HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-8-2, Page 88 Moog, Moron Are yule tsonbled with Intel:' Beeltnro if so Wo would like to flaw you get rid Of tllefl. We have the BITCHY FLY PAPER for those vlbo prefer this barbarous plan. Thou ave have WILSON'S 3'iY POISON PADS and Sno�o FLY PAPER, both of wbicb give good satisfaction ; and last but not least is what is known as INSECT POWDER. There are at least two kinds of this, the Dolma. ^tion and Persian, Tho former is the best and is the only kind we keep. It is well to remember that this Insect Powder when made of closed flowers is much better than when the flowers are open or farther advanced. 'Ye have been Parti• enlar to have the closed fiotvers and guar. anteed pure. Please bear this in mind and permit us to help you to gob rid of 'alio Mee. U. A. DEADMAN, Druggist Bookseller, &o. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. 1 Bremen is quiet. Cra.miy pdante at McCracken';. A vox of wamen'e loather boots at :We per pair. Adan Good, ,.I{aeon, of the American Hotel, took in the Toronto raoea lash week. Mao. R. Pari, Princess street, has a geranium plant upon which ara4S bloom. lag flowers. Ir will pay any person to call and see Geo. Love & Coe Furniture Room. New Goods and new Prices. A FOUND woman, 18 years of age, wants a place as general servant. Apply at Tun Poor Publishing House. Tits heavycoating of gravel on the Main street, if the stones are well broken, will put the road in first•claes condition. WE will do what we advertise, sell our stock of Olothing and Gents' Furnishings for the next 20 days at cost, Ross Boos. WHAv makes such a rush at Rose Bros. clothing store ? Why because they are Belling clothing and gents' furnishingwat coat. ON Sunday evening Rev, S. 8ellary, B. A., B. D., will prcaeh on ' The practical character of Christianity," in the Metho- dist church. A. NEW front has been put on the City Carriage works run by D. Ewan and Jas. Walker. It is a great improvement to the building. Tun removal of a number of the signs projecting over the sidewalk is a move in the right direction. The good work should go on. Tont Diamond dye agent was in town this week, clad in a variegated snit and followed by a pink poodl,. It was quite an advertisement. BONE complaints have been made as to the street watering of late but we fancy the lack was due more to the wagon be- ing out of repair than any neglect. Senors EXCURSIONS.—Lake or rail for lowest rates, beet connections and full Information, tickets, &c., at the Town Agency, T. Fletcher, Agt., G. T. R. Geo. Love & Co. have no goods to sell l e for spite but they will do undertaking g at half combine prices and will 006 their hearse for the poor as well as the rich. OUR thanks are due to Wm. Edgar, General Passenger Agent of the G. T.R., for an illustrated pamphlet giving a des- cription of the various summer resorts, &o. LAST Sunday P. Soott's mare swam the mill pond followed by her foal. The mother took this means of getting away from other horses in the pasture that were bothering her colt, TEos.FAvnow assumed the duties of Postmaster at Brussels on Thursday of this week. Assistant Bowbeer, who has given such general satisfaction, will con. tinne to fill the position. NExr Sunday will be the regular quarterly meeting in connection with the Methodist church. Sacrament at the close of the morning service and fellow- ship meeting after evening service. FARMERS! Why pay an agent 910.00 or 912.00 for Belling you a Raymond sewing machine when you can get one for 922.00 and if you wait until Geo. Love & Co. pay their creditors with ten cents on the $ they will sell you one for 911.00. ALL orders for teaming left at J. G. Skene's or A. M. McKay & Co's store will be promptly attended to. All orders for garden plowing left with the above named gentlemen will receive prompt at- tention. 30 HENDERSON Boos. LAST Sabbath evening Rev. Jno. Rose, B. A., who has been preaching a series of sermons on the Christian Soldier ad- dressed his congregation from II Timothy 2nd chapter and 3rd verse, on the virtues of a soldier. It was an interesting course. Ew,e's make of Pea Harvesters leads the van, They can be fitted to any mowing machine. All complete for 910.00 Call at the shop, opposite Queen's hotel stables, Brussels, and see them. They are dandies and do the work in a first - elms manner. 52 - THE wife of the Rev. John Webster, of Dobbington, formerly Methodist minister at Brussels, died at her daughter's resi- dence, Tara, on the 8th of July. Al- though her death was expected, her loss will be deeply mourned by her acquain- tances in Huron and elsewhere. Tun Clinton blows -Record of this week says :—To gratify a spite against Beatty Bros., of Brussels, Adam Good, merchant of that place, sued them for the 9100.00 penalty for not registering their partner- ship. Judgment was given by Judge Toms a few days since, dismissing the complaint ae the partnership was not for buying and selling. The costs came to 9137, which with sheriff's fees and his own costs brings up the amount to about 9200.„� MESSRS. SeARFF& FERGUSON have rent- ed the store next door to them in Strat- ford, at present used as a tea store, and they intend taking down the partition se as to convert the two into ono large store, one of the finest in the city. They think as D. N. Hogg & Co. have sold out their business and two other firms have re- moved from Stratford their trade will inorease enough to repay them for their increased expenses. Their Stratford and Brussels stores will enable them to take their stand with the largest importers of Dry geode in Western Canada. This will enable the firm to sell cheaper than small, importers. Messrs. Scars & Fer- guson are hustlers. LAenoesn.—Tuesday afternoon Bruit. eels Lacrosse team drove over to Wine ham and played a match with the club of that town. The ball was faced at 4:30 and after a sharp skirmish the home team won a goal in 9 minutes, Cornyn putting the rubber between the flags, The same player repeated the dose in 16 minutes, In the latter part of the game N. G. Bowbeer, who played well, sue. oeeded in putting the ball in goal six inches but the referee, being so far away, did not see it and therefore it was not allowed. No other goads were taken by either side. The game wag refereed by Lawyer Morten. W. Nightingale wag umpire for Bruseols and W. Smith field captain. Considerable "tall” talk wag indulged in during the play and the language used by nems of the Wingham- ites was neither polite nor gentlemanly, A. J. McArthur was a brick wall when Cornyn ran against him. Steels, of Toeswater, and Cornyn, of Fergus, play. ed with Wingham. Carr was the grand stand slayer of the day, Harry James played with life usual skill and made some due throws. Toward the end of the match Cornyn jumped on J. Mc. Bain's Tomsk. A. fool was olaWined and Mr. Cornyn was ruled off the field. He mlgbt find "Jack" an ugly animal to ide, Allan Mo1aughton'e ankles were used up considerably. The game lasted ne and a half houra. A return match will bo played before long inBruseols when a lively game may be expeeted, sonrn£R:l ExTENSION, W. e. & n. n. 'Proles leave Brussels Station, uort and ,south as follows: t:Mug South. colas North. 11uf1_7:e2a.m. I Dfixed . 0:20 a.m Axprsos, 11:•18 a.m, Mall..............3:06 m ....3:06 p. alined b:65 p.m.! Exproee.........0:45 p.m letcal sews Stents. A ehiel's amens 3'e takin' notes An' faith he'll prent it. AUOoSY. Peen Paris green at G. A. Deadman's. SILVER binder twine, 14 Bente at B. Sunni. Senoon Bonr3 on F iday evening of This week. Boum in watch clocks and jewel. 031 at J. Jones'. Penn manilla binder twine, 17 oenls per lb, at B. Gerry's. benne to watches and jewelry prompt- ly attended to at Jas. Jones'. Foie•potato bugs get pare Paris green APPepper's drug store. See ad. Ir your watch don't run right take it to Jas. Jones. He'll' set it right. Do not fail to pall and get a bargain to clothing before we move. Ross Bnos. LAsr Saturday afternoon F. 0. Rogers, leave Graham, Jno. Shaw and Conn- ell/or McIntosh went to Kincardine to enjoy Lake Huron breezes. Before re-- surning they visited Tiverton, and had on enjoyable time. All are loud in their praises of the well known Conductor Quirk who showed them the "lions." As will be see by advertisement in another column W. R. Wilson offers his laundry, shops, brick store, houses, &a. for sale as he intends retiring from business. This is a tiptop opportunity ;roe a pushing man, and no doubt some- body will look after the bargains Mr. Wilson is prepared to give. DIeHaLv WeIS•anmo AND Dno.—George Birt has all the necessary machinery for digging and drilling wells and is peeper - an to attend to all work entrusted to him in a way that will insure satisfaction. Welts cleaned out and put in proper shape. Terms reasonable. Residence oeeond door north of the bridge, west' aide ePTurnberry at., Brussels. 48-tf WELL done for Brussels publics school. 81) of the pupils who wrote at the recent Entrance Examination, 12 in number, passed successfully. Mary Rose and Mr,ry 11foLauohlin lead the County with 620 and 610 marks respectively, Alex. Rosa took 582. The number of marks obtainable was 735. An extended report will be found elsewhere. Principal. Shaw is to be congratulated. THE Gerrie Vidette says :—"For some gime previous to Thursday of last week it was rumored around town that the Brussels base -ball team was afraid but they dfd not appear badly frightened on Thursday, and since that day the rumor has subsided. We are of opinion how. ever that with a little practice and good team play the Unions oan defeat Brus- sels." Don't be foolish, Bro. Nub, Sen know better than that. Lunen OF THE "HANLAN."—On Satin, a3y morning about a dozen sports could bonen wending their way toward the Maitland, carrying a boat, the object in view being the launching of the new boat, "The -Hanlon." The boat is about 30. feet long, 3 feet wide and 5i inches deep, and, weighs 50 lbs., and reflects very creditably upon the builder, Lew. Meeerae, No doubt a large crowd would Eaoolfeen present bad the event been :erode publics but for several reasons, (which the reader oan infer), it wan kept quiet. The launch was proceeded with without the usual ceremony of breaking o battle of wine in the christening, for whiofr several predicted bad luck. ^'Bulger" was the first to step aboard 1Mbegethe shove off it could be Been at a glance 18 was no easy task to ride the "critter." AS is usual any amount of Unit was made with' the seat„ oarlock, etc. Bulger says "roan nide it all day ;lust by Wolfing the side.. Oh t yes it is etch muds efSL trick to stay in here." Evidently his notions did not suit hie worde•for sooner than be could ,get hold of the.eides he was landed in the water, Bert bottom side up, with "Bolger" struggling nobly. Both were rearmed by asailboat which was at hand. "Jimmy" was the next to appear. He was dressed iar,fall rowing costume, profiting from Bore experience, fully bent on showing Low to make her go. Re started out 'eery oaatiouely but by degrees, me he got snore confidence he became bolder and acting on several suggestions from shore 'began to row about 40 strokes to the minute, but before finishing hie 3rd stroke, took a beautiful "header" leaving the boat right side up eolnpletc. On ',tieing asked why he came oat so quickly lie replied "There was a snag in the water I wanted to tow ashore. " "Hae. het" now stepped aboard and allowed at mune he was no novice at handling the oars, an impression he fully justified the farther he went. Ile took a trip up about half a mile, made an excellent turn and came down at a 4 minute gait. On (being asked bow he learned to row like a professional he said "I have not forgotten the legions given by Capt. Campbell, bow to feather my our.. Several trips were afterwards made %athe88 any further isca bathing." "Law" gave an exhibition , and showed he could rote with the boys r yet. Nowboye, jagt watch holy "Ileo. et" news the sliding' seat and you are alb 1 o Tight, Only learn to feather your ears.' andan upsot le Unrelinible. THE BRUSSELS POST Esi0=30,011000zwesOwormsnormsuri=ammanNtazalmOTET (fru. I3.11tell line had it new 80mi.eir• I a.' TAJ, eular Hien pat up over his groerry deer, I -- IT is said that Mr. Willes, of Par'irdule, i Mitchell, Sept. 80 and 27, will open a hoot & shoe atom In Brussels North Perth at Stratford, Oct. 3 and I. next Fall, Mouth Perth, 88, Marys, Sept, 24 ,i 25. Vimor fow raspberries are offered for Industrial at Toronto, Sept. 0 to 21. Salo this season. The crop is very light Weetoru at London, Sept. 9 to 14. in these parts. Central at Tlamilton, Sept. 23 to 27. axe, SrorT, of Molesworth, shipped two Guelph, Sept. 25 nod 2G. car loads of stook to the oast last Monday Brantford, Sept. 10 to 12. from Brussels station. Southern Counties, at St. Thomas, Panssnv's° sugars and jars, pure white Sept, 24 to 27. wino vinegar, and everything in groceries North Brant tit Paris, Oet. 1 and 2. very cheep, ADAM GooD. Peninsular at Chatham, Sept, 17 to 20, J. G. BEENE'S store front has been Midland Central at Kingston, Aug. 26 freshened up by a dress of new paint. to Sept. 7, Jas. Dron wielded the artist's brush. Eastern Townships atSherbroolc, Que., We intend moving to our new stand, Sept. 3 to 5. in Leckie's Block, In about 20 days and Central Canada, Ottawa, Sept. 9 to 14. will clear out our stook at cost. Ross Southern, Brantford, tiept. 10 to 12. Bnoa. 50. Northwestern, Goderiob, Sept. 17 to 10, WE are sorry to hear that George Hoggarth's little son, about 2 years of age, is dangerously ill and there is but alight hopes of his recovery. Peoria managing telephone wires should keep them out of the reach of rho public. It is not a pleasant sensation to be nearly decapitated by them. Br notice elsewhere it will be seen that Lawyer Moleadden, son of Uriah bit: - Fadden, of Grey township, has become a benediot. It serves him tight. W. NIOHTINOALE & Co. are pushing out bargains and the public would do well to not only read their edvt. but call in and inspect their goods and get prices. Tan travelling public can procure Meal tioksts to all stations on the Grand Trunk and its connections at the Town Ticket Office of 0. T. R. T. Fletcher, Agent. Bay. S. JONES will supply thepulpit of Rev. I. Campbell, at Listowel, for four Sabbaths. Although up in the eightie'e the rev. gentleman preaohes with the vigor of a man of 40. Banseer,e will be represented at the Listowel celebration in the Hose reel rape. Our boys used to do them all up a few years ago and will make an effort to keep up their record. Rev. Jim. Rose, B. A., is taking a ea. nation of three weeks and will visit rela- tives and friends at Port Elgin, Elora and other places. There will consequent- ly be no service in Melville church for the next three Sabbathe. BEATTIE Bnos. rnnaing mare took lob prize at Drayton races on Tuesday. She is a trim little beast and speedy, too. "John L." and "Deception" were her opponents. The race was mile heats and was won in two straights. Jno. Be tttie rode the mare. THE fireBrigade turned out on 'Puce - day evening to test the engine whioh was taken to the river by the flax mill. Steam was up in about 7 minutes after the lighting of the torob, without any urging. 300 feet of hose was attaobed and a great volume of water sent into the air, ON THE WING.—AS I am on my rounds cleaning, repairing and tuning organs and repairing and cleaning sewing ma- chines, please drop me a pard to let me know where to call. Second band ma• chines on hand and none given out with- out making good stitching. 54- T. Moons. BASEBALL.—Arrangemehti have been made for a matched game of base ball between the Brussels and Exeter teams on the Recreation Park, Seaforth, next Wednesday afternoon. The game will called at 3 o'clock. Both clubs claim the ITRAYED ON TLaE PREMISES ohampionehip of Huron Co. and in addition to this the winners take 9100 tJ and 60% of the gate receipts. Thorn tvi11 be a large turn out from Brussels as our residents believe our boys will win. RR'CTSo=7;,8 22 9.R=FrTS, ooss,C''Em, CAREFULLY EVERY WEER. Fall Wheat 015 98 Spring Wheat ,. 95 98 Barley 40 45 Oats 96 28 Peas ... 53 54 Butter, tubs and rolls,. 12 14 Eggs per dozen.,. 11 00 Flour Por barrel 5 50 00 Potatoes 60 75 Hay per ton 6 00 7 00 Hides per ib 2 3 Salt per bbl., retail1 25 00 Sheep skins, each60 1 00 Wool, per lb. 10 22 r.4' r-7.- AFORTSx 1K+1$g]9TS. CORRECTED CAISE0OLLY EVERY WEER. Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Oats Peas Marley Potatoes Butter, per lb Eggs, per dozen Apples, per bushel Hogs, dressed 33051 Hay Wood, per cord Sheepskins, each 05 05 20 53 40 33 12 11 80 6 00 4 50 0 00 2 60 40 98 98 28 54 45 75 14 00 85 00 5 50 7 00 4 50 57 THE PEOPLE'S COI,UMNI GENERAL SERVANT WANT- 1SD at ones. Apply to 1- MRS. W. M. SINOLA/R. SHEEP STRAYED FROM LOT 20,00n, 12, Grey, between June 8 and 12,one ewe, washed and unshorn, with ewe Iamb. Any information leading to their recovery will be thankfully received. V AL. FOEBSTER, Oranbreok P.O. 51.4 STRAYED ON THE PREMISES of the undersigned, 103 10, con, 0, Grey, on or about June 5, one 2 year old steer, red anis white in color. Tho owner is requested to prove uroperty, pay expenses and take him away. LORENZO FRAIN. 51.40 Proprietor. DRESSMAKING.— Tbe undersigned desires to intimate to the ladies of Brussels and surrounding country that she is prepared to attend to all orders intrusted to her. Satisfaction guaranteed, Shop—Up-stairs, ono door north of Walter Jackson's hardware store, /0- MISS SAMPLE. LAwN PARTY.—Last Friday evening a goodly number of our townspeople and others attended the Lawn Party, hold on I the spacious grounds of W. M. Sinclair, under the auspices of the Brussels Band. The heavy, blank clouds pottended rain and kept a good many at home, no doubt, but an enjoyable time was spent by those present. An excellent program of music was given and refreshments were served without stint. A great deal of interest centred on the bottle containing the beans and buttons, more so as the guesses ranged from 950 to 1200. At 10 p. m. the contents of the bottle was counted and the number was ascertained to be 596. Mies Eliza Hanna and Wesley Love each guessed 597, the nearest to the num- ber, and to break the tie they eaoh had a second guess which resulted in the form. of the undersigned, S 1 Lot 20, Con. 5, Morris, on or about May 16511, a yearling heifer. The owner ie requested to prove property, pay oxpensee and take her away. Apply of the Central Hotel, Bruseeis. 2-0 J. & J. LIVINGSTON. 1STEAOHER WANTED.—A SEC- oND or Phird Close Male Teacher for School Section No.4,Groy. Duties to com- mence Drat of September. Applicants to elate salary and experience, With reference. Applications received n to the twenty- seventh day of August. Address EDWARD BRYAN S, Sec.-Treas., Jamestown P.O. 8.4x /it ORRIEAND SEAFOBTH STAGE Stage leaves Genie about 5:30 s. m., reach- ing Brussels about 8:80 a.m., and will arrive at 8oaforth about 11:80 a. in. Returning will leave Seatorth about 0:30 P. in., reaching Brussels about 6:48, in thno to connect with trains going north and south. Also make connections taiga:. P. 11. at Wroxoter and Gerrie. S. WALSH, Proprietor. LOOS Having done business in Canada for years, our rep. is utation and reepoasibflity er being awarded the silver cruet. The 3 established. We want three men in your proceeds of the evening amounted to tei°'ritiosy°wiill Lo nlysu, OHoudeonioeouk9t about 922.00. The Band take this op. free, Salary and expense° pard weekly, portunity of returning their best thanks previous experience not. required. Write to Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair for the use of at onoe for terms. Yaedy 9iook for Canada a epeoinity. MAY B1008., Nureerymcu, Boo ester, N.Y. 48.8 their grounds. People We Snow. J. A. Creighton was home for Sunday. 110 is now filling the position of ticket agent at Palmerston. Inspector Hopkirk was here on Wed- nesday end Thursday in connection with the transfer of the post office from J. R. Grant, resigned, to Thee. Farrow the new appointee. Mr. Hopkirk is well up to his business. Miss Annie Roes, of Brussels, Mies Menzies, of Grey, and Mrs. J. Smith, of Morris, resetted Brussels on Saturday afternoon on ,the return trip from the Prairie Province. They were away 40 days. In their stay they met worm of old friends. J. D. Ronald and wife are off to Sault St. Marie, via Owen Sound and U.P.R. steamer, partially on a business as well as pleasure trip. No doubt he will see the officials of this growing young pity about the state of their fire protection. J. T. Pepper furnished tickets at a low rate for thisattractive eight day trip. Frederick Douglase is one of the rich- est colored men in the U. S. His wealth is estimated at 9300,000. ZILtfox.—In Brussels, on July 190, the wifo of Mr. Christian Nlliax of a daughter. CatrARRSs.a, MCFADDEN—DoyiE.—At St, Potor'e church, Goderieh,on the 17th Time by Roy. h'atitor West, Moses 1tloFaci. den, barrister of Sault St. Marie, to Annie Doyle, of Goderioh. PATTEnso.l--WHEErtv3e.—In Brussels, 011 July 31st, by Rev. 0, B. Ilowie, L. A., Mr. ;he. Patterson, of Geoy township, to Miss Isabella Wheelers,, of Wing lam. =xor . Pt�AII. loollr--In Grey, on Jtily 25th, Elizabeth, beloved wife of Levi l'lmabmkor, aged 86 yeas and it menthe. B ULL FOR SERVICE—I WILL keep on my Farm, lot 27, eon. 5. Mor- ris,u there' -bred Bates Bull, otun Duohase family. Podiga - eaubeeeen atthosgables, Terme—Thoro'•bredows, 80; high graded. eowo. Se; common sows, 51.e0, with Tried. age of returning during the season. To be Dere paid for on or beforearob of December 1880. 48.61 JOHN BROADFOO''1', STRAYED ON THE PREMISES of the undersigned, lot 18, oo1,10, Grey, on or about first week of Ohne, 1 yearling steer, gray in color. The owner is requested to pay all chargee and take him away.. Also strayed from my pr miaow, about let of May, 1 two-year-old steer,, chiefly red, but with other White markingennd white star on fore- head. Any portion returning or sending me wboreabout. of same will be suitably re- warded. JAMES KNIGHT, 504• Oraubrook P. 0. REAL ESTATE. rjlUE FINEST BUILDING SITE 11 for a residence in Brussels, containing one sere of land nearly opposite Mr. F. 0. Rogers' reeidonee,is for sale at a bargain. Apply to W, 116. Bnlor,o n, Bruaooele, or to JNO. HARGREAVES, Por. Queen and film• one street', Toronto. FARM FOR S.&.LE.—THE UN- dorei(lnod offers hl' farm, being west part Let 11, Con, 18, Grey, containing 50 acres, for ealo. Tho farm is about all clear- ed and underooltlyation Mille well under- drain°d, There ie nearly an aero of arab ord. A log house 18x271oot, n Prattle burn, 88350 foot a log olablo and other outbuildings aro on theproml§es, Also 2 good wells. 90e - session will bo given after harvest. For full particulars as t0 price, tarots, &t„ apply to. 'PHOS, 1V. JOHNSTON, Proprietor. ' i AR11 FOR SALE.—THE UN • .Y, ND1tlist0Nliu offers his 150 -acre farm ilreale,bciug lot 38, and Sl lot JP, 0011, 7, they, About t0 or a0 :135011 0 oared, �+onoos in gontlropah'. 2000,08 Other On tbo GO•:Or: lot and leam'eo on the otbor lot, 0 gond boariug orebardo, one On each pingo and plenty of good lvntm', There 18 a good brick veneered house oontainiva 0 rooms. Two buns, The Irtlln0 Ono 3s 41000 on a stone ioundatioh, the other is log, Phe from ie ruder good 001817yatiou and is on )v I of a mile Mon the atirriug village of Ethel, Rud 0 mites from Brn50OT3q, Per Anther portico. burs apply to 11LI2AlI 71AT1hIAN, )'rolrrle. tor, t5-tf Auu, 2, .1880 .also. Do you want to Know HOW TO GET SID OF FLIES!) —GO AND FIND OUT AT -- PJ ' •',��y�, t{}yf,; Qj >> ;. , jjj��� ((j�� Mal; `L) W' @l S '�•J' Opposite Qlbeel6°8 Hotel, Brussels. Poison Pads, 3 for 5 Cents. FARMS FOR SALE.—THE UN- Dener001t1) has severe cod Farms for eale and to rent, easy terms, in Townships of Borrie and Grey. 17.8, SC OTT. Brusealo 37•t1. ITIANNERY VOR SALE.— THE 11 Brussala Tminory is offered for sato at to bargain, In it 1e a 15 b. p, engine and 30 h. p, boiler,10 vats, 0 curry table°, 2 stoyeo, good bark mill and a full set of tools, with heating ',Mee to leaches. &e. There arc about 2 acres of land in connection with the builds ug. No tannery nearer than Wingham or Listowel. Terme easy. Por further par- ticulars, as to prion, terms, &m„ apply at 37- Ton l'osTPublishing Howse, Brussels. 1.(IAR\f FOR SALE.—THE SUB. Bowman offers his valuable 100 sore farm, being lot 8, eon. 10, Grey Township, Huron Go., for sale. There are about 00 aures cleared and 10 good heart. There is 0 log house, good bank barn, betting urohard, and all the necessary conyonienooa on the premises. For further parttoulare, ae to ppries,termo, eta„ apply to the Proprietor, THOS.HISLOP, Clare P. 0., N. W. T.. or to 2.11 DOUGALD BTRAOHAN, Brussels FARM FOR SALE,—THE UN- mm501 NED offers for Bale Ibo north east quarts rof lot 28, ,onoeesion 0, Morrie, County of Huron. ooutalning 50 acres, Tho land is Of drat quality and in a high state of cultivation. well fenced and under -drained, 05 acres cleared, New frame house, 8 rooms, milk house with concrete walls, 2 wells, good barna and shed, orchard, oto. Eight amen of fall wheat.' This desirable property adjoins the corporation of Brnsselo• Suit- able terms wilt be given, Title perfect. JAMES GRIEVE, Owner, 80. Seater th P.0. O/8 AACRE FARM FOR SALE. 4 frot•slass farm for sale to the Township of Morris in the County of Huron being booth half of north half lobe 25 & 26 and south half of 20 in 5th eon., abstaining 201) acres moro or lies, 125 acres mostly clear of stumps and In a good state of culti- vation. There is a young bearing orohard,a good house dud hank barn 06 x 56 feet with stone stable underneath. The farm issitu- ated within a mile of the Village of Brussels and is a good fano for graln or stook rais- ing aeltiswatered with the rivor Maitland and never failing °arms creek. Possession will be given at any time. For fui'thorpar- tieulars apply on the premises or to A. ROBERTSON Brussels. P. 0 5-tf OOD FARM FOR SALE IN IMorris, on reasonable terms. In order to dose the affairs of the estate of the late W. G. Aingaton, the executors offer the fol- lowing valuable lands for sato North half of Lob 30, Concession 5, Township of Morrie, oontaining 00 acres. On this lot is erected a good frame barn with stone foun- dation, good orchard, well and pomp . Near. 1y all cleared, and is on the grave road closely adjoining the village of Brussels. This farm 30 a valuable one. i' well fenced and in a good state of cultivation. For prices and tering apply to TH08. KELLY, Brnaaele P. 0., HENRY JF.NNINae, Victoria Square qu re P.O., or Jamas IT County. :Maple Lodge -[TALUABLE PROPERTY IN TEL V VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS roe SALE. As the undersigned is retiring from buss nese he offers for enle thetollowing valuable properby,olahor whole or in lots to snit pur- chaeer:—Now Brick More ou Main street, opposite Posboffioe, with plate glass•front, good collar, and dwelling above. This store will be either rented or sold. Foundry and Machine Shop, with Engine, Shafting, Lathes, Drills, &o. Everything complete, in excellent -mouton order, In connection is a large Plat.img 31111 and Workshop, with Saws, Belts and all complete. Also Drying Kiln for drying lumber, store house and a quantity of 80000ned lumber. Blacksmith bho and Toole, with good stook of iron and coal. The whole is centrally shunted in the thriving village of Brussels, In connection there are Wu acres of land and four dwelling houeas,nil well tenanted. The whole will be sold, without reserve, on the most reason- able terms. Title Indisputable. For full partionlara apply to W. B. WILSON, 3.3 Drawer 18,Brussols, Ont. Municipality of the Township of Grey. County of Huron. Notice is hereby given that I have trans- mitted or delivered to the poreons mention- ed in Sections 5 and 0 of the Ontario Voters' Lists Aot.1889, the copies required by Bald sections to be so trnnemittedor delivered, of .the list made pursuant to said not, of all persona appearing by the last Revised As easement Boll of said Municipality to be en- titled to vote 11a sold municipality at elec- tions for members of the Legislative As- sembly and at Municipal elections, and that .106 Ilot woo fii'et posted 0980 my Oleo in Ethel on the let day of August, 1880, and re- mains there for inepoctiob, Electors are called upon to examine the said list andif any omilstone or any other errors are found 'therein, to asks immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. WM. 11P111N0E, Clerk. Dated this 2s0 day of Auguste 1880. Sale by Tender —OF A--- VALLIABLE FARM Tenders will be received by the under- signed up to Thursday, August 15111, 1889, for the purchase of the following valuable property, vis,:—The 80011, halt"of Lot num- ber 25, in the 4th Concession of the Townollip of Morrla, Huron Co., containing 100 aere0, save and axoept 1 86.100 earn heretofore seld and oonvey ad to the W. G, & B, It'y for a right of xray. There aro about 88 aoroe °leeyred awl 1n good state of oultivablon ; Uarldin well fenced Of undortlralued. The 20x30 foot, with kitchen and wtolthed at taobed; also a good hank barn, 40200 foot, together with ah implolnout house. Upon the proml000 and 0e1W the buildings AS a never -failing spring. 'Thorn is also ie goon orchard, This to au excellent farm, and 1, situ:. ted r,e1ti1, two and whale miles of Brunch), a thriving village ori rho W. G 011, Ruflway, SL`St10 )Porfoct. Tering or payment easy. From 02,000 to 52,060 win be allowed to remail on molts gape. l'aaaaetion given let of September. Tito highact Or any tender not nocosourtly aooepted, Vet /tidier pnrti0alm's 131)0)y to DIGKSON & HAYS, Vnmmon'e Soi.xco one. 0 rt101i0-18rawls mud on forth. Dated tit Rrxciieie Mb Oity of Jule, leen BANKING. M'0INTOSH & i11cTAGGART, BANKERS, • BRUSSELS, Transact a Geaora.l 80.nlCLa.c $Laeineno. NOTES DISCOUNTED. Canadian and United Status Drafts bought and sold. Interest allowed on Deposits. Collections made eat favorable terms. Canadian Agents "—MMEncaA0T's BANE of CANADA. New York Avents—laposru,ao AND T1AD• Eiie NATroNAL BANE. LEGAL AND CONVEYANCING. Niv M. SINCLAIR, • Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pub- lic, &o, Office—Graham's Block, 1 door north of Popper's Drug Store. Private Funds to Loan. EE. WADE, • Barriobor, Solicitor cud Notary Pub - Mr, Wade w 11 altood Collections rteand ery°Wed- nesday at two o'clock, DICKSON & HAYS, (Late with Garrote & Proudfoot, God e. rloh,) Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyaneera. &m. OfIloee-13'sooele and 8oafor'tb, Bros sele Office, Rogers' Block, Main 8t. Money to Loan. n. s. 21210. w n. DIMRMON. A• M. TAYLOR, B. 0. L., Barrister, Solicitor, &c„ 01 the arm of Taylor, MoOallough & Burns, Barristers Solicitors, &0., Manning Arcade, Toronto. Money to loan ALEX, HUNTER Clerk of the Fourth Division Court, Co. Huron. Coaveynnoor, Notary Piddle. Invested Loan and to loan.°nColleoiions m°edlu Omoo lu Grabam'e Stook, Brussels. BUSINESS CARDS. W• H. MoORACKEN, • Iseurer of Marriage Licenses. O1lIoa at his Grocery, Turnberry street, Brussels. MISS O'CONNOR, Teacher of Piano and Organ. Tprms on application. WALTON CLABo meets every Thursday and Friday at Mrs, D. Oampboll'a, Walton. MISS HARGREAVES Desires to receive pupils for Ll Artie. tion on the Plano and Organ. Niro years experience. Residence with Mrs. Hargreav• es, over Popp er'e Drug Store. ROBERT CUNNINGHAM, INSURANCE, FIRE AND MARINE. GUELPH. YN. BARRETT, L. Tonsorial Artist' Shop—Next door south of A. M. McKay & Co's hardware store. Ladies' and ohlleren'8 hair cutting a 1 peotalty IL3"A choice stock of cigars Rept. AMoNAIR, • Isssurer o1 Marriage Licensee, by appointment of Lieut, -Governor, °emmis- sfoner, &o., Q, 33, Conveyancer and Agent Fire Insurauoe Co. OiIloo at the Oranbrook Post Office. DENTAL. 37£10"i'SST72.T1 M. It, 0 Ball, Toronto Honor Graduate Airtgiven Oliloo—MEYEn° BLoox, SmAronTH. a£STTZS'31 W. J. Fear, L. D. S., Graduate of Toronto School of Dentistry. A11 operations guaranteed. r3'Arttlloial teeth, first quality, and a guaranteed fit, for 812.00 per sot. Opti°e—OADY'e BLOOi, SEAPoRT0. 1ST.+ 1N TI IS 9r! a. a. ax aR veer z. a, s., Honer Graduate of the Royal College 01 Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Nitros Oxide Gas admiafateted for the Painless lOxtrsotion of teeth. Ohba— SM-Own Doon Nonni or'BANE, Bramemre AUCTIONEERS. GEORGE KIRKBY, mooned Auotionoor. Sates oouduct- ed on reasonoble terms, Forme and fang stooks specialty. Orders lett at TEE Poo PnbRehingB:ouse, Braeealg, or sent to Walton P. 0., will receive prompt attention. ARAYMANN, • Auctioneer, is always ready to at. tend sales of forme, farm stook, &c. Terme cheerfully given. Oranbrook P.0, Sales may be arranged at Tali Posr Publishing Hones, Brussels, MEDICAL CARDS. VVM. F. CALE, M.D., 0. M., Member of the College of Physician and Surgeons of Ontario by examination. 011loe and Residencies —Main street IOaot, Etbel,0utenio. T A. MoNAUGHTON, M. D. V • C. AL, L. R,O.P. Edinburgh, n urgb, M. O. o 21 Ont. At Popper's 1Ortiq Store from a0 to 11:110 n, n1, and from 1:30 to 4 rp.o m, At other ohouse may be by Dr at bo Bain, no Milt et. orlyoeoupfedUyDr.ilutohiueon, D1fltat. VETERINARY. JNO, D. WARWICK, V, S., maw CEBSOR TO F. W. moony, V.s.), Graduate and Honerary Fellow of Ontarib Veterinary ()allege,will be pleased to es. ennui with tko gtoateet nitro and proms. glottal 011111 any asset entrusted to his charge. 00100 and fndrmary—O'llrieu's old stand,.. doors nm'lh 01 bridge, !Pilroberry at, 13russ118, ct14 52 • V. tb til nr B: of A: th ar B th be to SD ftp m st ae y. we Bt th lie w 0, w tic Jt m tb b' a fa tl it le 83 at of m B; CV Ct nr. it