HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1889-8-2, Page 7AUGUST 2, 1889, THE BRUSSELS POST. B EA,LT 3. Tea -Drinking. Under the heading, "Terrors of Tea," the "St. Samoa Gazette" oontaine the following rsfleotione, whioh are well worthy the eon. 'Adoration of tea•drinker's:-- "Nervone people, experience shows us, are, as a rule, extremely selfish. LcsAnima nonsense is the meet inuonslderato apeoimen of her sex. Hor nerves have beoome a epodes of fetish, which must be propitiated by the sacrifice of everybody's comfort ex- cept her own. She oousiders every notion, both of herself and the world ab largo, prim. arily from the point of view of the effect it will have on her usrveo. If she happened to be omnipotent, she would no doubt ab oaoe stop the movement of the earth, for fear of Its giving her a 'turn,' Her anti. mono of pity for the misfortunes of others is entirely blunted by her horror of the eight of pain and the sound of woe. She exaota the utmost forbearance and sacrifice from others, -.not for install, but for her nerves, --and exempts herself from ({rabibade on the sante grounds. She tends, m foot, to be. Dome oomplotely soulless : accepting all devotion so her due, bitterly resenting any resistance to her claims, and 'substituting for toll higher spiritual life an egotistioal form of pessimism which is as delusive as it is difficult to combat. Thab she Is not actively onset is an aooident; passively oruel she is continually, without remoras or bhoughb; and it is probable that when provocation and opportunity offered them. selves simultaneously, she would not stay her hand from direct cruelty. The nervous woman ie a product of the nineteenth cen- bury, and, inferentially, of boa. She takes it to soothe her nerves, and it rather exoitee them ; or (lee she takes it because she has acquired the habit, and the result is the same. Food and Oharaoter, " As a mon eateth, so is be," is an old German proverb. Mr. Aloobb used to say, A man who eats ox becomes' oxified, and a man who eats hog, piggified." Perhaps thio was something of an extreme view; never. theless, relation of diet to morals was recog- nized by the writers of the Bible, thousands of years ago. Dr. Talmage, speaking on this subject, remarks ' God gave the ancients a list of the ani. male that they might eat, and a limb of the animals they might not eat. These people lived in a hob climate, and certain forma of animal food corrupted their blood and dis- posed them to sorofulous disorders, depraved their appetites, and demeaned their eonle. A man's food, when he has the means and opportunity of seleoting ib, suggests his moral nature. The reason the wild Indian is au cruel as the lion, is because he has food that gives him the blood of the lion, A missionary among the Indiana, says that by changing his style of food to correspond with theirs, hie temperament was entirely chang- ed, There are certain forms of food that have o tendency to affect the moral nature. Many a Christian is trying to do by prayer that which cannot be done except through corrected diet. For instance, he who u050 awine's flash for constant diet, will be die• eased in body and polluted of soul, all his llturgiee and oateohiema notwithsbanding, The Gadarene swine were panelled of the Devil, and ran down a steep plane into the sea; and all the swine ever mine seem to have been similarly possessed, In Leviticus, God struck this mast off the bable of his people, and placed before them a bill of fare ab once healthful, nutritious and generous." Malignant Aoarlet Fever• Recent observations earn to show that inflammation of the ear, and other grave complications which often arise in scarlet fever, are due to secondary infection, that is, to eelf•infeobion by the patient. This foot emphasizes the importance of thorough oleanliness, ventilation, and disinfection in this disease. The sick -room should be kept well ventilated. Soiled oloths, vessels, eto„ should be removed promptly. The patient's mouth should be frequently cleansed, -every hour or two, or oftener, if neoeseary, Doubt- less much might be gained also by frequent change of room. Apia» suggested, whioh is worth a trial, is this : Devote two rooms to the siok person, in addition to the room required by the nurse. Change the patient from one room bo the other every other day, leaving in the room euob articles as have been used in ib, Disinfect the room and contents by burning three pounds of sul- phur for each one thousand cubic feet of air space, The room should be closed up for twelve hours during the fumigation, then well -aired, with doors and windows open, until the patient is returned to ib. The other room should then be subjected to the some process. The change of room and ventilation alone ought to be of greet service, without the fumigation, Tobacco Poisoning, In referring to themanifold evil effect's of toba000 smoke upon the human system, and the utter indifference to the comfort of others whioh the habitual smoker seems to ponces, Babyhood, the champion of the children, gives the following words of timely worn• ing • "Many habitual smokers avoid a amoking oar or smoking -cabin ; and we have known many men in good health who have been obliged to give up attendance ab their favor. its clubs because theirfollow•members smolt - ed so exoessively se to oause them an ill. nese. We have even known a strong man, who rarely used tobacoo, in need of medical aid from attending adirectors' meeting: held in a rather small room, where the majority smoked during the meeting while he did not. With these foots before us, who can doubt the effect upon Infants and ymtng .ohidren before they acquire habituation 1 If a child is "poorly," with poor appetite, is languid, eta. , it is worth while to inquire if this source of poisoning exists." Benney White's Prayer. There is no end to the queer ideas obil- dren get into their heads, and the strange prayers they make, Little Bennie White and his mother were tinting his grandmother in the country lesb'summer, and the trouble and annoyances hs ex erieuoed, as well as the worry he felt about his grandmother, who was in danger of becoming blind, aro tet forth in the prayer he made one night at his moth- et's knee, whioh is hero given word for word, for Me in a "truly true atm." '10, Lord I blows father and mother, and keep thorn good and nine ; keep grandmoth. er from being blind. 0, Lord 1-0, Lord --what as as 1b I was going to say 1 Take oars of the Irish boys, and steep them from telling lies. Take are of the Carter boys, and don't lar them toll ilea nor strike me. (Fake care of the bumble -bees, and don't let them rating me. Take caro of the otos' guitars, and don't lot them bite me. Take are of mo, and keep me from telling lies, and make moa good boy. ler tTkM,'1I, mother linaJulyhW'ideoAwake, alannaleanalattliallealarelerninaireatieresanneetelearrawareatiainedaresaanneneenneesseneaftenpageaserewayamoseeheaseesgeamegaimemeageaa, BIG AND L1TTLB SHIPS ON W1iEELB. The Chlgneote Marine Ralhray to Ibirsol Ceps, hose's I'Iojrcl,' Aoroso the narrow nook of land apnoeot. ing the maritime provinoee of New Bruns- wick and Nova Sootia o work is now being oonetruoted whioh, if a su000es, will aim Eiffel to look to hie laurels if he expecte to establish the olaim he bas made for his tower as being the eighth wonder of the world. This marvel of modern engineering is the Olrignooto and Marino or Ship Railway, a work which in prospectus has beau before the people of this oounbry for the hist Of teen or twenty years. Grit and Tory have alike heated and advocated the scheme, as they happened to be in or out of power, No• body believed that the idea would ever be aucoeoefully oorried out, but all soarers were silenced by the arrival at Amhoret in Sep. amber last of the cop tractors, Mears. Daw- son, Symmos and Usher. These gentlemen at oaoe began to push the work in a bust• need -like manner, and will this summer find employment for about five thousand mon, Dawson d; 0o. are well and favorably known in Canada and the United States iso wealthy and suooesaful codtraoboro, ono of their lash operations being the construction of the Poughkeepsie Bridge. The promoter of this eoheme is H. G. 0, Ketchum, whose pluck has ab last brought its own reward. Mr. Ketohum will very probably bo knighted if his railway proviso a 811001380. The little isthmus aoroea which the line is being oonotruoted from the Bay of Fundy to Northumberland Straits, a diotanoe of seventeen and one-half milers, is historic ground. Here, within a stone's throw, are the old forts of Beausejaur (now Forb Cumberland) and Fort Lawrence, Here, in days gone by, Vorgaur, with his regulate and Aoadiano, his habitana and Indians, struggled for colonial supremacy with Mono - ton and his brave New Englandars, with Lawrence and his British troops. Here the loyal New England States generously poured out their blood and gold in 'an effort bo add one more jewel to the British Crown. The oontraotots are under agreement to complete the work in two years from Sept- ember 1888, and also to operate ib for one year after its oomplolion. Ib will be built in the strongest possible manner, enabling ib to lorry the largest vessel or steamer, with cargo. The oar or ship (redia will ran on four lines of steel rails, each rail weigh- ing about one hundred and ten pounds. No wood will be used; all bridges and culverts are to be built of hewn atone. At either terminus there will be two large docks, an outer one, 500 feet long by 300 feet wide, forming a receiving basin, and an inner dock, 250 feet long by 300 feet wide. These docks will be faced with hewn stone and have a water depth of sixty feet. The inner basin will be filled with an adjustable platform, operated by hydraulic pressure, for the purpose of raising and lowering vessels in traaeib. A ship or steamer making the overland passage is first floated into the inner basin, and the platform supporting the oar or ship cradlo sunk to the required depth. The ship is then floated until she rests securely on the cradle. Hydraulic pressure is or plied and the platform raised until the rails on whioh the cradle sesta are on a plane. with those of the main line, when a power- ful engine is coupled on and away " sails" the ship past Beausejaur and Cumberland, over swamps, and boas, through foredo of spruce and'pine until, after sailing ovar some seventeen miles of dry land she is launched into the waters of the Bay of Fundy or the Gulf of St. Lawrence, as the case nosy be. Varela taking advantage of this rihorb nub will save some hundreds of miles of danger- ous passage around the rook -bound coast of Nova Scotia. E>peolally will it be a boon to the Glonceaber fishermen bound to the Labrador oast, ohs Bay Chaleur or other points norbh,and east. MrKetohum has some millions of Eng - tisk capitol ab hie book, and the line will certainly be built and operated -always provided Mr. Frye and Mr. Butterworth don't scoop the whole business. Canada is young, but she is Doming, and she will have the first practical marine railway in the world. STATISTICS. The National Society of Church of Eng- land schools last year numbered 11,890, with total registered number of scholars 2,162,441, and an average attendance of 1,669,222;, Wesleyan, 555 schools, 174,356, registered whetters, 131,069 average ; Roman Catholic, 917 schools, 249,125 registered scholars, 188,592, average; British, un - denominational, and others, 1,376 schools, 331,438 registered scholars, 255,023 average; Board schools, 4,590 in number, average attendance 1,389,208 out of a total register of 1,790,086 scholars, From the following particulars of the quantity of wine made in the different coun- tries of Europe, ib will be seen that France, which some years ago produced more wine than all the red of Europe, is now very little in advance of Italy and Spain. Aver- age production from 1880 to 1888 -France,. 671,000,000 gallons; Italy, 065,000,000; Spain, 630,000,000; Austro-Hungary, 225,- 000,000 ; 25,-000,000; Portugal, 125,000,000,•Russia, 75,430,000; Germany, 76,000,000; Turkey (in Europe) and Cyprus, 68,500,000; Servia, 46,000,1,00; Groan, 32,000,000; Switzer. land, 24,750,000; and Roumania, 15, 750,000, The four oounbriee whioh have no vineyarde are England, Belgium, Holland and Den- mark. During the last 21 years 4,500,000 per. eons have emigrated from the British Iglea, of which 2,750 000 were Englieh, 500,000 Scotch, and 1,250,000 Irish ; but, if we add theme who went by German, Frenob, or Belgian 'hips, there were over 5,000,.., 00. The emigrants consisted of nearly 600,000 going to Canada, 070,000 to Australia and New Zealand, while 240,000 went to the Cape and elsewhere, and the very large nnmber of 3,000,000 to the United States. We have no accurate means of obtaining the destination' of the other 500,000 who went by foreign steomsbips. About .21,000,000 sterling was sent book by settlers from Canada and the United State', and 41,250,- 000 sterling from Australia, during the past 21 years, The approximate return of trav- ellers, emigrants, ilio,, to England shows about 1,700,000 ; and during the same time, oyor and above doathe, emigration, rho„ Great Britain added 8,500,000 to her popa- labion. An Interruption, They were seated in the parlor and ho was declaring his love in fervent town. All at once nho stopped him with an imperious gesture, and a look of pain overspread her countenance. " Wait I Wait 1" she oxolaiined in short, sharp tone'. In a moment the sneeze came, and Heloise, looking tenderly up into his Noe, said : "As you wereoaying, George 1" If you have nothing oleo to do, see how rapidly you can say "Soup soothes theoso- phists thoroughly," tlstlrlatrt111ct wR(4141Woe vnrwYir+IDID21w SCIENTIFIC AND USEFUL. Well Freselved, At a safe a group of gentlemen (Hennaing Bolling water will remove tea ['tains, and pelftko ; a yoneg student entered and join. many fruit -stein, Pour the water through od in rho oonvereablou ; hie argument did not the stale, and thus prevent Its spreading please the others, and one of them Bald to over the fabrlo, him : " Be quiet 1 At your age 1 woe 00 See myself , Yon are wonderfully well preserved, sir," woe the reply, One Dance oaob of cloves, odor, and rhubarb, pulverised together, makee u good perfume for element and drawers, and the mixture helps to prevent mane, Wtre.solder is made by punishing small holes from one•bhirby-socond to one-eixtoanbh of an luoh in diameter in the bottom of a ohne-Iron pan along one -side, holes to be ons -half inch apart, Sob bbe pan upon a flab plate of iron or a flab stone slab, pour in the solder, and tip the pan ao that the Bolder will flow through the holes, drawing the pion along the slab fast enough to leave trains of solder cooling In the form of wires. Tbis will require a few trials to suooeod well and make the wire even. How to Sew on Bubtone,-when you be- gin, before you lay the button on the cloth stuff, pub the thread through, so that the knot will be on the right ride, That leaves it under the button, and prevents it from being worn or ironed away, and thus be- ginning the loosening prooesm. Then, before you begin sewing, lay a large pin urea the button, so that all your threads will go over the pin. After you have finished filling the holes with thread, draw out the pin, and wind your thread round and round beneath the button. Thab makes a compact; atom bo suebain the Feasible pulling and wear of the button -bole. Bubtone thus sewn sanely ever acme off. The simplest and safest way to bore boles in glass is to use a copper or braes tube, quite thin, of the size of the hole. Bore a hole in a small block of wood about one quarter of an inch thick -holo to fib the tube loosely. Paean the block to the glass with bee's -wax, so that the hole corresponds with the required bole in the glace. Insert the bube in the bole and poor emery -No. 90 -and water into the tube with a spoon, and turn the tube back and forth wibb the fingers; or a little grooved pulley may be pub on the tube to work with a string, in whioh ease a centre should be planed at upper end to guide the tube, In this way a hole of any size, from one-eighth of an inch to an inob or more, may be out through or- dinary wlndow•glass in a few minutes. Mr. Rene Pathogen of Bruesela, writing in "La Clinique" on the use of oulphonal as he has seen ib employed in Wurzburg under Professor Lenbc, mentions the great success whioh was obtained by lbs means In oases of insomnia, even when the patients were suf. feting from eerione condition's, such as cardiac disease or Brighb's disease, and when the drug was given for a prolonged period, ooaasionally for as muoh as three months. In many of the oases other drags, anon as opium, were contra-indicated, The dose usually employed ab Wurzburg is fifteen grains, and it is found that this is always sufficient ; it Is 'sometimes given as a powder and sometimes as an enema, when, although from its great want of solubility a portion of the dose 18 almoab inevitably wasted, it nevertheless appears to anewer Its purpose. Some of the Brussels physicians are now be- ginning to employ suptonal ; bub the eul- phonal used seems to differ from bhab which is employed in Wurzburg, as the effeots are said to be less certain and more tardy in making appearance. Man wanbe but little here below, Bub wants that little 'strong. This ie (specially true of a purge. The average man or woman does not precisely banker for it, as a rule, but when taken, glebes it to be prompt, Aare and effective, Dr. Plane's Plesanb Purgative Pelletsleave nothing to be desired is point of eflioacy, and yet their action is totally free from any unpleasant symptoms, or disagreeable after- effects. Purely vegetable, perfectly harm- less. American maohinery in many respeots seems unsurpassed, yet we nee it stated that the United Kingdom export over 350,000,- 000 worth in a single year as oompared with lees than 810,000,000 sent bo other countries by the United States. When everything else fails, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures, 50 cents, by drug- gists, _ He : "I wonder whioh of these two young bodies ie his dater 7'' She : " Why, the brunette, of course. Didn't you notice that she had to pub on her wrap herself 7" Redly the firelight shines bhrougb the room, Chasing away all the shadow and gloom ; Light-hearted children are prattling in glee ; Father is as happy as oan be, For the wife and mother who suffered so long, Is getting her health book and soon will be strong, And who is so happy as she Is to -night, As she thinks of the shadow that's oaken its flight - the shadow tf disease that darkens 0o many homes, and makes the life of wife and mother one of terrible suffering. How pleased We are to know that at last a remedy has bean found for all those delicate derange- ments and weaknesses peculiar to women. It comes to cheerless homes with "glad lid. iugs of great joy," Dr. Pioroe's avorite Prescription has done for women what no other remedy has done, or can do, and it is not to be wondered ab that women who have been cured by it are so enthusiastic in its praise. It is the only medicine for women sold, by druggists, under a positive guarantee frbm'the manufacturers of satisfaction, or money returned. A sensible fellow said this morning • "If wo could use our own good advice how happy we would be," Seaside paraseto aro large and mostly in bright colors, sometimes softened with ware or falls of Born and cream lade, The Turtle Mountain Region, Thousands of aoren of choice free govern- ment land, now open for settlors in the Turtle Mountain Region of Dakota. Here was raised the wheat that took first premium at New Orleans Exposition, Rioh sell, timber to mounbaine, good schools, churches, congenial society. For further information, maps, rates, eta„ apply to L r L Whitney, G. P. T. A , St. P., M. A M Ry,, St. Paul Minn„ or S. M. Eakins, Oan, Pan, Agb, Toronto. The most unfair thing that happong to women be that engagements are so short and marriages so long. ALMA LADIBS' COLLEGE. 00, THOMAS, ONTARIO. Graduate's of Alma Commercial College are now in lucrative positions in the leading cities of Canaan and the United Stolen. ,Cull masa in Boost.keeping, Phonography, Ponmanship, Typewriting. Oerbifioabee and Diplomas granted. Young ladies pursuing either of the above anuses oan also enter for Masi°, Fine Arts, or Elocution and enjoy all tbo advantagee of reeidenoe, Rates low, 00 pp, Announce - Mont free, Address, principal Austin, A, M The Bock of Luton. A Ilan Without Wledom Lives in a Fool's Paradise. A Treatise copeolaily written on Dieeaees of Man, eoabaining Foote For Men of All Agee I Should he road by Old, Middle Aged and Young Men. Proven by the Sale of Half a Miltton to be the most popular, because written in language plain, forotble and inetruotjve, kraottoalpresent• ation of Medical Common Sense. Valuable to Invalids who aro weak, aervoue and ex - Initiated, showing new means by which they may be cured. Approved by editors, oritios, ond the people, Sanitary, Social, Solemn Subjects. Also gives u description of Spool - fie No. 8, The Great Health Renewer ; Marvel of /tooling and Koh•i•noor of Medi• cines, It largely explains the mysteries of life, By its teaohiugs, health may be main- tained. The Book will teach you bow to make life worth living, If every adult in the civilized world would read, nnderatand and follow our views, there would be a world of pbyoioal, intollactuol and moral giants, This Book will bo found a truthful preeenbabiou of facts, calculated to do good. '.Che book of Lubon, the Talleman;of Health I Brings bloom to the cheek, strength to the body and joy to the heart. It is a message to the Wise and Otherwise, Lubon's Sped - So No. 8, the Spirit of Health, Those who obey the laws of this book will be Drowned with a fadeless wreath. Vast numbers of men have felt the power and testified to the virtue of Lubon's Specific, No, 8, All Men Who are Broken Dawn from overwork or other causes nob mentioned in the above, should Bend for and read this Valuable Trea- tise, which will be sent to any address, seal- ed, on receipt of ten aunts in stamps. Ad- dress all orders to M. V. Lubon, room 15, 50 Brant Street E., Toronto, Canada. A. P. 460. THE BOILED INSPECTION AND INSURANCE CO, OF CANADA. Eatebllelted for the prevention at steam boiler expio• MOO by proper Inepootioto,' Blit A1,00 °AXIMMLL, K,C,ILO.• LEA ov, of Ontario, Pei eidenb• need Onice, 5 VonEB9 ups, Toros to, Out. CONSULT SOLICITORS OF PATENTS Ono. 0.Roao, Chief nglseer, 1 A. FRASER, Buoy,, KNITTING MACHINE and or Illustrated Catalogue and nue advertisement with your order ter our NEW annum and we will allow you $10 PREI1I1ThI DISCOUNT Aooaeso- CREELMAN DItOS,, M'f'gs. GEORGETOWN, ONT. A GREAT LIFE -GIVER -IS- ST. LEON WATER. Loads of testimony as tollowe : I have used St Leon. Relieve 1t to be both curative and retro -hang. -Ilse Jona POTTS. D D. noun, Muscle. Nest end blood -nothing on the European continent to equal this builder -up of poisoned, wasted humanity; St Leon ie to euob better than gold. -Da Mono, Cured of dyane1eia. Was askeleton; am now .at end strong, -W 11 Powsa, Qsebeo, Send in your orders or go to the Springs in Queboo the fountain of Beth lite, vigour and joy Tim ST, LEON MINERAL CO. Toronto, Montreal and trochee. BEWARE OP IMITATIONS. ROYAL Dandelion COFFEE, Nose genuine but the Royal, Prepared by Ellis & Keighley, - Toronto. DR. DORENWEND'S SCOOT' EMULSION CONSUMPTION SOROFULA BRONCHITIS COUGHS CURESCURES (COLDS Wasting Diseases Wonderful Flesh Producer. Scott's Emulsion is not a secret remedy. Containing the stimulating IIypopbos- phitos and Pure Norwegian Cod Liver 0i1, the potency of both being largely in- creased. It is used by Physicians all over the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by aro .Diarggfets, coo. and SS1.00. ktenors CURED, nokn1ter CANCER N3?te0eaM00,HN, (`PUTTERS WANTED who have trouble with their present ordains, to visit the Toronto Cutting School and procure our infallible methods for predrill- ing perfeot•dbting, stylish garments. a Adelaide St, West, Toronto, WANTED, PARTNER. To join present manager in taking aver manufac- turing business in Toronto. Rare ahnooe for puebing man or farmer's eon. Apply to ALFRED BOND, 27 Front W., Toronto, TEACHTEACHERS can make money during vacation ERS oanvaeetng 1010000? more of our foot selling Books and Blblre, eepeolally Htetary et Crnada, by W. EI, Withrow, D.D , latest and bast edition ever published primal low, terms liberal. Write for llusbrated circulars and term, - WM. BRIGGS, Publisher, Toronto. BICYCLES 150 Second -Hand, Send for Het, A. T. LANE, MONTRRAL, Qm, WILLIAMS & CO., SLATERS & FELT ROOFERS ■ Manutacturere and dealers in Roofing lister ial and Building Papers, eto. Ounce : 4 Adelaide i4 . East, Toronto. Proprietors of Wlllloma' Flat Slated Root. Telephone 611. COMMERCIAL EDUCATION. Write for otraulars from the largest Commercial and Shorthand College in Canada. Over three hum dred pupils int year. Roopcntnee Monday, Sep. 215tl, 1080. Address -CANADIAN BUSINESS UNIVEItSITV, Publio Library Building. Toronto, T000. Bsououoo, One, H, BRooas, • President. Secretary and Manager. AUTOMATIC SAFETY ELEVATORS Pet. hydraulic, hand and etOom elevators. LEITCH is TURNBULL, Canadian Elevator Worlce, Peter and Queen streets, HAMILTON, ONT LeatherBelting BAST VALUE IN THE DOMINION. F.E.DIXON &O0, MAKERS, 70 KING ST. E, TORDNTC Send for Price Lists end Dismounts, ti;iJct3l(v'l'N� .7:L.JONES,Wgip"', f'Op 'AI:L WOOD ENGRAVp�i '�IIILU ST,RATIVE, nOKING STREET EASP. .1/ADVERTISING ly 1#P TORO CAN GA U osE�. � NTC. H BEAVER LINE STEAMSHIPS. Sailing Weekly between 1I0NTRE&0 and LIVERPOOL. Saloon Tickets, 8IO, $50, end 800. ,Return Voiotia 000, 000 and $110, acoordtug to steamer and accommodation, Intermediate $80 Rooad Trip Tickets, 800, Steerage, $20, Apply to H. E. 015150114 5', General Manager Canada Ship. olLcl•'alTognosmaRAL, or to .Agentts n Os and Cation `2'MCT7 LADIES' COLLEGE( HAMILTON, ONTARIO, Will re•oprn SEPT, 4, with CONSERVATORY 0 MUSIC added. Very large faculty In Literature Languages, Science, Music and Art, (Sas ovist 240 Graduates In College Course alone, Pot Timis, Co., address the Principal, A. BURNS, 50.D., LL.10. THE ALBERT TOILET SOAP COY'S has the largest sale of any Toilet Soap in the country on account of its uni- formly ezoellent, delicate and fraga rant qualities, Hair Magic Restore° Grey Hair, Stops Falling Out of the Hatr, Removes Dandruff; in Bald• nese where the rode aro not gone, Mag(Cto will produce a fine growth. It to unfailing Try It, A0 druggists every. where, A. DORENWEND, Sole Manufacturer, TORONTO, On., OANene. Allan Line Royal !Hail Steamships Sailing during winter Item Portland every Thursday and Halifax every$a,urdcy to Liverpool, and in mon- OM fromuabeo every Saturday to Llverpool,callina st L ..don to land made and passengers for Soaasnd and Ireland ; ales Item Baltimore, via Hall fax and St. John's, N.F., to Liverpool 'fortnightly during summer menthe, The daemon] of the Glee. gow lir -pall during winter to and from Hamas, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia ;and during sum. mer between Glsegow and Montreal weekly • Glae gow and Boston weekly, and Glsegow and PhIledel- plata fortnightly. For freight, weep or other Intormabton apply it A. Sahumaober A Co., Baltimore ; S. Cunard el oo,, Halifax Shea A Ore, St. John's, Ned., Wm, Thomp• 000 A do., St. John, N. B.; Allen A Co., Chlegee; Love a Alden New York; H. Bendier, Toronto, Allan, Rao A On., QQuebeo; Wm, Hrookle, Phlladsl. phla H. A. Allen remind Boston Montrsgl, � e 040 The The Penberthy IMPROVED Automatic Injector 10,000to ire in oanada ; 26,000 In use In the United States. They ere simple and coat lees than other makes, while performing the same work. They start easy at 261ba, steam, and work to 160 lbs ; LitE crater 1t Ea 2011, and work tram n head as wall, Automatic and restarting when current to boiler 10 broken. Send for circular to Main Moe. Pcnbertliy Injector Co., Detroit, Mich. Factories, Windsor, Can, and Datrolb, Mich Mention this paper, CONS Oli'F CARRIAGE TOPS Hove all the latest improvements and are uoegnalled for durability,style and convenience. The leading BBUYagge OTHER sell them, ASK FOR THEM and Sawmills, Saws, Shingle Mills, hills, Veneer Machines, Choppers. 7 amt �yyI{1,�I I wenntra0wg5san,, P,.«,.wmcy. ON E/ A fargts nrlF4unt orTRui FU(VDStoZonnatrvee row rate of Jut5rcet err A m.,,....., eases $e0urlty, Appl,v t�. BEATTYr CHADWiCK BI.ACKSTOCS & CAL Rnrri0tere ea I SOlieltors,. Wellington St„ oar. Church, Covet Bak of Toroalrj, TORONTO, ONT. CHOICE FARMS FOR SALE IN ALL PARTS OF MANITOBA. f'ertbse wishing to purohnse Improved Mapilot0, Farms, from SO agree upwards, with immediate pose,selon, can or write to 1:. I. 51ACLSON, Yd. Artl ora Block, Maio et., Winnipeg.101000. free of charge, sad settlrss assisted is making aeteotion, 1.2.0 F.1T EB 'SC T O L O .A. rT AT CO0RRNT RATse 0r INrsaaar, CHATHAM FANNING MILLS. Sold With or With out the Bagger. 17,(00 now is nee. 1600 of these Mile have bean sold tote year already, They will be exhibited at all the leedlnoFaire -Toronto, Ottawa, timgeton, Hamil- ton and London. re Surinam others to the mar, kat. Do nob buy until you get my olroulare add intor- mation, Our Pat- ontBaggingAppar- atutt eaves limens labor. Will bag 00 to 80 bushes per hour, and an ba attached to any of the machine(' made by us during the last lour years. Agents Wanted. MANSON CAMPBELL, MAN'R, CHATHAM, ONT WhaloyIoyoo Deaters In all kinds of MOSIOIL INSTRUMENTS. Agents the BESSON and HIGHAM Bend Iosm - otrumente, tar SHEET MUSIC and MUSIC at, BOOKS. Manntaeturers iQ the "IMPERIAL". Pd BAND INSTRUMENTS L0 Beet In the world, Richt Yearn' Guarantee. Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Testimonials. 288 Yonge St., TORONTO cD O Provident Life and Live Stock Asso'n CHIEF OFFICE, ROOM D, ARCADE. • • TORONTO, CANADA (INCORPORATED ) A Mutual Benefit Association. SOLID INVESTMENT -By paying to the above Aesootatton ONE CENT PER DAY, a person aged twenty-two, and two cents per day a person aged tort tour 001 entire The Delius per week while disabled enough sleknese or accident, also for two and three cents per day,persona aged a3 bove can secure for their dependnts, Five Hundred DOnare la event of death, LIVE STOCK OWNERS can protide against loan by death through disease or accident of their stock,. of easy rates, Those Interested, send tor prospectuses etc, Reliable Agents wanted in unrepresented dia- trlots, WII,LIAdI JONES, Managing Director. IIALLIDAY STANDARD 1YIND1i11LL8 For supplying oonetantly pure and Irish water tor the following purposes, viz - Pumping Water,ty' cr. They are for Stook, �; perfectly Dao. Farm Buildings, / ' 4 kd troll_able legates Nasions, nmrav1 t- std idniform la VlllaReeidenoes rtuo° ' ':+"'/ ; speed. Pabllc ::� 1t" pGeared Mille. Io d toe ', et tut a for chaff alpha Gardeap. r , roan pulping (Troon Rouses, 1L -s- threshing, earn, Town & Village y lag wood,grind. Waterwarke, ?. i log corn, no, Hotels,Ootleges, ' I, eto. Aleo mann- Pumping for 1 tl faoturersot feed Railway -.a grioders,haytng Stations,1 1 f tools, iron andFire Protection, I , ' wood pumps, Irrigation, ,`. , v and a tall line of Tanneries, hh I , :PPM r0way, Town. Breweries, It Ie *r.;Farm, nndOrna. Sewage, Mines , 0 'mental Water Draining."" y :Supply Maters. Low Lando. ` ,-.ale. Catalogue. These mile- and Price L1ete, brated Wind_„ r ,-with references, milia are made ---„.g.. ' :=fled tree on from one man to O Via• t 0application to fortyhoree• ow•ei'- ad� b' '4 -'- ONTARIO PIMP CO.. TORONTO, ONT., CANADA. Mention this paper. Engines, Static.nAly5 iesPartabi BoileBoilers Bnstqunittyof rs, andel work Planers, Matchers and Moulders.. Saw Gumneors and Saw. Swages. Send for Circulars Wateroas Engine Works Co., Brantford, Canada