HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-8-16, Page 5Ana, 10, 1880, te::istmw'rNeeeeurnsriemoserzseeereammrea eiraym'mverm eriere ruevmerterrsnverneezfer, L r THE BRUSSELS POST n4[141* 314 ft IIS nrt',� eve are s1alll;litcrillg a lot of l=ine Wool Tweeds bought lit i0 eeutts nn the dollar. Wn are a.l,a tleftniug nut Ends of Dress Goods, Millinery and Summer Goods of every Dc scrilltion ata Great SLu:rifi u to nlalie Torun for t+'all Good, whioh are now arriving daily. We have in utoelc a full Line of Boots and Shoes and will put the prices 1;o low that DO Opposition Call meet our Low Prima. Do not fail to get our quot- ations 'before luot- at ons'before making your Purchases in this Lino of our trade, Our Groceries and Crockery we are selling at a naucll lower price than any outer Merchant in that line of trade, We are doing the Imperial Quart and Half gallon Jem Jars at Lower Prices than any other House in the Trade. laAJNFITX1R,TIWIr a-WC:MK tO5F Cinisvr on Hardware Men's Prices. G, FI LD Ot7 ;i :C5ttitt 'Geese, 1•'.OIDA y, d ITC, UST 10, 18811. i $lg then. Tho Standard ie taking a holiday this weoic. The rat wets struck nt the last tneet- ing of the Council told mill le, 10 will an the dollar. I1 was decided that no transient trader will be allowed to .lo business in Blyth without license. The flax mill atetetl on Monday to manipulate their season's crop of flax, which is a good one. Andrew Sloan has in hie possession a snuff box which Ione been in the family for over three hundred years. Dr. Sloan, accompanied by hie wife, left on Tuesday morning of last week for the famous Banff Hot Springs. They expect to bo absent abed one month. Frank Metcalf, on account of the ser. vices performed at the meant fire, has mode a donation of 810 to the company. The engine and boiler and other mach- inery of Rogerson's saw mill, which was recently destroyed by fire, has been sold and shipped to a fiem in London. Mrs. P. Metcalf was called away on Saturday to Dakota to see her brother who was lying seriously ill. Before the lady, arrived at her destination word was received harp of his demise. Blyth and Belgravo played ball on the Blyth grounds on Friday, Blyth winning by a score of 12 to 0. F. W. Tanner, first baseman for the home team, made two borne runs, scoring by the two hits 5 runs. Batteries—Parkinson and Emigh; Duffield and Mooney (Wingham.) Win; la10111. The Tithes is holidaying this week. There are 712 voters on this year's list in town. Thursday, Sept. nth, will bo our civic holiday. Wingham defeated Teeswnter at cricket last week. W. J. Chapman has his tannery near- ly completed. Sept. 21111 and 25111 are the days of the Fall Show here. The town Council generously granted 8100 to theMeohanics' Institute. W. F. Brookenshirc will attend the Photographers' Convention in Toronto next week. John Hanna is determined to keep up with the procession and is putting a plate glass front in kis store. The Council bee decided to erect the town hall on tho market square forty-two feet book from the front street. George Powell has sold his residence in this town and removed to Blyth, whore the le in business in company with Mr. McKinnon, The Wingbam Turf Club have ap- pointed the following°MMcers:—T. Agnew, President; R. C. perling, Treasurer; A. Roe, Secretary. A daughter of D. Showers, of this town, was returning home from the cem- etery the other day, and in passing through a field where Mr. McKenzie had his ponies pasturing, ono of them kicked her, knocking her down and breaking her arm. Morrie. The brioit work of Wm. Barrie's new residence has been commenced and the building will be completed before long. Tho threshing machine hes commenced to burn but the yield of fall wheat is far below what was anticipated before the. blight name upon it. Thuell Bros., of the 7th line, have pur. chased a naw separator, called the "ifoa- arch," from the firm of Ferran, Mac. pherson ds Hovey, of Clinton. Last week a horse belonging to Lott Bros., of Brussels, had one of. its front les bedly fence while e tied near barbed JohnMooney s residence. Walter Way, of Morris, has sold his farm to John McElroy for a good figure, and intends going to Manitoba shortly. He is taking a oar load of implements, farm stook, lumber, eto. The rate of taxation of 1889 will be as follows in this township t County rate, one and eighth -tenth mills on the dollar ; township rate one mill,. and special rail. way rate one mill. The enema are in good shape and that is more than can be said of some municipalities. There appears to be a sort of friendly rivalry among some of the ladies of this township and it le hard to say where it will terminate. First Mrs. Allan Speir takes the lead and presents twin sons and now Mrs. Wm. Rutledge balances the 000 by the addition of twin daughters. © firo broke out in the abode adjoining Hamilton & Tovoll's store at Belgravo on Monday morning, and but for tho ex. ortion of the people tho whole village would have boon destroyed. Hamilton iia Tovoll will loco heavily, Their stook was almost totally destroyed, amounting to about 30,000 ; insbred in the Perth Mutual for $2,000, Wallington Mutual 82,500, Waterloo Mutual $400. Mr. Mc- Clelland and Mr. Hingstin will loco heavily through removal. lu the Editor of sun Post. Stn, --I noticed a letter in your Yalu. shin paper lately from some pore= stgn. ing himself li0oremmn Sobso." Ho thinks some people aro vary good at find• ing fault with the Counel and wondering Why they don't do this and dont do that, ncil Bohe I think bef ho abuoo t have t sat too long ;,,lona ,x.l ; car.. .&N l ' 4]a,a, , „ Which we Purchased, we will Save You Your Obedient Servants, as to lose kis common sense then, for when the growlers, as ho cape them, go to the Council and state their case they never look into the complaint but shove it off with a lot of exousos, That's corn. mon eellse for you. Our township dads, as he calls them, aro not so close fisted when it comes down to the lino thing. They will spend lots of money near their own formes but if the grumblers ask for 1t certain amount to put on the 7111 con- 0014eien they can't get it. I do not think there 10 another 0o1100aai0ll in the town. ship gets as little money epent on it as the 7th and I must say it is a shame to the Council. I must say they have spent a little on the 7th this year but they would need to spend as much more in chopping it out. If left alone it will soon bo grown up with bushes. Yon can hard- ly get along after arain for getting your- selves wet, As "Common Sense" told the boys not to okrimp things too lino bub to save all the money for the township. Self praise is no recommendation. A man's praise smells sweet when it comes out of other mop's months but in hie own it stinks. Grow your own °berries but don't sing your own praises, it is an ill bird that fouls its own nest so that is the way with ',Common Sense." Hoping - you will excuse ma for taking up so much of your valuable space, Mr. Editor. Yours, A Rasmxxr. 30e:hel. School re -opens next Monday. Mre. Tompkins has been very 01 this week. Jno. Danbar is oxpeetodlhotne frau the far Wostbefore long. Fall wheat is turning out 15 to 25 bushels to the acre in this locality. Molielvey & Brown are doing good work with their new steam thresher. Geo. Dobson left on Friday for Stay - nor. Ile took the boat from Wiarton to Collingwood. The funeral sermon of the late Mrs. Jamieson was preaohad lasb Sabbath evening to a large congregation. The brick work on Wm, Simpson's now house was finished last week. Messrs. Cornish & Pugb, of Brussels, bad the job in band, Sunday School excursion next Tuesday to Goderioh. Return fare for adults 85 cents, children 45 cents. Speoial train leaves Ethel at 8.15 a. m. At the meeting of the Quarterly Board of the Methodist church it was decided that Mr. Davie should be continued on the circuit for this year. Mrs. Gibson will be allowed $800. She removed with her daughters to Barrie this week where her parents reside. Her mother is not expected toli19, 0'fr, Davie has gone to beard at Mr. Siurpsone. ;The other evening Wm. Thompson took his dog and went to bring his cows from John Grant's back field. Before he got there he met the cows and thought he would go on and see his horses. He went on until he came to a clump of bushes and was surprised to see a large bear stand up in front of him as if he would like to embrace him. Wm. de. olined to be embraced and threw a stick and struok the bear below the belt, which caused him to come down on all fours and scamper into the bushes. Wm. sent the dog in after him and ran around to the other side of the bushes to get another look at him and was surprised again to see the bear Dome out within six feet of him he threw another stink and struok him in the rear and parted good friends with him. Listowel. Fall show on Sept. 18, 10 and 20. Our share toward the County rate is 31,071. Wednesday, 21st inst., will be the civic holiday. Great preparations aro being made for the tournament on Thursday and Friday of this week. • J. O. Hay has been asked to retain his seat at the Council Board until the oioce of the year. Two Dents on the dollar is the rate atruok this year. J. B. Dinkel will be tax collector at a salary of 370. The total amount to be collected is over $17,- 000. Soot, & Jones shipped a oar load of fat cattle for the old oountry market. Six. teen steers fed by Hans Cummings aver. aged 1851 eaoh and two wellbred heifers raised by Peter Lillioo went 27101bs. The firm of Hess Bros., chair and fur- niture manufaoturers at Toronto and Listowel, who worn throe months age in financial difeonity, but received au ex. tension that enabled thorn to continue for a time, find the load they carry too heavy for their capital and have assign- ed to H. B. Murphy, of Listowel. On May the 8th last, a000rding to Messrs. Hess' statement, the estate had secured liabilities of 078,000, with about 328,000 uneeourod, making a total of $100,000, The assets showed a nominal surplus of seven or eight thoueaod dollars. Of the Bemired liabilities the Bank of Hamilton NOVO Ondorstood to bo creditors for 340,- 000. Tho firm said they experienced a 6eriane lose by the burning of their To- ronto mauufaatory on the Mat March.. They detect at that time that the logs amounted to about 300,000, with in. suranco of only 322,000. Tho present condition of tho oetato can be but littlo different from that Of May 8th. The assignment is the result of a lack of ready cash, The faotory at Listowol has boon shut clown two or throe week be - cameo the firm load no 1ne110y with which to pay tho 100 or so bands. Butter, Eggs, etc., taken as Cash. tr'„rtltoa'fh. ROY. W. J. Cason and family are at- tondiug the Parry Sound camp meeting this week. A smart shower on Tuesday served to rcfrenhezl the gardens and root crops In this locality. Miss Amont, of this town, and Mr. Coats, formerly of Piekard'e store, but now traveling for Boirril A. Co., of Lon. don, were married on Thnreday of this wefitekt. 'el:t1 carriage loads rime out 1e' BaylieId this week for a real good time, and I believe they got what they wont for. Bayfiold lime become quite a stun- ner resort, even fur many from the other. side. The Seaforth baud goes with the fire. man to Listowel to take part in the tournament there on Friday. Since se• curing Jas. Jonas they have made very rapid progress, and we hope they will give a good account of themselves. M. A. Morrison, of Walton, has matri- culated in dentistry and leas articled himself with G. L. Ball, L. D. S., for a term of throe years. Ile will attend the Royal Dental College in Toronto this fall. He is said to bo clover, and, being of excellent habits, will no doubt adorn the profession. The 'Third Party' is coming this way, and, we believe, to stay. Of course when the time comes many old Conservatives and Reformers of dolapidated backbones will bo seen returning to their respective parties. The great and only Sir Joh A. and his followers, together with the (11. named Reform party, have lost caste with the men of iudepeudont thought and ac- tion stion in this community. Poet Sours.—Harry Beattie returns to his school in Grey. Barry is consider- ably missed when away from Seaforth.— Miss Maggio Killoran has taken n position as teacher in the Kindergarten department of a school in Detroit. --Mies Lizzie Smith is hone from Toronto for holidays. Miss Smith is stenographer for one of the leading legal firms of the city.—Mies Jessie McLaughlin, of St. Thomas, is visiting her sister Mrs. (Dr.) Smith.—Dr. Mahal is expected home shortly to remove his family to Banff, his Appointment se assistant Surgeon in the Sanitarium there having been con. firmed by a mooting of the Directors last week in Winnipeg,—W. C. Smith, student at law,. has just returned from an extended trip throughout Scotland,— The Misses Edwards leave for Toronto shortly where each has received good appointments in the public sobaols. Their services will be greatly missed in both public and Sabbath schools here. Grey. Township Council will be held on Fri- day, 28rd inst.' Wm. Hislop is spending his vacation in the harvest field. Lizzie Mofiauohlin, milliner, Seaforth, is hums for her vacation. Rev. D. Perris paid a visit to the parental home last week. Mrs. C. Bowerman and Winnie were visiting for a few days at Goo. Forrest's, Threshing has commenced on all aides being necessary in order to make room for the rest of the grain. The Bird boys and Brown Broil. aro beginning to "toot" their whistles and ex- pect a big seasons thrashing. The past week has been favorable for securing the barley crop all of whioh has been housed in good condition. We hoard of some big threshing being done lately by Diok Mitchell with his steamer but have got no particulars yet. A number of the farmers in this town. ship have threshed their Fall wheat but the result in most cases is not yet known. Donald MoLauchlin's turned out about 80 boxes to the aore and Jno. Lamont's nearly 28. Mr. Lamont had 18 sores. Gordon & Dark have purchased a new steamer having all the latest improve- ments, and with a separator almost new they have now one of the best threehing outfits in the county and being old hands at the business will no doubt receive a large share of work, Edward Garvin, 1} miles South of Brussels, has a sunflower 8 feet 0 inches long upon whioh am 84 heads. He also has Vosseg parrots of a splendid growth. One of these produced 809 seed heads from one root. The base of the carrot was 4 inches in diameter. At the meeting of the Quarterly Board of the Henfryu Mission, the following resolution was passed whioh speaks for itself :—Moved by Bro. J. 1i, Baker, seconded by Bro. Williamson that wo, the members of the Quarterly Board of the Henfryu Mission, do heartily and sincerely sympathise with Bro. Levi Panabaker in hte sad bereavement of his partner in life, and wo do humbly pray that God will sustain biro by His graon' and blase him abundantly and finally bring hien with us all safely home where parting shall bo no more. Carried unani- mously, Alex. Delgatty, of Moose Jaw, formerly a reeidout of this township, writes, under date of August 0111, as fellows :—."Wo are all woll and liking the octant* well so far in ovary parti- cular. Tho grope aro good whore they Were properly put in and twill average about 25 bushols to the aero. Although the summer has boon vory dry the heavy clay holds the moisture and brings the gran to maturity. The 11arveet will be in a tow days. Everyone seems to be happy and contented ,w ith briglltprospsots of malting lots of money, tuul all say this is the promised land,' Private Funds to Loan. 20,000 Have been placed in my hands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE OF INTEREST. No Commission. Borrowers can have loans com- pleted in Three Days if title satisfactory. W. 141. SINCL AHI, Solicitor, Brussels. MEAT MARKET, MAIN STREET, - BRUSSELS, an n ; CURIiIn, MINIUM Fresh and 1l cored to salt heats o f -" sty Port of the best am, l,.. the, VI 111194, band always ndad dem ".'. ^'eta;: ±*..Frcc 11 Charge. TERMS VERY FAVORABLE. Vat Cattle Wanted. For whioh Ole highest market price will be paid. I also make a specialty of buying Hides and Skins. Don't forget the plane, next door to Fletoher's Jewel ry Store. A. CURRIE. Baby Caxriagss Babb° Carriages! -RABY CARRIAGES ! Handsome Display of Baby Carriages in all the LATEST STYLES, and sold at lisagedird0141§ PAWNS: Catl in and See our Stock before yon order elsewhere. Buggy .Bugs, Dusters, Fly Nets, Whips, the., always on hand. Splendid Assortment of Trunks, Valises and Satchels in Stock. H. Dennis. LISTEN! Voolt will be Forwarded to NEW SUBSCRIBERS Now to Jan, 1st, 1890, —FOR 1)111 STTht 01r- 50 e s IN ADVANCE. monrimuuraamanerneareamtnasonnairol rAa ' 4C1 )p=kit Whim °IG TI rG.&L ' Co., S. PLUM, PHOTOS. General Blacksmith wishes to intimate to the pr,bliogenerally that be does all kinds of Bleekemitlling iu a Worltmaniilco Manner. WVagons, Buggies, Sleighs and Cutter, made to Order. Repairing promptly Executed. I matte a Specialty of iforse.shooing. A Call ,Solicited. rRemember the Stand.—Nein 0110 Bltin'E. S. Plum. TINTYPES For • ,rQ) - %'exy �. A11 'track front the .mallett ie 2.4fe stzr (lune in 1t tir•st.elos, Manner. nl Residences, Etc., a( Reasonable Rates. W. J. Fairfield. ETHEL CRIST AN FLOUR MILLS, The unclsrrigned having completed the change from the stone to the celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has now the Mill in First -Class Running Order and will be glace to see all his 11111 customers and es many new ones as possible. SIT B rip Flair and, Fcrie6. Always cu -lad. Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good Grain. W M. MILNE. OMER NES F06 THE The Brussels Woolen Mill wants to get 500,000 LBS. OF WOOL either for CASH or in exchange' for Goods. The Highest Market Price Paid in. Casty and a Few Cents iIore in Trade, We have a Fine Assort- ment of Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Blankets, Sheet- ing, Knitted Goods, 'Warns, &o, A11 Wool left with us for manufacturing, whether rolls or other, wise, will have our prompt attention. SATISFIACTION GUAIvNT'D We wish to remind the Farmers that the "Woolen Mill Store" in Brussels is not connected with THE BRUSSELS WOOL- EN MILL, but is sanatory Goons i)ront the Listoicel AL111, whioh vxe consider a groat advantage to the Farmers of this Locality, as the two Stoves are side by side and the Goods and Prices can easily be compared. We tutu YOLII OBEDIENT SERVANTS, GEO. HOWE Se Co.. ERUSSELS