HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-8-9, Page 80/nee. Plowors Aro you troubled With ilie8 :1 Becteilsc if so we would 1ikt: to hi/V0 you get rid of thew.. We have t110 S'TIOET FLY PATER for those who prefer this barbarous plan.. Then we have W1LsoN's I'LL Poison PADS and Snoo FLr PATER, both of which give good satisfaction : and last but not least is what is known as Ixaner Poulain. There are at least two kinds of this, the Dolma. tion and Persian. The former is the best and is the only kind we keep. It is well to remember that this Insect Powder when made of is much better than closed flowers when the fl0W818 Ciro 0000 or further advanced. We have been parti., eular to have the closed flowers and guar- anteed pure. Please bear this in mind and permit ns to help you to get rid of the flies. G. A. DEADMAN, Druggist Bookseller, Sc, DRANO TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION, w. O. & R. R. Trains leave Brussels Station, wort and south as follows: - Going South. ollewe:- GoingSouth. Going North. Mail... ........ .7:02 ani. 1 Mixed ...........0:30 a.m Express... .. -11:95 a.m. 1 Mail 3.O6 p.m Mixed 6;60P.m. I Express- ...... 0:45p.m YA.cm' tills affem5, - chief's 0nrang ye takin' notes An' faith he'll prem it. I01.110 frost on Monday night. i l.qx is a good prop this year, 32o. 1)LEwE, of Paris, is m town. Verso/. meeting last Monday evening. T. FLttrcurn and wife were In Lneknow this week. Mas, J. A. Cli lofirox is visiting at liarriston. Miss Ens SILtW was visiting in Sea. forth this week. Maas E. E. limn: has gone to Sarnia to visit old friends. A sox of women's leather boots at 50e per pair. Adana Good. Ross Boos, moved to their new store on Thursday of this week. MISS JESSIE AUSTIN, of Listowel, is visiting Miss Kate Wilson. REv. Tiros. GHo, of Milvertou, was in town on Tuesday of this week. Rum= to watches andjewelry prompt. Iv attended to at Jas. Jones'. Fon potato bugs get pure Paris green at Popper's drug store. See ad. ART. and 235140, BEvELL, of Toronto, ore visiting at Mrs, J. R. Grant's. Miss Iflxxrs Mom is spending a week orjtwo in Stratford and vicinity. Ray. DAVID PERRIS, of Nissonri, was in town for a clay or two this week. R. J. OLans, of Stratford, formerly of Brussels, was 1n town last Sunday. GEORGIE 511100 10 away at Seaforth and Dora Smith is holidaying at Wingham. Miss HATTXE FRANCIS, of Kansas, was visiting her sister iu Brussels for a week. Rev. 1(, Part will preach in the Pres. bvterian church, Seaforth, next Bab. bath, 50 CENTS, in advance, secures TUE PosT for the balance of 1889. Tell your neigh- bor about it. Mns. T. McCrLLo:mu, of Sand Beach, Mich., is on a visit to her parents, Jno. Wynn and wife. NEW snbscribore are tumbling in tak. Puna Paris green at G. A. Deadman's, leg advantage of the 50 cent offer for the Bnrssnts civic holiday on Friday, 13th 1 balance of the year. inst. Suv=a binder twine, 14 cents at B. Gerry's. Miss Tarr is home for her Summer vacation. BARGAINS in watch clocks and jewel- ry at J. Jones'. PURE manilla binder twine, 17 cents per lb. at B. Gerry's. Mos. GEa. Haxcnoar and childreu are visiting in Seaforth. Ir your watch don't run right take it IT will pay any person to call and see Geo. Love & Co'e Furniture Boom. New Goods and new Prices. P11E8E1tvL10 sugars and jars, pure white 80100 vinegar, and everything in groceries very cheep. ADAM GOOD. Mils. W. II. Kann and Leslie and Miss Addie Vanstone and Miss Nessie Ray Sundayedin Kincardine. A SET of market scales have been put in at the flax mill by J. & J. Livingston for weighing their flax, &c. to Jas. Jones. Ile 11 set 1t right. A YorNG woman, 18 years of ago, wants SPLENDID brick is being turned out from a place as general servant. Apply at the Brussels brickyard this year._TETE PosT Publishing House. Meg. Mellor, and daughter, of ew IT is said that certain youths have Jersey, N. Y„ is visiting at Jno. MsCal• taken to "roosting" in the bell tower at Em's. Rohr. \S Y\'N, of Mitchell, and Charlie Sheriff, cf Seaforth, spent Sunday in town. Jas. Tncnrreox was away last week at Elora attending the funeral of Ina grand. mother. Ewea•'s make of Pea Harvesters leads the van. They can be fitted to any mowingmochine. All complete for 210.00 Bali at the shop, opposite Queen's hotel stables, Brussels, and see them. They are dandies and do the work in a first - clans manner. 52 - TEE quarterly services in connection with the Methodist church last Sabbath were largely attended. Two excellent discourses were preached by the pastor. The evening sermon ou "Tho practical side of the Christian religion" was brim full of thonght and was listened to with marked attention. WELL -Dream° AND DRULINo.--George Birt has all the necessary reaohinery for digging and drilling wells and is prepar- ed to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Wells cleaned out and pet in proper share. Terms reasonable. Residence second door north of the bridge, west side of Tornberry st., Brussels. 43.82 NEXT Wednesday, 14th inst., is the day appointed by Reeve Graham for holding the nomination of a candidate to fill the vacancy at the Brussels School Board, occasioned by the unseating of F. S. Soott. If necessary, the eleotion will be held one week later, viz., on Wednesday, 21st. Ronald McNaughton and Wm. Aldridge will bo the Deputy Returning Ofioers. Excunsra/. - The annual Sabbath School excursion of this section will be held on Tuesday, 20th inst., Goderich being the point chosen. A special train will leave Palmerston at 7 a. m. calling at all the stations as far as Londesboro'. Returning will leave Goderioh at 6 o'clock p. m. This will afford exour. eionists ample time to see the town, &c. The time schedule and passenger fares may be found in another column, The rates are low for the round trip. Luck. now will also have an excursion to Gode. rich the same day. HOME Emelt NEW Yons.-On Thursday of last week D. C. Ross and Jno. Fergu. sou arrived home from their visit to New York and vicinity. Mr.. Rose took a course at Mitchell's well renown cutting sohool, 839 Broadway, and received a diploma for his proficiency. . In this world famed establishment there were 45 or 50 persons in e.ttendanoe and six instrncttrs were kept bogy in explaining the various systems taught or correcting mistakes made by the students. In ad. dition to this a staff le busy all the time in the preparation of paper patterns, books on cutting and fitting, and fashion plates, iiIr. Ross says it is a busy place to go but worth a good deal to a practical man. THE Kincardine Review eay5:-Con. (hider Quirk. was entertaining friends from Brussels•laet Saturday evening and Sunday. There were Rogers the Salt Man, Grain Buyer and Reeve Graham, .Jrinneipal of the Pnblio Sohool Shaw, and Banker McIntosh, as also Messrs. Eby anfl Waterods of the jonotion town of Palmerston. Saturday evening jovial John had them oat on the water in a sail boat, and wishing them to experience a bit of re breeze, as is hie usual fantastic custom, he rose in the bow of the boat and, clinging to the bowsprit, repeated Iris incantation to the 111olus, the god of winds, and having indulged some nays. terious signs, a stiff breeze was upon diem, the thunders roared and lightning flashed, the billows rolled almost high. as mountains. The boat was already head. ad for the harbor which it entered in per- fect safety and amid a halo of glory, but not without rho visitors from Brussels being almost awestricken at their worthy conductor's magical influence over the elements and his nautical chill generally. Sunday tho visitors drove out to'.Cieet. ton, and in the evening they were enjoy- ing themselves along the lake shore and on the Book, satisfied that Kincardine (when cltaporeeed by Conductor ,John Quirk) was and io the most delightful of 5amtrl80 reeorttl. the Town Hall on Sunday afternoons. WR intend moving to our new stand, in Ltckie's Block, in about 20 days and will clear out our stock at cost. Ross Biros. 50 - LAST Saturday Jno. G. Ameut, well al after long illness known here, died to es at his home in Seaforth. Ile was in his 60th year. Excrestox tickets for the excursion to Goderich on Tuesday, 20t11 inst., may be secured from both T. Fletcher and the station agent. JAMES Trauma, of Turnbull & BRllan. tyne, has purchased the comfortable resi- dence of Charles Holland, John street. The price paid was 9750. L. E. WADE, captain of the Huron Co. eleven, has fixed Aug. 23 as the date for the game between the Loudon and Huron Crioket Clubs at London REv. Mn. HowIE will (D.V.) give a die. course respecting a model wrestler, or the art of winning every time, next Sab- bath evening in Knox church. W. A. °ALDYCIr goes to St. Catharines next Tuesday to attend the Grand Lodge of the I. 0. 0. F. as representative from Western Star Lodge. No. 149. Tun hose reel team is putting in practice in view of the competition at Listowel. The team that beats them will have to "get a move on." Mils. W. F. KELLY and Robt. Dickson jr. went to Port Huron on the Odd Fel. lows excursion from Goderioh to Port Huron on Tbnrsday of this week. Summit Bxcunsioxs.-Lake or rail for lowest rates, beat connections and full information, tickets, &o., at the Town Agency, T. Fletoher, Agt„ G. T. R. GEo. Lova & Co. have no goods to sell for spite but they will do undertaking at half combine prices and will use their hearse for the poor as well es the rich. A BASEBALL match with the "Unions" of Wroxeter and Gorda, and a laorosse match with Wingham and Listowel are on the the program for the near future. Tun travelling public oon procure local tickets to all stations on the Grand Trunk and its connections at the Town Ticket Ofoe of G. T. R. T. Fletcher, Agent. THE tramp nuisance is coming to the front in great shape. Itis no charity to help them, unless you do it with the toe of your boot. Professional tramps should be bounced. Oun baseball team will play the beet Guelph club at Lielowel next Friday forenoon. The hose reel team of this town will take part in the race in the afternoon. H. WILBEE has Indian corn growing in his garden some stalks of which measure 7 feet 6 inches in height. How is that for high 7 He also has a sunflower 8 feet 2 inches tall. R. Lssouenearm wishes it to be die. tinotly understood that the local that ap. peared in Tun PosT last week concerning the Raymond Sewing Machine was none of his compoeition. A Lawn sooiel will be held on Friday evening of this week on the grounds of Thos. Kelly, commencing at 7:80 o'clock. A good time is expected. Refreshments and music will be provided. Wn had a gall from G. Fred, Bingham, representing the Royal Baking Powder Co., of New York, on Thursday of this week. He was pushing the interests of the company in this section, D. Worsos, L.D.S., wife and children left Bruesels ore Tuosdoy for Seaforth and on 'Wednesday proceeded to their home in Brantford, Mrs. Wateon is a daugh- ter of John Broadfoot'e, of tbie town. IT will be a saving of 620 or more to elect a trustee by acclamation next Wed- nesday. T. S. Scott will not be a candi- date and the selection of W. B. Dickson, Rev. W. T. Cluff or some other suitable man outside of former aspirants should Secure this object. Ox Thntoday evening of last week, Willie, the 2 year old son of Geo, and Mary Ilogarth, died. The funeral took place on Friday afternoon, the interment Being made at Cranbrook burying ground. Rev. R. Paul conducted the service. This is the seeend child Mr, and litre. Hogarth have lost. The bereaved par• elite have the sympathy of relatives and friends, THE BRUSSELS POST A. 9, 1889. ., Eq t'rmanna,Farans r,,,a„a,.-amtrantmt .:a thrrtaraasom AN interootiug loiter on "A week at' �1+��+ '-�Sza m+Ax'rur;, Do you ,�,a to Know Maoltinau will appear next week, Mitchell, Sept 215 trod 37, 9JiS Ala, orders for teaming left et J. G, I North Perth at Stratford, get. 8 and •1, wileno's or A. M. McKay ,S er, tt dere North Perth, 80. Murys, Sept. 24 & 25, will be rout illy attended to. All orders ,for ger,: on plowing left with the above named gentlemen will receive prompt at- tention, 130 11ENDE1so1 Biros. 0. A. Barn, a former resident of Brun. selo and a property ownor yet, was in town on Monday of this week. Lie is now employed in Seaforth although Mrs Industrial 01 Toronto, Sept. 0 to a1. Western at London, Sept. 0 to 14, Central at Hamilton, Sept, 23 to 27, Guelph, Sept. 91 and 213. Brantford, Sept. 10 to 12. Southern Counties, at St. Thomas, Sept, 24 to 27. Beer and family still reside in Harriston, North Brant at Paris, Oct, 1. and 2. They expect to i0Ov0 ehortly. lPeninsular at Chatham, Sept, 17 to 20, Tient Goderioh Signal of last week re. ( Alidlaucl Central at 1Singetot7, Aug. 28 marks -TIIE BnneerLs MOST has entered upon its seventeenth year, and looks as bright aad noway as ever. The emcees of Tun Pear proves that clean reading matter and live local news pays. Long lifo to you, nut Conchal. ON TEE Wnnea.-As 1 am on my rounds cleaning, repairing and tuning organs and repairing and cleaning sowing ma. chines, please drop mea oard to lot me know where to call. Second hand ma- chines on hand and none given out with- out making good stitching, 54. T. Moon. TORONTO'S f:I0LAT J OflfiUITION, Ole SEPT. 0118 to elst, TO be Greater and Meller then Ever. Tbero is perhaps not a city on this ocn- tiusnt that has made mora rapid progress during the poet ton Tear's than tho City of Toronto, and it is still going ahead. its population tiering that period has advanoest from eighty thousand is 1875 to one hundred and eighty thousand in 1091, beteg nu aver- age increase of ton thousand n year. But extraordinary ns this groat prosperity may al1lpear,ft isnot more 0o than the 11010550 t htoh has aioultn d rho setabltelmiont of the grant Agriouttnral 011(1 ludustrial 13x11J- hibbn which is held annually in that city, and which during the same perlod hos renOh oda point In magnitude fur beyond the most sanguine oxiiootatione of its promoters. Tho atteuclanao of visitors at this Exhibition, which in 1870 was about ninety thousand, has steadily increased each year until last year it reached over two hundred and arty thousand. 0120 number of exhibitors has also proportionately inoroassd, and the m- dieatious are that the Exhibition for tho present year, which into los held from the 0th to the 2181 of September, willbe greeter and better than over. Although the buildings on rho Toronto Fair Grounds aro already far mors numerous and commodious than any iu the country, the association is a:Pending over 820,000 again this year in providing increased ac- commodation in the way of new stables on the most improved and modern plans, a new poultry building and many other additions which they considor necessary to moot the requirements of the Fair. They fully realize the fact that they cannot etand still, that their pathetic want something greater and better every year, with all thabis now end interesting in the way of incurious to be found on Elie continent, and this iswhat they appear determined to Give them. Thin is really the People's Exhibition. It is not as many suppose controlled by a stock Tom. Deny, but by gentlemen who give it their time and services for nothing,and their charter provides that every dolar which is made out of the Show must bo expended in adding to and im roving the grounds and buildings, so that the country and general pubilo gat the full benefit of whatever 1,5sis- taneo they may give the institution by their annual patronage, In addition to the groat Exposition of Live Stock, Agricultural, Dairy and Horticultural products, Manufac- tures of all kinds, Fine Arts and Ladies' Work, oto., there will be a much larger pro. gram than usual of special features, of the. most novel and interesting character that it has boon possible to procure, fall partiou- lars of whish will be given in the official program to be issued shortly. There will be anlulernational Dog 811ow the second weak, and Pain's Groat Historical Scenic production, the "Burning of Moscow;' with grand pymbosbuio displays every oyening, and in fast every day there will be plenty to see at this groat Exposition that will be in- structive, amusing and entertaining. Spsoi- ally low rates will prevail. on all railways during the two weeks of the Fair, Entries for exhibits in all departments must bo made before August 171h. Canada has in this exhibition an institution that the country may well fool proud of and take an interest m, as it is one of the boat on this continent, and those who have visited many of tho largerI'airs on the other side of the border readily admit that it 1199i11 bo many years before they can roach tib position of or begin to compare with the Toronto Show, If our readers contemplate a holiday trip this season, they will be afforded a good 0f huistoyoimfkoratamouooyhleExo be Wien. The apple crop of Prince Edward, while not a failure, will be a long way below the average this year. The trees were injured by late frosts. Mrs. MaoMnrchy, wife of A. Mao. Murohy, principal of Toronto Collegiate Institute, was drowned while bathing at Youghal, near St. John, N. B. An extraordinary event happened on Drioe,terme, oto, apply to the Proprietor, S. S. Lawrason's farm, near St. George THOB.HISLOP,blars0.O., N.W. T.. .or to last week. A sow belonging to Mr. Law- 2 -ti DOOGALD BTRAOHAN, Brueaole ranee gave birth to a litter of twenty pigs. What is still more strange is the fact that they are all living. to Sept. 7. Eastern Townships et Sherbrook, Qac„ Sept..3 to 5. Central Canada, Ottawa, Sept. 9 to 14. Southern, Brantford, Sept. 10 to 12, Northwestern, Goderioh, Sept. 17 to 10. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. GENERAL SERVANT WANT - no at ouoe, Aunty to 1- 01138, W. 111. SINCLAIR. MBE SSMAEING.- Tbo undersigned desires to intimate to the ladies of Brusoels and surrounding country that Rho is prepared to attend to all orders intrusted to her. Satisfaoblon gmn'nnteed. Shop -Up -stairs, ono door north of Wal for Jarkeon's hardware store, 1.0- M?SS S:16L1LE. Q7 TRAYED ON TLIE PREMISES of the undersigned, S k Lot 20, Con. 5, Menlo, on cr about May 13th a yoariing heifer, The owner is requested to prove ('00perty,miy ermines and take bor away. Apply at the Central Hotol, Brussels. 2.4 J, & J. LIVINGSTON. r XOY1RfvI01'41 1 1 Buri„g the summer menthe, ooln- ruencing Saturday, May 11011, I w11J carry pease were on Saturn ay of each molt from Gerrie to Seaforth aid return for 01,03, and from Brussels to Seaforth and return 0500, Stare loaves at usual hours. S. WALSH, Proprietor, TEACIIER WANTED.—A SEO- oxn or Third Class Male Teacher for School Section No.4 Gray. Duties to com- mence Bret of September. Anplicents to state salary and experience, with referential. Applications received up to rho twenty seventh days of August, Address EDWARD BRYAN S, Sec.-Treas., Jamootown 0.0, 2-4x elORME AND SEAFORTH STAGE VA I1o1TE. Stageleaves Gerrie about 5:80 0, m.. reach- ing Hruseels about 8:00 a. m., and will arrive at Seaforth. about 11:80 a. in. Returning will leave Seaforth about 1:30 p, m., reaching Brussels about 0:45, to thio toconnect with braille going north and south, Also make connections with 0. P. IR, ab Wroxeter and Gerrie, S. WALSH. Proprietor. u 0 Having done business in Canada for years, our rep, utatiou and responsibility is established. We want three moo in you,. vicinity to represent us, to whom exclusive territory. will be given. Handsome outfit free. Salary and expenses paid weekly, previous experience not required. Write et once for torme. Hardy Stook for Canada a specialty. 24LA0 11040X„ Nurserymou, Boouoetor, N.Y. 48 S ULL FOR SERVIOE—I WILL keep on my Perm, lot 27, con. 5, Mor- ris,a tboro'-bred Bates Bull, of the Duchess Iathily, Podigloo eau bo seen at the stables. .Terms-Thoro'•brod-cows, 80; high graded cower:El; common cocas, 51.50, with privil- ege of returning during the season. To be paidfor on or beforefirst of Deo ember,1886, 40-tf JOHN BROADFOOT. QTRAYED ON THE PREMISES of tbo undersigned, lot 18, con.10, Gray, on or about first week of June, 1 yearling steer, gray in Dolor. The owner is requested to pay all charges and take him away. Also strayed from my premises, about let of May, 1 two-year-old steer, Welly rod, but with other white markings and white star ou fore- head, Any person returning or sending me whereabouts of same will be suitably re- warded. JAMES HEIGHT, 56.4+ Oranbrook P. 0. wr.,s REAL ESTATE. THE FINEST BUILDING SITE 1 fora residence in Brussels, containing one acre of land nearly opposite Mr. P. 0. Bogeys' residence Os for sato at a bargaiu, Apply to W. M. SxxoLera, iBrusesels, or to JND. EARGI010AVE5, Cor. Queen and Sim - 00o streets. Toronto. rlARJIZFOR SALE.—THE SUB. acumen offers his valuable 100 acro farm,beingiot 8, oon. l8, Grey Township, Huron Co., for sole. There are about 50 acres cleared and in good heart, There is a log house, good hank barn, bearing orchard, and alithe necessary oonyenionoes on the premises. For further partioulara, as to SBEm.-Ill Morris, on July Slat, the wife of Mr. Allan Speir, of twin sons. BALL. -In Seaforth, on the 19th ult., the wife of Mr, G. L. Ball, L.D.S., of a son. AniENT.-In Seaforth, on the 8rd inat., John G. Ament, aged 65 years, 6 months and 12 days. • Tlnrlrrxs.-In Bluevale, on the 2ad inst., Harriet R., beloved wife of Jae. S. Timmins, aged 39 years and 6 months. - Hooammn,-In Brussels, on the let inst., Willie, only son of George and Mary Hogarth, aged 1 year, 10 months and G days. 13RTTSiEnnTo10 24.6A72,31C1:1TS. 00-0150TED 0ARE001&0 EVERY WEEK. Fall Wheat 00 93 Spring Wheat .. 90 98 Barley - 40 45 Oats 26 28 Peas ,.. 53' 54 Butter, tube and rolls.... 12 14 Eggs per dozen 11 00 Flour per barrel 5 50 00 Potatoes - ..• 00 75 Hay per ton - G 00 7 00 Hides per lb 2 3 Salt per bbl., retail1 25 00 Sheep skins, each .... 60 1 00 Wool, per M. 19 22 Oa .11 OME== MAIEME38T10. 00itnn0Teneinl00000Y EVERY WHET. Fall Wheat............. 00 08 Spring Wheat 20 98 58 54 40 45 00 75 12 14 11 00 80 85 00 6 50 7 00 4 50 57 Oats Peas - 235010y Potatoes Butter, per lb Eggs, per dozen Apples per bushel Hoge, lireesed 0 00 Boof.................... 4 00 Ilay G 00 Wood, por cord 2 50 Sheepskins, oaolt ,40 HARM FOB SALE.—THE UN• dersigasd offers hie farm, being west part Lot 11, Con. 18, Grey, containing GO acres, for sale. The farm is about all clam' ed and under cultivation and ie well under - drained. There is nearly an aerooforohard. A log house, 18x27foet, a frame barn, 88x38 feet a log stable and other outbuildings are on the premises. 1Also 2 goad walla. Pos- eession will be given afterliarveet. For full particulars as to ppriee,terms, &O., apply to THOS. W . JOHNSTON, Proprietor. ARM FOR SALE.—THE UN• NDERSIGNED offers his 100•acro firm fox sale, being lot 18, and Si lot 19, eon, 7, grey. about 80 or 00 acres cleared. 0511051 in goodrepair. i5 acres buali on the 00•aore lot and 10 acres on the other lot, 2 good bearing orchards, one on enoh place and plenty of good water. There is a good brick veneered house containing 9 rooms, Two barns. The frame ore ie 43x60 on a stone foundation, the other is log. The farm io under good cultivation and is only f of a mile from the:stirring village of Ethel, and 6 miles from Brussels. For further nye atou- lays apply to ELIJAE BATEMAN, Proprie- tor, 4G•tf HOW TO GET RID OF FLIES P GOOD FARM FOR SALE IN Morrie, on reasonable terms. In order to close the affairs of the notate of the lato W. 0, efingston, the executors otter the fol- lowing valuable lands for Bale North half of Lot 80, Oonoe0sion 5, Township of Morris, containing. 50 acres. On this lot is erected a good frame barn with stone foun- dation, good orchard, well andpnmp. Bear. lyuncleared, and rs on thegrave road closely adjoining rho village of 8ruseol5, This farm is a valluable one, in well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. For rices and forme apply to TH08. KELLY, Brueeols P. 0., Runny 3010100180, Victoria Square P.0„ er Limns Sttfmu, ;Maple Lodge I'.0„ Middlesex County, —GO PIM '%TALUABLE PROPERTY IN THE Vn sesLs ren BALE. irlLLaan our B II As the undersigned is retiring from buss• Moss llo offers for Salo the f allowing valuable property, oi tbor whole or in lots to Suit pnr- oha5er. Now Brick Store on Main street, opposite POOtofneo, with plate glass front, good collar, ends dwelling above, This store wilt be either rented or sold. Foundry 61111 Machine thos, Drillls,, do. Aveoyt Engine, °Omeletotiin 1 rgo mPlan 'miming 141111 Band Work shop, with Saws I3elte and 111 oomploto. Also Drying Minim drying lumber, store hones and a quantity of seasoned lumber. Blacksmith Shop and Tools, With good stook of iron and coal, . The wllblo is centrally situated in the thOlyingvillage Of llrusOols, In tooneotlon there are tw” a01os bt 10.1111 and four clwollinit bon060,altwell tenanted, The whole All be old, Without rai0105 on bib DMatMIAOW, able forme. Title Xndioptt able, rem full pa 8isaulnrn apply 00 W, It. 1g, ruese 9,'Ont. AND FIND O UT "S DaVe AT -- Opposite gUeera's Hotel, Brussels_ Poison Pads, 3 for 5 Cents. VARMS FOB SALE, --THE UN- •0.OEnsr0NED has severe cod Farms for sale and to rant, easy terms, in Townships of Morris and Grey, F. 5, SCOTT,Bruesoio 97•tt TTlANNERY FOR SALE.— THE JJII llrusuels Tannery is offered for sale at a{ bargain. In it is a 15 h. p, engine and 801x. p, boiler ,15 vats, 2 currytable5, 2 stoves, good bark mill mid a full not of tools, with heating pipes to beeves, &a, 'There are nb01110 earth of Laud in oohneatiou with the building. N0taunery nearer than Wingbam or Liobowol. Torino easy, For farther par- tioulare us to pried, terms, dm„ apply et 37. hull Poe0 Publlolriug Houe5, Brussels. 'WARM FOR SALE.—THE UN "WARM offers for Sala the north east quarter of lot 58, 0011eoeelolr 0, Morrie, County of Huron, containing 00 a`tes, The land is of first quality and Ina 11igh state of cultivation. well lowed and uudera4raiued, ,'S acres cleated. N ow frame house, 8 roosts, milk house with concrete walla, 2 wells good barna and shod, orchard, eta, Eiglit acres of fall wheat. This desirable property adjoins the concretion of Brussels. Suit• able terms will be givou, Title perfect, JAMES 0111EVE, Owner, 80- Seaforth P.0, 20 1) ACRE FARM FOR SALE. kJ 4 first-class farm for sale in the Township of Morris in the Oounty of Huron being south half of north half lots 25&26 and south half of 26 lu 5th eon., containing 206 acres more or less, 125 acl'as mostly clear of stumps and in a good state of culti- vation. Th ere is a young bearing orchard,'" good house and hank barn 55 x 50 feet with atone stnbia uuderuenth. Tho farm is situ- ated within a mild of the Village of Brussels one. le a good farm for grain or stook rais- ing as Itis watol'ed with the river Maitland and never failing spring oreek.. Possession will be given at any time. 1001 further par- ticulars apply on the premises or to A.A. 110BEIRTSON Brussels, P. 0 5.tf VOTERS' LIST, 1880. MUNICIPALITY OF 31011RIS. Notico is hereby given that I have trans- muted or delivered to the persons mention- ed le Sections 0 and 0 of the Ontario Voters' List Act, 1880, the copies required by said suctions to bo to n'nn0mitted or delivered, 00 the list made pursuant to said Aot, of all persona appearing by the last revised mesons. moot roll of said Municipality to b0 entitled to vote in said Municipality at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Muuicipal elections, and that said list was first posted hp at my office In Morrie on the 811, day of August, 1680, and remains there for inspection. Electors aro called upon to oaamine said list and if any omission0 or any other errors ere found therein to take Imo oedings to have said errors corrected according to law. WM. CLARK, Dated this 6th day of August, 1888. Clerk. ramie • tzsr • •ta . JIDaticipafity of the Township of Grey, County of Huron. _ Notion: is hereby glyen that I have trans- mitted or delivered to the persons mention- ed In Sections 5 and 6 of rho Ontario Voters' Lists Act,1889, the copies required by enid sections tobe so transmitted or delivered, of the list made pennant to said Ad, of all persons appearing by the last Revised As- Weaemant Boll ofsaid Municipality to be en - Riled to vote in said municipality at oleo. tione for members of the Legislative As- sembly and at Municipal eleotious, and that said list was first posted up at my oIgoe in Ethel on the lst day of August, 18811, and re. mains there for inspection, Electors are called upon to examine the said list audit any omlesfons or any other errors aro found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have rho mill errors corrected according to law. WM, SPENCE, Clerk. Dated this god day of August, 1880. Salle by Teaser —00 A— VALUABLE )~'ARM Tenders 801011 be resolved by tho under. signed AM to Thursday, August' xsth, xO8g, for the pu.ehase of the following valuable property, viz. :—The South half'of Lot num- ber 25, in the 4th Cone8osion of the Township of Morris, Huron Co., containing 100 acne, save and except B 90.100 ao1'es• heretofore sold and ooaveycd to the W.G.•& D, R'y for a right of way. There are about 88 acres cleared and in good state of cultivation ; Tory well tonna and undordrained. The buildia ge consist or good frame house 20x90 feet, with kitchen and Woodshed at- tached; also a good bank bath, 45x60 foot together with so implement house. Upon the premises and near the bulldinge is a never -failing Spring. There is also a good orokard. This is an excellent farm, and it situated within two and a.halt miles• of l5ruesols, a thriving village on the W. G &H, Railway. Thio For£oot= Penns of payment easy, From 55,000' to 82,500 will be allowed to remain on mort- gage. Poesosoton given 1st of September. The highest or ally tender not necessarily accepted, For further particulars apply to DICKSON & HAYS, VENDon's BOLYOITOne, Orpfona-Drueeels,and Seaforth. Dated atBrum:obi 5811 day of July, 1880 3i I+0�7,Z"'-ITOJTn"A'Ii PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION TxMn31- A riaultura - - Arts - Association CITY 4.1.191sTDOIT to loth SEPT, 9th Prize Lists are now ready, Entries of Live Stock may be made up to the 17tH of August. 3, O. RYII;EIET, M.P., Presi- dent, St, Catharines, HENRY WAD52, Slleiuwlttr, Toronto. 4•1nff BANKING moINTOSII & 11oTAGGAR T,� BANKERS, . BRUSSELS, Tra_zcact 4 (Hd10. ,4014 388 io-tag 131.1.a5.16.4.ao, NOTES DISCOUNTED, conadicu nod Holton States Drafts b:,ught and 9001. .to tercet alloved on Dopoelts. Collections made 01L favorable terms. Canadian Agents-Mi:ncn.txr'e 13,1515 off OANAO0. Now York Ag0Ola-Inn'anTrus AND Tn,D- EMa NATIONAL DANIt, LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. A' Dl• 111. SINOLAIR, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pob. 110, &c. OfRco-GrahmlOe Block, 1 door north of Peppor's Drug Store, Private Frauds to. Loan, • 1 E. WADE, q Bnrrisbor, Solicitor and Notury Pnb- lic. add w ll atto. Collaatfons every - fug. Mr. Wade w111 atto ck in Gerrie every \Vod- nos0ay at two o'clock, DICKSON & HAYS, (pato with Garrett & Preudtoot, Gode. rlob,) Barristers, Solicitors. Conveyancers. &a. 081005-lirueoolo and Se forth, Brus 5ele OlIloo, Rogers' Blocq Main St. Mone) to Loan. IL 5. NAYS. W. n, 12107005. A• 11I. TAYLOR, B. C. L. Barrister, Rolicitof, &O., of the arm of Taylor, MaCulloogh d: Burns, Barristers Solicitors, &c., Manufng Arcade, Toronto. Money to loan. ALEX. EIUNTI+.R, Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co, Huron. Conveyancer, Notary Public. Land, Loan and Ioaurnna° Igant, Funds invested mud to loan. Collections made. Wilco in Grabnm's Block, Bru5sele, BUSINESS CARDS. ViTIII. MaCRAOKEN 7 • Issuror ofltarriageLiceasos. 003ca at Ills Grocery, •lurnborry street, Brussels. MISS O'CONNOR, Teacher of Piano and Organ, Terms on applioatlou. WArmoN CLAes meets every Thersdayand Friday at Mrs. D. Campbell's, Walton, MISS HARGREAVES Desires to receive pupils for Instruc- tion on the Piano and Organ. Nino years experience. Residence with Mrs. Hargreay. es, over Popper's Drug Store. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE, GUELPH+ 1 N. BARRETT, Tonsorial Artist. Shop -Next door south o1 A. M. Monkey & Co'o hardware store. Ladies' and ohilaren's hair cutting a tpecialty lS'A choice stook of cigars kept. A• MoNAIR, IDeul'er of Marriage Incenses, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, Commis - Fire Ineuranee Co. Oidoe at tbs' Caanbrook Post Oilloo, DENTAL. a1 347'0' 1S'2,1R. 41- G. L. Ball, IL. D. 8., Honor Graduate nntl 711. R, C.D. S. Toronto. Vitalized Air given, Office-MRYEns Brook, SEAronma. ==1\1-.2,10,x1 W. J. Fear, L. D. S., Graduate off Toronto School of Dentistry. All operations guaranteed. iSr-Arti0oial l tooth, first quality, and a guaranteed' flt, ter 512,00 par sot, 011ice-OeoY's' BLbcx, BEAroliTn. 1)EDdrL'I ST'! Sol..8.. SaAl5Txsr. Z, a, S., Haber Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Burgeons, Toronto. Nitros Oxide Gas adhllnistered for the Painleos Extraction of teeth. 093oe-- t'3' •Orn Doon Nonma or DAWN, Bltwosnns, AUCTIONEERS. GEORGE KIRKBY, Lleensed Auctioneer. Sales oonduo t• odou reasonable terms. Forme and farm otooka epeoialty. Orden left at Tan PosT PubiisbingHouee,Bruesela,or eentto Waltou P, 0., will receive prompt attention. ARAYMANN, • Auetloneor, IS always ready to at - :tend Dales of farms, farm stook, &o. Terms ohoerfully given, Oranbrook P. O. Sales 'may be arranged at Tun Polo Publishing •Hsuss, Brus5011s, MEDICAL CARDS. 'f WM. F. CALE, M.D., 0. M. Member of the Collage of Physician and Surgeons of Ontario by examination. 01Boo and Itesidonoe-halo street East, Ethel, Ontario, T A. IV1cNAUGHTON, M. D. Er • 0, M, t. B. O. P„ fklinburgb, M. C. 1, S. Out. At Popper's Drug Store Prom 0 to 11:80 a. in, and dram 1:80 to 4 D. m, At Other li00011 maybe found at his residenca, ferny. orb, occupied by Dr. lin tithing on, Mill 5t, VETERiNARiY. TNO. D. WARWI0K, V 8, (800.0111680n TO X', W. O'BRIEN, V.S,), Graduate and Honorary Fellow of Ontario Veterinary Oollego, w11) be planned to ex- amine with tho greatest care and prates. atonal skill any oases entrusted to his bIlaego, O'dlee and inilrrna43-O']irlen'a old ttant,2 510555 north of bridge, '1'urnberry tt,,,Brdlsols, MONO t7 Tilt Grotin clavihi al to to at in ani , . eri110i land is ani subtle abuse In ltd cIn tsr gdzliuiibree E¢ ' of Sc stool n0wl 01010 on)1 tlt0 r may sarin no00C j0 ffarnmmi 11155li1'. la anOkd thou innrl It mod riagt Sam Yorl { Gate drir t that Onm � in TI 1'fori as it ougl mph 1,1011e ingl t1011s ilr'00 oboe then 01101' 02, (3110 sire, look tool; Gtril awk used 0 15 w, mot and ingi mad of t llna mut It mat 0030 wen Yov 0 amb cert One cele to 0 11011 thew 0014 tiros fan tum dint Thamd 4110o arra toil, Tart ainha favi ib w the; said al I waw T lint surf ell f Her for lien' tv11 ed be only poi M of 3 moi Com five coin coal of she 80110 elm] a1 of Mr. mal rev, edit 0Or list, the 8018 in doe 01811 1105 out up, aftl 11 pec can' flu