HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-8-16, Page 88
No doubt the great decrease
of ]'lies is due, somewhat, to the
various Fly killers which wo are
selling day by day. Our Daiwa -
Non 1nseet Powder,. made of Ch -,s -
el Flowers, (and is therefore
much superior to that of open
flowers el -flowers in an advanced
state) does its work well. We
guarantee this, as well as all
our Fly Papers, to do ns adver-
Di twist, Bookseller, cfc.
Trains lease Brussels Station, North
and Soith, as follows :
Go•NG SavTh. GonNc NOME.
Mail 7.02 a.m..I Mixed il20 a.m.
Express ......113 a.m. Mail 800p.m.
Mtsrd .. bos p m. Express 3:45 p,m.
Glyotal ct'oficins.
A chiel's amang ye takin' notes,
Au' faith he'll prent it.
SiLVE1i binder twine, 14 cents at B.
G erry's.
NEw wheat has been brooght in to the
grist mills already.
A nos of women's leather boots at 50e
per pair. Adam Good.
Fon potato lugs get pure Paris green
at Pepper's d%lg store. See ad.
WE go to press a little earlier this
week owing to the civic holiday coming
on Friday.
50 CENTS, in advance, secures THE Pon
for the balance of 1889. Tell your neigh-
bor about it.
IT will pay any person to call and see
Geo. Love et Co's Furniture Room. New
Gootls and new Prices.
W. B. DICKSON has leased the upstairs
in Leckie's block which has Leen very
comfortably fitted np for a dwelling.
Busmen Lxcras5oN5.-Lake or rail for
Iowest rates, beet connections and full
information, tickets, etc., at the Town
Agency, T. Fletcher, Agt., G. T. Il.
Geo. Love et Co. have no goods to sell
for spite but they -will do -undertaking at
half combine prices and will use their
hearse for the poor as well as the rich.
'EXT Sabbath Rev. S. Seflery, 13. A.,
13. D., will take for his aubjects "Spiritual
Health," and "Man's Worth and Loss,"
at the morning and evening eervioes in
the Methodist church.
E WAN'e make of Pea Harvesters leads
the van, They can be fitted to any
mowing machine. All complete for $10.00
l Call at the shop, opposite Qnsen's hotel
stables, Brussels, and see them. They
are dandies and do the work in a Bret-
class manner, 52 -
Examines to Goderich next Tuesday.
A special train will leave Brussels at
8:35 a. m. on that day and returning will
leave Goderieh at 6 p. m., giving over 7
hours at the Co. town. The return fare
will be 80 cents for adults and 40 cents
for children over 5 years of age.
Oce the 1st Sabbath of September Rev.
T. Livingston, of Clinton, will preach
Sabbath School anniversary sermons in
the Methodist church here. On Sunday
afternoon of that date an open session of
the sohool will be held when addresses
are expected from Rev. Ino. Ross, N. A.,
of Melville church, and Rev. Mr. Living-
' ston. tSr. Sellery will supply the work at
NosrmATxote.-Wednesday noon was the
time appointed for the nomination of a
person to fill the seat at the School Board
rendered vacant by the unseating of F. S.
Scott. W. B. Dickson was nominated
by T. Fletcher, seconded by W. M.
Sinclair and shortly after Wm. Blashill
and Samuel Crawford moved and second-
ed the nomination of J. R. Smith, It
would therefore appear that an election
will have to be held. If so the poll will
be held at Geo. Love's office and the
Council Chamber next Wednesday, be-
tween the hours of 0 a. m., and 6 p. m.,
with Ronald McNaughton and Wm. Ald-
ridge as Deputy Returning officers.
Qum A Pore. -In a certain home in
Huron County there was joy and glad-
ness over the arrival of a chubby baby
boy. The grandmamma was away on a
visit at the time and when word was re-
ceived stating she would reach home on a
certain train a neighbor lady. well known
for her practical jokes, decided to have
some sport, and this is the way she event
about it. A large doll was dressed up to
represent the new arrival and was held
on the knee of Mrs. 'Joker' in the ortho-
dox manner, all ready for the coming " of
the grandmamma, For some reason this
last named personage failed to put in an
appearance that night and those who ars
aagaainted with the particulars are
wondering who the joke was really on.
Tlie• reader of this item will confer a
favor on Tun Peer by not saying any.
thing to Mrs. F. C. Rogers about it. It
wee a good joke though, wasn't it?
]Soeow.--G. A. Powell i8 now managing
the store formerly owned by I?, N. Hogg,
et Co., Stratford. He's an A 1 salesman
and etookkeeper,-Brussels Fall show
will bo held on Oat. Ord and 4th this
year. -Tho postofixce closes each evening
at 7 o'clock now. -E, E. Wade talks of
removing to a larger town in the north,
-Bandmaster Whitley was out of town
last week visiting relatives and conss-
quently the Band did nob give their nsual
Saturday evening concert. -The annual
Fall Dfstriet meeting of the Wingham
District wilt beheld' in Brussels,Metho•
dist ahureh next month.—The' return
railway fair to the Listowel tournament
today (Frid(*) is 00 cants from Brns-
eels.—Beattie faros.' running mare will
s0mpete in the Lietowei.racee this week,
-J. N. Kendall, station agent, and fang.
By aro quite c
q o art company when
they get together. --The flax milt in this
place commenced work this weer(, ---0n
lifriday of next week the Huron cricket
team cvillplay in London, Harry Den.
des. 1ioss and Dr, 18Ic'Caughton or
Andy Curriewill go from Brussols.--A
horse belonging to Arthur Veal; was in.
jilted by coming in COMMA with a barbed
Wire fence.
Prim 001111.1 binder twine, 17 canto
leen ll at B. Carry's.
l'illh,ERVINo engines and jars, jntre white
wine vinegar, and ower thing in groceries
rely erne t. Arian GOOD.
Q:. KaiXie has purchased a driver front
Messrs. Turnbull et Ballttntyne and a new
beggy from James Walker and has now
a tasty clltilt.
LAST Friday eveninga Lawn Party was
stem ea Thee. Kelly's under the 00811ioe0
of S1. Johu'e ohureh, A pleasant time
was eejosed by thos8 prosect.
A 40 torso ),tower roofed water wheel
has been put cu at the National Roller
Mill. With this additional power all the
machinery in the mill may be run et the
same time with a Itum.
Tun olotlling, rifles, etc., in the Bras -
eels armory have been undergoing a
thorough renovating. D. McDonald and
II.Olocne7 had the job in hand, under
the direstlon of Lieut. J, W. Shaw.,
En. DrNroup is preparing for the ere°.
tion of a handsome brick 55218On05 ou lois
wcll•situated acre on Turuberry street.
The excavation is being made for the
cellar and the work will be pushed for-
ward at once.
ALL orders for teaming left at J. G.
Skone'e or A. 14I. McKay et Co's store
Will be promptly attended to. All orders
for garden plowing left with the above
named gentlemen will receive prompt at-
tention. 30 HEM:MESON Bnos.
Mn. DArxs, the young man who is sup.
plying on the Ethel circuit, occupied the
pulpit of the Methodist church here last
Sabbath morning. The raster preached
to a crowded Church in tae evening front
the subject "The trap rfm of life."
Tmc Clinton New Era says :-"Wo
omitted to mention last week that our
excellent cotem., The Brussels POST, had
entered upon its 17th year. It certainly
improves with age, and would be a credit
to 1elaces much larger than Brussels.
Lase week's Acton: Preo Press says :-
The Brussels POST has entered upon its
seventeenth year, and looks as bright
and newsy as ever. The success of THE
Poor proves that live local neve pays.
Bro. herr fully understands how to sue-
pesefnlly eonduot a local journal.
ON.Tni W'INo,-As I em on my rounds
cleaning, repairing and tuning organs
and repairing and cleaning' sewing ma-
chines, please drop mo a card to let me
know where to call. Second hand ma-
chines on hand mud none given out with-
out making good stitching.
54- T. Moons.
A ratuwo has received a letter from
Miss Dimsdale, the revivalist, now at her
home in Belle Mtvart, the first of any
Written 01000 April. :4110 has been home
for three weeks and is gaining strength
slowly. The doctors say it will be months
before site will be fully recovered.
Lrwr Saturday evening J. J. Giblin
brought a sample of Yankee corn to THE
POST Publishing House that measured
d feet, 4 inches in length. It came from
the field of R. McBee, 12th con., Mc -
and had ,n t nearly reached ma.
turity. Mr. Mclioohas an acre all about
as good as the sample referred to above.
lx the window of J. T. Pepper's drug
store a very practical lesson may be learn-
ed by the encumbers mud Fowler's Ex-
tract of Wild Strawberry, on exhibition
there, bearing the legend "cause" and
"cure." It is a representation that
has been proven correct in the experience
of more than one. Cucumbers will '1V'
Birt has all the necessary maohinery for
digging and drillin wells and is prepar-
ed to attend to all work entrusted to hint
in a way that will insure satisfaction.
Wells cleaned out and put in proper
shape. Terms reasonable. Residence
second door north of the bridge, west
side of Tnrnberry st., Brussels. 43.18
THE Jesurrs.-We have just received
from the Rev. Principal Austin of Alma
College, St. Thomas, a copy of his 40 pp.
pamphlet just issued on the above sub-
ject. It has chapters on the Origin and
History of the Jesuits, Principles and
Aims of the Order, Condemnations of
the Society by R. C. Authorities, Ex.
pulsions of the Order, The Jesuits' Es-
tates Act, Treaty of Paris, etc., and gives
verbatim, The Bull of Pope Clement,
abolishing the Society, giving his reasons
therefor, tic. Price 15 Dents. Address :
Principal Austin, St. Thomas, Ont.
Sreoes'xoss.-The sidewalk in front
of Plum's blacksmith shop is in need of
attention. -If the steps at the postoffice
were straightened up it would add to the
comfort of tine hundreds calling there
every dory -A little more water on Main
street would do no damage at all and
rather be productive of goad. -The in-
troduction of a half dozen street lamps
on Turnberry street would be as wise ex-
penditure of a few dollars by our town
fathers, Long, dark nights will soon be
here, --Tho fire alarm should not be rung
as often as itis, as nervous persons are
often greatly alarmed, mistaking it for a
call to the fire brigade. -What about the
baseball tournament that was talked of
in Brussels ? With clubs from Wrote.
eter, Wingham, Clinton, Exeter, Mitchell,
St. Marys, and other places, a good day'e
sport Could be arranged.
GRIT, -The Seaforth Expositor of last
week eaye :-Mush regret was felt in
town on Saturday last on it being learn.
ed that John G. Ament had died early
that mcfrningb although the sad event
was not unexpected. Mr. Ament has
been a severe sufferer for several months,
his naturally etrong constitution and
wiry frame having made a prolonged
struggle against the ravages of that ter.
rible disease, coneumption. He was
laid up for a considerable time about two
years ago, but he rallied again and was
able to attend to business, and it was
hoped by his friends that he had over.
come the disease, bub these hopes were
destined to be disappointed as the geode
had been too firmly imbedded in his
constitution to he removed, as ho was
again taken down and although he occa-
sionally rallied, he was never again per-
mitted to go abroad as usual. Mr. Ament
came to Seaforth from the county of
Waterloo about seventeen
ears ago soradn
engaged extensively In the stave and
barrel manufacturing bnainose, which
enterprise he continued to conduct until
his death. He was a good business man
and was thoroughly upright and honor.
able in all his dealings, while his seeder
gttnlities were of a high order and his
genial disposition and warin heart made
him a universal favorite with all who
enjoyed the pleasure of his acquaintance,
.lis leaves a widow and largo family tvho
will ever cherish, with loving affeetion,
the memory of a ]rind husband and in•
agent. The funeral took place
on Monday and was vory larger attend.
ed, 50lne of his old neighbors from Water -
leo being present to pay n last tribute of
respect -to an oid and esteemed friend,
Ansel Goon starts next week to boil his
Vitus heave rain on Tnesdny and Wed.
nesday of this weak in Ch::; locality. i
:Ore baseball team is invited to`Strat-
ford for the 20111 inst., to play a pate
with the etoseio oily club,
Limp's Drib and mattress for sale, at
e. bargain. As good its new. Apply at
Geo. Love et Co's. show room.
GALT wants 80 play Brussels for the
amateur baseball championship of On.
•ario and a purse of 650, at Seaforth, .on
Monday, 2051 lust.
BuuseELs publio sohool re•opene on
Monday morning, 20111 inst. The schools
in the rural sections commence work
next Monday, 19th inst.
Fon SALE. -Chamber's Encyelopmdia
(10 volumes with supplement), Russia
banks and corners. Price $15. Apply at
THE POST Publisbiug house.
REv. G. 33. Howie has recovered nib.
ciontly to rosnmo his duties next Sab-
bath. In the evening lie will take the
topic announced for last Sunday even.
Ox the 28th and Both inata. Alfred
3farols, of Montreal, will be at the
Queen's Hotel, Brussels, for the purpose
of purchasing sound horses. See posters
for particulars.
3'ouxTAfx Pen lost between the reel.
dance of S. fear and the Post office,
Brussels. The limier will be suitably re-
warded by leaving it at Tile POST Pub.
Belting House at once,
Tins Seafortb Expositor remarks :-
TIM BRrssELS PosT hits entered upon its
seventeenth year, and looks as bright
and newsy as ever. The success of THE
POST proves that clean 'reading matter
and live local news pays.
Taos. MCL.u.WnLlx, of Brussels, has
succeeded in passing his examination for
a and class teacher's certificate, we are
pleased to notice. Wm. Harney and Wm,
Smith, of Grey, were alto successful in
securing 2nd and 3rd class certificates,
Boo Ftrir,-On Wednesday afternoon
Miss Annie Ballantyne received a sample
of peaches grown on tbo Pacific slope,
sent by her beother, James, who is now
ant there. There dere two in the box
but they were peaches in earnest as the
lighter ono weighed a half pound and the
circumference of the. larger was 10}
inches. The postagc,bn the box was 23
FngxcnEvssounonovsoa.–Last Wednes-
day evening Louis G. Massioctt, of the
French Methodist College, Montreal, de.
livered an interesting lecture in the
Methodist church here on "French evat-
gelization,its history, difoultiee and re.
quirements." There was a good sized
audience and for over an hour the young
gentleman dealt with this important
subject. Mr. Iliasaicott Wes brought up p
a Roman Catholic until about 15 years
of age and was converted to tho Protes-
tant faith by reading the Bible while at•
tending the Protestant College at Mon -
treat, He has mastered the English lan-
guage well and is now preparing him -
Self for the Methodist ministry with a
view of working among hie fellow
countrymen in tho Proviaoe of Quebec.
Hv oaxn:AL.-On Wednesday morning
David Armstrong, of this place, and Miss
Maggie A. Law were united in marriage,
at 'Walkerton, by •Rev. Mr. Balser,
Baptist minister. The bridesmaid was
Louie Law, sister to the bride, and the
groomsman Elisba 1. n etre g of L
g �lr ug,Lon.
don, brother to the groom. The bride
was tastily attired in a light brown
satin mervilleaux, and her sister wore
white muslin. The handsome and use-
ful wedding gifts bespoke the high esteem
in which Mrs, Armstrong is held by her
friends, The happy couple left on the
11 a, In. train for a wedding tour. They
are expected to roach their home at
Brussels on Monday of next week. Tun
POST joins with Mr. Armstrong's many
friends in best wishes for himself and
Tun Mitchell Advertiser, the editor of
which witnessed the game, says :-The
most interesting game of the season was
played in Seaforth on Wednesday last,
between the Brussels and Exeter base
ball clubs for $100 a side and the chem.
pionsbip of Western Ontario. Both ran
high, and quite a large sum of money
changed hands. Gus Goebel ,raked in
about $45, and is now offering to put up
$200 on the Brussels team against Mitch-
ell, and allow the Mitchell team to select
their pitcher. Gus has great confidence
in his Brussels team. •The game all
through was very exciting, although
Brussels led.' The pitcher for the Brus-
sels team, Willie Grewar, Was presented
with a handsome bouquet of flowers by a
lady spectator, on the occasion of making
a three base hit, and being the means of
counting three runs. The bouquet was
presented to ye editor, and note blooms
in our sanctum. Arrangements are be.
Ing made between Mitchell and Brussels
for $200 a side to play in Mitchell. This
will also bo an interesting game, and Will
draw out money. Mitchell club says
they are ready to put up. Come on Mao.
def, and Brussels boys are spoiling for
the matoh, so that it is quite likely it
will come off.
Jack the Ripper has been posting
notices along the roads and it is said that
even the wild beasts are making them-
selves scarce in that vicinity.
Throe hundred and fifty boxes of
cheese were sold to Mr. Hibbert last week
from the Grey and Morris Factory. The
price obtained was 8i cents per pound.
Finomen.-Last Tuesday afternoon
Brown Bros. machine Wan badly wreck.
ed while threshing in the barn of Peter
Robertson, 9th eon. The damage was
done by somebody stowing a horse shoe
in a sheaf of grain and the result wee a
smashed concave, ono broken tooth in the
cylinder and twenty bent. The shoe
was evidently bidden with the object of
doing just what was accomplished and is
supposed to bo the work of some envious
party. The shoe was a comparatively
new ono and had been brought to the
barn. Young Mr.Robertson
thought he
heard somebody in the barn on Sunday
night when he went dome but supposed
it to be someone having business there,
Suolh mean, dastardly tricks should not
coeur in a civilized country, Tho Brown
Bros, attend to their own bueineee and it
is too bad that they should be put to the
expense, delay and annoyance by any
A thing that is not generally known,
and that very few people are aware of
is.that the Dominion Government hold
the vast sum of $4,000,000 in trust for
the Indians of Canaria. This money lute
accumulated from the sales. of Indian
lairds tinct limber, and from the renting
of lauds. Portions are •expondtd yearly
to pay the salaries of chiefs rani tettehe s
anti ill keeping up the sdmole and roads
To the Six Nation tribe, of lirtnrtfnrd'
belong f 1'00,000 of Bile money, aid they
are the wealthiest Indians in the Do.
CLuyr,-In Brussels, on the 10811 Inst„
the wife of Rey_ W. T. Cluff, of a
Ilrrannolt.--In Morris, on the 10th Net.,
the wife of Mr. Wm. Rutledge of
twin daughters.
A IoowTaexn-•LAW."-In Walkerton, an
the 14th inst., .by the Rev, Mr.
Ba ker, Mies Maggio A. Law, of
W alkerton, to Mr. David Armstrong,
of Brussels.
=x2.'7*s0 x,s zc_7Z?ETes,
Fall Wheat ' 80 00
Spring Wheat ...... 80 00
'Barley 40 45
Oats .,,.,.,,,,, 26 27.
Peas, 53 54
Butter, tubs and rolls.... 12 14
Eggs per dozen 11 00
Flour per barrel.... 6 50 00
Potatoes ,,, 60 00
Bray per ton , 0 00 7 00
Hides per lb .............. 2 3
Salt per bbl„ retail.:.... 1 26 00
Sheep skins, each........ 00 1 00
Wool, per ib 10 22
Fall Wheat... .......
Spring Wheat
Oat s
Butter, per lb
Eggs, per dozen
Apples, per bushel
Flogs, dressed
Wood, per cord
Sheepskins, each
s0 00
26 27
113 54
40 4,3
5) 00
12 14
11 00
30 35
6 00 00
4 60 6 60
0 00 7 00
2 5(1 4 50
40 57
Clinton, Sept. 94 to 26.
Brussels, Oct. 3 and 4.
Listowel, Sept. 18 to 22.
Guelph, Sept. 25 and 20.
Wingham, Sept. 2.4 to 95.
Brantford, Sept. 10 to 19.
Mitchell, Sept. 20 and 27.
Western at Loudon, Sept. 0 to 14.
Central at Hamilton, Sept. 23 to 27.
North Brant at Paris, Oct. 1 and 2.
Southern, Brantford, Sept. 10 to 12.
Industrial at Toronto, Sept. 0 to '21,
North Perth at Stratford, Oct. 3 and 4,
South Perth, St. Marys, Sept. 24.4 26.
Central Canada, Ottawa, Sept. 9 to 14.
Northwestern, Godcriob, Sept. 17 to 19.
Peninsular at Chatham, Sent. 17 to 20.
Midland Central at Kingston, Aug. 28
to Sept. 7.
Eastern Townships atSherbrook, Que.,
Sept. 3 to 5.
Southern Counties, of St. Thomas,
Sept. 2.1 to 27.
Do you want
• AUG, 18, ISO.,
bo Know
10;11 wax:4
Opposite Queen's Hotel, Brussels,
Poison Pads, 3 for 5 Cents.
nEn0IONEn has soma nod Farms for
sale aad to root, easy terms, in Townships
.of Norris and Grey. P, S. SO OTT, Brussels
Brusecle Tannery is offered for sale At
al bargain, In it is a 15 h. p, engine and
00h. p, bo(lor ,I5 vats, "- curry te.blos, 2 stoves,
good hark mill and a ittil set of teals, with
heating pipes to leaches, Ro. There aro
about acres of lana in connection with the
building. No tannery nearer than Wingham
or Listowel. Terme easy. For further par.
'Oculars, as to min, touts, &o„ apply at
37- Inn PosT Publishing House, Brussels.
The undersigned desires to intinnate
to the 'utiles of Brussels and surrounding
country that she is prepared to attend to
all orders intrusted to her. Satisfaction
guaranteed, Shop-Up•stairs, ono door north
of Walter Jackson's hardware store,
1, of the undersigned, S i Lot 20, Con. 5,
Morris, on or about May 15th, a yearling
bettor. The owner 1e requested to prove
property,pay expenses and take her away.
Apply at the Central hotel. Bruesels.
L'XO71J']T.3$ION I
I Duri•,g tho Bummer mouths, com-
mencing Saturday, May 11th, 1 will carry
11050555505 on Saturday of each week from
Gorrlo to Seaforth end return for 51.03, and
from Brussels to Seaforth and return OOe.
Stage leaves at usual hours,
6..VALSU, Proprietor.
imp 01 Third Class Male Teacher for
School Section No.4,Groy. Ditties to coin -
memo fl ret of September. Applicants to
state salary and experience, with refereuoe,
Applications reocived up to the twenty.
soyenbhdoy 02 August. Address EDWARD
BRYAN S, Sec, -Trees„ Jamestown P,0, 2-4x
Stageleavee Gerrie about 0:50 5. m„ reach-
at Seausesls about 8180 a.m., and will Derive
at aeafortb about 11:80 a. m. Returningreaching
Soave Seaforth about 5:85 p, 1m., reachin8
Brussels about 0:45, in time to connect with
trains going north and south. Also make
oonnecttou5 wit1 0, P, B, at Wroxeter and
Gorrle. • S. WALSH. Proprietor,
.L keep on my Farmlot 27, sot. 6, Mor-
ris,attloro'-bract Bates Bull, of the Duchess
family, Pedigree Dan be 5550 rat oho e Terme-TliorO'•brod Dow,, 80' b Bit graded
' cows, sie 1 oommod maws, 31.50, with prlyll.
age of returning during the 8011805, To bo
paid for on orbefore first of Deoember,1500,
PATENTS Cavaabs,Re-fseueoandPrado
1 Markheeaured and all otn-
or patent souses in the Patent OOloo and
before the Courts promptly and carefully ab -
tended to. IIDarr reoetpt model or eketoh
invention,of f make careful examination,
and hdvtso n5 too tentobe ha of ouargs,
Face t is secured. l Intake no charge unless
patch is fecund, Information, advice and
'Menial references eau: on applioStlon. J.
Il. LLTTELL, Washington, D.C., U.S. Patent
Office. 0
for residence in Baueeela, eontaiMr, g
o HO 0050 00 land nearly, opposite Mr. F, 0.
Rogers' reoidenee, i5 fax sale at a bargain.
Apply to W. M. SnNOLAxn, Bre: TBe16, 0r to
JNO, HARf31oronto0, Cor. Quoou and Sim.
Doe streets, Toronto.
„IL offers his valuable 100 acro
farm, beiugiot 0, nil 15, Grey Township,
Huron Co., for sale. There aro about 00
mules o1o1n•od end in good hgp,rt, Thorn is n
log bonne, good. hank 100010, hinting orchard,
and alt the nometer7 cony lea on the
premien. Far farther pan Malays, ae to
) rioe,ternlo, t oto, apply to 11,03 Proprietor,
IASL OP CloreP.0, N.W.T,. or t
24f DODO A0D BTRAOHAN, Iiroeiols
doreigned oiTora hie farm, adjoining
11nloeets, being Lot 2, Con, o, (trey, for sale,
It olinta(n0 02 acresabout 85 of which aro
under cultivation tit d the balance In bush
pasture. Tbors is a oemfo•tebfe briers cot. 1
Logo and large banjo barn on tho promise;, 1
togethor with nn orchard,'0 wolle,aad n0500.
eery outbuildings, The farm is under good
cultivation and is well finned, with plenty
of ostler growing of the lot. Fa' further
0jy.,rrliemara, 0g' t0Mier, terms, 40., &piety to
WALTlelt R101IAitDbOl'C, eropriator,Brne•
eels P.O. - t.tf
L'1AttM F013 SALE.-TiIE UN
dorslguod 00010 his farm, being west
part Let 10, Con. 38, Grey, enotaiuing 00
acres, for ante, The Sarna is about all clear,
ed amt under cultivation and le well under -
drained. Thorn ie nearly an acre of orchard.
A log house, 18x27 foot, a frawe barn, 38.850
foot, a log stable and other outbuildings aro
on the premises. Also 2 good wells. Poe -
session will bo given afterbarvest, For full
particulars as to prico,0ornrs, die., apply to
THOS, 4v. JOHNSTON, Proprietor.
jf"tAR1I1i'OR SALE.-TI1E UN-
DensxoNxn offers for sale the north
east quarter of lot 29, onneossio01 6, Morrill,
County of Huron, containhLg 50 acres. The
land is of first quality and in a high 0ta10 of
oultlyation. well fowled end antler-drainod,
,15 arms cleared. Now frame house, 8 rooms,
milk house with concrete walls, 2 wells,
good barna and sheet, orchard, Oto. Eight
soros of fall wheat. This desirable property
adjoins the corporation of Brussels, Suit-
able terms will be given. Title perfect.
• JAMES GBiEvll, Owner,
30- Foaferth P. 0,
NDEn0IGNI:D NUTS 011:1 150•o>re farm
for solo, being lot 18, and 1;+ lot1", cep 7,
Grey, About e0 or 00 arms eloared, Ponces
itl goodropalr. 10 acres bush ou the 00.acre
lot and 10 acres os tiro other lot. a_ good
bearing orchards, ore on cern place and
plenty of good water. There Is it good brick
veneered house containing 0 rneae, Two
bards. T1,0 'Colne ono is 1).1'(:9 on a stone
foundation, the other 10 log. 1'l,e farm is
under good cultivation and 50 only f of a
mile from the stirring village of Ethel, and
0 miles from Brussels. 100 furtherarticu-
lars apply to ELIJA,I BATEMAN, Proprie-
tor. 40•tf
-.1 first-class farm for sale to the
Township of Norris in the County of Huron
being south holt of north half lots 25 .4 20
and Booth half of 20 In 5th esti., oontaintng
200 acres more or less, 132 acres mostly
clear of stumps and In tt good state of cunt.
vation. Thera is a young bearing orchard,a
goodh h
0000 house and underneath. Th farm with
steno stable underneath. Tho fnrul is situ-
ated within n mil0 Or the Village: Of Brussels
an4 is a,good farm for grain or stook rais-
ing as it s watered with the river Maitland
and never failing spring croon. Posseesion
will be given at any time. For furthorpar-
ticulars apply On the premises or to A.11.
ROBERTSON Brussels, P. 0 5.81
3intorris, on reasonable terms. In order
to close the affairs of tho notate of the late
W. G. Hingaton , the executors offer the fol-
lowing valuable lands for Bale North'
half of Lot 00, Concession 5, Township of
Morris, containing 00 gores. 00 this lot is
erected a good frame barn with stone foun-
dation, good orohard, well and primp . Near-
ly all cleared, find rs on tho grave road
closely adjoining the village of Srusselo.
This farm is a valuable ono, is well fenced
and to a good state of cultivation, For
paloon and terms apply to THOS, KELLY,
Brussels P. 0., Burins JEceniss, Victoria
Square P.O„ or JAHIEs SMITH, :Maple Lodge
1, 0., MIddlesex County.
V VILLAGE or BHuesExe F01, SALE.
As the undersigned is Iotiring from busi-
uees he offers for sale the following valuable
property, either whole or In lots to suit ytut-
ohoser: New Briok Store on Main street,
opposite Yastoffioe, with plate glass front,
good cellar, and dwelling above. This store
will be either rented or sold. Foundry and
Machine Shop, with Engine, Shafting,
Lathes, Drills, sac. Everything complete, in
oxoelteetruaning order. In connection is n
large Planing Mill and Workshop with
Sawa, Belie and all oomploto. Also Drying
Kiln for drying lumber, atoro house and a
biontanyd Toole, with good stook or. f iron and
coal. The whole is centrally situated iu the
thriving village of Brussels. In connection
there are two aures of land and four dwelling
houses. ell woll tenanted. The whole will
be sold, without ro00rvo, on the most reason-
able terms, Title Indisputable, For full
particulate apply to W. R. WILSON,
8.8 Drawer 18,Bruesels, Ont,
Notice is hereby given that I have trans-
mitted ordelivered totho persons mention.
ed in Seot(nns 5 and 6 of tho Ontario Voters'
List Aot, 1853, tits ooptes required by said
section to be so Crianemitted or delivered, of
the list made pursuant to said Act, of all
persona appearing by the last revised aseess-
mont roll of said Municipality to be untitled
to vote in said Municipality at oleotious for
members of ate Legislative Assembly and at
Municipal eloetioue, and that said list was
11rst posted rap at my office in iforris on the
8th day ec Augnet, 1860, and called up :hero
for mine sblon. Electors aro Dolled upPon to
examine said list and if on rein, one or
any other errors a aro found therein, to take
corredfato ccor oodinge to have said' errors
corrected according to taw, 'IVN.004.10IS,
Dated this 0th clay 0f August,1858. Olork,
r 3
—OB' TCiS>r-
Agri6ulim - aaldArds - t 1 ` '
MT. t
9th to 14th
T 1889
1� izo Lists aro now ready, J ntrios of
Live Stock may bo made up to the 17th
of August. J, C. RYKERT, M.P., Presi-
dent, Ht. eatifarinos, IIIiNIIY WADI:,
SZCllaxAal', 'Toronto, 4.3ns
BANKERS, • 13R116SEf,s,
.rasariaot a C•oaaora1 Seanlclaac;
Canadian and United States Drafts bought
and sold.
Interest allowed on iletoolts,
Collections made on,fai•arable
Cauadlan Agouti'-MI:n5I3,8sT'a HANK OV
Now York Agents-Iai'onnnne AND TrAD•
one NATroN.u. BANE.
V ®i •
• Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary PIM -
lie, 4e. 0111ao-1; raham's Block, 1 door north
of Poppers Drug Store. Private Frauds to
e Barrister, Solicitor ata Notary Pitt'
lie. Coivoyaucing. Collections and Loaning.
Mr. Wade will attend in Gorrlo every Woe,
uesday at two o'clock.
(Late with Garrow h Prondfnot, Tondo.
rich) limrietors, Solicitors, COnveyane0re.
41, 01Boeo-brussels anti Seaforth. I3ntta
sols Offieo, Rogers' Blnek, Maiu St, Money
to Loan.
20, B. I1073, 11.10,0'),•c_ 1N.
• 31. TAYLOR, B. 0. L.,
Barrister, Solicitor, .be., of tbo lir in
of Taylor, McCullough Jr Burns, Barristers
Sulicitote, ere.. Manning Arcade, Toronto,
1110110 31 80 than
Clerk or the Fourth Divr,inu Court,
Co Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public,
Land, Loan nod Iusnrance Agaut. Funds
invested and to loan. Collections made.
011loo ittGraham's Block. Brussel::.
•�4•TlyT/ II. ll[oCRACKEN,
1 'f • Insurer of Marriage Licot
at Ms Grocery, 'Tnrnborry�stieot BrusselsCe
Teacher of Piano and Organ. Terms
on application. WALTorrilLars meets every
Thursday and Friday at Ales. D. Campbell's,
Desires to receive pupils for Listing
tion on tho Piano and Organ. Nine years
experience. Resident's, wits Mrs, ldargroav-
es. over Popper's Drug Store.
Toneorinl Artist• Shop-Noxt door
eoutlr of ATT. Moloy & Co's hardware store.
Ladies' and chllareu's hair cutting a 1 peclalty
I 'A choice stook of cigars kept.
Isewer Of Marriage Licensee, by
appointment of Liout,-Govoruor, Commis•
elOner, &a., Q. B, Conveyancer and Agont
Fire I110=1100 Co. Ulnae at ileo Oranhroolc
Post Office,
•a >r N' '018501 m. 'Y'
G. L. Ball, 'L. D. S., Honor Graduate and •
M. 1t, 0. D, B. Toronto. Vitalised Air given,
Office—MEraae SILOOE, BEAT onTH.
W, J. Fear, L. D. S„ Graduate of
Toronto 8o110o1 01 Dentistry. All
operations guaranteed. f50•Artidoial
teeth,Arst quality, and a guaranteed
dt, for 812.05 per set. Oifoo-OADX'9
BLeox, SEAEonTE.
Yf; lel 'I' X IS•
.A. S.2AS11I1,71., x.,. a,
Honor Graduate of the Royal College 01
Dental Surgeons, Toronto, Nitros Oxide Gas
administered for tho Painless Extlaotion of
teeth. Office-.
tarONE Doon NORTE Oa BANE, 0020801000,
Licenced Auctioneer, Sales oouduot-
odon reasonable terms, Perms and faint
stooka specialty. Orders left at Tum FOOT
P ublishing House ,Bru mole, or sent to Walton
P. 0., will receive prompt attention,
• 0ofrn,alwaysao at -
to nil milefamfarmstook, ady Terms
cheerfully giVon. Cranbrook 1'. O. Sales
may bo arranged at Tun Posm Publishing
Honae, Brussels.
Ivtambor of the College of
Surgeons of Ontario
by exanuyin
()Mooand Ite5iilonoo-Main street East,
lath 01oliOatar(o,
G,M, 0.
E. 0.P., ug St000 10, M, C. P,
S. Ona, , and Poplin's Drug S. in i At 0 10
lluiO a, m• unci free 1110 bo 4 O. n,, At 08305
home nifty bo found at his residence, form-
erly tempted by Dr, 31 utchineon, Mill et.
t1NO D. WARVIOR, V. f3.,
(8110 0 20 8 8 0» TO R. Wo O'BRIEN, V.S. ,
emanate and Honorary Fallow •of Ontario
Veterinary College, will bo pleated to ex- •'
amino with the greatest caro' rind profos.
atonal skill tiny cal0s ontro1stod 'to his
charge, 01808 and initrmo•99-O'Iirlet, n 014
a1nno,2 doors i,erl11 01 bruise, 'Turnherry.
Oto I3rns80rr, ,
"V 01:1-1
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