HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-8-16, Page 71
AUGUST 18, 1889.
When Milking Time is Done,
When milking time ie dons, and over all
This quiet Canadian island foreat-home
And wido rough pa'turelobs bho shadows
And dews, with peace and twilight voices,
Fro&moue•000lod ;watoring•trougbe;;to fod-
dored stall
The tired plough -horses turn,—the barn.
yard loam
Soft to their feet,—and in bho sky's pale
LNte neonatal; chords the swoop Mg night•
jars gall.
Then, while the crickets pipe, and frogs oro
Above the slow brook's edge, the posture
Down clatter, and the oobblo wander
Vague, pallid shapes amid the thiokete,—
Above the web gray wilds emerge the Mara,
And through the dusk the farmstead faded
from view.
How to Use Flour in Bread -Making.
1. Bread 'Mould always be mixed as eofb
as ib can be handled. It will ries sooner and
higher, be lighter and more digestible and
keep fresh longer,
All the pr0000aee attending baking
ohould take place in a moderately warm
room, as cool arrests fermentation. Too
much heat, however, will make it ferment
too fast.
3. Always sift your flour when yon use ib,
warming it a little afterward if the weather
be cold. Sifting twloe is even better than
once, as you get more air between the par-
a, Bread should be kneaded thoroughly
and faithfully from all aides until it re-
bonndo liko India rubber after a amort
blow of the fiat upon the center of the
mass. Lazy people are therefore never
good bakers.
5, Poor yeast will make poor bread.
6. The beet is choapeab, Never use poor
flour. It does not pay. Yon oan always
afford to pay for reliable flour 25 conte, 50
conte or even 82 per barrel more then for
wild rat brands of Cheap John flours, Adul-
toretod flours, "doctored" with alum, are not
cheap at any prion.
7. Don't have the oven too hob, but have
it hot enough, and koop the heat steady
after you put the bread in.
S, When the bread le taken from tho oven
it should be tilted on the edge upon the
table, the upper part supported by bhe wall,
and a cearec, dry cloth should be thrown
over it until the loaves cool, Bread keeps
beet in a tin box or earthen crook with a
oloth at bottom onwropping the loaves.
Engine' Baskets.
For hanging boekete the partridge vine le
very desirable, ao Its brillianb eoarlot berries
enliven and relieve the sober green. Take
up large vines; of lb, with as many berries as
poeaible. If they aro green when found bhey
will turn red 'homey. Always plane the
vine' around the edge of the basket. Pub
in some mourandia to climb the wires. For
the center a "happy -thought" geranium, or
what is prettier, myosotis—forget me.nob.
The popular tradition, telling how the name
of "forges me -non" came to be applied to bhe
plant which now bears it throughout Europe,
le not generally known.
It in mid that a knight and a lady were
walking by the aide of the Danube, exchang-
ing sown of devotion and affection, when tho
lady saw on the other aide of the stream the
lovely dark blue flowers of the my000tlo and
expressed a desire for them. The knight,
eager to gratify her, plunged into bhe river,
and, reaching the opposite bank, gathered a
bunch of flowers, On hie return, the oarrent
proved too strong for him, and after many
efforts to roaoh tho land, he was borne away.
With a last effort, he flung bho fatal blossoms
upon the land, exclaiming As he did eo, `'for-
ge la me-nob
for•gelame•nob Y"
"And the lady fair of the knight so true
Sbill remembered hie hapleee lob ;
And she oheriehod the flowers of brilliant
And the braided her hair with the bloeaoms
And oho oallod it forget-mo•not."
mor, or throe thine as long if they have bo•
oome withered and dried, Sarong, old,
withered vegetables, however 000ked, oro
unlet for bhe table, and ootnething else had
better replace them.
To Keep a Go.d Figure,
Women who wleh to preserve the slimness
and contour of their figures' mush begin by
learning to stand well. That to explained
to moan the throwing forward and upward
of the chest, bho flattening of the back, with
the shoulder bladoe held in their proper
places, and bhe definite curving in of the
email of the book, that' throwing the whole
weight of the body upon the hips, No obber
women hold themselves so well ea the
aristocratic Eoglieh women, Muah of their
beauty lies In their proud carriage, the deli•
oabe ereebneoo of their figures and the fine
poise of their head'',
The same swimmable carriage la within
the roach of any American girl who takes
the pains to have ib. Ib le only the (petition
of a few years, of eternal vigilance, never
relaxing her watchfulness over herself and,
eitbing or ',banding, always preserving her
erectness and poieo, bhe reoulb being that
at the end of that time it has become
eeeond nature bo her and she never loans
it. This in a great measure preeervoe bho
figure, because it keeps the monies firm
and well strung and prevents the sinking
down of the flesh around the waist and hips,
0o common in women over thirty, and whioh
it is perfectly easy bo osoape. Another thing
to avoid is a bed habit of going up Maim,
which most women do, bent forward with
the chest contracted, which, as well as an
indolent, alouohy manner of walking, le in•
juri0ns to the heart and lunge,
Choice Recipes,
APPLE PRESERVES Make a syrup of three
quarter° of a pound of sugar for every
pound of apples, add a elIoed lemon,
put the apples in and boil until tender ;
plane in a jar ; boil the syrup thiok and pour
CITRON PEPSI:RTES.—Piro off the rine,
seed, out in slides and put in the kettle
boil one hour, take out and add pound for
pound of auger to the water ; boil thick,
and put the nitron book ; add ono slice . of
lemon to each pound of melon, boil twenty
minutee ; take up and put in jars. Boil the
syrup and pour over.
BARED BRANS.—Soak one quart of pea
beans over night, rinse them well, and bring
to a boil, or cook until the akin will beak
under alighb pressure. Just before taking
them up throw in a teaspoonful of soda, and
in a few minutes drain off the water entirely
and put the beans in the bean -pot with three•
quarters of a pound of salt pork scored on
sop, one teaspoonful of ground mustard, two
tableopoonfule of molasses, salt, if the pork
is not very salt. Cover with hot water and
bake five or efx hours. Fill up wibh water
as' It cooks away,
DOCOHNOTs,—One oup of sugar, one cup
of sweet milk, two eggs, three teaupoonfnle
of lard, one teaspoonful of soda, two of
oream tarter, a little cinnamon or nutmeg,
Beat the 'sugar and lard together until light,
then add the eggs well beaten ; mix with
flour as soft as poeaible and yet atiff
enough to roll out. Fry in very hot lard
and be careful not to pierce them• with the
fork when turning them over.
SWEET Rusx.—One pint of warm milk,
one half oup of butter, one Dnp of onager , two
eggs, one teaspoonful of Balt, two table-
spoonfule of good yeaeb, or ono -half yeast
Dake. Make a sponge with the milk, yeast
and eufftofent flower to make a thin batter
Let: this rise over night. In the morning add
a little salt and filonr enough to make a
eofb dough. Let it rise four or five hours,
then add the butter, eggs and sugar.
Mould into balls of equal size, sob close
together in the pan and let them rise until
very light. After baking wash the tops
with a Olean soft sloth dipped ti molansos
and water.
C1NNAoxos Beam.—When making bread,
reserve a quart of the dough and work into
ib a teacupful auger and two tablespoonfuls
butter; roll half an inoh thick; out out with
A tumbler, and strew the top thickly will
anger and cinnamon. When light, bake in
a quick oven.
SPIOEn CORRAJTS.—Five pounds currants,
four pounds brown sugar, two bablespoonfale
of cloves, two of oinnamon, one pint good
vinegar. Boil two hours, or until quite
think. It le bettor than preserves.
Cooking Vegetables.
There is probably no subject on whioh
housekeepers so often differ as in the prepar•
atiou of vegetables. Saye the New York
"Tribune":—The commonest of all vege-
tables, the potato, io 000ked with oold and
boiling water with equal succees. Others
insist that to steam them is the better way,
This entire matter should be regulated by
the season of the year and the variety of
potato some varieties becoming waxy and
worthet' boiled in cold water, oven when
they are old, All the advantages gained by
cooking old potatoes in cold water may be
gained by soaking them in cold water before
cooking for four or five hours with bhoir
skins on. If they ore then cooked in bolliog
water they will have lost the strong taste
perceptible at thio season of the year, and
are in no danger of b000nling water soaked,
All root vegetables, after bbo first cf Jan•
uary, are better for 'soaking ab leash six
hours in cold water before cooking them,
unless they are kept in a dirt sellar during
the winter or buried in earth where they
will not freeze, Another point of difference
in cooking is the adding of oalb, Old-fashion-
ed cooks boiled all their vegetables in salted
water, but modern science does not eanotion
this, and moat of the best nooks add bho salt
to all delicate vegetables after they are near-
ly dons, and to strong vogetables, like on-
ions and oabbages, before they are pub in
bhe water. The reason for thio is that salted
waterrotarde the proceseofcooking, takes and
the flavor from the vegetables. This le
ruinous in the ease of a delicate vegetable
like green peas, but an improvement to
strong onions. One of the chief reasons in
summer for the inferiority of vegetables is
in leaving them to become old and tough
before they are gathered. Too many
gardners, instead of a oucceeefon of crops of
green peas, beans and other Rummer sage.
tables, plant their entire crop ab once and
Imre a tough old supply during part of the
No cook can prepare old peon, or any
other overgrown vegetable, so they aro fit
for the table, Vegobablea plotted in the
morning, with the dew on them, aro superior
to those gathered in the heat of the day, as
every housekeeper knows, If the vegetables
gatk red oannob bo cooked at onoo, they
should be laid in a cool, dark place till the
time of cooking. Perfect cleanliness in pro.
paration, ()oohing only till We, root or herb
is tender, not a moment aftocward, and
serving with salt, pepper and tweet butter,
or a simple Dream sauce, will give the most
aatiefaotory reedits. No exaob ebcedule of
time oan bo given. Thiel the housekeeper
must learn by experience, Wintorvegobablee
take usually twloe as long to cook as sum,
Plenum CHERRIES,—To every quart of
sherries allow a coffeo•oup of vinegar, one
half oup of sugar, one dozen whole oleves,
half dozen blades of mass ; put bhe vinegar
and auger on to heat with the apices, boil
five minabes, burn out into a covered, atone -
ware vessel and let it get parfeobly cold.
Strain oub the spices, fill small jars three•
fourths fail of tho cherries, then fill up with
the cold vinegar. Cork or seal tightly.
Leave the dome on the ohorries.
sized bomatoes, and after washing and weigh-
in em take an equal quantityof su or
the sugar into la lare prerving pan
(mine is a large dish -pan), and thin the auger
with a little water ; boil and skim, then pub
in the tomatoes and boil rapidly until rich
and think.
" God Save the Queen,"
Every Amerioan who has been to England
is expeoted to tell, when he comae home,
what he thinks of the Queen, I maw her
Majeaby on Jubilee day ; site didn't stop her
carriage to speak to mo, bub I forgive her ;
'bwao her jubtleo—not mine I when I've
governed a great country respectably for
fifty years I won't atop my carriage in the
pr000emion for anybody ; if anyone wants to
speak to me thee particular day, let them
come up to the houae when the show la over,
As I said I maw her Majest and I was so
, Majesty,
muoh impressed that I raised my hub es high
as my arm would let me. Just think of it a
moment, fellow citizens, who have seen
Preeidonte rise and fall suss in four years ;
hero was a woman who for half a century
had been head of the most populous civilised
nation in the world, yet except for an air of
modest dignity—" the divinity that doth
hedge a king''—looked as honest, unaoenm-
ing, kindly, womanly and good as any docent
fellow's darling mother.
" God Save the Queen."
" Them's my aentimonte,' as the man sold
when he hung up a printed prayer on the
wall ono cold winter evening and pointed at
it before ho jumped into bod.—[Marshall P.
Welder's Book.
Linooln'e Curjouo Proposal.
Abraham Lincoln's offer of marriage was
a very curious ono, and, singularly enough,
ib has bub rocoatly soma to light, Nomor.
out' as hie biographers have been, and 'Agilely
as they have gleaned for now foots and ma•
torlalo, it was left for the latent one, Mr,
Jesse Volk, of Groenoaetle, to dfsoover this
unique and aharaoberiatio production of Mr.
Linooln'a almost untutored mind The letter
is one of several written, presumably, to the
lady he afterward', married. Addroeood to
"My dear Mary," it made as' follows :—
" You met; know that I oannob me you
or think of you with entire indifference, and
yob it may bo that you are mistaken in re.
gard to what my real feelings toward yon
are. If I knew you were not I should not
brooble you with this letter, Perhaps any
other man would know enough without fur-
ther information, but I consider it my peon.
Ilar right to plead ignorance and your bound-
en duty to allow the plea, I want in all
mem to do right, and moat particularly in
all mem with women, I want at title par•
ticnlar time, moro than anything else, to do
right with you, and if I knew ib would be
doing right, as' I rather suspect it would, to
let yon alone, I would dolt, And for the per.
pose of making the matter as plain az poeaible,
I now say you can drop the eubjeet, diomise
your bhoughte—if you have any—from mo
forever, and leave this letter unanswered with-
out palling forth one accusing murmur from
me. And I will even go further, and say that
if it will add anything bo your comfort and
peace of mind to do so, it is my sinoore wish
that you should. Do nob undereband by
this bhab I wish to oat your acquaintance.
I mean no such thing. What I do wish is
that; our further acquaintance shall depend
upon youraelf. If ouoh further acquaintance
would oontribnte nothing to your nappinose,
I am sure it would not to mina. If you
feel yonreolf in any degree bound to
me, 1 am rove willlne to release you,
provlaed you wish it ; while on the
other hand, I am willing and Duan anxious
to bind you faster, if I oan be oonvinoed
that it will in any degree add to your hap-
piness. This, indeed, is bhe whole gneetion
with me, Nothing would make me more
miserable than to believe you miserable;
nothing more happy than to know you were
so, In what I have now said I think I can-
not be miounderetrod ; and to make myself
understood to the object of this letter. 1f it
suits you beet not to answer bhie, farewell.
A long life and a merry one attend you.
But if you oonolude to writs back, 'peak as
plainly as I do. There oan be neither harm
nor danger in saying to me anything you
think, jut; in the manner you think it.
Your friend, Linooln."
Probably this is the queerest love letter
on record and the most remarkable offer fo
marriage over made. Ib la a love letter
without a word of love and a proposal,of
marriage that does not propose.
Waterloo Veterans.
Only fivo of the British officers whofought
ab Waterloo were alive when tho oevonty-
fourbhanniversary. of the batbleoamoarountl,
on the 18 bh of Mob June, They aro Gen.
George Whlohoobe (as Lieutenant; of Fifty.
second Light Infantry) ; General the Earl of
Albemarle (as ensign olfourteenth Rogi.
moot) ; Lieut, Col. M, P. Browns (as senior
oornob of Eleventh Lig,hb Dragoon) ; Lieut..
Col. Waimea (as Caption of the Thirdd
Battalion Fourteenth Regiment) . Major
Beall Jaeleson (as Lieutenant of Royal Staff
Corps) --[N. Y. -World.
Juste Fit
If a boy sees a coat that fibs him, he aome-
bimes pate it on before he knows ib ; or we
may nay bhe same thing in other words,—"A
guilty aonsoience needs no 000000r."
Two eahoohboyshad quarrelled and finally
had engaged in a real standup Sghb. The
Mather gob wind of the affair and called the
combatants before him.
" He struck (me," said one of the boys.
" He said I mole his knife," said the
" I said somebody stole ib," seed the firab
boy.Well, you meant me," replied the
" Why Charlie," Bald the teacher, "if
Willie had told me that somebody had stolen
his knife, it would not have made me angry.
I should nob have thought that he meant
" Well, but von don't steal," woe the
ready anwer,—[Kind Words.
Jahnnle Suggests a Topic.
Little Johnnie approaohed his mother a0
oho was laying away a pan of fresh laid
"Mother, I say, mother I"
"What is it, my son ?"
"Why don't you talk tome, mother?"
"What do you wand me to say, Johnnie?"
"Well, you aright say, `Johnnie, don't you
want a doughnut?'"
Blood Will Tell,
There is no question about it—blood will
toll—eopooially if it be an impure blood,
Blotches, eruptions, pimples and bolls, are
all symptom!' of an Impure blood, due to the
improper aobion of the liver, When this
important organ fella to properly perform
its function of purifying and oloaneing the
blood, impurities are serried to all parte of
bho sysbem, and the eymptoma above referred
to are merely evidences of the straggles of
Nature to throw off the poisonous germs.
Unless her warning be heeded In time, serf•
oue results aro certain co follow, culminating
In liver or kidney disorders, or even in con•
onmpbion. Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical
Dlaoovory will prevent and sure these dloees•
os, by restoring the livor to a healthy con-
Somewhat Softened.
A Maine youngator, beooming provoked
with his father, angrily exolalmed, "You're
a naughty fool 1"
The father charged it; to the youngeber'a
account and bided hie time.
That evening bhey had obrawberriee for
sapper, the first of the seamen. The head of
bhe family nerved all around the board with
generosity but his precious son.
" Ain't you going to give me some, papa ?"
the little follow asked,
" No. A boy who palls his papa a 'naughty
fool' doeen't deserve any strawberries,"
"Oh, you ain't a naughty fool," the young-
ster Dried in distress—"you're a good fool,
The Book of Lubon.
A Man Without Wisdom Lives in a Fool's
Paradise. A Treabfee espeoially written
on Diseases of Man, containing Faobe For
Men of All Ages I Should be read by Old,
Middle Aged and Young Men. Proven by
the Sale of Half a Million to bo the most
popular, because written ko language plain,
forcible and Inebruottve, Laraoticalpreeenb•
ation of Medical Common Sense. Valuable
to Invalids who are weak, nervous and ex•
haunted, allowing now means by whioh bhey
may be cured. Approved by editors, critics,
and the people. Sanitary, Social, Science
Subjects. Also gives a description of Speci-
fic No, 8, The Great Health Renewer ;
Marvel of Healing and Koh-i•noor o :Medi-
cines. It largely explains the mysteries of
life. By its teachings', health may bo main.
Mined. The Book will teach you how to
make life worth living, If every adult' in
the civilized world would read, understand
and follow our views, there would be a
world of physical, intellectual and moral
giants. This Book will be found a truthful
preeentabion of foots, calculated to do good.
The book of Lubon, the Talismun;of Health I
Brings bloom to the cheek, strength to the
and the heart It is a menage
body toy to g
to bho Wise and Otherwise. Lubon's Speci-
fic No. 8, bhe Spirit of Health. Those who
bey the 'awe of this book will be orowned
with a Melees wreath. Vast numbers of
mon have felt the power and testified to the
virtue of Luboa'e Speoifio No. 8, All Mon
Who are Broken Down from overwork or
other mime not mentioned in the abovo,
should send for and read thin Valuable Tree -
Rao, whioh will be sent to any address, goad-
ed, on receipt of ton cents in stamps. Ad-
dress all ordure to 3d. V. Lubon, room 15, 50
Eronb Street E., Toronto, Canada,
Dr. Naneen's appetite for exploration
moms to have boon only whetted by his re-
cent; experiences in crossing Greenland. He
proposes to set out ip search of the North
Pole noxb mason, and ltae already eu000edod
in scouring subeeripttoae to the amount of
$100,000 towards defraying the expouse of
the expedition. It le thought that ho will
first make for the snob meat of Greenland
and then push northward overland with
boats and sledges. ArobAo adventure half a
Orange fasoination for venturesome men,
and it is probable that rxpeditiono of tide
sort will oonbinue to be undertaken until the
North Polo ie discovered, that le bo nay, as
tong ae the world lasts,
Ib le said that every man ham hie double.
It generally occurs in youth during the
green -apple season,
To dream of a ponderous whole,
Erect on the Op of 0119 tail,
is the nitro of a storm
(If the weather is warm),
Unless It should happen to fall.
Dreamt' don't amount to much, anyhow.
Some signs, however, are infallible. If you
are constipated, with no appetite, tortured
with sick headache and bilious eymptoma,
bhoao signs indicate that you need Dr.
Pleroe'o Pleaoanb Purgative Pellets. They
will cure you, All drnggiets.
Two-thirds of the total number of Eaglimh
aotton spinners have agreed to limib their
production to one-half the moot amount for
one month.
Don't hawk, hawk, blow, spit, and disgust
everybody with your offunoive breath, but
use Dr, Sage's Catarrh Remedy and end it.
50 eta, by druggists.
Whoever deairem to see bhe famous Iron
Gabe of the Danube in its priebine glory
should go at Dane, The Hungarian Govern-
ment has decided to blow up the rocks'.
The Turtle Mountain Region,
Thoneande of acres of choice free govern-
ment land, now open for settlers in the
Tunic Mountain Region of Dakota. Here
was raised the wheat that took fired premium
at New Orleans Exposition. Rich soil,
timber in mountains, good schools, churches,
congenial society. For further information,
maps, rates, eto., apply to F. I. Whitney,
G. P. & T. A., Sb. P„ M. & M. Ry., St. Paul
Minn., or J. M. [Nokias, Can. Pass, Agt.
The barque Ivlgtut, whioh has arrived at
Philadelphia from Greenland, had an en-
counter with a fieeb of 47 icebergs on the
Alma Ladies' College.
All Graduates of Alma Fine Arte College
are legally qualified to teach in Publlo and
High Sohoole, Collegiate Institutes, Me-
oharice' Institutes, and the Arte Schools of
the Province.
Laetyear Alma passed 116 out of 137 candi-
dates In the Provincial Art Examinations,
took the only four full Advanced Certificates
given in the Province, also 6 full Primary
Certifinates and won 2 Gold Medal Certifi-
Alma's record in poet years has been no.
equalled in the Fine Art work and she now
stands unrivalled in thin reaped' in the
Dominion of Canada.
Her Art Room and apparatue are admit.
tedly the beat in Ontario, and her staff of
inetruobion nneurpaeeed.
A number of graduates of Alma Fine Arb
School have received Collegiate appoint-
ments in Canada and the United States.
For 60 pp. Calendar, address Principal
Austin, A. M.
"It humor hereditary?" Deka a writer.
It may be snit may not, but if the cynics
are to be believed, most modern newspaper
humor in inherited.
OLP, 462.
Wasting Diseases
Wonderful Flesh Producer.
Scott's Emulsion is nota secret remedy.
Containing the etimulatiug Ilypophos-
phitos and Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Cil,
ries potency of both heing largely in-
creased. Itis used by Physicians all over
the world,
Sold 0y all Druggists, 50a. crud 41.00.
CAINCERd TUMOR Spoelallet. insure
liospital. No WE. Boole Om.
G. H. MCM,m,A'tf. D.•
No.63 Niagara Sl" Buffalo, N, Y.
IAO Soeond:•Band
Send for lied.
ENTLEMEN dooltOuo e! enquiring a thorough
l7f knowledgRe. of Garment Gutting in all Its
breaohee, should visit Oto Toronto Cat; lug School
Botentl0o and reliable Systeme Taught, whereby
otylleb, pertaot fitting garments are produced. Write
t r pertleularv. TORO0TO 01)11311:00 S;)I100L, 4
Adelaide Street West,
WILLIAMS & CO., - - -
M Manufacturers and dealom in Roofing Mater.
lel and Building Papers, eta, Orrmn : 4 Adelaide
8. Earl, Toronto. Proprietors of Williams' Flat
Slated hoof. Telephone 511.
Write for °trotters from the largest Commercial
and Shorthand College in Canada. Over three bun•
dred pupils last year, Reopening Mondny, Sep.
2nd. IS80. Address—C,tNA DIAN RUMNESS
UNIVERSITY, Publlo Ltbmry Building. Toronto.
Taos. Besuouon, CDAO. II, BROOKE,
President, Secretary and Manager,
,TEACHERS can •make money during variation1 1 by canvassing for ono or more of our feat gelling
Books and Bibh a eepoolally Htetory of Crnada, by
W. H, Withrow, b.D latent and boat edition ever
published, prime lois, terms liberal, Write Inc
Illustrated o&culara and terms. , WM. BILI008,
Publisher, Toronto.
rYEB LINJi STEAMSHIPS. Sailing Weakly between nnd
ERPOOL. Sal000n Tiokdte, b90, 850,f,and
steamer nandTnolaccommodBation,d Slntermediate 8880
Monod Trip Tickets, 800, Steerage, 820, Apply to
' H. E. MUMMY, General Manager Canada Skip-
'' ping Co., 1 O0OToM ?OM 5a00
o4, Maternal,. or
to Local Aventa to all Towne add Oldos.
'Hamilton LADIES' College
will reopen SEPTEMBER 4, 1880, with
Conservatory of Music
oddod. Me. Olaranoe l unoe, of Tho Runs Ooneerva-
tory, lllrcotn ' Madams Asher 1205,, pupil of Otara
Sohumemt and' Marmontel, solo ptanloto instated by
o drone staff of experienced tsaohers, avvdame Ash.
or -Lucas 0111 take o limited number of advanced p0.
pile on the plane.
Prof. Martin to Art Director. Alt the other deport.
menta fully equipped. p
Pat, hydraulic), hand and steam elevators.
Canadian Elevator Works, Peter and Queen streets,
1 e r.. Special aeamnmodatlon for
Randal shone are worn with empire and ennniailet la Mutts and Art, Per berme, oto„ names
directory gowns on the other side, VI A, HURNB, D.D„ LL.D,
Bend for Price Leets and Dleoouare.
A Great Life Giver is St. Leon Water
TORONTO, June 1st, 1880.
All you that fool the want of somethlce to make
you bappy, and don't know what to tr,v, Ireton to J,
IHRIMe2, uwadlml Passenger Agent, 00 Hing Obreeb
West, Toronto.
For 24 years I bavo travelled this continent over
and over, but of all ortlolee, meat or drink, to restore
health, Instill wholesale vigour and rate the spirits,
make life worth living, ST. LEON MINERAL
WATER ie exeelotor. Myself and family all use it ;
would part with any other favourite dainty rather
than St. Loon Water, JOSEPH SIMPSON.
DEPOTS,—Toronto, Ont. ; Montreal, Que. ; Que.
bee, Que. ; St. Leon Springs, St. Leon Que
Fair Magic"
Restores Grey Hair, Stops
Falling Out of the Hair,
Removes Dandruff; in Bald.
nese where the roots are not
one, Single will produce A
fine growth, Otto unfailing
Try it. All druggtete every.
Sole Manufacturer,
A large amount
low rate of Interest on III
f® elms security. Apply to
Barristers as' 1 Solicitors,
Wallington 8a, dor. Ohurch, (over Bank of Toren*.
Parties wishing to purchase Improved Maniterb
Farms, from 80 eons upwards, with Immediate
possession, enll or write to G. I. I.AULSON. Yo•
Arthur's Brook, Main et., Winnipeg. Intormattoa
furnished free of charge, and settlers aosteted Io
making selection.
I& .0 nor Dal ' T O L Q DT
Is pleasant to use.
It heals the akin, and de—
stroys Insects and germs
on the hair of man or
;gy;O.V jp
,t 8&
Send or Rluetrated Catalogue and
this advertisement with your order
for our NEW RIBBER and 00 will
allow you
' ave all the latest improvements and are unequalled
r durabilityy, style and oonvonionee, The leading
Carriage Builders sell them. ASIC FOR THEM and
Maantaot2001 by
Ellis & Keighley, - Toronto.
Whaley Reyoo&Ca
Dealers In all hinds of
Agents the BOSON
and HIGRAM Band fo-
etrumedta, £0058011E7
MUSIC, and a1 US10
B00K8, Manufaolurero
Beet In the world, Elrhb
Year. Guarantee, Send
for Illustrated Catalogue
280 Yonge 86„
The Penberthy
Automatic Injector
10,000 in use In oanoda ; 25,000
assn. in use in the United States, They
are simple and coat lees thea
other makes, while performing the same work. They
start ea y at 25 lbs. steam, and work to 150 lbs ; Lite
water 1. to 201E. and work from a head a0 well.
Automatla and restarting when current 'to boiler le
broken, Send lorairoulor to Main Office.
Ponbortliy Injector Co., Detroit, faith.
Factories, Windsor, Can. and Detroit, Mich
Mention this paper.
Allan Lino Royal Mail Steamehtpa
Sailing daring winter from Portland every Thursday
and Halifax everySaturday to Llverpsol, and in sum.
mer' from Quebec every Saturday,to Llverpool,eatlloo
a0 .doaderry to land mall's orad paseeagere los
Sood.nd and Ireland ; also from Baltimore, via Belk
fax and St. John's, N,F., to Liverpool Ifortnlghlty
during summer months, The edeamere o1 the Oleo.
gow tri gall during winter to and from Ranier..
Portland, Boston and Philadelphia ;and during enmr
mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly ; COW.
gow and Boston weakly, and Glasgow and hBadel-
For freight, passage or other Information apply to
A. Sohumaoher is Co., Baltimore; 3. Cunard N Oor,.
Halifax Shea to 00., SI. John's, N8d„ Wm. Thome..
eon to 00., 8t. John, N. B.; Alien es Co., Chlog nl.
Love Ea Alden New York ; H. Boruller, Toronto 1
Allem, Rao a Co., Quebec; Wm, Brooklo, Philadel-
phia ; H. A. Allen Portland Boston Montreal.
All Sizes sad&
Send for 14x •
Page Catatogn
on Link -Belting-.
Pickering Spring,
P7asily erllusted to arts.,
Spectre' rnciiitias!or malt.: -
tng has reduced prioaa,:l
Provident Life and Live Stock Asso'u.
A Mutual Benefit Association,
SOLID INVESTMENT—By paying to the above.
Annotation ONE CENT PER DAY, a person aged'.
twcntytwn, and two cents per day a person aped:
fort).four can secure Five Dollar; per week while
disabled through sickness or accident, also tor teal
and three cents por day, persona need asbove eat
secure fur their dependsote, Five Hundred Dollars in.
event of death.
LIVE STOCK OWNERS can preside against lows
by death throueh disown or aoutdent of their stock„
at easy rates, Those interested, send for prospectuses -
aro, Reliable Agents wanted In unrepresented dirk.
WILLIAM JONE9,gMannging Dirooton
The Original " Box
1' E-11Pr ljbAYlflh'lbETill'1SPi,t`Pl,�pr,i''1i-91�i1Sc5 V g1,P11,c'4
Is the handsomest stove of its kind ever put on the maket. It is
also the most powerful heater ever produced.