HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-8-9, Page 7AUGUST 9, 1889.
How often does it happen, in this changing
;III world of ours,
So full of light end snnehine and singing
birde and flowers,
That days which dawn most clearly, most
beautiful and ),right,
Are those which end in sadness and sorrow
dark as night.
Oft, when alt seems brightest and life one
summer day,
We find, in one short moment, the brlghtnoos
swept away;
And whore before was sunshine and Hope's
fair flowers in bloom,
Are now but olonda and tempest and mid•
night's deepest gloom.
'Tia then, when we are groping our way 'mid
ahadowa grim,
We hear a sweet voice oalling,-"Cast all
your oaths on Him
Who for the weak and weary, the tempted
and the tried
Indeed, for all Sino victims, has suffered,
bled and died,"
Oh 1 what a ray of sunehine do these few
words impart 1
What thrills of joy and gladnees bricg to
our burdened heart
And thus a truth is taught as we ever after
That oil, our deepest 'mama are bleaaiege fn
To Drive Out Flies.
I haven't a mosquito bar nor a semen door
about my house, soya Herbert A. Finley, in
the St. Louie "Globe Democrat,' and yet
there are seldom any flies, and never any
mosquitoes about it. I learned the aeorot of
Buoceeaful warfare against these peote when
living in the ewampa of Loulalana, where,
eummor or winter, mosquitoes swarm. For
some yearn life woe unendurable, and no
meal could bo oaten in peace, But all at
once there was a change for the better.
Bars and soreene were often out of place, but
there WAS almost an immunity from insects.
I was batohing at the time, and had just
changed my coloured boy. The newcomer
explained to me how he kept the " critters "
away, He burnt email pieces of gum
camphor on the cook stove, and used a
secret preparation he called rr endekfllo,"
When J. got married and came to Miseourl
I imparted the secret to my wife, and ae
there is no patent on it that I know of, I'
would advise all fellow•aufferere to go and
do likewise. The gum camphor alone is
ample for the purpose, and need only be
need two or three times a day.
Making Over an Old Black Bilk.
I had a black silk, soya a lady, that
was not good enough for a aloe drew] and
too good to throw away. 16 had a fine lustre,
and Rimmed
to be
ofgproved cod
weight, bub
00ea a
w xi g to be the kind that cracks on
qq the Beams and haute ; in fact, the hem of the
flounce around the bottom crooked apart the
first time I wore it. I managed to wear i6
for two years, however, by diligent care,
and then the question arose what to do with
i6. Fortunately, loos gowns were just then
the rage, and I bought six porde of fine wool
lace, hfty-four inches wide, for a .dollar a
yard, to•cover the silk. The waist was worn
out ander tit arms and also the sleeves. I
took nut Ile sleevoe, and ripped the seams
of the waist as far down as the worn places
extended, out away the worn part and plea.
ed in with now, being careful to have the
thread of the goods run the same way, then
stitched it carefully and preesod it, and yon
could not ase the Beam at all. Ib looked
like a fold of the silk. The sleeve was piec•
ed in the same way, ea 1 did not have enough
Bilk to make new under parte entire, I
then ripped the rest of the mune apart, oov.
ered each,piece with lace, basted ib, and
seamed thbarque togethe' again, aleevea
and all.
Then I took all the trimming from the
skirt, flounce and all, leaving it perfectly
plain from belt to braid. Over this I pleat-
ed the late (the width of the lace making
the length of theaekirb,) In full deep pleats,
fastening it only at the belt, and making i6
full enough to fall in de p folds 63 the bit.
tom. On ono aide, I caught it up alightly,
and at the point where it was oanght, pub a
,full bow of moire ribbon with four long loope
and two ends,
I have worn it in this way two yeare, and.
ib looks as good as new, ae the lane prevents
the wear from coming on the silk, which is
as lustrous ae at first. Just now, when
black lace is more faehionabfe than ever, i
a good time to adopt this plan. If your
silk is not very good and oven needs pirating,
you eon make it over, and it will pay for
the coat sad trouble. I have neon a breadth
pieoed Reroee, and the seam did nob ]how
through the lace, eepeoially au the pattern
was nob very open. One ehoukl be guided
in this respect by the appearance of the silk.
Where the color and lustre are good, an
open pattern of lace is preferable, as it looks
Sigh er and softer; but if the Bilk is nob very
fresh looking and needs a good deal of piec.
ing, a thicker pattern that will oover the
silk better, is more desirable, This le a
cheap dregs if one has an old silk, as it. needt
no trimming or buttons, and just now a lane
dress is very stylish.
Household Pests.
The July bulletin of theHatoh experiment
station of the Massachusetts agriculture' col.
lege relaters to household pesto And is hereby
summarized. The buffalo carpet beetle is
destructive to all kinds o woolen geode, but
does nob injure cotton, silk or lace curtains
The beetles emerge from the pupa state In
March and there 10 more than one generation
in a year, They aro more abundant on the
second and third floors than on the first.
They are often found feeding upon the
woolen lint that has accumulated in the
cracke and unless this ie gleaned out they
may coma up and eat the carpet along the
line of the creaks cutting it as completely
as if had been done with the minors. It
is desirable before putting the carpet down
to saturate the lint with benzine or hero.
eerie. The beetle usually lays its eggs under
the exposed edges of the carpet, This may
be prevented by washing over the edgeo of
the oarpeb and e few inohee of the under side
with oorroeive eublimate it bhe proportion
of sixty graino to one pint." It may be rt.
membered that corrective sublimate is a rams
poison, The beetles are attracted by the
bright red figures of a carpet and it may bo
Well to tiptoed pieces of carpeting where red
le the prevailing color saturated with
conceive sublimate ou the bate floors of
closets, The ineegb destroys Woolen fabrics
only in the larva stage.
:The larva) of the bacon beetles are fond
of food containing fat. bt Hagen says that
0 pieces of old cheese be planed in a favor.
able situation the beetle will be attracted to
Aa and will 1.10 very easily destroyed,
An material aubjoob to the attae
cloth mo it may be preserved b
tee tot t n wamaoma
awn; with eprige DI other. The odor of
coder is oo disagreeable that the moth will
not depoolt Ito egge whore bhie odor is at all
strong. The odor of camphor and oodar
only prevent the motile from laying their
eggs ; if the eggs wore laid before the gar.
monis wore put away the odor will not
prevent the hatching of the eggs.
The beat way to doebroy auto is carefully
to follow thorn and discover their nest if
possible ; then destroy the matins oommutity
by making one or more holoe through the
ground and pouring in a teaspoonful of
bisulphide of oarbon and stamping down on
the ground, The fume of the substance will
destroy the whole community.
Hair Dressing.
It is bad for a woman to Hoak her hal
with water in her daily bath, and yet she
may do ib with impunity and even with
harslet, if she pursues the proper after treat•
(neat, The daily wetting of the hair of the
head favor's paraeitio growths on the hair,
and anions the hair le well dried before it
is coiled up it will !memo sour, muoh to its
injury, and give an offensive odor. The
hair may be web daily with lmpaulty, pro•
vided after it to wiped as dry as possible Ib
is soaked with alcohol and briskly rubbed
with the hands. The alcohol dope the par,
asitia growth, and in evaporating carries off
the last of the water, thug preventing all
tendenoy to nutmeats and enabling the hair
to be pub up promptly,
The dfeoaee of the scalp which producers
dandruff eventually produce baldness and
frequently gnickly, Persons who want to
preserve their fine heads of hair have to
otve them the same good ebtentlon they gi
Ober 'minable possessions. If there la mu
daudrafythe head should have a thorough
dressing twice a week. .A dreeaing should
oornmence with the careful roe of a small
tooth -comb until all dandruff in sight is re•
moved, This should be follower with a
thorough washing with warm water nod
white caetile soap. Every portion of the
aoalp should be well robbed and afterwards
every trace of the soap should be washed
away with moderately warm water.
He Had Learned Soinething,
Ouo day Patrick 0"Connolf, a little Irish
boy, took his dinner to school, and it was
eaten by data while sohcol wile 1n session,
The next morning he ate long after the
ethers were through, nod, being asked why
he was outing so long, as he seemed to have
no appetite, *aid; 0 Why, the mate took
my dinner yeator lay, BO I'm going to put it
where it will be safe,"
A Cure or No Pay
is what the Proprietors of D:, Pierce's
Golden Medical Dlsoovoty guarantee bo
those who use that wonderful medicine for
any blood taint, or Ibumors, eruption, pirn•
pies,blotches, ecrofuloua aorta or ewellings,
Money returned 0 it don't head l or ours.
Oa a Horse oar,-Firab lady-" DI take
than than, I don't mind deeding a bit,"
Second lady-" No you take It, Yon are
older thank" An ominous silence, during
which an old gentleman pope into the 0080,
John Smith le tho happiest man that; I
Bat wasn't he blue, though, not three months
"My wife's running down just as fast as oho
And the doctors can't help 'nor," and than this
peer MAD
Almost cried as he thought of the poor, tuff•
'ring wife
Who seemed to ba loafing her hold upon life.
"Smith, I know just how you feel," said a
friend bo whom ho told his sad story. " My
wife was troubled precisely as yours le. I
00 don't just understand it, beoaaso I'm not a
011 woman, bub her back pained her and sh
Glass Houses and Other Possibilities.
The future of the glass industry in the
United States is encouraging, for it is only
ulnae the war that the manufaotnre of
poliohod plate has grown up ; and there
are now running, or building, enough fur-
naces to supply all that will be used in the
country, It is within the last ten years
that the manulaature of cathedral and rough
pieta has been thoroughly established, at
first dieputing and now controlling the home
market against England and Belgium. The
improvement in window glass bap also been
groat, and there are workmen and manu-
faaterere who think they see bhe rising sun
of much batter days and a mach better
American glee:. The concentration of cap•
ital in powerful concern must certainly
lead to changes in the system of labor that
are bound to insure a more finished pro-
duct. A new glace reoently invented in
German 1s mid to add
marvelously to
power of the adfarosoope, A Yale rofessor
announces the invention of a perfect acre -
made telescope lona.
Legends belle of thelost invention of "mal.
',Able glass." Tiberius is said to have die•
000raged a genius who found ,the secret by
beheading him, fearing the innovation would
reduce the value of gold, It le also recorded
that Cardinal Richelieu was presented with
a bueb of malleable glass by a chemist, who
purposely let its fall into fragments, and
mended,lb before his eyes with a hammer.
The inventor was promptly rewarded by per-
petuet imprisonment, lest hie ingenuity
ebonld rain the "vested interests" of French
manufacturers. But if glass may not ape the
metals in malleability, it may imitate them
in another respectjuat as important, A more
fortunate Frenchman (M. de le Beetle) has
within a few years introduced into Europe
e, bronamnted ghee whish, he claims, may
displace oast iron. 11 it fulfile his expecte,
tions lb will mark o now era in glees, and
the old adage "aa brittle as glass" will be
enperoeded by a new one, rag tough as
glen." By his process railway sleepers,
fence poets, drain pipes, tanks, elm., are cash
in monlde and so toughened by a bath in oils
to be stronger than Iron, though muoh Ilgbt-
er, and costing one•tbird ae muoh, Bub it is
questioned whether his restate reaoh what le
claimed for the process. The undeveloped
boaghening promises augur astounding
changes in the future oflase. 1e Glans
houses" may beoome bhe fathlon, and we
may have to reverse our proverb about
them, for they would be bomb -proof, Ale
ready transparent glass bricks are made,
Extending the poeeibititlea of glass a little
farther, why may nob we build bhe entire
struobure of ghee 7 The walla might ne
oemenbed blooke cad like hewn atone, bub
tranaluoent, and of any color. One could
thus inhabit a huge pile of amber or of
gigantic gems. The windows could be
multiform, some of them telescopic, bringing
distant things near, Boma with lenges or
mirrors guiding the foouased sun's heat for
culinary and oomforbable pnrpoeea, others
straining out the light or ohernia rays.
Tapestries, furniture, and utensils might be
made of the universal material. The whole
would be more endurable than granite. No
fiwre could harm its ; lightning would shun it.
Such a dream, blossoming from this miraan-
(oue substance, may be realized by an Alad-
din whose lamp is of glees,-(Harper'e Mag.
azlne for July,]
Gave Themselves Away,
They were three 'pretty, charmingly
dressed, graceful young ladies, which 'so -
counted for the three gallant young men,
They were over the bay, and boding that
they had some time to wait for the train the
three young ladies determined they would
go and call on some other young lady who
lived close by. They told the gentlemen to
wait for them, and they swung gracefully up
the road -a prebty picture. They knew ail
about the picture ; they know bhab the Biz
male oyes worn following them, and they
made bhemoelves ne atbractive to bhe six eyes
as they could, One of the gentlemen called
out after them
"Look out, or you'll boas your train 1"
With ono sword, as if ab the word of oom•
mond, they oamo to a dead halt, end the.
three sweeping gloved hands caught hold of
three bustles, ,there are moments in life
too sabred, too awful for deaoription, and
one of the most awful momenta in a woman's
life is when she bhlnke the book of her dross
has given way. It was another awful mo•
meat that followed when the young ladies
realized that they had given themselves
away. -[San Francisco Ohroniola,
Grace's Guess,
Gracile, aged four, tiding kopt indoors on
account of the rain, became restless, and, to
take up, her attontlon, was given a piece of
finished sewing from which to piek the haat.
ing threads. After working busily for half
an hour oho was called to the dfnnor•table,
After etating,a few month£nlb of [bring bathe
she said t 'I goose God forgot to take aha
Mating tbrobdt ont of thee° heath,"
complained of dragging•down feelings, and a
general weakness and I know that she had
Borne those diaeaaea women aro (subject to,
and had 'am bad, boo. I read aboub Dr,
PIerea'a Favorite Prescription one day, and
lite Bret time I WWI at the drugstore I honghb
a bottle of it and took borne to her. It work-
ed wonders, In a ahorb time she said she felt
like another woman, and she began to hope
that there was relief for her, after all. She
kept on taking the medicine for time, and
now she's woll. Gat a bottle of the 'Presorip•
tion' andtry it on your wife."
"I will," said Smith, And he did, and it
cured her and that's why he's eo happy to•
rr Have you a oigar about you 1' "No ;
I don't buy any now," " What 1 and why,
then f" "Because I want to break yon of
the habit of smoking."
Dr. Segoofferedeward
s Ca arrhRa Remedy fothe r anincurable
All the beet English stationery stamping
ie now done in whits or gold.
The Turtle Mountain Region,
Tbonaands of urea of choice free govern•
ment land, now open for settlers in the
Turtle Mountain Region of Dakota. Here
was raised the wisest thee took drat premium
at Naw Orleans Expoeition, Rich soil,
timber In mountains, good schools, churches,
congenial society. For further information,
maps, rates, etc., apply to F, I, Whitney,
G. P. & T. A, St, P., M. & M. Ry., Sb. Paul
Minn„ or J. M. Hackles, Can. Paas, Agt,
The Book of Lubon.
A Man Without Wisdom Lives in a Fool's
Paradise. A Treobiee especially written
on Diaeaees of Man, containing Feats For
Men of All Agee 1 Should be read by Old,
Middle the Sale of Half a d and YMillon to be the moaMen. Proven t
popular, because written in language plain,
forcible and inetrnotive, Praotiealpreeenb•
[lien of Medloal Common Sense, Valuable
to InvalIdo who are weak, nervone and ex-
hausted, showing now mean by which they
may be cured. Approved by editors, entice,
and the people. Sanitary, Social, Selene
Subjects. Also gives a description of Speci-
fic No, 8, The Groat Health Renewer ;
Marvel of Healing and Soh-i-noor of Medi-
cines, Ib largely explains the mysteries of
life, By its teachings, health may be main.
tained. The Book will teach you how to
make life worth living. If every adult in
the civilized world would reed, understand
and follow our views, there would be a
world of physical, intelleotual and morel
giants, Thio Book will be found a truthful
presentation of facts, calculated to do good.
The book of Lubon, the Talisman:of Health I
Brings bloom to the oheek, strength to the
body and joy to the heart. It is a message
to the With and Otherwioo. Lubon'0 Spool -
&c No. 8, the Spirit of Health. Those who
obey the lave of this book will be crowned
with a fadeless wroath. Veet nnmbere of
men have felt the power and beatified to the
virtue of Lubon'o Specific No, 8, AU Men
Who are Broken Down from overwork or
other eauoeo nob mentioned in the above,
should fiend for and read this Valuable Trea-
tise, which will be sent to any address, seal-
ed, on receipt of ten Dente in ebamps. Al-
droae all orders to M, V. Lubon, room 15, 50
Eront Street E:, Toronto, Canada.
Ail Graduates of Alma Fino Arts College
are legally qualified to tench in Public and
High Schools, Collegiate Institutes, Me-
chanics' Institutes, and the Arte Schools of
the province.
Last year Alma pruned 116 out of 137 can.
didates in the Provincial Art 'Examinations,
took the only four full Advanced Certificates
given in the province, also 6 full Primary
CertiSeatta and won 2 Gold Medal (.ertfi•
Alma's reobrd in pant year, has been un-
equalled in the Fine Aro work and ehe now
:wands unrivalled in this reapeot in the
Dominion of Canada,
Her Art room and epparabas %readmitted-
ly the best in Ontario, and her deft of in
atruobien unsurpassed.
A number of graduates of Alma Fine art
Sohool have reoeived Collegiate appoint.
melte in Canada and the United States
For 60 pp. Calendar, address Principal
Austin, A,111.,
A. P. 461.
B 10 Y0 _ r 130 90eonlisttud
Hent for list.
Artificial Limbs
87 NOrtlreoto Aa•o, . Toronto, ant,
SailinL and
LIVERPOOL. yBaleenu'ricketo,36860 ed
600. Return Tlokttp, 600, 600 eat 3110, a0008ding to
steamer Aad aeotmmodAttO,,- Interns:dlato 010
Round Trlpp Tlokote, $00, Stomata, 620, Apply to
IS 30100104!, General Manager Canada Ship.
ping CO., 1 Ot0TOM 1ltose *MARIE MONTaaet, 01
10 L cal Agents
In 411 Towbe And (*lee.
n"x gwa r wrss,, areas ntg_mr,
... ro ..."4",....---4,
��/ge 14✓I AIYI j F 7, rgoso co To8o0 ut ,q v
1„,,,,„.00Interest ort
oboes 'comity, ripply to
,: NUL dadBF
.003D LIV2R OIL wnru
It is Palatable as Milk,
It is three times as efficacious as
plain Co. Liver Cil,
It is far superior to all other so-
called Emulsions.
It is a perfeot Emulsion, does not
separate or change,
a in mr.derful as 0, flesh producer,
It is the best remedy for Consump-
tion, Sorofula, Bronchitis, Wast-
ing Diseases, Ohronio Cough and
Sold by elf I]raygtots, 00e. and $1.0o.
PATEN00 procured, Poient Attoroey6, and oxporta,
l000'dlee7, Donald 0 also,[ Rt Co., Toronto,
CANCER NCE@ and Tomo,s CURED; no knife,
1V117�'941 �NVI MW=r Eamo @BC9 book free. On. MCMICHAEL,
No. 0e Niagara St, 0, 0,0o, PLY,
TEkCl1Elt3 azo make money during vacation
try canva0alng for one or more of our feet selling
Books and 6141, s, especially History of Crnada, by
10. H. Withrow, 1),D, latest and beet edition over
Ilublished, prices low, terns literal. Write for
lustrated circulars and terms, . WM, BRIGGS,
Publisher, Toronto.
d^tiIUELPil Bildt°F:SS 0)11,4I:t.8. Guelph,
Ont. -There are no vaoati,,ns, the college being
In eeeslon throughout the entire year. Its graduates
are meeting with dist ngulehed mucee%% as book•keep•
ere, buoineaa managers, ,l0rihand•w,Otera, court
reporters, etc, Individ sal instruction la a feature of
the institution, Graduate, a si=ted le obtaining
positions. Addreso
AL MAa0ORM1C1l, Prluolpal,
45 Bing Street karst, Toronto,
Formerly, for over Ilve yearn, Principal of the Short-
hand loatltuto to connection with the Canadian Buei•
near University. Tyvewriting department under the
management of Mr. GEO, 0000rOUGH, agent for the
Remington Typewriter, App for circular, Mention
this paper in writing.
Pat, hydraulic', hand and steam elevators,
Oanadiao Elevator Works, Pater and Queen streets,
WnrOOb ENGRAvert
$ F7
Will re -open e open SEPT, 4, with coolly CONSERVATORY o
ogu added, Very large faculty in Literature
Laoguagee Science, ]noels and Art. Has over 240
Graduates imms, 0 o ., address theege Ileums n
Prado Mark. Mods by THE ALBERT TOILET SOAP 00Y.
Merchants, Butchers,
anal Traders generally,
We want a GOOD MAN In your looallty to pink up
For os. Cash Furnished on satlsfaotory guamnt,
C. S. 7..8..2034
Hypo Pana, Torment, U. S.
The Peiiberthy
10,000 in um 1n oanada ; 26,000
In use In the United States, They
are simple and cost lees than
other makes, while portorming the Same work, The
start eaey at 26 lbs, steam, and work to 101 lbs ; Lttt
water 1e to 20 00, and work from a heed as well,
Aoken, to and or cirotlnx when ourreot to boiler 1,
broken, Heol for olroular to Mata ONoe,
Penbortlly Injector Co., Detroit, Iriieh,
Factorise, Windsor, Can. and Detroit, Mich
Mention this paper.
If You Cannot Keep Cool
Seta tonal Wheel wind Mill
,rade. Strong, durable and grower.
tub ; never was blown down, Super.
for to all others, both geared and for
pumping. Do not Meet money to a
wooden mill when an iron
mill can be purchased as
cheaply. Will give one at
wholesale prion where they"
are not repreeeated, War•
tented for two yoor,. Write
now for price list, We ad.
may not appear again in thl0 paper, MONIES WANTED,
Adcreae J. Afe' J•;Y, 1Nrrrltdale, Ont.
out the Bagger.
17,000 now In nee.
1000 ofuredo Mills
have bean sold this
year already, They
will be exhibited at
all the lendlu,Falre
and London,
ref`los thaaee
others the mar.
kat, Da not buy
until you get my
*edam and later•.
oration, Our' Pat•
er aBagging Appar.
atm 00800 time and
aheo. Will bag 60 to 86 bhebere per hour, end can be
Welled to any of the tuaohhtee made by he durlog
he feet leUr years. ,,gents Wanted.
OA 001 toeelmoay ae lollowa;
I have used Ht 'Leen, Bellevo It lobe both curative
And refro•hing,-I'Uly JOION Porro, P D.
Bono, AI neck, Penh and blood•-notl,Ong on the
European eminent t0 opus! this W1140rup of
poisoned, wasted humanity; 8t Leon Ie to such better
than gold, -Da 8101,0,0,
Ourad of dyopett.fa. Was a skeleton; pin now et
and e0rong,.-W 0 Poem, Qaebso.
Fiend In goer orders or go to the Springs to Qusb,u
the fountain of fresh lite, vlpnur and joy.
TOE ST, aooN MMIE oAL co.
Toronto. Montreal and Ouelaeo,
Allan Line Royal Mail Steamship
Halling during Mater from Portland every Thursday
and Halifax everyeaturday to Liverpool, and In sum-
mer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool,cetftue
eS I, ,dooderry to land malls and0assengers for
HOom.md and Ireland • oleo front 000050)050, via Snit
100 and St. John'%, E,F., to Liverpool •fortnightly
during rammer menthe, The steamers of the Olae•
row 300 'enll during winter to and Irom HAMA:,
Portland, Boetao and Pbiiadolphln ;and during sum.
mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly' Ulmer
gow and Breton weekly, and Glasgow and Philadel•
phlo fortnightly,
For freight, passage or other Information apply to
A. Schumacher a Oo., Baltimore ; S. Canard A Go,,
Halifax Shea It Go., St. John's, NHd„ Wm, Thomp•
eon k Co„ St, John, N, B.; Allen 8 Co., Oblegeo,
Love 8 Alden New York; H, Dueller, Toeoo00
Aliens, Rae a t o,, Quebec; Wm, Brookle, Pblladel•
phis ; H, A. Allen Portland Boston Montreal,
Provident Life and LW Stock
A Mutual Benefit Association,
SOLID INVESTMENT -By paying to the above
Association ONE CENT PER DAY, n person aged
twenty-two, and twa cents per day a person aged
forty dour on nature Five Dollars per seek while
disabled through eicknees or accident, also for two
and three Dente per day, persona egad air above can
secure for their dependants, Five Hundred Dollars In
event of death,
LIVE STOCK OWNERS coo provide against lose
by death through disease or accident of their stock,
at easy rates, Those interested, Wend for prospectuses
eta, Reliable Agente wanted in unrepresented die
WLLLIAM JONES, Managing Motor.
Iterristere alt 1 Solloltura,
Walllnaton 80•, oor, Oboroh, (aver Beek of Tototl4i
Parties Melting to purobaoa Improved Mnnlforee
Forme, Irom 60 acres upwarde, with immediate,
poeovrelon, call or write to G. 1. )a.41FLHON, YA.
Arthur's ,look, Mein et„ Winnipeg. Intormatlon;
tnrutabod tree of charge, and Bottler° paotsted• ler
making celeotloa.
z:(:) N 331 ' ' T C T_ CD A.
Delivered anywhere in Canada, Largest Stack..
Lowest Prime,
McCausland & Son,
For supplying constantly pure and !rush water fat
tile fPIlowing purposes, viz
Pumldng Water
for Stock,
Fenn Buildings,
Vitto Residences
Green Monose,
Town 00 Village
Water ;Yorke,
Pumping' for
Fire Proleotton
Sewage, Hines, ti
Low Londe,
These ogle-_
bra,ed wlod•`„rre
mill, are made
from one man toy
forty horse•pow:.-»*".
Mention this paper.
er. They ate
perfectly cow
tronable MOBS
and uniform 1n.
Gearsd. 00110
for abaft eulttng
rood pulpfoge
threshing, 00N0.`-
ing waod,grinds
lag corn, ate,
oto. Also mann,
foadurereof lend
ools, iron and:
wooand a full Unset
Stanway, Town.
sFarm, andOroa,
meatal "Water
Supply /latent.
ale. Calulogna
and P,ioe Liela,
;with references,.
malted free ow.
aPPIOcoron ttr.
Corfeeratio i C
�i.a•µt'. ' 4-^'-T�
OVER $3,000,000ASSETS
SIR, W. P. H OWL AND, President.
.&Craaay. r v,ca•pnrym,P,T.. •{
With Upright or Horizontal boilers.
I2, 16, zo, 25 1 Suitable for all work:
and 30 H.P. ,j Threshing Saw1oE.
�rrckmalting, ,,e
Traction Engines
12, 16 and 20 Horse -power-,
For the North-West.
Send for Circulars.
Waterous Engine Works Cor.
The Novel Standard
,l,i ioilpp16mIPtndNmiltr'll'tap
I , ;r :�,•� M ,
Thio Stove is pre eminently the most 0uoaessful Coal Cook in the market, Like its Aster
(Stove, Tao OR111NAL, la ha an indivllu.elity of he own, and,fulSla every claim
We made for it when putting it on bile market. It can be fitted with 0
water front. Wood linings are supplied for Summer 0180,