HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-8-23, Page 1Volume 17. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUG. 23, 1889,
A WEEK AT MACKINAC. a 1, ; bean I Washilaggon leaner,
scene of 6D eat I r0 built
cO)$T)Nti 1j intim LAST Intuit.
In visiting a spot with so ulauy eolith
f interest in bhp vicinity es Mackinac,
010':4 time is limited, rho problem is
ay to arrange ono's plans to admit of
sing e9 mach as uosaibls. There aro
.e many adjaaont places one is anxious
-I see, that utero is no fear of camel, So
,il the evening of the tint day we made
tr plans for the week, Tho Mounts
ity of Mackinac, of the Detroit and
lovebuul line, and the City of Traverse,
3 the Lake Superior line, aro both in to.
,ay. These boats call here Mondays
id Thursdays and their passengers all
time ashore to spend as meth time es
bssibte. In the evening the Cambria,
1 the C.P.R. line, arrives and with a
rill of pleasure we recognise the Union
k and hasten down to the clock to see
Theugln onn may become attached
le hind of one's adoption, still when
tg strangers one meets 0 part of the
ire tit hams., he inns( be shallow in -
ad whose Heart is not quickened into
tercet. Having deoidod to pionia on
e morrow, we order a lunch whioh
waits us after breakfast, and at 0 in,the
7orning w•o start onb bound for the
'''Devil's Kitchen." We turn down the
;lag,) street to its western ond, then
Ong the beach wbiph is at first broad
td sheath, then becomes narrower and
bbly till presently we are beneath ]mgt
lies b,wering np a hundred feet and
warm with cedar. Just here in the
(melte so and eugino to carry water to
auk"; Grand Hotel above, Sometimes
-. climb over molts, sometimes the path
cool and shady with peeps of cool clo.
(fitful nooks suggestive to the elders of
site and after-dinner nates, to the
6•ulger people of Gollsmith s haw-
rn bosh, "For whispering lovers
de." Then there aro huge boulders
nigh a3 ourselves, and we climb up
1 down and over and around somo-
tes in such close proximity to the wet.
bat wo cling to an overhanging tree,
, w,otclziug our opportunity, mance a
.c avoid wet feet. Clambering over
•"cat rock of all, we almost drop
oke and baskets in delight, for we
eotl_v before the famous "Devil's
n." The benol) hero is about 16
de and the cliff ebovo rises sheer
height of 147 foot, Tho grotto it -
20 feet in height, 15 in width and
depth. Overhead, its coiling of
'oak bee the most of artistic arches
veiniest shapes, while its evens
1d in queer shaped crevices and
in the rock. Nearly all of these
in stones bearing the names of vis -
to this romantic spot. Among them
uud quite a number from Goderiob,
Cl. Goderiob names are everywhere
On my first visit here /our years
avieg discovered nn unappropriat-
irature into which 1 mould insert
m, I placed in it a stone bearing
mo and that of Miss Winnie Camp -
e11 known in Brussels. I searched
c -day, scarcely expecting to find it
but 16 was there, and after show -
0 the company, another was added
'the names of the preseut party.
')roast high in the grotto at the
three natural lire-plaoes, fro-
ueed by picnic parties for camp
just now we found a party of
'iris, from Lansing, roasting
,tatoos in one of them. Looking
s blackened arches and smoke.
nails carries us back to the re.
n that in time of war this was
as a place for beacon fires, as it is
lain 'view from Pte. St. Ignaee and
tkivaw City ; and hero the red man
(ted his ash and cooked hie simple
11, of whom We are forcibly reminded
Ip happening to thrust my arm into
iisaure containing our 1)5100, to see
('long it is, I bring forth an annieut
to head of stone, put there one prob.
j can guess when. Just beyond the
$noon" is the loveliest, clearest spring
Bing in a natural waterfall from over
ass -covered rook, rippling down over
gobbles into the lake. Part of it has
i; guided into a tank and a pump.
se built m connection, whore the
Irisr is carried up to Fort Mackinac.
epriug hes been christened .The
wet '
luck g being supposed
' d the wish made when first drink.
sparkling water. We drink each
a health and aa it is noon, 05101110h
elves in a cosy apot among some tree
near by and have Iunch. From the
s path goes up the side of the bluff
uely, and people are aonetantlypass.
p and down, some of whom declare
eingy u0 our. retreat and our lunate.
Drinking oups aro borrowed to drink
;,the spring, and we have marry
(l Two necessities when visiting the
1 are drinking oup and spy glasses.
up0 are made for the purpose and
{unposed of rings folding up in a
ike a watch, being easily parried.
111310 almost in vain for a spot on the
house to write our names, and one
young ladies venturously olimbed
o 11111 till almost near the roof. 80-
a good foothold she begins to write
ono of the party follows, puts a
'n her bit of board and down they
20me, with no worse injuries than
almost smothered with earth and
leaves, A couple of 001610x0 are
the pipes, and noticing our names
ns be is a Canadian from Lon -
was in Brussels when there
ally six houses on the north side of
ver and attended service in the old
troll of Queen street. Wo Olimb
th and look for a grapey nook and
uple of hours wo react and doze.
hove tis we can 000 the. bright color
Musa built out upon the side of tbo
or we aro on a level emit only half
p. By and by wo gather up our
Inge and follow the path a couple
to the right to tho foob of the
built by the government hero, as
and hi too0teem apparently for a
At the top wo loolc dowlt among
o and almost abudder when we
m what a depth wo have tomo,
see from hero St. Ignaee and the
et Opti alto, encl Mlacicinaw City
0 the south, While a ammo On
;ace of tbo water bolpw tooko like
a mere spools. We are now in an open
'hs around. 1v 110 a w
tasty slimmer cottages among the trona.
The path is along tile top of the cliff,
ape following it, we conte directly to
"Lover's Heap," wizioh is just directly
above the "Kitchen," This ih an !m•
memo boulder, rising pr0oipately from
the face of the cliff ; it is about 20 foot
high end 10 font by 15 on the top. A
eteop path Iendo down about 40 feet to
its foot whore those is a ladder by which
one may remelt its top. The view from
the top is floe but tbo ladder looks too
steep and Duly ono of our party dares to
climb it while the others watch with
bated breath es he Lies down and looks
at the dizzy heights below him ; and we
breathe freer when he is ou solid earth
again, Tito Indian legoncl eve that au
Indian girl, eleohonetnockourulgoga,
ivatahed !lore for the return of her lover
from war. Hero she and Oooiwegwon
tins( made their vows, and when she saw
the canoe containing the returning bravos
(souring from 1'egnodonoug (Old Mackin-
aw) her lover was not with thong. The
midmorning her body was found at the
foot of the bluff, fur she fancied Geuiweg-
won beckoned her to the land of spirits.
b'ollowieg the path along the top of the
height eve pass many picturesque cott-
ages and soon conte to 1'lan)c'0 Grand
Hotel. The 3rnn101)00 building has ao.
O0mmodetions for 1,000 petite, and is
built in a spot that commands a view of
the village, St. Ignaee, Mlaoki¢aw City,
Cheboygan and the Les Cbeneaux, It is
4 stories in height, bus a piazza 112 foot
wide and 3 stories high, running its onn-
tiro length. 1t is almost a village ie it-
self, having electric light works, tele-
graph office, engine ro0n0 and all other
conveniences except a postoflloo. Its
liverieclporters and drivers lend to the
place an aristocratic air, and observing
the handsome horses and carriages, the
lawno and ftnntaine, 0110 would conclude
that lifelier() iamb bo happy. The grav-
elled drive, 20 feet wide, 0weeps past tbo
front of the house and joins the village
street at the slope of the hill. Those
cumforts and luxuries may bo enjoyed at
the rate of 07 to $10 a day. We arrive
home in time to dress for supper and de-
vote the evening to the curiosity shops.
A youug lady one the island pantie the
znost exquisite views and bite of scenery ;
she also has charming little folios of the
wild flowers in the vicinity pressed and
hailed. Ono may buy her paintings from
a 50 cent view on parchment to a $12
painting, and they are not exaggerated
in the least, but trio to nature. Penton
bazaar almost bewilders at fist sight;
it is impossible to give an idea of its con-
tents. Most noticeable of all is tho work
done bytll.e Winne, and the difficulty
lies in choosing. Workbaskets of a hut.
dred designs, handkerehiee boxes, napkin
rings, fans, canoes, mats, petfumn cases,
all in the moot beautiful tints and ele-
gant work. Foley's art store has a
handsome collection( of stones ; agate of
va1'ioes colors, Petoskey diamond, a
beautiful stone resombliug onyx 101111 a
spray of white over its surface, spear-
heads, tomahawks, stuffed birds, and
not least photographs of the different
points of, interest on the island. It is
,,harming to find one's favorite nooks
and crannies here on paper to carry
hums for 15 cents. The Turkish bazaar
has pipes, rugs, dolls, carpets, slippers,
quaint nee/daces, enehions and such arti-
cles as 000 supposed to be essentially
Turkish. To me the most interesting
was a doll, dressed in the costume of a
Turkish woman, with her veil and fan,
and look just like the pictures we see of
that modest parson. In the morning we
are off to Los Cbenoaux, (The Snows)
which are ie group of islands lying north-
east from 16 to 20 miles from Maokinao,
near the mainland. Thoy are about 100
in number, and two of them, La Salle
and Marquette are quite large. They
are nestled together ho all conceivable
styles and shapes. The steamer Charles
West leaves Maokinao at 8:40 and as we
roach tho Western end, we enter a small
bay dotted with islands no larger than a
good sized parlor floor with a bewitobing
growth of evergreeeus upon it. Sailing
between them, we wonder how we will
escape from such a labyrinth, but when
most unexpooted a channel is discovered,
and new beauties come before the eye.
We are tempted to linger and feast our
eyes ou the wonderful bits of beauty that
break upon our view so that one oan only
compare it to a kaleidoscope. Fishing
and hunting are most excellent hers ;
black bass, pickerel, perch and wild fowl
being most abundant at most seasons of
the year. We fish, of course, after /and-
ing, and lunoh and read in the cool green
shade. We gab boats and explore, and
oh, the delight of imagining one's self a Genera -1 Nowr+,
voyageur of old, looking for new amines
and countries, The twitter of birds, the Edison receives the title of Count from
ripple of the water and our own voioe0 is the King of Italy.
all that oan be beard sometimes, There At Patti's farewell in Buenos Ayres,
are delicious bayous running into the in the "Barber," she was oallod oat 82
shores, nooks where the trues overhang times, and the receipts were *23,000.
the water, and ohannele where we won. Permission will be greeted to the 18th
der if our canoes oma possibly pass Regiment of Brooklyn, N. Y., by the
through. But it all comes to an end, and Canadian Militia Department, to visit
evening finds us bask to our hotels for the coming carnival at Hamilton, Ont.
supper. To-nii,'ht we saunter about the At Unity, on the Wisconsin Central
village, up the boulevard along the beach, road, a bear carried off a little girl of a
pass the Methodist church and out be- woodman named Kleinest. Thfather
low Robinson's Folly- The next morn- persued the animal and killed it, the
ing WO vial( old Fort Holmes whish child escaping 'serious Wary. The bear
stands on the highest point of rho island weighed 480 pounds,
818 fent above Lake Huron, It is a little Carlisle D. Graham is determined to
to *heeled and back of Fort Medicine.), navigate Niagara Fells, and last Sunday
and is roathod from the rear gate in the abtompted the feat experimentally lvfth a
wall by crossing the parade ground and new barrel, whioh he built on a different
after peeing through an old fashioned plan from the others that were 1000010511
stile, tins road•leede round the foot of the - in the rapids. The barrel was of heavy
11111 on whose sammit stand the ruins of white oak staves, 5 feat long, 88 hellos in
the fort. By leaving the carriage road diameter, and bound with iron bands, It
at the foot of the hill we may climb a was fixed inside with a hammock, in
0teep path inetoad of going around, wbioh a dog was placed. Graham lot the
Which we 01o, and gent ourselves panting barrel go in the Comedian 0urcout, two
and breathless at the top. This fort woe miles above the cataract. la 28 minntee
built soon after the English oaptured the it dashed safely over the precipioo and
post in 1812. Ib is built m1 a platten ell reappeared in the torrent below the falls
alto summit of the hill ; 011 ell sides ex- Tho craft floated erotlln(1 hear the baso of
cept.the narrow space now a road ono the fella 10r 36 minutes and finally sank,
looks down, down and the view is anima, Graham said that the water entered
is beyond description, for miles and miles through air holoa left for the (log to
en expanse Of shining stool', with the breathe, and the sinking could not Have
Outline of distant shores to break the happened least leo been in it. Graben)
view. Except the narrow epee wooled says the 1vil1 build to duplioate of the
by tate road, whore there are high lithos barrel and go over in it himself in ten
that Ont off the 142010, wo 0an goo in every days,
direction, A "lookout" stat
erected here by the governlrtcnt, remelted
by le stain, and no matter at what time
of clay you look up at Fort Holmes thele
is always someone there. Tho embank-
ment or earthworks wets at first much
broader and higher than it is now and
was Ilned with cedar poles. In the eon.
tr0 was a huge blockbonee, beneath vlhiolt
VMS the magazine, anal the hollow that
contained it 10 01111 here, The plane of
the gate la seen on the east side, one of
the posts yet remaining ; the position Of
the guns is oleo Been. These were small
guns, being 18 -pounders, Wo aro told
the fort presented a fine appearance when
finished ; it was named fort George, but
whoa the Americana took posseseiou they
°ailed it Fort Holmes, for the major who
fell in the engagement at Eerly'o farm.
The Americans wishing to soo what they
could do, a party of Whore planted a
gun tot the roar gate of Fort ibitookinac
and made Fool Holmes a mark, 00011 de-
molishing it, The fragments were after
ward removed to the foot of Fort Mach:
inao and made into a barn yet standing.
From Here we can see, on a bright day,
vessels entering tate Sr. Marys river, 80
miles east of us, 1t the little town of De-
tour, The lust vessel in those waters
was the Griffin iu 1070, ond the first
steamer the Walls•in-tho-tvator in 1810.
Now from ten to fifty sails
may be seen passing up and clown
Sud from ono to ten propellers.
Round Island, Bois 1310110, Cheboygan,
Mealtime- City, Ste, Ignaee, Lake Ulm
higan and Lea Cheneaux are all in full
view. When we got back to Fort Mac-
kinatl we take the road peat the hospital,
along the brow of the oliff ; it presently
emerges into open space, and a zigzag
road runs down the hill. We see below
us the Island and Mission horse', the
sellout building anaemic find residences.
Wild roses grow in greet profusion on the
island, and just Here they aro dotted
thickly over the green eward and down
the stony cliff. The road loads out to
the eastern end of the bluff, known as
Robertson's Folly. In 1780 Captain
Robertson built a summer house here,
whore he and his brother officers whiled
away the time, Afterwards the elements
undermined a portion of the rock, tend
the summer house was precipitated down
with it ; the debris below can be seen by
any one hardy euonght to appro0011 to
the brow and look over. When we carne
batik, passing a logy whitewashed build-
ing oatsicle rho walls, we era accosted by
a fab-red-faosd soldier sitting on a stone
scouring a canteen. 110 invited us to go
in, which we did, and behold the fort
baker. Anything so ourioua as his
kneading of bread wo had not yet seen.
He told me he baked 100 loaves every
other day, and showed us the immeese
oven with a fire in it, and told me pr00-
eubly they would take the fire out and
put the bread in. We get our dinner in
time to take the Algoma at 12.40 for
Mackinaw City. This is simply a vil-
lage, though it has six hotels and two
railroads the Michigan Central and the
Grand Rapids and Indiana. But its his-
torical associations will make it always
interesting ; every school boy remembers
the Indians' game of bailor baggatiway
here and at Detroit and the other forte
by which they gained an entrance to the
fort here and massacred the garrison.
Tho site of the old fort is just book of the
town, facing the straits, and here we saw
the trench where the dead were buried
then. Near hero is the submarine cable -
beneath the straits to Ste. Ignaee, and on
the last post on this side are written and
out hundreds of names. I find mine as
written 4 years ago, and we add ours,
also upon an immense white ash tree
near by, w11i0h contains names from
Maine to California, and from Hudson
Bay to the Gulf of Mexico, The cede.)
groves bene are lovely, end we wander
about and gather some of a beautiful
variety of round pine cones in the grove
surrounding the school building. We
make some calls, and visit the oharah,
which is Preabyteriao, and the R. R.
depot, arriving at the island at 3 o'olook.
Wo devote the evening to investing in
souvenirs from the curiosity bazaars, and
it is no small affair to decide between so
many odd and beautiful things. Then a
row on•the smooth surface of the lake,
which to -night has not a ripple, ocoupiee
us till ten o'clook, To -day there are the
Canadian Pacific steamer "Garment',"
the "Baltic" aleo Canadian, the "City of
Charlevoix," and "City of Mackinac" all
in at once besides the regular steamers,
and everybody is busy, apparently. We
caught a distant glimpeo of George Soott,
of Seaforth, and John Constable, of Lon-
don, as they went aboard the "Baltic."
(6'rnnt am•3(egular Currespn114eat.)
WslandoT0N, Aug.,211,'130.
-The Speakership contest i0 beginning
to make itself hoard in the lobbios of the
Capitol and about the hotels, and the
McKinley statisticians aro beginning to
haul out a few figures themselves. The
expectation that Pennsylvania would he
alniotot Rolicl to a plan has been bligbted
by the discovery that the prevailing poll.
(teal influence In the State is for Reed.
It is nevertheless assumed that three
Pennsylvania Republicans will vote for
the Stark county Napoleon. The trio
embraces Judge Kelley, John Dalzoll,
and the "010 Iron Grey, of Somerset,"
lidward Scull. Kelley is presumed to
believe that his only chance of 000nring
the Chairmanship of the Ways and Monts
Committee is by the election of McKin-
ley. IIo can hardly Itope for this ohair-
lnanebip if a Western candidate is the
Speaker, If Reed is made Speaker, Mc-
Kinley iv almnst certain to get the covet.
eel chairmanship, whereas if McKinley
is chosen heed will be teetered to his
old place an chairman of the Jndioiary
Committee, leaving the way open for
Kelley's nppoinlanenb as a suo001001' 10
Roger Q. Mills, as tariff manager.
Now for the figures. Ohio ie pat down
rte solid with eixte011 vote. Ten out of
the nineteen Southern Republicans
added, which, with three from Minne-
sota, three from Pennsylvania, three
from New York, twu from Nebraska, ono
from Now Jersey, and ouo from Indiana
(T. M. Brown,) mllkes a total of thirty -
aim. This total is not appalling in its
magnitude, but it is said to represent the
sure support, with onongh reasonable
cortaieties, to give McKinley half a bun.
tired on the first ballot. This is rg of to
bed showing if a half dozen os. clid0tes
are presentee to the 00.0000, for at the
outside it will require only eighty-five to
nominate toad possibly less.
Another of the contested election easoa
is grinding away at the Capitol, It is
the Fourth West \Tirginia, The certifi-
cate is hold by Hou. J, M. Jackson, and
his opponent is Hon. C. H. Smith, of
Parkersburg. But three votes stand be•
twoen Air. Jackson's victory and Mr.
Smith's defeat --tbo name number which
separates bele Republicans from the De-
mocrats in the coming (Congress.
"About the contest for my seat ?" said
Judge Jackson in abs lobby of the Nation.
al least evening, "Mr. Smith and I have
got le all our testimony, and I fool entire.
lv oonfideut of tbo'saloty et my seat, but
[ went it to be decided fairly and equate.
ly before Congress. It is a little too
early to say much abort the House. Un-
doubtedly the Republicans will try to
change the rules talc' seat 1411 their uon-
teetants early in the Session. To do this
it will be necessary to have nu audacious
man in the chair. Neither Cannon nor
MoKinley con be relied open to do the
nnconetitutioual acts, therefore I believe
that Reed will oe made Speaker. Ile is
bold enough to declare a quorum, as did
Keifer, by saying that he sees one pre.
sent, whether a quorum votes or not.
The Democrats should not entirely on
the defensive and insist that matters
shall take their accustomed course and
that the old rules shall govern. But
then the new states aro to bo Beard from.
Several Republican members are already
kora da conduit. We had better wait."
"As to legislation, the Republicans
will probably seek to abolish certain of
the internal -revenue taxes, and in this
will get some Democratic strength. On
the other hand they will encounter op-
position in their own patty"
The Secretary of the navy has ap-
pointed a board who shall formulate and
report to him a general plan for build-
ing up the Navy. The Secretary of War
Ma also shown au interest in the sub -
led of national defense and ordered that
the vast useless possessions of the War
Department be disposed of and turned
into something available for modern
fighting purposes. All this is encourag-
ing and there appears to bo aroused a de-
gree of intereet in the subject of national
defense. It is a good proposition to sell
all our useless stuff, Let us see what
American ingenuity has done. The
problem of coast defenses is especially
an important ono, and it should be at-
tended to at moo. The emergency does
nob exist to -clay, but it may exist to.
The President has found much of the
weather unpropitious on hie northern
trip. Washington is the choice summer
resort this sooner. No fog has mingled
with the 0001 breezes whioh during the
President's absence have played about
the White House.
L`.►135,11,11,(; ,913T( -JJ.
The lir usncla Club Jlefented the Flys
Thine 11,00 Season by the (;nefnh :44), tae
Leafs by 11 Rae01...._711.1/> l0 4 -CM
Errors and ntess have,
flaunting' Shut Them Ont.
Vriday at 10 a. in. who nuttohod OMB of
haat 10, 11 between lirusanls and the aup]0
Leafs, of Guelph, far a $10 prize, own inane('
on MB cricket ground. I3rnsaeia ova ileo toss
mad took telt aeh1. Growar 111 the box wet
supported by entcher Wardell. Brown marl
a run for Uuelph atter a very olose nail 116
tat and Ord bases. They worn blanked In the
20,1 laalnta, gut 4 by costly errors 00 the Ord,
fanned out in the 1111, got 1 fn the Oth, 10040
whftowashad In the 0th and 0111 and got four
raee 10 the 7t11 and eat nleings. Altar the
est innings they were v cry cent1one about
the trip Iron' let to sod base, and well they
1010111 110 s.0 n21d baseman hoes wits on hand
ready t,) give them n warm ruoeptiou. There
was very
01,1 not appear b', 1rolil,lleito loqutuiGre-
war'scurves. Currie l"11 Halliday each took
in lly cntehes at riR 1t and !aft acid. 11, home
played 196 base tip -tau being oredit will, 0;
pot outs. liras: els dlil not qct on to 131 01:0:4"S
pltolliot: at ani, the 1)014ir'.t 11,0tere pound-
lug the atmosphere it nne,bur ut 1iw„s ho-
Stead 01 making 11ome feed. ,11Liest every
!twinge they heti non on 404 ipld atd 'msex
bot yet they were whitewashed Rix entre,
They seoro3 ogle In the 2n11 iuldGtta. two lu
tendt,,cod one in she cis. 'rho luno ruu-
•0tee wee ton 00013)0,1 Ior ono tiling, m, 1e.v8
111,t,, s 3,3,1,020 dyutg atOnd ]mise, 1110,1 their
way thr4() pintio4 a bullauziuc game d] the
umpire ire woi., very Drank, tin)
eu 01 tan 1
bi1,e. The t}uelph team 1a a strong one,
hv.-ruv011 and play a ono game, but without
ally beestiug they were ontiltlaeil at all
points on 1001 day, They malt a number
of errors too but they were not v!a costly
nature, although ouo of them let Noble
"or0y home frniu 104, all 0110 other buses
being vacant. Thea run with O by ton 6tret.
ten Bros. lanae 1q1 tllo man tntul. The
grou(((ts aro toe sura(1 for IMO 1/011 and a
good dual of time was last to fouls over tea
102100. )Vo believe Jlrnssola onn defeat t1,0
sumo Maple Lanvin 1141 hued. all and they are
not at alt afraid to moot theta maid. The
following Is the attended scare:
Number 6.
plaoes 1)ettt0ahbein at the howl of long
dwebei0tnrs,nce fast siril111n1re 0n all fresh
Two thou911nd people tttteniht$ the St.
An,lre.v'a Society genes at Ottawa on
Theirsd5y nu the 00114011 of the olvie
holiday. J. D. McPherson, of Sault Ste,
Merle, Mleh., won first prize fo, putting
the shot, '27 ',melte 11e threw it 3)i feet
7 inches, beating the beet preview{ record -
--that of Goo. 1)0ViS01), of Edinboro'
1 Scotland ; Prete, of Hamilton, Ont.,
second, 35 feet 2 inches, MIePhersoa
ebellengee the world to a context et pet-
ting the hoev,y shot for any stun from
$1100 to $1,000,
Tho a,nnal ten mile proteesional cham-
pionship bicycle race took place at Ayle•
atone new groande, Leicester, on Sater.
,lay, August 3rd, when, an offer of X30
prize money attracted an entry of ten
riders, viz.: I1.Ilow011, Leluestcr (holder);
Itaipll Temple, Chicago ; Fred Wood,
Smith Shields; It. English, North Shields;
T. English, North Shields; F. W. Allard,
(loventry; A, Robb, Leicester: :1', Lee,
lletster'; 11. Janice, Birmingham, and
A. Hawker, Lcicexter, The weather was
fine, brit thele wee 0 blustering wind blow-
ing actress the gained. The field 1000 0
very strong one, Tom English being the
only ubseetee, (cud one of the be -t races
decided at Aylestone was witnessed by
3,000 spectators, Result: Ten -mile cham-
pionship—Temple 1, Robb 2, R. lenglieh
3, Lee d, Rowell 6, Allard li, Ie. Wood 7,
Hawker 01. On settling down Lee showed
the way to Wood, English, Allard and
Howell, Robb and Temple coming eext,
with James and Hawker whipping in.
The first mile wee onmpleted in 3 ruin.
5 twee and when half the distance had
been conpiei„1 in 11 min. 24 ace. tits
Birmingham man was 150 yards in the
rear, and speedily retired. Hawker joined
the leaders and showed the way at a oom-
ferteble pace past the eighth toile in 20
1)1in. 1 sec., 1110,1 Allard rased ahead and
entered the 11:41 mile just in front of
Hawker and ;Temple, with Robb fourth,
and the others close up. Two laps from
home Howell epurtod ahead, followed by
Temple, Ilobb and English lying next,
just in advance of Wood, Allard and Lee,
with Hawicer tailing off. When the final
lap was reached leuglisli was leading, but
half way down the railway straight
Temple race,. ahead, and, stalling off a
brilliant chane nate from Robb, won, amidst
great excitement, by a few inches; two
yards between seoouci and third. Time,
32 min 11 sec.
(10ELri[. )1.11. n. 11 0."
Iimwu, 3b 1 o h
131akey, p - 1. O e 1
Atkinson, 11,
lianzle, It 1 '-t 1 21
Floury, rf.............�...,..... 1 ; 0 0
mockers, of
'fewer,s a n 0 it 0
Power, c
0 1 v
Ica Sero
Y, 'ib 0 1 1 1
rotate ............... 1,, 1;) 0 27
•innsasLa. 7:.n, s. 1:4;r.o
J.ltoas, 2b
tyardull, o....., , 0 U
ll. Truss, lb .r u 5 d
!}arfY, 0f 0 tl 1 1:.
Currie, If u 1 0 e
J, Strottveeulaay, rf,:la 111 I) 0 )
P. S trotton,lt, 4 1I) 1 1
Grewar, p 1 0 0 1
Totals 7 1 5
Gtl.olph 1 0 4 0 1 0 2 0"-10
10,15001, 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 9- 4
SATr0ntas,—G,elpb, 111akcy ant) rowers.
llruseele, Growar ata Wardell,
LTirrrns.—Huta him u, of h'orawlch,
.porting Column. •
Gandaur will row Tomer on Sept. 14,
Emil Geiss, late of London, has signed
with Syracuse.
Ohealey defeated Iiorriston at trinket
by 55 and 54 to 44 and 48 on P00560y.
Of the twelve games played in Europe
by the Philadelphia cricketers they won
At Stratford the Brants Of Perla de-
feated the Stratford Lacrosse Clab by 3
goals to 1.
Ed. Case, of Hamilton, won the mile
race at the games of the Boston Irish
National Club in 4;85.
The travelling female ball team will
come through Western Ontario towards
the close of this month.
A Dutchman has started from Amster-
dam for Paris on roller skates on a
wager that he can cover the d101an00 in
Bevan days.
At the Keokuk rapes Thursday, Sate!.
lite trottedsix miles in 18 minutes 58
seconds, breaking all previous records.
The last mile was made in 2:48e.
At the annual matches of the Victoria
Rifle Club at, Hamilton on Monday J.
Ogg, of Guelph, did some extra good
shooting, and carried off throe first priz-
Andy Anderson says be will challenge
W. O'Connor, of Canada, to row on the
Thames, between Putney and Mortlake,
England, for any amount over £1,000 a
Esterbrook says he was engaged for
the season by the London Assooiation,
and he is going to stay in the Forest
City and drew his money at its close or
know the reason why. He talks of a law
In tbo last two years the Duke of Port.
land has won more than £00,000, or
aboat $880,000, on the 000es. But it
doet necessarily follow that everybody
else pan clo the seine by following horse
dll.Yttlelijft311 Neyvr_4. raping.sn'
Jas. Wyllie continues his wonderfully
Delhi canning factory hes 150 hands at suooessful career as a draught player in
Australin. In Sydney recently ho played
Barnum wlh by at London on Saint'- a series of 400 games with the local play -
clay, Sept, 7, ors. Of these he won 866, lost 2, and the
Prince Albert has a neev liberal paper, remainder were drawn.
the Saskatchewan. Both Searle and O'Connor aro training
A fifteen year old whiskey informer hard for the race on the Thames, which
has turned up in Ottawa. is fixed for Sept. 0th. Each of the con -
The apple crop in Orford will be a testents appears on the course twice a
long way below the average this year. day. The interest is fully as great es in
Wm. Saudham, of East Goshen, her., theHaelan-'1rioltettandLaycoolcmatobes
vested 26,000 sheaves of wheat from three a few years ago.
00)004 Bobt, Bonner of Maud Se intends to
The exemptions from taxation of real 'Ribber in (Marge of another trainer as
property in Toronto amount to over 010,- goon es he finds one to suit! him. She
00will bo worked on her owners track et
D, Boal found a fossilized foot and Tarrytown. The mare has rested a great
moccasin oe the eferriolcvllle fair part of the summer, although Mr. Bon'
grounds. nor bas driven bet to a light waggon a
The 1911 Regiment of Brooklyn, N,Y., nambet of times,
will take part in the military parade at Duncan C. Ross and Capt. McGregor
the Hamilton earthed, wore to have ongttg od in a sword and
Pattereotn Bras, have sold $400,000 bayonet contest Tuesday. MoGregor
worth of their machinery in the North- using the rifle and bayonet on foot. Mc.
west pmvinees this season, Gregor appeared on the 000110 clad AS a
Woodstock will tondo' a benefit eon- 000100row, and Rosa' horse shied into
oort to Miss Aggin Nicholson, the hor0• the crowd. Referee Pete Manning gave
inc of the St. George tic:Ma tit. the match to 1tloGregor.
A Pelt/age la Prairie telegram says that 011 Saturday Gustavo Dentoeboin a
a farmer there lies discovered old in swimming master, g g ), r P01111 to swim from
the rook tvltil0 digging post }10100, Bel10r's dock to Bar Point, Into Eris., 0.
Among the attraotions of the Brent. (listened of 28 miles. The water was,
ford Fate this year will be, Roman however, too 001d and he Was obligati to
Chariot moos and an Indian baby show, leave it at Wyandotte, The distance
The managers of tho staainer MLo�d�jaee oovoroel wee lo" miles, marl the rate of
lea, at T0).0nto, were fined 060 of Werl. speed was one mild iu 17 .4i C
ilea ay for a eryieg too lnenypascaengorie This brake one record lost, end
Personal Paragraphs.
.hiss !Wells is visiting her sister Mts.
Geo. Baker.
Geo. Love thinks of seeing the goldou
west this Fall.
J. Trotter, of Galt, was visiting J. W.
Shaw this week.
!!Miss Colyer, of Otterville, is visiting at
J. A. Creighton's.
Miss Maggie Mcl3ain is visiting old
friends in Godorich.
Miss Stobie, of Seaforth, is visiting
friends in this locality,
Ches. W. Jackson was home from
Wingham for Sunday.
Wesley and Ella Love were visiting
friends at Kincardine.
A. J. Sbielreturned last Monday from
a holiday visit to Bayfield,
Miss Susie Drowe, of Strathroy, is
visiting friends in this locality.
Penny Jackson is expected from Toronto
on a vi -it. .Hio health is not the best.
Miss Allie Wilson, of Walkerton, is
!siting her grandma Hargreaves this
Mfiss Jessie Ross is away on a holiday
visit to relatives at Ayr, Guelph and To -
Mrs, Seli is visiting her son tot Harris.
on. Mr. Soli is employed at Galt et
d. A. Creighton, of Palmerston, and
d. Creighton, of Galt, wore home last
Jaolc Wade put in a very pleasant week
at Winghan withthe family of Chas.
Ray. F. Swann and wife, of Monkton,
ere visiting at the Methodieb Parsonage
is week.
Mrs. Jno. G. Skene and May are visit -
g relatives and friends in the locality
Walter Jackson is still on the sink list
t We hope to soon soo him able to at•
nd to business once more.
Mrs. Chas. Holland and family re-
eved to Port Huron lost week. We
set them success in their new home.
Rev. S. Jones has been quite poorly
is week. Wo hope the rev. gentleman
11 be speedily restored to his wonted
W. Little, wife and danghters, of
oknow, and arra..Bauslaugh, of Sea-
th, were the garotte of Thos. Fletoher
d family this week.
Mrs. D. Roberts has returned home
era throe week's visit with her parents
Londesboro', D, Roberts and C.
fferson have been keeping bachelor's
Jno. A. McDonald, who has beet) catch.
for rho baso ball olub this summer,
for his home last Wednesday. Hie
lth has net been good for several
Ve are pleased to hoar that Geo. Mo.
ay, a former Srusselite, has received
appointment of Sooretary of the T.
0, A. in Concordia, Kama.Has is
I fitted for the adios that will lcvolvo
on him.
eorgo 3011)1 Semnol Mooney have taken
toad in Manitoba and their familiestot to nave from Brussels early nett
th. They are in the same locality
Albert Gerry, and havo oath a half
ion 0 an .
up 1
0501 f land
Miss Fennio Shannon, of London, for-
merly of Brussels, was milted in marriage
to Voteennary Scott, a resident of this
place for we short time, on Monday last at
the residence of Jno, Shannon. They will
melte their home in jbIiohigao.
At the Iianiiton carnival on Tuesday
last the senior double scull race wee wo
by Robt. Curran end Jno. Gray. They
else tools the Arnoriaan championship lot
Pullman a row weaks ago, rife. Curran
is a brothor-in-law to IL's. J. T. Popper
and is one of the propeletore of the lime.
Lotter nowepeper at. Orillital,