HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-8-9, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST HIS Zitl`'t `' Ili '[ was we are slaughtering a lot of Fine Wooi Tweeds bought at TO cents on the dollar. We are also cleaning out Ends of Dress Goods, Millinery and ummer Goods of every Description at a Great Sacrifice to make room for Fall Goods which are now arriving daily. We have in Stock a full Line of Boots and Shoes and will put the prices leo low that no Opposition eau meet our Low Prices. Do not fail to get our quot- ations before making your Purchases in this Line of our trade. Our Groceries and Crockery we are selling at a much lower price than any other Merchant in that line of trade. We are doing the Imperial Quart and Half -gallon Jem Jars at Lower Prices than any other House in the Trade, a ziaw r n sin J .A6. swoon -"gra F 10=N-T4on Hardware Men's Prices. 0-A1 FIELD EOUSE. Butter, Eggs, O I elA'.+e! TX—1 lv +..1 _k rd •F4 4a a 01iQ `';, Which we Purchased, we will Save You 40 Your Obedient Servants, etc., taken as Cash, € istrici gebos. Cranbroolc. The new hotel of Chas. Demos will add considerably to the appearance of the village when completed. Wm. Brown left on Tuesday of this week for Morton, Man., whore ho will take charge of au engine in connection with a steam thresher. He will fill the hill if any man can. ereaxorth. The Sun is taking a holiday this week, Mayor Wilson proclaimed Tuesday as the civic holiday. Rev. Mr, MoOoy, of Eguiondville, has been tendered a unaimous call from a congregation in Chatham, New Bruns- wick. John A. Wilson, of this town, took second place in the grand aggregate of the Wimbledon team, Lieut. Ogg coming in first. W. G. Duff hu opened an office in Daly's block, in this town, and will carry on the business of accountant, insurance, collecting and money loaning in all its branches. Leslie Plewes and Shilstine Kerslake, ex -students of the Collegiate Institute, who were recently attending the Central Business College, Stratford, have passed their final examinations and received their diplomas. In the 0. L. A. Western District series on Tuesday the game between Seaforth and Stratford was won by the former in four straights in an hour and thirty minutes. The play was clean on both aides, being entirely devoid of slugging or fouling, giviug the referee What in slang parlauce is known' ee a snap. • Ci.1`e.i-. L. ItIaNeil is home from Michigan. Fall wheat harvest is about finished and the barley harvest is well under way. .A. valuable young horse belonging to Lachlan McNeil was badly choked while working ou a hay fork and willbe laid up for a while. The annual extension to Lake Huron, which is billed for Goderich on Tuesday 20th inst., is now attracting the young folks and the old folks too and there will in all probability be a large turn out. Smemenum.—A young fellow in the fouthern portion of the township says that when coming home a few nights ago, and while in the vicinity where his girl resides, that he was taken possession of for a short time by powerful arms and "And the world pneseth away and the had his bands securely fastened behind his book, and a wooden contrivance fas- tened around 'lie neck and projecting down to his toes, and in thie way had to walk home which was a good way. He reached his destination in due time and was released by other members of the family. It is said that some other young follows over there who were in the habit of keeping very late hours are keeping bettor time now for fear of getting poked too. Every body talks of the matter and it is the opinion that it is Jack the Ripper in a new role. II. Hoar and J. H. MoBain paid a flying visit to Londesboro' during the past week, John Moore, merchant at Newry, hes sold out to Mr. Gee, of Listowel, and pur- poses removing to Manitoba We fall. Samuel Shannon end Joseph Ward, two of our "boys," have secured schools in their own neighborhood; which speaks well for them. There was an unusually largo attend. ante at the Quarterly meeting sorvioes fn the Methodist eborah last Sabbath. Rev. D. Rogers, the new pastor, preached an appropriate sermon, after which the usual services were held. It was a time of profit. On the following day the bind - nese meeting was held, which was most agreeable. The Board expressed them. selves as hopeful and devised liberal things. The congregations have very mach increased up to the present, and the outlook for spiritual results ie good. F31 re evttl e, Rev. Geo, Lounds, wife and eon, of Wiarton, were here last week, attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Timmins. Fall wheat will not yield anything like was expeoted from it a few weeks ago. The grain is very good but small. Thos. Farrow, who has received the appointment of Postmaster at Brussels, will shortly remove hie family to that town. Bluevale is included in the list in me- neotion with the Sabbath school excur. sion to Goderich on Tuesday, Aug. 20th. By the bills posted up we learn that the train will leave here at 8.50 a. m. and that the return fare is 06 cents for adults and 85 for children. There will be, dPubidess, quite a number go from Blue - vale. Onrr.—Last Friday the spirit of Mrs. Jas. Timmins took its flight. For agood while ehe had been in poor health and her disease, paralysis of the brain, was of such a character that ehe suffered con- siderably. The deceased had a large circle of friends and acquaintances who will miss her greatly. Mre. Titnmius was a cultured, well-educated person and enjoyed the esteem of all who knew her. She lett 2 sons and a daughter to the care of her husband. The family has resided here for &boob 14 years. Tho funeral took place on Sunday afternoon, the service being held in the Presbyterian church on account of it being larger than the Methodist church. Rev. I. B. Wal - win preached an excellent and appro- priate discourse from the 17th verse of the 2nd chapter lst Epistle of John :— Sly Rev. J, F. Parke and lady left here on Tuesday for a trip up the lakes, R. Ooleton left here on Thursday of last week for St. Thomas where he has obtained a situation. R. Howard & Son have the briok work of Slater et Sims block almost completed and ready for the roof. W. Moutry, brickmaker, shipped sev. eral cars of hie brick to the circular town last week, with more to follow. Our fire company is praotleing nightly in the park to take part in the Doming tournament. at Listowel on the 16th. On Friday evening when LawyerJobn. son and a friend were driving to ahurok their horse shied and bolted at some. thing between here and Londesboro', throwing both occupants out into the ditch, Mr. Johnson received several outs on the head which bad to be stitched up, his comrade ooming off more for- tunate. Early on Sunday morning Scott Bros. furniturefaotory here and a large Tuan. tity of furniture was destroyed by fire. R. Smith being the first to notice it, pro- ceeded with all hasty and sounded the fire alarm, The firemen nobly respond- ed to the call and had two streams play. ing on the burning building in a very short time, from Belfry's tank, but the fiames had got euoli headway in the meantime that it was an utter impos- sibility to save the building. Fortun- ately there was no wind at the time or it would have proved more serious as there is a large nureher of buildings elope to the factory. One or two buildings caught Are from the wafted coats but there being tote of men they were goon put out. We understand that there is a small insurance en the property, • Atwood. Several new buildings are in course of emotion and will be completed here. Some of the farmers in this neighbor- hood report the wheat as being badly rusted, The funeral of the late Mies Wilson wag largely attended. Rev. A, Hendee - son oflieiatod. The Sunday schools of thin place talk of patreniziugg the auntie! G. P. R. ex. sursion to Goderiob On Tuesday, 20th' inst., The return faro from hero is only Ha. for adults sled 4&i for children, Train leaves here at 7:68 0. 00, - lust thereof ; but a that doeth the will of God abideth for ever." The inter- ment was made in the cemetery here. Wingliaam. All the entrants from the Wingham public sohnol succeeded in passing. Full arrangements are being made for the Wingham fall races on the 8th of September. Dr. Macdonald Bold a quarter section of land -160 acres—near Portage la Prai. rte, Manitoba, for $3,800. D. Sutherland has begun the erection of a new residence on his corner lot bought from Geo. McKay on the Diagonal road. A decoration day (td decorate the graves of the dead brethren) for Wing - ham, was inaguratod this year, the day chosen being Friday, the 9th of August. Dr. A. F. McKenzie, who has for near. ly a year been practicing in Wingham, decided to find wider scope for the oxer- oiae of his profeesional skill and last week removed to Toronto, where he expsots to locate, professionally. As tenders for the new town ball have been advertised for, we may state briefly what sort of a building ie contemplated. The main etrueture will be 90 feet in length by 50 in width, with two wings 24 feet by 12, intended to give stairway room. The basement will be construct- ed for renting, the fleet story for council chamber, offices, &a, and the second, toll size, for hall. The auditorium will be capable of seating eix or seven huudred people and will be so conetruoted that a gallery can be added, if necessary. The front end will have a mansard roof,whioh will also extend round the sides the length of the wings. There will be a front pro. jection and tower, giving a line areibee. tura! appearance. Listowel. The Standard is taking a holiday this week. J, S. Gee baa bought out the general store of J. J. Moore, at Newry. It has been decided to hold the Pall Fair here on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the 18th, 19th and 20th days of September. John Slay, of this town, has been awarded rho entreat for the stone and brick work of a new Baptist church at 'Netherton. Abort twenty.flvo members of the town Foresters and Workmen lodges drove over to Palmerston on Sunday to attend tho union service conducted by Rov. Mark Turnbull, of Kincardine. John Livingstone, sr., received a postal card on Monday from hie granddaughter, Mies Mary Scott, daughter of J. W. Soots, batilcor of thie town, who ie visiting, along with her permits, the Paris Ilx- hibition. The card was wribten en the top of tho Eifel tower, which is the high- est structure over erected by the hand .of man. Its height is 084 feet, being 320 ment, which, until a year ago, was the highest structure in the world. In com- parison the other famous etructuree, such as the Cathedral at Cologne, 522 feet, the Cathedral at Rouen, 492 feet, the Cathe- dral at Strasbourg, 466 feet, St, Peters, Rome, 432 feet; sink into almost insigni- ficance beside the Eifel tower. It is erected on the Champ de Mare, near the river Seine, and iv the central figure of the Paris Exhibition. Its cost was about 81„300,000. lilies Scott writes that it took the party about foui' 1,0000 bo ascend to the top, where a view of the great oily and far into the surrounding coanlry is obtained. Tbo Listowel party intend making a trip to Switzerland before re- turning from the continent. Wm. Loohhead, I3. A., eon of the geuial deputy -reeve of Elmo., who has been teaching in the Perth High School, has received the appointment of Science master fn an excellent school nearer home, the Galt Collegiate Institute. Be- fore leaving Perth he was presented with an address and a valuable gold•headed cane by the scholars. 1bLo t• V144. Wm. Brydon is home from Allenford for a visit. Thos. Maunders' new brink residence is approaching completion. It will be a very comfortable and convenient building. The Morris Voters' List for 1889 is in the hands of the Clerk. It contains 0 polling sub•divisions with a total of 927 names, A horse belongiug to Jno. Sommerville was so badly injured by the reaper run. ning on its heels that it had to be killed. The neck yoke broke or slipped letting the machine run on the beam. Richard Armstrong, a well known farmer of this township, is home from the Northwest after a stay of four months. He says the dry weather has played "hob” with the crops in the most of places. He took up land and holds it yet. Tho only crop he had in was oats. A correspondent from Uxbridge writes as follows concerning a former resident of this township :—The induction of Rev. W. G. Hanna, late of Tara, to the pastor- ate of the Presbyterian church berg took place on Thursday afternoon of last week in the presence of a large congregation. A preliminary meeting of the Presbytery was held at 10;80, and at 2:30 the in. duotion servioss were commenced, Rev. Mr. Johnston, of Lindsay, preaching en eloquent and s irring sermon from John xx., 21. At the conclusion of the die- eourss Mr. Hanna answered the statutory questions satisfactorily, and was duly in- ducted to the obarge of the congregation. The pastor was then addressed by Rev. A. Y. McLaohliu, of Leaskdale, and the congregation by Rev. U. Campbell, of Quaker Hill, each pointing out the duties and obligations oue owed to the other. In the evening a tea was held in *escheat room, when theladies perform- ed their duties with their usual grace, after which addresses were delivered in the church by the newly inducted pastor and other ministers of the Presbytery. /F.1) tatmt, 1 b* 08+, Private Funds to ,Loan. $20,0 00 Have been placed in my hands for Investment on real estate. LOWEST RATE OF lt4TERES T. No Commission. Borrowers can have loans com- pleted in Three Days if title Satisfactory. W. M. SINCLAIR, Solicitor, Brussels. MEAT MARKET, Stith Street, Irrttasels ANDREW CURRIE, PROPRIETOR. Fresh ::+rli Salt seats Of the hest quality always on hand and do. livered to any part of the viflege free of charge, Terms very favorable. FAT CATTLE WANTED! For which the highest market price will be paid. false make a specialty of buying elides and Skins. Don't forget the plane next door to Fietoher'sjewelry Store. A. CURRIE. Baby Canlans = aby Curiages ]3A:13Y, r�AHRIAGES ! Handsome Display of Baby Carriages in all the est Nowta. LATEST STYLES, The Morris and Brandon branch rail- and sold at way is completed to lltiami. NBa$iSW@dKIVANb Geo. Barclay was fatally wounded by MZ6MS% highwaymen near Ottawa. Call in and Se our Stock A men wee killed at Yarmouth, N. S. by a Dannon ball, which was accidentally fired. • Dingle Bros. of Oshawa, have an order from Manitoba for 820,000 worth of seed drills. - Thos. Todd, of Galt, has a asparagus plant that has grown 8 ft. 8 in. in five weeks. Windsor thinks it is now big enough to doff town clothes and ammo city habili- ments. Haley, who committed the murderous assault on alias Ellis, of Garafraxa, has been captured, The contract to build the new 816,000 postoffioe at Strathroy has been let to an Ottawa firm. It is said that the pack of salmon in 13. 0. gala year will be 100,000 casae more than last year. George Laidlaw, the well-known -pro- moter of Ontario railways, died last Tuesday evening at Salaam Lake. It ie understood that Zion. 0. H. Tup- per, Minister of Marine and Fisheries will go up to Owen Sound on the Deem - Bien of the trial trip of the new O.P.R. steamship Manitoba. Judge Maopherson, senior judge of Grey county, died- at Owen Sound on Sunday. He held the position for many years, and had a wide circle of friends. Ho was best known outside the county, however, as a Freemason, -having occu- pied a scat in the Grand Lodge of Cana. da:for a long period. The Provincial Government have, at the instance of the Minister of Agrioul, tura, issued a commission to De. Bryce to premed to the district, including Kent and Lambton Comities, and tttke ovi. demo bearing upon the outbreak of a contaggion disease which fres recently tip. poaeod in a number of horses. The nature of the disease ie somewhat ob. servo, but ie nett that breeders will be interested in knowing that the Minister Of Agriculture is takingthe most over. miasma iasurea for otaining as much act information as is possible regard - g its extent in order that the Depart. eat may be in a position to devise of- tivo enemas for stamping it out. to (mmuvesion will begin its duties in ietham at once. ex in m foe feet higher then thn Washit,Xkrn mann. en before you order elsewhere. Buggy Lugs, Dusters, Fly Nets, iVltflis, always on hand. Splendid Assortment of Trunks, Valises and Satchels in Stock. H. Dennis. LISTEN Woot ( J will be Forwarded to NEW SUBSCRIBERS --�—FROItI— Now to Jan. 1st, 1890, —POP. THIS SVaf OP--- .. Cents! IN ADVANCE, IG IITINGALE SG Co. S. PLUM, PHOTOS. General Blacksmith, wishes to intimate to the public generally that he does all kinds of Blnoksmithing in a Workmanlike Manner. wagons, Baggies, Sleighs and Cutters made to Order. Repairing promptly Executed. I make a Specialty ofHorse-shoeing. A Call Solicited. ii -Remember the Stand.—NEAR TDB Bnin6E. 21 S. Plum. TINTYPES, d - For • - Ceuta,. All woo:. from the Smallest le Life ales done in a first-class wanner. 01 Residences, Etc., at iteasemeb,e Rates. w • X. Fairfield. ETHEL CRIST AND FLOUR MRCS. The undersigned having completed the change from the stone to the celebrated Hungarian System of Grinding, has new the Mill in First -Class Running Order and will be glad to see all his olci customers and as many neiv ones as possible. e 1®,r and reef Alwa,vs c and. Highest Price paid for any quantity of Good Grain. -VV-M. MIL E. I3ETTER XES F06 THE FAFLM�R_ The Brussels Woolen Mill wants to get 500,000 LBS. OF WOOL either for CASH or in exchange -.- for Goods. The Highest Yarket Price Paid 1n Casn and a Few Cents .fore in "rade, Wo have a Fine Assort- meant of Tweeds, Cottons, Flannels, Blankets, Sheet- ing, Knitted Goods, Yarns, &c, All Wool left with us for manufacturing, whether rolls or othoo- wise, will have our prompt attention. SATISFACTION" GUARANT'D 1a- Wo wish to remind the Farmers that the "Woolen Mill Store" in Brussels is not connected with THE BRUSSELS WOOL- EN MILL, but is sellclii Goals from tete Listowel Bill, which 'IVo consider a groat advantage to the Fanners of this .Locality, as the.. two Stores aro side by side and the Goods and Prices can cosily bo Compared. We aro YOUR OBEDIENT SERVANTS, co.O. ROWE & oo.,