HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-8-9, Page 4A WONDERFUL LAKE WHOSE WATER 00ET11 GOOD L11SE A MEOIOINE Tt_ s+>L� lies n P1.M:_ D``. ICAL L KE,REMEDIES OL ''.V•E9�B.''0p9P-uM0c}.A PtjOi..51 p.0) •. !TRY NATURES PURE -PEERLESS POTENT s SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. TOTEMOFHEA171C0LONDON, ONT. New Advertisements. Idustrial Fair—J. J. Withrow. Excursion—Jos, Hickson. Dorris Voters' List—Wm, Clark. Provineial Exhibition --Henry Wade. Local—R, Leatherdale. 0.,1Je 1`u$5els `Vest. FRIDAY. AUG. 9, 1889 TILE Montreal Witness says :—The Governor. General is said to be very angry al the resolution passed by the delegation whom be so badly snubbed. 12 that troubled him what will be think of the compliments be has since received from newspapers of the most opposite views. Ile says according to the Evrne- trtent, that he will not receive any mora such delegations. That goes without saying. He will find it eaey to avoid them during whatever remains of his stay in Canada. The people with whom he should be angry are those who put him into such prominence and those who formed his opinions en the Jesuit agita- tion and used him to do the offensive work, which he did so well that they are now repudiating him. Nothing could have been better done than was the Goveruor•General's part of the proceed- ing if his object was to see that the agi. ration should not lack fuel. Better pint - foam material could not have been fur- nished than the needless affronts he heaped upon men who are respected by the whole nation, who certainly repro. sent the earnest feeling of the whole of the community from which they Dome, and who were at their own espenee doing an expensive and disagreeable pub. lio service. General News THE BRUSSELS POST sausages, 1,200 pounds of ham, CANADA S AT pounds of bacon, 10,00u eggs. 1,000 Money to Loan, INDUSTRIAL ----- -iu ,�y ��1I 11f011ey to LoOn T'arnl perty, Int A,grioiilt'ral Exposition LOWEST RATES, quarts of milk, 700 pounds of butter, 110 pounds of coffee, 87 pounds of tea, 900 pounds of sugar, 100 pounds of rice, 200 pounde of barley, 100 jars of jam and jelly, 50 bottles of pickles, 50 bottles of sauces, 20 barrels of apples, 14 boxes of lemons, 18 boxes of oranges, 0 tons of pofaloea, 24 bauels of flour, Wm. Scott, the oldest employes of I Moears, Eyre Sr Spottiswoode, the famous; London publishers, died. recently. He had been on the firm's pay^rolls for 81 years. While the wolves were being fed at the London Zoological Gardena one after. noon recently one of them leaped over the head of the keeper and escaped into the gardens. There were several ohild- ren near at hand, and, but for the brave- ry of the keeper they could scarcely have escaped injury. This luau instantly seized the animal, and, although hia hands were terribly bitten --one band, indeed, being pierced through with the wolf's fangs, be succeeded in mastering the beast and returning it to its oage. Last week 32 tons of peas were receiv- ed at the Delhi canning faotory. The Calgary Herald says 71 oil springs hove been discovered in the Crow's Nese pass. Port Hope agrioultural society is ar- ranging to have the female baseball club of Chicago to play there on fair day. The Warden of Sirucoe when presiding at the county caution sessions wears a gorgeous cocked hat and silk gown, pur- chased at a cost of $110. Christ Church, Winnipeg, although only built recently at a oast of $15,000, has been found all out of plumb and will be torn down and a new one erected. Two remarkable cases of longevity are reported from Masham township, Ottawa county, liobt. McCorkell, a native of Donegal, Ireland, dying on the 4th inst., at the ripe age of 101 years ; his widow, 03 years of age, surviving him fourteen days. The coal edam which the Medicine Hat Coal Company have been digging for, has been reaohed at a distance of 235 feet from the surface. The coal is of good quality, and promises to be a success. Samples have been sent to Toronto for analysis, and if the result of the examin• ation is favorable a railway will be built to the mine, and the development will be immediately commenced. The results are awaited with interest here. The Cretan insurrection is spreading. Two thousand dervishes have submit- ted to the Egyptian army. The town of Lee, Maine, has neither lawyer, doctor nor minister. The Russian police have been arresting a great many Nihilists and Socialists. The reported alliance between France and Russia is denied from St. Peters- burg. Sic young ladies officiated as pall- bearers at the funeral of Miss Lucas, in Hamilton. Mrs. George Pendleton Bowler, a OM. cinatti lady, has been captured by ban- dits in Italy. The requisite number of signatures for the opening of the erect Sioux Reserva- tioned. Haas uses negotiating a treaty with eapan which will open the whole interior of Japan to foreign trade. Two factions of Chinese coolies, num- bering 5,000 in all, engaged in bloody riots at Sang hong, Siam. Thirty persons were killed and eighty injured by the recent earthquake on Mae island of Xiou Sion, in Japan waters. The average wheat yield in Illinois this season is seventeen bushels per acre, and the aggregate is 54,000,000 bushels. The Governor of Minnesota has refus- ed to pardon Bob Younger, the notorious Missouri outlaw, who is dying of cone sumption in Stillwater prison. Amanda Fisher, employed by Gray, Boynton & Fox, candy manufacturers, Detroit, invested $1 in the Louisiana state lottery and drew $15,000. A. steamer with an excursion of 500 colored people ran into a drawbridge at Savannah, Ga•, last Friday night. Two were killed and twentyeight injured. It is not generally known that Mr, Gladstone has only three fingers on bis left hand. The index finger was shot off 47 years ago by an accident in the field During a review at Buda Pesth, on Monday, the colonel of an Hussar regi- ment ordered his men to oharge. The beat was excessive and the men were al. ready worn out. Twentyseven men fell exhausted from their saddles. One has since died. Mr. Wiok, of Chelsea, England, is the father of a peculiar infant. prodigy. His daughter Nellie, four years of age, re- cently shaved five men inside of thirty minutes for a silver medal. She perform• ed the operation very neatly, and had ten minutes to spare, spending about four minutes on each victim. Mies Jennie Slack, aged sixteen years, residing in the bluegrass region of Iowa, near Villisoa, has this season planted and cultivated 85 acres of Dorn, besides milk- ing six cows night and morning and helping in other work about the farm and household. The corn is in fine con- dition, and the young lady who raised it has done so for her invalid father, who was unable to pay a hired hand or do it himself. Considerable amusement was caused at Little Rook, Ark., on Monday upon receipt of a dispatch stating the appoint- ment of Americus M. Neely, of Forest City, as Receiver of Public Money et Little Rook. Neely was shot and killed in the Forest City riot some months ago. He had been recommended to the posi- tion of Receiver by the State Repubheam Executive Committee, ane his appli- cation being on Ale the appointment was made. At the Paris Exposition the great 12.6- ineb De Bange gun attraote large crowds. The gun is 41 feet long and it weighs 47 tons, It throws a projectile weighing 880 pounds, with an initial velootty of 2,182 feet per second. Its range, when tried last May at the Calais proving grounds was 5 2.3 miiee at 10 degrees elevation, and 114.5 miles at an eleva. Mon of 30 degrees, A0 short range it pierced steel armor 25,52 inches thick, and at 1,500 yards it pierced steel armor 19.09 inches think. This gun on board a ship in the "pocket" off Coney island could drop its 880 pound eholle in New York City. The food consumed on one of the large steamships from New York to Liverpool was as follows ;--Nine thousand five hundred pounde of beef, 4000 pounde of mutton, 000 pounds of lamb, 256 pounds of veal, 150 pounds of pork, 140 pounds of pickled lege of pork, 600 pounds of corned. tongues, 700 pounds of corned beof, 2,000 pounds of 6e0h fish 20 pounds of calves' foot, 18 pounds otos{vee' !Dade, 450 fowls, 240 spring chickens, 120:lecke, 50 turkeys, 50 geese, 600 egeabe, 300 tins of ordinal, 300 plovers, 176 pounds of MONEY TO LOAN. PRIV'.4TE FUNDS. of Private Funds have just been placed in my hands for In- vestment AT 7 PER OENT. Borrowers can have their loans complete in three clays if title is satisfactory. Apply to E. E. WADE. AGENT, G..fl • DEl1 D,)W N, 38-ly 13 nu tiS BILI4. SABBATH SCHOOL lest pawATE AN11 T eaiept. 0 'Co Inoreased Prizes, Greater Attractions and a Grander display than ever before. Newest and Best Special Features that Money can Procure. The Greatest An- nual Entertainment on the American Continent. Cheap Excursions on all Railtvays. Over 260,000 Visitore attend• ed this Exhibition het Year. Entries close Aug. 17. For Prize Lists and Forms, Programa, etc., drop a post oard to H. J. HILL, J. J. WITHROW, MANAGER, Toronto. PREeIDENT• T. FLETCHER, PRACTICAL WATCHIXAXER AND JEWELLER. Thanking the publics for past 1avors and support and wishing still to secure your patronage. We are opening out full lines in GOL`_', & WA'i• CH E . SILVER PLATED WARE from established and reliable mak era fully warranted by us. Clocks of the Latest De,sg GIZ.Y. Wedding Rings, Ladies Gem Rings, Broaches, Earrings, ,ke Also have in stook a full line of Violins and Violin Stringe. &c. N. B.—Issner of Marriage Licenses. T. Fletcher. LA.LLAN LINE. '80 SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. '89 LIVERPOOL AND QUEBEC SERVICE. FROMLIVERIOOOL. 1 STEAMER. 1 FROM QUEBEC. May 28 "'Oireaseion Stine 18 Parisian June 20 June 27 May 80 June 8 Polynesian June 13 40 artbagenian June 20 Sardinian July 11 June 27 *Circassian July 18 July 4 Parisian July 05 July 11 Polynesian ...Aug.1 51115 18 +Car hagenian July 25 Sardinian Aug.le Aug,1 *Circassian Aug. 22 Aug. 8 Parisian Aug. 29 Aug, 15 Polynesian ,...,......,Sept. 5 Aug.2a +Carthagenian A00.29 Sardinian Sopt.19 Sept. 5 *Circassian Sept. 20 Sept, 12 Parisian Cot. 8 Sept. 19 Polynesian Cot.10 DOP Qo sea T Lrvxaro0L.mem T1JAM- Cabin 80, 70, and 80 dollars a:cording to accommodation. Servants to Cabin 50 dol- lars. Intermediate, 80 dollars. Steerage, 20 dollars. Return tickets, Cabin, 110, 150, and 150 dollars. Intermediate, 80 dollars. Steerage, 40 dollars. *By Circassian or other extra steamers. Cabin, 50, 00, and 70 dollars, according to no- oommodation. Iatermediato, 80 dollars. Steerage 20 dollars. Return tickets, 90, 110, 180 dollars. Intermediate 00 dollars. Steer- age 40 dollars. 1. The OARTRA CRETAN will not carry passengers from this side. There will be no steamer carrying passengers from Quebeo May 80111, July 4011, Aug. Otis and Sept. 12th Passengers proceeding by the SfallSteam- ers, and wishing. to embark at Montreal, will leave Toronto by Tuesday morning's Ex- press, arrive at Montreal about 8 p.m„ and ao on board any time before midnight. ALSO AGENT FOR THE WHITE STAR AND 1NMAN LINES, SAILING PBOII NEW YORE. W. 1I. K] 1F I , Agent. EXCURSION C70DERICH Tbo Grand Trunk Railway Company has arranged to give an Excursion to Goderioh for the Sabbath Schools of this Dis- trict on TUESDAY, AUGUST 20 A special train will leave the following Mations at the hour named, and fareeWill FAbe as RE,S, TRAIN STATIONS. ADULTS. OUILDUEN. LEAVEe Palmerston, 3 100 $ 50 7 15 Gowanstown, 95 50 7 80 Listowel, 95 50 7 45 Attwood 90 45 Benfryn, 85 45 8 07 Ethel, 85 45 815 Brussels, 80 40 8 35 Bluevale, 65 85 8 60 Wingham, 65 85 8 56 Belgrave, 00 80 017 Blyth, 50 25 0 88 Londesboro', 45 25 9 45 Arriving at Goderioh about 10140 a.m. Rottrtitg Will Loavo Crodorioh at 6 pm, The above Trip will allow Excursionists over Seven Moura at the Lake and give an opportunity of seeing GODER1Ci1, roIN'C PARM'; Vie. 8:e. 1V.15naAn, Joe, Ilrereon, Geq'l Pass'r Agt. Gen'i Man'ger.' ACTS AT THE SAME TIME off THE NERVES, THE LIVER, THE BOWELS, and the KIDNEYS This combined action gives it won- derful power to cure all diseases. Why Are We Sick? Because we allow tbe nerves to remain weakened and irritated, and these great organs to become clogged or torpid, and poisonous humors are 'therefore forced into tbe blood that should be expelled naturally. PAINE'S f CELERY COMPOUND W ILL CURE BILI0U6N$B8, PILES, CONSTIPATION, KIDNEY COM- PLAINTS URINARY DISEASES FEMALE WEAKNEBS,88E4ffi6. TIBM, 100URALOIA, AND ALL NERVOUS DISORDERS, By quieting and strengthening the nerves, and causing free notion of the liver, bowels, and kidneys, nod restor- ing their power to throw off disease. Why eau }ODIOUS Palm] and Aobool Why totmentod with Pines, Constipation } Why frightenedavorDisordoredltidnoyai Why endnro noreou5 or sick headaoheo} Why kava sleepless nights} Ole TAHITI'S Ct,.nnv COMPOUND and rejoice in health. It Is an cotirdy vegeta. bin remedy, hsrmlass in ell cases, SoAl h,, all ,Dr45gishr. /0*,, SLOG. Si.cfor ar,00. Pro- Auc;. 9, 1889. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. The Undersigned desire to intimate to the Public that they have COMPANY FUNDS formed a co -partnership, under the Firm name of DICKSON & HAYS, Solicitors, Brussels, Ont. j1 ONEY TO LOA Ir 1 LYS Any _1 :ot.nt of Money to Loan on Farm or Village Pro- perty, at 6 cf 6 Per Gent. Yearly, • Straight Loans with privilege of repaying when required. Apply to A. Hunter, Division Court Clerlm, B)'usscld. Gui ! \\uo1 As in past years, I am pre- pared to buy any quantity of GOOD FLEECE WOOL, at the very Highest Market Price in WE! Also Grain of all kinds. Farmers will find it to their advantage to market their Wool and surplus Grain in Brussels. • I also take this opportunity to inform my Frielids that during the com- ing Season I will be found at the AMERICAN HOTEL, BRUSSELS every day (where my office now is) ready and willing to buy what Produce you may have to offer. • Robt. Graham, May 13th, 1889. 444f 900,000 LIR 'wanted ! For Season of 1889. CASH PAID. I am prepared to pay the high- est Oash Prices for good fleece Wool delivered at the Listowel Woolen Mills, Having been 15 years in business here, it has always been my en- deavor to pay higher prices than the market allows, and in the past years have paid city market prices. Wool being so low in price, it will afford me pleasure to pay the highest price going. In exchanging wool for goods will allow a few cents more. Will also guarantee to sell my goods at cash prices. I don't have two prices—cash and trade—my rule is one price only. Running the year round enables mo to carry a large stock. This year having M a larger stock than usual, will offer you The Deet Stock of Tweeds In 0110 Domin- ion to Choose from. 1 Double and Tagged 1 w si,sd dull Clothe ';'• FLANNELS. BLANKETS, Ail floods or the Newest rnitorns and Latest butane. Come early with your Wool and you will find no ready and will- ing to give you our best atten- tion. Wo will bo happy for you to Inspect Goods and Prices be- fore disposing of year wool. I remain,' Yours Respectfully, S. v.."moon, 44.3me LISTOWEL. T rnbail & Ba11a ,tyro, and are now conducting the Stove and Tinware Business formerly owned by HAYOBOFT & TURNBULL. Our aim will bo to please those favoring us with their patronage. Cori V US A CALL and ascertain our Prices. T URXB ULL 4" BALLOq,NTYXE. Jos. BALLANTYNE. JAS. TURNBULL. IMporIaut 10 FarMers ftd Osiers See the New Noxon Binder LL LL 12 01 I\ OXON RAKES AND Drill MOw.ERS. GE UIY E WILKINSON PLOWS, -:- Davis Sewing Machines, Stoves, Tinware, &c., at 35' . d JACK8Th8 B USS H;I1S_ CII941.111.122021611am 4'ery,toss soa 'h N I, ib th l'., l,.vb. 'IJ'li L'1111,I1„yd'I,"I,'4,st q,'ll,aototl',+ MID—SUMMER. BARGAINS. Hosiery Department. 25 doz. Ladies' Seamless Cotton Hose at 121c., regular price 80c. 10 doz. Clerical Bib Hose at 12 c., worth 25s., 5 do z. Seamless full-fashioned Hose, all colors, at 20e., worth 85e. Lacli es Black Cotton Ingrain were 80e., 85e., 40c. and 50c., reduced to 25c., 80c., 85c. and 400. Dress Goods Department. 15 pieces Fancy Dress Goods at 8c., regular price 12c. 10 pieces Fancy Dress Goods at 100., regular pride 15e. 15 pieces Beautiful Tweed Effects at 12ic., were 20c. 10 pieces 40 -inch, all wool, Black Cashmere at 80c., were 40e. 5 pieces 40 -inch Colored Cashmere at 20e., worth 25e. 10 pieces 47 -inch Henrietta at 25c., were 40e. 2 pieces 40 -inch Black Silk, Finish Henrietta, at 65c., worth 90c. 1 piece 40 -inch Black Silk, Finest Henrietta, at 75e., worth $1.00. 15 Colored Muslins, worth from 15c. to 25c., all reduced to 10e. 50 pieces, Fast Colored, Prints and Ginghams at 9c., regular 12ts. Silk Department. 50 yards Black Gros Grain at 90c., worth $1.25. 60 yards Black Surah Silk, worth $1.00, reduced to 75o. 2 Dresses Black Lurox Silk at $1.10, worth $1.40. 100 yards Black Satin Merveilleaux .at 75c., worth $1.00. 50 yards Black Satin Merveilleaux at $1.00, worth $1.25. Tweeds and Flannels. { 50pieces,1 all wool,GrayFlannel, a t I8, > 1e., worth 25c. 10 pieces Military Flannel, at 25e., cheap at 85c. 5 pieces Factory Flannel, at 80c., regular price 400. 5 pieces, all wool, Tweed, at 50c., regular price 75c. 3 pieces, all wool, Tweed, at 75c., regular price $1.00. 25 yards Black Worsted at $2.00, regular price $8,00. We sell the best all wool Flannel at 85c., regular price! 45c. iS With our regular Stock we are now offering balance of tho Henderson iC Johnston Bankrupt Stock of Millinery and Fancy Goods, which we aro selling at just .ITalf Ff i.co. As we positively consider it a pleasure to show goods we hope all will feel at home n, coining to look itt those Bargains, EERG(7,60X4- .17.✓.I,LJ711