ouch consolidation, -[Solana,
, The Strongest Ilan in Maine.
3 The strongest man in Maine to said to live
I to the town of New Limerick, Aroostook
county, Ilio name in Altxomdor Willetter
end he in noted far and wide an a Mail' able
a to carry a log, on kis shoulder with °ase.
a Recently he won a )list by ploking up a
I newlyfblled Gr log, fortyaix feet in langth,
and carrying it some distance. No two of
r the other men in the Blimp could even lift
A the stick.- [New York Sun.
r Won by a Nose
if is Seems a strange thing for its to say, but
I really won my wife by the Similarity of
d taste in the matter of perfumes, it wan tho
heliotrope In her her little mtealve that led
:b me to datotmine about wooing her in all ear•
it neatness."
ie 6` Indeed I Thou in the matrimonial rano
you may be maid to have 'won by A nose."'
i [
n A Vow life of Bra
is -to
11 tilaAtcant Efforts at phonotie writing
aro a06tvo bock in French and dermn